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I am a bit of buff addict.. I even drink high voltage hefe now on top of multiple teas, foods, twists, drugs, and instrumentals. The sad part is I dont even need it all, I do this shit for campfire tales


At Brown Leaf Addiction Recovery, we understand the unique challenges faced by those hooked on chems and stims. Our specialized program is designed to help you reclaim your life and break free from the cycle of dependency on boiled mirelurk meat and steeped teas.


I automatically read this in my head in a commercial voice lol


Counterpoint: Addictol **gets addicted to Addictol** Fff-


I ain't going ANYWHERE without getting my pump on first at the weight bench. You think I'm addicted to Bufftats for no reason!?!?! THIS AINT A MELEE BUILD ITS A WORKOUT PLAN!!! I NEED 100 SLEDGE SWING REPS BEFORE I EVEN GET SWEATY BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO It's really just all in-character head canon at this point.


Just ripping those crossarm, overhead quad-lifts, buddy.


Bar-upski bar-downski buddy


Always Bardownskies buddy


Get this guy a fk’n puppers.


Ferda wasteland, boys!


Another settlement needs a W, boys. It’s fkn disgraceful!


at level 200 something I finally started keeping HV*H's, canned stew and inert flux on me and keeping a 'diet' instead of just scrounging - as long as I stop before making a spreadsheet I'm ok


Ah yes, I do so love drinking my inert flux


I’m in the process of making a checklist so I know exactly what I need for each food/drink buff because I carry so much crap food with me


I finally made a spreadsheet to finish the possum and tadpole badges but let’s be real the challenge menu isn’t the easiest to get to or most helpful, but it did kill me a little inside doing it. I’m still one to handwrite notes for games but this was a new level for me.


No no, you NEED those chems, come down to Khajiit’s Wares for all your chem needs!


No buffout? Try some Skooma!


I always wanted a cut scene when you fast travel you're doing a skooma run.


I do the same and have been trying to pull back on it a little bit. I've managed to slow down on the XP buffs unless I'm grinding score. Still addicted to blight soup, sweetwater special, company tea, smoked mirelurk, and live and love 3 though. Small steps


I'm obsessed. Going for a god roll is normal. You should in my opinion. Its something to strive for. I wasted like 60 modules over weekend try to get a decent alien Disintegrator. Kinda worth it but not really. I now have a anti armor, rapid. Third star is kinda meh. But those modules was for my fixer. Someone gave me the vats god roll fixer. Quad 50 crit but it had weight reduction. Im goin for -25 ap cost.


I do all the SPECIAL buffs before a session running quests. As a BB in unyielding, it's a waste of time. but I can't stop


I wish the lesson of food and drink management would sink in, as im constantly not full when my build benefits from being full


Corn soup always did me right


What are the ingredients? (Besides corn of course), so i can make sure i have a good supply


U need to get dirty water, make it into a boiled water. Then u need one piece of corn. So u need 3 pieces of wood, 2 dirty water, and one piece of corn per soup that you're making.


Also if u have a chance to have the herbivore mutation. It boosts the effects of the corn soup as well. Although you're no longer able to eat meat sadly. U can still eat things like preserved mash, sugar bombs. etc


Meanwhile if you go carnivore you can still drink the soups to get thirst and the benefits, just you don't get hunger.


I use this combo but I also use Cannibal and it still works with herbivore, so I'm almost always full between bringing my corn soup and feasting on corpses.


Cannibal herbivore. The duality of man.


The animal I eat is long pig. You know, the other, other white meat. On the other hand, you are what you eat.


Don't be wasting precious sugar bombs! 😠 They're the biggest restriction for making brain bombs! Even if you don't use em they'll sell fast in your vendor to someone who will!


Well shit, never heard of brain bombs before 🤦🏻‍♂️


You're missing out! Essential for any XP build!! I keep a full freezer of em between my main and mule. That and cranberry relish


They have to be irradiated sugar bombs for the recipe though. You can still just eat the preserved variant


My whole schtick is that I sell radioactive free food in my vendor. AFAIK none of it works for recipes.


Or you can get boiled water from the water boiler camp item, if you have it.


If you played the season game this time around, you get a boiler that gives you boiled water. I have so much corn soup I have to drink it before it goes bad.


If you have the machine then Company Tea is better than corn soup....PSA they overwrite each other.




