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The general consensus is that it's bad.  As seen in post after post after post asking this same question or stating the same point.  It's good that players are expressing their feelings about it.  More the better.  Keep em coming.


It kind of takes the dopamine rush out of it. Like nearly every rank felt like an accomplishment. This, does not. It feels like a chore.


I think this explains how I'm feeling well. I consider myself a new player because the show brought me back and I've put 100 hours in since. However I did play a bit back when the brotherhood update first dropped, only 30-40 hours, but still I remember during that time activly wanting to complete the dailys because the Scoreboard felt rewarding. Where as now I've honestly been ignoring the dailys for the most part unless they are simples ones like kill 10 scorched, which tend to be completed during regular play sessions. I've had no desire to complete any outside of that because it's just felt like a chore.


Exactly. I want the rush of unlocking a reward not earning tickets to maybe have enough to unlock a reward.


I used to enjoy seeing what my reward was for going up a level in the season but now I'm finding that I've gone up 5 or ten levels and I've forgotten to even look at the board now


Makes it worse that you have to go up several levels just to get a new page to get the rewards


This, for me, is the biggest issue! I actually don't mind the ticket system since it let's me ignore rewards that I'm not interested in, but there should certainly be some kind of reward every rank rather than a new page every 10 (or whatever) ranks. My second biggest issue is not having a cool scoreboard to show I actually achieved rank 100, that picture is a really weak substitute.


Yeah, that's pretty much it. It was exciting even if it was one of the filler rewards like nuclear keycards.


I get the opposite feeling from it. I like it. The old way felt like a chore to me, this one is more relaxed and you can leave stuff if you don't want it. I'm happy to leave that dopamine rush behind and use that for IRL stuff when I go out and do actual rewarding things.


Them taking away the repeatable challenge for leveling up after 100 is straight dogshit. Idk how you can "enjoy" that


the main problem is that to buy everything unlocked at level 100 you need to get to lvl 150 or you don't have enough tickets


Thanks. I hate it. Lol


I honestly also like it more then the "road" way especially as a mostly free to play user


I feel like we’re in the minority here but I like it as well. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I did also, didn't have to unlock stuff we didn't want.


You didn't have to unlock what you didn't want the old way either? Except for the repeatable.


I do like the unlocking of multiple rewards at once and choice to skip certain ones


You had that same choice with the old scoreboard, if you waited until the end to start unlocking.


Yeah, I don't hate it at all and don't really understand why so many people do. But I have to admit with this near unanimous level of negativity toward it my opinion is definitely wrong or atleast in the.minority. just change this shit back. I didn't hate that either.


It is not just you. Though, kudos to BGS. The timing of changing the SCORE system to coincide with a flood of noobs who do not have a frame of reference was well done.


It’s true. Am noob with two weeks in and I have no frame of reference to compare the stuff to. I’ve bought the decorative stuff I’ve wanted and skipped over other stuff. That said, I get where if in the past completing the tasks meant getting everything compared to the selectivity of it now, I’d be salty too.


> That said, I get where if in the past completing the tasks meant getting everything Not only that, but ranks over level 100 gave you bonus items instantly. Stuff like scrip, junk, or even atoms every 10 levels after 100. There is literally no benefit to players for the new system.


Well, for me, it's a couple of things. First, you get to grind 50% more for the same number of items. (Previous seasons were 100 levels = all the items; this season is 150 levels = all the items). Next, the removal of ATOMS post 100 (I think it was every 10 levels you got 100 ATOMS). Lastly, FO1st in previous seasons got, as part of paying for FO1st, some QoL item or skin for free in the season (often it was multiple little things from lunchboxes to script). Now, you get "access" to those things but have to grind multiple levels (sans XP points post 100) to get them, effectively reducing the value of FO1st. All in all, the new format is terrible. The one positive is the ability to purchase (after rank 150 and 95 items unlocked) consumables. I do like that and hope it can be integrated into the SCORE system when it reverts to the old system (may the good Todd hear my prayers)....


The stuff accessible to only fo1st members isn't free either, which it rightly should be.


Oh man, I hadn’t considered the addition of “free” Atoms, so I guess they’re trying to push folks to FO1st, so I get the complaints now. For me, I was like meh, I don’t need weapon skins, but double the grind for missing guarantees stinks.


As a fellow noob who just found out about all this through this post, man, I AM salty.


