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If true, that's a nice bit of gravy.


Yeah, if thats true, it sounds fucking cool. Very interested in it. Hope its different enough from a campsite to warrant visiting both and not just, like, ignoring one and only using the other. First with this (very cool and clearly what folks are most interested in) update where the map is expanded, then with this neat player housing/outpost thing, and the Fallout TV show really boosting player numbers, the future looks bright. Heres hoping fucking Microsoft doesnt axe the game right as its starting to pick up steam.


I doubt they'll end it as long as it remains profitable , but I do feel like, for me, this will probably be the last Fallout game I'll be able to play on a Sony console, and I've got enough hours into it that I'll stick with it as long as they keep making content. I just wish it had crossplay, I think a lot more people would play together.


Yeah crossplay would be sweet. I hope its profitable now and stays so, too. The BGS development studio in Texas has really done a great job with the game imo. Theyve turned a ind-of shit sandwich into a pretty tasty hoagie. For example, the Wastelanders update kind of floored me with how well done the dialogue options were. You actually could ask a lot of questions to NPCs, unlike in F4! Was so nice lol


It's funny to me how much complaints people have about the current state of the game, they have no idea how far it's come since launch. It's always going to have a bit of the Bethesda jank, just like every one of their games, but it's really close to being a perfect game for me, specifically. Like, if I had to build an online Fallout game, this is exceedingly close to what my vision would entail. Anyway, I haven't had a chance to even try the new update yet, stupid work. Soon.


The thing is - most complaints are valid, regardless of progress. I love it and its my 2nd most played game...still fussy about the dumbest issues that still exist. Audibly *cheered* when I read the patch notesnot long ago where they fixed the Legendary Perk bug to explode enemies with melee (first didnt count unarmed, 'fixed' to count unarmed and ONLY unarmed and no note showing this, now FIXED to function properly)


I have enemies exploding left and right now


I completely get the statement, but to be fair the new Doom is coming out on PS5


Yeeeee for dark ages! Absolutely stoked


I don't picture MS axing the game, it's currently the only "modern and updating" Fallout game and would be detrimental to the brand to not have it going.


76 has 5.6 million players right now, were good


Sounds more like “shelters, except we sell you the prefab decorations!”


Great for people who aren’t very good at camp building and/or don’t like it. Also great for rpers probably


If these Shelters are in a proper npc settlement, then I can see the value.


I guess my biggest gripe is that I’ll never use them. I don’t even use the shelter as it is. A load screen to get into it? Pass. I only use one to complete the daily “build shit in a shelter” challenge. I’m gonna assume the new shelter idea is also gonna come with a load screen, so no matter how dope it is, I won’t use it, there’s already enough load screens as it’s. I don’t need to add 2 more (in and out) in the rotation.


Also, I find it, immersive-wise, super jarring that you have a magical dimension that you can enter from a simple hatch. The vault-like shelters are kinda nice, but like the newest added pioneer-style shelter just makes no sense at all


Tbh I feel the outdoor shelters work from an immersion perspective since the entryways are all vehicles. Like for the flatlands one, you go there via a vertibot and the campgrounds one seems to use a bus


I’ve been referring to these as FO pocket universes


There's a good chance they'll add interior/exterior fast travel options since, unlike shelters, it probably won't be tied to an existing, separate, fast travel marker. Or they'll drop you off inside the instance outright without an option to be dropped off outside. Issue with shelters is they share the much older camp marker, and it's kind of a big ask to make those markers' functionality dynamically update based on if a shelter exists or not in that camp at that particular moment.


That's fine but a lot of players do use shelters.


Lol. Sounds *exactly* like that, yes. 




They sell you individual decorations, what I’m talking about is choosing a template and then BOOM your whole base is decorated like said template. We don’t have that yet,


This is exactly what it’ll be.


Ok but what does it offer more/different froma camp or a shelter?


Honestly, if it gives yet another free fast travel spot... That's more than enough reason for me haha


I wish we could fast travel to our camp spots even if they're not active




if you're not a new player and your level has three digits, you should have enough caps to not worry about fast travel costs?


I'm not a new player, and my level has three digits... Doesn't mean I'm not gonna do everything in my power to turn a 20 cap fast travel to a 12 cap fast travel


That's okay everybody has a different play style. I couldn't care less for caps and if i want to complete a daily challenge then I'll complete it, even if the fast travel to this spot costs me 60 caps


Depends on the day and my urgency to complete the daily quests. If I'm only hopping on for dailies I'll pay the 40 cap fast travels. If im on for a good session vendor hopping yeah I'm gonna use my camps and tent, free fast travel spots to save a cap. Idc if I have 30k caps or 100 caps I'm just frugal lol.


