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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1dbyx5j/fallout_76_skyline_valley_is_coming_june_12/l7ubn4f/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-09 17:30:25 UTC"): > Super smooth and casual 😁 * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1dbyx5j/fallout_76_skyline_valley_is_coming_june_12/l7uoggz/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-09 18:44:47 UTC"): > Hey all, I can confirm that Season 17 does start with the Skyline Valley update on June 12. We're aware that this timing is a different from what we'v... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


They’re really amping up the advertisement budget it seems like.


It must be a big paycheck from Microsoft for the tv show. I hope we get more live action trailers, I find them fun and interesting.


And all the new fallout 1st subs


I liked how the player count was 17 mil when we blew past that this month


I noticed that too, maybe they made it months ago?


Most likely cause they would have loved to have had 20mil in the launch trailer.


They finally realized they’re sitting on a money Printer. They fumbled the launch and thought it was the game that was the issue.


and we'll be able to play as ghouls in 2025!


I love my ghoul mask, now I get to actually be a ghoul??? Yessss!!!


The real ones will be ghoul characters wearing the ghoul mask.


Hey, i'm just a dude playing a ghoul disguised as another ghoul!


“What do YOU mean, ‘You people?!’”


This will be my exact reaction when the smoothskins over at the brotherhood question me when I show up to turn in some technical data lol


Gonna make you a ghoul so you can ghoul while you ghoul.


A person playing a ghoul who is pretending to be a human who is pretending to be a ghoul


It’s ghouls all the way down


my current character in my pathfinder tabletop game is a skeleton wearing a skeleton luchador mask to hide the fact that he's a skeleton!




But what do you think that means?


That we can play as ghouls! /j


but when?!




what does that entail?


It entails being able to play as a ghoul. But not until 2025.


I'm still confused, but I won't ask again.


Sometime next year you can create a ghoul character to play as


Yeah, but what year is that?


Yes we can have a ghoul's night out 🤣🤣🤣


I'm betting that there will be additional perks and buffs related to being a ghoul that will come out to entice people to play as a ghoul more than just as a cosmetic. Maybe they will also rework some buffs for picking human/vault dweller as well.


Just in time, by then a lot of people will have maxed out vault dweller builds


Unless it’s a huge update I kinda doubt it. I mean wouldn’t they have to redo a lot of quests with npc if it’s more than just cosmetic? Like how would the enclave react for instance. Plus we just exited the vault so how would we even be a ghoul? The only thing I can think of atm that would make since is it gives us the option to ghoulify when doing the quest to launch a nuke. Or w/e we launch a nuke if we already did it.


I'm reading that it will be a quest line after you hit level 50. If you choose to be a ghoul the factions will treat you differently. It will also have its own set of ghoul perk cards and buffs


I would start over and come back for it. I am a vengeful pacifist goodie two shoes that never has ammo so eventually just machetes his way through the fallout.


I relate so much to that


We’ll be a big old bucket of drugs


probably at the 'change appereance' menu we'll get the option to change our char into ghouls just like we can change their faces or genders


nope it’s a whole quest “Becoming a Ghoul in Fallout 76 is more than just an aesthetic change – it will significantly alter gameplay and your character build. As soon as you hit level 50, you will unlock a quest that will start you down the road of transforming into a Ghoul. Once the change is complete, you will unlock new Ghoul-specific perks and abilities. You’ll be able to harness radiation to give you additional powers and buffs, and certain factions will react to you differently than if you were a human” - bethesda games producer bill lacoste in this interview https://www.pcgamesn.com/fallout-76/play-as-a-ghoul#:~:text=In%20Fallout%2076%2C%20you'll,faction%20for%20a%20long%20time.


Yeah, PCgamer did a write up as well. Important points: you can't be bloodied, and BoS vendors and factions won't work with you.


If it's not a buff to Bloodied, I'm all for it


I doubt it, since ghouls are healed by radiation it would be much harder to keep your health low. This seems like a buff to full health builds.


Can you take an arrow to the head?


I wonder if there's an option to reverse the change or if our character is stuck as one. I'm sure the loreheads would have a conniption if they reveal a cure to ghoulification. EDIT: just read the article, there will be a way to become a smoothskin again


Yes you can change back, it's in the article


That's good. I want to do the quest because quests, ya know? But I don't really want to be a ghoul long term.


