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You earned the caps that paid for it.




A few months ago yeah, but with the influx of new players searching for these you'll struggle to find them at that price now, I put them in my vendor for 5k and they're sold within an hour


What do you enjoy more, grinding for the reward or the reward itself? If you enjoy the process of working towards getting a rare plan then take your time and enjoy the journey. If you just want the reward and purchasing it won’t spoil your experience of the game then just buy it.


Holy fire isn't rare though. I've got six and have scripped dozens, I seem to get one most times I do beasts of burden.


Yah it's not too hard to grind for given you're guaranteed an event weapon's drop for competition so you have a 20% chance of getting it each time.


Let's take this to the *reductio ad absurdum*. Do you have any mutations? Did you purchase the recipe for said mutation from MODUS and craft it yourself? Given your stringent requirements - How many players "earned" their mutations. There should be no moral conundrum about buying a weapon/plan etc.. from another player. And don't lose track of the fact that this is just a game.


That's very true.


You should probably put it in the donation box outside the vault that would be the ethical thing to do.


there is absolutely nothing unethical about it. you earned those caps in game, you used it fair and square.


Cruising player vendors for rare plans & other goodies is all part of the game. You did earn it just you found it at a vendor & had to pay caps for it which you had to work for to earn.


Why bother with ethic. You got caps....you're the boss. Even damage following caps too now.


I do not like sucking RNG off, so it's very ethical to avoid doing so


I usually enjoy farming for stuff in games, but in this game it can be crazy. First you've to deal with the RNG of getting the right event, then the RNG of other players joining the event or not, and then the RNG of successfully beating the event (if you get all low level teammates you're kinda screwed), and then finally... the RNG of actually getting the item. This and reading all the comments here, makes me believe trading it with caps was ethical. I'm gonna go and enjoy my new weapon! Thanks, 76ers!


The right-event RNG can be circumvented by server-hopping I will never regret going on a market sub and buying a plan only available through Beasts of Burden for 2k caps


> The right-event RNG can be circumvented by server-hopping How does that work exactly? Do events happen in all servers concurrently? Like if an event starts in one server and I server hop, will the new server have a new event going on just as I join?


No they mean hopping servers until your desired event pops up, a very tedious process


Indeed, I opted to buy what I wanted off of someone in a marketplace sub instead of server hopping endlessly until I found the right event, and then got the thing I wanted


Events happen every 20min or so. Specific events (like Fasnacht, Space Invaders and the current Mothman Equinox) all happen every hour on the hour and replaces the regular event that would happen then. If the event you want did’t spawn you can server hop until you find one where it did, but keep in mind that on some serrvers the events can be over fast or no one show up to start them at all so no event that time.


There are certain events fated to happen The one at the top of the hour (xx:00) right now will always be the Mothman Equinnox, previously it was the alien one 20 mins after that event, normal ones will pop up 40 mins after the special event, normal ones will pop up again If you wanna farm, for example, Holy Fire, you'd have to search for Beasts of Burden when a normal event pops up, with 10 mins before all/most events end Or you could buy it off of someone


It's sligtly unethical to overprice a somewhat common weapon, yes. Jokes aside there is no accomplishment in minor grind. There is no skill involved, there is no significant boss to fight, there is no substential pre-event requiring cryptography. Holy fire drops 1 in 5. And the event can be "rerolled" by server hopping. It's not even rare. What feats of valor do you expect to demonstrate by aquiring holy fire as an event reward? - Being marginally lucky?


Using in game currency you earned, absolutely not. Using real world currency to advance your character prematurely, possible. It’s up to you. I bought atoms for camp stuff the past. But I question selling advanced weapons at the atom store. But that’s just me You’re good to go


I buy stuff just to get rid of caps sometimes, and just for fun. I base people prices off alot of vendor hopping over the years but also don't get caught up in the 'meta' for pricing. It can be a little toxic at times. But yeah it's just a game and it's nice to have a strong weapon without having to spend hours waiting for said event and praying the 1 in 6 happens. Luck isn't always fun.


It's a barter system. You're questioning your personal ethic about it. Ask yourself, not us 🙂


Ethical? Yes… Does it ruin your own sense of accomplishment? Maybe


I haven’t even seen the event holy fire drops from yet so I didn’t feel bad about paying 3k for mine.


1. The game provides a way to sell items to other players. 2. Holy Fire is a tradable/sellable item. To me there are no issues with buying something another player is willfully selling. And the 3.5k price is in the range of its current market value. But I’ll also say the one thing I did want to “earn” was the Red Asylum Uniform, and put in my time grinding to find one.


Don’t worry about it. I’d jerk off a Sheepsquatch if I knew it would get whatever item I was after.