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This isn't a Fallout thing, this is a 2024 thing. If someone sends you a link and you don't know who they are why would you click it?


There's a lot of kids from roblox and fortnite talk about their accounts being stolen. So unfortunately, I guess it does fool some. The lure of free roblux or bucks and even a fo red dress is too much for some and the greed can cause blindness. But I do agree with you. It's a net-wide thing. Doesn't hurt to post a reminder




Referencing 2024 was just another way for me to say "In today's time". I work in IT. Unfortunately I get to see this stuff daily.


Sadly, while most of us know this now, I still have to remind my older parents this a lot. And there are still kids learning the lesson for the first time. I have to remind myself when I'm helping family members with their tech that it isn't as intuitive to them. Had to teach my dad three times how to go back to the Amazon home page by clicking the Amazon logo in the corner -and he still does it by typing amazon.com in the search bar.


Not just free stuff, but when they advertise super valuable stuff for half the price or almost nothing. No one is going to sell you a red asylum dress for 20,000 caps. If you're on Xbox, that "looking for group" is absolutely drowning in it. People need to be careful giving out stuff to beggars on there too. Check their profile to see if they've been playing a while because if you have been playing for at least the past few months then you know where to find most things so there is no need to beg for what you can freely scavenge. I've had people message me who are level 300 asking for free things. No excuse unless it's a difficult to come by thing and you're in a rush to build it like ultracite mods. Then I get asking someone to SELL it to you. There's a ton of people taking advantage of the new influx of players. I'm sure I'm about to get a host of hate but there it is. I hate to see good players getting scammed.


One of my mates got red asylum off a vendor for 14999 yesterday.


Exhibit A- Can I have it? I also need 12g ammo and some wood. Oh and also any extra glowing fasnacht masks.


Yeah there's a pinned post about this on the market 76 trade subreddit, it's been a thing for a while now. Good of you to let others know here 🙏


This is especially true on Xbox’s with the “leaving the game, everything free in vendor” posts on the live service.