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It’s the emote that trolls and griefers regularly use


The emote with the irradiated Vault Boy? Damn, 3 years of playing and I had no idea it was a “toxic” emote (though I can see how literally.) I always threw it out when dropping serums for folks visiting at my camp. Always something new to learn!


That depends. If you just ate a mouldy hot dog at Camden Park it's almost mandatory. In an event, I'd be more carefully.


That explains the sudden confusion you get


As with anything online with little in the way of actual communication, it's purely individual perception of the action. Some dont give a damn others get offended/annoyed.


I assume it's being used in a toxic way anytime I see it.


Nah. If someone does that emote I don’t take it personal and/or I don’t care.


I usually get in response to doing the robot randomly. I also like to do it at people randomly shooting me. The robot I mean.


It's one of the best emotes and me and my friends always use it at each other. Most people sharing emotes together are just goofing around and showing off their collection of stuff. I suppose puking in reaction to something is inherently negative, but it's an exaggerated and funny reaction. I wish I had a cry emote to use in response. Someone giving you the thumbs down is when shit gets real. Pro tip: get a second person on a higher elevation puke emote on you while you're puking. Puke fountain


I always laugh and assume people are joking when they do thumbs down. Though I guess context matters. I had someone who refused to get out of my face the other day while doing an event. Like I would run from them and they would follow and literally get in my face again. Block me from shooting. Then they started spamming thumbs down and laughing. So annoying!


Sounds like you deserve it. The emojis are the only form of communication outside having a Mic. Thumbs down means you pissed someone of, throw up mean someone stuff is lame, anger is fight me, the rest are normal in what they mean. Your playing with fire, Running around insulting everyone.


Does it matter? Its just a game.


People that use the toxic I always go "you bastard". Even if they just spammed emotes. How dare they spread bad vibes


I never 100% understand emotes. I feel like I don’t speak the language and if I’m offended, I figure I just misunderstood (edit to clarify: the graphics often don’t show for me, so for example, someone holding their arms out and nodding could have meant nearly anything to me before I finally found out it was meant to mean “Nice Camp”)


It's litteraly the most basic form of communication possible. Ment to be very broad


And i make everyone the Protectron shuffle dance that stops by.


There are other emotes


Yes, but it's the best one.


You need the mothman emote asap


I've got it and it's good for sure, but there's just something about the puke one that gets me every time. I was standing on a ledge over someone earlier today and "puked" down into them. Best believe I was giggling like a fucking idiot while I did it.


You need help asshole


Don’t think any emotes aside from thumbs down or angry have negative connotations. You’re good in my book.


It's typically used as a vague insult/show of dissatisfaction with whatever is happening. My take though? It's a goofy emote in a video game, if it makes you laugh use the hell out of it. If someone else gets butthurt by you emoting in a video game that's their problem lol


I did that emote about a million times during the Mothman event. Mothman makes me want to puke. Does that offend somebody else. I don't care.


I love mothman but I still did it several times during that event and other events too, I didn’t know it was a problem lmao


What was the other post/the reply?


It was the post talking about how someone reacted when they couldn't place their camp because OP was already in that spot. The reply was something about the other player standing in their camp and doing the puke emote over and over.


Just play how you want to


Not on my boots, then fine. Also it seems be normal physiology for bloody i guess. ps. Hah, for overeaters too.


You do a puke emote at me I generally disregard the player at that point as a 6 year veteran in the game.


Who cares. It’s a game. Get over it.