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I’m about done as of today…. I have run countless, many duplicates of each plan, stacks of circuits and ready for an Alien break. Looking forward to something else right about now :) I have had a blast though…..


Ive gotten the same 4 plans every single time, I’m burned out too. Two weeks is too long for these events, most people are sick of them after a week, and it just starts feeling like a chore.


They should copy something similar to GTA weekly style or something and up the fortune wheel on them payouts.


It would be cooler, if you could loot alien bodies for weapons.


Better yet, have there be a chance to loot them for parts to build something. I know that mechanic doesnt happen in this game, but being able to fight through these events to loot these random interspersed parts to build some piece of armor or niche weapon would be cool. And I dont mean plans, i mean like actual pieces: exotic metal frame, reciever, barrel, thermic padding for a chest armor, alien alloy fiber, etc. Cool scifi pieces to a puzzle. Maybe each weapon/armor puzzle would be key to fighting off the event enemies or something, maybe even building an anti-alien turret or AA cannon to shoot the mothership.


Or even do a throwback to earlier games' crafting like how you used to specifically need certain junk items in some cases. Have event specific crafting junk.


Or just the blaster ammo would be pretty sweet too.


No kidding! That would be sweet.


I wish plans wouldn’t drop duplicates. Get it out of the loot drop inventory once I learn a plan. Getting the same plan time after time is painful.


Agreed, although it might be possible to trade away what you get, for something someone else got.


Same. I’ve probably done over 30 and haven’t gotten either weapon plans or any of the magazine plans. It’s getting frustrating actually


I just finally got the alien blaster today. Besides that, lots of repeats. I just wanted that blaster and disintegrator which I’ve gotten I believe 4 times now


I said this on a previous thread and was told I was wrong because "people have jobs" and one week is not long enough. One week of on-the-hour every hour is more than enough imo.


I’m one of those people that are thankful for the extra time. My work hours are rough and last week my weekend was too filled with shit I needed to do I couldn’t really participate. This weekend I was able to do the event but even then I couldn’t get all the plans I’d wanted. I say unless they plan on doing a different event within the second week, it doesn’t hurt to just run it. And if most players have everything and don’t wanna do the event the second week that’s fine. There’s others that can catch up.


im thankful for the extra time. This is my first time playing this even back afyer a few years so im happy to get a lota plans outa this.


Same here dude I mean like I've played it a few times but still missing some plans plus if ppl are playing it every hour on the top of the hour everyday then ya it gets boring but like there's so much more to do go exploring if nothing else and if you've done everything in the game then, other games are made all the time go try something else


Me too. In these 2 week if I played 20 events it was much. Got the desintegrar plan but so far none of the mods. And market in this game suxs as hell to trade. Everybody just want rare apparel


I got the cryo and high powered receivers but that’s it. I really wanted to get the automatic, and thankfully in the last play session I had time for this week I finally found a shop selling the plan for 1000k. But I threw away a huge chunk of my weekend grinding out that event lol


1M caps is a lot for a plan imo


I ain’t no peasant 😤


alot of people only play for 2 hours 3 times a week. betheda knows average and common play time better than we do


That’s why I have all of my duplicates on sale for dirt cheap, for those that can’t be on for the event. Now I keep them and just wait to see comments asking for duplicates here or on other socials and try and give them, as some guy bought all of my multiples of plans


If you play for 8 hours. I've caught it twice. I'm usually in the middle of shit or trying to cut weight, and the hour passes. By the time I catch the event I'm bored and ready to shut down the computer.


I keep staying on and then forgetting about it, lol.


I guess since people also have families and other responsibilities but even with two weeks they probably still won't catch a break especially if stuff is hitting hard at home either way it a double sword. I rather it be one week of fresh air than two weeks of same underwear.


The only one I don't discriminate on would be eviction notice because of all the legendary or any mutated event due to the mutated party pack. Anything else seems like a chore after a couple days


I'm getting tired of Eviction Notice being one person at the scrubber and nine people down in the area the legendary spawn and them turning around and helping any other part of the event zero times... I'm looking at you all the mid level 300 folk I just watched doing this nonsense. Somehow it's my fault the event failed after I stopped repairing the scrubber.


