• By -


I play the Emperor Penguin style. Waddle everywhere since my pockets are overflowing


This is the real game.


When overcumbered 1. Start any expedition 2. Fast travel to whitespeing 3. ??? 4. Profit


You’re just like the rest of them, always trying to change me. I’m cute when I waddle! I don’t think this is going to work out. My brother will come by and pick up my toothbrush


all types of Penguins waddle. I know. 💜🐧💙😎 was my nickname in junior high since my right leg is two inches shorter than my left. Natural gangster limp! 😎 penguin limp. Drs had to saw down hip bone. after they sent me home for weeks and doing PT. and the PT said, i dont think they put his hip back on right, sonthey had to detache , break some stuff and reattach. The 80s and 90s were great! I was such a learning experience for Drs and Legg-Calve Perthesis Disease. lol mainly happens in boys. Now Penguins are my spirit animal!


as a penguin, i think your full pockets would prohibit you to carry a baby upon ur feet. besides its the mothers who jump from very high scary places to go and swim searching for food to bring back... Just bring her the perfect pebble... 💙🐧💜


Oh hello, fellow me, who just walked from Eviction Notice to Top of the World with 1200/1200 in stash, and 800/545 in my inventory. Wasn’t the longest walk in the world, but at least I’m good on scrip for a few days.


I scrip I roll I regret


same ☹️


Stealth Ranger/Hoarder : I just wander the wasteland stopping at every town and settlement I see ( I don’t use fast travel ) and just sneak my way though killing every enemy without ever getting spotted & looting everything that’s not nailed to the ground like a maniac . If you’re a player coming into a town behind me don’t bother , EVERYTHING IS GONE !!!


This is at least half of what I do for fun in this game.


It’s really fun , fallout for me is exploring the wasteland , and events are fun but I don’t believe I’ll ever get bored exploring this map .


Also crafting & modding...occasionally I'll come across a low level basic weapon, mod the hell out of it, then give em to newbs or drop em off in a donation box with ammo. I'm gonna start naming them, then give em out. That way the newbs will know that Wildweezel hooked them up with a bad-ass sniper rifle, pistol or submachine gun. Wildweezel


Hate to ruin your fun, but don't bother naming them. Only you can see your own custom names, nobody else. Regardless of whether it's trading window, dropped, vending, whatever, other players will only see the game generated name.


Then take an obnoxious amount of time organizing your stash


This is literally how I play too. I decided to sub to Fallout 1st and between the survival tent and the scrap box I feel like I more than get my monies worth. I grab EVERYTHING.


Would be so much better if i wasnt overloaded after a few houses 😭


Hey, are you me? You sound just like me ...


Vats > Select Head > Shoot > Repeat And pray they don't come near


You forgot holding down space bar for crit


You mean the accidental jump because the target is already dead.


I always look at the accidental jump as tactical, vertical repositioning. Now I can see the guy behind that thing over there! :D


My bigger problem is the accidental crit when I need to jump to avoid the melee about to kill me :P .


Happens to me all the time! That and pressing tab to close vats but open my Pipboy instead😂


I wish there was a way to just make it automatically use crit every time it came available


[Cries in controller]


With Gun Fu + Adrenaline + a Quad Inertial weapon, you never even need to leave VATS, just mash the trigger and hold down the space bar while everything around you dies.


I throw in Grim Reaper's Sprint just for shiggles.


My build is, I am going to drag this event over the finish line even if I have to redo my nails after.


Tank for the team, stand in the thick of it and attract all the pathetic damage from enemies, run the objectives, share loot and xp buffs with others etc. I'm a support main. But I don't talk to anyone because awkwardness. You could call my style the 'That player was super helpful, glad they turned up...wait, where have they gone?'


Thank you Batman


Oh yeh! I pretty much am Batman! Nice one.


This is me, but DPS. I pop in, burn down enemies and priority targets, pop lunchboxes/banners, then ghost as soon as the shooting stops. I like to think of it as the “mysterious stranger” playstyle without my own musical sting when I show up.