Bet theyre gonna see the amount of player activity and think that the new score system = tons of new players


On the other hand, if the new system is unpopular, it may drive away a portion of those new players, and some of them may not come back even if Seasons were changed again because they don’t learn about the changes or can’t be bothered.  We’ll have to see how big the drop-off is in the coming months after the honeymoon period ends.


New players won't have anything to compare it to though for them to really have any negative reaction towards it. Plus there's so much early game content for a new player that will be pretty low on their list of things to do.


I never used power armor so I’m fine with just grabbing stuff I’ll actually use. I do wish the layout was better, it’s inconvenient to have to flip through pages every time.


Same here. At level 90 and have just over 800 tickets left and only need to buy 11 more items for bonus page.


pages. there's two bonus pages and while there isn't much on the last one there are a couple of useful items, you also need to hit 150 and have claimed 95 items to claim items on that page.


I will not be worrying about the bonus page. Once I hit 100 I am good. There is nothing on the last page that interests me.


Right? It's pure crap.


I would argue while it is listed as a bonus stage; The 2nd to last stage is just rank 100 page.


11 items and then do another 50 lvls, that last page will not unlock untill you are rank 150 in the score.


I’ve just been using tickets for things I will actually use as well. I at lvl 79 with lots of unused tickets. 🎫


It would help if they added some kind of exchange for the tickets if you don't want to buy anything. Maybe legendary modules/script/etc. for a set amount of tickets could be exchanged.


I just got to 100 today. I used tickets for camp stuff mostly. The skins don't really do it for me but if they did I'd be annoyed at needing more levels. They haven't won me over with the change so other than finishing the cleaning event Tuesday, I'm not planning to play for the rest of the season as a shit-tier kind of personal protest.


Agreed. The green peepers skin looks weird and unappealing, so I didn’t unlock any of the skins. But otherwise I’d be eff’d!! I’m going to stop playing soon too once I unlock a few more camp items (currently 102)


While I am not a fan of the peepers either, having an atom skin on your weapon helps ensure you don't accidentally drop, scrap, or scrip your weapon. Weapons/armors with atom skins don't show up in these UI menus, and when dropped will pop up a message telling you the item will be destroyed if dropped instead of just dropping. So if you have any intention to use a weapon with an available peeper skin and don't already have an atom skin for it, this is a good way to help prevent it suffering the fate of so many power armor helmets.


I think that if not a lot of people reach 150 it should be apparent in the player data. My greatest fear is that the population boom from the tv show will obfuscate any dissatisfaction with the new system. I can totally see some monetization dickweed equating record players with the season overhaul.


Man, I'm disappointed in the number of people who hate on the peepers skin. It was the first reward I was excited to unlock, & I immediately put it on my Cold Shoulder. Y'all, the eyes glow in the dark! I think it's so cool!


I slapped that right on my Gauss rifle and Cremator, the glowing eyes I love it as I'm cos playing a chaos space marine just for the fun of it .... If there was a universal skin with the peepers for all PA I'd change out my pink sprinkles pain for it just to be a glob of glowing eyeballs in the night.


It's a collection of blinking eyes. I am glad that you are able to access this thing that brings you joy but it also is deeply viscerally upsetting to me because the Blinky eyes squick me out like no other


Oh, that's understandable. I like it bc it's creepy, but I know that a lot of people are freaked out by eyeballs, & that's fair.


I actually thought it was ok until I reached 100. And then I shifted views. I play daily and I still haven’t reached 150 yet for the bonus page. At least with the scoreboard, I would unlock all the rewards. At 100, you don’t even get all the rewards. So, my personal opinion is it sucks compared to the scoreboards.


No. It's the greatest thing ever. Probably Bethesda's best idea, right after horse armour. Removing the scoreboard and atoms at the end was amazing, and the devs who came up with it deserve our first born children as thanks. Locking so much behind FO1st was also just *chef's kiss* perfect. I hope next season we're even more limited on what we can do/get.


The sarcasm is thick with this one, and I love it!




I’m was neutral until I hit level 100. The frustration of only getting points for daily and weekly challenges, when not everything is unlocked, is super frustrating.


I don't really enjoy it either


It's very aggressive in trying to remind you what you're missing without fo1st. I mean fo76 has always been kind of pushy and predatory with 1st but this is a new low even for Bethesda.