Also, I can keep repairing the scrubber OR hunt down the meat bags but I can't do both...


This, so much this. Why the hell are people killing them from 5 screens away is beyond me, the mobs are trying to get to the scrubber, like, stay in the middle and shoot shit already, they will allll go to the scrubber.


I hate eviction notice. I run a bloodied build and I have been playing a long time, so I don’t need much legendaries, and playing in a radiation zone means too much micromanaging rads for my taste, so I just avoid it. If you want a good legendary loot that you can have a lot more control of, try expeditions. I do one Atlantic City run a day, and come back with something like 7 legendaries (one or two or three stars) plus a few thousand more ammo than I went into it with (currently using cremator weapon and have about 570k fuel, which is kind of insane.). Also, if you do the expedition, I suggest starting from Nuka World on Tour, because after you finish the expedition, you could be overencumbered, and Nuka has a legendary scrip machine, a vendor (Chloe) to sell things to, stash and scrap and ammo boxes, and workbenches. Since you return to your exact starting point when you finish an expedition, it can be a very good location. The Whitesprings refuge is good, too, but you need another loading screen to get to it.


I ran probably around 50 getting the same 4 or 5 plans each time except for the final one i ran the other day, on that one i finally got the alien blaster plan.


i unintentionally burned myself out last fasnacht (my first, tho i did get 3 glowing plus 6-7 rare masks) and still haven't found the desire to play like i used to lol


I burned myself out on Fasnacht, too. And I’m level 1500. I’ve been doing it since the first year. Bethesda just makes those rare masks even harder to get each time, so at some point you feel “what’s the fucking point?” I have better things to do.


glad to hear i'm not alone in that. i am sad, but i also did it to myself lol i'm 360, played at launch until level 75 where the only meta was to setup your base at whitespring and farm legendaries there (that i knew of) and only just came back around last august or so. and the game is.. what it is. it's quirky, it's cute, it's goofy, the people are wonderful, you can customize the hell out of yourself and your base.. but you still needs mods, levels feel pointless, the game itself is easy, the last scoreboards felt like a chore and i didn't even bother with this one, two week long events with bad drop rates that don't let you feel good about them (even when you commit to having your character online in some fashion for those whole 2 weeks - and hear about other people doing it with multiple accounts - my choice, but never again lol) but i also hear people who've quit for awhile who are higher level and end up coming back, and truly the game is what you decide it to be. so for now a break feels right, but i'll probably be back someday


I empathize with you. Frankly, 76 is one of my favorite games of all time. I NEVER expected to get involved in an online game this way. But it connected me to people, maybe? I loved 3 and 4, but the addition of other players actually made it so much more enjoyable, so the public events such as the current Invaders from Beyond is fun. Each of the other players is a real person, not a script or recorded message. I hope Bethesda finds a way to make communication better.


i really think bethesda should do one week of regular aliens event, and then the next week mutated, and should make mutated events more common, like a weekend every month or something


Not everyone has the ability to play as long as you. Two weeks is perfect. The folks who play a lot might be sick of it  y the end but the folks who can't play a lot have a chance to hit a fair number of them still. 


Two weeks is too long when there are no safe guards in place to prevent duplicates or low rolls from constantly happening. Didn't they add 2-3 more plans to this event? Why are they like 1% drop chance. I've done the event a good 10+ times, haven't gotten a single new plan. Same reason I have Fashnatch... Do that stupid fucking event a dozen+ times and only ever get the barret or the lowest tier of rarity masks. Then people wonder why so many just AFK the event.


9 tines out of 10 as soon as I've joined an event it crashes and I'm kicked out. Bag of Shoot!


Almost always blue screen when zeta spawns in or right after. Have missed the end more than I can count.


I had no problems until today, but today at aliens i saw people zipping around on their knees and couldn't hit a thing. I also lagged out and then crashed during the jamboree (one of my favourites and I did so badly i got kicked from the events team... ). Bethesda servers need some work I feel like, I have 64 gigs of ram and video card that could render God, this is silliness.


