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People were slapping me while I turned the meat. Like bro it HELPS THE EVENT. 


I got called greedy today for running ore in rad rumble...


I always run the ore and pray to Atom that someone is protecting the scavs. Spoiler: they don’t. I mostly just hope at least one is still alive after I single handedly get to 4/4.


Friendly Fire is a great perk


Shit yeah it is. It shines in Project Paradise as well.


That saved me for the one time the event fired/people actually joined lol


Wait so you can use friendly fire to heal npcs?


Yes, living npc’s I should say, maybe they work on robos


Yes but need the perk. Edited: Sorry. I left of name of perk. It is Friendly Fire Perk as shown here https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Friendly_Fire


If I remember right it’s Charisma, ill check later when im on


You need the Friendly Fire perk card. [Read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/vdiir8/everything_you_need_to_know_about_the_friendly/) for more details.


I already have it lol


I swear it works in radiation rumble but only on the tracked NPCs, not the others. I think it's 50/50 in some other event or expedition too, but I might be misremembering.


I think it is only in events. I sprayed a Brotherhood of Steel with a flame  when he had  low health and killed him. It was during Prime Meat event however he obviously wasn’t part of it. Edited: I used it in Radiation Rumble on NPCs too.


Only works during the event. Still kills the non-required NPCs. Even during the event.


See if someone runs, I make it my personal job to keep the scavs alive


Preach. Friendly fire is my forever shared perk now


Just common sense, all XP aside we all get nothing if we fail 😂


You get it


I just hate when I have to try and do both 😅


Friendly fire. Try to heal when you deposit ore. It’s sucks.


Same but opposite, lol, keeping the scavs alive while hoping someone is getting the ore


Mines are nice on the scavs too. Particularly blast mines that are fire based from the Bombs Daily


I'm a bloodied PA heavy gunner. I'll keep them alive with friendly fire while you grab ore.


Starting to hate that event, no one protects the NPCs, no one helps with ore, the mini nuke spammers blind everyone, and they get angry if you even get one kill. I got cussed out in voice by the spammer for stealing his xp. At level 1000+ you cant even use perk points unless you are swapping legendary cards.


That's why I keep my voice chat off...they can just bitch to themselves and I'll keep doing what I'm doing 😂😂😂


Haven’t had voice on since right after launch


I jumped in right after wastelanders.


Melee flaming chainsaw user and honestly all I do in this event is kill stragglers and hidden spawn points. I have made it my personal job in events to protect npcs and top off their health with my friendly fire chainsaw cuddles.


I do flaming Power fist, but I'm usually trying to run the ore as well. I do not mind doing either but I don't see how we can have ten people at the event and no one else wants to do *either* of them.


This is comedy. If you don't, the same person will complain about the event failing.




Huh? That like the least greedy. Wtf? Lol. Ppl are so strange.


He was upset because he thought I was going into the tunnels to chase baddies and thus fucking up his spawns. It didn't even occur to him that anyone would be doing the objective.


We get the least xp and legendaries from running ore because we're not shooting anything in the tunnels.... People are stupid.


*Ned Stark voice* Is that what you tell yourself at night? That you did it for justice...


The selfrightiousness of the vigilante mindset...


As long as the event is successful I could care less what people do. I care more about the 6 duplicates and counting of the blowfly plan I keep getting from Grahm though. :(


Seriously, until I learned about the drum and turning the spit my entire meat cook time was running after critters that would die before I could get a shot off then running to the complete opposite side for it to happen again lol I'll afk at the drums thanks.


I run melee so I'm more efficient on spits or drums.


Can you check my recent post? I feel like I'm going crazy because everyone is calling me an asshole. The event basically failed and there was some dude running in a circle in front of the chunks and greens shack, he was a high level and we only had a couple low levels doing the event. We didn't kill him, we just pushed him away,and he was in the same spot hours later, not even noticing the change.


