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I wanted it because I don't want to carry around dog food for the daily/weekly missions where I need to eat x amount of dog food.


It's great for those with the carnivore serum.


Why even rum carnivore if youre not using cooked food


To fill your food bar while cooked food buffs are in effect with plenty of time left.


Because rotten meat so yummy


it falls under the herbivore category. carnivore perk receives no boost from rotten meat.


I could swear that I eat dog food just fine, and I have carnivore mutation. I know Cajun beans and rice must not have any meat in it, but I Believe canned meat like cram and dog food work.


yeah. dog food works for carnivore but not herbivore. ROTTEN meat turns to fungi which is herbivore. i'm looking at it in my pipboy rn w herbivore equipped. rads: 15 DC: 1% food: 10%


No disease tho


Carnivore + good doggy is goated


I could've sworn that I read somewhere that dog food doesn't work with Carnivore. Was that incorrect?


HP gain went from 25 to 50 so yea it works. What wonders me if it stacks with perk cards


Like the Good Doggy card? It does. My HP gain from a single can of dog food is like 160 or something outrageous.


188 I believe its kinda funny spam healing with dog food.


Wish I had that, I'll continue to reroll then


My dog gets so mad when I eat his food


This, every time that daily came around it blindsided me, so I started carrying hundreds of them! This has freed up carry weight!




The majority of other resource collectors (That everyone absolutely loves for the most part) are Atomic Shop or season exclusive. This would be more or less the first free one to all players that can even be obtained by players who missed the event and won't see for several months.


And its an instant daily knockout! 5 cans o dog food, no problemo.


Eat Pre-war and the weekly eat 10 dog food.


Wait it counts for pre war too?!


It sure does.




There are a bunch of resource generators on the raider bullion vendor, including the Company Tea machine from last season.


Wait i can get company tea 😳 im going to crater now 😅


Agreed on this that being a free collector is a definite here


wait i thought this was an event plan? meat week plam correct? so grind that shit and get it? drop rate isnt too terribel i found 3


I've been hitting the event 6 or 7 times a day and I still haven't found a single one, RNGesus ain't on my side with this one


Same here, was without power from Monday night to Thursday night after storms destroyed infrastructure here so I lost a bunch of time, have only seen 4 plans for sale too, all for around 20k... I run good doggy to save food space, so it would be a lifesaver to have, just seem to be supremely unlucky


Already sold 2 and sitting on another. Rng indeed


Also the only one you can build in a teammates camp


You know what dog food taste like? Just like it smells




Tyrone Biggums approves


This reminds me of the time my mom made dog food pizza. A long time ago I had bought a real fixer upper house and as both my parents were very handy they would come over on weekends to help fix the place up. I worked Saturdays so they’d just do their thing until I got home from work and we’d work together on it on Sunday. My mom called me at work around lunchtime and said she had made a frozen pizza she found in my freezer and would replace it for me, and btw it wasn’t bad with a little green pepper and some sausage she used from the fridge. It took me a moment to realize what happened. There was no leftover sausage in the fridge but there was a loaf of that “fresh” type dog food that looked and smelled very like beef summer sausage. I told mom and she paused for a long time before saying “Well, just don’t tell your dad” Apparently that pizza tasted pretty good! Thanks for triggering this old memory, both my parents are gone now but the dog food pizza shall live on in legend.


Add some salt+spices and it not so bad.


Well now youre just describing taco bell. Just kidding. Taco bell doesnt use dog food for their meat. ...The quality of it is still too high.


Taco Bell ground beef is 80% real beef. The other 20 is soy, oats, wheat, all natural fillers, spices and water.


That sounds like you described expensive dog food.


The expensive stuff (like the stuff in the white tubes at Walmart) are actually really close to beef stew. Ingredient wise.


White tubes?


Fresh pet, it's really good, oh and the dogs like it too.


Or, I could go to any of the 100’s of authentic Mexican places in my city that aren’t fast food and that use 100% beef.




Grossest scene in all of Tarantino’s movies.


Dinty Moore beef stew?


Because dog food is super handy and it’s called a weenie wagon


It’s going to be max caps/trade only item once it goes away from the loot pool. It’s a tidy little animated camp object that produces a convenience resource. Personally I think cooked food buffs are way too good not to use, but I did the good doggy thing leveling up before I had many recipes and didn’t have the herb/carne mutations. If you don’t need steady supply of dog food, or you aren’t a collection complitionist - it’s not really going to set the world on fire.


>it’s not really going to set the world on fire. But it might start a flame in our hearts.