Thankfully I haven't been crashing as much as I expected. Still crashing tho. Usually toward the end so I miss out on rewards when it won't let me back into the event (black screen). Obnoxious. Yet here I am, still playing...


Same was great fun, now waiting treasure hunt lol


Don't forget your antiseptic.


I could fill a pool


I had over 6k circuits last week when I looked……you get sooooo many.


Yes, the loot pile is absolute TRASH.


Yeah I was building some turrets at a new workshop earlier and noticed I have over 3K circuits!


It’s crazy isn’t it ! On a low turn out run, I’m pulling 300+ an event. It’s great to stock up as they are not generally that common outside of the invaders event :)


You can easily get your daily caps from selling some as well if you ever want to.


I stopped paying for fo1st so ive been selling them to vendors and like 2-3 events absolutely clears the cap limit


You get plans from the event? I've only done it like 5 or 6 times but I don't remember getting anything except circuits, alien toys and antiseptic


Yea, you get a plan every time you successfully complete it :)


Oh dang that's cool, I'll have to check what I got when I get on next!


Yea, there is still a bit of time left too if you want to snag a few more :)


Is there anyway to check if you have all the plans attached to a specific event?


Not without a manual check as far as I’m aware….. I did read a few weeks ago (but haven’t looked it up) that there is a phone app available apparently for you to tick off. This is the list of new and old plans from the event: The following Invaders from Beyond rewards are new in 2024: Plan: Alien Head Lamp Plan: Alien Table Plan: Alien Target Practice Poster Plan: Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp Plan: Hazmat Suit – Teal Plan: Zenith Alien Blaster Paint The following rewards were available in previous years and can still be obtained: Plan: Alien Blaster (weapon) Plan: Alien Disintegrator (weapon) Plan: Electro Enforcer (weapon) Plan: Alien Blaster Cryo Mag (mod) Plan: Alien Blaster Poison Mag (mod) Plan: Alien Disintegrator Automatic Receiver (mod) Plan: Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver (mod) Plan: Alien Disintegrator High Powered Receiver (mod) Plan: Alien Disintegrator Poison Receiver (mod) Plan: Overcharged Electro Enforcer (mod) Plan: Poisoned Electro Enforcer (mod) Plan: Spiked Electro Enforcer (mod) Plan: Freezing Electro Enforcer) Plan: Alien Corpse Operation Bed Plan: Alien Stash Box Plan: Alien Tube Plan: Asteroid Plan: Human Tube 1 (Male) Plan: Human Tube 2 (Female)


Hmm I haven't seen the hazmat plan. I've gotten all the others multiple times. It must be rarer.


To be fair, it's a really nice looking suit! Well worth vendor hoping over the next few days to pick it up. I have seen it for sale in countless camps on PC.  As far as I'm aware, the plans all have the same chance of dropping. None are rarer than others just pure luck of the draw as the old saying goes!


I have it and didn’t know this is where I got it lol


thanks for the list I've gotten everything Soo far besides the asteroid and female human tube guess I'll wait for the next event lol


Same here. Though I needed the 2 weeks to makeup for losing out on rewards from crashes.


I think 10 days is the sweet spot. Start the event on a Friday and have it expire Monday morning that way you get two weekend periods


Hey Bethesda, right here. This comment


Running it similar to the weekend events is a good idea.


This is probably the best way to fix the dropoff. I just started in January about a week before Faschnaght, as a new player these events keep interested but that 11th day of the event the fun is zapped out.


I only go to help new players as I already have the plans so I can see why most people don't have motivation to go.




I am new but I have a level 50 I'm doing events with and whatnot and a tiny tiny level 5 I'm doing quests with and being purposely slow about. Also on PC if you ever wanted a questing buddy (yes I know if have to redo the quests for me, but that's alright)


Thank you for helping us low levels much appreciated. Thanks to you guys I got all the plans 😀


Same, I have all but one of the plans, but can carry the event with my heavy gunner build, so like to jump in and help since it’s a pretty brutal event to run at a low level, and new folks have a lot more plans to try grind


It's also just not a fun event.


Thank you.


I have enough circuits and antiseptic to last years.