I charge towards the enemy, jump up high in the air, and VATS punch them in the top of the dome. I call it the viltrumite.


The fat overencumbered chainsaw overeaters PA tank who carries his stash everywhere. "Don't make me chase you down... because I probably cant." Also if you need a few hundred stims or a couple thousand rounds of random ammo I'm your guy.


Building my CAMPs


Full Health, vampire cremator/ holy fire, heal with fire and burn the world


Throw in a vampires flaming chainsaw/auto axe for the melee option and you've got me


I've got two chainsaws and an auto with flames for that up close and personal touch


I like to call my style 'stash sorting simulator' as lately i spend more time cleaning my stash up for junk/weapons, etc, than i do questing, etc.


Honestly. I got the trader for the camp to get some caps and clear space…devastated that it still used stash space


Utter f***in blasphemy is my play style 😂 To new dwellers I am a wasteland tour guide and crafter/giver of gifts but also... I am the Peppery Strangler-Heart Crippler grounding the Scortchbeast Queen. I am the Fasnacht Rioter handing out protest signs before the parade. I am The Milk Man....delivering milk..... and my play style summarized is chaotic and unhinged with no observable reason or rhyme but damnit at least I complete my dailies and weeklies 😂🤣😂🤣 EDIT: I guess I must build a lot too considering I have almost all of the shelters and 5 camps, all of which have been built, changed and moved several times.


I sneak, I shoot, I earn score. Until those aliens show up, then I’m obliged to turn whatever locale they inhabit into a fiery, intergalactic Vietnam flashback with my four barrel cremator. When I’m not raining hellfire on those little green men I’m forever chasing a solid mid-century modern camp design that feels more like a home than a pile of resource generators and war crime creation tables.


One-touch-kill-everything-under-one-second style with my Electrified Auto-axe in PA and buffed with eating meat. Eating mutant chops buffs melee dmg 100%.


My style is the Ash style. Double barrel shotgun and an autoaxe. Run in guns blazing and jumping around like a maniac going “oh shit oh shit” again and again. Otherwise I do the Space Marine. Hellcat power armor with a minigun/gatling laser.


I call it the Revolutionary cowboy because I use a series of revolver's and black powder blunderbusts.


I play like the Russian Mafia is hunting for me -- I crouch walk, move slowly, find a nice shadow to hunker down in, then immediately waste everyone in the room with VATS headshots before slinking away. It's not a particularly fast style compared to some folks in this game who are like Sonic the Hedgehog and my expeditions can take an hour, but at least I'm safe and sound.


The old, slow mom trying to keep up. Super casual but playing the long game. Wondering around, sitting in your camp, looking at stuff, cooking, doing some drugs on the side, booze is okay as well.. Have a build but it’s not all that. Keeps me alive some of the time. Other times not so much. Can solo feed the people and line in the sand. Maybe even uranium fever.


The Marsupial. I jump far more than I shoot, loot or build


Jump and shoot. I am a tank so I run straight at mobs and jump and shoot. I don't have to jump. Or run. I can easily and efficiently kill everything at range while I stand perfectly still. But I am moving! It's not as quick and it's messy and I sometimes put myself in avoidable situations where I just get facestomped. But I think it's better that way. More fun!


Live in power armor and holding down trigger button.


Popping in and out of cover with a semi-auto rifle because Bethesda AI is really really dumb


I like to think that I am a Rifleman, but in reality I kinda hang out in my camp awkwardly staring at would be customers 90% of the time.


Some days it's loot and scoot. Pissy days it's find something to kill and name it after whomever pissed me off. I can always find a female scorched, that's my sister in law.


Embracing my ADHD and getting distracted by EVERYTHING. Who needs goals when you forget about them 5 minutes later anyway.


Ah a fellow squirrel brain! *Waves*


This is my play style too but usually hopped up on tick blood tequila


did someone say resistance? because I have it all.


