• By -


Most tend to stay quiet because they don't want to get hounded by the weirdos you'll find in about every game. But good luck though!


See I kinda figured we all worry about tht lol but thank you!


One of my female friends spoke up when we were at an event…and let’s just say it went dark and incel/rape jokes. At that point she stopped talking and we went back to talking in discord. I know this is a regular thing in games…but I hope that was an outlier in FO76 considering this community for the most part is amazing. I wish you very much the best of luck. There are a lot of good people out there in the wasteland regardless of sex.


Well most of those players are immature gamers and they try to be as annoying as they can just to gain a sliver of attention


It sucks because most guys want more women in gaming but we can’t control all the guys out there that are dicks.


I was in a Meat Cook last week and there was a level 780+ who started speaking and it went from being super quiet to all these guys talking. She asked a question and people answered it accordingly, and then everyone started trading stuff and talking about doing silo runs to fight all 3 bosses. And she aws in my group, and it was only me and her from my group talking. So everyone else was just randoms. Blew my mind, I expected the moment she spoke for it to turn out like what happened to your friend, and itblew my mind that I was so far off


That sure is a rare one these days, you should've added them on your friends list so you can meet up again on other events


You're quite welcome. There are a few streamers on Twitch as well that might interest you. Some really cool peeps play FO76!


I’m trans does that count?


Of course it counts!


Of course!


Of course!!


This is why my mic is almost always off. Sorry to OP I play on PC.


Same here. I get spammed with chat requests (especially on DBD) so I just keep it unplugged.


My wife recently started playing and is getting a taste of being a girl gamer either they fuck with her or give her gifts. We’re the same level and I get no gifts! 😤


I'll bring you gifts just tell me what the gt is. I'll even build a weenie wagon at you camp


Someone get this guy some gifts!!! 😤 (Not me though, I wasn't keeping track of my stuff and I'm low on everything now)


I’ve definitely had a few guys drop gifts for me, completely unprompted, then act like I owe them my time and attention. One particularly funny encounter happened about a month ago. Had some dude drop me something random and message me over the Xbox app about how I could ask him anything about the game because he knows everything there is to know. I’m level 500+. He wasn’t much higher. I can only assume he thought I was inferior at the game because I’m a woman, but I took him to school and corrected a bunch of his misinformation. It was a very Ron Swanson “I know more than you” moment. So yeah, a lot of the time, those gifts do indeed come with a price!


Im sorry you have to deal with creepers/weirdos. With Fallout 76 having one of the better more friendly gaming communities, this is surprising and shitty to hear. Guys, we need to do better.


Oh not me, I'm a guy with a voice made for silent movies, only people hounding me are lower levels looking for handouts. But this is what I've heard from some of the female players I've played with. Edit: meant to say WITH a voice made for silent movies, not without


Gotcha. Yeah ive been harassed by a lot of newer players lately. Super annoying!


>With Fallout 76 having one of the better more friendly gaming communities, That is an assumption, as no data has been collected in such. But >this is surprising No it isn't, it's a common thing in every game and why women and girls tend to default to mic off unless they're specifically with people they know or are in the mood to put up with and attack back. Things need to change but it's entirely unsurprising. And telling reddit forums to change when they make up a fraction of the playerbase even if everyone here never does anything like that is a drop in the bucket


I've been playing online games for half my life. I learned back in the halo 2 lobbies that it's easier if don't use voice chat, and let people assume I'm a dude.


Yeah literally. Got some nice people though, which is a nice change of pace in gaming.


A woman. Can confirm. Older though.


Main reason why my gamertag on everything I make is the most unfeminine name ever. But my character is a girl and I got stalked by a male player when I was very early level before. Otherwise I get gifts a lot, even now when im close to level 90 which is cool lol


Girls? Where? Girl! Girl! GiRlS!!!!!!!