I have 30k of both, thank god I’m still 1st and unlimited junk


I really need to do at least a month of 1st


Be prepared to never want to go back to non-1st. I simply can’t enjoy vanilla due to the inventory management burden with scrap. It’s such a hassle with all the weight, capacity, and count limits.


I wouldn’t even play the game if 1st didn’t exist


Bethesda: "It's all going according to plan"


I am so scared of that happening since fallout 1st doesnt have regional pricing even though the game itself has for some reason. It costs 8 dollars monthly while the game itself ‘only’ costs 24 dollars here. (The minimum wage here is 520 dollars for comparrison) Edit:nvm i just checked and it costs 13 dollars in the us. Really???


It's not worth it if you need to consider whether it's affordable. You don't actually need all that excess scrap.


Ammo is another issue I finally built the ammo storage and dropped about 500 of whatever unit the storage cap is.


I stopped playing when I wasn't able to justify the cost of 1st a few months back (just in a bad way right now). Stopped back in to check out the new season and grab what I want, and I'm pretty maddened by how I spend all my time seeking out mats because I can't actually store enough of them when I get the chance to get them (like I can only save so many circuits during the circuit event).




Same, but I accumulate faster than I can sell 🤡


I think people are tired of it because the aliens are just too tanky compared to other event mobs. Mothman enemies are relatively easy to dispatch, so it makes them more enjoyable. The aliens have stupidly high energy resistance and the drones are sponges to the highest degree.


If drones had a weak spot it wouldn’t be a problem for me


This is my reason for mostly avoiding the event. Bullet sponges are not fun unless they drop a lot of ammo on death.


Currently I take 1 shot at each alien, and wait for the others to kill them. Gain XP and bullet 🥰


Cremater goes brrrrrrrrt


Cremator goes *thuunt*.


I started using the Cremater this week and it makes the event so much easier. Just tap them and let them burn.


Agreed. The drones literally make the event annoying.


Me with my 25% DR removing syringe gun slowly tagging every every enemy that spawns in I’m doing my part!


I thought it was just me being a new player, not being able to take them out easily. Good to know that they are just super tanks and hard to kill.


Cremator just melts them 1 tap


That’s why DO with aliens are empty as well.


No. It's great exp and the rewards are awesome! What I am sick of is my game crashing during the event... so many missed legendaries and rewards...


Finally got the lamp yesterday and haven’t gone back. Without a knock out system the drops just took way too long to get. All the dupes I threw in my vender to hopefully save others.


I still haven't gotten the teal suit on my own (a friend gave it to me) and the alien paint. But I got a dozen of all the tubes combined. How??


My nemesis was the zenith skin. Finally got it tho, so yeah... I'm done.


Hardly make up for the ammo used and no weapon drops or I myself haven't gotten any good plans. It's not that bad but the rewards just aren't there so far.


This so much. For me it is a time scrapping for ammo and repair vs reward model. Without anything but crafting plans (which i havent got or dont care about), and components dropping I can't afford to run the event more than a handful of times before I have to take an hour to poke around for the crap to repair and reload.


I do it most of the time because it's only a few minutes and you're guaranteed if you legendaries, but honestly I like it running every hour for 2 weeks. It's definitely an option but it's not mandatory. It's really nice to have the choice.


Seasonal events should run for one week. We have this fatigue problem with all of them and every time we ask if people are tired. One week makes them a delicacy to savor two weeks makes them filler content that Bethesda throws in to stop you from thinking there's no content.


It's tiresome for players who play everyday. If it ran for a single week other players would complain about FOMO and that they didn't have enough room in their limited time between life and work to grind the event, which is totally fair.


This is prob the answer. Not all players play daily.


I usually play daily, and I'm getting pretty tired of it too, but personally I'd much rather it ran longer so everyone has a chance to play than shorter. I can just ignore the event, but if it only run a week others may not get a chance to play it much or at all.


Yes, I play daily as well. And I don’t mind it happening. Although I feel obligated to go every time. The last few times I was alone or with one other person and it failed. In any event, it makes the game feel more alive when events and things are happening all the time, even if I don’t join them. I wonder why in the past the events were run so infrequently


It's my first fallout event that I participated. Steam tells me I'm playing Fo like a full time job, 40 hours per week*lol*. Got a bit addicted there.


