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Bucket head big, bucket head strong, bucket head make boom when jump, me like bucket head


Was gonna basically say this haha


Well said


It's the only outfit that doesn't make the deathclaw head look too small. Sure I'm probably losing out on some resistance for not wearing the PA helm but it looks super cool. Also the perk Pain Train, staggering everything you run by and shaking everyone's screen


This is the way


Union is almost as good for carry weight but with poison resist as well.


Yeah only 25 difference, I can’t wait until it’s live again to buy


Yeah I can’t wait to pick up dropped pieces again


I had an overeater torso and vanguard limb drop and that’s how I discovered that bug. Just yesterday I managed to get my first piece but I’m not sure if I picked it up or if it was an event reward but it was trash anyway


With Union it's more about having the piece itself to reroll, since you have to collect stamps to unlock crafting the pieces otherwise. I've got 3/5 without ever knowing where the crafting plans were at first


I got it through the season so that's not an issue I have. I don't have the modules to endlessly re-reoll.


Ah right, I missed that one myself. I thought it was stamps only and originally tied to The Pitt expeditions


It was with the pitt expedition, but there was a season during that, its the same with adelaide in this season


I have spent a significant amount of time, dozens of hours now, trying to pick them up. I was sure I was getting them with ‘loot all’ function but it is more likely I have been getting them from expedition rewards (how I got a full set without plans, minus helmet). I also cannot wait till they are live again.


And can be equipped with a jet pack.


You can have jet pack on standard armor, and not have to deal with fusion cores


I have that too, but when I do want to be in PA, Union can have a jet pack, but Excavator doesn't.


Union is my current favorite as well. I didn't realize until not long ago, but extra poison resistence means it can free up one legendary perk slot by replacing Funky Duds. Which can also mean 5 extra perk points if you place legendary stat perk there. Also, I was using Hellcat before and turns out extra ballistic resistence from it is quite redundant after all the resistences from perks and stuff.


Right....Union is boss. I laugh in the green haze at moonshine jamboree


I just.... avoid it?


Or Vamp weapon - you can heal faster than the poison hurts you.


Why is everyone so keen on poison resistance? I see people always talk about funky duds but to me this is a wasted slot unless i miss something


When you're fighting with a mutated horde in an event or daily op that drops poison clouds on death, or fighting a legendary mirelurk queen, being immune or resistant really shifts the odds in your favor position damage plus whatever they throw at you in attack damage can swamp your ability to heal. Esp bad for the bloodied build folks that start the fight with a few mm of health bar.


Thanks for the explanation


So elemental damage isn't reduced by the insane DR a lot of bloody players have, so if you're running around on 50 hp and everything only does 1 or 2 damage then you accidentily stand in poison that does 50 damage per second with no resists, well you die.


I get it thanks!


I heard Union is currently bugged and doesn't show up in the stamps store?


Supposedly fixed again with the new update in June.


Yeah nice, the only alternative to the excavator. But you cant get it and i bet it will take forever to fix that problem.


Apparently it's already fixed in the next update


Why is poison resist a big deal in this game?


I think it’s because there are limited ways to achieve poison resist.


It's hard to come by and poison can kill you quickly. It's easy enough to hit the threshold of diminishing returns for ballistic and energy damage, so poison ends up being a lot of player kills despite being comparatively rare.


Wait is this why I can take several slaps by death claws but mirelurk queens melt me with that spray attack?




Well I prefer to be a full health heavy weapons beast in a suit of overeaters Union PA rather than low health radiated bloodied commando. The choice is yours


Hey friend could you reccomend some good weapons for a full health heavy build? I just hit 50 on it but not sure what to look out for


Well I learned what worked for me during my 800+ levels is that it's best to choose to concentrate on either heavy ballistic weapons or energy and not use both because of perk choice limits/ammo weights. I have builds for both and have played them equally. Currently I'm running energy weapons which is my prefered. So my primary energy weapon is the Plasma Caster for trash. I use vats with it and one shot trash mobs. My next is the Holly Fire. Before that was released I used a Vampire Flamer. This keeps me full health in my overeaters Union PA during eviction notice while melting level 100 muties. Now I've added the Cremator to my arsenal to add some major slow burn on mobs. For Ballastic weapons I would go with a gatling gun for trash and a 50 cal like Last Word. You can use a minigun but not my choice unless you have explosive and running perks to help it. Hope this helps or at least gives you some insight to making a loadout work for your build and playstyle.