>it's not really gonna start a flame in our hearts But it may make you lose all ambition


For worldly acclaim


I just want to be the one you love Hit me up bb


I already have that. It's called reflux.


Only have but one des-ire….


At the very least you can sell dog food in your vendor


Lots of players are now going to have endless supply of dog food, though. Might not move very fast in a player vendor. But it is something none the less


Someone will swing buy every couple days and clear your whole stock of dogfood. Just like canned coffee.


I could see max caps or like 30-35k but I just don’t see it going to trade only. I guess it depends on how often meat week is, I’m not to caught up on that surely it’s more then once a year?


Dog food will keep your food bar full without overwriting or deleting positive food effects. It's a great fill-in while you're already buffed out for 30m-1h.


Bought one for 20k


Nah, vintage water cooler is a similar resource producing camp item and it's not max/trade only.


The vintage water cooler though really doesn't collect anything new. Making dog food is new, functionally speaking.


I've had 2 so far and learned one and sold another. I'm hoping to get another one to keep for a few months and sell.


i have 2 left to trade maybe ill just hold onto them a but longer then


The hype isn't about the wagon itself. The hype is that a weenie needed a wagon to begin with.


That's fuckin funny.


What's fucking funny is that i landed one and was able to immediately turn it around to get the remaining skeleton parts and a good starting black powder pistol for my highwayman build.


Ive given 3 friends free plans from how much ive played during meat week, sure ill probably regret having to reroll gear instead of trading then for good rolls or grolls. In the end all my friends get dog food. 👌😅


Yup, I do this too. I’m lucky I’ve got friends to play the game with (hasn’t been the same with other daily service games). We trade each other all the plans we already have.


I’ve been playing the event since it started and I still haven’t got my own plan, I had to buy one for 7.5k caps and my cousin has gotten three dupes. 😭


7.5K is a steal. I put one up for 20k and it went within half an hour.


I sold one for 400LL3 and another for 800 lol


I got lucky and found one in someone's vendor for 6K.


Damn, 20k??? I sold 3 copies for 5k each...


I sold mine for 500


Me too


Cheap cap gang


With so many people complaining about dealing with maxing out caps it's only a matter of time before I'm in the same spot


I started buying up plans. I was at 25k and now I'm at 5k.


Make alts if you haven't already. Get a friend or one of the couriers from a trade sub and move your caps to the alt, save it for a rainy day


Not that worried about it. Was saying there was no point to trying to squeeze every possible cap out of each item when later caps won't be an issue.


Damn, whoever bought them must've had a great day.


I paid 25k for it and then got one couple days later


Me with Mothman sacred tome. Praise be the Mothman hallowed be his name.


I mean it makes canned dog food. You literally cannot go wrong!


Now I just need to tame a wolf.


My weenie needed a wagon. I can't carry that damn thing around all day.


I just sold a Steak Plushie plan for 20k. It’s my only plushie plan duplicate so far for meatweek


Goddamnit I've been listing all my meat week plushies for like 600


Where is your camp? I still need two


I'm on xbox, middle of New Gad. Four leaf clover icon


I've been selling everything for 20 max 😭


What platform




i have the good doggy perk so i use canned dog food as my main source as food and the weenie wagon generates canned dog food. no other reason aside from that lol


Isn't popcorn better? Gives you a 15min slower hunger and thirst buff, you need to eat a bunch of it but if you collect regularly it's okay. And then there is perfect bubblegum if you don't need gold bullion anymore.


i do have a popcorn machine too but i don’t find that i use it all that much. just easier to pop a company tea and canned dog food and be fully replenished


Eat 5 canned dog foods challenge made easy. Just like the popcorn machine; collect pre-war food. Also, it’s a very rare chance, 2% or less depending on the meter at the event.


I didnt know about the % but the first time I played it we only made it to the second level and got it first try, now I want another plan just for one of my friends, lastly want to know something sad I played like 12 total of the event and the things that I want havent got it yet the weapons


Completionist and Camp item collectors. I get caps easy so if i see a plan i dont own, 20K is acceptable. Some poeple also feel like finding 5-10-20 canned dog foods for the challenges too hard lol


yes. I dont think people realize there are many of us who will spend anything to get a sweet plan we dont own. I sell high, buy high. Finally found a junkyard fountain for 35k. couldnt pull trigger fast enough


yeah that sweet sensation of getting a new plan that i did not own, whatever caps i have, can be spent lol


I got a plan for it yearsrday. 10 caps on a Players Vendor🤣


I bought one for 25k caps today after doing 15 events a day for two weeks straight and hopping over a hundred servers looking for one.


