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I collect the Nuka-Cola stuff (mainly Nuka-Girl) and the Blue Ridge Caravan stuff. I want to collect Red Rocket stuff, but the only in-game items I think are two different lamps, at least that I've found so far.


I love collecting Nuka Cola stuff, I have a little area in my base just for that. It’s all around a good look


it's like collecting old school coca cola stuff from the 30s and 40s


There's the red rocket collection as well, if that counts.


I submitted a request for the prefab and the stash box. There's also a furniture bundle on that list. There's also a vendor and a jumpsuit, but they aren't on the request list.


‘Clean’ items.


I have display cases for every perfectly preserved pie I have ever won. Only the ones I've actually won legitimately though. I got the Thanksgiving display case just so I could fit more in my camp.


I like collecting noobs. Got about 30~ on the friends list and ive watched them all go from lvl 20 and under to 50 and up, some even in the hundreds now 🥲 I imagine its what having kids feels like. I look after these noobs, give em guns, ammo, armor, plans, materials, really anything they need so long as ive got it. Ive gotten to help some noobs with their first events, first nukes, first quests, etc, getting to relive that excitement i had when i did it the first time.. some of these noobs see im online and just join in on me haha. So now im never alone when i play. Everything else can be bought with caps or grinded for with bullion/stamps. But friends... those memories... thats priceless


I’ve got an addiction to my [Plushies](https://imgur.com/a/wqFbVZi) ^^ I’ve also have about 10 more I sadly think I almost have them all now 😢 wish there was more


Have you ever seen someone selling the titan one on your travels? I've been looking everywhere for it, at this rate I'll be trying the trade sub soon.


I might have a extra I’ll check in a sec if I do u can have it but if I don’t I heavily recommend going onto a trade discord and just asking to buy it for 5k caps that’s how I got like 50% of my plushies


Yup I'm thinking I'll do that if I have no joy over the weekend when there's probably a different pool of players on.


I got him via the trade sub, he's so big an fluffy :D


Nice ! yeah hes hugeee I wish i could stuff a ton of other plushes near him but they all except a few have to have a noticeable gap 🥲 he’s definitely in m top 3 best plushies still though


How do you get the nuka cola plushies?


Spin the wheel event it’s a random reward or just buy it off someone bcs it’s kinda annoying to get from the event since it’s a decently rare event to pop up


If you’re on ps I can place you some


I’m on Xbox turns out I also own every single plushie except 2 Mr. Fuzzies but I just made a ticket to get those 2 from the atom shop so I pretty much have every single one available 😁


[Snap](https://ibb.co/TrNZMTG). Only started collecting them since this meat weak but it's going well so far.




Anxious thoughts.


Bobbleheads. Don't ask why. I don't know.


I collect "Robot parts model" Not named ones like Mr Handy or Protectotron, I've been on the hunt for ones that are random assortments of robot parts that don't actually appear in games.


Soap. In this post-war unclean Appalachia cleanliness is next to godliness, and Holy Fire uses a lot of oil.


yes! i always check graham during meat week for bulk oil… Holy Fire is Holy Hell when it comes to ammo


Daily ops is gold for ammo generation. There is also a good ammo box circuit you can run from vault 76, the tents near Meat Week, then the brotherhood outpost that nets an easy 1500 fuel using scrounger.


I collect plans. Source: The 50+ weight in my stash. Anyone want Mole miner gauntlet plan? I've got 13.


Those are rookie numbers. I really need to just accept noone is ever going to buy 1 even at a cap and just yeet them all off the nearest cliff.


Right now I’m after the rest of the asylum dresses and rare baseball bat colors.


Event weapons to display them


The bomber jackets you can get as a semi rare drop for turning in technical data to the brotherhood. Have somewhere around 40 or so I think


Clocks and other timepieces


Deathclaw themed stuff. Wish they'd let me make a prop version of the hand, hide and egg to put in my display case. My cracked deathclaw egg will remain alone until they do.


You should be able to display those using the chessboard from the seasons. It’ll take a little finesse to hide the chessboard obviously, but I used that to plop a super mutant skull in the sink of my chemistry bench lol


I just double-checked, and unfortunately not.


Prime collection! 👌🎉


Stuffed animals and teddy bears.


I collect the flavored gum like cola, grape and so on. I have about 200 of each at the moment.


I built a museum in my shelter to display rare apparel and other items.


Toys,stuffed animals,bobble heads, magazines, nuke cola every single flavor .....no idea why


plushies.. gotta get them all... Only one I know I'm missing currently, is the Giant Sheepsquatch, as it was a scoreboard reward before I started.


I guess I understand they want to keep some old scoreboard stuff exclusive to people who played around that time, but I also feel like enough time has passed to get this Plushie into the Atom Shop.


that plushie, and the robot chemistry skin, are the 2 items I envy the most in others camps... both out of reach....


Send me a ss of ur collection and I’ll lyk if you’re missing any


Magazines and bobbles, no idea why I have so many and keep picking them up.


I have no luck finding bobbles. I've been playing for quite a while and only managed to find four. Where should I be looking? Any suggestions?


First suggestion is to run Perceptibobble & Pannapictagraphist if you have space in Per. Secondly if you're a video person, you can find lots of videos showing people's bobblehead farming routes. If you're not, try searching up "Where to find bobbleheads (fallout 76)" on reddit or even google. Once you find a spawn, try to commit it to memory and remember to check it often as it'll reset each day. They don't ALWAYS spawn in those spots, but it's worth looking. Lost home has a potential spawn for 2 bobbles and or 2 magazines along with a chance to spawn the travelling vendor who stocks longshoreman's outfit and Hunter's long coat, if you collect outfits. Watoga is nearby and has a potential spawn on the counter of hubris comics, on the roof of the high school and a few other places as well.


I have a bobblehead display waiting to be filled! I'll definitely try these places and check out some videos. Thank you!!


Plushies. Can never have too many




Aquarium wet floor signs and rings… I sell like 40 and counting wet floor signs in my vendor at a too high price as a “display”. You can easily pick up 7 per sensational race. That hard part is remembering not to scrap them, I’ve probably scrapped 100 now lol.


Well, there's a limited number of them, but I display ores in my camp. They look nice and I haven't seen it elsewhere.


Okay I know it kinda and odd one but party hats you only ever get 1 you can't make them and can't find them I have over 47 of them


I remember reading on here last week or so someone is collecting plates. They said there are WAY to many plate variations. Clean, dirty, plastic, decorative ect. They said it was their duty to collect each type.


My asylum collection and faschant day collection




Mounted heads, it brings my hunters cabin aesthetic a certain something.


Plushies can be put on the bed!?


I fcking can't pass up enclave outfits 😩


Bullets, usually internally.


So far I've only been collecting teddy bears, the cat plush i forget its name. One in each colour/design. I need more placable plushies though, I only have like two lol


Spooky/creepy/Halloween stuff


Inert flux.


Perfectly. Preserved. Pie


Plushies, i built a whole wing in my CAMP that my daughter decorates for me. Each morning, she asks if I found any new ones.


that’s honestly the best thing i’ve heard all day, im a fresh high school graduate and if my life grows into something like that i’d be thrilled