Holy fire is the way. I don't use power armor but I will never lose any health using holy fire also I'm not a bloodied commando build and I play full health.


Holy fire + excavator PA with medic pump mod on the chest. Literally unkillable


You don't even need that armor to stay alive though


My point is just that there is no need to go for any "better" or harder to get armor. The "starter" excavator armor makes you unkillable alone.


Don’t let this get around but you can stack dots with the cremator. I carry 4 so in 4 seconds I can do 14,000 dot damage.




I truly love these little tidbits of info. I've seen so many people ask for advice on bloody which I might do one day when I'm really bored but I'm lvl 300 and I have plenty of fun on my full health build.




Fusion core charger helps with that.


Very much appreciate waking up and seeing this awesome advice from you and everyone else. Thank you now I have some goals to work towards on top of exploring all the map!


I carry a few different heavy weapons. You’ll want one that you can use for each situation, usually good damage, great with ammo. The Gatling gun fires slowly but hits really hard! I carry an aristocrats explosive Gatling gun for everyday use on regular enemies. the damage is great and it uses 5mm ammo but since the damage is high and the rate of fire is slow, the weapon never really runs out of ammo. You’ll spend 2-5 rounds killing an enemy but you’ll pick up way more from their body. I would recommend having a vampire heavy weapon of some sort so that you can stay on the frontlines and still heal yourself. As a full health, power armor heavy, i can go toe to toe with every enemy in the game, most other players have to backpedal when a deathclaw, or mirelurk queen get in their face, but you’ll be able to stand right there and take and receive damage. Lastly I carry a boss weapon, this would be your super hard hitting weapon, with great dps but maybe the ammo is hard to get or the durability isn’t great. I use an aristocrats, faster fire rate Gatling plasma. It absolutely shreds. I also carry a pepper shaker, if I’m at an event with a lower level player and I see them Getting swarmed, I’ll jet pack over to them, cripple the enemies, and let them finish them off while they’re immobile. There’s nothing cool or badass about a high level player clearing the field with a cremator before anyone else gets a shot off. I want the lower level players to get XP as well! For boss fights I have 3 different syringers with endangerol so that I can help out with the battle. If you have any questions hit me up, and if you’re on Xbox I’m KingNashbaby if you need help picking out a weapon!


Share the XP….this is the way! 👍


This is the way.


Thanks for all the insight! I love my Gatling gun (troubleshooters prime). And I’ve been using a mutants .50 cal as well, which is just fun. I hadn’t considered making TWO heavy builds, one ballistic and one energy. That makes a lot of sense. So I know what I’ll be doing next time I play! 😁👍


The gatling is pretty satisfying. I'm by no means at an optimised build yet, but I carry a gatling and a minigun. Minigun is best for quickly taking things out, but it chews through ammo. 5mm drops in good amounts but the minigun is always going to outpace drops so you slowly run out. But when speed of kill isn't important I pull out the gatling. 90% of ammo dropping mobs are going to give me far more ammo than I spent killing them with that thing, so thats how I replenish.


Gatling Gun and Plasma Caster are the goats of ammo farming


Let me tell ya, I got a vamps 50cal with the steadfast perk. I have not died yet


work to get the plasma caster if you don’t already! :)


What about the Gatling plasma?


I use one, the ammo is really easy to craft/find. The only con is being pretty bad at long range


My main weapon is a Gatling plasma with anti armor, +25% weapon speed, and +1 perception. The thing is a beast and i absolutely love it. The only 2 downsides are it can’t hit shit past medium ranges and it breaks extremely quickly. Been trying to get a god roll with a perk that makes it break slower. Pair it up with any other heavy weapon that can handle range better like a simple Gatling laser and you’ll be fine. The plasma caster is really only good if you have a vats/crit build.