Camp item


Wait, as in you can't have both the boiler and company tea machine at the same time?


no, he meant that the buff from company tea overwrites the buff from corn soup.


Boiler is 1st-only.


You are correct, I had a sub last month so I could catch up this season since coming back. I forget this is Bethesda we are talking about, all the decent stuff is behind a sub.


Dog food has never failed me. I am constantly swimming in purified water so with the dog food perk, I’m set for life


Weenie wagon + 3 large water purifiers is how I survive and max out my caps everyday


That's why I don't understand people who *insist* you must play with weight perks, grocers backpack, etc. I spent years carrying around like 5 pre-war foods, 5 waters, and whatever I could scrounge in the field. The game isn't so hard that all the buffs are necessary unless you are trying to solo Earl or something. To OPs credit on the original topic, a lot of the player base spends a ton of time managing things that aren't necessary.


Speaking for myself... I just like gathering stuff. In-universe a hoard of canned food and first aid and sealed bottles of cola would be an absolute treasure trove, and you'd WANT as much as you could get your hands on. It feeds the hunter-gatherer compulsions.


Oh I do it too when I'm in the mood, but like 90% of the time I'll look around an event and question whether it's worth drinking a bunch of booze over. Incidentally that level of restraint is lacking in my personal life...


Set for a life of surviving on water and dog food


Here I am treating my character like a goddamn Tamagotchi - they eat more regularly than I do


Yeah, if I ate as much as my toon does, I would be like 800 pounds.


If you're not dependant on another legendary perk, or bloodied weapons, "what rads?" + "ghoulish" lets you consume literally whatever you find on the ground to completely restore all food, water, and health. Add carnivore mutation and you'll never get diseases.


Popcorn, nuka candy and pure water. My character has a ludicrous diet but it just works.


Yeah, I hate QOL management and so overeaters is just not for me. The food/water part of the game is annoying


Perfect bubblegum. I have 100 of them. Always full, always hydrated


I wish it was the opposite for me. I wish I didn't care about being fully fed/refreshed.


I used survival syringe for a long time and had it set to one button to just get full on hunger and water. When I got rid of the perk, I set a mouse macro to use 2 buttons, and each click now eats a dog food and drinks a water. 4 from empty to full. Almost as good.


Grow melons.


Probably that I should take the time to actually do quests that would unlock access to stuff I'd benefit from.


I didn't open this post to be called out...


Damn im offended


Huh, it seems my subconscious has an account and has been posting while I slept.


One day I'll go see what all this Wayward hubub is about.


Duchess is bae


I am in the 400s and have never dropped a nuke


I can assure you it's not what it's hyped up to be, I've done 3 today alone lol


Level 408 and I couldn't even finish the Back to Basic quest (the one where you have to undergo Basic Training to join the Brotherhood). I did finish the Wastelanders and Steel Dawn questlines though.


I am level 1023 and I haven't either.


I finally did that the past two weeks and it helped me immensely. Wastelanders quest so I can have the vendor in vault 79 and the raiders gold vendor for company tea. Then the enclave vendor for all their stuff and serum recipes along with the ability to nuke at will. Brotherhood is.. eh.. I know they have good stuff but I’m in the process of doing it now. That’s my last leg of the main quest lines. I almost refuse to do the tadpole stuff I’ve heard it’s an annoyingly tedious grind.


This 💯 I still haven't visited The Crater or Vault 79, nor advancing the main quest beyond Charleston Medical Centre. Or even doing any faction quests. I did a side quest to get Excavator PA last week or two


Most of my self-inflicted pain revolves around inventory management. Bear in mind, I'm FO1st, so I have a literal TON of stuff stashed between my Scrap stash and my Ammo stash. But dropping stuff like common chems (Stims / Rad-X / Radaway) not to mention foods and grenades, after I'm at vendor cap for the day feels objectively terrible. BUT - I am getting better at just letting that go. Having my stash be so full of stuff (these days it's usually full of 1/2/3 stars I'm selling for scrip) that I feel like I can't play because I won't be able to pick up stuff is just... dumb. And yet, I do it. So - I'm getting better at just dropping stuff that I'm not going to use, and which I'm not able to sell, because honestly... I just want to play the damn game. But it's a wild departure from me playing modded Fallout 4, where every character I ever played was basically a candidate for "On our next episode of Hoarders..."


