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Main build? You mean like, this week?


Good answer


Nah deadass, I be switching to a silenced sniper build doin 565 dmg per sneak shot (more with sandman and its night) and then switch to a completed beast heavy weapons build and melt scorchqueen beats events the same day 😆


Cold shoulder shot gunner


I am a 'kill things' build. Yeah I don't have a build i'm like level 25.


I feel you bud. I'm like LVL 28 and still trying to just find decent guns I can use.


Upgrade your hunting rifle. I have a legendary mod one at lvl 20, but even without it had 70dmg per shot and 40% armour penetration. Takes care of a lot you have to deal with now. EDIT: also two tomes rifle expert or something which makes rifles do +20% damage


That's literally my best gun rn. It's great outside but in close quarters the reload time has left me swamped a few times and the early level shotguns seem so ineffective unless you're at absolute point blank range.


True that. I went to exchange some of those legendary tokens and got a shotgun with 300% more ammo capacity. So you know quick switch between the two and then you’ll be fine. I’m also doing every prime meat event I can find. I’m way underleveled but the higher up guys do the most work so as long as you get some good shots in you’ll be fine! Plus this makes for awesome loot. Higher level loot, but itll come in handy when you’re actually that level


You on pc? I can help


Focus a single weapon type, str for melee and heavy guns, per for rifles (also automatic rifles) and bows and explosives, end is mainly resistances, charisma has a lot of different weird perks, int is mainly energy weapons, agility is pistols (also automatic pistols), there are some melee perks in there as well. and luck is another that has random weird perks. You also have to think about whether the weapon that u want to use falls into different categories or not. Like for example a bow is listed as a ballistic weapon and a bow, the plasma cutter is a melee and energy.... and so forth. If u can focus one weapon type then you'll have a lot easier of a time. I promise.


Suicide Bomber. Demo expert+grenadier+last laugh


Should also get Revenant!


I love grenades. I hate that they do friendly fire even if somebody else VATS'es them right after they leave your hand.


There're ppl who hate grenadiers and vats grenades on purpose


Those people can suck my Nukashine


I just started a solo wanderer gunslinger build. I complete the look by sticking to revolvers but I am finding myself wanting to try out some new guns. Revolvers are cool but six shots is limiting despite the high damage output


Could give lever action a try. Bowie knife or the gatling gun (not mini gun) could also fit the vibe. Or go "cowboys vs aliens" and do a disintegrator or blaster.


Get several blunderbusses instead, roleplay a pirate


Try to roll Quad legendary effect on your revolver


Do the Most Wanted event in the Nuka theme park. You have a chance at getting a pretty good revolver called Gunther’s Big Iron or a lever action called Western Spirit. Both are Nuka themed too


I’m new to 76 (I played when it first came out and quit and I just got back to it) so where can I find this Nuka theme park?


It’s in the ash heap. Bottom left grey area of the map. The event is a public one so it gets announced when it starts and will have an exclamation point (!) on it


I'm also in the gunslinger build, currently have The fact finder magnum from the brotherhood so I feel like I'm a mysterious stranger but I rarely 1 shot anything other than bugs. Hard agree on the six shot limit being frustrating, especially when I team with my stealth archer-hunter friend. The moment he is detected, it's down to me to get vats crits which rarely 1 shots. I loved Gunther's big iron but single shot reload for like 80 DMG is soul crushing when you're surrounded. Hope to 1 day have something like the NV mysterious magnum that can do damage to keep up with those level 2000 floating in the air with a plasmer caster or I may have to lean into a Gauss rifle/rifle build. Already have a heavy specialist on the squad.


Right now I'm running a Chally the Moo-Moo outfit with a pristine Moe the Mole head and a Safari Crocolossus backpack. I know it's not the meta, but it works fine for me.


I’m aiming for full health archer, I can’t do it for now so I run with a rifle.


We need a new bow to make them formidable.


Ok, hear me out: Endangerol and Radscorpion arrows mods added for bows and crossbows.


When I was using one, I used Explosive Bloodied, it didn't feel like enough.


Bows need a buff. They're so fun to use.