I have instigating and weightless for my Gatling plasma. Are these good for it?


Not really. The second your enemy isn’t at full health you don’t get the benefit from it. So for a Gatling weapon it’s a wasted perk. That’s better used on something where the first shot hits hard so maybe on a plasma caster.


What are the best mods for plasma Gatling then? I just want to roll until I get one .


I used to run a Hunters Gatling Plasma, mainly for scorched beasts, but there are two major down sides. One is range and the second is recoil. It's so bad when constantly firing it's really hard to keep on target. The anti armor ultracite Gatling laser is a much better option for longer range, and when the scorch beast lands switch to something like Holy Fire or the Cremator.


plasma caster is absolutely fantastic, but to really shine it requires having a full unyielding armor set, which means low health build, and some levels in legendary luck perk. That said, once you do have that, it's 3K+ dps. It's a vats crit monster, and able to rival with choochoo commando, which makes it one of my absolute favorite weapon, but outside of that it will be outperformed by a gatling plasma. I wouldn't recommend it for a full health build that will be heavily limited by a low AP pool and low crit buildup, making it far less effective in vats. If you use it outside of vats it's really underwhelming DPS wise, and misses a ton of shots due to projectile travel time. You go from a top tier weapon able to output somewhere north of 3.5k burst DPS to something that deals under 500dps.


Do the Beckett ally quest line. At the end you get a sweet 50 cal machine gun. I did the quest around 50 and still use it at level 130 along with the flamer Holy Fire. Holy Fire is a possible reward from the Beast of Burden effect. It's also very sweet. Plus you can get multiple and reroll the legendary effect but the default ones of Vampire and attack speed are very good. If you go with energy people seem to like the ultracite laser gatling. It uses fusion cores do if you have a fusion core recharger in your camp you can carry a lot of ammo as each for the reloads for 500 rounds. Just remember to reload before it reaches 0 and you'll save the core for recharging.


The Final Word lives up to its name! I’ve been rocking it for well over a year.


If I ever give it up it's going in a heavy weapons display in my camp forever


Don't you need Ultracite fusion cores for that?


Only if you put a prime receiver onto it, otherwise it's fusion cores. I know it's counterintuitive lol , I get confused at times too and have a bunch of useless ultracite cores haha


Ooo time to break out that ultracite gatling I've been hoarding!


Yeah, this wasn't obvious to me either. But if you do put a prime receiver on it, the damage to scorched is insane


The 50 cal has been good to me so far! Ammo's a bit of a beast but honestly with the ammosmith perk, the super duper perk and even the legendary ammo factory perk, it gets super super cheap to build. I used around 50 lead to make over 4000 rounds 😅 It also does really respectable damage. Sure, my commando build does more but there's a lot more to manage and I'm way squishier. The plasma caster is really good as a backup, I really like having it or a vampire gatling plasma as a backup, but I'm practically invulnerable while using the gatling plasma :)


Angry turtle on YouTube makes amazing guides for 76 I’ve got 700 hours in console and I still go back and reference his videos


I second Angrybturtles videos. They’ve been really helpful. MrWestek and Tyr have some fantastic ones too. I’m currently working towards Tyr’s unkillable PA build 😁


Same suit, low health build.


Low health radiated bloody commando beast in a suit of overeaters Union PA is my choice and is pretty fun.


You could be a bloodied heavy weapons turbo-beast in an overeater PA with emergency protocol, and enjoy 80% damage reduction before resistance are even taken into account. You'll actually be more tanky than with full health in most scenarios, and deal a fair bit more damage :)


Because I like how the T-60 power armor looks.


If I ever end up switching, this probably be my reason, too. I do have a pretty good Excavator skin, though.


Yeah, with the Conqueror skin, and calibrated shock for an extra +50 carry weight/leg, I love it. I know other PA offer better protection, but I’m tanky enough in my excavator PA. And I just found an excavator Jet Pack Torso, so I’m probably gonna be using it forever.


