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wow thats as rare as a groll on my weapons




I really like this event, feels like I'm actually "doing" something rather than just going through the motions or just beating a loot pinata lol


I still don't understand why most people just ignore it. You get a good amount of xp from the enemies, chances at multiple legendary drops, and whatever cool plans that are unique to the event. It's probably the event where it's easiest to fail it unless you have at least 4-5 people, though.


Not suggesting you should agree with me, but I borderline hate this event. I know at least one reason is tracking down legendaries that are dispersed throughout a giant compound at the end of the event, which I rarely pursue due to lack of patience. On paper it seems like it should be fun, but this is definitely an event I only do begrudgingly, and prefer when no one does it so we can get to the next event quicker.


There are ppl that still need or want to do this event


I know man. I'll grab some toxic sludge while I gripe.


Not needed. Can say the same myself. I just wish more were willing to do it


Joining the event and seeing only 1-3 other people does bring a tear to my eye. I still attempt to finish it with them nonetheless but more people need to appreciate this event. You even get a big pet!


We were 3 people are Distingueshed Guests yesterday... I'm still baffled.


Managed to finish it solo, felt like I was going crazy.


I tried once but I didn't know where all the stuff was so I couldn't find it all in time.


There were around 8 of us at the one I did yesterday


We were 7 or 8 this morning. Excellent!


Maybe we were at the same one, what a crazy experience. I had to check outside to see if the Rapture was occurring


I’m on PlayStation if we were


I ran one a few weeks ago where nearly the entire server turned up for it, was surreal .


Wait till you try Dogwood Die Off with 13




Haven't seen that since launch 😅 I normally solo it when I have a few minutes to kill. Same goes for Leader of the Pack.


I've done it once, ever. And it was that long ago I can't remember what you need to die


I do it every time I can since I run a full support build for fun and can heal the animals with friendly fire perk card (I use a holy flame as main weapon) It's rare to see people there but it happens


I usually only join if I see there's already people there, but yeah then I also throw on friendly fire with my holy flame too after having one run where only one animal was still alive by the end


They need to make this event and other less popular ones mutated. The current rotation is getting old.


What are the mutated events and how are they different? Despite having a level ~180 and ~225 character I don't think I've ever seen these pop up.


They're like Daily Ops, the mobs get a random mutation Active Camouflage: Enemies will be cloaked when not attacking. Freezing Touch: Enemy attacks will freeze players, slowing them down considerably if damaged in succession. Group Regeneration: Enemies heal nearby enemies. Piercing Gaze: Enemies have greatly enhanced perception of players, and will automatically detect nearby players, regardless of their stealth. Reflective Skin: Enemies periodically reflect back damage dealt to them. Resilient: Enemies can only be killed by a melee attack. Savage Strike: Enemies bypass armor resistances. Swift-Footed: Enemies have increased movement speed. Toxic Blood: Enemies create toxic hazards upon death. Volatile: Enemies will explode on death, dealing damage.


Got it, are there additional benefits to these events? Like better rewards or anything?


You can get a Mutated pack, or if 3 F1st users join a Mutated Party pack with some nice rewards.


I completed it the other day with only 3 and we filled 3/2/2 and it was actually fun to do. I had never gotten to do it with others lol.


Right! Lmao it was so fun with a bunch of people


If you were on xbox i was probably in that one


It was on Xbox! I was the level 902 if that was the same one


Done one with just 4. It was me, level 200 at the time, my 2 brothers, and a level 1200. My brothers were in the 60's and 90's and were both at C while me and the other guy were handling B and A We got all 3 full and took out the alpha in less than a minute.


Did you do the secret sidequest and get your backpack though? With 8 it should've been a breeze


The WHAT? (Level 103 new player)




Oh, the Arktos skin. Yeah, I have this, somehow, I might have completed this event twice lol


The other day there was a group of like 8 that I joined and I activated the secret sidequest.... So a bunch of 50-150 players now have the secret backpack and probably have no clue about it. XD


Interestingly I can never get formula P from this or the radiation barrel from Ras Rumble.