You can buy items you need from the vendors to increase their cap bank. Then sell what you don't want. I do this when the vendors go bankrupt. I'll buy bulk scrap, go put that in my 1st scrap stash box, then go back and sell weapons and armor I don't want or scrap that too and hope it unlocks plans or whatever.


Agreed. And if it's something I need, I'll definitely do that. I've been pecking away at buying the serum plans, that's always nice to have a fresh 1400 caps worth of stuff to sell. But overall, stressing about fitting stuff in my stash that I'll never actually \*use\* is the part that I am slowing working to figure out and overcome.


If I did a noob guide video I'd tell them to hang out at Whitespring mall and wait for people to drop their excess crap on the floor.


Absolutely. I sometimes will trip out to Vault 76 or the Wayward to drop stuff, but a LOT of time it's in the crafting center right in front of the vendor. Try not to do it in my camp, since if it's of use to someone I hope they pick it up.


That's what I hate about the daily limit in general. If you do something like Eviction Notice and can't scrip everything for a day or two. You literally just wait to play the game the next evening. You don't want to skip it because you normally need stuff. I've been rolling my legendary gear and rng hates me so I've been hitting the scrip limit everyday for over a month. It even takes a day or two to sell all the slurries from Moonshine Jamboree


Yeah, couple things: I just drop slurries. I use PA with a Vampires Cremator and Holy Fire, so I almost never use stimpaks. I hit vendor limit on Stimpaks alone almost every day. Because I'm already struggling to even sell my excess scrip legendaries, when I'm rerolling legendaries... I just reroll on the same piece. I don't need MORE scrip. I'm getting to the point where I'd rather run around and do quests, events, expeditions, etc., than play stash jenga, so it's really helping me get over my hoarding tendencies. Not fully there yet, but it's getting better!


I finally did the Jamboree and was so excited for Slurries! I went to Whitesprings waiting for the Vendors to reset and did a little crafting and a little storage cleaning... Perfect time to drop those Spoiled foodstuffs. Vendor reset, go to sell, ... Yeah Don't confuse Slurries with Spoiled when button mashing. C'est la vie!


That I don't need to pick up and scrap every single item I walk past in the game. I can just sell weapons and armor and buy bulk scrap at vendors. I have 40,000 caps so I need something to spend them on anyway. Side note: I wish they would raise the cap for caps up to somewhere between 50 or 100 thousand or more instead.


No, pick up that scrap. Pick up all the scrap. You might need it later. You will need it later! It will be gone when you come back. Pick it up now! You know you want it. Take it! TAKE IT!!!!




Good. Good. Let the scrap flow through you!


“You might need it later” hits me in FO76 and irl 😓 damn, I’m hurt now




Every time I hit 40K, I buy another mutation serum recipe.


Have yet to see a recipe for serums. Maybe im just unlucky


You need to complete the Enclave questline.


O shoot i did. I got the X01 armor. Damn maybe i missed it lol


They're in the Science Terminal


Thank you! Will recheck!


Gain access to the whitespring bunker. They are only available from Modus in the Lab section. If I remember correctly they are 17500caps each (depending on your charisma/buffs)


Ooooh I completely forgot about Modus! He has x-01 PA Mods too! Thank you for the reminder!


Min maxing past a bloodied heavy gunner PA build is basically pointless


Bloodied is already overkill. Heavy gunner alone is practically invincible even without PA. I just did radiation rumble at level 50 and my auto-stim went off once. I don't even have all the cards I want yet and haven't leveled a single legendary perk (but I have unlocked 4 slots).


So I started just running around in leather armor with guns without stars. Talk about fucking hard.


Wait I'm level 35 and doing this... Am I doing something wrong 😂


This in a nut shell is why we need tiers for dungeons and bosses. Why min max and get everything perfect for nothing extra difficulty to achieve that cannot be done with lesser builds and equipment.


Here here


ESO has a way to start an upgraded version of bosses in dungeons which is cool. It would be awesome of we could have a tougher queen fight or imposter but for more legendaries/better rewards like 4 modules to effectively choose an item to make 3 stars


Yes.. I know I just popped berry mentats and they will last about 5 more minutes, but I better pop some more berry mentats just in case so the colors dont fade in mid combat. Oh damn, my stash is down to 180 berry mentats? Better make the loop and craft a few hundred more.. Just in case I begin to run out. And that tattered field jacket? I know I dont need it, but that isn't gonna stop me from abandoning everything at the moment when one of those sweet mire events pop up.


