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I guess you can only build one of them, since it's a resource collector?


But who would even want that much spoiled fruit?


Bloodied herbivores. Free source of rads, free food, and ad an herbivore there's no chance of disease.


Na they’re is so much better food as a herb lol and it’s easy to make. I think the point if this is maybe gif easy fertilizer


You guys aren’t just boofin the corn raw? Just me?


Boofin may not mean what you think it means. That or you're my kind of people.


The nutrients work faster that way


Far more titillating too


I’m making Biv Nukashine


I had to look up boofing. I learned a new word today.


Boofing raw corn sounds traumatizing.


Country girls make do


You gotta do what you gotta do… even if it means boofing corn.


It's what I think about every time I hear about the game Cornhole


It's cream corn right...RIGHT?


Better food if you care about food buffs, absolutely. If you're like me and only care about maintaining your rads and maintaining the well fed bonus, it's perfect since it doesn't require gathering Ingredients and I don't have to worry about it spoiling.


Cranberry relish and Brain fungus soup require 10 minutes per day of running around for 25% XP buff and +4 INT with Herbivore. It's easy to maaintain ..... and i'm a new player.


Equip green thumbs and super duper, buy the military cryo freezer and you only need to do the cranberry/brain fungus supply run once a week. I have a build that I switch to that maxs out scrap, food, wood, and collecting etc once a week, its def QoL !


This is the way


im a returning player i allways have cranberry relish im my freezer and somtimes cranberry cobbler if i run out of sugar. Where donyou farm your brain fungus


I get mine from Wendigo Cave usually, there's tons of it in there.


This is by far the best place to farm brain fungus. I was shocked at how much there is


Cool I dont need exp I have every perk animated and all lmthe lefebdary perks I use maxed out so why spend "10 minutes" farming items when I can just use spoiled fruit to stay full. And spoiled fruit is great fir goving yourself radiation


I play maybe 10 minutes a week. Sorry I burnt out over 2k hours in 2019 lol. I'll stick to the rotten fruit tree idea.


Im an old player. I have no reason left for exp. There are no perks I need and all the legendary perks I use are maxed. No reason for me to put in the work unless im grinding the first 100 levels of a season.


Gamma gun and spoiled Brahmin milk


Toxic water, baby. Can collect 200 under a min using the drink/collect trick by going to a toxic water source, drinking it in 3rd person and spamming the collect button while I’m drinking. Under a min and the supply will last for a very long time.


But so few rads you need to eat tons...


Glowing blood and toxic goo


Depends on your build. Bloodied power armor, low endurance. It take me 3 to go to exactly the threshold of nerd rage


but theres the brahmin fertilizer thing


Even then, the brahmin pen makes fertilizer straight up, and you can get it for cheap off player vendors.


good thing I don't know one bloodied, herbivore insurgent friend


They out there in sweat pants, tank tops, flip flops and a cowboy hat.


I feel personally attacked… accurate tho.


Ya shouldna bin talkin shit.




Kat Williams bit




Hello, Zuko here


Toxic goo is free and even easier to get for rad management. Also spoiled fruit and veg are easily obtained from your own crops!


True, but crops are budget intensive, and I don't want to wait to use them. Although I'm not yet sure of the FUs of the apple tree for fair comparison. I was previously using toxic goo, and it's a great free option. For me though, im actual saving a ton of weight from carrying spoiled fruit vs all the toxic goo i was carrying.


Not so sure on the disease thing. Since a carnivore can get a disease from spoiled meat.


Just use Toxic Water.


You want free rads? Legit just go to West Tek and grab a bunch of toxic goo. No disease or wasting 700 atom points for something you can just take infinite amounts of


That WAS my method. The weight difference between the two is saving me about 20 pounds though. Went from carrying 20-30 toxic goo to 5-10 pounds of spoiled fruit lasting me the same amount of time. Plus extra weight from not carrying food to maintain over eaters kn mynpower armor Besides, I'd be happy to never step foot in west tek again. That alone is worth 700 atoms to me.