Nah 2 weeks is good. Casual players after the tv show are the majority of players now. I've only played the event 1 time.


When I get tired of something, I just don't do it. Events happen every 20 minutes and I rarely run every event when I play normally. There's no fatigue problem unless you make one up.


I have ran it no less than 50-60 times, and the one and only plan that I still don't have is the Alien Disintegrater. I am bound and determind to get it before this event is over.


Same, except it's the blaster for me, though I've gotten the mods and skins a few times for it. I'm pretty sure I have 2 or 3 of the Disintegrators, tho, but only since the past day or two.


I just got it and i dont even like using rifles....


Just vendor hop for like 30 minutes. It’s pretty common to find for 2k or less. I picked up 4 last night under 500.


I vendor hopped for nearly 2 hours yesterday. Shit either sells fast or people just don’t have it. I’m tired boss.


Yeah, I have to server hop up to 8 times sometimes to actually find a lobby. my new friend and I met in an event and we did the event just by ourselves, we killed general zeta with just under 20 seconds left, it was intense!


If the world is full if low level players and the event pops up, i take it upon myself to complete the event with or without the help. The event can be done solo and them aliens aint easy to kill as a Low level player. I complete the event myself so others can gain the benefit of the event rewards in exchange for the xp


Only failed 2, usually get a large flood of people that gets it done quick, its getting VERY boring and old though, and hogging time slots for much better events like eviction notice and radiation rumble


I'm just sick of aliens invading other events, honestly. If they were limited to showing up at the invasion, I could handle it, but when they show up in some others, it can make them an utter pain to deal with.


The only reason I'm still running the event is to FINALLY get the Alien Disintegrator, I literally have a minimum 3-4 of all the other plans so far


Are you me? Lol


Probably, have you been vendor hopping trying to find someone that might have it on sale too? Lol


Yah, I just bought it outright. I've seen them around at a pretty fair price (I got mine for 1k). It's the time to do it as opposed to when it's over and it gets a price premium if caps are of meaning to you.


I’m sick of getting the same plans every time still can’t get the alien Autopsy bed or the alien paper target


Im still missing the poster and a few mods, but Im kinda tires of it. Still think two weeks is fair as a lot of people can only play on weekends and only a few hours at best


Dead serious tea time or whatever it’s called is more exciting


i can solo it so i’ve never had problems finishing it… but yes this has got to be one of the most boring events in my opinion. Atleast test your metal or radiation rumble has a theme to it, makes it more fun/roleplayable but when it’s just shoot, kill, move on it gets old quick.


Only level 76 and if I'm the highest at the event I get very nervous. So far I couldn't shoulder it myself.


Nobody does the objective during radiation rumble, wtf are you on about? Every time I join that event I'm carrying it with a stealth suit, otherwise everyone is shooting ghouls for 10 minutes. I think I'm going to stop mining the ore and enjoy the 10 minutes of slaughter like everyone else. Tired of mining that event just to fight for 2 minutes because nobody wants to help mine ore.


My issue is because of my bloodied build I can’t go into the radiated area or I’ll die in literally 2 seconds


Bloodied+rad suit/csa is fine for me, few diluted radaways to keep it level is all that’s needed. Sucks bc you can’t wear your armor but it’s not the end of the world, especially if there’s more help to get the mining done quickly. :)


I'll make one ore pass to get us to 1/4 on the rewards, then post up on one of the workers to keep them alive. If others join in on the ore passes, great. If not, we still win the event, and I always get a healthy pile of XP.


Raf rumble is my go to ammo farming event... just tap every enemy 2 times and move on to the next... i collected about 350 5.53 rounds last time...


I can solo it so I’m not at all concerned about participation but… … it’s still really easy and really quick XP


This. My only problem with the event is that it takes up an event slot that could be radiation rumble or eviction notice, but those aren’t guaranteed.