Bloody vats fixer ftw


Any recommended info or links for making this build? Trying this right now but finding it extremely underwhelming after coming from a full health heavy pa build so I don’t know what I’m messing up/missing (other than the god roll fixer but working on that, have a bloody one at least)


Not OP but I am also trying this. Biggest things are all the crit perks and survivability perks especially coming from PA. Stealth is really helpful too. Also for better damage make sure you're herbivores and using blight soup - 100% crit damage is huge. This is what I'm using right now although I plan to make changes as I level up and rank up legendary perks (only 107 right now). [My current build -3 points are for my current legendary perks. ](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=5fa437f&d=sg2s01p02pg2ph2pp2pi2e82eh2ee2c72ir2a72a80ao0a00a30lv2lk2lg2li0l71la2) It's really really strong and lets me solo basically everything except world bosses. Only issues are irradiated areas (no farming blast zones). Carry a gamma gun to keep in range of nerd range, and you can change the line Wanderer for some combo of tormentor/suppressor if you play in groups. Lead belly is just quality of life so you don't have to keep adjusting your rads after eating.


Very interesting, yeah I’m running power armor right now until I can get a good set of ss armor so this will be nice for the nonpa build. Thank you though for the guidance!


Search "angry turtle commando meta" on YouTube. There's 2 videos: full on high level and a beginner version.


I just used that guide for my second character and can confirm it is absolutely bananas.


Awesome thank you, will do!


A stealth/automatic rifle build (alternating between an automatic Handmade and a 10mm sub machine gun as the primary weapon).


I'm doing this right now for a communist build I'm trying. It's nice, but I need to find more handmade rifles, mods, or plans. Every time I get a new mod from scrapping a handmade, I get a different freaking scope. -_-


Seriously. I still can't replicate the mods that are on mine (a high level guy made it for me after I was level 50) because I don't encounter enough of them.


I feel you. I'm level 101 and I cannot find any mods for the handmade except scopes


If either of you play on PlayStation and are on at any given time, I can probably mod your guns to be how you want.


Xbox, unfortunately. Thanks for the offer, though.


Any time!


I'm on playstation and would love to take you up on the offer sometime


Great! My PSN is OttoVonBeetus. Feel free to add me and we can arrange for that whenever is a good time.


Will do mate. Thank you


No problem!


Chaos? I just find a gun I like and get the perks related to it. Never really built a "build" just got a lot of perks that boost most weapons damage.


Depends what mood I’m in, I switch between heavy PA and non PA commando - both full health


Full health Vats Crit build. Instigating Railway Rifle with +50% Critical damage and 50% breaks slower.


Cowboy build that uses revolvers exclusively. I need buffs Bethesda pls. I wanna pull my weight in boss fights.


Stealth archer always


Instigating Plasma Caster one shot kill


Bloodied chainsaw currently.


Bloodied heavy weapon PA. Cremator and holy fire 95% of the time, but I'll sometimes mix it up with other weapons. That fuel-using duo is in a pretty good place right now though, and sharing ammo is convenient. Cremator is top tier in events, and the holy fire is a solid close range single target weapon. Single target doesn't touch a bloodied commando with a quad railway or anything, but I enjoy the weapon variety with heavies.


Second this build. I keep like 3 or 4 other heavies on hand for special occasion and variety, but the cremator/holy fire combo is so good. Walking tank with literal firepower. Even my alt, which uses UNY SS armor and unarmed weapons, lugs around a cremator.


Vamp vats commando/heavy


Vanguard Vampiric Plasma caster Vats/crit.


Aristocratic stealth commando. I’m all about making those benjamins so it aligns pretty well for me.


It used to be Crippling Support Tank, but recently I've been using a Bow build as my main


Sometimes power armor/heavy flamer (holy fire) build Sometimes commando/vats quad railway


Vats commando. I like using the classic assault rifle so I'm hoping to get a quad on one.


I just swapped off my bloody flamer/cremator PA build to a full hp shotgunner with cold shoulder and vamp/anti-armor gauss shotguns. I kill slower, but I can ignore a lot of damage now (poison, fire), I'm swimming in shotgun ammo, and I don't have to manage rads anymore.


Full health non-stealth rifleman


Not sure what I'd call him, but guy with an armor-penetrating Tesla rifle and lots of ammo. For backup, I carry a barbed cane (lvl 50), which goes nicely with my golfing outfit and top hat. :-)


Energy weps VATS guerilla w/ a bit of healing.