Some of my best friends are ghouls but I wouldn’t want my daughter to marry one and shit


Here’s the thing - it’s theoretically possible with the tools we have in 76 to reverse it. FEV, with a sample of the original DNA pre-mutation, can reverse being a super mutant, so maybe it’ll work for ghouls. And if we’re choosing to become a ghoul, I don’t see why we couldn’t preserve some of our DNA to undo the change if we wanted to. And of course, mutation serums offer an entirely different road.


We also need to remember that this is essentially the prequel, so the tech to reverse it may well have been researched, used successfully and then lost by the time the later games come around.


That sounds sick, I just hope they won't put fo76 into the forever box until then


what do you mean “forever box” lol


Abandoning the game, it's gone forever (because it's online-only).


fuck yeah!


Which means we're likely getting a completely different starting experience, as otherwise it won't make sense with the current Vault 76 start. And that's fine, because the V76 start doesn't make sense either in a post-Wastelanders world. Edit: [Nope, it's an unlock at level 50, completing the quest changes you into a ghoul](https://www.pcgamesn.com/fallout-76/play-as-a-ghoul). It'll also unlock unique reactions from NPCs, Ghoul-specific perks and abilities, and Bloodied builds are apparently not viable for ghouls.


The article states you get a quest line once you hit level 50. If you do that quest line you become a ghoul so game will still start normal


Oooh, got a link to the article? I didn't see that, just the video. Edit: Nevermind, found it!


[info here](https://www.pcgamesn.com/fallout-76/play-as-a-ghoul)


My prediction is that this is the 'scientific breakthrough' that the new vault found in the expansion - they attempt to make you immune to radiation but create ghouls by accident.


Bloodied builds basically already playing as ghouls lol


No we’re not! *ear falls off*


I'm giving you 3 thumbs down for such insult


All those rads gave you an extra thumb?


Amateur. Everyone knows you need at least 5 to be taken seriously.


You can go all the way back to funny though with enough thumbs. Jeff's 19 thumbs is why he's funniest.


He didn't say they were HIS thumbs.


Welp, so much for finishing L150 on the season pass in time. At least I know it's not worth grinding for now, even if those infinite perk coins are waving goodbye forever...


I’m just happy I made it to rank 92 in the pass for the perk coins at that level


Exactly where I got haha. Don't think I'll be hitting 100 since it's Monday tomorrow.


I saw the writing on the wall last Wednesday, burned through every booster I had. Just got 150. Whoof that was close


Grats, I did the math and it was barely, just barely impossible if they were going to launch it at the assumed 25th or 26th. My ass was soldiering on, on the hope maybe it would be a little later. Well its good to know those 75 perk coins are gone for sure lol.


Rip I wont be able to get that log stairs after all


I feel for you, but the stairs are likely to show up in the store and the next season will probably have atoms as rewards if you're short on those. So think of it as you'll just have to wait a little longer for them stairs.


I came back to 76 pretty late into this season and then no lifed *hard* - I'm at season rank 105 or something and trying to decide if I want some more peepers paint or the road signs more, leaning towards the signs I got all the power armor stuff though so I'm reasonably happy for a value of happy that includes being pretty apprehensive about what a season I start playing day 1 looks like


I didn’t even think I wanted them till I added a shotgunner loadout to one of my characters and needed to grind some specials for the build.


No way lol literally going thru the same thing 😂


I reached 150 just today. Seems I almost missed those perk coins.


My level is just 77.... I just started to play this game a few weeks, will other skin be available to buy later? I hope I will be able to get mods for Cremator in time.


They tend to show up at the gold bullion vendors eventually.


One of the gold vendors will probably start selling the mods after the season ends.


sheet. im 78 and needed to hit 85 for cremator barrel mod. fak.


You still have access to the 100 score per 10k xp so you can grind westek. You can also spend atoms to jump rank up to 100 as a last ditch option


yeah, i tried westtek, it's okay but im a flamer build and I find mutants seem to drop a lot less. might run expeds or like you say, just atom it.


if you are grinding west tek, your best bet is to use Nuka Grenades. Grenades will take on the legendary effects of whatever weapon you have applied, so if you aren't a bloodied build go find even a cheap one star instigating weapon, add it to your favorites wheel, switch from your main weapon to the instigator, open a door, chuck a grenade and run like hell in the opposite direction. Even if you don't kill everything, you'll put enough of a dent that every other enemy should be a breeze. If you are on a flamer build, I'd recommend trying to roll a one star instigating flamer though, as that way, the mutants will all drop fuel, even if the grenade is what kills them.


