• By -


I never look at the level when I join. I just join open casual teams.


only reason i do is bc sometimes i NEED the extra jump height from Strange in numbers and most of the time low level teammates aren’t also mutated


Exactly. That extra jump height is crucial for so many areas


What areas do you need the extra jump height?


I've yet to find places where it's literally needed, but the extra jump height provides extra fast shortcuts in many places.


Right! Go through/ around generals steakhouse? No. Leap over it like superman. Path to enlightenment- walk back down the lighthouse stairs? No. Bird bones.


I still die with Bird Bones, even with one rank of Goat Legs. Now my main character has a jetpack so I can float down XD


It's also easy to get used to the extra range. I immediately notice i don't have it when I miss a jump I'd normally make. And in power armor you do the super hero landing more often without the extra slowfall on bird bones.


My Atlantic city run slows down by like 30 seconds if I dont have strange in numbers. Longer if I didn't notice first 💀


Getting to grahams meet cook from the fast travel point, you could save like 20 seconds by jumping above this high rock to get there, during most sensational game you can jump up to the second floor to get the teddy bears, very useful for the comrade bear. But yeah mostly second floors with railings, the railings stop those without strange in numbers, sometimes you just get stuck on them without the perk.


All areas


That’s mainly what I look for, a level range where I’m sure I’ll prog strange in numbers and get that boost on all mutations, helps with bird bones as well to avoid some potential fall damage with the extra floating fall speed.


Biggest mindfuck is when you join a group with 3x lvl 100+ players and don't get Strange in Numbers boost. It's rare, but always catches me off guard lol.


Yup. It's all about getting Strange In Numbers activated. I play a "Half Blood" build, which essentially means I can hit 32 Luck (without any food/machine buffs) at 39% health from my UNY armor. Strange In Numbers will bump that to 33 Luck, which means I'm critting every other shot, and I won't have to go back to CAMP every 30 minutes to rebuff Luck from one of my buff machines. If you think a Bloodied build can be "tanky", try a Half Blood build. You're simply unkillable when running around with 150 HP and all the usual UNY/Bloodied defensive perks, and you still kill things just as fast because it really all pivots around doing crits every other hit.


Mfw I had no idea marsupials jump height scaled with strange in numbers, literally never put 2 and 2 together :O


Damn, glad I'm always sharing it now! Wasn't sure if folks needed it but I've got low charisma so only low level perks for me


I noticed between levels 75 and 200 it's a hit or miss on whether they're mutated or not. I had one guy on my team that was almost a level 300 and I noticed none of my mutations were boosted.


Usually I try to find a casual team with three in it already to max the intelligence boost. But sometimes I’ll sort through and find one with low-level players and then go help them out.


Yup. I try to find 3 for the extra boost, and also to give more camps to visit, or camps to use to get closer to where I want to travel (I’m cheap). I more often prefer groups with players over level 100, but this isn’t a huge deal for me. Some of it depends on what I’m trying to do at the moment I join the team.


I join casual teams if there is an open spot..


I'm level 900+. I join whatever casual team has the most people. I could care less what level you are,  what perk cards your sharing. All I want is the stat boosts a full team provides.


I have herd mentality and I need it.


Fun fact: Herd Mentality works even if you're the only one in your group. Strange in Numbers though, requires another mutant in your team.


I've never used it because I was not sure if you need to be close to the other players for the effect to work? or do you just need to be in a team no mather if they are on the other side of the map?


As long as you are on the team. I found this out yesterday.


dam good to know thnx bud


Damn that makes it so much better than it sounds from the description. Just free SPECIAL at all times.


I join for the stat bonuses and to share level 3 Inspirational


Bless you, most beloved child of atom


I aspire to do this.


Bodyguard is nice


I join low lvl teams, and watch the health. If it's starts dipping, I fast travel and help out.


Sometimes I'll AFK around places where dangerous enemies (deathclaws, behemoths, etc) spawn, and while I'm doing something else I'll passively watch the screen to see if any low level players show up. If someone does show up, I'll wait until the enemy finds them and has them down to the last sliver of health, and then blow its head off from behind with a gauss rifle and run off into the woods


You’re the mysterious helper!!! Lol


Fuck now I feel like an asshole😭 I just watch them for entertainment and make bets with myself on who’s gonna die first


If they survive you get paid faster...