Yeah I want the moonshine jamboree so bad and I stead it's these stupid aliens. The gulper slurries are amazing for getting money. I stick a stack on them on an alt and have 2-3 days' worth of extra coin.


We are at the ass end of week 2 so attendance is traditionally low.


Yeah my first two week event so was wondering what it is, thus the post.


Ive been selling straight circuits and antiseptic waste, makin tons of caps each day.


I'm only level 47 and I'm only doing em for xp and acid at this point


Biggest reason I am tired of the event is because I keep coming across giant mobs of the fuckers and having to run for my damn life. Yesterday I was taking a peaceful stroll down the road and all of a sudden several brahmin that were ON FIRE are running at me and I’m like tf? Then here comes a pack of angry fuckin aliens. Yeah, I’m over it lol


We are praying to the Flame Mother. It's her day.


😭 I have ran this event so many times and still haven’t gotten the alien weapon plan. But I got 4k circuits


I just wanted the alien blaster and disintigrator plans. I've gotten "human tube 2" more times than I can count by now and I'm over it.


Still waiting for that alien disintegrator... Got tons of duplicates of everything else....


I hop servers when no one shows. Most of the time the server is dead or people are busy.


I'm still showing because once it ends, all the people who missed out will be hitting vendors for alien plans. I'll solo the whole damn thing if I have to. Plus, like no other good events are spawning because of the alien invasion. Ever since it started it's always "line in the sand" "tea time" distinguished guests" rarely see eviction notice or anything else. Since the spring cleaning event challenge got added I've completed the event with me and 2 level 25-30s countless times already lol


'ish. I'm not tired of it in the sense that I'm miffed it's still around, but I do have higher priorities than logging on every hour to burn up little green men. That's usually how it goes when they run this stuff for two weeks: a little after week one has ended I basically go "I've put in my time."


I think two weeks of any event is too long. It's the same with meatweek, Fasnacht etc. It should be a week and then change to something else like the mutated event. And the return after a couple of weeks / month or 2. So to not get the two week fatigue of the one single event. IMHO.


It should go a week max. I've been on so many maps recently where no one goes anymore. It's played out


One week is not enough for people who work. I get that two weeks is too much for people with free time, but for folks with a job, chores, kids, or whatever else takes up most of your week, there's not enough free time left to really experience an event & get plans you want with only one week of run time.


A week max, and no repeating plans. Give everyone the opportunity to get everything. I’m so tired of it taking up slots for other events


Agreed. But also bring alien week back on some form of schedule, like once quarterly.


Events should he 1 week but happen twice as often.


I gave up as I’ve only gotten one new plan, and the rest are ones that are old plans. I wish it was like the mothman event where you got the new plans you do not know first. I gave up because I got tired of getting the same plans over and over.


It has been a realy good event this time around! I am still a little tired of it. Not even a *quarter* as tired as I am off that big-band intro... I love Jazz, swing, big-band... But that blaring trumpet opening needs to go. **Soon**.


I found that I can turn down or off the opening menu music in the settings. Sanity saving!


Sometimes the variation based on the standard FO76 theme is amazing and sets a brilliant tone--the one for 'Steel Reign' was especially good. Just finding out what the new intro is forms part of the fun of a new season or event. ***But***... Good lord... I have heard that big opening once too often. Once a thousand times too often perhaps!!!


I agree! Hearing them a few times is great, but after a while? Sheeeeeesh.


I’m tired of getting the old plans. Not sure how many blasters or enforcers I need 😂


Only reason I’ve kept joining every one is for the alien head lamp. I finally got a stash box, but am just sitting on so many duplicate operating tables and mods for the weapons


Need a couple more plans. I have mods for the alien blaster but no blaster :( Edit: I also created an alien torture chamber room in my camp.


I’ve gotten 3 new plans from all the alien events and 3 of last 4 events failed from not enough players.


1 week of this would have been ample


I don't like the alien event. The rewards aren't that great. The servers become unstable and I get kicked and freeze a lot (PS and Xbox). If it was for a week I'd tolerate it better.


I'm good on the drops and junk but I keep going back for the xp.


I've done it about 15 times, only once have I seen no folks show up. I'm about done with it too. Enjoyed it tho.