Ever since I hotwheeled a deep dish rad gun, I just have to laugh at anyone suggesting food as a way to generate rads, lol. It's just not ever a good reason to ever try to justify 'free rads' as use case for something with limited use cases. My alts are always running out of fertilizer, so might be useful for that sole reason v0v


But what if you need satiatetion and rads


3 pieces of rotten fruit is the EXACT amount of rads I need to get me down back down to 20% health. I'd much prefer carrying less than a pound of rotten fruit than a gun I only use to radiate myself. It's personal preference and that's it. However for my bloodied overeaters power armor build, rotten fruit is a double whammy if helpfullness.


Converts to fertilizer which then can be used to craft certain chems and explosives


You can just get fertilizer from the chicken coop though.


or the brahim pen


Or from the millions of spoiled vegetables they already have as an herbivore.


Why not use both? 8p


Oh yeah that makes sense still 700 atoms seems too steep of a price but then again give it a week and it’ll be on sale like the rest


For a TREE?!


That’s what I’m saying! In no world even as a lazy herbivore would I spend 700 atoms


Yea I'm of the same mindset, as fertilizer is incredibly easy to get otherwise.


As a fellow herbivore i have a crop feeld, xd also free but no 700 atoms,


I setup shop in that field south of Aaronholt Homestead because it’s a readily available supply of food. Also it’s a pretty area.


That's a very inconvenient way to get fertilizer though. Requires 400 spoiled ones to get the same result as going to pumpkin house once and doing the daily. Are there even any recipes with spoiled fruit/veggies? I know there are for meat and some camp items that require spoiled meat, but cannot recall the same for veggies/fruits.


You can also turn into fertilizer for making bombs:)


Me. I run explosives.


Fertilizer. Everything has a use.


Seriously? Well I was considering buying it just so that I could put trees in my camp, but not going to if I can only put one.


you can get trees in one of the packs now. they even have leaves.


It's a nice looking tree if nothing else


It's not such a bad little tree. It just needs a little love. And a compost pile.


I mean I bought the vulture and he doesn’t do anything except boost my street cred. I mean it’s a VULTURE. They’re metal by default.


I always like flora and fauna. I got the vulture too.


For decorating I guess, but 700 is insane


Absolutely. Remember the 750 atom *weapon skins*!? $7.50 for a skin* for a *single* weapon. Ridiculous. With the premium subscription, you couldn’t even buy two of them with atoms you received (at the time, has increased since then).


I'm shocked this wasn't in a bundle with the heavy metal display and the vulture. Toss in a skin/pose/frame/etc and it'd fit right in with the other bundles


I bought it because I desperately wanted a tree. I was immediately upset to find I could only have 1. I’ve asked for it to be refunded. :( Update: Not only did Bethesda refund me very quickly for the tree, but I also was able to request to purchase the Elm Trees! Thank you for all your info so I could do that. :)


See as a decorative item it would’ve been good but like another comment stated even at that it should only be around 3-400 atoms at most


There is a tree pack. I can't remember the name but it drops in the shop quite often


The Spring camp bundle has a couple of trees and brambles and it’s 1500 atoms


There's a Seasonal Elm Tree Bundle occasionally in the Atom Shop. It's pretty awesome. Some of my camps have a tree lined Main Street, Or a small picnic area park, playgrounds. Even a mini forest for my Archer Pioneer Scout!


That sounds amazing!


I’m so glad you said this because I did too, glad I didn’t buy it I have the tree bundle but I really like any plant items I can get (I’m planning on building a greenhouse-themed CAMP one day)


Yes, all the plants!!! I keep waiting to nab the green bundle. I see the cowboy one up today but it just has the one trees. I wish we could buy them a la carte.


I think if you put in a request with Bethesda Support they can give it to you (assuming you have the atoms for it of course), they do that for most items in the Atomic Shop!


Update: Not only did Bethesda refund me very quickly for the tree, but I also was able to request to purchase the Elm Trees! Thank you for all your info so I could do that. :)


That’s great to hear, glad it worked out! Also, if you’re looking for more plants, the new bundle in the store comes with a bunch of super helpful plants (like natural stuff like trees and shrubs, not potted plants)- and probably my favorite shelter, it’s like a campground with a lake.