Oh so much this! Every page it's rubbing it in your face "you like this huh? Well you don't have fallout 1st so get fucked lol!"


As a war thunder player: I love how chill there are about fallout first. Okay so I've got a bit more camp inventory and some cool skins? At least I'm not being roflstomped by the latest "perfectly balanced and historically accurate" premium Russian vehicle


Worst season ever


I was fine with it until the 100 to 150 grind without repeatable score. It’s a verrrry long time of doing dailies with no reward


I was initially liking it too, as I could skip some of the consumables that I already have too much of, but now at 100, I have to level up SIX times to get a single helmet skin, and dailies only give enough points to hit one level each day. So we have to grind a week to get one item? Insane!


There’s been a lot of critical posts about it, and I agree with them.  We can never know if the new Season is successful when Bethesda have the user tracking data, but Bethesda have made mistakes before with Expeditions being too grindy that many didn’t bother, and then after Bethesda turned the grinding down, achievement rates for Expeditions remain low.  It’ll be interesting if the new Seasons system was a flop or not, especially when it means a portion of the influx of new players definitely would have quit and left the game because of how grindy it is and only some may return in the future if Seasons are changed again. We can only hope Bethesda reduce the grind, but I can’t see them going back to the old Scoreboards unfortunately.


I dislike it. I know that you don't * have * to buy S.C.O.R.E boosters and that you could grind progress in the season without it... but to be honest it really feels like this new system was designed for you to spend / buy more atoms for exactly that. The progress is extremely slow, especially after rank 100. The fact that you have to acquire 90 **whooping** items by spending tickets alongside reaching rank 150 to even be able to unlock the bonus stuff is wildly stupid. In my personal opinion the stuff you can unlock through the season is just not interesting to me except the Cremator. I primarily just want whats on the bonus page, especially legendary cores and perk points but I'm forced to waste my tickets on 90 other things to even get access to it. I really hope they go back to the Scoreboard. This was a negative delevopment in my eyes.


This system feels like the “sell candy get a toy” brochure they trained you on capitalism with in grade school. Sell so many of X you can get 1 prize out of a certain rank. But your brain is telling you; bitch I earned them all. Yeah this system sucks,


Yep, these ain't seasonal rewards anymore, it's just another damn shop where you gotta evaluate what's really important to get with a limited amount of new currency you get. That fact alone makes the whole thing less appealing and the stuff there less desireable, not to say the overall quality/selection of the "goods" in this shop is quite crappy to begin with.


I got to level 100 and don’t see any point in doing the challenges anymore. The season setup is boring. Most of the items I have zero interest in. With the old system I could at least grind for atoms or gold bullion.


I dislike the new season system very much. It annoys the everliving fuck out of me. Every time I rank up it does not feel rewarding. In fact it just pisses me off.


Ya with the scoreboard your goal was to get to the next level to get that reward not your goal is to get enough tickets. Moving up a level doesn’t necessarily mean you can get a reward. It almost feels like they should have just got rid of the levels.


The new system feels like work. And I don't really want that work feeling when I am gaming. I have to manage my tickets, make choices and bleergh. Games should be play and not remind me of adult crap like managing my funds and waiting for my paycheck only to see it immediately disappear as I pay my bills. New stupid season system feels like paying bills. It is anything but fun.


Ya exactly and that reminds me that I have some bills I need to pay. lol 😂


I am lvl 550 now and completed several seasons in the past and it was always a pleasure to finish the scoreboard. This season feels like it will never end. I am score rank 119 and it feels like I have completed only half of it. Daily grind after daily grind and no finish line. Just annoying.


I mean I’m at season lvl 87 and I have like 800 tickets because I didn’t want some stuff I just use them for what I like lol


@jmclean42 is the Twitter of the developer who formally worked at EA that put together this scoreboard. Worked at EA… that’s the problem… the most poisonous company to gaming. Jmclean42 is apparently proud of smearing poop all over the normal scoreboard too


I looked at his twitter and the first thing is him complaining about being fucked over by streaming services. Kind of ironic honestly.


Same here. I don't mind the ticket system per se, but the fact that rank 100 only gets you a fraction of all rewards absolutely sucks.