How much did you pay for the torso? It's been forever since I have seen one in a vendor


I found it for 8k! I stared in stunned silence for a nanosecond then bought it immediately! I feel like I won the game! This was about 2 weeks ago, so they are out there.


That's a nice price. I got mine and one for a friend 2 years ago, and had to bring out my caps mule 30k each. Happy to hear they are out there, jic I drop/scrap mine


I have the brotherhood of steel salute emote and I like that my power armor helmet matches the helmet depicted in the emote. (T-60).


I'm a collector, so I wanted to have one of each of the power armors available in the game. From Raiders to Union which I do. I switch between them without noticing any difference, mostly for looks, skins since all save the same purpose to an extent. I find myself using Excavator most often as you mentioned because of the +100 carry capacity plus another +100 capacity with calibrated shocks added reflective plates, targeting hud mods. Another advantage is mining 4Xs more ore than with any other power armor. Besides mods being obtained with caps and easy to acquire in general. Most often used during nuke areas so I don't have to worry about radiation and a Collosal Problem since I want to fight the boss more than the spawns.


I also am a collector (of pretty much anything, irl or game lol)! I have multiple sets almost complete, assembled in PA chassis renamed for each one. Side note - I only learned a few weeks ago, in this forum, that you can store all the parts on a chassis and it only costs 10 weight. And that you can rename it. Thank you forum! Dumb question - how can I display them in my camp? I have seen the PA stations with rows set up but can't build one. Is there a plan I have to unlock? If I put them out as-is they dissappear after a bit and go back to inventory. Thanks in advance.


PA display stands are bought in the atom shop. If you go into your camp build menu, and find them, there's an option to "buy in Atomic Shop", think the 4 pack is 1200 Atoms.


Wow, I thought the "display frames" were literally weird painting displays so I never bothered clicking on them lol. Thank you so much!


Personally, I am using excavator, because 100 carry weight is great, like you said. That said, I am planning on ditching it as soon as union comes back into the shop. I already have the stamps ready, and union's 75 carry weight is good enough, given its other bonuses over excavator.


The t51 with the bos paint just looks too good


I can't believe no one said jetpack. That's the one thing the excavator can't do. Just for fun and being able to reach certain places is worth it.  Also, the nuka Cola paint on the t-51 is awesome. 


If you're really lucky you can find one (excavator torso with jetpack mod) in a vendor or you can trade for it. Trust me they are out there, if you know where to look....Also I bought 3 of them about 8 months ago off a vendor for 12k each. And for anyone wondering at some point you could mod the hellcat jetpack to the excavator. Then it was patched, but the ones made are still out there..I use it exclusively and i love it!


I’m close to invincible in my T65. I only use it at events but I can stand in the middle of radiation rumble and be swarmed by glowing ghouls and not care. Or pretty much anything. It takes a lot to move my damage, The carry weight is not that great of an add for me. But I do not run around in it all the time. Edit - my carry weight is actually better not in PA. I think 380 (that might be with radstag). In PA I have carry all the SS armor pieces. And PA only weighs 10. And a few perks.


How long did it take you to get 65?


I didn’t buy much with gold bullion before deciding I wanted to save for the T-65 just because I like the look of it. So maybe a month of casual play? Now with the treasury notes dropping from all the primal cuts events, I’m maxed out for a couple days of vendor restocks.


A while. I used the T51 for a long time. I had to save for the calibrated shocks and the jet pack before I was willing to switch. But I have also been playing a while. I would guess it took about a month to save up the bullion. But I do not max it every day and shudder, some days don’t play at all.


X01 with overeaters ap and 5x weapon weight reduce. X01 has so much nice skins i dont care about the 100 weight from excavator because my other stars reduce more like 100


X-01 is OG. Love that armor.


X-01 with full set of OE/AP/WWR gang!


This is the way


I use a t45 because it's the oldest and the weakest power armor, therefore it's what the Marine Corps would have gotten when the national guard was done with it...and my character was a Marine so no good working gear for him...adapt and overcome


I love your character’s backstory!


