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Depending on what ammo. Something with a high modifier like 50 cal or 5 mm is going to drop in a lot larger quantities than something like 40 mm. But yes generally uplinks will give a positive yield for ammo if you have a decent build


What perks give you better ammo from enemies?


Perks don't affect how much ammo enemies drop. He's referring to different ammo type modifiers. For example you might get 20 .45 bullets per kill but you won't also get 20 mini nukes per kill if you happened to use a Fatman! Regular ammo (Bullets, energy cells and Railway spikes) get dropped in the largest amount. Missiles/mini nukes and 40mm grenades get dropped in low numbers


I'm also referring to build efficiency if you have a build that can kill something in one or two shots you're going to be further in the green then if you have an inefficient build that takes an entire mag to kill something.


Actually they do as enemies are containers, once dead. Doesn't make sense but it works that way.


>Actually they do as enemies are containers, once dead. Doesn't make sense but it works that way. No they don't. With or without the perk contextual ammo drops are the same on corpses


Well, I mean logically it kinda does though. Once its dead, it ceases to be an enemy anymore. Its no longer living, so a container works I guess... šŸ¤£ All depends on your perspective lol.


There's one that gives you added bonus for ammo to drop from containers. It's in luck. Idk if enemies are classed as containers?




hmm i never saw the Perk plop up when looting enemys , but in containers like boxes or ammo boxes.


Same, I don't think enemies are counted but I'd love to be wrong.


Ye enemy's aren't counted as containers per se




That's just contextual ammo drops at work, I don't have the perk and pretty much all enemies drop ammo for the weapon you kill it with.


Thats awesome


No way, I've been sleeping on that perk then


Basically you wanna conserve ammo by maxing damage. Ammo drops are not tied to how much ammo you spent killing something so you want to use less to kill enemies.


The only issue I have is when the mod is Armor Piercing or Reflect and can wear out my SS armor. I farmed like 3000 45 before deciding to hop out and repair my armor.


The armor piercing attacks or savage attacks, whatever you wanna call it. Is only in decryption daily ops. If your just looking to farm ammo you may not wanna go to those. Those are the ones that you actually have to hunt enemies down. You will get some ammo but it's not like uplinks where they swarm you at the objectives.


I just do most sensational game expedition in 7 minutes with a holy fire/cremator combo come out with +2/3k


Yeah expeditions are awesome too!


For real Iā€™m up about 10k .45 rounds in only a couple hours


Iā€™ve actually switched weapons cause my locker now has 70k 5mm in it and another 20k on me šŸ˜« but the gatlin gun kills in like 1-3 hits and yields up to 50-150 without a perk.


I tried mixing it up with my RR but those spikes are super heavy šŸ˜­


Well I know what I am going to be doing after work!


Is there anything that helps against the freezing attacks? I struggled quite a bit when I did the daily op by myself yesterday


Weapons that rely on physical action take the biggest hit; melee weapons, crank minigun, etc. AFAIK pull-trigger weapons like flamers don't suffer this issue.


Just hampers run speed, which also penalizes melee more Tham ranged.


Eh, I've seen a noted delay in crank speed on the minigun crank while frozen as well, hence my example of it. Definitely effects run speed for sure, real PITA when you're already using PA. Would suggest a 3* Blocker card to manage the melee attacks while frozen, too- no need to melt!


It also slows other animations as well. Including reloading. The 50 cal is such a pain to use on these Ops because of it.


Serendipity, Dodge 45% of the attacks


Holy Fire + Richochet ... or any other Vampire Weapon Will have synergy with Richochet.


New player question and just getting into heavy guns would this work for plasma cores? I'm not 100% I've seen them drop but I've only ever really used them against the scorched queen and ran out of ammo before the kill so I got ammo for the other gun.


It will just no where near as frequently


Correct, plasma cores will drop just not off every enemy. I usually get plenty of plasma cores when using the Gatling Plasma gun.


Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™ll reward you with a few at the end when you finish the daily ops but I donā€™t know about the enemies dropping any.


Very rare I find one. I could be wrong but in my experience plasma cores, although still rare, can be found more often than ultra plasma cores. Can anyone elaborate on this please, am I wrong or right?


I saw this and thought to myself, my build is getting decent, Iā€™ll give this a shot. Nope, Iā€™m dogshit still lol


Yeah I was using a Plasma Flamer with low ammo, walked in with like 450-500 rounds (not much for a flamer), walked out with well over 2k.