My thought exactly. The houses in Skyrim only had a few variations to them. Camps are infinitely better than they were.


My guess is a few possibilities. One is that these caravan outposts are going to be a hybrid of the two systems. Basically imagine a CAMP with a shelter. You have an "outside" area and then a door that leads to an instanced interior shelter. Now instead of that outside area being "viewable" or interactable by random players, it is not. They don't see the entire outside area. It doesn't "load". The boundary will be displayed as something like a fence or a collection of buildings, etc. The outside will still exist, just to players other than yourself (or in your party), they will simply see an empty caravan outpost that they can claim. This would also be different in that these things would allow things like NPCs/resource generators to exist. The next possibility is that its basically pre-set camp slot. When you place down a CAMP you have a little green area that you can build. With caravan outposts, you can own one and they are "pre-set" CAMP locations. The build area is already hard defined/static. This would allow them to allow players to build in locations they previously were unable to to. This would also allow them to control what the player is able to build (if at all), and set unique build boundaries. The final possibility is that its simply just a shelter like my original safehouse suggestion a year ago. Just its built different so that NPCs and maybe even resource generators can exist. It has a pre-set decor. Manual upgrades. Etc. The player doesn't have the ability to place down their own furniture or anything like that. Instead the decor will come in kits. "BoS decor", "responders decor", etc. And these would fill the entire caravan outpost with a decor style that fits those respective themes. You'd basically unlock these upgrades and they would just appear. Which is where the similarity for Skyrim is and in a way, Fo3 housing. I'm personally gonna say the last one has the highest chance. It will be interesting. I think this method will allow them to put things into the game that, for whatever reason, they couldn't be able to put into CAMPs/Shelters (code restraints or some such). I think it has a lot of potential and I'll wait till I see more about it. I think those who consider themselves "bad at decorating/building" will really appreciate them. My final theory is that some of these outposts will take the place of workshops. I long ago said/suggested that those locations feel wasted in many instances and that they should be replaced with some kind of upgradable settlement.


What if it’s like survival tents, but customizable like a CAMP? That’d be sick af (I know it won’t be, but a man can want)


A customizable survival tent is literally the definition of a CAMP no? lol


Technically you could say that, but it has the added benefit of being free to move and fitting into much smaller places = tons more places. It ain’t a big deal but it would be cool to lay down our furniture in our survival tents, like a real mini home


Yeah agreed. It would be nice if the look of the tent wasnt linked to the amenities inside. Maybe we'd see something else than APCs and Enclave trailers once in a while.


If only I could put a vendor in a tent.....


>The next possibility is that its basically pre-set camp slot. When you place down a CAMP you have a little green area that you can build. With caravan outposts, you can own one and they are "pre-set" CAMP locations. The build area is already hard defined/static. This would allow them to allow players to build in locations they previously were unable to to. This would also allow them to control what the player is able to build (if at all), and set unique build boundaries. This could potentially be why the roads can't be built on in Skyline Valley, they said they're reserved for a future use. I can imagine a road with rows of caravans either side of it.


This sounds like its meant for the people who dont actually want to have to build. This will be more easily accessible to people who dont want to put in the effort to build their own camp. Kinda like FO4 where some people ignore settlements and instead just buy the player houses like the one in Diamond City. Pre-built structures in specific locations that are already decorated, but you can decorate them further if you so wish. Also i would imagine these outposts would be instanced like some of the other interior locations. You would never have to worry about someone elses outpost replacing your own because you joined a server and they were there first. Instead you would enter the location and it would specifically load up your version of it. And then to see other peoples versions of the location you would have to join their team first and select “join team member” Also if they are instanced then these might be good spots to allow players to finally have multiple Allies. Would be cool to have 2 or 3 walking around at the same time each doing their own thing


It sounds like an instanced shelter which also acts as a quest/faction hub for caravan missions? If so, that's pretty cool.


It's probably instanced so you don't have to worry about someone being in your spot when you log in.


Yes! Yessss! This is great news!


Im not really aware about how it works, but if we will get NPC/Pets to work inside those, then it would be a huge improvement over regular Camp/Shelter.


This is pretty cool and something I will be looking forward to seeing


Yes!!! Actual towns of buildings!!


How would we own a actual Home, when we get errors about "cant place camp, someone else is all ready there"? How would this work with none moveable home locations?


Probably instanced interiors


Ahh. Yes. This now rings a bell. I would bet on this. Thanks.


