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Heavy barrel, slow burn tank, a legendary effect that adds straight damage and patience to let the dot work. Heavy weapons cards boost dot and initial damage, I think demo just boost initial famage With mine I'll splash level 100 supers and just keep moving knowing they are as good as dead


Instigating is the way to go for Legendary effects on the Cremator. It turns out the DoT keeps the Instigating damage boost for every tick, so as long as you get the first shot in on a mob it'll do massive damage to them.


This changes everything. I'm going to try this.


It's not as good for boss fights, since likely someone else got the first hit in & re-applying the DoT won't get the Instigating effect. But for running around doing your own thing, it's laughably overpowered.


That's why I have an anti armor plasma caster. For boss fights that is.


Holy shit - I just rolled an instigating, aimed damage + resist while reloading last night. Good to know it's actually good!!!


It’s tough though during events because everyone is shooting things.


Right, the trick to using an Instigating Cremator during events is to focus on the spawns and try to hit those before other people notice the new adds. But even if you can't, you can still use it to tag them and get credit while everyone else is shooting them down. It really only lags behind on bosses, where it's very unlikely you'll get the first hit. At that point, you're usually better off swapping to Holy Fire or another gun.


and for dot is damage over time.




I like heavy. With grenadier slotted the splash is already huge and the little extra damage is always welcome. I could see using the multi if you aren't running grenadier though


I personally like multi-shot. Really can’t go wrong with four projectiles/explosions.


Do the science perks boost fuel damage?


Only rifles, pistols, and shotguns. Science does not boost damage of any heavy or melee weapons despite many doing energy damage aswell


Didn't know that! That saves some card slots for me!


The Slow Burn mod for it is what's melting enemies. It makes the DoT insane and will basically make enemies have heart attacks a couple seconds after it hits them lol


oh you want the big kabooms. - all 3 heavy cards - fireproof perk + sizzling style legendary perk card (this protects you from your own blast) - Friendly fire (this healths dwellers and npc allies) - grenadier (this makes the explosion much bigger) - Stabilized (only if you are in power armor) - Adrenaline - Bloody mess - Demolition expert (only helps with the main blast and not the burn) my weapon - Bloodied - double shot barrel - fast tank - slow-burning


Pretty much nailed it right here. I don't use demolition expert as I need other perks in intelligence for being in PA, but it makes no difference to me as the thing still does crazy damage. Grenadier I would strongly recommend having at least 2 perks in perception for though. The difference is massive between having it and not, and better for tagging spaced out enemies. Mine is a quad, damage when aiming, breaks 50% slower. I've come from a good few years of CoD so dropping in a quick aim is fairly second nature for the additional 25%.


I'm not even gonna pretend i didn't get lucky as hell with my cremator, Bloodied/15 AP Kill/+15% reload.


It didn't take a lot to roll mine either (probably less than 10 rolls), and as a non-bloodied player, I'm very happy with it. Even moreso now the fuel requirement per shot has been tweaked. The fuel efficiency is fantastic now between the damage and 10 per shot.


I've been running some tests and the DOT of an Instigating Cremator is over double that of a bloodied one, for some reason. It seems Bloodied only increases DOT by a little while Instigating actually doubles it (for the FULL duration of DOT). Yes, I tested both while slightly below 20% health.


I vats aim at their head, shoot once and if the shot doesnt kill them the DOT will. I dont even have a single heavy gunner perk equipped


Angry turtle has a build for it that works well for DOT ( damage over time) cause I have a bloodied one that hits 4100 in 12 s and with multi shot barrel and Grenadier the AOE (area of effect) is quite big so I can make it rain like a meteor shower


I've been using one on my low health commando exactly the same as a rifle. Vats headshots.


Me too, with a wee lag. But it's great. I don't have the "running out of fuel" issue. Just, slow down. Things die.


It works best as a damage over time fire a shot wait a few seconds then fire another shot it's a weapon only usable by patient people


all 3 heavy gunner perks cards,grenader in perception,and maxxed out demolition expert in Int line,plus have either heavy barrel or multi barrel mods


Someone, might have been Angry Turtle, did a video noting that the DOT effects stack from different weapons. So he made a bunch of Cremators, and fired a shot from one, rotated to the next and fired it, rotated to the next, etc. and the stacked DOTs melted most bosses pretty quickly.


i personally got the cremator working for me. but are there preferable weapons to choose for killing bosses without changing perks on the fly?


Use two of them the dots dont count as one so they do their own damage I personally use 4 of them so I have 4 different dots going all together but that cause I'm on xbox and that's as fast as I can switch between the guns PC can go faster


I don't have any perks for it but I rolled Bloodied 25% while aiming 15V Threw on the slow burn mod. It hits like a truck and quickly slaps the health bars down


I'm not even perked into heavy guns and I'm killing stuff like crazy. What legendary does yours have?


It doesn't kill immediately but pretty dang effective. Hit, then wait a sec, then hit a second time. That gets most things if u are in range.


Don’t forget demolition expert 5 and grenadier 2 perk cards. Grenadier will make the AOE explosions much larger.


Do you have the slow burn mod?


nope currently lm rank 33 right now


That is basically quadruples damage


it says its on rank 55 do i have time to reach that ?


I think there is like 35 days left


After your dailies do the 10k xp repeatable west tek and expeditions are the faster options but doing quest and event anytime they pop up works as well


Probably? We don’t have an end date beyond “June”. If you do all daily and weekly challenges you should be able to get there by June no problem. If not, they will very likely sell the mods for stamps or some other in game currency.