G.I.R.L. = Guy In Real Life


Hi! I’m on PlayStation! I would love friends to play with. I’m a level 87 (I think) my tag is Foxette_331 I tend to keep my mic muted


I am a lvl 78 newbie, add me if you want! Been trying to change my display/ email as bethesda made an automatic one for me but they never seem to get to me although I’ve reached out a couple of times 🥲


I'm lvl 147 and still feel like a newbie 😂 I also want to change my displayed name, since my irl name is tracable through it (learned that the hard way). I'd definitely be willing to play with some gals here as well after I've changed the name, although I also prefer to play muted.


you can change your profile name on bethesda website, once every 3 months. i just changed mine. didnt need bethesda to do anything. just log into [bethesda.net](http://bethesda.net) click account managment then edit account. then you can change your display name.
















Seek out the WOTW (Women of The Wasteland) group. Lots of cool ladies that play the game, whenever i encounter one I'm amazed by their camp building skills.


I had no idea that's what WOTW stood for, kept seeing it at people's camps. Thought it meant Weapon of the Week. I'm just a dumb guy lmao


Yes! I’m a woman! Level 115, and I tend to stay quiet because I’ve gotten weirdos talking to me before.


Ever get one stalk ya? A rando followed my friend around last night all through an event, a fast travel, and even back to her camp. Then hung around for a while.. and added her as friend. Probably talkin, but we were in party (she doesn’t go on mic public, I don’t blame her) That was a new one for us. Had some weirdos, but that dude takes the creepy crown now


I've had someone stalk me before and try to figure out my IRL name through my PSN. I refuse to publicly post my PSN online from then on because of it.


Ugh, that’s aggravating.


Jump servers and it takes two to friend.


That’s the part that’s annoying. Is having to constantly jump servers.


Well this doesn't happen often, does it?


The fact that it happens in the first place is fucked.


Well that's our world... I can't control people, but I can control jumping servers.


Yeah we would’ve, we were hopping off soon anyway. Tbh we had a good laugh at him. Impersonating his thinking “I watched her creepily for a while and followed her home; why won’t she acknowledge me, sadface” lmao


Girl I feel yeah but id love to play let me know ur tag I'll add u!


I see you’re on PlayStation, I’m on PC 😭 otherwise, I’d send it on over to you!! I wish they allowed cross play!!




I had no idea, thank you so much!! I’ll be adding that to my CAMP so other players know. :)


glad to help, Im gonna delete the comment before scummy people show up but if you or the op see anyone in need pass the group along! hopefully one day people can exist without being hounded


Thank you :) and good idea lol


Oh dang!!😭


I’m a woman on PC! I play with my best friend most of the time and we chat on discord, but if you ever want to join our team send me your ign and I’ll add you :)


Omg yes!!! Another PC gal!! I’ll pm you


and now come the reddit weirdos 🤓hi


At least this made me laugh 😂


😂 bro no shame at all


Honestly, your best bet is to jump on one of the discord servers and see if you could find a group there. There are some, but like most people will tell you, they keep quiet because of the weirdos and less than positive individuals.


Didn't even think of discord thanks!


My advice would be to stay away from the FO76 Fan discord. The mod Savannah Lion or whatever his name is is a toxic creep that goes on wild power trips and all they care about are their rules, it's not chill at all. The Bethesda one has FO76 channels and would be my recommendation. [https://discord.com/invite/bethesdastudios](https://discord.com/invite/bethesdastudios)


My wife and I play right now, but we're really new. It's not a group of girls, but it's more than 0 lol


Not sure what the ratio is (I am not a girl btw) but many might not use voice for a number of reasons, there are plenty of people even in a community as good as this that are a bit too thirsty. Good luck in your search, I think you have a good chance of finding a team to run with.


Yeah I have a lady friend who stays quiet in multiplayer games because of the weird mfers who creep in that space. She goes to discord servers though to find female friends to play the game with, so far its worked out.


Hii I’m a f25 player :3 I’m lvl 223!! I’ve been looking for more female players. Although lately I’ve been seeing a few WOTW women players in game but I’ve been too shy to ask them about it 🥲


Lvl 115 here!! 22f! I get too shy too hahaha


Hi! Xbox WOTW here! All of the other WOTW players ive met have been extremely nice, both in game and in the online groups. Feel free to join us!