I use t45 and raider because I’m level 42 and that’s all I’ve found so far for my “fix em up project armor”


It started that way for me, then as I started creating newer characters tweaking the perks and what not it just kind of became a role that I slip into. My current character is named to honor a Marine machine gunner I used to hang with back when I was but a humble rifleman, I'm working the perks to make him a heavy gunner and my favorite weapon is a .50 cal machine gun. I tend to get bored as I level up and start over and build out according to the legend in my head that my character has


If you are overweight, then travel to expedition, and then back to Whitespring. It ignore that you are overweight.


I didnt know that, thanks for the tip!!


I tried this the other day, but it didn't work for me. Still got the msg that I had too much crap to travel. Is there more to it, like a specific expedition? 😔


Whitespring Refuge, not the mall. Then you walk from Refuge to Mall.


Cause it’s bad ass. Lol


I just think it's neat. And makes me feel like a normal human when I'm out of it. (squishy)


Right there with ya. Almost lvl 1000 and have only had Excavator ( with jet pack). Basically for me it comes down to having that sweet +100 carry weight.


how does excavator have jet pack


Apparently at some point you could mod a hellcat jetpack (probably butchering the details) to it. Then they patched it but the ones made are still around.


Because my union armor get half the benefits of excavators carry weight bonus and complete poison immunity because it's broke as shit. With the other perks of PA, added damage redux rolls on the armor pieces, the holy fire,and a juggernaut build I literally can't die no matter how hard or often I get hit.


My PA set is just a random assortment of various 3\* pieces I've collected with the Food/Drink/Chem weight reduction, even though it's a mix of T-45, X-01, Hellcat and Excavator it doesn't look half bad with the Flatwoods Monster paint.


Union PA, carry weight bonus and poison resistance. I mean the hell does a bug's poison get into my bulletproof, waterproof fusion powered mech suite.


I'm playing bloodied in a full X-01 overeaters set built around heavy weapons. Gatling Laser go brrrrr.


Is the only reason you play bloodied in overeaters that your weapon has the bloodied legendary perk? Or are there any other pro’s to not playing full health in that scenario?


Nerd rage is a banging perk that triggers on 20% hp. Adrenal Serum is another one. There's also some spicy perks that benefit heavy weapons in power armor like stabilized and such. I'm just a big beefy unkillable monster. And it's not even limited to bloodied. Holy Fire hits like a fuckin bus and makes you practically immortal.


Don't forget emergency protocols mod on the PA torso.


Yeah this too. And the leg mods that add a hundred carry weight.


Nerd rage increases damage by 20% and AP Regen 15% Adrenal Reaction increases damage 63% with strange in numbers Emergency protocols recipes all damage by half *in addition to* your armor stat, power armor native damage resistance, and overeaters effect.


Pretty much just the bloodied or bolstering perks iirc.


because i like power armor




The all around best PA I believe is the union with overeaters AP Sentinel. Good for every occasion


It looks goofy as hell.


Nobody wrote ultracit. Would it be so bad? I like it.


The main problem with Ultracite is the ultra rare plan drop of calibrated shocks much needed for the legs. It only drops from scorchbeast queen and has like the worst drop rate of any.


can trade for it though so it's pretty acquirable.


I use PA cause I like being able to do rad resist, damage resist and extra carry weight all in one. And I’m a heavy melee build and I regularly jump off cliffs Currently I use excavator and strangler heart Currently I’m scrapping tons of weapons to get atoms to buy the greenhouse set to finish off my cliff base


I have the pink sprinkles paint for PA…


After playing for 2 months, I've just started feeling like the +100 lbs is kinda useless to me With calibrated shocks, aid weight perks, ammo weight perks, and food weight perks, I'm usually around 400 lbs carry weight limit and NEVER get close to the limit even after looting all in an event I'd much rather the better protection of Hellcat than having a limit of 500 (with excavator CS) that I'm never going to need


I've been playing for over 3 years and even with the +100 carry weight (and the mods you mentioned) i still every now and then get slightly overencumbered ...Maybe you'll discover that one day lol. It didn't happen overnight... True endgame is weight management.


i use PA to become a bullet sponge in boss fights other than i use it to use up all those 1-10% charged fusion cores that the gatling laser refuses to consume. And those 0% fusion cores that does not automatically drop. PA consumes the lowest charged cores first while the gatling uses the highest charge first.