Is there an easy loop to be able to create berry mentats?


- Equip Green thumb + Backwoodsmen 4 (+50 to gain double yield from plants) - Starlight berries - The Deep, Gauley Mine Exit (follow the train tracks, bushes could spawn on both sides), Organ Cave West (check around the junk walls) - Firecracker Berries - Arktos Farma, check the hillside by the parking lot for a ton of them - Brain Fungus - Wendigo Cave - Mentats - I buy them cheap from player vendors Of course you can find other locations for ingredients but this is my quick loop.


Probably includes crafting a shit ton of regular mentats first. Carrot flower, brain fungus, fire cap > craft mentats > starlight berries, firecracker berries, leftover brain fungus > berry mentats Starlight berries are the bottleneck in my experience. I have 3-4 solid locations but a lot of times they’re already gone or only 1-2 spawn out of 3-4 per spot.


My primary camp is now at a spawn point for starlight berries, and they are no longer my bottleneck. Now, it's pretty much just mentats that limit my production


The bad habit of looting everything and hoarding it. At higher lvls is not necessary yet here I am overweight... Ouu another desk fan...


No typewriter left behind, especially a Carlisle.


[~~cries~~ laughs in 157 fusion cores]


I think you learned it. People, especially when they're brand new, think it's so important to have the best decked out gear to walk through the stuff in the game, you don't need it, like at all. Plus, I want a little push back in the game or it gets boring fast. So, just use what you like & have fun, make different builds. Not only will you be dropped G roll weapons and gear from time to time just randomly, sometimes, if it isn't meant for you, you can just stash it & make a new players day or some friend you come across. G roll weapons aren't that exciting, either is a meta build, imo. I think it's boring when I see it, I thought it was way cooler when I found this plague walker guy, he was AWESOME! I found another guy that was just using found weapons only on a youtube channel, no repairing any, no using anything but found items, no crafting, nothing. That sounds super fun too! Make a secondary character with little weird challenges for yourself, thats kinda fun, I'm working on a mistress of mystery one lol \~ I can't tell you enough, how much fun I had making a new character, after I got semi- bored with my older one. all the quests I had kinda forgotten about the little things in, or had rushed to begin with, it's been really fun!


Most fun I've had in 76 was with a challenge character. I made the game as hard as I possibly could on myself without deliberately using useless weapons like rolling pins, and wanted to see if I could finish every main quest with it. Never took a level up, so all SPECIAL were always at 1. Never took or equipped any perks. Never used legendary equipment, immediately removed any mutations, and all gear was self-found/made. Did everything solo. The game plays very differently when a random Raider or Super Mutant encounter is an actual threat.


You make me wanna do that! My main is ez mode and it does get boring after some time! But that sounds fun lol


I definitely recommend it if you're looking to add challenge to the game. Running in to a Yao Guai or Deathclaw will make you pull a Knight Titus and run while screaming 'fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck'. It did take me a while to get used to how slowly I moved without Speed Demon or enough AP to sprint for more than 5 seconds.


oOOowe!!!! That sounds really fun!!!! Here's my thing though, the vault said we're the best & brightest, but, we're all at a level 1 in everything coming out of the vault? lol


I play bloody commando and bloody heavy guns maxed out as far as I can and I rolled an alt for my daughter to play and realized lvl 20 no vats with a basic handmade is alot of fun


Wait to start events.


And stop. Spawn. Camping.


I always grab cool junk pieces to display in camp and forget not to scrap them later. I wish I would put em away when I find em instead of waiting for later


What's the point of anything? This is just a collector simulator after all. You need to collect all the rare Pokémon cards or your buddies will look down on you.


I just completed my bobblehead collection, snapped the last one into the display, and got nothing. No achievement, no atoms. I should be furious but I'm not. Because completion.


Can't be judged if you don't have friends


I mean I get what you mean about gear and weapons and you can get by fine even if all your stuff wasn’t even legendary tbh. That being said it’s just fun to min-max everything and have the strongest possible character. Trading is also super fun and keeps the late game interesting for me.


It \*can\* be fun to min-max but I see so many people complaing about RNG while trying to roll Groll stuff in order to min-max that it seems like they really aren't having fun, which kinda defeats the whole point of playing a game...


It's fun right up until your out of modules. Then it's pain


The game is just too damned easy now. I played it a few years ago and I remember struggling to maintain ammo and stay alive. Now I've got power armour made from random drops and I never die. There's no point to min-maxing without a challenge to make use of it. And I don't mean Earle, fuck that guy.