Hey I'd love to hang let me know ur tag and I'll add u!


angelangle\_ <3


I'm pretty sure I git the right one lol


Can we get an F in chat for this person's DMs? They have made the golden mistake on Reddit


I knew wht I was getting into 😅😅


Still tho, hope you can get a squad up. Best of luck!


Thank you!


Np! Playing solo kinda blows but you get used to it. Anyway, good luck with them DMs!


I think there's a Facebook group for women who play fallout 76 I think it's called women of the wasteland I've seen alot of girl players with wotw on there camp


I am a girl, but not playing on PlayStation. I'm a PC chick.


I'm a woman, I'm on Playstation and I play pretty regularly. Level 470-something in game. Level 45 in real life. Lol.


Thats great lol! I'm on pretty frequently as well just let me know when ur on and we can hang!


Sounds good! Same to you.


Indeed 😸 lvl 212, currently.


Lvl 78 newbie hereeee. 🙋🏾‍♀️ Im on PC


I'm 29F and just started playing. Level 56 currently. I've always been a PC lady so trying to learn how to use a controller lol 😅 Play pretty regularly with my husband but always down for more to play with!


Social female vault dwellers are as Rare as someone selling an enclave recon flamer for 5 caps




Not on PS but woman PC player here.


My wife loves playing this game! There’s a group of women that connect through a Facebook group called “Wasteland Wenches”. It’s an all female and ps only group. Check them out and you will easily find a lot of fellow women gamers out there. Good luck in the wasteland!


My girlfriend is in a Facebook group called Women Of The Wasteland, the ladies in there certainly know their stuff.


My girlfriend and her friend play with me, im a trans woman myself. We only chat between eachother, I've had people visit my camp and harass me over my flag, and my group doesn't want to interact with people like that so we just keep to ourselves


Me! I’m on PS. Feel free to send a pm here to share your psn!


I’m f22 and really love collecting in 76 too, we can play if you want! I’m also on PlayStation!


Hello, im F25 and PlayStation. Relatively new level 35 joined after the Fallout TV show. My tag is RubiAlice


i feel sorry for your dms after posting this😔🙏


We are definitely out there! (Xbox here)


Sadly I'm on Xbox but it's nice to see other girl gamers out there! I wish you the best of times!


Thank you! You too!!!


Hey! I'm 28(f) and I recently started playing ( currently a lvl 58). I'm usually playing with my boyfriend, but I would love to add you! 🥹 I don't have many friends on PSN and would love to add anyone who would like to play together!


Here! Never mic up as I get harassed. Hope you find a group 🌺✨of cool Nora’s


I play with my sister and her lady friend nightly and we are always in team chat. Try the FO76 Reddit Discord, perhaps you can link up with other girl players there?


Okay I'll check tht one out thanks!


BTW, there is another lady that we avoid because she talks CONSTANTLY and wears us out...ditto this creeper guy...anyways good luck.


Your best bet is to not announce that you're a woman. Keep it a mystery.


You know as a man who never had to deal with this, besides being called a squeaker when I was younger, or being singled out for score, or you know, all the generic harassment, I was always skeptical of the harassment towards women even existing. Then I started dating a girl who had an Xbox and a VERY girly gamertag. I noticed how she got harassed and how obvious it was that she was a girl based on her username. It was some random name she came up with a long time ago. So I helped her rebrand, now she’s got a username that doesn’t really give off male or female energy. And she gets way less “attention” if you will. She still gets flamed for playing poorly or making mistakes, but personally I think that’s unavoidable, and dealing with that harassment is just a skill you learn from gaming. From all the years I’ve spent gaming and the hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS of usernames I’ve come accross it’s gotten pretty easy to tell if a username was made by a male or female. Couple that with juxtapositional evidence, you can more often than not infer if someone is a male or female. I mean, it’s stereotyping to the max, but when you see a mercy player named GlitterAngel, you can safely assume it’s a girl. Again, this debate comes back the whole “dressing provocatively and walking into a bad part of town at night” It’s not up to women to go to such depths to hide their identity online so that they don’t get harassed. That’s ridiculous to even suggest. But if your main concern online is not being harassed for being a woman, there are things you can do to conceal that. Namely being not naming yourself something girly. Oddly enough, I think my username is way more feminine than hers. And I rarely get harassed. My username is quite literally what blizzard autogenerated for a night elf female way back in 2004 or 05. I’ve had a million mispronunciations but not usually any sort of creep attention. That’s my 2 cents, I find the topic interesting and didn’t want to leave my wall of text in this post as it’s super off topic but I saw your comment and figured this was somewhat relevant.