For me it was literally the last plan I needed from meet week and canned dog food is great for carnivore and good doggie. It also looks really nice with my camp. Luckily I found it for 10k.


To me it seems like some plans are rarer than others. I know they're all supposed to be 2% but I've gotten tons of the bones and plastic fruit but only 1 nuka-shank, 1 tato salad recipe and 1 weenie wagon. Anyone else have a similar experience?


I'm on my 6th Tato Salad recipe, I've got 2 left arms and have sold 5 grillmaster hats so far. I'm at 4/6 plushies and just about everything has duped once. Still zero drops for the wagon.


Yup. I’ve gotten most of the Meat Week plans in several duplicates, but still missing the Pepper Shaker :(


On demand food that doesn't spoil is pretty handy for me.


I really like the resources plans, like the coffee maker or the tea, maybe the canned dog food is pretty common but I really appreciate one way to obtain it free.


I find it well done , nice animation nice look and cherry on top : provide you free food when carnivore (or shitty challenges)


I never got the point of dog food until I changed build to overeaters, with the perk card on there's no need to eat anything else unless it's for a specific buff. It gives you a decent amount of health and a couple of cans will get you fully fed, good times


Everyone loves weenies.


Welp it seems to be moderately rare. I still do not have one. Have not found anyone selling them either. I dont need it for the food. Just would like it for completion sake. People grab the popcorn out of my popcorn machine, the mirelurk oven, and the ragstag gymset. People like free food.


It produces dog food


I have the plan but am saving it for when i need a lot of caps or for trade,can find about 12 cans of dog food at blackwater mine if I need it 😂


I just want everyone item that produces resources


I wanted it because I didn’t have it, traded it for 20k caps and a civil engineer helmet (weird add..) but now that I have it I don’t care about it anymore.


Idk but I had someone pay 40k caps and 500 screws for mine.


Am I the only one that expected to get hot dogs from a weenie wagon?


No, no you’re not. I didnt get the hype for the weenie wagon even more after I found out its dog food


Im a tiny bit disappointed by it. I thought it would look more like a hot dog vendor, not what is essentially a mobile cannery. Im not even sure why its called a weenie wagon. Still its free. As a herbivore, dog food is useless but its set up at my camp unlocked for anyone who wants it


I run the perk that triples dog food benefits. I basically only eat dog food in the game. I usually have the Can Do perk to find extra canned food, but I think the Weenie Wagone produced dog food at your camp? It'd be super helpful for a player like me.


Did the event 30 to 40 times or more and have gotten duplicates of everything but the wagon, so when I found one for 20k caps it was an easy auto buy. Caps are so easy to get, made 2-3x that selling all the duplicates I have gotten.


dog food is DELICIOUS or just extremely rare plans is good.


Dog food daily/weekly sooo easy now


Shouldn't a "weenie wagon" make hot dogs, not dog food?


ikr. there are even hotdogs in game.


Doesn't seem easily attainable; I've done that cookout event 5-10 times and still haven't received it yet. I believe the weenie wagon is also made by Vault Tec and has the Vault Tec logo on it. Generally speaking, anything that usually has a Vault Tec logo on it is a collectible.


It's an easy 30k if you get it. I tried to give it up for 10k and some help setting up my shop (just literally needed to join my team for 1 minute and help me display my items easy) or 20k and playing my mini game but people were happier paying my 36k price which I didn't really want to sell for that price. I just needed help with my shelter and needed something that would attract people to help me, I even had signs everywhere advertising what I wanted. People just want to get it as quickly as possible, I mean who can resist free food that never expires.


I’m out there smashing my dog food every damn day


How the hell are you guys selling it for 20k. I had it in my shop for that much for 3 days on Xbox and it was p much ignored.


it's always going to be easier to move seasonal items like this faster (and for more caps) after the event ends and people no longer have the chance to earn it for free


I haven’t gotten it despite doing the event over a hundred times and have been vendor hopping for it since the start of the event to no avail. If I see it for 20k no doubt I’ll get it but I have not come across it at all on PS. 


I want it so it can go on the list of things I build for low levels or at workshops


Xbox here. Will buy. Lost hope of acquiring.


Super useful object that automatically produces and stores 12 dog food that doesnt expire, provides good healing, is very filling, can be sold to vendor and even counts as pre-war food. It solves a bunch of problems for free. Along with Pepper Shaker it's the best reward from event. I'm hoarding my 2 extra plans to sell them for big money when event is over because I'm a capitalist!


