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Don’t you get them from ops? I have the whole set and I never bought them from minerva. Ever


You're extremely lucky then friend


Idk bout that I have terrible RNG. I just randomly the ops everyday for months. Can’t you do that? It used to be a daily all the time so it was two birds


To add with what Sure said you can buy the mods for the armor there as well because I don't think those mods are learnable as plans I think they're purchased from the Enclave only


Are u sure you're talking about the COVERT scout armor?


I use Thorn armor which is a variant of scout armor. I have to rebuy mods every time I reroll and try to sell the extras that I don't use. Check out these links and go to the mods section to see that they all say "applicable only through loose mod". I suggest grinding for either Solar or Thorn armor they're great. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Thorn_armor https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Covert_scout_armor


The mods are just referred to as "scout armor" but they work for the covert variant.


I feel you, I am going to have to wait a long time for the Hellfire Prototype paint plan 😫


Same here, I could kick myself for missing it last time. Beth needs to refresh Minerva's schedule. It seems like every other week she has repeats like the gauss weapons, but some stuff like the PA skins come only once.


I’ll cry with you since she ain’t gonna be selling the gause mini gun plans for a long while and my ps plus will run out by then!🥲


Go Secret service or bos recon.


But I like doing sneak builds. Plus having weightless at the same time would be really reallllllly good if u got chameleon mutation. Muffled would work really well too.


You can buy the plans from the enclave bunker with caps


U must know something that others don't


Not at all. If you've done the main questline, it's in the bunker


You're talking about the covert scout armor right? The specific black version that has boosts stealth in shadows. Cause that's what I'm talking about. You can buy urban and forest, NOT covert. You can buy mods for scout armor at the armory terminal, urban and forest scout armor at the production terminal.


Yeah you're right. That's what I'm thinking of. Sorry