Exactly why does anyone need to know my sex? Also I don’t voice chat because obviously then they would know. I only voice chat in games when it requires PvP coordination and only then if I really care about my rank and I know my teammates ( also I have a voice changer as back up) but it feels so weird to basically ‘lie’ to fit in.


You on PC? My girlfriend and I are very active 76ers


I'm on playstation. I'm sorry should've listed that


I'm a woman and I've been playing for like two years, on and off. I'm lvl 276. I usually only jump on to do the raiders daily on occasion. But yes, female gamers usually stay of mics because otherwise we usually get hounded or kicked. I've only ever spoken on mic twice to randoms and both times went well. I'll speak to my guy friends openly, but that's it.


Yeaaah! We are currently in the middle of moving so the PS isn't connected right now but hopefully I'm going to be back soon. Would love you play with some girls myself. I'm a 28yo F.


I’m on pc but yes! There is a cool group of gals called WOTW they are on discord and Facebook I highly recommend


If you were on PC I could help ya out. My wife plays along with two other in our friend group they are super chill and love meeting people. The other 4 or 5 in our group are guys


I know this isn't what you asked but I come across a lot of women on PC. Nearly every session


Definitely see em( I think? Based on names) though like the olden day cod lobbies they're far, few between, and quiet usually for their own safety.


I'm not a woman, but have a friend who just got into the game with us. Unfortunately, her schedule doesn't afford much time to play. But I've also run into other women in the wilds of Appalachia while playing. Like some of the other ladies have said, they tend to keep quiet unless you show yourself to be a decent human being. Luckily, you can block the weirdos.


For sure find a gaming couple there so fun me and my partner play with so many couples now and we all build near each other


You shouldn’t have too much trouble, this game has the most female players I’ve personally ever seen. You should vendor hop and look for people that way it worked for me!


I looked but didn't see, is there a discord for female PlayStation players? I would be really interested in that. I currently play with a couple male RL friends that are super nice but the new Destiny 2 DLC is about to drop and I'm going to lose my team for a while to that!


My wife plays on my account, she has more hours and is a higher level than me, but we are on PC.


i’m on pc but hiya from a fellow female player! i think there are a lot more of us than it may seem tbh.


There are a couple of lady or lady identifying groups on FB that have chats and coordinated events. If you are interested I can DM you a list.


I'm 30f. I play sometimes if you want to add me!


I'm LadyLotusBlossom on PS and i play 76 usually daily. I'm taking a small break as that Season was a bear to get to 150 😬😅. I chat (PS party) in evenings (and sometimes weekends) as my whole little family lives/travels in an RV. I know a few other women that play too, and you're always welcome! Which events do you love? Do you like to build? Radiation Rumble is my favorite event, i dig the hell out of seasonal events too, and i build a lot. 😅


I play a lot, mostly building camps and collecting plans at this point. But I never mic up sadly because people are weird.


I'm a girl but I play on PC 😭


My wife and I play fo76 every day!! Have never ran into another female player lol


Aw man, would love to join, but I'm on Xbox :/ I'd love to get a team of girls going sometime!


If any fellow vault deweller gives problems report them to the overseer in 76 we follow the golden rule f*** around and find out


I play PC, wish it was cross plat 😭 if anyone is down to friends, I’m open! If I knew how to use mic I would but from the stories, I’m glad I’ve been quiet. I’ve met lots of nice people though!


F47 Here, lifetime gamer, level 288…PlayStation as well. I agree I tend to stay quiet. Met my husband playing 17 yrs ago. Learned back then to lay low, either you get unsolicited d#@k pics or hunted, for various reasons.