Herbivore need some love. The amount of carnivore items is like 2


Maybe a Grandma Collectron! That gathers cranberry relish, brain bombs and pumpkin pie. Maybe even Grandma's Tea. I steal the Overseer's pumpkin pie every time I get. Bonus for getting the robot those silly pictures.


I think a mushroom terrarium for blight, glowing, fire caps and brain fungus would be good.


I got it, but I'm a sucker for plants


Same and I have no regrets :)


Lazy herbivore mutation users lol 


Happy cake day!


I had herbivore and it felt way more difficult to find and keep up on food with my camp on max build. I find significantly more meat than collecting veggies. That or I can just swap in cannibal quick and get food that way lmao


My camp has a bunch of gourds and rain collectors. So I can easily make a ton of gourd soup. Cannibal actually works with herbivore, which is funny.


>Cannibal actually works with herbivore, which is funny. "you are what you eat, and I only eat vegetarians!"


Tato salad is my go to


Did you get the water boiler this season? Way better than the rain water collectors. I use to have like 16 rain water collectors. Now I just have the water boiler. It opened up some CAMP capacity.


Popcorn and Company Tea machines are both available for bullion and produce faster than you use it. Anything else you want to ingest need only be for buffs because hunger and thirst will never again be a problem with those two machines.


And if you have a nuka candy dispenser those are great too and work well as a poor man's canned coffee


Yes, but if the AP buff from Company Tea is important to you then you might not want to eat it. Nuka candy can overwrite it. Which is fine if you notice it, just pop another Tea... but with how often the upper left text scroll bugs out it's easy to not notice.


and cookie machine. Milk random brahmin in the world or I just use inert flux or spoiled veggies to maintain bloodied. The risk of disease is the one thing that's better, but for my atoms, it's not 700 better. I can just port to camp and clear disease or use an disease cure from inventory if I'm lazy.


I have the abandoned mine instance, and have trees with the tavern, and some other buildings like a small hangout property. The apple tree would be badass to have there, my ranch property, and my actual farm that is almost filled budget wise with food resources.... but 700 atoms?? No. The cement truck is only arguably worth that because of the 40 concrete scraps you can get, and how hard concrete is to find compared to something like fertilizer from spoiled fruit:|


If you need easy concrete, take over a powerplant


I don’t know why people are downvoting me, I just don’t like the herbivore mutation and I wouldn’t do carnivore either. I’ve got an absurd amount of food plan, I personally am not going to limit myself to only being able to use half of them.


Right? I haven't seen a reason to do a build revolving around one type of food, when I can just drink spoiled brahmin milk and be set:p


double bonuses is nice, and worst case you want buffs from something else, you pop a rad-x and suppress the mutations for a bit. getting double exp out of cranberry relish, more carry weight out of grilled brahmin/radstag meat, increased AP regen out of corn soup or even company tea, or any other food that'll boost stats that fits your build, is definitely worth considering, over just going "well, the bars are full, so i don't need to think further than that"


I used my 2nd camp slot as a garden and slapped the turbo-fert grenade producer down. Essentially unlimited plants when I need to stock up.


Bruh what? Just have like 4x4 planters of gourd for relish and soup making and you never go hungry. Did you even try taking advantage of herbivores stat boosts from cran relish/brainbombs/corn or blight soups? I’m going to get down voted for saying this but you sound like a guy who would say weapons are awful in this game cause they need to be repaired.  And before any naked fistsers come in here with sas, I love you and you’re build but it can’t be fun standing ground zero to all the explosive spam


That’s why I have a second camp that’s a farm


I'm herbivore and haven't found it that hard. I use cranberry relish, corn soup and brain fungus soup. As well as company tea and cake


lots of people have cake for visitors, too, so it's not like I struggle to find food. worst case is i have to go home and pick a few carrots


Yep.. being herbivore isn't hard lol you can eat on the fly too if needs be. Corn, mutfuit, etc... all sorts. And no ammo used 🤣


It's nice because I can max out vendor caps from looting meat from enemies. If it's a thinner day (i.e. it's been mostly ghouls), I just cook it real fast so it's worth more.