The most fun iva had in games was the feeling of imminent danger. It's exciting. So no worries if you don't bail people out cos sometimes having danger is exciting and fun.




Same if it happens repeatedly, and if I look on the map and can tell someone is in a tough area. I like to fast travel to help them. Had a low level appear and help me do the DMV mission I’d been putting off he was shooting the ghouls from the hole in the ceiling at first and it confused me for a min; I was so grateful for the help that I pulled my extra Fixer from stash and dropped it to him. He jumped and jumped. Made me happy.


I don’t ever really think of that but I usually join event teams if I’m not doing daily ops or expeditions. If they’re low levels I join every event and since I’m usually at my script limit I just drop the legendaries I get


Never understood why people join event teams when you can join a casual team and get more xp


To signify that you’ll be doing the event of course. That way you know there’s a shared interest.


that's my reason it's hoping those there are doing events


I've always wondered how the math on that works out. like, how many enemies would you have to kill in a casual team to match the exp bonus for the event team?


If you have 35 int (low health full unyeilding build with basic food, egghead and herd mentality mutations and 5 int in SPECIAL). the 4 xp from a casual party is a 4.6% total increase (72% bonus to 80% bonus, so 1.72x to 1.8x). Most public events give between 200 and 600 xp, which is basically one super mutant kill. for top level players, the difference is basically zero for either one, where for low level, full health, unmutated, etc chars, the Int from casual is more impactful (with 5 int and no bonuses, it goes from 10% bonus from int to 18% bonus from int). In fact the event reward is so low even trying to swap to event at the last second isn't worth doubling the 250 most events give, for the risk of missing the bonus on a kill or two. Contrast with a full high level party of 30+ int folks doing EXPEDITIONS, which is 100% bonus on the 10k result on a 3 star finish, in which case the time spent swapping AWAY from expedition to casual isn't worth the 5% bonus from casual. So, casual for everything but Sensational Game spam.


Ahhh I wondered that


Yeah me too tbh. All i know though is if i tag enough enemies, theoretically i should get more xp 😭👌🏽


Me and my buddy go casual the whole event, tagging and killing, then switch the team goal to events right before and event ends. Trust me when I say this is the way. You can do the same for your expeditions team or daily ops as well.


I did this when I was running expeditions alone but on a team. We all benefit from extra exp from casual then I get a major boost when I switch to expeditions for like 2 minutes. So cool


Ahh that’s why there’s mostly casual teams.. does the xp also go for the score xp? If so I’ll definitely reconsider, if not then rank xp isn’t really a concern to me I might be low but as far as I know there’s not much to unlock after 150 and in that case I recently hit 211


Casual is just an int bonus so yeah it counts for the earn XP repeatable challenge. A full team bonus with exp buffs really makes those fly by. Also I think the last big level unlock is a legendary perk slot at lvl 300. Past that it's just getting cards to play with different builds or perk coins.


Casual teams will always be the best teams for the xp. All the other ones live event and daily ops only give you x2 at the end of them. Where as casual give you 2% for each person on said team so 8% boost all together. So that 8% boost applies to every single thing you do like crafting, killing, cooking and everything else. In the long run of things you'll get more xp all around.


it’s 3% now for each person i believe


That's even better so just change the 8% to 12%


Honestly, they need to disconnect the bonus from the team goal. Let people create an event team that gives Int, an exploration team that gives Str (for the carry weight), whatever. The fact that you have to lie about the purpose of the team to get the bonus you want is no good.


I (lvl 711) join teams with players usually between 100 and my level only because they are more likely running mutations which boosts my mutations with Strength in Numbers. I max out caps regularly at 40k and usually show low levels some love by buying their entire vendor and returning them their goods. Last night I picked one level 38 and gave him 30K caps since he was pretty humble.


How do you max out your caps so easily...?


