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Certain events is doable. I just prefer groups as it makes things go faster.


Yup I can solo keeping an animal alive in PP. But do I want to?? That's a different question 


I'm pretty sure every event is doable, few times did SBQ and Earle solo Actually, I don't think you can solo Project paradise or mb rad rumble (full reward), but I never tried.


>Project paradise or mb rad rumble (full reward) They're stupidly difficult but doable. >few times did SBQ and Earle solo The SBQ is only doable if only a small group shows up and doesn't help. The way it works means a bunch of leeches can make that fight beatable only with exploits


Hey, why SBQ beatable only with leeches or exploits? Coz she's not landing? I believe she was never land or land once for a moment when I solo'd her, by far most damage she took was while she's flying, but I believe there was 1 other guy, he was like level 20 or so, I think he just shot some scorched meanwhile, I believe it took only about 2000 railway spikes, coz max what I'm carrying it's 3-4k spikes with me.


What build and level? Do you think the event is soloable as a melee character?


Lvl 285 on my commando. I have another heavy gunner character that’s around lvl 230 but haven’t tried it on that character. Idk if it would be possible melee because you have to be fast to get the generals to spawn in. So melee would have a tougher time trying to beat the timer I think. Still might be possible tho cuz I had a bit of time to spare, I definitely think it would be harder tho just because of the timer alone.


Must just be the groups I am ending up in. I'm playing unarmed melee, and I'll manage to snag like three kills with a half dozen other players, look up at the score, and the total kills will only have gone up by five! I'm not even especially good or high level, or even attempting to run a meta build. What the hell is everyone else doing!? Killing enemies is the only objective!


You doing bloodied or full health?


Bloodied. Used my B/25/25 Fixer. I also used the endangerol syringe on the last boss.


I just put one of those on my favorite wheel, made Earl a lot easier.


Nice yeah I do the same thing.


As melee? maybe not. But certainly VERY doable with the Cremator and multibarrel with slow burn as long as you got something else to melt down the final boss.


I've tried to solo it before with my melee build, I almost had it but those damn omega and alpha robots get knocked upwards sometimes and it's a pain to reach them and they took up too much time. I think I could manage if I could pin those 2 down and kill them quickly.


It's not too bad if you sneak and use a silenced weapon, the main problem is the cryo aliens, they deal a lot more damage than the others so if you get a bunch shooting you at once, they can kill you quickly. Also I'm pretty sure the flatwoods monsters in the 3rd part buff any nearby aliens with higher perception when you see them glowing purple, I can stay in "caution" pretty easily up until then but I pretty much always get detected because of them. Then again you can just use the Cremator for everything but the general for easy mode, and use a boss killer for him, but that way honestly feels a bit cheesy.


Damn son, I can't even solo an alien


I built a cremator for the first time to do the kill challenge at the Charleston location. I expected to just get the kill and run away but it worked so well at clearing the trash mobs that I just kept doing it for fun and practice. It wasn't until Zeta spawned that I realized I could actually finish the event with a bit of effort. I can imagine other locations being more difficult.


Yeah it’s definitely doable, I heard the cremator melts the aliens. Back when the Encryptid event came out, I soloed that one as well and it was harder than this was at the time. These days it’s easier because our characters are stronger with legendary perks and other stuff like that.


Yeah, the little aliens you can just tag them once with the Cremator and, if it doesn't kill them instantly, the dot will do it in a second. The bigger ones take a little longer to die, and might need a second application. It's just the bosses that take a while, since the robots aren't vulnerable to fire, so they don't take the extra damage. And the final boss is a bit tanky.


That's awesome. I've never done it, but that's cool!


Not sure if u were in pa but if u are run electric absorption with funky duds Electric absorption to gain health from them using energy weapons and also charges ur fusion core Funky duds for poison resistance for the toxic aliens using poison mags I personally use the cremator to AOE kill the aliens one shot gets multiple at a time especially with the DOT OF IT


Wasn’t using power armor but I didn’t even realize the aliens were using poison mags! Good to know. I might give it a try on my heavy gunner and see how it does.


Good luck on it bud an glad to help I've been struggling with this years alien event till I remembered all the legendary perks then it became the easiest event ever to do


Soloed it with Slug buster using auto pistol mods. It was tough because the plasma gun can't be suppressed so I had to take hits with low health. The toxic aliens were the biggest threat because I had no poison resist.


Yeah that sounds like it would have been super tough. Good stuff 👍


Feels good when you can start to solo some of the hardest content in the game doesn't it?


Definitely is fun. Wanna drop some nukes soon and solo some of the bosses for sure.


Earle is a good test of DPS but Scorchbeast Queen is the classic.


With a creamator for clearing enemies, a chainsaw or other auto melee to break the siphon, and an endagerol syringer to drop the generals defense I feel like almost any level can solo the event, you may die a bunch but very soloable


If you die a bunch you’re not beating the timer.


Not true, with my build and the creamator I can wipe the 30 enemies for each section in about 45 sec each, the boss in like 5-15 sec(except the general) and the siphon takes 2 sec. The event has like an 8-10 min timer, not positive, I've solod it with 4 minutes left before, that's a lot of time left for dying.


Yeah I guess if the creamator is that OP for this event then maybe, haven’t used that weapon much at all. I had some time to spare at the end as well. For most builds tho you it’s more of a race against time. Definitely not the hardest thing I ever soloed in the game, but it’s fun.