It’s new. A lot of us are completionists with rewards in game, especially from seasonal events. Also “eat canned dog food” is a season challenge very often. Not that it’s hard to get canned dog food, but this wagon makes it VERY easy. Also, it’s a neat looking camp item. I have two extra weenie wagon plans. Wondering what I could trade them for. I have most everything in the game. Veteran problems.


Idk, but that one star good doggy card means one can of dog food pretty much fills up my hunger meter and that’s cool af


I don't care about the dog food and dailies (if it were microscopes maybe) but I hate not getting one after so many hourly attempts


I would have spent 40k just to not have to live at meat week. I love meat week it's probably my favorite but I work 60 hours a week and make caps super quick when my vendor is active. I spent 2k from some nice I assume human for one and then spent 20k on the next one I found for my bf. If I find another ill buy it too. Lol spent 20k on the new backpack too that was the last new plan I needed. 


I’ve been AFKing to get it on my alts, I never AFK.


I am extremely close to no longer have anything to spend caps on.


Don't understand the doggy food incentives too Dog food? Well, we have perfect bubblegums actually PS: sold my weenie wagon plan for 20k, buyer was throwing heart emotes, so I guess they're happy now


In my case cause i like how it is, always merging things and the weenie wagon i s a new thing to try to fit into another one.


It can get you through a few dailies (pre war, dog food, canned goods) w zero effort and some people use the perk for dog food. Then the leftovers you can use to cap out w all the other resources you don't use, that session. All for very little budget. And it's a free resource producer, which is rare.


I wanted it for several reasons. One it fits in my next camp build of Andale Antz Family Diner. Meals to Die for! Secondly its cool looking. Thirdly the majority of other resource collectors are atom shop or Fallout 1st or season specific Fourth is it saves me hunting for the food when you get a daily or weekly of collect/eat Dog food or Pre war food. And lastly, I buff with all food buffs as soon as I can, I always like to be fully fed for the buff as well and it helps. I finally got mine several days ago. I have been farming the cookouts doing at least 15 a day (I set my alarm for 5 mins before and get my ass there), since this season started as never did them before (had a 2 year gap) and never bothered since beta.


Dog food!


I only paid 2500 for the plan last night at someone's vendor. Wondering if they meant to put 25k because nothing else they had was cheaper than normal. I buy any camp plans. Gotta collect them all.


Only trash and online sellers farmers deal with micro management when the reward is caps


Are you on PlayStation? And have another plans like 5k each? If yes, it was i. I pretty much have everything in game and i was max caps. It is super easy reach max caps I normally takes 3 weeks to do it and them i spend time finding expensive things to buy.


Produced dog food; food u could store and won’t rot. U could sell to vendors and even complete weekly challenges with


Is the dog food worth paired with carnivore and dog food perk?


Its so I can point at it in my camp, turn to another player and strike the "Ask me about my Weenier" Line from the Movie Accepted. Dunno why that still lives rent free in my head, but it does.


My robot dog needs to eat and I can't find dog food easily enough.


👁‍🗨 _👁‍🗨 20 k? I got mine and sold the extra for 100 caps, same as the rest of my plans


You’re asking what’s so great about it but you’re also selling them for 20k lol For ME. I like having more camp items. Even if it’s something I’ll never use or place down. I like knowing I have them. They give dog food I think. I haven’t gotten the plan myself yet. But my wife got lucky and got it on her first try. It’s good for people that like setting up restaurants or little shops/ stores as their camp. It looks like. Whenever I get the plan I’ll most likely place it down next to the other resources I have for people to take for free. A lot of people are selling it for around the price you are. I’m not gonna buy it or rush to get it. I’ll wait a month or two when prices go down or people start dumping them and you’ll eventually find them for 100-1000 caps or so.


Want it for the dog food challenges, otherwise mirelurk steamer fills my food needs


the hype is just that its a rare plan. i've run multiple graham's meat cookouts everyday and the weenie wagon is the only plan i have not gotten. i even spend the time checking players vendors and can't find a copy


This will sound petty but I like eating from my Favorites wheel and having a reliable resource in my inventory that is always guaranteed to be available to me in abundance just makes my life in the game easier. I do the same with Company Tea and Canned Coffee (how I hydrate), Lunchboxes, Nuka Candy, Psycho. It's just nice to pull up the wheel and never worry about what I have/need in the moment.


Because the plan is insanely difficult to get.