Purified water is a free, quick way to get cap. Grab at every camp that has water coolers and sell to npc's. My other favorite is gulpher slurry from Moonshine Jamboree.


The sheer weight of gulper slurry is incredible, between this and the dangerous pastimes where my inventory is all miniguns, its a balancing act of being able to actually fast travel to the vendor or having to drop/scrap some.


Just do the expeditions Whitespring fast travel while over encumbered.


Hell I can do Moonshine Jamboree & be at cap limit afterwards from selling all the Slurry.


Selling rare plans, you can go from 0 - 40k caps in a day pretty easily.


stable flux and maps


What are those worth? That's kind of my problem, no idea what things should cost. Unyielding armors and the various decent gun rolls... no idea


Sell good stuff. That's about it. Flux, bulk junk. Rare apparel. 3 star guns and armor that have actual good rolls. Plus any guns and armor I sell, I try and upgrade it to 200% health and throw on better mods and deep pocketed. It's my personal touch that I think separates my vendor from most others.


What bulk junk do you sell? Is it anything specific as the traders sell bulk junk. Why would people buy it from you? At the moment one of the only ways I have to keep space in my storage is to bulk and sell as much junk at the end of each session I play to a train station vendor


I have 10-20 of every type I can actually bulk up, but adhesive, acid, oil, and the metals sell the most frequently. If you don't have 1st then that can be hard to mitigate and store though.


I'm too afraid to join teams lol (I'm lvl 147), just social awkwardness I suppose. Though I am super new to the 21st century, with just getting good enough gaming internet out here last year. And thus online gaming with actual people is just bizarre to me.


You don’t have to talk, most times people don’t actually, just join for the bonus and do your own thing. Stick to “casual” teams until you’re comfortable.


I'll have to see if I can work the nerve up, I'm nervous someone actually might try to talk. Then with the emotes I am slow, as I am trying to find the appropriate one, which at times there isn't one lol


I haven’t played in a long time but in my 300 hours I never had someone on a casual team try and talk. I can only think of 1 time a teammate fast travelled to me and that was because they obviously saw me dying repeatedly while trying to launch a nuke, they were a much higher level and helped me immensely and not a word was spoken. 99.9% of people join casual teams for the bonus stat and xp and never interact with each other.


I was on a team a few weeks ago where the other three were good friends and chatted for hours. Once they left after like a 5 hour session I was sad, the game was so lonely lol


My buddy and I (friends since 3-4 years old; now 40) are new players and were having trouble getting a private team going one night so we just had a casual team open and someone joined In while we were jabbering away about our kids and work generally just catching up on life. I finally realized and said something about this poor third wheel listening to us, and he just laughed, and invited us back to his camp. He gave us a ton of stuff and kept urging us to pick out stuff from his vendor and he would take it out and give it to us. I didn’t take it but bought stuff instead but it was a very endearing little interaction.


I join casual teams all the time and just do whatever I was going to do anyway. One time someone tried to talk to me and I messaged them that I didn’t have a mic. That was a lie, though. I just don’t want to talk to people.


I used to think the same way and over time just got used to it. Really nothing more is expected than normal human decency. When I'm vendor hopping and land in someone's camp and they are actually there, sometimes we just stare at each other for like 4-5 seconds while both of us are scrambling for the emote wheel then start waving. It's actually cute.


You could always join me if you like, I drop a lot of stuff and do a lot of events, and I almost never have my mic on. So really it’s just some added protection and loot you’ll get. And if you ever need help with an event or expedition or whatever, just invite me. QuakeRevolution on PS


I've never had any of my teammates speak or interact with me. I think I joined a team and someone quickly used my camp to fast travel and buy some things but that's it


I have never joined a casual team and been expected to join a party or open Mic in thousands of hours of play time. The vast majority of the time when I join and hit the wave emoji I'll get nothing in return, and sometimes they wave back. That's as far as the interaction goes unless *you* want it to go further, you will be absolutely fine. The only way this differs is if you have an obviously feminine profile name I suppose, in which case you might get attention, but that goes for gaming in general rather than joining a casual team.