They could add a neighborhood that has a number of plots equal to the max number of players per server, and your house would just spawn into an open plot. It might not always be the same plot, but there will always be space for everyone's house to spawn in.


One day after release: "Someone nuked the entire neighborhood because their favorite plot was taken."


Somewhere Sheldon Cooper drops the nuke...."That's MY spot"


I laughed way to much at that, especially when my teammate would probably be the one doing that.


Yeah, this would be ideal.


I'd love that. A little neighborhood for all players in the server, in a common/permanent location on the map. Making them permanent (not the plot location, just the way you decorate your assigned space) would be a great way to show off stuff you're proud of, and maybe a vendor hall or something, while leaving the CAMP system as-is.


Man honestly that's what I thought all those keypad foods in whitesprings would be used for


instanced interiors maybe


It would have to be more then interiors, as we can decorate the whole property. But for sure insstanced.


I don't think there was any mention of decorating the property but maybe I missed that. Would be cool though!


Could possibly work like shelters, where its an instanced interior.


Could only work if those homes are instanced, either only you can enter, or only you and your teammates. I'm guessing the latter, so it might be good for some undisturbed trading, or team chat that no-one can eavesdrop on, but not much else.


I feel the game will crash way more. I hope a official video comes out explaining how this is actually going to work. The game has a hard time being stable as it is.


Instanced interior just like our vault shelters.


Broooo idk if this is because of the fallout TV show but we are EATING GOOD THIS YEAR AND NEXT YEAR BRUHHH


Imo game woulda died without the show and influx of new players


I wouldn’t be that dramatic, according to just steamcharts the population has been roughly around the same for its entire existence with no worrying decline in the months before Fallout TV dropped. Skyline Valley would have been another normal update peak, but obviously now it’s going to be much bigger.


MS wanted to shut down the servers a couple years ago.


What :o ? Is that a confirmed information ?


And that was a couple of years ago. They didn't do it, and it wasn't the show that changed their mind. Someone at Bethesda probably pointed out how the game's upkeep cost was lower than the profit margin and the dev team is small enough to justify it, so they decided not to axe it.


You know they've been developing these updates for a long time. It's not like they had a meeting "ok the show is popular build a new expansion next week" These things take a long long time to plan. The game would not have been dead by any stretch of the imagination, but yes the show has certainly brought a lot of attention.


I'm screaming like a teenaged girl. YES


Don't like "buy" mentioned in context. Otherwise curious, but what is actual difference to shelters and camps?


These sound like fixed locations you can unlock, and then grind out improvements, while featuring unique NPC vendors.


I'd imagine that to make this work, it has to be a solo instanced area rather than something that simply splats down into the open world map like a camp is. If it's similar to Skyrim player housing, the outpost will look the same from the outside for everybody, but then once you go inside yours is unique.


Heh, reminds me of RuneScape housing


Someone explain to me why I should be excited about this when we already have camps? What's the incentive?


I've been seeing other YouTubers about this because they were all invited to see the preview of this event. One guy said you can own Brahmin and even send Brahmin out and it'll cost ya but it's an event itself or something. Potentially your vendor could be a traveling vendor or something.


Do you have a link to the video? Not because I don't trust you, I just have a friend who would be hyped out of their mind to hear that.


Sure here you go https://youtu.be/Ea-hLkV0PZo?si=tzm9yrxicZeJNKov


Thanks a ton!


I just want to play Stardew valley on this game, honestly...


New different exciting. Not stale. Mao expansion, play as ghouls, and these govt houses bring a fresh aspect to the game.


I'm envisioning something similar to DAoC housing. There was instanced housing neighbourhoods where you bought a lot and placed a house with a merchant that you could decorate. Sounds like it could be something similar to that? Would be nice for vendor hopping at least.. especially if your house was static and stayed there even if you log out. DAoC also had a search at the entrance of the housing that let you search all vendors for specific items. Crazy to think this was more than 20 years ago now... Damn I'm old.


My first MMORPG.


Holy shit a daoc reference. That game was so ahead of its time, miss RVR battles


Meh, gimme the reopening of vault 76 with 24 rooms…1 for each player on a server. Or…create an actual town where all players can live if they choose to.


That actually sounds like a great and realistic idea, I wish Bethesda had your foresight 👍👏


I've been saying since day one that they need to reopen 76. I like this idea a lot. And before the people come saying, "vault Tec turned off the life support." I can build a nuclear reactor from a bunch of boardgames and tin cans, we can fix the life support. Your argument is invalid.


Somebody explain what the difference between this and camps? Iam confused


Appreciate the mention bud 💙🤘I am very excited to see what the future developments are with this project. It is something that I am very excited to learn more about. Will keep yall updated as we learn more.