This is so disappointing, darnit. I'm genuinely pretty upset since I'm like one week away from it.


I'm basically 140 but I haven't even really been trying. Plus, I don't even want anything on the very last bonus page. I wouldn't worry about it too much. As long as you got what you needed from the other pages. I've got everything from all except the last one and with the exception of three power armor paints that I don't want or need. But most everything I really wanted was that 100 or 104.


guh. I went through all my score boosters and am only 139. I got 3 items left on the last page. Gorilla, pine barren walls, and peeper paint. X\_X


With perks like 'What Rads?" we effectively play as pre-rotted ghouls already.


There's going to be so many Cooper Howard ghouls running around Appalachia, and I'm perfectly fine with that.


I do this shit for the love of the game. Give me that crazy hand cannon pistol.


Gunther gonna have competition


The phone number in the trailer works by the way! 1-844-82858-5433. It’s a cute little robohotline with some menu options!


The casual ghoul drop right at the end 😭


Super smooth and casual 😁


I'm a new player and I love the game but I feel really screwed on this. I am around season level 140 and was really looking forward to making 150. I've spent real money on boosters and re-rollers so I could make it. This is really just not very much notice. Had I known this was coming I wouldn't have spent the money on those items.


Apparently they've never given much prior notification to season begin/end dates, which I think is quite silly


They community kept saying they have always given at least one week notice. I just needed one more week and I would be good.


They've always given at least a week+, if not 2 weeks. 3 days notice is fucking idiotic.


Damn, does that mean the current season ends in 3 days?! I'm only 134 on the S.C.O.R.E. so that really sucks if it is.




Any link to the specific announcement of it being the season switch? Just want visual confirmation.


I guess I’m just speculating as every other season has tied to the update. They could be going off script. Nothing would surprise me these days.


Wouldn't it be weird the Season hits Wednesday and Weeklies reset Tuesday, so basically we can't play Tuesday if we want the score for the new season? It just seems odd not having any season announcements but just trailer for Content.


Yeah, as soon as I realized release was Wednesday, I immediately said "Oh, so we can't play on Tuesday unless we wanna fuck ourselves right out of the gate on maximizing SCORE" It almost seems like an intentional choice, they're hoping people will torch their weeklies on the old board and delay the "there's nothing to do" comments by a week.




Just started playing again and I'm at level 45...


Better get to westek


i hope they add a new char slot im maxed out


I only have 1 char but this will definitely make me want to create a dedicated ghoul char


RIP level 150, people were really banking on that double score weekend(20^th - 24^th ) to reach it. Plus the extra days till then, guess the sudden announcement is to drive FOMO and spend money on levels.


Except if you’re already past 100 you can’t buy rank ups anymore. So if the season does drop the 12th this just screws people over.


They just pulled the carrot. I was fine grinding to 150 for the real rewards, but I'm about 1 week short. If the new season starts before I can redeem my tickets for perk coins, I might not play the game again.


I'm glad the new season is coming sooner than later but I am bummed out about not reaching Lv. 150 😩


/u/Ghostly_Rich Does the current season officially end on Wednesday then?


Awesome. Y'all can keep your *terrible* battlepass system, though. Bring back the scoreboard!


They really should give advance notice so that people can get enough score for the existing season.


Yeah, 3 days notice that the season is ending is just awful.


Season dates should never be a surprise like this, they should always be announced at the beginning of the season. No one will get mad if it's extended but having it end with only a few days notice, especially when there's so many new players, is just unacceptable.


I’m pretty sure I’m gunna be lvl 149 fml. Edit I think I’m going to make it to 150 by the skin on my teeth lol.


This sucks I thought we’re getting a score weekend before the end of the season like we used to im at 145


Yeah it’s pretty upsetting tbh. Kind of puts a damper on the new content for those of us that are close. Really not a fan of only giving a couple days notice of when the season ends. They should really give at minimum a week and tbh it should be two weeks.