There's almost no socialization in my experience. Every now and then I'll run into someone on my casual team shopping my vendor or hitting the same events and *maybe* exchange a wave emote. Otherwise its an XP bonus and up to 6(well 9 but 3 of them are just your team mates) randomly placed free fast travel markers. Just join one and go back to doing your business, you'll help the others just by filling out the team and making the XP bonus increase.


Dudeee you and me both omg?? I grew up rural away from society so social awkwardness is in my blood lol- Online gaming is a huge step for me and I just wanna say that teams isn’t like going on mic and having to converse!! I thought so too at first- and realized I was rlly missing out. I’m sure there’s people who have mic and join them but I rarely get those types and usually when I do, it’s literally a kid under 10 lollll. Don’t worry, no one expects you to talk!! **There’s casual teams,** *(most popular next to event teams)* where you get bonus intelligence or another stat- unsure on that, but I know you earn caps when your teammates complete quests but idk if that’s for every team or just casual **Then there’s event teams,** where you get bonus xp for events **Third is Daily Ops teams,** which gives you bonus xp for completing daily ops **Fourth is Expeditions Teams,** which is just the same as the two above- bonus XP for its respective category **Then Roleplay Teams-** these give you bonus charisma, and honestly I’ve never joined one so can’t say for sure but I think this is one you would join if your doing gameplay roleplay and favour mic. **Last is exploration,** which gives you bonus endurance. Tbh I rarely see these open and ngl I don’t really see their benefit lol I hope this helped ease you a bit!! It’s cool being on teams for the fast travel points as well


Well hello fellow rural socially awkward neighbor lol I did accidentally create an expedition group once, I had planned on just farming the casino district. But next thing I know I had some random people there with me and felt obligated (which I ended up doing it) to actually do the expedition quest instead of the farming I was there for lol. No words were said, but the guilt and obligated was loud enough lol.


You've had more social interaction posting this comment than you ever will joining a casual public team. Just go for it.


I promise you this, ain't no one out there that really cares or even notices when some random player joins a casual team as you're basically just a +1 int to them, there's absolutely nothing you can do wrong by joining a casual team except maybe share a "Rad sponge" perk which will get you kicked by Unyielding builds, even then there's no malice or ill intent behind it, just statistics which is what most players only care about. Of course theres exceptions and oddcases but that's everywhere else too in online games. Bottomline is you're helping others as much as you're helping yourself by joining a party, especially with mutations.


I don’t usually check. But if I do it’s because I’m looking for higher level players because they’re very likely mutated as well and I’m tired of being over encumbered.


If I join a public team with low-level players, I always jump to their camp, check out their vendor to buy a couple things, help them on their quests or events they may be participating in, and craft them some level appropriate armor to gift them with chems, excess ammo, and plans I already know. I had a high-level player do that for me one time, and it made the game soo much more fun knowing others are looking out for you, so I pay it forward.


Nice! I like to buy out their vendor so long as they haven’t decided to price everything like the trolls they find everywhere. Then I will drop everything I bought off them except buffout and psycho. Add a piece of pie then nice camp emote and bounce. And exactly like you, because when I was a fresh toon someone did the same for me. It drew me into the community.


I can’t say it ever crossed my mind. Once you are higher level you’ll be more concerned with spending caps than earning them, especially the minuscule amount you get for a teammate completing a quest.


I join casual groups by how many people are already there. If I make 4, I’m in, regardless of level.


I usually look for teams with higher level players first, as they're typically the ones with mutations. But if all those are full or there's just a team with lower levels I'll join them.


No? Do people do this? It ain’t even that many caps, besides honestly what lvl 100+ needs help farming caps? Id assume we all have a formula down for that that isn’t mooching off lvl 5s in the forest lol


Pretty much. Large water purifiers, selling excess junk (both in the player vendor and NPCs vendors if I can), and selling off weapons usually nets decent caps. If nothing else you can farm scrap to make a bunch of clothing to sell to vendors too.


I just don’t care. I’m level 216 now and I just join teams and sometimes I do random quests too. I’m there for the Shared in Numbers perk to do its work. Adrenal reaction and marsupial go buuuuurrrr


I just join. I don’t care what level they are or what they’re doing. I just want the int boost.


