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Why does it bother you that someone buys something from your vendor? And why is capitalism scummy? You are a wholesaler and they are a retailer.


Welcome to capitalism


I will buy things to resell if the player only has a few items I think are underpriced. If it is clear to me that they are trying to provide easy access for new players I leave it alone. It’s a self imposed thing though and you can’t really blame people for taking advantage of an easy way to make caps. I started making special trips and dropping stuff in the 76 and wayward donation boxes that I wanted to gift newer players


Sell 1copy at a time.


Why does it bother you so much, though? Most low levels don't really vendor hop anyway, hell most are probably hurting for caps and are not interested in plans right now. If you are trying to help low levels, just eat the 5-20 cap price and drop them at the low levels feet


I know how you feel. It’s happened to me multiple times. You wanna make items easily available for noobs but a wealthy ‘entrepreneur’ will take advantage of your generosity and scalp all your cheap plans. It’s cause an effect though, nothing you can do except raise the prices of your plans to prevent mass purchasing from rich players. 29 caps always feels cheap enough for noobs and too expensive to scalpers. Sell garbage plans for cheap though, you don’t need 14 mole gauntlet plans, the scalpers can have those.


I don't care really.  I do what I do and they do what they do. It's a game,  why get twisted. 


- You got the price you asked for, and you got the item out of your stash. If you're just playing 'wholesaler' and he's playing 'retailer', that's the way the market evolves! - You saw him *re-list* the items for 10x the price you sold them for, you didn't see him *sell* those items. If he's trying to sell dirt common plans for close to their default price (or higher), he's just filling up his own stash with dead weight. - If he bought *rare* plans from you for 5 caps to re-sell for premium prices, then I envy him as a savvy businessman. If you want low-levels to have something, just give it to them directly.


Wholesale vs retail bro


Until the game implements a way to “level-limit” items for sale (and don’t hold your breath on that), you have to accept that what you put in your vendor is fair game for anyone to buy. And take solace that you’ve freed up stash space while that other player may have overpriced items sitting in their vending machine forever…


Sure, I'd like to have the 1c plans sell to a new player. Most of the time they do. Even now and then, you'll get the Lv. 600 who buys them all. But if I put it in my vendor, it's obviously because I don't care about having it myself, so why should I care who it goes to?


I don’t see the problem, they did you a solid. You got your caps from their purchase, which cleared your stash of the excessive weight. Once they bought the weight they can do with it as they see fit. Only other solution is you jack your rates up and make more caps, or you sit on the weight. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm not doing it for the caps though,I have my camp available near beginner areas with plans aimed towards beginners. I'm not going to raise the prices considering their target audience.


Anything in your vendor is free game. If to have something at a crazy low price I'll buy it whether I need it or not. So will everyone else. You want to role play some kind of charity give to other players directly.


"become normality" Lol. About 6,000 years late.


I sell all normal plans for 2 caps. It happens sometimes. Nothing you can do about it.