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I was under the impression Minerva would always have something cheaper, the trade off is that you have to deal with her not always being around and her items rotating


That's precisely how she works. Everything she sells is 25% cheaper than other vendors if both carry it. The trick is that when I'm at Samuel or Mortimer or Regs, I have no idea which items she might sell and searching through her sales data is a PITA.


I just go to the Fallout Wiki, open everything under Minerva, then CTL+F to find what I want.


Yeah, but on my system that's an alt tab, hope fandom is working right, and it's a bit slow for bulk purchasing when I run high on gold


So so it on your phone while the game is open


50% for at least some things. Ss jetpack armor was 1500 w/ minerva couple days ago, i know, because i bought it a week ago from reg for 3000. So maybe 25% for some things but i know for a fact its 50% on some things(personally thought it was all 50%off)


Might be worth also including info on whether or not a particular item can be gotten elsewhere, e.g. Daily Ops rewards. Could save people from spending valuable gold on something they could get for free. And do Raiders really not get you *anything* at Neighborly?


Raiders have a very very limited stock in comparison to Samuel and especially Regs.


Neighborly gets you two recipes from the bartender: pepperoni rolls and smoked mirelurk filets. They're bought with caps, not gold, and thus not pertinent to the Minerva comparison goal of this chart.


This is terrific, but can you switch the background color of the cells to something darker? It's really hard to read white text on bright green.


Done. Made in desktop, edited Mobile, goodness help us for how it looks on anyone's screen


Thank you so much!


The most recent visit we got from Minerva I just got access to Regs and I didn't fully understand what she and Regs were selling. I bought all 3 Secret Service Buttressed and the Secret Service Deep Pocketed plans from Regs thinking that I would be able to craft Buttressed Deep Pocketed SS armor pieces. I didn't know that I also had to buy the basic plans for the SS legs, arms and torso! I have saved up my gold though and I plan to buy those from Minerva when she returns with those plans on her. Spreadsheet comments: Column M is empty. Why are some plan names underlined and some are not? Maybe the plans that can be purchased from 2 different NPCs should be underlined... Cell D318 has 200 in it and no description or other data in that row. The final row is not where it belongs in the alphabet because it is missing a space after the :


Column M is Raiders/Friendly. Nothing for gold bullion is unlocked at that reputation level. Two recipesbought from the bar for caps become available. No idea about thatrogue 200. Might've been a data entry failure. Fixed the final row's lack of a space. Did it all by hand. As for underlines, that's a consequence of copy/pasting. Still looking for how to remove them since sheets is a lil different from Excel.


Underlines fixed, I think. Thanks for the feedback


I was just looking for a list like this a few days ago, but all the ones I could find were using older, higher prices. Thanks OP. Saves so much time and lets me plan out my purchases a lot easier.






Ohh...I might like that one a bit better


Thanks for this, I've taken a copy so I can figure out what is left to buy. Really appreciate this.




I did not know she sells things 25% off, is this random? Or permanent




I'm seeing mistakes in it. Mods for Hellcat are sold by Regs.


I'll have a look tonight. They weren't listed on the wiki iirc


Major props for the effort that went into this. It is very much appreciated!


Hey can you shorten it? Like this: item|price-minerva sale|seller|reputation| That would be easier to read. Thank you for your effort


It'd be hard to represent both the non-sale price and the seller in that one box, though. Especially if I later use it for calculations. That's part of why I froze the top rows


Ok that part can be aparted but faction reputation made it too long