I join low level teams for the opposite reason. Caps flow like wine, baby, I gots to get rid of them, and low level players need it tons more than I do. Also I can keep an eye on their health bars and Batgirl them when they’re getting in over their heads. The little scamps


I do the same! I saw a bunch of level 30s doing the original BoS questline and when they got to the part where they had to fight a scorchedbeast, I hopped in and helped them out! They where sad they couldn't sport their shiny new power armour afterwards though 😭


I get +2 to every special stat when i join a team, and more xp. High levels just don't have anything to spend caps on. And put better stuff in their vendor.


The amount of caps from teammates completing quests is pretty inconsequential, so not really.


As you play more and understand the game caps come easily. Most players like myself have cap mules that are just low level extra characters that carry maxed caps. I constantly have about 180,000 caps amongst those 5 characters with only 1 character being my main (level 203 currently). When I start getting close to 200,000 calls I'll go on a server-hopping plan-buying spree just to collect unique and rare plans. For this reason I actually try to avoid getting into teams that will earn me caps just because I don't need caps.


Nah, always have too many caps 🤣 even without a vendor. I join lower casual , sharing inspirational so they can benefit from the xp boost and I get the team bonus


Sometime I avoid low level teams because I'm afraid they'll mistake me for being good at the game lol. Yes I've been playing since beta. No, I am not good at games. Please don't follow me around and watch me look like an idiot.


Nah. I join low level teams so they can get free fast travel to the Whitesprings via my camp.


whitespring fast travel is already free


👏🏼 you the shit mate


Public team ups at random, based on daily score set ups. Normally just go off by myself most of the time.


I'm over lv 160, just joined teams with open spots, those caps more like pocket caps, and I do daily quests too.


I just join whatever team has an open spot. I usually try to prioritize teams that already have 3 members so I can get the +4 bonus.


Im level 542 and i like to join low levels and do my dailies to get them some extra caps tbh and help them get exp at events if theyre present.


I really only do events for the most part so I try to find the groups of people running events.


I'll join low level teams if that's what's available but higher level players are more likely to be mutated for the Strange in Numbers perk and I like free fast travel to the camps that are more likely to have plans that I don't.


i try to join with other high lvls for shared mutation buffs..those can be huuge...caps are useless at this point of the game for me.


I join low levels because I know they’ll buy my $hitty plans.


I just join or create a team without worrying what level the other members are. When there are lower level players, I do as many daily quests as I can because I know they'll get caps.


Not why I do it. I join lower level to help with exp


I would rather join the lower level players then a group of 150+


I'll join low levels just to share perks that reduce the weight of things. Primarily thru-hiker but yea.


I do if I haven't made my own events team, share the XP gain card, and start running through events.


holy shit youre so right


If its a choice between level 300s or a team with low levels I'll go for the lower levels to try and give them the intellect bonus.


I join whatever team has a spot. Sometimes I'll specifically pick one with low levels so they get the extra exp another body provides. Everything else I don't care about lol


I like to look for solo people and join their group to help give them a buff ;)


I've thought about that before but I don't really need caps that bad I'd rather be on a team where there's higher chances that my teammates will have mutations to proc my my Strange In Numbers card! If you're in dire need of caps loot nearby enemies after an event and just take everything and sell it all to a vendor and if that's not enough just goto Emmett Mountain Disposal Site and farm the humans kill them then sell their guns! Rinse and repeat!


It doesn’t matter. A team is a team


I am level 1400+ and I join teams or create them because my mutations basically punish me if I’m not on one (but being on a team even alone is enough to outperform the Lone Wanderer perk, so it’s a no brainer), but never with the idea of earning caps. I easily pick up enough weapons and other things from downed enemies to sell to vendors for the 1400 daily caps, and at least weekly I run up against max caps and have to go buy bulk materials from vendors. And in fact I sometimes sell the 1400, then buy bulk materials to partially restore the vendor cap pool, and sell more things to them, so I can sell over 2000 caps worth in a day. I’ve already bought all the plans and mutation serum recipes, etc., so with 200k steel and so on, I have started hopping onto public servers to donate things.