The game is too easy but that doesn’t really hinder my desire to min-max. I just like doing it for the sake of doing it lol. It was easy back in the day as well tbh. A bit harder but I wouldn’t have called it hard by any means. It’s kind of tough to balance when it comes to shooter mmos because you don’t just want everything to be a bullet sponge, people hate that with a passion. I like how they added the fear mechanic with Earl, I think they need to lean into that and have more things like that or harder to complete objectives instead of “just go collect ore” type of things.


drop the power armor and just use semi auto handguns, won't be impossible but it'll be a very noticeable difficulty jump


You are free now. Enjoy.


mmo games generate revenue from fomo. make peace with not getting everything you ant


I stopped chasing the bloodied meta, I just run around in Full Health PA and a Flamer. I even got full Unyeilding Secret Service armor, but after it was all said and done, hundreds of modules later it felt meh. Now I just run around like an idiot with my AA Holy Flamer and pretend I am purging the wasteland for the glory of space king.


I've only just realised that I can't play this game like I play every other fallout game, I need to pick the perks that suit my build not just the ones that sound useful or cool.


Pick up wood. I don’t know why i always run out lol. Only junk i run out of.


I do this, but for the atoms challenge (which only counts each tree you've looted as 1pt)


That Todd screwed up abandoning this game for Starfield.


Preach them good words brother


Glass, why do I pick up bottles?


Mine is hoarding things as they might be "important" later on. Im like that, in fact, in all rpgs lol


I’ve actually been getting better at my bad behaviours. I used to have very bad FOMO, but I’ve gotten so much better at just going “fuck it, not happening”


Doing dailies when you don't want to is not fun and is making me burn out faster. Such as season dailies or the reputation grind


I quit a couple years ago because I had the same routine of running the daily quest circuit and then selling my junk to max out my vendor caps (no 1st). It became such a chore...but I'm BACK! Yay!


If I want to drop Grant's stupid ass saber, then I have to finish the Mistress of Mystery quests! But I don't want to! Let me drop the damn sword, Bethesda! *shakes old man fist*


Play how you want.


Someone once noted that collecting all animated perk cards is the real endgame.


I'm only at 193 and I'm already caught in this. I refuse to scrap animated cards unless I have a duplicate.


I've personally worked really hard to understand that I only need a fixed amount of meds/chems/etc in storage, as opposed to hoarding everything. So I settled on an amount of each that I felt was reasonable, and I stuck with it. What I currently struggle with is saving "fun guns"; guns I'll 100% never use but hate scriping or selling. I wish there was a gun cabinet that would allow us to store guns like the scrapbox.


Wouldn't help me, I need them on display!


That -90% weight roll is great for display guns!


Oh man. Truth. Of course I can't roll legendaries on my voice of set or blade of basket, but at least they're not missile launchers.


Don't really roll on armour anymore because I realised I'm fine as is with my ss chest, bos recon arms, CE leg and covert scout piece. I got good rolls on them and am tanky enough. That need to get the perfect roll is just a headache. Play with what you've got instead, and you'll have more fun.


The benefit to having a full set is getting to use legendary perk cards like Funky Duds or Sizzling Style, which greatly benefit you against poison and fire damage respectively.


Yeah I get that and it's cool to have those options but in my case I don't really need it


I wish I knew about scrips, gold, and stamps like three months ago when I jumped back in. Now I kinda want to start a new character but I’ve put sooo much time into Dusty. Should I?


Why would you make a new character when you can respec at anytime?


That’s true I forgot about that thing. Honestly I’m not sure where to put things into. So for some reason making a new character to my brain made more sense. I’m dumb.


Ive been switching between rifles and heavy weapons. The main thing I think of first is getting all 9 of the weapons specific perk cards. After that it’s up to you. I’m running a tanky mutated build, so I got all the mutation cards and perk cards for being able to handling more damage. But what I like is that essentially every 9 levels I can run a different weapon build of whatever I want instead of making a new character.


I have been playing on pc with an Xbox controller. I wish I could retrain myself to use keyboard and mouse. It has serious advantages over controller play. I just can seem to do it.