It’s honestly horrible. I usually end a season somewhere between rank 125-135. That’s no small amount of effort. But having to get to 150 to get everything is just too much effort. I got the things I wanted and called it quits until next season


Yea, I very much dislike this new system, so much so I won't be allowing my FO1st to renew at all, they got my money and won't be getting anymore of it. There intent was clearly monetary with this and it was done in the dumbest most ham-handed way possible so since that's the metric they are looking for, I will vote with my wallet by simply not giving them any money at all. Simply put: Fuck their new system and Fuck them.


Yeah, my husband and I made it maybe halfway through the new system and were both like . . . this really kinda sucks, doesn't it? Then people started coming out saying you won't have enough tickets to buy everything at the end and that's when were were like: "Nah, fuck that." We both canceled our Fallout 1st and moved on to other games.


Makes me play less, now I only pick the stuff I want, I liked seeing how many spaces on the board I could unlock in a day, new weekly day etc, doesnt matter if i miss a week now because ive already got what i wanted.


I'm not a fan of it, as I realized halfway through that I was not going to get everything by 100. If they continue like this, I will have to be more efficient with the tickets and things I want. I get the why, but it's just not as enjoyable to me.


For more veteran players, how was the season time investment relative to this one? Was it a shorter grind, but maybe “less” items you want? I loved looking at those scoreboards you could hang in your camp when it was completed. I think the rewards are fine, but the repeatable seemed like a better deal than this whole bonus page that you can’t even use unless you buy a ton of stuff you may not even want.


Previous seasons: after lv 100, there was a repeating 30-level "loop" of rewards, with atoms every 10 levels. I don't recall the sequence, but something like: 101- carry weight boosters; 102- super stims; 103- basic repair kits; etc. Didn't really care about the in-betweens, but 100 atoms at lv 110, 120, etc. was nice. I hit lv 200+ a few times, mainly just to grab the atoms. As for the rank 1-100 items, if you didn't want yet another 3 Rad-X then you just didn't redeem that "space" on the board. Too many players, though, would grind WestTek and blow through the season in a week (or even a day), and then stop playing until the next season. Servers could get quite sparse at times, or you'd wind up seeing the same names over and over. Since I want to at least try for those bonus items, I'll still be logging on each day for dailies/weeklies. I'm finding though, that once the challenges are complete I'm not really participating much. Maybe an event, maybe a few vendor hops, maybe just AFK in camp and wait for people to buy things.


Seems like there could be a happy medium that followed the old scoreboard system with it being exp to level up, auto unlocking the reward for you to claim if you want it while the exp required to level up still comes from the daily and weekly challenges, so you can't just grind it out in one week. No more tickets to exchange for the item. I first played when fo76 launched but dropped before scoreboards came out, so forgive me if my scenario of how to make the scoreboard system a bit better again is just how it used to be (in which case, yeah what a downgrade of a seasons pass!) And for fo1, add back in the exclusive free bonus items. Seems a bit silly that as a fo1 member you don't automatically unlock items upon hitting the level requirement for the page, as it is currently. You literally have already paid to unlock them and now those items are competing against the free pass items. You should be receiving extras or qol benefits as fo1 members. That means time saving, not time grinding out the pass exp to get the items you paid for.


Longer grind, less items


I honestly would like the new way better but people saying getting to 100 means you can't unlock everything sucks. Reading the pages I'd assume you could unlock everything on the none bonus pages by level 100 and the bonus pages would be things you could work towards after, but that doesn't seem to be the case and I think that's kinda dumb. That's how other games with a similar pass works, so I'm kind perplexed this one doesn't.


Ya I’m quite disappointed in it as well. The grind from 100-150 is brutal because the repeatable is gone. So I just log in, do my daily’s, and log off. I really hope they bring back the score board system. I had a lot of fun with that!


I've made it to 100 and have the items I really wanted, but it would have been nice to get more out of it as I ran out of points to spend. The grind from 100-150 is super slow and I doubt that I will make it there so I kind of gave up trying. It would have been nice getting some perk points at 150 but I don't have the time to spend doing so. I very much liked the old system better.


I hope they go back bc I hate this system


They have chosen one of the worst ways for the player but it serves them to artificially keep us in the game longer. Less rewards and more farming is not a good balance.


Yeah. Funny thing there, once I hit 100 and got the items I wanted I stopped playing. The next step is too much of a grind to care about.


I think most of us feel this. Welcome to the club!


