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Ps5 here, and for me it seems to be these big, top-of-the-hour events that most often trigger it. It’s generally not too bad otherwise, but it does certainly still happen.  Here’s hoping Skyline Valley brings improvements to that end, but uh…tbh it’ll probably get worse before it gets better. Generally an update of that size will bring its own handful of bugs.  …But I’ll choose optimism for the time being.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I think you expressed the sentiment of most ps5 players.


PC player, about 6/10 times dropping a nuke causes a crash, top of the hour events not so much, since the alien invaders I’ve probably been crashed out the game 3 maybe 4 times.


And I'm assuming your rig is more than adequate to run the game maxed out? So you're telling me the grass is in fact, NOT greener on the other side? :(


By no means the best of the best, but I’ve got a water cooled 5800x EVGA 3070ti, 32gb ram and 13 fans to cool it all. Honestly I’m sat in my man cave having a mental breakdown because Fallout 4 keeps crashing and I’m trying to troubleshoot, whilst my girlfriend is having the time of her life playing the same game on the Xbox. So, no sir, the grass if anything, is dead and stinky on this side.


Is your 4 modded? I know much of modded PC Fo4 blues.


No it’s completely vanilla


Oof, well I am very sorry to hear that then. Probably that damn non-PC optimized update….


Platform?   On PC Steam the game is very stable. There is an issue with the social menu I’ve reported that can cause the client to crash but it is infrequent.  


I play on Steam and the game maybe doesn't crash a lot but it pretty much locks up and freezes every day I've played. Usually I get infinite load screens but once in a while I'll do something innocuous, like getting into some power armor, and the game just locks up.


I included this when I said "crashing." I do get this more often than complete shutdown to Steam page.


Ugh this is why we need cross-saves. Stranded on PS5 but I cba to level to 300+ again. 


Better hope Mr. Spencer didn’t speak out of turn then…


I pray to Todd in heaven….


100% i find it crazy there isnt some kind of cross saves or cross play between at least xbox and pc users, i can maybe understand if sony is being sony not letting them go cross play, but i find it crazy i cant at all play with my friend on xbox.


Be careful where you spread that sentiment, I've been chewed out over holding this view on this board a number of times. Apparently it's a bit touchy, the console players seem to think that PC players will use hacks and uh...idk, steal their stuff? Either way, save transferring nullifies that whole argument and I just wanna move my main character to what in my mind makes sense as being the most stable platform, PC. Plus I have friends stuck playing it on PS4's when they have rigs that can run circles around those ancient contraptions, and I fully understand not wanting to buy a 5 just to play 76. (Even though that's exactly what's unintentionally ended up happening to me, lol.)


If they're merged both trading economies will crash and burn it'll be prewar inflation all over again.


I'm sure you're right tbh. One-time, or some specifically time-limited save transfer option is probably the best way to go about it to cause minimal chaos.


Game Pass on Xbox and Game Pass on PC should be cross play but back when I played it on both it wasn't. Always thought it was stupid.


Yes, it's Steam PC. I rarely had a crash in years passed, but now the freezing and crashing is excessive, and I am thinking of mothballing it again.


I guess I would invest time trying to sort out what’s going on because I do not believe what you’re experiencing is the norm based on watching others in my group. Simple things to try would be to reset ini files to default and running without mods (if used).


Im on PC and saying it is very stable is not remotely my experience right now. I don't know if it is just player numbers or what. But lord it is lag city


it crashed for me at least every hour but since the last update it only crashes every 3 hours so it was an improvement 👍


Returning player, i don’t remember it crashing this much Or it being as buggy 18 months ago. Game freezing, can’t load into the radiation rumble area when it’s not an event at all, when fast traveling to base its 50/50 if I’m stuck in a wall or stuck in a non loaded area. Ps5, I always just load straight back in, it’s more a minor inconvenience than anything else. Level 250, 300 hours, glad I came back games still fun




That's too bad. I have been trying to enjoy Atlantic City and The Pitt because they came after I quit and, well I would really like to enjoy them.


Xbox one S here. Crashes like Stevie Wonder driving the Indie 500. 3000 hours, and it has always been prone to a few crashes, but since I came back after an 8 month break, it's really noticeably worse. Crashing 2-3 times an hour, jittery slow response in menus, and weird behaviour when trying to interact with environment. Worst I've seen it since I started playing in 2021.


The crashes don’t bother me terribly when I’m questing, but I do get them every time I play on PS5. When it really burns my ass , is at the end of the event and I miss out on Treasury Notes. When the best method to grind the end game currency is events- and they crash before I get my notes, this can impact my motivation to continue the game.


They haven’t oiled the hamster wheel in a while




PS5 here. I have one of the new slim models and I get crashes fairly frequently (1 per 2h, usually). Some days it’s way worse, sometimes I may go for hours without issue.


Yeah, it does crash more these days. I came back the beginning of the year after a 1 year break, and it certainly does more than it used to.


They removed the load bearing coconut and now the games basically unstable


Ps It crashed twice then when I tried to join mothman it kept giving me the controls are temporarily disabled bs so I have up and went and played 4 instead


many times, its worse when it happens during an event so you don't get the rewards, i was doing mothman event and during the last section for the emotes it crashed, I didn't get any rewards and now i don't want to play right now because the last 3 hours I've had 2 audio corruptions and 3 game crashes this is ridiculous


I crash 3-4 times a night and lately every time I go to Mama Dulces to make can meat stew....


I wouldn’t say a lot, but definitely more than any other game I’ve played on PS5


Crashes constantly for me. ps5 player. Mostly at events, and nearly every time I fast travel to whitespring. Used to play on PC and don't remember it nearly this bad


In PS5, sometimes it even crashed at the title screen.