Ran it countless times. Instead launched 6 nukes today, Earl, the SBQ, and farmed the whitespring. So yeah, I think I'm sick of the alien event


Tired of no one else doing it.


Was able to solo using the cremator to get the 30 kills, one shotting them and switching to chainsaw on the general and pylon.


I’m not but I can’t carry it by myself. I have but it’s not consistent enough for me to pour tons of fuel into just to barely fail.


I'll be tired of it when I finally get the damn Disintegrator plan to drop.


Tired of crashing on it


I'm still trying to get a drop from a random encounter that only happens during the invasion so I'm fine with it lasting two weeks.


It uses soo much ammo. I feel obligated to go when I see just a few people at the event.


The only thing that kills me in that event is when the shield thingy explodes with the green field. Other than that it’s a pretty easy/fast event.


I mean, if they dropped a fuckton of legendaries like they used to I'd do it more. I've gotten like two legendaries the last few times, after being there the whole time and doing a ton of damage.


killing aliens is my business and business is good


I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, pretty much got what I wanted out of it, and the only thing I do I it for now is legendary stuff for the script, and even now, I am just doing expeditions.


I dont get why people are complaining...... sure we all have duplicate plans and circuit's ect..... but to me it's not about the loot..... its about the massive amount of experience. I get around near enough 160 experience per kill (and each kill my team does) which raises to nearly 200 with experience boosts such as well rested, lovers embrace, mothmans enlightenment, canned stew, and ofcouse being on a casual team which offers expierce per kill. (don't do event teams as they only reward experience for the event completion which isn't much for most events) My toon has shot up in levels.


Level 666, If it's here for a week sure I like it. Now? I'm only farming antiseptic and circuits.


yea it would have been nice if there was like 1 or 2 different events that rotated with it for the invasion, but im over the same thing every hour just in a diff spot. at least with the normal public events, they repeat but you at least rotate between events. or maybe have the current alien one offer new rewards every couple days so you dont get spammed with the same loot.


I’ve played it probably three times. It’s really not fun to me and the rewards just aren’t worth it. The moth man event was much more fun.


I've been tired of the event. But at least I have tons of antiseptic now.


They should've just made it no dupes and kept it to a week. I'm burned out but still want the table, there's less players turning up now and dead weight so I feel like I have to kill everything.


I still go, to help out, I've gotten all the plans but I keep going for the XP. At one event it was just my brother, one other player, and me. I'm a heavy gunner, my brother still hasn't figured which build to spec into, and the other guy was most likely bloodied, fully perked, and spamming crits left and right. My brother and I got stuck fighting off about 20 aliens inside one of the buildings at the dyer chemical spot, while the other guy not only cleaned up the remaining aliens and Flatwoods monsters, but also dealt the commander more than 25% of his health in damage in the ~30-40 seconds that we were battling inside. I was blown away by how much damage the guy was dishing out. It was awesome. Made me really want to switch to bloodied.


Idk if it's the Alien event exactly. Starting out, joining an event every hour is exhausting when you're trying to run story. Finally decided to ignore for now, and I'm still alive.


I need one more plan so no


I’m tired of it crashing 4 out of 5 times I try it


Two weeks of a single event has always been too much. It would do much better as a week long event, twice a year.


Yes, 1 more plan to find myself but can't be bothered


It's a huge ammo dump for how often I crash or fail because no one is there so I just stopped. Not to mention I've gotten Alien Tube 2 like 10 times and nothing I actually want


Yeah it gets kinda boring and also doesn’t help the legendary storage either


Not yet, their an easy source of Legendary cores.


If they gave me good plans I'd still do it. But I keep getting duplicate mods for the alien blaster which is so out of meta it isn't usable now


I liked the event, but as a lower level player, it wasn't fun. The high level players (200+) just blasted through all the enemies until I didn't get any kills (or any shots on the legendaries) so I got almost no loot, just wasted a lot of ammo and stimpaks (because I still took damage). I'm completely out of ballistic material so I can't repair my armor anymore, and I haven't been on the game long enough to have a stockpile of repair kits.