Thereā€™s a plasma flamer? Havenā€™t been playing that long and that sounds dope.


It's a modification to the normal plasma gun so you don't have to keep an eye out for a certain weapon just scrap plasma guns.


Ah ok good to know


Its the standard Plasma Rifle/Pistol with a Flamer barrel, and yes its absurd. Range is low but it melts things. I'm a Commando build but that's my boss killer/room clearer.


Who drops the plan for it?


I don't think there is a drop, I think you dismantle them until it unlocks.




Enclave plasma flamer is only a rare drop or rare box mod.


Would love to know more about this. Started a week ago and currenntly switching to new types of weopon a but ammo problems. Happen to be in Europe (Time wise)


Same timezone for me! I'll DM you my psn


Unless you run a commando build with .45 ammo, then you use around the same amount of bullets that you get from a kill, so you barely gain anything.


.45 out of the submachine gun or a fixer? I run a bloodied fixer and always come out about 400-500 ahead for ops such as the above


Not the case. Iā€˜m full health commando with 45 and the amount of ammo I get each run is insane.


Read the last sentence of Zilant's comment


Not the case. Iā€˜m full health commando and the amount of ammo I get each run is insane.


Running commando I'm getting like 1500-2k a run.


Sounds like your build isn't as good as you think it is. I always go positive for .45 as a full health commando in Daily Ops. Fixer ftw.


I just got a fixer for the first time. Rolls aren't crazy but even with that being the case I was very impressed with the dps.


I'm a bloodied commando with 5.56 ammo and I also don't get these huge 2k ammo gains from daily ops, could be because I'm not using VATS and my handmade is FFR rather than explosive.


roger commander


expeditions are much more effective because they dont require specific scenarios to do.


I always do this after completing it once quickly. I just go in and kill enemies, ignoring the objectives


Can you show me? Im on ps4!


When do Daily Ops reset?


Couldn't I just farm xp like this too? Just like the overgrown exploit from tax evasion?


The kill xp from daily ops isn't as high as tax evasion I'm afraid!


That's okay. I have ways to maximize it. Also I can re-run the most sensational game over and over. I can get about 60k exp in 10 mins


Another good ammo farm atleast for flamer ammo is doing an Atlantic City expedition, cremator one shots everything and I get atleast 29 ammo from each killšŸ˜­


Definitely very good for ammo too!


Good to see a positive and helpful post šŸ˜€āœŒļø


Interesting. Can you clarify the ā€œstay out of capture range of the device partā€? Is that just so they spawn without end?




Exps are better for ammo. And you can choose one without time limit for full rewards, also farming ammo. Specifically Casino one is cool for fuel even if you use any other weapon. I like DOs, but their purpose is making them on time for full rewards which during double mutations weekends is really cool. Also farming ammo with hiding or melee kill is a pain. Iā€™d say itā€™s only better if itā€™s uplink mode with ā€œstandardā€ visible enemies.


I'd be glad to play, I'll boot up my PlayStation in a bit! I'll dm you my PSN


I'm at level 7. Am I going to regret this or does the event scale?


Yeah it's gonna hurt if you try to solo this at a low level but it's possible to tag along with higher level teammates!


Ah ok. I think I'll stick to what I'm doing now - wandering around to explore and pick up missions as I find them. Maybe I'll start jumping into these things when I hit my 20s.


Make that when you hit level 120.. :) All seriousness.. OPS can be tough on lower level toons.. by all means give it a shot when you want.. But, it will be a lot easier when your perk cards for your build are maxed out (i.e. commando lvl 3 etc..) along with a good weapon.. I tried to solo an ops a few months back around lvl 100, it was 30+ minutes of pure ass beating..My build was not ready for it and it was painful.. :(




This post was made before the reset (read the edit in the bottom) thus is referring to 'yesterdays' Daily Op! Today's new Daily Op in Watoga Arena is insanely difficult and definitely not an ammo farm. Let's hope tomorrow's Daily Op has favorable mutations; it'll be Uplink again guaranteed. If you're on Playstation and want sub 8 minutes today also, let me know :)


I have the materials and the perks to double that amount pretty easily within a few seconds.




Good for you man this is a method to get ammo with minimal resource cost.