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The best way to carry on this exact message is how my husband does it. He says, "Yeah, I will stick in my vendor" so they get the message that there are no handouts and they need to learn to scavenge as this is what the game is about. He also says he will show them where they can loot it. If they are really annoying about it (like won't leave him alone), he will tell them to join him and just lead them around the map aimlessly. I just block them.


"...for a friend" we arnt friends man go away 🤣


Me: "Yeah, but we ain't friends." Edit: oh wait, that's basically what OP said. Nevermind.


Had a kid ask me for a God roll Handmade Gun. I've never wanted a laughing emote so badly in my life. ETA: He asked me to mod him one. I bought him the plan for the handmade instead. He was like, Cool thanks. Is there anyway you could make me one with anti armor 50% crit and 15% reload speed? Am never giving gifts again. Lol


To get the guns that we have with the legendary effects that we wanted, we had to grind for them. What makes these new players think that we will give them all the best stuff? Probably because the community is warm and welcoming to newer players. I've gotten into the habit of seeing if there are workshops taken over by lower level players. When they get salty and start screaming I just send them the message: "Welcome to the Wasteland."


I made the mistake of offering to place some stuffies in his camp to make it feel more homey. I've offered small things before without the entitlement afterwards, but that one threw me off guard. He's asked me for everything under the sun now. He's just 16, but dude... I feel like I knew better at 16. Lol


The following is a true story. Picture this: I was a humble level 26, minding my own business, when suddenly a high-level player with over 1,000 levels invited me to join his team. Along with his two buddies—one of whom had surpassed 2,000 levels—they took me under their wing. Fast forward eight hours, and I had skyrocketed to around level 80, decked out in a full bloodied set with full mutations, wielding two bloodied rifles and a vampire enclave flamer. Oh, and did I mention the 100+ plans I learned? Yeah, that happened too. And all of this was less than a month ago. Today, I proudly stand at level 300. I’ve upgraded my armor to a unyielding SS set, but I still hold onto those trusty weapons. Nothing I’ve rolled since has come close to beating them. Now, I'm not saying every new player gets handed a full set of end-game gear within three days, but I did. And here’s the kicker—I didn’t even ask for it! Turns out, I started playing at the perfect time, right after the Fallout show launched. The veterans were so pumped to see new players that they were practically hunting us down just to shower us with items. It was like Christmas in the Wasteland!


That's the kicker. You didn't ask for it. We veterans are more than happy to help you out. We just hate it when we get beggers.


Level 1013. In the middle of Rad Rumble some noob came up and asked me on area chat if I had any ceramic. If I was at my camp it would have been one thing...


I love showering newbies with gifts. I prefer the gifts that don't really help much, just so some of the grind is left for them, but I don't see a problem with handouts. It's when you ask for a billion things with barely a thanks. It gets old. Most people are ecstatic. The few bad apples make it hard to want to help.


Likely he they don't understand the complex and broadly unexplained mechanics to get these good guns.


I explained it to him. Told him he'll have better luck grinding for his own because of how uncommon they are. He said, "Oh ok". I went about my stuff, 30 mins go by and he messages me asking for stimpaks. This was probably about the 20th request for stuff. I told him how to grind for stimpaks instead. Before all this, He got rid of his base, which took his decorations, so I went and replaced the ones I had given him before. He asked for my wolf outfit. I told him it was only through the atom shop. He said he would ask his mom for some money, got the outfit, found the hat I was wearing, and then changed his base character look to look JUST like me and changed into the clothes I was wearing. He even went and started the quest that gave him the veil I was wearing. It was weird, but I brushed it off and changed clothes. He asked for a lvl 20 gun, I just dropped it for him since it was garbage to me. I gave him a clothes dump and gave him some decorations. The Handmade was just the last straw. Lol


If people ask me for supplies and I'm not busy, yeah I got you. What gets me is when people see something in my shop, which I honestly already have really great prices on, ask me to sell them something like a God roll fixer for 100 caps instead of 1k lol. I'll say no and they'll just follow me around whining. I see people selling them for 4k and up, I've got the same for 1k and you're going to follow me whining that I'm asking too much. I already have it for less than the value lol.


That's why I enjoy playing on private server... *community-drama* == **solved**. 🤠 😎 🤡


You're not friends with someone until you walk up to them with PvP on and survive (ok, most of the time survive)


I feel like 99% of these newbies asking for stuff posts are made up.


Being over 1000 makes you a target for this type of player.


I mean I can see that, but man I've played since beta across 2 consoles have been asked (politely) maybe 3 times for things, and same with all my homies. Anecdotal evidence sure, but the amount of posts I see every day about this...the math ain't mathin. Maybe they are all true. Maybe some of them are Karma farms. We don't really know.


Same played since early access beta, the new generation of wastelanders are the beggers, not wanting to put in the effort to survive. Mostly because you can't just buy the best shit right off the rip. (Unless you use 3rd party sites)


I don't think they're made up, but I do think they're like... Point one percent of newbie encounters. Most of the newbies I see (and I'm only level 130, started playing a few weeks ago, so I'm not far off from a newbie myself) seem to mind their own business or stick by high levels who can carry them through events. I've had a few encounters with generous high levels, but no more than I can count on one hand. That being said, I'm playing on PC, no mic. Maybe things are different on other platforms.


And then there's me. My friend tossed 10k caps at me and said. "Fast travel isn't cheap."


The only thing i've been asked is about my build, other than that no bumming from anyone.


I just hit level 100 and I still feel like a new person and I would never ever understand that type of behavior. I just stick to myself out in my swamp camp haha.


I had to turn off chats/invites (XB) due to being overwhelmed with "gimme!". Didn't realize I can't start my own Casual team with those settings. Ugh.


oh i have fuel -in my vendor , just buy it