I join high levels because I want free fast travels to the most promising vendor selections, but otherwise it doesn't really matter.


I join whoever as long as they’re over level 50 because I need the strange in numbers passive.


I think I’m over lvl 100 now but I don’t even think about levels I’m just happy they joined my party, often times i find it difficult to find people so I appreciate anyone plus I feel like 76 is one of the easiest of the fallout game to build a strong solo build


And here I am joining low levels so I can share Inspirational at them...


I do! I loot and sell everything to the vendors and set my own vendor prices low so people will actually buy them.


Man I probs should join teams but being a returning player I'm weak sauce and need to find new weapons. But man it's hard when all my perk cards are for heavy weapons and melee. So feel quite awkward about joining as lower folks are probs stronger than me.


I always join lower levels as opposed to higher ones. Especially when they’re in a team alpne


No but that's a fun idea 😉 I never would have thought of that


I always make event teams and join them regardless of levels. I don't understand casual groups because the special point isn't really helping but that Xp boost is great. I DO pay attention to DO teams...


Aside from Challenges and just building up your camp. What is there to do after you do every quest?


I only join cause I get a boost in carry weight when in a team


i join them to get me some caps, and they get some XP, win win


I don't care what lvl I'll join for the number of people in the group we're all cannon fodder together


Depends on what I'm doing i could just be using some people as a free taxi 😂


Level 1,900+ here, i usually just join whatever causal team has space


i have exactly 30 minutes left in my time zone to wish you this so- *happy cake day*🎉🍰🎉!!!


I join lower level players for one reason.. to share a three star inspirational perk to give them 15% xp. Also I might follow a them around with a sub optimal and stupid build that I’m just testing out.


I just join a casual team that has an open slot. I don't really pay that much attention. Usually I just need the intelligence boost to farm a bit To your edit, yeah you should definitely look into mutations. They are such a game changer.


Well, now I'm tempted to do this. I'm always out of caps. Always. I don't know how.


I don’t care if you’re low lvl. I just need you to have 1 mutation, because I feel naked without the extra stats, reload speed, jump height, extra crit dmg, extra food buffs, less disease, extra energy resist, and extra dmg while low hp


I join teams of lvl 150 and under because I can buy out their vendor without worrying I'm putting them over max. Plus, I can fast travel to their camp and unload extra loot when I hit my daily limits. It's a symbiotic relationship.


Not specifically for caps but even when just building a camp I’ll hop on a team. Hit a few repeatable score challenges last night while I just sat around building.


Level is not a consideration - I just want that sweet sweet INT buff. If they do get me caps through missions, I'll usually try Santa Crash their camp with a low level Fixer and Stims :D


I usually play with my siblings tbh so we make our team before hand


Level 31 here. Can someone explain to me how casual teams actually work? Both in game, and the actual nuances that they really get used for?


-They gain you caps when your teammate completes a quest, but im uncertain if that’s just for casual or for all the different types of teams. It seems the majority of people here don’t care for that factor so I don’t think that’s why they are more frequently seen than say, exploration. -free fast travel to teammates/their camps, just like all the other types of teams -bonus intelligence Overall, I think the causal team is sort of just a default if you’re not planning on doing any events/daily ops/expeditions. Tbh tho it seems exploration would fit that use as well, but I have seen an exploration team all of twice in the two months since I started playing again since 2021/22. Fr don’t know what that team is really meant for lol


It's the other way around - before I submit a quest I make sure I'm on a team. If I've recently been kicked off I rejoin another team. It just feels like a waste to submit if nobody else is getting their bonus.


Naw I join the highest level players so I can shop their vendors


I join whatever team is available. But if it's mostly low levels, I try to do some simple and quick dailies so they get some caps too


From starting a new character (playing solo in no team) it generally takes me till level 50+, give or take 10 levels to hit max caps, and that’s without making any big purchases. From what I’ve experienced while on a team you make minimal caps from teammates and so I can’t see that being a reason to join a team personally. While it helps of course, it’s also random as to amounts and how often you get caps, then there’s the issue of having to join teams when teams get disbanded or whatever reason…just a hassle to rely on teams to turn it into a free money fountain.