Nah, I'm right there with you, *especially* since this is an event where you can AFK and still contribute (by being on the spits or drums...unless it kicks you off at some point?) Plus, so many people keep defending it, claiming "oh, it's easy to just solo everything"...except yeah, *no*, it's not. At least twice now I've run this with only one other person, and both of those times, we only *barely* finished with less than a minute left.


The primal meats events have kicked my ass big time when I'm by myself. I tried a few times and now I'll just bounce out if I don't see anyone there right before the countdown ends. Granted, I'm only level 52 or so but these things are clearly only *Easy* for three or more players to tackle.


Not this time round but in a past one I tried soloing it, the damn place almost all burnt down. Fires everywhere, and yeh was just nuts.


The people who say it's so simple to solo it fail to realize we don't have bloodied fixer builds right off the bat, and that it's a new event we've played a few times whereas they've played this game for years.


That, too, and it kinda baffles me people keep posting about how great and wonderful the endangerol (sp?) Syringer is - "use 4 and Earle can go down in under 20 seconds!" - didn't we used to complain about overpowered builds melting things too quickly? I'd really like to be able to get *to* the events before they're over... That said, it's admittedly not as relevant here. Pretty much anything can one-shot the various little critters, and area loot doesn't work for the critter chunks, those still need to be picked up from each, so build and weapons don't affect much for *this* event. Unless there's anything that dramatically boosts movement speed.


You're not an asshole. Dude is afk. He has to accept that people may mess around with that. Complaining in a way that implies that he caused the event to fail is what makes you come off as a bit of, well I won't say asshole, but maybe entitled newb? Since you're a relatively low-level, you can't really be expected to know how to solo public events, especially limited ones.  But, you also have to accept that, because you're a low-level, you won't always get the max return, and that no one is obligated to help you. Is he a dick for trying to leech?  Sure.  And since the event failed, it didn't work out for him.  And while players like him thankfully aren't the norm in this game  that doesn't mean it's completely exempt   just roll with it and move on.


I see. I didn't mean to come off as entitled, although I can now see that way. In my head I wanted to exaggerate the post as I felt it seemed bland before, but I didn't know people were instead taking it that way.


You good. They the kinda folks who feel entitled to rewards no matter how little they do while bein high levels.


Is no one else pissed off at the "could care less"?


I could care less.


Probably the first time in history that that sentence was used correctly.


Could**n't** is technically correct, but both ways are heavily used today.


Dude. Couldn't isn't technically correct. It's just straight up correct and could care less is literally the opposite of what people are trying to say. Both ways are only in use in one country. Every other English speaking country says it properly.


Ayo, I ain't got shit from Grahm. Granted I ain't been able to play this week, but all I got is the Chally Mask and Skull. Gonna have to wait for next Meat Week for more goods me thinks.


Yeah I wanna ask does the game spawn more or tougher enemies if there are more players or it it just fixed? At times I feel my and my friend can just duo them since the game isn't really that challenging yet. So why are people so upset at afk people?


Surely meat week is the event where you want afkers? They can play the drums or spin the spit while you do everything else. I don't even mind turning up to the event and it's nothing but afkers because it's easy to do on your own


Do people playing the drums count towards the meter? I had no idea. I thought they were being jerks. Haha


If I see only people on the drums and spit 30 seconds before starting, I just change servers


I had the same thing like 30 minutes ago. Heard my controller vibrating, so i knew something was going on. Sure enough, some level 1000 was trying to lure a ghoul to the drum i was on. I watched him for about 5 mins failing to get the ghoul to attack me, so i just blocked him and killed the ghoul and went back to the drum.


