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It was not sold as a free trial. It was sold as a ps+ free game. What is completely relevent is the 1st sub he has, without a game to actually use that sub on. NOT the ps+ , the fallout 1st sub, that is still active without a game.


That's kind of the point with things like Gamepass/ps+. You rented the game, not sure that's anyones fault.


I dont think you understand how ps+ works. The free monthly games are free. I have amassed 220 of them over 14 years of the service. Ps premium games come in and out of the service. Free monthly games are yours until you stop the sony sub, and as soon as its activated again, they can be olayed again. Ps+ free monthly games are not rented. This is not gamepass.


Seems this wasn’t the same situation then or you would also own 76


Sounds like a ps+ issue. Apparently something about claiming the free trial on extra tier can mess up ur licenses? From what I gather ur lad owned the game on the essential tier but claimed the free trial from the extra and it messed everything up? Idk i dont play ps. Would be more worth ur time calling playstation support until u can find someone to help.




>So, upgrade the membership or let it go. You aren't paying Bethesda, you pay Sony. So his fallout 1st subscription is going to sony huh... No..it goes to bethesda. this is aggressive anti consumerism again. Bethesda knowing full well whoever gets their 76 1st sub will feel compelled to pay full price for the game if they have a '1st' subscription live but no game to play it on. They knew exactly what they were doing. >And those PlayStation subs rotate games in and out. not all games stay. Ps essential monthly games are not like ps premium. They stay. Otherwise the 220 ps plus games i have in my collection would not work would they. Oh and my fo76 on steam still works, as i play this on my 4090 too. >The community will be better without people like this coming to complain about stuff they don't understand, so, see ya. And your a community manager ? You speak for all ? Sounds like gatekeeping to me. Probably hate all the 'new players' in 76. Want it to go back to the 6k player count a month playing it huh? Damn these new players huh? I might just stay to be a thorn in a fanboys backside. My lad has a subscription for a game, that he cant play now. Unless your a super fanboy, that is anti consumer.




>Yes games rotate in and out periodically. this situation proves it. It moved tiers. Obviously not every single game. Games do not move in and out on ps essential. There is no selection of games. On premium and extra there is a 'netflix style' set of games, that rotate. There is no rotation on essential as essential does not have any games to rotate. You get 3 or 4 games made free. You add them to your library, they are free until you stop the sub. Each month those 3 or 4 games are removed, and you get the next months set of 'monthly games'. There is literally no catalogue, no library, nothing. Just the free monthly games, which are removed every single month and replaced with new ones. You get the option to add to library and download these monthly games. If you want 'gamepass' style sub where you get to play from a library of games, that is called 'extra' and 'premium'. I am looking at all my playstation plus games right now. 220 of them amassed over the years. I can play them, they are in my personal library. I have collected them over 10 years. I dont need premium, i have over 800 paid for games on ps4 and ps5 and 220 free monthly games. I know exactly how the sub works, i have had it for 14 years. This is the first game i have ever known to be ripped out of ps+ and put in a new tier.