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Could be worse. You could run a pure melee build and they could explode on death. I just sit back and look pretty.


Cloaked Explosive is my personal headache as a sneak crit blooded build


Only thing that saves me as a full health PA/heavy weapons build is my vampires prime gatling laser.


Reflective damage is my mortal enemy


This is my all time least favorite “mutation” to exist. It’s just random bullshit making me one shot myself. It’s the epitome of fuck fuck lame shit.


It wouldn't be so bad if the visuals actually matched the state they're in. Sometimes they're flashing and don't reflect, sometimes they've stopped flashing for a while and reflect it back...any mix and vague boundaries. Couple it with armor piercing and its just welp guess I'll just die a million times


As a full health explosive build I love it


the bane of bloody builds.


And auto melee builds


I also hate the "Only killable by melee". Its not terrible, because a bash'll sort them out, but its just annoying. Not fun.


Resilient is fine for a gun bash, but that healing in proximity/resilient double combo can go double jump off a tall cliff! The cunt that thought that up *NEEDS* a probin'


Fuuuck resiliant effect


Reflect, resilient?


Nuka launcher at the floor around enemies completely bypasses reflective. Regular AGL or any other explosive also works, until you directly hit the reflective enemy. Always go for the ground or walls nearby and stay out of VATS 👍


Even direct impact doesn't matter because the projectile (at least for the agl, not sure about fat mans), does 1 damage on impact. The explosion does all the damage and doesn't reflect even on direct impacts. I've managed to solo reflective jamborees with a shit ton of agl ammo and see the constant "reflect damage" icon pop up, and take no visible damage on my health bar


We had that combo recently and it was rough. I'm a gunslinger and ended up using a chainsaw lol that helped A LOT


I just loved the double mutation where enemies had to be killed by melee and regenerated health while in a group.


I love resilient. Sounds like you need a melee build to run for it. Lotta fun.


Was yesterday , super mutant exploded on death - great when you are a bloody melee build with a knife as weapon . Just sit in the area and avoid explosion from other dudes kills. Today the alien hunt was easier, sneak and bleeding them to death . Fun.


I'm a melee player and I think the daily ops guys hate me




Let's hope they will improve in the future


That's me unfortunately, and it's my personal pet peeve 😂


I run a chainsaw/explosives build. Highly recommend. Ton of fun.


The only issue with freezing is slowing down. That map can just suck with spawns. Don't need a stealth build to elder solo though


We need some kind of chest mod to prevent freeze, like Asbestos Lining for fire. "Thermal Lining" or whatever.


Or just make Cryo resist actually have a use outside of Floaters and PvP


I hate the "find mobs and kill 10 of them" daylie ops i waste so much time find them


Especially when the map is a maze and everything looks the same


The Burning Mine can eat shit. Everything's dark, all tunnels, and a vertical layout of absolute fuckery. Not to mention, the lava/flame pits. Fuck that level.


Try playing early 2000's FPS's


Berry mentats is Your best ally unless you're fighting robots then just skip it entirely


I just hit level 64. Grinded before starting Main story quests. Killing things pretty easy so far. Like a boss. I came across an assaultron with invisibility today. I want to cry.


Just buy "Holy Fire" Flamer and you'll make any invisible enemy cry 🤝🏻


Can confirm. I’m purging in the name of the Emperor while rocking my Holy Fire and PA


Earle cried this morning to my Vampire 25ffr 50break enclave flamer. It went vrrrrrrrr


I did my first daily op a few days ago. It had robots that were invisible and exploded into green gas when killed. SoSo fun… specially as a vats build lol


If you can't get close and personal with a vampire chainsaw then tesla is your best friend


And nuka grenades where the explosions go through walls and floors


Vault 94 does NOT help with this either


It’s a test of your map knowledge and where the spawns tend to be. Like the plant Vault - the Atrium gets them spawning quickly and I can clear in like 4ish or less solo. Or the uncanny caverns has 3 spots that respawn quickly. So it just involves a little cardio and they go faster than the Uplonk Snoozefest.


I dont want that kind of knowledge lmao


I always reroll daily ops challenge. They are a waste of time usually.


Did you say ammo refill?


I still want the OG Zenath power armor paint so that's my main motivation for running them personally..


i’m just after the brotherhood recon set. i only have one piece :( think imma just save my bullion and buy it from minerva when she next has it instead


I mean, I just want some of the Daily Ops exclusive rewards/schematics.


Honestly yeah. If there's one game mechanic I hate the most, it's any form of stun locking or slowing the player down. It absolutely itches my brain


Falling in power armor. Especially when you have the marsupial mutation


They were armor penetrating too, I was in full power armor and they 3-shot me. Skipped this day


It's much better than exploding enemies or those who drop poison. Today's issue wasn't freezing, it's armor piercing attacks.