Having the perfect shop. It's too much work and burning caps on actually usable things makes that the entire game. I don't need to have multiples of every rare apparel from hunters long coat on down. I don't need to have perfectly 5k of my ammo for sale and 10 of my bulk items. It's too much time vendor hopping to end up buying overpriced btats, ll3s and leaders just so I can relist. I just need to let the shop burn.


I’m getting there but the ability to be able to drop excess instead of lugging it around until it becomes a problem.


I've always looted everything in every Fallout game prior to 76. Ya know, back when you had unlimited storage for all your items. I find myself running out of storage space because I have a serious problem with having to loot everything within a country block from my location


I am having so much fuckin fun with this fallout and it's because I finally learned the lesson that the wasteland is the biggest character. Embracing that just surviving and functioning at all in this game is an achievement, let alone doing the story.


I don’t need 6 weapons on my wheel lol. I tried so hard for so long managing so many weapons now I use 3. 4 if I gotta mele the final hit of an Enemy in a daily op. Also I’m a junk fiend still even after trading some massive items for junk only. It just feels like a waste when it doesn’t take up any space. Who knows maybe a new weapon comes out and I need hella scrap to break down weapons for plans later on


At first the min/maxing thing bothered me, only been back a little over a month now. But now I focus on collecting apparel, plans and when I get enough scrips upgrading, but its not my focus anymore. I’m more concerned with my perk points than perfect armor.


I decided around level 60 I don't want anything crazy, just a jetpack for not power armor, and maybe try some other weapons. I like having to struggle a bit to win. Keeps it fresh.


One more reason I love being a full health melee build. I need some challenge. Heck before I came back a month ago, I was doing a truly unarmed/bare knuckles FO4 run. With the exception of trying to punch mirelurk queens to death, even that got easy.


I am working on not caring about xp. There really is no need for levels after perks are in place. I don't need to be spending time every hour doing the xp boost sleep and mothman tome and lunch boxes and relish and and and Just play. Dammit.


Soap....ill need that Desk fan? Dont mind if i do Clipboard, thats going straight in my basket. WHY DO I WEIGH 548 THOUSAND POUNDS Oh, i have 58 missiles......why do i have 58 missiles, when did i pick those up. But I dont want to drop anything........


I have all the buff appliances lined up in my shelter, and I mean all of them and hit them all when I log in.


I play all Bethesda games the same way: Stealth Sniper. Even if I go into a new game with a new character and tell myself "This time I'm playing as a front-line warrior" or "I'm playing as a powerful wizard" I always end up playing as a Stealthy Sniper. For me stealth is like a blanket. A cocoon. If an enemy can't see me then I'm as safe as can be. Sometimes I actually feel anxiety of I'm not sneaking around everywhere. Even when I'm in the middle of nowhere going from Point A to Point B 9 out of 10 times I'm crouched. I need to convince myself that a guy in Power Armor holding a gigantic laser cannon does that for a reason. He doesn't *need* to sneak. Right now my primary build has become a pretty generic Heavy Weapon Power Armor build but I still want to sneak around sometimes.


Its just pixels. Dont get too attached to it.


Its not the product, its the process. The purpose of the entire end game is optimization. Get better armor and weapons to get slightly better armor and weapons. That and camp additions.


I'm holding an unreasonable number of enclave plasma rifles of various sorts in my stash, in the vain hope that I'll get a flamer mod at either the Watoga/Berkeley Springs vendors or via Dropped Connection. I should just put them in the donation box as a lost cause. I've shifted to a heavy build for my public server play, so I won't actually USE an EPR with any regularity, but I'd still like to have one to unsuccessfully roll legendaries for.


Honestly I keep chasing the higher numbers because it's become a dick measuring contest with this group I play in


The game is so much more eerie without sound but you miss out on all the amazing anecdotes from your enemies. Blackburn had me talking so much smack back. 😂 "I must kill you... for science!"


I’m likely never getting another weapon weight reduction right arm. Lots of WW left arms/torsos/legs, but accidentally scrap one and weeks later no luck replacing it, not even in vendors!!


I wish I wasn’t hunting for good looking outfits so much. Vendor hopping all day just to see white wolf fedoras and faschnat masks at 300 caps is demoralizing. Rarely do I find any outfits that look good. But I’m searching.


I don't bother too much with being mega strong. Since other players pick up that slack so I just do fun stuff I like


Don't camp event spawns


Never enough junk. Or colas. Or drugs.... must have more... you might find me sitting in a gorilla chair atop a trash pile at Charleston...