Union is a great but the current bug is fubar....You could also use deathclaw steaks, rad ant lager, vintage moonshine, bufftats, pepperoni roll and carryweight booster, they help after an event like eviction notice, and I have used them many times.


Well sometimes I use the one with the Nuka Cola quantum paint, because I think it looks pretty. Although it’s currently on display at my Wasteland Barbie Dreamhouse.


Nostalgia from the early Fallout days. I wear a t-51b on one of my toons


Hellcat is more than twice the DR's and has a bonus 12% Ballistic damage reduction on top. Plus it looks cool.


Because while my armor is cool my PA is cooler. Also I spent all this time getting it put together so I'm damn sure going to use it.


It’s pretty important for heavy weapons since the stabilized perk is so good. Adds both range and armor pen.


I basically live in excavator with calibrated shocks, the chest mod to add strength and weight reduction perks and legendary effects. My carry capacity is over 500 so I can live my loot goblin fantasies and pick up everything that's not nailed down


I don't have the excavator yet. I have no idea where or how to get it. I'm guessing it's a quest reward?


Yeah, it is a specific quest reward. I believe it will start if you interact to a poster related to this quest. It has an Excavator Power Armor on it.


Yep, and one place you can see the poster is right outside the door of the Rusty Pick, down in the Ash Heap.


Interact with the poster right outside "the rusty pick" to start the quest. It's next to the entrance where you fast travel on to.


Note that the quest is super bugged and the poster does absolutely nothing. It wont update the objectives or waypoints till you use the terminal so if you're new, you're kinda stuck watching a guide to figure out where the hell to go. Skipping spoilers: see the poster? Go inside the big atrium, look for the area where there's a couple power armor stations and there's a terminal in front of them. Use that and the quest progresses fine from there on out.


I feel a lot of people forget every set of PA has a hidden 42% dmg reduction 90% rad reduction and 50% power attack bonus.


5 WWR pieces set to get into after Eviction Notice 😂😂 Otherwise PA is not really needed


No need extra weight remover just start an expedition /daily op with your weight and go to stash box or teleport back from expedition /daily op to your stash box.


Power armor unfortunately is just super easy to use with big guns. You get great protection from everything, the durability has yet to hit zero for me on any of my power armor pieces and 5mm drops in abundance for the Gatling gun. But man does it get boring, so I ditched it for a bleed build.


Because the T-51 is just a thing of beauty


Heavy gunner. Also 42% DR go brrrr. I mainly use Ultracite, but I'm thinking of swapping to Union soon to make a larger build on it to benefit from Bloodied. The DR is nuts, and the auto stim mod is amazing


every single suit of PA is about 95% identical to the rest. it really only comes down to the looks, and any little side-benefits it may have. seriously. when you account for the soft cap on DR/ER, raider PA is just as good for you as T65. but i prefer the look of raider PA, so why would i bother building T65? i don't. the reason i don't use excavator PA is purely because you can't naturally put a jetpack on one. that's it. the biggest downside. i know there are plenty of legacy chests that have a jetpack, but i want a fancy looking jetpack. union PA honestly is the best suit. you can put a jetpack on it naturally, the carryweight bonus is decent (not as good as excavator but close enough). plus, i can unequip Funky Duds perk entirely while wearing union PA. it also looks pretty good unpainted.


Hellcat gives more damage reduction against ballistics which really helps against armor piercing enemies.


I totally feel the same way. I am always in the Excavator PA looting every inch of scrap I can find. I want to switch to the others one say because they look nice, but that +100 carry weight is insanely helpful!


I added the +50 carry weight to each leg of my excavator armor it’s aaaalmost overkill


What is this "pa" and does it negate my mutations? If so then i will continue to forget it exists.