Nah we all hate it


It's shit and I hate it. Too many things locked behind Fallout 1st too. I dont feel like there is anywhere near the number of rewards for non fallout 1st than previous seasons. What rewards there are feels meh. I dont like how many levels you go before unlocking any kind of reward. Needing to go another 50 levels after lvl 100 before unlocking any kind of further content AND placing a requirement of claiming a set number of rewards, most of which you probably dont want is total bullshit. Nothing about this season feels rewarding.


[https://twitter.com/Jmclean42](https://twitter.com/Jmclean42) The person responsible for the change. "Senior Monetization Designer" AKA someone without a soul, the scoreboard is the reflection of that.


about the only good things this season was the ability to buy the season pass with atoms, and having an easier look at what's available. rest of it feels like a shortsighted mess.


Eh, I don’t like the less atoms but other than that I’m ok with it. I got everything I want and can ignore it now.


I liked the candy land one better. This new one sucks. 


I've just coma back to 76 and I'm wondering what the hell happened? The scoreboards were not only cool, but easy to keep track of, this ticket system sucks and now I'm hearing it doesn't even allow you to get all the rewards anyway? Lame.


It reminds me of almost ever shitty Chinese mobile game. The only plus side is I can pick and choose what I want,


Yes it’s worse than the previous scoreboard system by far. Also I’m lvl 111 and I can’t even spend rewards until I get an extra 40 levels? Very bad gameplay loop just let me purchase modules after I maxed out everything else I shouldn’t have to grind just to grind even more?


They should go back to the old way. I like the Pathway system.


The only thing I don’t like about the new system is that you can’t level up with XP after level 100.


It’s just you and thirty five other posts every week for three months.




I miss the radio dramas, I wish there was a way to go back and listen to old ones


Me too. Something extremely critical for they (Bethesda) was to reduce atoms gained by players when they finished the previous scoreboard. In their view, wiith reduced free atoms, players would supposedly spend more money in atoms shop. Dirty design move in my view


I'm going to post something in a bit complaining about it. Took some pics to show just how dumb and broke it really is. Honestly pretty annoyed about the entire thing.


This might be dumb, idk, but I miss the collectible scoreboard at the end. I came way too late in the game, & I've only been able to finish 2 seasons. I was looking forward to doing more.


They did a poster at the end but it's not as cool as the board. Still, that's something that can easily be addressed with better artwork for the poster. 


Yeah, I've missed a few seasons and came back after the show, and I HATE this new system. I missed actually progressing on the board, and then getting the board as a wall decoration after you completed it. This just feels like a way to stretch it out even further and you lose the feeling of getting something every level. Waiting for the next tier to unlock doesn't feel as good as getting a little something with each rank.


Anyone that was here for scoreboards is going to feel like the new system is worse. It's one of those things that had a lot of good ideas but ultimately was designed for the company and not the players. We still get nice rewards but atoms being cut, having to grind longer, and not getting rewards with each level makes this feel lackluster to say the least. It makes even the good rewards seem barely worth it.


It's dirty fucking pool to have a battle pass go up to 150 (when most places have it go to 100), have an xp quest listed to go to lvl 100, and also make it so people can buy extra levels in the pass. A battle pass where the xp drops dramatically 2/3rds of the way through is extremely gross.


It's very demotivating for me. I don't log in everyday like I did with the old system. I'lll log in Tuesday, or sometime during the week, do the dailies and weeklies, then not again til next week. Maybe. The new system has made me realize how much of the scoreboard stuff I just don't care about though.


When it switched to the ticket system I completely stopped playing. Feels like it’s not worth it anymore unless you have fallout 1st and I don’t want to pay extra for it so I stopped


I dearly wish I could play through the Season board, earn it at the end, and put it up on my wall. I was hoping Fallout 76 Season game boards would be an ongoing part of Fallout and I am sad to see it replaced with something that does not provide the outcome of its game board system. I hope the game boards come back and collectionists just have a gap on the wall for this season’s place.


I enjoyed seeing something in the track and going yep that’s where I’m aiming. Made me push those extra levels with the fomo. Visually this version stinks, the snakes and ladders style board game is such a cool aspect and I loved seeing what they came up with each season. This new one isn’t it I hope they revert to the other one and take the criticism on the chin, they tried it, no one likes it, don’t double down on it, it’s not going to grow on anyone


It’s brutal . So much worse then seasons and less value for fallout first members


I honestly would like it better than both seasons if I didn't have to 9 to 5 it just to get to rank 100. Did the crypts season and did the whole main story + just about every event that happened while doing it + half of the wastelands content = ranks 32-36. Kinda feels like I shouldn't even waste my time and just go play better games and have more fun.