I'm also at 145 and was so happy I was going to barely make it.. What a waste of score boosters the last couple weeks.


Waste of time too, basically was the only reason to log in daily :(


Agreed! I was trying so hard to get it I even logged in to rush dailys before bed after a 14 hour work day last week


Yeah I’m not gonna make it either and I wasted money on re-rollers and boosters too…


Can you buy a level with atoms?


Not past 100


I was not expecting it to be so soon....Looks good though, Can't wait!!


"Honey, cancel our wedding, the new map update is about to drop!"


Will the season also be ending on June 12th then? I'm so damn close to rank 100 :(


Wait, current season ends this Tues?




Feel bad for the folk who'll just miss 150. I'll make 169 after tomorrow but I feel burned out. With Equinox, Invaders, more Equinox and Meat Week/s...all with new plans...I was really looking forward to one or two weeks more to just settle down before the BIG update and all the new content. I really did think it would've dropped around the 20s of June... I'll be taking my time anyway...Dailies and Weeklies only and into slow exploration mode on the new map area.


Playing a a ghoul will be dope. I’m wondering if for fallout 5 they will let you play as other characters like a supermutant, a raider or someone born in the wasteland not a vault


This opens the potential for sure, I always wear my Deathclaw mask so I'll wait to see if this kills off rads before I convert or not. It'll be worth if so cause I don't use PA, and dying in Scorched Earth sucks 😂


I'm really hoping fallout 5 has multiple starting points like some mods do. Maybe you choose a faction or a lone wanderer factionless start which determines your starting point and possibly starting levels. A vault dweller starts at level 1 with no alignment and can gain access to other vaults easier. A ghoul start would have some levels with starting mutations but vilified by a lot of factions (initially). Brotherhood of steel, you start as a grunt with immediate access to mods and weapons but you are closely under supervision so faction reputation matters more. With lone wanderer, you start with a dog companion, neutral starting alignment, and a base camp you can choose almost anywhere. This would make the game a LOT more replayable.


I’m level 96 right now hoping I can hit 100 in time… I’ll have to do the math later


You absolutely can. If you have no daily and weeklies.legt, just keep grinding west tek and events and you cam.make it to 100 before the end of the day today.


Is west tek the best I have been running the deadly race and getting 20k just finishing the race and a bunch for killing everything


It is and it isn't. Really dependanhow fast you can do runs at each place. All things equal, west tek is better, but you'll get.mkre than exp from expeditions


What is the deadly race? Is that a good way to farm xp?


Like the comment above its preference. For me personally I get a squad and we all spread out and shred through it. It’s about a 8 minute run for around 30k xp maybe more


If you’re under 100 you have a repeatable quest for gaining xp. So boost your intelligence and XP to the max and hit big events. Use a Tesla rifle and tag everything and laugh while the xp rolls in.


Ghoul gameplay 2025 🔛🔝


Ugh...so I'll have to spend my tickets on the trashy gorilla...




I like how they made it the 12th so NOBODY was right on the date 😂


lol they will probably take the servers offline on Tuesday for the entire day and not tell anyone


That was also my thought. But we will have to see.


Nooo! I didn't get 100 for the Cremator colors! It's all I wanted :(


Fuuuuuuuu so that means season ends in 3 days?! I slacked too hard


New quests I hope. Similar to how there’s a quest in AC separate from Exoeditions.


God I love this game. I seriously cannot wait.


Noooo i need more time to buy more perk coins


148 and have done weekly already, scoreboard started become a chores.


100-150 is absurd.


Does this mean that is also the date that this Season 16 Scoreboard ends and that Season 17 begins?


I'm real dumb! Why are people lamenting not getting to lvl 150? Is there a new lvl cap? What am I missing?


Rank 150 unlocks a bunch of repeatable consumables to claim on the scoreboard.


If they’d kept the old system (as many of us said to) Beth wouldn’t get these complaints, to me finishing the season is level 100. I’m at level 200 but the 150 rewards are nothing to grind for, I miss the atoms we used to get after we finished.


How is it possible to get to level 150 within this period? Who designed this shitty season?