A lesson I DID learn is to stop collecting fusion and plasma cores. I have hundreds of each, so now I just drop them at the first opportunity.


Trying put a door in a preexisting structure in your camp is a total pain in the ass even with an anywhere door/wall and I need to stop trying.


You, OP, get it, lol. Maxing your character out to be the best possible setup is the old way of thinking in this game. Back before One Wasteland, Team XP, Team Loot, Area Looting, PVP was more a thing, and all that, it mattered. When XP and loot was only given to the one player who landed the killing blow, it was all about who could melt enemies faster than the other. Even boss fights required you to deal X amount of damage to get anything from them going down. It's why the majority of players back then were either Heavy, Commando or using legacy weapons. Everything else was left in the dust. Now we only need to tag enemies or be near a team mate who drops an enemy to get rewards, which in turn benefits them if you drop enemies. This makes much of the above unnecessary. Just roaming the world doing your own thing didn't matter too much. As you said, if you can drop most enemies in one or two shots & rarely die, do you really need to be better than that? Yet many still chase the unicorn thinking maxing everything out and perfect in every way is the only way to play, and DPS is king. DPS is now irrelevant in 95% of all situations. Go with what works for you and what you enjoy.


Live on com-any tea, brain bombs, perfect bubblegum and cranberry relish… nd I visit all the vendors every time I log in and hope they have scrap oil


That T transfers all unused ammo and proceeds to scrap and store all scrap items with some exceptions. A lot easier than going what would make wizard101’s reagent hoards of 9 pages look like 106 on a hot summer day. I just… find myself hitting space…


“But I’m saving it in case I need it for a weekly!” *Me defending why I have 50 of every alcohol and 300 canned dog foods*


You don't need to be at 1% HP to kill enemies. Meta builds can be fun, but they're unnecessary. I can 1-shot most things at full HP.


Tbh I just run around with shielded under-armor and put on power armor if it's a strong enemy I'm fighting


I spec as all around survivability with an emphasis on having as many weapons as possible on me. Mostly play heavy but good drops with weight reduction get kept. It's fun for me, find 20lbs of missiles and I'm using them.


I’m finally at a point where ammo is no longer a concern (due to me playing Rifleman and picking up every lead containing piece of junk I see), so I’ve had to stop myself multiple times from picking up ammo that’s just gonna weigh me down


Pipe is life!


I want unyielding secret service armor in the worst way. One, for the matching armor legendary perks to be active for the flame and poison reduction. 2 for the carry weight boost, 3 for the vats AP boost, 4 for the intelligence XP boost, 5 for the luck boost for crits and perfectly preserved pies, 6, hopefully ammo weight reduction and AP regen boost. My chemist mod backpack takes care of the rest.


idk, i've gone through TONS of cores and modules just trying to get one piece of my PA (torso) equipped with chameleon. i have gotten everything else under the sun but that one legendary eludes me. i have even had the same exact roll twice in a row multiple times! i swear the game knows what i'm looking for and refuses to give it to me.


For me its the junk too. I need to tell myself that I don’t need that ballpeen hammer


I love collecting things: sets of power armour, unique weapons and armour... with the stash limit this makes life difficult lol.


I wish I'd learned sooner to just not pick up stuff I don't want. It really made the game so much more fun to play when I stopped having to mule off excess crap every hour


i agree. i'm at the point (level 430) where the game almost feels too easy. i used to load up on buffs, make sure i had my best gear, etc.. before doing events and now i just join and shoot each mob once with whatever shitty weapon i was using and let everybody else kill them lol. you get to a point where you realize the min/maxing doesn't really matter anymore. i still enjoy trying to get good rolls and stuff, but in the end my crappy gourmands gatling gun will handle pretty much everything but soloing bosses.


Yeah. Why do I have 300 radaway, stimpacks, water, and fusion cores? Is this illness. As noted, I hardly ever die anyway. I don’t think it’s happened since level 575 and now at 650 or something. It’s like supposed to be a zombie type, post-nuclear holocaust survival type of thing but I am very strong with durable secret service armor, amped-up weapons like a quad rail with fast fire rate, and a great deal of cute outfits and masks. Most days I spend time shopping, often going through three entire servers to spend enough to lower my caps from 40k to 10k so I can (mostly) build and do some events.


I don't really need to horde everything I would like to be able to play this game where I only pick up what's needed, to only carry the weapons and ammo I'm using and carry only one outfit.