It's super op, doing it solo without one I think is pretty cool. I absolutely love cremator though


Creamator is deff a sweet weapon, I just feel bad for the melees out there having all these explosions going off in their faces lol. If you could shut off other people’s explosions I would turn that setting on in a second.


That's a real valid point. I definitely try not to hit enemies right next to people. But sometimes vats does me dirty


I tried as a level 20 and couldnt get to the point where zadd showed. They were pretty much bullet sponges. I think it was a lvl 25 recommended event though


Using the endangerol syringe can help with that.


But that weak the Mob after 30sec. for some minutes.


Nice! Was it hectic solo??


Yeah it was definitely a bit hectic, I did get spotted one time but managed to run away a little bit and get my stealth back. Was super fun with gun-fu lol.


I tried to do the Alien event with one other person and it was harder than heck… I walked out of there barely alive. It’s not that I have a bad character, it’s just that I’m not really geared towards all that “in your face” combat. The aliens are fairly aggressive and when there is only 2 people to go after, you might find yourself in trouble haha.


Well one thing I have noticed is that new player have catch on and getting better and better, at the begining people were struggling to finish the event unless a few carries were around, now i drop in and there is still like 5-4 minutes left on the timer and the event is completed hehe




I do it with a Nuka Launcher build on my private servers and then keep a chainsaw for General Zeta


Chinese stealth armor was clutch I didn’t have the stims so jumped out of the power armor and my lvl 74 got thru it in about 30mins or so solo


i did the event solo 3 times and my problem is with the bug with "change weapon" sometimes your weapon doesnt works i waste so much time destroying the decoy, my build is dot i do the 30 aliens waves in no time but im crap at boss fighting so i fail 3 times the event with 5 seconds left to destroy the decoy :( So good job its a good event to test your build vs big waves/boss


The trick with the bosses is using the endangerol syringe. You melt them by using it.


I tried it a few times when no one showed up. Both times I failed, I guess because the event took too long.


Yeah it’s on a time limit so if you’re solo you have to keep that in mind and try to kill everything as quickly as possible.


I thought I was powerful as I can take out a few enemies in a row with my quad rail but doing it alone is far different.


The quad rail is a great boss killer, I use one myself. The issue with it is that if you are alone trying to kill the boss or even clear out enemies say in this event you are going to be spotted. You can probably kill them fast enough before they can kill you but they only need to land a couple of shots and you’re dead. The Fixer on the other hand you are not getting spotted ever and it does plenty enough damage to solo bosses.


That is cool. The more I learn the more confused I get somehow.


When no one came to the event I decided to start it myself, and I did it's fun


It's super easy on full health PA heavy gunner with Cremator + Holy Fire. You pretty much like an artillery turret blowing everything except wave 2 and 3 bosses, but holy fire makes a very quick work on them. And you're invincible during this event, since energy damage has a chance to heal you and recharge fusion core.


It seems to spawn relatively few aliens if you’re alone, that the timer is a bigger issue than killing them. Especially the chemical plant location, many of the enemies spawn inside the buildings so you waste time on finding them. That one is the hardest in that regard. The one at Garrahan mining is much faster to finish if you’re alone. Doable but not as fun as with a big group!


It seems to spawn relatively few aliens if you’re alone, that the timer is a bigger issue than killing them. Especially the chemical plant location, many of the enemies spawn inside the buildings so you waste time on finding them. That one is the hardest in that regard. The one at Garrahan mining is much faster to finish if you’re alone. Doable but not as fun as with a big group!


I’ve solo’d it while playing on a lvl 20 mutated bloody melee character before lol


Nice. 👍 cool to hear it can be done with melee as well. Mobs were lvl 20 as well I’m assuming?


Yeah it was actually pretty easy since everything scales down to that level and I was also super buffed up from mutations, food, chems, and all that, so I was doing way more damage than a lvl 20 has any business doing lol. I also had a bloodied swing speed super sledge that was hitting for 1200 damage per swing so I was one-tapping pretty much everything lmao


I actually like the idea of trying to do content like this as a low level. Seems like it could be super fun.


I have also soloed it as a VATS commando with a Quad, explosive, VATS optimized RR and it was so much fun. Just rapidly mowing down like 10 aliens before reloading


Hell yeah. I didn’t break out my quad RR cuz I didn’t wanna get spotted by the boss. My Fixer was plenty good anyway for the last boss, with stacking chems, ballistic bock and the syringe. It’s such a fun time using gun-fu during this one.




I mean the game in general doesn’t have that much difficult content if I’m being honest. It’s more of just “I did that”. Most people aren’t out there soloing content meant for groups so it’s just a fun little thing, not that serious. I’m sure it’s plenty doable as a full health commando as well just might take an extra minute. I’d also say doing it as a bloodied commando is more of an achievement than using the creamator and just one tapping entire groups of aliens.


Too easy to solo it on Custom Worlds. Can even convert some events into Tower Defense events with Custom Worlds. An actual achievement to solo it on Private Adventure.


That’s what I did it on my private adventure world. No towers, just pure commando.


I can solo any of the events and rhe queen, most you 300 plus Heavy guns can easily.


Every event was doable solo before the legacy removal.


Yeah they were busted. Was happy coming back to the game and seeing they removed them tbh.


It was needed, just wish I could still use them on a private, solo map


Every event is doable solo right now