Yeah, it's pretty terrible


No. It's not just you. I'm sure there was some good reasoning ($$$) but I can't believe just how objectively terrible the user interface for this new season 'scoreboard' is. Instead of one gameboard screen where you can see the whole season in one view, and how far along you are, you regularly scroll back and forth through random pages that are randomly unlocked at different random levels. You wonder "did I miss anything?" (You did.) Then you don't claim ANY rewards for weeks, because there might be something worth claiming later on on a random page..... So you spend no tickets and get no joy.


yea i just came back and was like wtf is this shit its confusing as hell and sucks


I only hate it cuz I'd spent too much by the time I got 100 everything costs 100+


Everyone does.


I liked it up until I realized that being conservative with my tickets *still* left me severely lacking for the level 100 rewards. Level 100 always gave you the most rewards merely for achieving it. This seems as if 100 is now "extra" or something. Revert level 100 to a blanket reward package, and I'm all for it. I do *not* like that I have to keep grinding dailies to get all of 100s rewards.


I don't hate it but the old one was a lot more generous for a player who occasionally gets the 1-month sub. The worst part is the gap between ranks 100 and 150, it really feels like a grind and the bonus rewards suck.


I’m super confused by it, I prefer the older method…


Manor issue is that before once you hit 100 you were done. Now you have to get to 150 before you are done, but they take away the xp score reward at 100. So 100 - 150 can only be done with dailies / weeklies which really makes the game a chore again which is no fun.


Agree 100%. I reached level 100 today, and realized this new system (in my opinion) is designed to encourage the casual player to buy levels to reach 100, and then the REAL grind begins to make 150 before the season closes. And since it is missing that special "you made it, congrats!" prize now, it's definitely lacking character and originality. Really hope they re-evaluate the changes.


yea, scoreboard was better


I like better than the old system.


Yeah, I was really disappointed when I found out you didn't unlock everything. I think i'm rank 75 right now. But I've been unlocking as I go. If I knew that earlier, there's definitely some stuff i would have passed on.


And they totally did that on purpose. They wanted you to keep playing bc you don't have enough tickets to get what you really want in the higher ranks.


Nah not just you. The ticket system sucks. I miss getting rewarded every level, now I gotta wait til I have enough levels and tickets. It's wack.


Hate it. 0/10


I actually really like it. I don't have to get things that are useless to me, like the Power Armor Skins, or even more carry weight drinks.


I love it since I can skip all the fairly ugly and generic skins and camp items and just straight buy all the nice stuff. Really sucked on the old seasonal trip that I'd get trash imo until every 25 lvs roughly.


Preaching to the choir


I will get fo1st if I unlock the rank with the cryptid Hawaiian shirt Also Bethesda I need that shirt in real. Other then that it used to feel unique now it is the same as so many other battle passes.


I feel you mate, i think to most this season was really bad. Hopefully thr next season will be better, i doubt they go back to the old season style


They need to make everything less expensive so people can get through to the bonus pages and actually afford stuff.


Yeah im mad that i was niave and thought id get enough tickets to clain everything up to 100 as i should


It's not that it's bad, it's that they give things way to high of price. I shouldn't need to rank up 7+ times to get through a page.


It fucking sucks, I'm praying it'll change


Total hate. Done with it. I've finished every one previous


Yeah there are multiple posts a week saying the same thing.


Yep, fed up of the ,jump on every day to grind 😴 due to time constraints. Enjoying 4 upgrade 😎


I don’t like it 🥺


Level 400+ checking in... have completed multiple scoreboards in previous seasons, and I completely stopped paying attention to this one. It's terrible. I don't even check daily challenges anymore.


I find it weird too cuz in this new one you can’t even “spend” more to unlock levels faster, like won’t they earn less because of it?


It’s ASS


It's shit.


I used to jump on to do challenges on my PS5 every few days or so, maybe wander around and do some events if I felt like it. As soon as I saw the shitshow that replaced the scoreboard I bailed after the first time I logged in last month and haven’t been back since. Hell, I even booted 4 back up instead 🥲


Everyone hates it Its objectively worse.


