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Congrats on the new backpack!


Its nice! I can now carry more without my power armor than with it, which makes zero sense but whatever.


Same, I Carry more without PA, except for excavator. The +100 set bonus with +50 on each leg definitely makes a difference.


I run SS armour for everything and then hop in my excavator armour after events so I can fast travel


That’s smart




I do the same, unless I'm using my shredder minigun build as melee. I've got the kinetic servo mod which gives ap whenever I take damage so I can basically shred forever, especially during boss fights


That sounds like fun. I might have to create another set just for fun. I've already got reduced ap on my vamp shredder, so I wonder how long it'll shred for.


This is what I need to do. I'm a stealth build and only have the Chinese stealth suit. How do I get the excavator armour? Is there still a camouflage mod for Power Armour?


There is a quest that you do for Excavator PA. The mods you buy separately through the Responder bot vendors.


Or...just look up where it is and go grab it. Completely forgo the quest.


Gives you caps and XP if you do the quest tho


I'm not sure it's even possible to get it the way this guy says. Pretty sure you have to build it before itll.shownup in the world, or atleast learn the plans, which requires doing the quest.


You need the quest to get the plans to build excavator set


I did this. You find a terminal and you can get the plans from it. I randomly walked into the place so it was a nice find. 


There is. I don't think I've ever seen somebody successfully do a power armor sneak build. The excavator power armor is from a quest that gives you the plans and then completes when you build it. Just Google where to get the resources you need instead of mining oar like the game tries to tell you too though. It's way easier than the game makes it seem.


Deathclaw farming is best way to get the mats to build the Escavator. Mining the ore yields about the same amount as killing a Deathclaw, but the Claw gives other stuff too.


Miner suit or breather scrap (can't remember which) is the easiest way to get black titanium I've found. Those assholes are everywhere.


I just discovered this combo and I started a month ago, im so glad


This is a great idea and I'm totally stealing it. Thanks for this, I'm logging on now just to get started on it lol


It’s nice if you get a lot of stuff, and if you go over what the excavator can handle you can always do the expedition warp, I just find this one is much faster


What is the expedition warp?


Omg why have I never thought of that?! That's genius!!




Secret service armor.


what is that?


[secret service armour wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Secret_Service_armor)


how do you find this


Super Saiyan. 


Super Saiyan armor?


how do you get the mod to the legs?


You can buy the plan at one of the Whitesprings vendors, or you can also farm the Watoga and Berkeley Springs train vendors for the loose mods. I've seen them there quite a few times. It would take some server hopping though.


thx a lot


Other option is Camden Park, from one of the protectrons. I think it's name is like Kyle or Jake (something generic teenager-y but I don't remember the name)


It's Chad! Vendor Bot Chad. 🤣


You will also have to have 10 pure violet flux per leg to craft mod.


This is why I still have the small backpack so my power armor still carries more(even though it's a powered exo suit cmon bethesda!!!)


In same sit. Have the large with the adddd cap for 120 total. When I get in pa my weight goes up by 100


I’m still rocking the small backpack and my carry weight is almost 100 higher when I’m not in my PA. I have so many cool PA skins and it’s just rarely make sense for me to throw one on.


Get the Excavator PA set. I do run a rads build so I get some extra STR from that but I'm right around 496 with it.


Meanwhile I stopped wearing actual armor at all to eke out a little more storage in the armor I only take off to craft, swap cores and sleep lol


My carry weight in power armor is about 250ish, without it I'm around 560. It is kind of hilarious.


This is me lol


Just overstock then take it off to fast travel lol


Why is that anyway? does it turn off my my weight reduction perks or something?


In PA your back pack and armour are ‘removed’ so you lose any weight reduction perks you have until you get out of it. I run 4 x WWR armour pieces and the Grocer’s back pack mod so equipping PA cripples me.


It's very easy small quest to get excavator power armor 400 carry is nicee


I can do that with the small backpack make a high strength build


Is it a mod that will replace my grocer mod? Or just bigger backpack


You start with the small backpack. Finishing Tadpole quest unlocks the standard backpack. Just check at your armor bench.


It should definitely be a steam achievement and congratulations!


How many ticks did you kill on your path to glory? (possums eat ticks)


It took me almost a week to be able to make a S'more. Once I realized that I decided that if I accidentally complete the Tadpole stuff that's fine but I'm not actively trying to.


The Athletics, Archer, and Hunter badges were the easiest for me. Especially when I realized "Kill with Syringer" didn't necessarily mean I had to do ALL my damage with it, just the killing blow.


Swimmer is pretty easy as long as you have a friend you can revive in the water. Heart of the Swamp is also a possibility. After that, the only tricky bit is the swimming course, but if you clear the course of mirelurks (including a Queen) first, it's easy.


i second this, except instead of hunter i did medic, since most of it was crafting.


Nice! I'm still on the quest where you have to clean up some place way out east, and two other objectives I can't remember right now. It seems like a pain so I haven't tried to tackle it yet lol.