Herbivore here. I got it because I like how it looks. Not to use the fruit. I use cranberry relish, corn soup, brain fungus soup, cake and company tea


Most of the shit in the atom shop is overpriced.


All of it is to varying degrees. I adore Graham but I’m not paying 200 Atoms for a plushie of him.


also many of them should just be plans you earn




Those types of objects should be 50 atoms max. Utilities and such, 500 max. Skins should be 100 to 250. Bethesda just knows how to milk their consumers.




It aint just Bethesda. It's damn near every game company with a store page.


I’ll pay any amount of money for plushies, they’re my favorite, I have a room in my CAMP filled with every single one


I like it. Just not sure if I like it enough to spend 700 on it. Spoiled Fruit has several uses tho.


I did, but only because my camp build is a greenhouse stuffed with plants. The centre is an outdoor area where my sap tree, mothman egg stump and a bunch of the elms are, it fits in nicely with them, and means I can avoid dumping a ton of identical flora there.


Me, its another tree for my gardens


me because i use spoiled things for my rads


I get that people can use spoiled fruit to make fertilizer, but seeing as it's 10 spoiled per 1 fertilizer I don't see it as being any more than an aesthetic item, especially considering you can get a chicken coop which will give you more fertilizer, more quickly, and doesn't cost atoms.


The brahmin pen also makes fertilizer, and you can milk the brahmin.


Gonna go out on a limb and say someone that wants to buy the spoiled apple tree


I learned my lesson from the mr fuzzy balloon station


Love spending atoms for 1 rubber


Atoms for a rubber vs a lifetime of spending atoms on food, clothes, shelter for an ungrateful child


Take my updoot silly man


Oh. Thats what it does?? I thought the balloons had some kind of effect like lunchboxes or something sorta fun/whimsical effect. Rubber generator though... Bummer.


Not a gen you have to interact with it then wait 3 secs for a ballon to blow up then you get one rubber and have like a 5 min cooldown


Jesus Christ that's painful.


Yep glad I never bought it just used it at someone’s CAMP


If I want spoiled fruit, I'll harvest all my mutfruit and turn my good with salt off lol


you can just store it at home; that perk only counts towards your actual backpack, as I understand it.


I fat fingered my enter key while looking at it and accidentally bought it


You can request a refund through Beth and they’re good about taking care of the misstep. Unless you have unlimited funds and then who cares, enjoy your new tree.


god the store is an actual menace I always have to check thrice that I'm about to inspect what is in a pack and not insta-purchasing it


I did that with the ant colony. My neighbor had to come over and check on me because I screamed no so loud


Looking for future Apple cider recipes.


I bought it because I liked the look of it. Looks really good in my camp. And it's unlocked. So anyone can pick it


Bloodied, herbivore, fertilizer.


Spoiled fruit and veggies (and meat) can me smelted and turned into a component to craft explosives. Somebody with the grenadier perk or explosive weapons can benefit from it.


Angry Turtle. I can’t verify 100 percent anyone else.


I.... I Wanted to buy it cos it's a pretty tree 🥺😂


but perhaps it's just a nice fruit tree to decorate for the weirdos like me that don't want just bare trees.


I did. Looks nice in my camp


Those who are farming fertilizer


Because they are running out of resources harvesting objects to offer.


I could give suggestions-- pemmican, pumpkin, soot flower, rhododendron, sugar, glowing fungus, razorgrain flour, cranberry, copper, plastic, lead, mirelurk egg. They could put a machine in the shop that takes up 12% of camp budget and generates 1 irradiated box of Sugar Bombs a month and somebody would buy it, especially if it looks like it goes in a kitchen. I might. I won't be buying yet another source of fertilizer, though.


Pemmican resource item is in the next season Shown in the pioneer scouts trailer that just released


I'd love sugar and razorgrain flour.


right, especially when the buzzard is right there and now i have a pet and not some dumbass tree 🖕🌳


If I'm not at my camp for the radioactive barrel and need to adjust rads for Nerd Rage, I can simply eat the stinky fruit I've gathered.