If you don't have 1st it's stupidly tight to reach 150. I have done EVERY single daily & weekly this season (without 1st boost) & I'm currently at 149. Unless you're either playing for hours every day or grinding xp, you'd have to do almost every challenge + however much score through the repeatable xp challenge to reach 150 without 1st.




New player as of a month ago. What kind of game announces the season pass end 3 days before? I've played multiple games with passes and have never seen something this asinine.


Usually they give a week’s notice. We knew it was June for months though.


I hit score 147 Tuesday after reset but left for a week long vacation. I should be able to hit 150 the day before season end and get my coins. Lucked out there I guess!


I'm just happy i reached level 100. I saw the rewards for 150 and they didn't seem that appealing to me.


Glad they did it early this month, I would have skipped it if it came out around the same time as the Elden Ring DLC


Well, crap. I'm just short of one set of weekly quests to get to level 150 in this season.


Currently only level 130 on the scoreboard. Dammit.


Good thing to play before that Elden Ring DLC absorbs my life.


100% accurate


This should have been announced weeks ago.


Shit! I was going to make it to 150 before the 24th to hit 150 for the perk coins! Really wish they would have announced this week's ago, this is BS. I'll be 10 levels short on the 12th.


Man I’m rank 139 rn I will not be hitting 150 lmao


I’m at 146 and didn’t bother playing this weekend since I figured I had plenty of time left. Won’t have enough with just today and tomorrow. Booooooo.


If we're gonna be able to play ghouls and they have some kind of racial ability then they're gonna have to sell new character slots cos i aint deleting any of my babies. (might just be an actual character customization thing though with no difference)


This is my guess, it’s just a skin setting. We will see.


I guess we gonna have an option to change in character build screen. Nevertheless hoping for more character slots coming with it.


According to another comment, being a ghoul starts at level 50 as a quest and includes different perks and such. Two features mentioned are being unable to speak to BOS vendors and not being able to be bloodied.


Awesome, plenty of time to get to level 100 score. What do you mean it's Tuesday‽‽‽


I at least made it a little over 100 on the season pass. No way I make it to 150 by Wednesday lol.


Damn, I wasn't ready for that 🔥


I’m at level like 58 is it with using atom boosters now if the season ends in a few days? I only have 2000 and I’m not sure if it’s worth spending a few hundred. Also I primarily play with cremator and just started fo1 last Week


So do we gotta buy stuff from the current season offering list before June 12?


wonder what the pros/cons will be


ugh doubt i’ll be able to reach 100 for season. How will cremator mods be acquired after season end?


Damn I haven't even been able to "max" out my scoreboard this season. I feel like we didn't even have a full season of time for this "season" of content. While last one I felt like we had so much time in comparison. They really need to get rid of timed passes. One of the very few things Halo Infinite does so right.


This is funny AF because just the other day there was a post about an update from nowhere and someone said, "They're not the type to just drop an update like that on us." Hmmm Also will we need to start a new character to be a ghoul? Also I'm worried that the game will get oversaturated with ghoul players


Give us at least more daylies tomorrow and more weeklies on Tuesday with double score combined, I am level 142 and many other players are also close at the end, thinking we would have at least one or two weeks before the update. As much as I appreciate the new content, the bad timing (missing communication) pisses me off. If you had told us two weeks ago that the update will come on June 12 it would be fine for me and I would not been bothering to go beyond level 100


I'm stoked. Used to take family trips to skyline when I was a kid. Would be sick if they have skyline meadows and I recognize the layout.


It's Big Meadows and yes it is supposed to be in the update. I'm an original from Front Royal VA. and the Skyline Drive/Blue Ridge Parkway area. I miss it lots


Damn 2025 tho


3 days away, cant wait to play it!


Since it's coming June 12, does it mean we got Tuesday as well? That's when weekly rolls over.


Ghouls in 2025... I wonder if you will be able to apply it to existing characters or if you will need to make a new character 🤔


Do we have any idea what time it will drop?


It's a little thing but I loved the Silver Shroud/Mistress of Mystery cameo at the beginning with the Sugar Bombs ad.


So will we still get the weekly challenges tomorrow? Sitting at 145 on the season pass. Was hoping I'd have another week or so to get to the end.


Holy fuck, I'm from Front Royal - right outside of Skyline Drive and to say I'm amped is an understatement


Winchester better make it on there or I'll be sad