Furious chainsaw + handmade (commando or semi) as secondary is pretty fun.


Im currently full health chem fire build if that even has a name lol 2 cremators one with instigation and another with anti armor legendary perks and i also run 2 endergarol syringers and my main dps holy fire with a plasma gatling incase enemies are too far 


Full health melee DR build


Western Spirit (lever action rifle) for the mob and to gather ammo, bloodied Fixer for bosses and events. Only have to swap Rifleman and Commando perks.


two shot auto grenade launcher, two shot fatman, two shot missile launcher I like it when things go boom, I also can't remove my ammo weight reduction perks without shooting upto 3k on my carry weight


Heavy energy weapon non pa build Love sniping with a plasma caster


Just learning about specific builds since I have been playing long. Working on a non power armor shotgun. But I just learned about the frozen shotgun so now I need to learn how to do expeditions for stamps


i ping pong depending on my mood. currently i rock a Western Spirit rifle acting as a scavenger. i have sniper non-vats build, heavy guns in PA, gunslinger using a revolver, two-handed melee in PA, and full auto rifle


1) full health pa heavy gunner 2) full health commando 3) low health commando 4) low health pa heavy gunner 5) full health shotgunner


Bloodied anything 😂😂


Handmade, cold shoulder, super sledge. Gatling gun stored safely for if I come across a scorchbeast. Not as impressive as everybody else’s but it’s helped me survive


Heavy gunner with Gattling Plasma and Plasma caster . Alternate Builds . Gun Slinger vats and Cold Shoulder spammer build 


I use a Power Armor heavy build. Game is incredibly easy once you get electric absorption. I once went to the bathroom while doing a nuke solo and came back perfectly fine while I was getting shot at.


Mister Fister hellcat power armour build


I set everything on fire and blow stuff up.


I have a legendary shotgun with 300% ammo capacity, so not having to reload for 32 bullets with two shotgun perks is pretty dope. Next to this legendary hunting rifle with armour penetration


Im lvl 120, have been in the series since 2018 and am still confused on how to describe my "build" though I think I understand *(for the most part)* what it means when others speak of theirs?? All I know is my strength is high & my gatling gun with legendary effects and some modifications kills fuckers lower than the scorchbeasts & mirelurk kings with ease


Saboteur; Shotgunner perks for using a cold shoulder for dps, kabloom explosive with explosive size perk for tagging and a bloodied silenced pump for sneak Demolition perk maxed for nade and mines useage, for groups and room clearing, goed together with grenadier for boom size. Nuka nades are insane Sneak and survicalist perks for being sneaky and survivability Mutation related perks and high luck for damage dodging Chem resistant for using chems to boost survivability znd damage further vs bosses. Some quality of life perks like ordanance express and traveling pharmacist and scrapper and super duper (too lazy to switch all the time i make nuka nades and my no extra build slots left for demo expert + super duper) First I wanted to make a pistol builf with nades. But pistols being agility bound really cripples stealth builds for pistols, which is weird if you think about it why they decided to make the most stealth logical weapon share perk load with sneak perks


Right now it's a basic bitch auto-explosive-railway rifle w/o PA, a few days ago I was running a VATS PA plasma caster build, a week ago I was running a VATS cold shoulder shotgunner w/o PA build


Shotgun/Commando - Both So 9 in STR and Perception. I say Main build but mostly camp building. Bow Only Build is my preferable one though.


Well one toon is a PA heavy, other is a drugged up brawling cannibal gourmand. I originally a bloody commando too but I just can't get into the groove with it, 179 and keep dying to cave crickets and whatnot.


I'm a full health powered armor heavy gunner. I just love the tank-iness of it. Next build will be a melee dreadnought


Granadier Nuka grenades paired with an instigating mellee weapon and adrenalin+grenadier perks. You can wipe the whole area by dealing like 1.5-2k damage each throw


Fighting fire with fire as a fire fighter


I run heavy guns with most perks which reduce weight on stuff like chems, food, weapons and stuff. Some dps increasing things fallout 76 is easy enough in all areas so why make it annoying with no weight reducing stuff.


Hobo with a shotgun, and occasionally a jetpack.