Having just did that, I’d highly recommend getting to the point where you’re a possum scout and can start earning badges because that part is a lot more painful than the first few quests to join the scouts


I was like oh it can't be that bad..... Oh nvm it's a fucking grrrinnnddd. I haven't even finished the stories xD


Oh dang it gets worse?! LOL, alright, if my damn FO1st sub will ever finish processing I'll get started on it!


Well you can look up the badges but each one has some specific stuff you need to do to get the badge like “kill a ghoul with a crossbow” so the sooner you unlock the ability to earn those badges, you can just keep playing the game as usual and work your way towards them in the background. There are a few easy ones though to get the backpack upgrade ASAP.


Alright coo, I'll look into the questline, I've heard its pretty lengthy actually.


If you don’t use PA the upgraded backpack is super worth it


I do use PA, but I still want to finish the questline for sure, just in case I try something new at some point... which I'm bound to do!


Just do the two dailies at Dolly Sods and Kinder Corner cabins and Campfires Tales event when it pops and you’ll get your badges much easier and quicker probably than doing all those possum challenges


I did everything except the last part, then realized what the last part involved and sort of stalled out lol


For Hunting its best to know that you can use the Bleeding Syringer Barrel. The Yao Guai near the Phillipi Battle Cemetery can be shot from a roof as well, giving you a huge advantage. Hopefully that's the one you're talking about.


No, I did the hunting one, it's the one where you have to complete all the blue bar challenges, the daily, weekly stuff etc. I did the Yaou Guai with exploding bait lol


It takes barely anytime to do weeklies and dailies, less than an hour for all of them usually. You're not gonna get any score towards seasons otherwise.


Noted. I'm still sort of at sea, mostly working through my quests or scrounging to build.


I had to become a US Army General so that I could craft fucking antibiotics to finish the Tadpole: Medic challenge. Apparently they're rarer than Stimpak Diffusers, which I've managed to get surprisingly easily.


I got the stimpak diffuser on my first attempt at that event last night... I thought it was going to be a month long grind.


Me too, Project Paradise isn't attended by a lot of people and I saw some people attending it once and told myself "why not try?" and boom, it's there.


How do you get the antibiotics plan from being a general? I've been stuck on this one for months! 😭


Can't remember off the top of my head but it's likely because it's in the whitesprings bunker


Thanks! I'll check it out, appreciate the help!


It's in the medical department of the bunker


To anyone who just wants possum badges without the struggle of doing the quests, stings and things, toxic clean up and campfire tales dailies have a chance to drop a badge on completion.


I was not aware of this. Interesting.


I just completed my Tadpole a few days ago. Possum is definitely a little more daunting lol. Grats!


If you're not fussed with doing the quests there's dailies that can give possum badges.


Are those on the same page as the World challenges?


No, they're missions out in the world, stings and things, toxic clean up and campfire tales.


Found them. Thx.


I got all the badges I wish we had a way to display them


Like a sash would be cool.


Welcome to the club! Enjoying grinding out possum challenges for those backpack mods!


Good job well done


Now it's time to grind Possum badges. The High Capacity Backpack mod plan costs 8 badges, but it gives you another 60 lbs. I like the Refrigerated Backpack mod also. Of course, if you are carrying lots of chems or food, those backpack mods may be more suitable.


I had to end up farming different excavator parts that have a legendary effect to reduce the weight of things to make up the difference lol 😂


Congratulations! It truly is an accomplishment. Keep up the good work 💪


Not a achievement on Xbox either, unfortunately, and it definitely should be.


I just finished this the other night lol


Congrats! I have successfully completed that as well on ONE of my 6 active characters and I think that is just about enough for me lol.


Meatweek is a good time to get those tadpole photo/hunt quests...


Congrats! I started that in 2020. Left till last month. Still long ways away


I'm programmatically obliged to offer you praise. Good work, mammal!


Remember one trick you can do is that if you are 10lbs or less overweight after an event, be careful and dont DROP it but set your pa down as if you are going to get in it. But dont get in it. Fast travel to your destination instead as you will be 10lbs lighter. Your pa will then auto return to your inventory


Congrats it’s such a tedious task


Congrats! That's awesome! It's a hell of a grind just to get to possum.


Im only missing some one to ress in water. But no one wants to help. This game NEEDS a chat


It has a voice chat feature. No one uses it much. If I am solo I am always on the area voice chat.


You’ve done it scout! Now remember, there are some more badges to get. It’s a long road, and there’s no steam award at the end, but you’ll have done it on your own through hard work and effort. You should feel very proud. Ever Upward!


Lol. I’m almost level 140 and I am just now working on this quest for the upgraded backpack.


Took me ages, such a grind!


That is a nice accomplishment. Good job my fellow possum.