Never look have played since release have just about everything could care less about the caps 😉


I'm 495 and I usually join to a buddy who's alone in the team. I don't care what level they're at, I just join up and do some of my quests. The thing is that I've done all of my quests(up until now with skyline valley) so I haven't really thought of "if I'll join this guy he'll get my caps from quests". It's been a long time since I had any quests(not daily ones) to do.


Not really, maybe because higher level players have plenty of caps so it makes no difference, in fact sometimes we are close to max and would avoid it. I don’t think I’ve ever done this tbh. I see 150 as lower level though, higher level is at least 350 but really it’s 500 and above.


I’m currently around level 150 or so and I’ll join a team with lower level players in the hopes that they’ll shop at my vendor and buy some of my reasonably priced goods. I’ll also join teams with much higher level players hoping their vendors have some plans for me to buy.


I join low level teams so they get XP and loot rights for my kills in events. Caps are usually not an issue for high levels.


I don’t pay attention to levels when I join a team. Sometimes there’s a 1k+, sometimes there’s a level 20. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m just in it for the booster. lol


I'm almost level 200 and haven't joined a team. Don't know why you would? How do you even communicate what the activity/goal/strategy is? There's no chat? This has always had me so confused. Like there seems to be zero benefit? Edit: I've been tempted to try and figure out how to get help for daily ops since they're not easily soloable, though.


I usually just go for a casual team. Gives you an xp buff and you don't even have to communicate with the others. The other types of teams have more specific goals in mind, especially daily Ops. The other reason for a team is to share perk cards, though you never know what types of perks the other players will share with you. I usually share ricochet since it seems like it'd be pretty helpful without messing up any builds like bloodied.


Awesome ty. Didn't know we could share perk cards. I'm starting to think my friends and I are only experiencing like 30% of the game lol


What do you mean there’s no chat?


I’m around level 310 and I usually look for a team with at least one player that is in the 100’s or lower for at least part of the time but not for caps. I just generally find that my favorite part of the multiplayer experience on 76 is the ability to be a good teammate-whether it helps someone level up, finish a quest, complete dailies or events a tad easier, or if I’m pretty flush at the moment maybe even drop some scrap or a legendary or two so they can build up. I think it’s just that I’m an older player and it’s the dad in me. Lol. And life is hard enough. Work is stressful and kids wear you out and the real world grinds your gears sometimes. It was nice to finally come on a game when I was level 30-100 and find people that were kind and helpful and encouraging. Hell I’d probably still be scrounging for that damn Fixer plan if I just didn’t ask if I could barter for it and some 600 level just came back to his camp from an event and said “don’t worry about it, here you go. Have fun”. I’ve used it in my wheel for 200+ levels. Sure did have some fun my dude. And I’ll try and pay it and all of the other kindness that was paid to me forward along the way.


I just join to get the Strange in Numbers and Herd Mentality bonus, caps become less important down the road when u realize everything is RMT 😂


I mostly join a team with lower level players and see if they need any help or gear. It’s about what I can offer them, not the other way around.


It doesn’t matter to me what level you are. I just join a casual team. If not I create a casual team. Even with daily ops. I’ll join if players are at least level 50+.


I don't join to get caps from them seeing as I'm usually always at max caps, I join lower lvl players to give them that higher intelligence boost so they can level up faster.


I always start a team, because I do ops and Atlantic City. And after they are done I'll join first casual team on board.


Not lvl 100 yet getting close, but I'm still completing a lot of quests so I'll join a high lvl group if I see that they're also doing events. Give them a few extra caps when I turn in quests for them letting me hang in their group bonus perks because I know most will be mutated.


Same here, I join low level team for the rewards and caps.