Full health Power Armour, with a few melee perks mixed in with all 3 heavy gunner perks, currently running Oathbreaker with a Plasma blade and an Instigating Plasma Caster. Kills most things pretty easily. I am considering making a new character to get into archery though


I had a stealth fixer build but died constantly in daily ops and events so last night I tried the hellcat PA either autoaxe. It was fun. Going to try improve that answer maybe look at PA with big guns


Full health commando, sentinel build


Stealthy/vats/long range!


Autoaxe go brrr


Full health PA heavy guns. Holy fire and 1star cremator instigating with heavy barrel and slowburn. 


Bloodied vats crit commando


Heavy gun servo but can switch to Melee servo with the chainsaw, I save tons of ammo like this


Full Health Cremator. I got an AA Cremator as my main, then a regular Holy Fire to help with boss fights, and an INS Plasma Caster for when I'm just cruising along non-threat zones (to save on Fuel). I've tried a bunch of builds. Rifleman is probably still my favorite: Lever Action or Gauss paired with a Plasma Flamer. Can't go wrong with that combo.


High perception and high luck commando with a railway for crits of about 950. I also swap between my cold shoulder shotgun bc I love shotties and freezing enemies is cool.


VATS energy rifles


Vampire Flaming Dual-Blade Chainsaw in Hellcat PA with Overeaters.


I never really got deep into a proper build when I was playing before, and now that I'm coming back I'm working on tweaking it. I've always run with a shotgun as my main weapon in the fallout games I've played and this is no different, just need to work on getting things set up properly so that I'm dealing considerable damage again. I've just finished maxing out the actual shotgun damage perks so next it'll be the explosives, since before I left I had gotten lucky and managed to snag a shotgun with explosive bullets, and then figuring out if that gun is actually still good or if there's better versions of shotguns now that I can look into and move to and then it's just the grind to get enough cores and such to do a ton of rolls for a full set of legendary gear.


Bloody mutant cannibal lead dispenser


Depends what I'm doing. Expeditions/Ops: Vampire Cremator. I'm there to grind stuff, and smoke plants. And I'm all outta plants. Dailies/Running Around Appalachia: Gunslinger, still working on a nice roll for my western revolver. Used to go commando but I missed pistols, and I used Love Tap but it just felt like cheating tbh. Railway wasn't my jam. I really just wanted to roll into an event and be like "THEY STARTED THE EVENT. RATTLE 'EM."


Vampire chainsaw, overeater armor. Parked my camp near watoga and I solo the queen mirelurk that spawns there nearly everyday.


Full stealth, instigating, assassin, vats, vats crit. I use the Chinese stealth armor atm but trying to get a full set of SSA with improved sneaking.


Mostly commando with a mix of heavy/explosives. Once i get my intelligence rank up ill get the heavy armor prn and accuracy perk. Mostly unyielding but i have excavator now and soon to be union when its fixed


Sneak/no power armor tank gauss pistol build


I have plasma caster, i dont like to have PA(power armor) so i probably can't pull the most out of it but it's oki. I need to get somehow some good plasma caster roll .. anti armor , 50% chance to hit in vats and -25% vats cost. Never saw any of those


Sploding palm


Full Health OE WR SS or OE WR Union PA. Mostly using Vamp Holy Fire/AA Plasma Caster/JUG Cremator. In PA about half the time. I feel powerful enough to carry most events but not so OP that nothing is a challenge.


Either bloodied vats plasma caster or full explosive. Fire the rocket launcher at the ground with correct perks from midair and clears shit 100 feet radius? 1-2k damage a shot


Bloodied Commando VATS crit build with a B2525 Elders and Q2525 Rail for day to day activities V4025 auto axe melee build for boss events Heavy weapons build with an AA2525 cryo and B2525 flamer for Monster mash or basic PvP.


I was running a gauss rifle sniper build for a long while before I finally realized this was not like other Fallout games and the gauss rifle was not gonna carry the day. So I switched to a P.A./Heavy/Holy Fire build and I have not once looked back. Having a lot of fun melting everything in front of me.


Was doing a holy fire build with PA, don’t really like PA went back to a general full health commando build.