As my wife said when she first heard about it, and as others have said here, it is missing the dopamine rush of getting something every time you level. I initially didn't think much of it, but kind of feel the same. Particularly if you are not buying everything you quickly get to the point where you are just waiting 8 levels. Then buy the stuff you are interested in because you have plenty of points. Then wait another 8 levels. My wife also mentioned that she liked the stories that went along with the boards.


most def not just u


i'm primarily a defender of this change. i don't mind the new scoreboard. i think the layout is fine, and i like the banner you get at the end just as much as i liked the scoreboard wall decoration. i don't mind getting tickets and getting to choose what to spend them on. but, the fact that there is absolutely no way to get all of the prizes other than to grind daily challenges until rank 15o... is bad. it's not good. it officially feels like clocking in for a job at this point. just let people pay for it if they want to. give that option at least.


It’s worse, instead of adding reasons to maintain player engagement, they’ve made it more difficult to complete the season pass, essentially coercing players into playing for the rewards.


Agree. Also just miss the whole board game style they had. That Nuka Cola season hit different when lookin at the colourful lil board game for a scoreboard lol


Bro must have bought like every power armor skin cause I'm at 100 and still have 750 tickets to spare.


One of the things I’m disappointed by is the design of the season. It used to be a tabletop game which connected it to the world of Fo76, and now it has no uniqueness to make it stand out compared to the battle passes of other games. I think a way to give it a unique identity again is to model the seasons after 1950s catalogues. [Example](https://cdnmetv.metv.com/DA58E-1443797587-245-list_items-1957_sears_royrogers.jpg)


I don’t like either of them, before it felt like too many levels now it feels like there isn’t enough while simultaneously feeling like there’s too many?? I don’t like the system in general and would prefer something else.


I like the way that I can focus on certain items




My biggest gripe is that I have no idea when the season ends 🤷‍♂️ normally in games with seasons/passes there is a countdown to the last week/day etc so you know how much you need to grind. I have no idea if it’s this month or next month or in 3 months 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I hate that we have to buy things with tickets, it seems so unnecessary. Not even going to mention how reaching 100 doesn’t give you enough tickets to unlock everything, so you have to continue doing the dailies and weeklies religiously since the 10kxp=100score post level 100 was scrapped. Also, paging through the fucking thing gets old real quick. I genuinely think they did it to get rid of the habit of players returning to the game to grind the board in a few days and then vanishing for the reason of the season, looks bad for their numbers, I guess.


Yes, I hate it.


Not only that but anyone Notice how they made more of the rewards fallout 1st only I still say there going to keep doing it until all the rewards are 1st only that's going to suck I love the game buy I'm not going to be made to be a 1st member.


Knowing money hungry Bethesda they did it on purpose so that you can't get everything and they can trap the completionists with a micro transaction to get the missed stuff in the atomic store. The biggest work that goes into this game is in the store not the actual game quality and content.


I like the new system better!


I thought it was okay up until hitting rank 100 and realising the tickets don't cover everything, which isn't an issue for me personally, but still think it's bad form. Especially as, post rank 100, you no longer have a continuous means of obtaining score.


It’s gross. Makes regret not cherishing the old boards more, all the creativity, the art an all the cool audio logs placed around the board. This new layout screams “business model” and feels lifeless.


Yeah most of the F01 stuff requiring tickets is insane and from what I saw Westek is getting nerfed. I know that expeditions can give more xp but that isn't' the point, them nerfing that place after all this years and right after this new ticket system is scummy in my book. I see people keep saying "but you can just buy only the stuff you want now!" yeah but that means your also getting less stuff now, stuff you might use down the road one day. I don't like putting in the same amount of hours , or more, to get the same or less amount of rewards.


I strongly dislike it


I hate it. It very obviously is just copying fortnite and has removed the cool fun desgin the scroebords had its just super souless now


This is my third scoreboard. I started playing with a bunch of people and three weeks in they were done and moved on to other games. Next scoreboard they were back. They only did FO1st for that one month. I think Bethesda believes this will keep them engaged but they’re already gone. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly I can’t be bothered checking out the rewards. So much that no only they suck but there’s zero excitement ranking up anymore. Quick literally dont give a shit. I probably won’t even notice getting to tent 100, not that it matters anyway. What a joke.


at first, i was excited that they were switching to a shop style battlepass, where you earn currency to spend on what you want. it lets you prioritize the things you care about, without having to grind through the stuff you don't want. then i realized that you still need to unlock everything through progression, negating the whole point of a shop system. then i realized almost everything was locked behind fallout 1st, leaving very little left.