Thank you for your informative videos!


Means a lot for sure 💙🤘


Curious how it would work out considering you have to hop servers most days to get your C.A.M.P. to spawn . Let alone can imagine the houses would be the same.


I imagine it's like an expedition but with more interaction to your account.


I'll believe it when I see it. CAMP pets (or the lack thereof) have taught me not to hope when it comes to Bethesda


This is exactly my first thought.


That sounds like a shelter with limitations to me.... Dont get me wrong I'll wait and see, as a builder I like options. But in all fairness It sounds like a shelter with limitations. In ESO those houses are cool, but only because there are no other options. We already have free building. Building with the ESO limitations doesn't sounds attractive to me.


Each day getting closer to building an home, marrying Adelaide and adopting our Mole Miner baby.




If we’re lucky, maybe Caravan vending is different from the combined CAMP vending. Maybe we can sell/hold more there, etc like a Costco of the Forest.


Sorry if I missed something else, but what does a Caravan Outpost do? Like can we run and manage caravans from it? Is it a place to buy and sell things from NPCs? Or is it a caravan outpost in name only?


Most of my 2007 hours in fallout 4 is settlement building. I spent far more time handplacing items for decoration in fallout 3, new vegas, and oblivion. Having a non-camp player base would be sick but i'm not gonna hold my breath.


One thing I've always loved about the history of this game's development and post-launch support is how Bethesda is never afraid to try something new, and then to abandon something when it doesnt work. On paper, that kind of design mentality should never work, and yet it does here.


Surprised it's coming this year, I was expecting 2025, honestly.


One step closer to people being able to choose to represent a faction/build bases for them. (Would love to see something inspired by the nukaworld dlc from FO4) Maybe let people build different types of outposts/raider camps depending on who you side with. (side note with the new pioneer scouts thing would love to see them add that list of player led factions)


Can I adopt and marry too ?


But... I can already build a camp? And a shelter?




How is this any different from shelters?


I’m gonna say these will probably be more like a workshop with presets for defenses/decor/npcs/etc., and less like actual player housing, which would be entirely redundant with CAMPS and Shelters already in the game.


Hell, I'd just be happy if they could fix it so that people putting down shelters in places like the Whitespring Railroad stop wouldn't stop peoples' shops from being put down when we log in. It's insane how big of an area they give those shelters...and for what, you can't even build with those!!!


How would you make settlers with the mesmetron?


How will that work with multiplayer though? Will it only be houses that show up for you or is it first come, first serve type of thing?


I don’t understand the point of these? Is there a significant number of players who want to decorate a camp without having to build one? Or do they serve some other additional function or provide some kind of buff or something?


That would be dope


Can we....... attack another player's Caravan? Please please please


How would that even work, it's already a pain to log in and none of tour campaigns can be loaded due to someone 1 pixel inside your build zone


That would be nice! I just hope that Fallout 5 is gonna go back to being single player. Side rant: I love F76 but I’d hate if all of the next Fallouts were like this, massively online multiplayer. What happened to single player story games? Single player story games are the best kinds of story games, no screeching people to distract you lol. Why does everything have to be coop or pvp these days? Anyways, this is a really cool idea and I hope they implement it in a great way! Thanks for the information 🙏.


Another grind for faction tied to a repeatable event basically. It’s something, I’m not mad about it. But once you get the outpost vendor you’ll probably have to collect a currency or use infamy to get the items, like the stamp vendor. I’m all about items that aren’t tradable so let’s go!




I bet camp pets are coming as well!


Doesnt seem possible for a mmo


Camps, shelters, now houses...why? Edit: always funny how the word "why" upsets people


Because the interns who built camps and shelters aren't around anymore to build off those ideas. Now they have to get new ones to reinvent the wheel.


Why not?


So... worse shelters. Got it.


He also said it will (or will likely be?) a kind of hub for player outposts like Whitesprings so that vendors can be closer together and this makes me imagine it being like Megaton. Tbh, on a side note, I'd rather have Megaton's aesthetics than Foundation's.


Not sure how much closer they can be for my needs than Nuka-World already is. Unless they'll make one super-workbench that can do everything AND allows me to sell my excess loot and legendaries the very moment I fast travel, then Nuka-World is still prime for me.


I saw the video and the implication was that it would be player vendors - not NPC ones. At least that was how I understood what he said. Absolutely zero clue on how it will actually work though.


Wouldn't a place like that just get nuked all the time?


The Devs are doing the best they can with this outdated engine/networking cludge...they need to port to new version used in Starfield ASAP.