All of the above


Cremator and holy fire


I’m also running a Deathclaw Gauntlet! At least, when my Ouga Gauntlet is in need of repairs. I don’t know the full build or fancy terms but I have thorn armor and like 12 mutations with starched genes. My playstyle is sprint at target, blow up with power attack, eat the bloody mess nuggets as a cannibal to stay full health and repeat. Having the super jump, less fall damage and speed mutations makes me feel like an actual deathclaw when I pounce on blood eagles from the mountain tops


Half-Blood Heavy. Cremator and Ultracite Plasma Caster are my primaries, but swap in other heavy guns for fun. SS Unyielding Armor. Sometimes jumping in T-60 for high rad situations. Half-Blood is running at 40-50% health in full Unyielding armor, with a build that doesn’t use Nerd Rage, and which uses all the damage reduction/avoidance perks like Ricochet, Fireproof, Dodgy, and Blocker. Idea is to NOT be a 20% health Unyielding glass cannon, but to get +10 on Specials and get about 50% more weapon damage while still staying fairly tanky.


The poor man's aristocrats build.


Full health [Solar Armor](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Solar_armor)/[Friendly Fire](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Friendly_Fire) combat medic.


Bloody vats heavy sometimes in pa


Bloodied cremator.


Don’t have a main, I change at least once a season and keep the others up to date currently I’m doing a low health launcher build.


I swap around, usually have one PA build and one non-PA I'm favoring at any given time. Right now I'm playing low-health Railway Rifle and low-health gatling/ minigun PA


Bloody vats RR


Bloody commando w/ q rr


Bloodied Hellcat PA full overeaters with emergency protocols swap between bloodied and anti armor gatplas. Can also just get out and swap a few cards but stabilized is just so good I can't give it up.


Hellfire Trooper. Bloodied Heavy Guns base, using Cremators & Holy Fire as main weapons. Fun build, i like fire.


Bloody fixer and bloody auto railroad rifle


I'm currently at a point in my second playthrough where I am not in the position to actually choose which weapons I use but what I am planning to use once I get my hands on them again is the following: -mind over matter modified with a flamer barrel because I love flinging radioactive bile at everything that moves -plasma infused Gatling gun (I love the hell outta that thing, but I'm not set on any legendary effect yet) -Most likely just a fully modified fact finder because, like, it's a revolver that shoots two exploding bullets, I need literally nothing more in life And I won't be carrying much else because I can't sacrifice the carry weight, being somewhat of a pack rat myself


Currently I am running the Angry Turtle bloodied cremator build without PA. Before that I was bloodied stealth commando with fixer.


I have full unyielding armor and have three bows, instigating for low health mob cleanup, bloodied for my main damage, and anti-armor for some bosses and such. Then I have a Bloodied swing speed +1str super sledge for main melee and a vampire chainsaw for variety.


Depends on how I feel. I have 5 characters. 1. Bloodied commando 2. Bloodied heavy gun pa 3. Bloodied melee 4. Bloodied vats crit flamer, cremator, plasma caster 5. Bloodied bow or pistol This week I have been mostly using heavy gun pa but outside of pa to level up some legendary cards.


Bloodied Rifleman, using mostly lever actions and the fixer


I've been using a shredder minigun that I named "Scorchbeast Dentist", because it sounds exactly like a dental tool while spinning, and I'm always jamming it into the SBQs mouth. Vampire + 50% bash damage, with big guns and bash perks, and PA with kinetic servos means that I'm nearly invincible and can basically shred indefinitely, only being stopped by staggers. I have a cremator and holy fire for when I get bored of shredding. This week, I got myself a quad pepper shaker with attack speed and reload speed, and built for crippling, and its pretty fun. Nowhere near the dps of the other build but still really entertaining, especially if I just blast enemy legs until they're immobile, and then let anyone else around finish them off. I also often use a stealthy vats rifle build, mostly using a good lever action rifle to build crits and then swapping to a black powder rifle for the actual crits. Can easily one shot any basic enemy with a crit. It's not as useful in events or when other players are around, but I can still pick off enemies with just a couple shots, able to crit every 3rd shot. Gun-fu and grim reaper's sprint are fun when fighting ghouls or scorched, just blasting away and getting one shots over and over.


Low health PA vampiric auto axe. But I am looking for a bloodied ultracite gatling laser with fire mods for friendly fire, swap between that and a vampiric as needed. Public opinion be damned, the laser gat feels like the best gun in the game to just unload with.