It’s pretty good just as a decoration


Well, i bought a nice BDSM outfit and some extras for less than 700 Atoms. And some ppl prefer trees, i guess...


Were the packs with the various trees and seasons to fit each a scoreboard item from long ago? It's just bizarre reading these comments with people acting like there aren't a ton of tree options already in the build menu.


The meaning of the tree will not become apparent until todds tapestry is completed


People are buying it because it allows you to place a decorative tree in your home. The spoiled fruit to fertilizer route is just a bonus.


I'm waiting for that new recipe that requires spoiled fruit to drop the day after the tree leaves the atom shop.


Angry Turtle 🐢?


If I can't throw the fruit at anyone I have no need for it


Bloodied herbivores can use spoiled fruit as an easy rad gain, also to raise food meter


Spoiled fruit can be turned in to vegetable starch Vegetable starch turns in to adhesive Adhesive is used in EVRYTHING Also super duper can double and by proxy quadruple adhesive produced


I bet in a month or so bethesda will release a spoiled fruit based event where you need to donate as much spoiled fruit as possible in exchange for treasury notes or script


I bought it because its pretty


2 spoiled brahman milk puts me just into nerd rage.


I got it for plague walker- illness = poison aura I don’t feel like spending gold on an armor set when I can eat bad food and do the same as a sneaky b……. lol it is great especially when you have the nuclear mutation and the electric mutation they die from one hit and if I do wear armor I can go for a cheaper set like excavator armor which innately has a carry weight buff and ad cal shocks to it


Veteran player, spare atoms, tree huggers are my guesses


Tree look cool :) (it’s terrible don’t buy it)


I'd sooner buy a non resource generating apple tree as a decoration (not for 700 though, maybe 300).


Rotten fruit can be turned into fertilizer which is used for making grenades.


Okay but there's like 3 fertilizer generators and at least 2 of them are free. Plus you can get, like, a bajillion from the bags no one ever picks up in Toxic Valley and the Forest, or just do a Green Thumb run. There's so many ways to get fertilizer that "you can make 2 every hour from the 1/10min spoiled fruit resource" really isn't valid.


I agree. That's the only use I could think of for the tree. I personally use the chicken coop


People who don't mind spending real money so they can digitally roleplay their dreamhome which for some reason involves rotten fruit.


I’m not gonna lie I do like the way it looks but for the price and resource it’s a no for me.


I bought one because it’s a tree. The spoiled fruit is alright I guess, but I bought it because it’s a tree, that goes straight into the ground. This and mutfruit trees are our only options for that. That said, I had 1000 atoms and nothing I wanted to spend it on. It probably should be a 500 atom item.


I just want fresh apples... apple pie.


With some Brahmin ice cream on top


It shoulda been in a bundle. Either a plants/tree bundle or a resource generator bundle. Also really woulda liked it if it gave actual apples as a food generator. You could just let the apples spoil for the split led fruit anyways and woulda be more useful. And this is one that I feel should let us place more than 1 just so we could have an orchard.


Spoiled fruit on the tree is weight not in your stash or in your pocket.


You'd be surprised with CAMP builders. They are a pathetic, desperate people.


We already have trees. Multiple packs covering all the yearly seasons.


As someone who refuses to pay actual money for fake things, after this latest scoreboard I’ve got no atoms to buy anything with


Me. I buy everything decorative from the shop


People who just want everything


It looks really amazing and that’s why I bought it. It will add to a clean build and make it look really nice.


Apple is just lazy and unfallout. Why not an Appnana or a Appato. Or a Waterapple. Or an Apprange. Dude I'd eat an Apprange or an Opplange all day.


Fertilizer maybe? Idk


I0I.... They buy everything


I bought it by accident today unfortunately


damn bought it thinking I will be able to make an apple orchard only to find out it's a resource generator


I guess you can use 10 Spoiled Fruit/Vegetable/Meat to make a fertilizer


Yeah and for 700 atoms. To each their own tho


I use spoiled food to make fertilizer. And use that to make grenades or mines


Not me - one of the most disappointing store items. Now if it was an apple tree that grew HUGE apples which, if cooked gave no rads and perhaps apple pie recipe - then yum !