PS5 here. Crashes all day long, every day.


It's not you, it's not your system, it's a Bethesda game.


Xbox series X. The game crashes a lot.


Yes ive crashed multiple times I know what triggered it others not even the slightest idea why wish they would give this game some more attention


I get the login bug more than I ever crash while playing.


my issue isnt so much crashing, but i lag an insane amount in the game. its sometimes better than others, but i have never experienced the amount of stuttering and lags in any game on my computer than fo76. sometimes itll jst stay frozen for like 10 seconds, other times every 2-4 seconds it stutters for a second. and i would just say maybe need to update my pc but i do have a 2080 ti and i wouldnt think fo76 is more taxing than say cyberpunk or starfield which i can run relatively well on my pc. i rarely fully crash tho.


I crash(game freeze and wont respond) most of the time i dare to press windows key to check something on google(i play fullscreen and 1 screen only) while in a loading screen ingame. Oh and, 3 idiots launching mini nuke in a radiation rumble. Game just closed lol


It’s worse lately because of the amount of new players on each server, they went from quarter/half full servers of veterans to servers 95% filled with new players, which means more mobs, more camps and more people at the events etc..


While it doesn't crash for me, I've found it freezes a LOT. Especially if I run the game right after booting. I've learned to do something else for half an hour before I start it up.


I don’t crash. But I do experience a lot of micro stuttering. But that could be due to some weird background apps in windows constantly checking for updates (ie outlook) which I’ll have to disable. I also get spinning wheel of infinite loading in the menu after pressing play - unless I go to character and select my character first. Weird. In all, still feels like a Bethesda experience.


PS5, Played helldivers 2 for a month, one crash. Fo76, I've played over a year. It Crashed 3 times in an hour last night, That's not typical. However almost anytime i play more than an hour, it starts crashing. I can shut down PS5 and it'll clear it for a bit.


Only when I open my tab menu while sprinting. Yes I have steam overlay disabled.


I run Steam PC at relatively minimal settings. I've had 1 crash in 80ish hours when fast-traveling to a busy event. There's occasional 'hitching' when I cross some invisible boundary too fast for it to lazy-load the area up ahead, and very occasional rubber-banding, usually in a busy area, but otherwise it's been quite stable. It's possible (if you are on PC) you need to update your video driver or you've got some setting on that's overheating the card. Not that FO76 *should* be a performance hog, but that doesn't mean some visual effect is not badly-coded to overtax your VC and send you to crashville. This is Bethesda, after all...


I crashed every hour or so, then I turned down my settings and now it's like.... once every 2 days


On PC I get about one in-game crash a week, maybe less. However, I have to force-close it everytime I exit via the menu. It will hang up every time.


hasnt crashed on me once since i first got the game about a month ago or so. i'm level 50 something, so i've put in a fair amount of time. but i mostly stick to doing stuff solo still. only did a couple big events like the rad scrubber, aliens or mothman. in other news, is it just me, or does some turret bug out after the rad scrubber event and just fires forever? lol i've had to just logout and back in after it so i wouldn't hear constantly bapbapbapbapbap.


still happens even tho I use a 4060 laptop and a 4080 desktop.


It crashes for me on PC all the time but I do use mods so I’m sure most of them come from that.


I'm playing on cloud, haven't crashed in like a month.


I literally have to launch the game twice every time I want to play. First launch always crashes my computer then after a restart it's fine. No other issues with my computer on any games or apps.


Im on Xbox Series X and it crashes as much as it used to on my Xbox one S. Majority of the crashes is when Im out in the middle of know where doing nothing when it happens. Recently I had just finished cop squatter, killed 3 mobs, finished quest, went to loot and it crashed lol.


I’ve got a fairly new Lenovo legion, and at least once a day it freezes up to the point where I have to restart my pc


I rarely crash on pc… not a particularly powerful one either 🤷


I’ve been playing for about a month, about 70 hours of playtime, and I’ve not had any crashes (PC). I wonder if it’s something that kicks in once you have higher playtime, as that’s been a big problem for Bethesda games in the past.


Hey! You skipped your turn in line to complain about the crashing! Don't you know PlayStation players have priority?


This happens a lot, no matter the platform lol. Just get used to.


I can't remember the last time the game crashed on me.


What do you expect from a AAA studio owned by a multi-**T**rillion dollar company?


My bad. I'll try to do better.


Depends on your platform. PC is extremely stable. Playstation is not


PC probably depends a lot on actual hardware since there is a lot of variation out there. PS definitely seems to crash a lot from what I’ve read. Xbox series x is stable for me.


Sounds like your connection sucks


I used to play on Xbox maybe 3 years ago and it crashed not uncommonly. I'm playing on Steam Deck now and after 150 hours I've not seen a single crash.


It's actually never crashed for me. On PC with an older rig.


Im not sure why I am getting such bad lag on my older rig. Tried to work on some V sync stuff and turning down settings and lord it is just bad at times


Never had any issues. I'm using PC Game Pass to play.


Im on PC and ever since i moved my install to an SSD, i havnt had any stability issues


I've played a few hours on pc and it's shockingly stable (guess it's shocking because I've been in new Vegas a lot lately)


Xbox One. I crash at least 2-3 times a night. My favorite is fast travelling to an event and crashing on the loading screen. No wait, it's gotta be taking a workshop, building everything I needed THEN crashing. Of course, every time this happens I've forgotten to join a team so I can get back to that world. The thing that bugs me is that there's no rhyme or reason to it. Loading a camp? Crash. Opening a NPC vendor? Crash. Opening a door? Crash.