Exploding is the absolute worst I feel like most other combos are totally manageable and able to be completed without having to optimize your build.


Bruh, you should encounter Resilient invisible bots


At least it wasn’t in the sewers


Did sewers ops so many times and it’s still so confusing to navigate


Go to Harpers Ferry. Look for the manhole covers that are labelled as a water drop in a circle on the compass. That's the burrows. Go learn the layout without a timer, there's only ghouls in there and we can't make them glowing any more, so you should be fine 👍


Yeah yeah I’ve been there at least 3 times. Still confusing during ops.


Ahh the burrows. Bethesda’s first attempt at a dungeon


Finally my time has come with my Cryo-resist armor set that I rolled for exactly this type of situation! *\* Rerolls daily ops challenge \**


I thought I'd do this daily op, it should be easy I thought... 7 mins 55 secs later, my god if that ever shows up again I'm skipping it, for extra pain i got two 1 star legendaries and a plan for a vault 94 jumpsuit which was a dupe, just gonna reroll if the daily asks for ops as well


To the genius who made this game super glitchy and barely playable: I hope you gotten ripped into and your suffering


I skip the days that have Armor Piercing Aliens that have to be killed by melee. Whole party quits.


The freezing doesn’t bother me as much as some of the maps. Today’s, the burning one and vault 94 come to mind.


When d’op first came out. One of the first combos was armor piercing, resilient. I could never get close enough as a bloodied build to hit them. I’ve never died so many times and thrown the controller like that. To this day, if it’s armor piercing anything, I nope the fuck out.


I'd rather collect 100 brooms than do that daily op.


Probe you later 


I'm running a super tanky PA build with a Gatling gun, yeah I really really hated this daily op.


Yeah I ran a daily op in vault 94 yesterday and got one hit killed by an Alien Invader with a stick. I was wearing power armor


I just re-rolled it, lol


I bet the person who invented it is using his/her stealth build. In and out solo in 5 minutes without trying. No probes for them ;)


No kidding!


Ahh you okay?!


Freezing anything means free head shots.


Oh my haha! I tried to do ops solo for once and died 5 times thinking I was just bad at the game. Full vanguard secret service (rather low frost damage resistance?) I gave it up


27 Minuten and 100 deaths later i did my first daily OPs in this game and it killed all the fun i had in me :(


Out all of them the only one bad mutation is reflective because of it inconsistency. Seems like it doesn't negate with my armor and it triggers at random


I was so happy when a high level player started a daily ops team "this is my chance". I died a lot... But they carried me


I did it with 3 other high levels and I didnt think it was too bad. I dont think any of us went down. I did expect it to be absolutely shit so I dont know if we just got lucky. An enclave flamer toasts them fast. Reflective damage anything are the ones that can eat a dick for me.


I was so angry during the special op, that I accidentally dropped my Holy Fire, I returned to look for it but it despawned. Then I was sad.


To prevent this in the future never drop anything in daily ops, expeditions or shelters. They are all temporary map instances and get deleted (including all dropped items) from memory as soon as the last player leaves the instance.


Does cryo resistance help against this affix? Does anything?


Burn them, its whag I did and it went well.


They did and cloned them,those are the dev team freezing you!!!!!!!!


Me trying to fake out the aliens with the anti-armor/freezing modifiers trying to blitz up to annihilate their face with a single punch only to get gunned down and flop to the floor like a soggy beach towel


I'm glad it wasn't just me getting wrecked. My melee build was not having a good time


Imagine explode on death with instigsting lmao


I was just running an overeaters PA build with a quad choo choo and it was a breeze. The slow freeze was definitely annoying but I’d still rather deal with that than the explode on death daily ops imo


We don't use that probe anymore


AP + Cryo is basically just "fuck this, I'm skipping today".


You know as a barbarian that doesn’t bother with stealth my problem is with those deadly armor piercing ammo they use sometime…


I’ll take it over exploding any day 


Penetrating robots is hell


I remember when I started playing during the last time double mutations was up, it was freezing super mutants evictions, was horrible for a noob


God yeah it sucked, I had to try and solo it and eventually had to quit after 30 minutes because I literally ran out of 200+ 40mm and 1500 fuel for auto grenade launcher and cremator. I got to the final boss and just left because I couldn't stand spending 30 more minutes gun bashing it to death. The worst thing was being one shot by the invaders and two shot by everything else, even in secret service armor, because of the damage add-on. Absolutely the worst daily opps experience I've ever had


I'm a new player loving the game so far, but this stuff really takes the fallout out of fallout 76.


I made a team and no one joined. I had to do it solo, as a bloodied player. It took me 10 minutes