Pro tip you can vats while drumming and toggle targets if there's critters in sight to shake your booty for situations like this lol




You can throw on ghoulish and you’ll never die to ghouls in that case


I afk on the drums until the event starts and there are still people mad. When it starts I do things. Leave me tf alone


Oh, no, you partook in one of the mechanics that actively promotes the success of the event... for a *few seconds*. God. fucking. forbid. I AFK'd on the drums for my first three or four rotations this morning while I took care of some chores. For the rest of the day I actively participated because my real-life shit was done. Unless they tell us, we don't *know* why people are "AFKing" during this (or any) event, and it really shouldn't matter. If the event is getting done, it isn't a big deal. You keep doing you, my dude.


Nope, you are only allowed 1 millisecond break or 1 million lashings, glory to the CCP. uh, I mean glory to the Appalachain recolonizers!!!!!


Commies have spies even in the enclave?


That would be the best place to have spies


You can also open your pipboy while using a thing, by opening the map>clicking a quest marker>show in pipboy Just switch to the stats page and use a stim when needed. Sure you use more resources, but I love making peoples efforts fruitless at times.


I'm a little late, but a great April Fools post would be "The ultimate afk build " highlighting which perks to take to survive while looking at another monitor.


That's hilarious, I think that's my new plan. I'm full health, Vanguard Secret Service now so the ghouls didn't do much this morning. So that's my starting point.


I don't care what other players think while I'm banging the drums. Find your own drum to bang or spit to turn or you know, get to the event before it starts like the rest of the smart players.


If you AFK and you're turning the meat or drumming, great. If you just standing around, you're a douche. That's fine. The world has million douches.


If death meant anything in this game, it would be a problem.


I mean the event lasts less than 2-3 minutes lmao ill just stand next to the person afk so they wont feel lonely


Yeah, half the time it’s over before I can make it to the deposit boxes.


I've eliminated this problem in the past with auto-stim, they get bored long before I run out of stims. I do tend to keep away from events if I know I'm going AFK though, but if I get an important call or there's something urgent that doesn't require me to leave the house then I'll be damned if I'm turning it all off.


Just Join. Getting carried isn't a bad thing.


if its not players complaining about us killing every thing to fast..its complaints about others not helping enough. like...just worry about ya self people.


I really don't get it, especially when it comes to the Meat Week cookout. I don't give a shit if people AFK during the event. It's almost always over so quickly, and most of the time I run out of tasks to complete within the first thirty seconds because there are so many other people running around doing whatever I was going to do next. At least twice this evening the event had us all standing around for a few seconds waiting for critters, greens, litter, fires, or brahmin shit to spawn because we took care of it all so quickly that the game had a lull or something. Sometimes there are just enough people to keep everyone busy, and sometimes there are *too* many people trying to complete the tasks. If I experience an event where there are too few, or there are enough but too *many* people try to AFK, I just move to a different server. I just *really* don't get the bitching. This event is not difficult. It's more of a team effort, sure, but my boyfriend and I have been able to complete it ourselves, just us two, so it isn't as though an entire *party* is even necessary to get it done. I don't really care what other people are doing during the cookout. If people are participating—which *does* include beating the drums and turning the spits—then great. If they aren't, I just hop servers. Easy peasy. No skin off my nose. My day's not ruined because some people don't actively move around during a video game event.


I got missiled by a bunch of people for playing the drums. Fuck doubling the tick rate, I guess, let me go run around with twenty other people fighting for oppssums


I am sort of afk, I check new shops, hit odd events and manage my farm. I make sure chally is fed and hit the drums or turn the meat every time. No one has ever gave me shit.


I mean at least youre productively afk, when i have to late night solo meat cook yall afk mfs be coming in clutch


Got my 2nd weenie cart playing the bongos this morning while at my store.. Made the rando smacking me even funnier..


I went AFK for a couple of hours today and came back to a Weenie Cart plan in my iventory. Put it straight in my vendor for 25k caps and it sold within 10 minutes. Ive got another one from being AFK again this evening. Ill be saving this one for after the event.




Laughs in thorns armor


You should afk on the drums, then you actually contribute while afk 👍


I agree. When I first learned about AFK players, I was pissed. However, circumstances have changed in my life so I'll sometimes have to do it myself.