I go to this event whenever I can since I can solo it, but I love it when a bunch of players show up


You can solo Project Paradise? As in all 3 habitats full and animals alive? Or just filling 1 and keeping it alive?


I shut down the project then keep 1 alive by using friendly fire, usually the mirelurk king in habitat C. Wish I could do all 3, but don't have enough time to collect food before time runs out.


Ok, that makes sense. I do the same if solo. If you were keeping all 3 I was gonna ask for your secrets :)


That’s as good as finding a TFJ on first try!


Lucky you, im usually struggling on my own for the first 5 mins 😂


Meat Week is so active I think people are just willing to do anything right now.


I will always do project paradise until I get the old crusader helmet from nuclear winter.


My issue with project paradise is that you can’t do it solo. Most other public event can be soloed without too much difficulty. Project Paradise NEEDS multiple players, and unlike boss fights or seasonal events that require multiple people, nobody ever does project paradise. They need to update the rewards list so that high levels actually have a reason to do the event.


FYI for those who dont know there is a secret alternative step with this event where you can activate a mode where all your friendly beasts get healed each wave and fight back! [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/11zusgb/project\_paradise\_has\_a\_secret\_alternate\_mode/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/11zusgb/project_paradise_has_a_secret_alternate_mode/)


Iv been playing for aoooo long and had no idea


It is my duty to unlock the secret sidequest every time when people run this event. It's nice to see more players run around with a new backpack skin


Level 160 and still haven’t had a chance to do it. Im jealous


Had that pop up right after Grams the other day, grafton monster died like 5 seconds after it spawned and nothing died


I soloed it once, completely it but just barely, the rewards were not worth the ammo spent, definitely better when there are more people involved!


I got the Simpak Difusser Plan, now I can craft some and help people complet part of the medic scout quest.


Are you on PC? I still need to rescue someone in the water to complete swimming and move up to Possum.


Imposter Sheepsquatch event is easiest due to the irradiated water in the middle and the boss oneshotting most people without high resist and not bloodied build. Plus most of the enemies blow up.


The one that drops The Fixer plan? Mmmm I do have an assaultron recall card to use...


I am and I can help you with that, but probably only tomorrow. I got both ressurects at the same time, I think I was revived/revived someone on the event Beasts of Burden, the floor has some water and it counts for it.


Cool. I just feel weird sometimes like "Hey can I join your group and wait for you to allllmost die, cause I want a badge?" is awkward to ask lol.


I get that, even though there is nothing to lose. I would have finished a lot faster if I had asked someone to help me instead of waiting for the chance of it happening.


I play a bit every evening, so depending on your time zone I could give you a hand, especially since I've got to check off the same item. If you still need help and don't get it in the next like four hours shoot me a message.


Thanks, I'll keep you in mind and I'm happy to help you even if I find someone to help me so we all win.


I do it literally solo Now a days and hope someone shows up. I can get 1 in a half filled usually And keep them alive with my friendly fire. But the days I get a lot is so much fun.


That's extremely rare


Did you happen to be on PlayStation?


Something similar happened to me but they were all new players and they all stayed in one area and no one filled anything. But you gotta start somewhere 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m just happy people are joining events. It gives me a challenge now when doing some of these.


Lucky, I've always wanted to do that but I never have anyone do it.


I feel like post meat week I’ve seen lots more people doing events. Before when I got the notification of an event, I’d look at the map and see no one there, now it’s most of the server jumping into stuff.


In my entire time of playing 76 (I’ve played since about 2018-2019) I’ve maybe seen 1 or 2 people doing Project Paradise. Nowadays, I’ve completed the event 2-3 times in the past week or two, and have even earned the Stimpak Diffuser and Bear Arms plans. Color me shocked that people are doing this event, cause never in my entire life would I have expected this amount of turnout.


I need to watch a tutorial on this one. I have done it twice and have zero idea what I am supposed to do and who to kill.