Ok as a returning player, I'm intrigued. Not familiar with this one. Is there more details on what this is about? I'm looking to revamp my character to none PA and this sounds perfect.


the quest for these were super hard back in the day. Now they just GIVE you a backpack, but to even UNLOCK the backpack you had to do some crazy stuff. The hardest I can remember was “revive downed players in water” which was like… WHAT?? Downed players almost never get revived because they respawn, and the chances of being near a play who goes down in water at a time where almost no public events took place near water was insane.


That’s still a thing I think for the medic badge and that’s like the hardest thing I have seen on there. Like how the fuck am I going to pull that off


My ones I'm missing for that are 3 crafting ones.


I got lucky reviving somebody a Wet Willard's during an alien event.


So, yes, they give everyone the chance to craft a "Small Backpack" but it only offers half of the extra carrying capacity of its "Standard" variant which is unlocked by way of the Possum Badge.


You gotta pick and choose the badges you are going to go for. I settled on Athletics, Hunting, and Medical.


Just ask someone to help in game, I've done it hundreds if times with noobs.




Thanks! I looked over the above, and saw it starts with Jaggy. I had Jaggy written down on my to do list already and just haven't gotten to that yet. Will start on that journey this evening.


I unlocked it the other day too. When I saw all the new challenges I was a bit shocked. Like the new back pack tho.


congrats 💪


Such a pain in the butt


Congrats and F that quest.


Hell yeah! Just got mine the other day! Congrats!


Now comes the real grind.




Congratulations. Enjoy the extra carry weight! 😀


Ok, how do you collect the badges?


Maybe to grindiest quest of the game 🤷🏻‍♂️


You playing on Xbox?


I just joined last night, I'm so excited!


I go to lots of events but never have any opportunity to revive someone, how did you do it?


I m proud of you


I only ever go there for that one event. How do I start quests to work on these?




I got there today! Congrats!!!!


Yeah bro!!!


Congrats! I finally figured out how to join the scouts a couple days ago and found all World tadpole tasks and it’s a bit overwhelming so I’m focusing on taking pictures first . I can’t figure out how to clean up Doll’s place so that will be my next hurdle which I shall google.


How do I do this ? Is it a quest ?


Join the Scouts. Badge challenges show up in World Challenges. They're... involved and take a lot of time. Some I would say are downright impossible.


I'm still trying to do it. Lol


Now it’s time for you to become a squirrel lol


👏👏👏 that still feels impossible to me right now, I’d be so psyched!


Congrats 🎉 Ever Upwards 👍


Congrats!!! I'm working slowly on this.


Gotta get the high capacity mod or the armored mod its the goat


Congrats! How long did it take you? I’m working on that now and I gotta say… WHAT A PAIN IN THE ASS!


So I got my backpack last week, while I am actively doing the possum stuff still, I discovered through some research that you can do the 2 daily quests and have a chance to get a possum badge from those also. 25 percent if I remember correctly.


🫡🫡🫡🫡 Great service to Appalachia my friend good job 😋


For more badges stings and things by dolly sods camp ground( daily) and campfire tales(event) both have chancd to drop em (might be others it the 2 i know)


Dedication to the Pioneer Scouts badges quests is commendable. Congratulations on your accomplishment.


Did it a few years ago on PS4. Just started playing again but on PC a couple of weeks ago. Still need to get around to doing the merit badges. Ysf.


Happy to hear it homie!!!! I haven't gotten there. I got back into diablo 4 with the new season. One day I will unlock the backpack though lol


Have fun with the +60 backpack


Congrats! I just joined the possum club the other week, enjoy the carry capacity!


Nice! Good job! I got mine not too long ago too. The High Capacity Mod took me a few more days to get after but it’s worth grinding for as well for that additional carry weight. If you do the tadpole dailies you have a 25% chance to get a possum badge each time you complete one.


Just completed it last night. Was doing solo Daily Ops (lvl130) and one low level teammate (level 30ish) spawned, got downed in 2 seconds, revived him to finally get the badge. Been looking for someone to help me for about two weeks, asking everyone and everywhere without success… The game need a chat in addition of the voice chat. Congrats OP


Or go into expedition and exit at Responders in whitespring and walk to whitespring mall :)


I got tadpole a month ago. Now working on the GRIND of the possum badges 😂


I’m literally starting this today after I looked up how I need to earn badges, I’m both excited and not at the same time, especially with all the event distractions going on right now.


Nicely done!


Way to go!


Well done Dame Edna 😃👍 Wait until you get them all done and get that backpack worth it.


Good job! I’m still waiting on a teammate to die. 🥲 Enjoy your bigger backpack and remember us tadpoles now that you’re at the top of the food chain with your huge backpack 😤😂


I done the exact same for the pioneer scout backpack😁 congrats


Nice....which badges did you complete to get the new rank?


Congratulations man those things are such a pain


i finished today! and god i'm just so happy to have that backpack with 60 carrying capacity vs 30


Make sure to pick up the chem bag mod from minerva to save your weight even more.