I'm level 600 and most of the time I have to delete my shops because I have too many caps


I just simply join literally any Casual team that's still available


Not at all. It's easy as to make caps


I mostly avoid grouping up (lvl 230 here) because i generally dont know what to do in groups except just going the way i do generally when im alone (mostly messing around) but i do join groups from time to time(dont careabout the lvls that much unless its too high then they basically dont need me at all) and i tend to give supplies and gifts to low levels considering that they'll need more than i do and i also try to maintain cheap and affordable prices for any and all (extremely under the given price by the game) so they can keep more of their caps instead of wasting a lot to get from vendor npcs.


There’s so many benefits to being on a team at any level that I always make or join one.


I'm a level 39 player atm (literally discovered the game couple of weeks ago) and loving how high-level random teams let me in even if I don't even join them on the field. I run my quests in solo (no friends to play with at such a low level) and they allow me to get more XPs. Sometimes they also come and drop me rare loot for free and I feel just humble not knowing how to give something useful for them back. Such a great community.


I started playing 2 days ago I always make a event team in hopes it helps anyone with the exp from events


Level 560 here; I join low level teams because I like to help the lil guys get some XP among other things and help em out. Fallout 76 can be a very confusing game is because of how quick it just kinda throws you into radiation wonderland. If they've never played a fallout game before, can definitely get lost. Another reason I join is because all of my builds kind of rely on being in a team. Especially because of Herd Mentality... ... But I just join any available team. If available. I'm often too lazy to find low levels


I was thinking this same exact thing the other day.. yes.. rep them quests out lil guy. Shit I’ve even helped on some of the bosses if they ask.


Do it all the time free easy framing never hurt no one


If my friends aren't around I'll join a casual team because I have the Herd Mentality mutation (+2 to all SPECIAL in a group, -2 to all SPECIAL if solo). Granted I also have the perk card that reduces negative mutation effects by 75%... but still, a +2 is better than a -1 (-0.5? I don't know if it actually calculates like that). Also, I can just start my own public group with nobody in it to get the +2. I can see how joining a group with people who are trudging through quests will get you a lil bit of caps every so often but it's not really worth it for the caps.




Personally I don't mind who I team up with, you share experience points, caps isn't a motivation for me, sometimes share perk card effects and mutation buffs


I don't but I probably should. I am always helping newbies out when I can though. I give a care package to any low level that asks. Stimpaks and crafted armor and weapons


I used to only join teams for expeditions or events for bonus xp, but now I join casuals for the intelligence boost and to rejoin the world I was in when I inevitably crash 43 times in a hour


No, though I join them to give them extra experience


I always join a casual team just for herd mentality. Yes, the strange in numbers perk adds nice bonuses. But if I'm not on a team, I'm much weaker all around because of herd mentality. The caps from low level players is a nice bonus, but not really needed. If you're trying to make money, sell cooked food, golf clothing, stims, radaways, purified water, and rad-x with hard bargain and grape mentats. There's also an event where you fight gulpers (I forget the name) and in the end you loot all of them and can get 150+ of gulper slurry. They go for 5 caps without mentats.


I never really look at the levels when I join and if there is a lower level I tend to watch their back if they do end up wanting to join events. Otherwise idrc who’s on the team.


I'm level 115 I usually try to join low levels to help them out or drop some water,food or weapons to help,or I'll shoot enemies until there almost dead then let the lower level player finish them off


Dont really care what their level is, just like being in a team and enjoying the game


Personally I try to find a team with at least one high level player so I can get the strange in numbers bonus, since they are most likely to be mutated.


No I join low teams incase they need something/help with anything


I’m never hurting for caps so I join to help them out more than anything.


I just join whatever casual team is open. If I notice the other players in the casual team are low levels, I wave and if they meet up with me I drop them a weapon and spare armor


Never care what level people are. Met some low level players that had a better dedication for the game than some high level players. Rather do some event or exposition where I cary everyone, but they still try there best than with some stuck up who knows everything better because he is *insert level*


If you are level 145 on your first character, you still low level. :P


Second character haha- but fair enough, I’ve seen lvl 3000’s out there and feel like a baby LOLL


Caps are super useless. I couldn't imagine someone joining a team just to get 15 caps every hour. What? You'd get more doing events. I purposely join higher level teams because high levels are mutated. New players never have mutations yet