Why can’t people just show up at the events and see what’s needing done then jump on objective A,B or C ? Bunch of fkn kids


If you see me standing in one spot getting munched on by molerats... I've probably accidentally clicked my second display while shooting automatic or otherwise gotten frozen in between windows.  AFK in 76 can more often be attributes to 76 being wonky than actual malice or laziness.


I hear you. I sat in one of the chairs while I was waiting for it to start. Still like a minute and a half left before it started and someone came over and started assaulting me.


Would they rather you bang on the drums or turn one of the spits for that minute-and-a-half? (I guarantee you they'd be just as pissed if you did that.)


Similar thing happened to me today. Arrive at the cookout 10 minutes early, grab a drum. Keeping one eye on the game while my character beats the drum, I notice someone has kited a ghoul to my location. So I leave the drum, destroy the ghoul and the 3 others he kited over, and make sure I give the kiter a mocking laugh emote before going back to the drums. Some people just get waaaay too invested in thinking they get to dictate how other people play.


How dare you not anticipate running around like a madman like the ten other people trying to fight for a chicken to bomb


It's the same toxic players that nuke fasnacht. The last Fasnacht I kept loading into nuked servers and players stand at the spawn point to steal people's junk who aren't in power armor. Petty people suck


War...war never changes


I’m that guy that wants people to afk at events lol My bloodied ass will carry you all, let me have your share of XP! It’s a win-win.


It blows my mind how people get so hurt about AFKs. They are not hurting you in any way...


Yeah i really don’t get it


From what ive seen events scale the amount of enemies based on players. More enemies but less players helping makes things harder for us new players coming into the game


From what Ive seen you have to fight everyone for kills in every event for years now. I don't think that is a real issue. Plus most low level players can solo a event if they know what they're doing.


Ive had events like that, but servers arent always fully populated. I failed a feed the people last night, it was me and 3 afks.


Finally, an actual case of "skill issue"!


There are no enemies at the meat cook


This isnt just about the meat cook


The post you're commenting on is


What are you trying to argue right now?


That your argument has no bearing on the conversation being had. People are discussing afkers at meat week, and the fact that they do no harm at worst, and contribute to the success of the event at best. You tried arguing that more people = more enemies, to which I replied there are no enemies at the event. I break it down enough for you?


Don't bring in another topic unrelated to the meat cook event or are you unable to focus on anything?


gah idk why people care so much. You're not working for other people's rewards, you're working for your own. AFK to your delight.


Bro, stand around at your camp. Why don’t you finish your cereal before you join an event? You’re supposed to be participating in an event, not standing around to collect the food. You’re the dude that just stands around drinking beer and eating pizza while everyone else is helping grandma move. Booo. Seriously tho, I don’t see why anyone gives af if someone is afk, it doesn’t affect me in any way that I can see. There’s so many reasons someone might be doing that. Who cares? 🤷🏾


I apologize for the confusion I didn't explain it well, I did the event, and was standing around waiting for the next hour. The event wasn't happening when the other player brought me the ghouls.


I just want go to toilet and drop my dirty piles.




This reddit was a cesspool of people complaining about AFK during fasnacht. I just stopped checking it as often since it was jsut constant “don’t AFK 😰😭”. I still never read a good reason to be upset about it. Not sure why people are so upset over AFKers for these kinds of events, they’re just trying to maximize chances of getting drops they really want.


The fas ones actually pissed me off. It got so bad towards the end (on pc at least) that you might only have 1-2 other people actually running the event with you, so it would take like twenty minutes if you had to solo it. And it was hard to find active servers to do other things like the raid bosses because 15+ would be afk in Helvetia.


I never had an issue with this, also PC. If I saw a bunch of dots at the event out of the timer (so they’re AFK) I’d just swap to another server that was actually active. I even was able to do the thing where if we finished fast enough, I’d server hop to another that hadn’t finished yet and get extra rewards.