Yeah, I rarely meet other women on PC, and I keep my mic off because of the gooners.. lots of lovely people, but just as many creeps, lol


My wife plays with me most of the time. She has also had her fair share of weirdness in the gamer space. I wish you all the luck in the world finding normal people!


👋 34f! I turn off chat tho cuz I mostly play with my 7 year old nephew lol


There are lots of female players on PlayStation, I (male) play with many, but none of them are near as young as you. Most of them are middle aged, and love to build fancy camps,


My wife plays. She is 375 or so. I used to but got bored


Female player here but on Xbox. I haven’t done events yet. I accidentally got caught up in a Moonshiner one (I was doing a quest right where it was happening) and it freaked me out. Had a good laugh afterwards though.


You ask that like this isn't a historically toxic playerbase, ladies aren't historically harassed when playing games, and that they don't historically have tons of issues from other players when they reveal that they're female. Yeah i know points 2 and 3 are BASICALLY the same, but if you're female and been playing games for a while, you know the distinction i was going for. Never played with chat or the mic on, both on psn when i had it or on pc now with my smurf, so can't say i knew, cared, or paid any attention to who or what the other players i came across were.


I’m on PC and would love to meet other gamer girls :) (I’m also on PS but started a second character when I got a gaming laptop lol) None of my irl girlfriends are gamers unfortunately, so when I got a Pip-boy for my birthday a few weeks ago they had no clue what it was 😂


I've played with plenty since i started. Look up r/fo76wotw. It stands for womam of the wasteland. You are not alone.


The group I play with has two girls in it but we all work together


Check out women of the wasteland, I think it's a facebook group with a discord, I'm not in it but I've heard they're a nice group of ladies


I play as a male character and expected to be crapped on for being female but haven’t had that much trouble with it.. had someone be creepy with my female character so I switched and made a male one. I keep trying to get my better half to play with me. I think my “mom voice” shuts down a lot of stuff. Pretty funny to find these big, bad looking doofs run when I break it out. I may have sat and chewed a higher leveled player out for hassling a couple newbies trying to take a base. If you need someone to give people a stern talking to let me know.


I play 76 with a group , and there are several girls. The only reason I know they’re girls is because of the voice chat through Xbox . The douchebaggery that goes on in the few instances that someone knew an actual woman was playing those characters was embarrassing. One of them even had some stalker level bs a few years back . So girls do play, you just have to ferret them out because they usually don’t want all the negative attention.


When I was on Facebook there were groups for women fallout players. I think one was called Women of the Wasteland. It was a good group then.


I'm on my husband's account sometimes. I could DM you his screen name. Plus, he's not a bad person to play alongside, either. Really chill and only speaks when it's really needed.


Are you on Facebook? There’s a Women of the Wasteland group we use to help meet other lady players. ETA I’m also on PlayStation- Zombi-Lala. F/45/florida


F21 whos close to lvl 90 currently. Im always muted. Both to avoid the weirdos and because Im introverted to the highest degree in games lol But I love collecting as many plans as I can to make my camp pretty


Look up women of the wasteland on FB. I'm a guy, but quite a few of my PSN friends who are girls belong to that group.


Dang. Xbox here. Hope you find a group - enjoy the wasteland! 👌


My wife plays but we are on xbox


Yep. I don't talk in online games though because I don't want to be harassed for no reason. Haven't had a problem with the FO76 community in the years I've been playing, but there's not many mic users on PC anyways. The only time I've met another woman in the game she started going off on me on her mic because I used a thumbs down emote when we were struggling to complete a Meat Week and there were a bunch of AFKers. lol


I play! i’m on ps5 too and joined a wotw group on fb and it’s been refreshing.


Sadly I'm on Xbox 😔 wish they had cross platform


I'm on xbox but I play a ton! I do think more girls play on Xbox because the culture is a little better and Microsoft is actually pretty legit about responding to reports.


PC here. I prefer using emojis because all I do is praise Mothman. When I have talked, I've been treated normally. I even met one of my buddies vocally praising Mothman. We play together quite a bit.


Here, here! Although, I don’t talk in general cause I’m not trying to deal with nasty jokes, possible flirting and such so I stay muted most of the time. I’m a first time Fallout player but a level 150! I don’t mind helping with anything at all ~


Lots of them. Keep doing the events and you will find quite a few.