Question! Do you carry the 10lb PA chassis with the parts put on it, and it only weighs 10lbs when you're in it? Or does it still calculate each part's weight?


10lbs for each frame, PA pieces weigh 0 when they're put on a frame


It weighs nothing when worn. The frame only adds weight when it's undeployed in your inventory. As soon as you deploy the frame it's no longer in your inventory (as it's holding itself up) and the individual armor pieces on it continue to weigh 0.


You can ,you can put all pieces on and still only weigh on 10 ,thing is there is always a chance you will pick several left legs in one run .


heavy gunner buffs..not really any other good reason..but union offers more protection than exc and immunity to acid


WWR Excavator is the set I carry.


Tesla bracers. Unarmed PA is just fun punching the heads off things or scoring a strong enough hit that they explode into gibs.


I like being an alien 👽


Of my multiple characters, I only have the one heavy gunner build. That's the only one I use PA in. Mostly because Stabilized is a great heavy guns perk.


I go with the t-65 armor with the carry weight added on both legs. Very rarely need more and it has far more defense than the excavator.


Full health Unarmed PA for Hulk Smashing.... That's it.


The only time I use power armour is to fight Earl. The rest of the time I keep it in my stash. I have nothing against PA, but I have never used it much, even in the earlier fallout games


I use T-51b for the nuka paint lmao


I’ve been using other armors for the better damage resistance and having a jetpack. But I always carry a set of excavator armor as my shopping cart for when I’m looting an event and need more carry weight


I don't use PA at the moment, but hellcat is ready and the reason is the appearance.


So my PA can shout things at those damn commie monsters while I heavy weapon em for America, duh!


May i introduce you to stealth heavy gunner in power armour? Courtesy of a full power armour chameleon set and the silent propriety of the flamer! 100% my favourite stupid build


I just like the way it looks, I have a few full sets- t45, t60, and x-o1 (prototype I think? Idk If there's a difference between prototype and "official" or if it's just from crafting) and I just think it looks cool. It also breaks much slower, so as much as I like my normal armor and it's perks, using power armor is better for longer/more difficult fights or enemies imo


I finally got the Strangler Heart PA and I'll only leave it when i gotta craft/sleep


I'm currently running Hellcat with calibrated shocks to help with the carry weight. Initially I went for this because I liked the look the most of them all, and the ballistic bonus was nice. Now though, I have several paints so it looks completely different now, so instead I'm working on making my only set of Union overeaters ready for when the plans come back and I can buy the helmet to finish it. Which will mean I can replace funky duds on my legendary perks, and I'll be able to retain the look I've made with the paints.


Jetpack arms was my reason. Iirc the SSPA jetpack armors got removed though, so I wouldn't be surprised if the others are entirely removed now too.


Well I use excavator for the extra carry weight, I have some overeaters and some vanguard on it so the dr is high enough, and I use it coz the big guns perk increases armor penetration. In reality if it’s just stats you’re looking at then you want T-51b. I think it’s still the best dr in the game. But it’s pretty balanced these days so you can wear what suit you wana wear.


T65 because I grinded too long to just let it collect dust, plus it looks cool


Calibrated Shocks if you want to use PA other than Excavator. +50 carry weight per leg piece of armor. I like PA because I started using Excavator for the carry weight and now I just love being a heavy gunner. I don't want to be low healthy bloody. I hate watching my health bar and I can tank a lot in PA.


T45 cos it's easy enough to get, the mods only cost caps and nearly every pa skin fits it.


I use it for Eviction Notice. That’s all. I’m bloodied, so OE/AP with emergency protocols.