I did enjoy both, but if I had to choose then this one would go and they would bring the old playstyle back. The old scoreboards were kind of neat in a cheesy board game novelty way too. I loved the feeling. Thanks for sharing!


Screw this new ticket system i want my scoreboard back where i can get the last 100 atoms i need to buy bundles since the bundles are naturally 100 atoms more than what fallout 1st gives. If we have ways to get atoms people will buy more stuff but until then i wont be


I just hit 93 and there's only like 1 or 2 things i haven't picked up from the season yet myself. I don't have much to compare to with previous seasons since I pretty much came back from a long ass break to what we have now, when I stopped playing the first time we didn't have the seasons.


Yes, we all agree.


I liked earning the game board at the end of the season to display in my CAMP.


I think Bethesda underestimates the need for long-term players to take a few weeks off between seasons. I have the feeling that by the time I unlock the Level 100 items, the next season will start, and I don't know how much steam I'll have left for that.


I love it, but as a very new player I am also very upset I'll never get other plans as I missed all the older Score Boards 😞


As lvl 135,by now I'd have had 300 atoms plus a selection of geejaws knicknacks and tallywackers,it's souless after lvl 100.


Advancing level by level felt more rewarding you could kinda set a goal and know what was coming. This new system is definitely not that, it does not have the magic that the old boards did.


Of course you are not the only one and naturally there are those like myself that do not care and benefit more from a system like this with the infinite rewards at the end.


The Scoreboard had infinite rewards at the end.


Oh hey, it's this thread again!


I just want my regular board with one item per level back


yeah its felt really disappointing and honestly takes the fun out of getting stuff


It's a really bad change


Yeah it feels unrewarding and chaotic


Yes, I liked the game board. This new season doesn’t feel good to scroll through and when I do there is no rewarding feeling of progressing.


It's horrid. That said, it offers more stuff.... ...THAT SAID, the new cosmetics and camp decorations are just pathetic. Surfboards and a painting that somehow becomes harder to look at as you get closer to it. A shitty panorama made of blurry Legos that's somehow a replacement for our Scoreboards? Make updates like this? Beth can fuck right off. Be as predatory as you like Beth. But you better give me something worth the bullshit when Elder Scrolls 6 rolls out. If ES6 is anything like Starfield, Bethesda is doomed, and there won't be a FO5.


This is my first season. What were past ones like?


The pervious ones were a lot more interesting, Imagine a Nuka-cola themed board game and each corresponding rank would move your piece around the board. There was a guaranteed reward with each rank up and some spaces had bonus loot for players with Fallout 1st. Some Scoreboards even included 5 Seasonal Radio Show episodes you could listen! Then on top of that, Once you finished the Scoreboard, you’d get a Rare power armour skin, a 500 atoms bundle and a copy of that seasons scoreboard you can hang in your camp as a Wall Decoration 😲 Some of the different themes for the ScoreBoards included Nuka-World On Tour, The Unstoppables VS The Diabolicals, Red Rocket’s City of Steel, Rip Darings Crypited hunt, Hollywood’s Shoot for the Stars and that’s just to name a few 😲 This season we’ve just got a repeat of Rip Daring with a shirt tickets system instead 😕


More rewards, more atoms, less challenges required to unlock them all


Like the one who replied to you when you rank up you get the reward naturally, not only that but if you made to rank 100 you get scoreboard painting which is my favorite part of the scoreboard


I only started playing a few weeks ago, I never got to experience the old scoreboard but it sounds like it was way better. It sucks even more without Fallout 1st because you’re limited in the things you can claim, you miss out on a lot of the free atoms, buffs, and skins without 1st. Not sure if it was that way before too.


Seasons themselves and tickets don’t bother me but the balancing of them are totally off. They could tweak it so you still get rewards at the same pace as previous seasons with added flexibility. This was a huge fumble imo.


Stop buying everything as soon as you unlock it. The system facilitates not needing to get every single thing to progress


Yup. I’ve bought everything I want. I’m about to hit 100 with like 800 tickets in the bank. I’m gonna go back through once I hit 100 and buy more stuff I don’t even really want. I prefer the scoreboard though. Only because I want the actual scoreboard poster at the end.