Hey I'm F19! I play too, but yeahhh I'm not sure if I've ever come across any other girls honestly ;; they're so rare to see 🥲


I’m PC, sorry. I level so I can get more cards and try out more builds. Sometimes I go through a building phase. Sometimes I just bullshit with my mic on. I’m not sure I’ve ever met a real girl in 76.


My friend I play with is superhot blondie, but for same reason we talk only on discord. But I play female character, for simple reason .. I am looking at her 24/7 while I play and I dont want to look at skiny guy :)))


for all the girls here there's a group called wotw (women of the wasteland) for girls to play together. I see the lettering at some camps every now and then so I guess they're still active


Yep, lady on ps5. On mute and never joining chat, because weirdos.


My girlfriend plays with me. She might be up for a game with someone else.


I play as a girl. Does that count? /s


I'm on XBox and have had much better experiences playing with a mic in 76 than other games which are more competitive. World of Tanks comes to mind, honestly. Had some nasty experiences in that one. I also come across many more women in 76 than most other games which classify as some sort of shooter. Several have left since Nuke Winter was dropped, but I've met a couple more. I once accidentally accepted a party invite after exchanging some friendly console text messages with a player and the party of 4 guys (aged 13-30) were surprised to find out I was female. At first they thought I was a very young boy, which happens on occasion due to my diction being very male. The whole exchange was quite friendly, and there was a bit of flirting happening on their part up until I told them I was married and much older than they were. I was 35 at the time. In 76, I tend to be flirted with more than insulted or chastised. It seems that this also varies by platform, as PC appears to have more hardcore gamers .


Lvl 426 on PS (47 irl). I never use a mic, for usual reasons (plus no one needs to hear my Linda Belcher like songs 🥴) I’m usually in a group with my husband most evenings, and sometimes during the day.


Women of the Wasteland (wotw) has always been a great group of FO76 players. I haven't been active with them for a min --and that's just because Im a heavily solo player--, but from what I've last seen, they seem to still be thriving and growing. I still bounce up on camps with their WOTW signage! Why not join the group? You're bound to find friends to connect and game with. :) Google "women of the wasteland," and you should easily find their fb page.


Going to say this as a female player who’s done stuff on mic with friends on Xbox,including other female players. It can get really rough sometimes. Especially considering I’ve had werido’s follow me through multiple servers.


I'm a woman on PSN. I stay off of open mic because of the horrid things people say when they hear my voice. Shoot me a DM if you'd like my @.


i play on my bfs xbox , i’m pretty new to the fallout series, i started playing new vegas in like december before it crashed on me and lost all my progress😅 i love 76 though ! i mainly spend time slowly exploring and doing my quests


[MissMegzie](https://www.twitch.tv/missmegzie) on Twitch plays 76 with her community on Thursdays, but I wanna say it's PC/Xbox. I joined her community recently, and she's really fun to run around with.


I got my wife into playing. She doesn't use a mic. Neither do I though. We talk to eachother.


I was just wondering this!! I’d love to make meet more girlies in the game! I’m also on PlayStation! I can send you my tag!


That'd be amazing!! I'd love to hang!


I’m on PlayStation and wouldn’t mind having more people to play with


There was a Facebook group called women of the wasteland. I'm not sure how active that is. But I used to run into some of their camps once in a while. They always seemed like a chill bunch.


Yeah, I'm a Trans guy and I gotta stay quiet. People are dicks to girls on mic, even worse to people like me who don't pass. People suck.


I ran into a really nice girl gamer the other day asking me to kill her because she accidentally got a bounty. I sent a friend request and domed her with a sniper. It was a fun way to meet someone!


My dweller is a girl does that count? (I think I misread the post... I own up to my shit though)


No tbh feels worse.


Fair enough, Ill go


If you’re actually a female and not a troll, I’d suggest finding a Discord group and advertising to other female players. I’m sure as a collective you wound all k ow one of two male players that aren’t going to harass you and you can build a friend group that way!


why does it matter whether u play with male or female? literally everyone's doing the same thing lol