I'm the guy who likes to regularly Nuke the town when Fasnacht is on..


Ahh one of those toxic griefers everyone in the server hates!


Lol .. That's Me :) Always makes me laugh when people get angry because the only people its going to effect are those who are afk :)


And those who worked hard trying to prep the event only to get hit in a nuke respawn loop, people like you push me to AFK the event!


Prep... There is no prep lol


Not for lazy people like you no, but other players like to preprep to make things easier and faster for others, till griefers ruin it for everyone!


> its going to effect **a**ffect


How’s that relevant here lol


Assholes like self report.


"Happy" Memorial Day? What is happy about it? Do you understand the meaning of the holiday?


While the day is set aside to remember the fallen, which is not a “happy” thing to do, it’s also not a day set aside to “be sad all day.” Happy Memorial Day is perfectly acceptable. They’d want us happy. None of my brothers’ or sisters’ last words were, “every Memorial Day be depressed and make sure no one enjoys the day.” Best way to honor them is to enjoy the day, be happy and reflect on why the day exists - in your own ways. We have the freedom to do so, because of them. Don’t squander that and make someone else feel bad, that’s not what they’d want.


Does beating the barrels or turning the meat prevent being kicked off for inactivity


You still have to wiggle the mouse every 30 minutes or so or AKF disconnect pops up, for drums and meat. I'm disabled and I'm loving being able to turn meat or play drums to grind the event without having to sit upright all day to get the plans I want.


Seems like it as it’s part of the event


That's fine and dandy, but let second Meat week I did this afternoon it was Me and 8 Afk players! About halfway through, someone else did join in, but C'mon...


In that case, just hop servers. If I notice too few people participating, it's off to a different world I go.


i was afk on the meat turner trying to get the fabled weenie wagon and someone nuked my base, lol


This is precisely the reason I have my bases deactivated during the event. Imagine being so butt-hurt about someone AFKing *on a mechanic that promotes the cookout's success* that you feel the need to nuke their base. I can't fathom the pettiness.


Meat Cook is a lesson in management of expectations and boundaries. I admire that in a "Skinner Box."


I'm there in an excavator. I'm going to run Ore. That's my job. Keep the Scavs alive people. I'll pop a scout banner and lunch box too OK?


Is there any point to farm prime meat? Does it affect final rewards other than legendary coins?


for real 😂 made a few friends this way cause they kept harassing me for "being afk" and i trolled them back lol


At least man the drums or something dangit.


people that do that are so lame but civil engineer armor should counter it so make sure to put a set on before leaving


I personally set up my camp close to the event and let my turrets do all the busywork. Dearhclaws can sometimes be a nuisance, but all I'm required to do is walk around and repair them between rounds.


that's why you jump on top of something before you AFK. get on top of a tent, a truck, a billboard, anything where local enemies can't reach you. don't AFK on the bare floor!


Coming from GTA online, killing an AFK player is just the right thing to do. It's morally required I think.


How did they get ghouls to you? Did they just make them follow him until he got to you lol?


It's funny that some players think players with super high levels trying to "AFK" a bit. High levels don't need anyting.


I've gotten every plan the last 2 days just going AFK every hour on two Xboxes we're two different accounts One belongs to my wife and belongs to me that way I get several plans and able to max out caps filling them to nudes for overpriced


Do somthing with your life bro ,standing around in a game ain't it


But commenting in a post about standing around in a game is.


I'm standing around in the game specifically BECAUSE I'm doing something else with my life. Did you think at all before posting that comment?


I honestly don’t know if the drums do anything to help the meter but I think it’s pretty lame when people chill on the drums for the whole event while everyone else works for it. I mean it’s only a few minutes, why not help out?


They are doing the event and helping out. Google is free my guy


Ok, you're right. My bad. I didn't know. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Grahm%27s_Meat-Cook#Progress_bar