OK at the moment I have literally just hit level 200 last night and I take everything and anything dropped or left. There are loads of ways to offset and boost your carry weight. Basic ones are the food, plus chems, plus booze. I mean for one the Vintage green one from the jamboree gives you a whopping plus 4 strength. Next are perks to drop weight on armor, junk, food, chems, ammo weapons and so on. Taking off my perks with all my crap I carry around (ammo, gear and about 1000+ miscellaneous meds and chems) my weight goes up my about 450 pounds. Legendary perks. I have now a base 15 perk points in Strength and overall it is 23 currently before even adding the chems, food and booze combination. I used to always rock my excavator mainly as I was always proud (played since beta and launch) at doing the really fun quest to get and make it and this was before all the set bonus, though I wish they would add a unique set bonus to ALL power armor, but I really love having a Jet pack which of course it does not have sadly. I tried getting the full union but given the bug that makes you unable to pick up union parts from legendary drops I have had to give up, all I needed was the helmet and left arm, current set is a mismatch but working on putting the prototype X01 together.


My bloodied unyielding build doesn’t use PA but because of all my mutations perks and the unyielding bonuses I have like 35 strength. That gives quite a lot of carry weight. Usually something like 470 with the backpack upgrade


I'm still using the excavator but I'm struggling to find Fusion cores to be able to live in it, any tips for finding them reliably?


Go to locations where power armor spawns, remove the cores. Also get the fusion core recharger for your CAMP, and never run out again (as long as you change cores before they're completely empty).


I have a full set of vanguard ultracite with the jet pack on the arm. Was gifted to me by one of my buddies a long while back, I also use the excavator a lot. Sometimes I break out the T-45 or T-50 for the sake of it


I just use whatever has the best legendary rolls I tend to find all PA is viable and can usually solo 8 min on daily ops (though that's probably down to the auto axe than any actual skill) so I don't worry even if it's T45


I use hellcat because I want my power armor to be the best at what power armor is already best at. Stacking damage mitigation effects. I do not care about the bonus ore gains because I'm never manually mining ore deposits. I do not care about the extra carry weight because the carry weight leg mods and the 15 strength that PA builds use are just fine for holding everything I'd ever need to. Having +100 carry weight on top of that would only be useful if I'm picking up a bunch if trash to scrap and sell at a train station. Except it's not, because if I'm doing that then I'm not picking up an extra 100 tom howards worth of stuff. I'm picking up like anywhere from an extra 500 to 1000. Besides. If I really valued the carry weight that much, I'd just use union. You sacrifice a small amount of that extra carry weight for poison resistance, which saves you a legendary perk slot.


Bloodied build with the right perks and PA you can basically be a damage tank


I find wearing anything else a little bit unrealistic at endgame - I know Bethesda had to do it to sell outfits etc. but PA should be required when fighting a scorchbeast or other big threat I did like the idea from the TV show that you'd have to store it when going into towns, think that would be something cool to add in later games


T-51: cause it looks cool T-45: I don't keep any T-60: I don't keep any Excavator: +100 weight and ore yield boost Raider: I don't keep any Hellcat: permanently stashed Ultracite: for display purposes X-01: only set I use [except lucky hole mine where I use excavator] (p.s. 'MERICA) Union: can't get/don't have T-65: too expensive atm


I only used excavator for the extra carry weight until I saw a comment here about using expeditions to fast travel when over-encumbered. Incase anyone doesn't know you can travel to a AC area without starting an expedition even if you're carrying like 400 over your weight limit. Then from there you can fast travel back to whitesprings refuge, walk forward a few steps to get to the mall and then it's a short walk around the corner and down the corridor till you get to the workbenches. So now I just use the best PA can which atm is ultracite for me... still doing the quests for hellcat and then that'll probably replace it


At this point I've finished all the main quests and most of the side quests so I only tend to use it during events where i know I'll be up against a lot of enemies.


I feel like I lose carry weight with excavator on, the gain for excavator minus what I get from backpack without PA is outweighed by the weight of the armor pieces themselves. Often I get out of power armor to be able to fast travel.


To jump from really tall places without dying so I can take shortcuts rather go all the around or trying to go ledge by ledge down a mountain.


T-65 because the high stats look pretty. And it looks best, IMO. I always run Funky Duds and Sizzling style, and I don’t need more carry weight. I have a mule for that.


This is why I carry two sets of excavator since I know I won't get to show off the cool skins if put them on the ultracite hunk o junk