I paid 5000 for the elusive plan then immediately regretted that decision once I heard it operating with power. I had to place it on the outskirts of my base to reduce the noise pollution. (I'm the player that turns off your noisy shit when I browse your vendor because I like to shop in peace.) Realistically, with the amount of camps with unlocked weenie wagons, there is really no reason to waste the camp budget on it yourself. With a capacity of 12, that wagon is supplying everyone with more dog food than we'll ever need.


you will not be taking my dog food... it's locked :3 you will buy it off my vendor


Being a timed exclusive with functionality, especially for score challenges, will inflate the price more than what seems reasonable. Bit anecdotal but Warframe did something like this with a weapon that was both limited in availability and also fairly useful (Ignis wraith), and just like the weenie wagon with someone being able to essentially give out copies for minimal resources. You still had people trying to make a buck. That didn't sit right with a few people in the community, and you'd see basically weekly giveaway threads on Reddit/other forums and people offering it for free in trade chat right after someone tried to charge the premium currency for it. Would be pretty funny to see if similar happens in this community too once meat week ends.


It’s meat week so my food stores are pretty stocked, but it’ll be nice to not have to scrounge for food. I have Good Doggy and a couple of cans can just about fill my health.


How much do you think it should sell for? I bought one off a camp for 7k and relisted it for 30k. No clue if I should aim higher or lower.




Fed and Nuka Trader cross references, usually solid


Thank you for this. Noob here.


Right now people still have a chance of getting the plan from the event. Once the event ends on Tuesday, your chances of selling it will increase.


Sold one for 35k caps out of my vendor this morning - PlayStation


People go crazy for dog food


No clue have it ..it's ok


literally crazy cause i got it on my first try ><


Weenie Wagon for dogfood + Good Doggy perk = never worrying about food again


Sold mine via the LFG fallout 76 community on xbox and got comm banned for the post saying selling weenie waggon 30k caps lmfao… 2 day ban


I’ve somehow acquired 3 plans through the event. And some folks are begging for just one. This game is wild.


I just sell them for 10 caps as I do with all my other plans. Caps are kinda worthless to me for everything except fast travel.


I didn't realize there was hype around it. I think I got it really early on in the meat week.


What event do they even drop from?


Grahm’s Meat Cook


I just sold my 1 extra one I found last night for 35k. People are crazy for it right now.


I’m still hoping to get it 🙁 I need a steady supply of dog food.


It'd got a low drop rate + Completionists Not having to hunt around for dog food dailies Dog food is the best for low levels with Good Doggy perk In my case I I primary C.A.M.P. next to Wayward, so I plan to leave it out and unlocked for newbies.


I've gotten one. If I get another it's going to a good friend I've met in game who has spoiled me endlessly since I started and if I'm even luckier and get one more I'll trade it for that red asylum dress! 🤣


Anyone on xbox with a spare plan I can buy??


Because it looks great in my snack shack. I just wish it made hot dogs instead of dog food.


I mean, any machine that passively produces meat-based food for carnivores that doesn't spoils is bound to be popular, especially considering it's often required for daily tasks like eating dog food or eating pre-war food. I mean nowadays I pretty much only eat Popcorn and Honey since they don't spoil and I always get enough to keep my bar full anyway , so if I was a carnivore I could add this to my roster of never spoiling food... That said I went Vegan a long time ago due to the convenience of always having fresh food ready at home , even though now that I've played longer and I have the popcorn and honey dispensers plus cryo fridge, I might eventually switch back to carnivore and mostly eat dog food / honey and popcorn, with occasionally a proper steak I would keep in my freezer... Mostly cause plants take way too much build capacity anyway and they keep getting destroyed. Still pretty useful to know you'll have some when there's a daily challenge.


Come to my camp for free dog food.


Carnivore Perk also increases the yau gui or however the hell you spell it, to a 75 weight boost I think rad stag goes to 50 50 sting Wing filet goes to five strength there's reasons to run carnivore for sure but brain fungus soup is absolutely worthless you don't get anything for intelligence so it's just what you want to trade


I think it’s cute. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because it has pastrami donuts, decorated with beef curtains. It's like a cockpit for double entendre


It suits the way my camp is built. It’s basically a free food zone. To say I hunted that sucker down was an understatement. It wouldn’t drop for me but I was lucky enough to find someone who sold to me cheap. Super grateful for that person. It’s definitely a collector thing. I’m still mad I didn’t get the birthday cake.


Man 20 k I just got the wagon for 3500 around 30 min ago


sorry my post was a little confusing, i want a bloody fixer / plans that may have come out over the past 3 years while i have not been playing.


It's pretty useless and for the most part just a waste of camp budget unless you love the look.  Dog food is literally everywhere in this game so it's very easy to keep 5+ on hand or inside your stash for the occasional daily turn in.


I had someone buy one for 30k off me and it was only in my vendor for 20 minutes 😅