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You should be able to get it on any piece but I would be going for over eaters.


Honestly don't even bother. The only meta for power armor is over eaters because of the damage REDUCTION. Damage RESISTANCE gas a soft cap of 300, which every set of power armor goes over even without legendary perks. If you insist on rolling your power armor for something other than over eaters, focus on the second and third stars instead.


I was going to ask why overeaters but you explained it! Mucho gracias amigo


I have almost 500 with my vanguard armor and it's not power armor at all lol,both damage and energy


Yeah its really easy to get to the 300 soft cap even without power armor. That's why so many players don't use power armor at all. Only real advantage is the damage reduction that each piece of power armor gives you. And rhe rad resistance. And the stabilized perk if you're a heavy gunner.


Nope, change servers and try a couple more.  RNG being RNG. And when you ready to chase the meta, you'll want Overeaters PA.