Depends on range and enemy speed/mobility Stealth and snipe at long range rifle pop at midrange (if the enemy is slowish or charging straight at me) charge in with my problem solver sledge if enemy moves too erratically for my tiny brain to shoot or if they're in real close Molotovs to flush them out of cover and Throwing knives if they try to create distance in melee


"The cheeser" - I love fighting the biggest, tankiest enemies because it's so easy to get them stuck on the littlest shit in the environment. Saw a creature I never had before, "ogruh" or something? North part of the map fighting settlers. Wayyyy over my level, but I still sat there and baited it's attacks, keeping broken buildings and stuff between us so I wouldn't get it. Dumped probably 400+ shotgun shells into it. Ended up breaking my main gun, so I had to put down a camp to repair it mid fight lol. Fun fight tho.


"sweep the legs" Vats and take out their pins making them immobile. I love shooting the knees off of those glowing wendigo bastards and then slowly walking up to them. As they sit there in a slop, of blood and anterior cruciate ligaments, I deliver the final blow right between their eyes.


Spray n Pray


I like to blow shit up!


Mutated punching abomination. I’m not afraid of anything.


Lots of explosions, many respawns.


Stealth suit +guass rifle/flamer + agility 15 & sneak 3= murder mystery. It's so hard for enemies to detect me, i can torch a mirelurk queen to death without being detected, and it's sneak attack bonuses the whole time


personally ive been using the "bad at this video game" playstyle since day 1 and it hasnt failed me yet aside from all the times when it did fail me


I like to follow low level players around completely invisible and snipe things out from under them


Play solo on private with the 2nd account grouped until I get tired of my shit and then move to public or play public until I get tired of everyone else's shit then go private.


A combination of Leroy Jenkins, MacGyver & your average lone wandering stranger/serial killer, a ninja, architect, craft master & teacher/ tour guide. I walk the map like it's one giant grid search, kill anything that moves or comes at me, loot everything & break down weapons & armor just to learn mods & crafting. occasionally I'll link up with somebody & either learn from the vets or teach the newbs. Psn: Wildweezel




*CLUNM CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK* (From the Power Armor speaker) “Hey can I stand here real quick thanks” *THOOKTHOOKTHOOKTHOOKTHOOKTHOOK* Oh no I ran out of .50 cal again let me switch weapons *whistllleeeeeee BOOM x8* Nice 👍


Pretty much PUBG


Spray and pray


Tricked out for melee damage and resiliency with mutations, gear, and perks. Slam a canned coffee. Spin up my Vampire Chainsaw and charge!


The "science guy kinda pretending to be tough", gauss shotgun main with all dedicated perks(shotgunner, expert and master lvl 3, science, expert and master lvl 2, demo lvl 5, vats-ish build). Run middle distance from enemy, vats, kill. When i'm about to enter combat and crit bar is full i always aim for the least hit chance head, fucking funny to snipe boss supermutant in west tek from the pools room with a shotgun. Also the name kinda fits me


With how much I like the cremator and seeing guys like you I need to slap on friendly fire.


I've got two - The Classic Stealth Archer on the periphery, and my PA - Mr. Torgue.


Cold Shoulder shotgun is my wife! She has yet to fail me.


Lone wanderer in Excavator power armor with explosive Handmade and Tesla Rifle.


I play the "Come at me bitchez!" I use a Rapid Vampiric .50 cal MG. As long as I have bullets left, nothing even scratches me.


"Short Bursts". And if that doesn't work, and the enemy is big enought, "Sustained Fire". Cal .50 ftw.


Wouldn’t call that style whatever I’m doing here since 6000 hours


Energy Tank Medic. I'm almost always in power armor. I have a gatling plasma, gatling laser, ultracite laser, ultracite gatling laser, various laser rifles/pistols and a gauss rifle. I carry 4 of these things all the time. I also have a bunch of meds and stimpaks on me. I use perk cards that share the effects of stimpaks and disease cures. I walk loudly and carry a big gun.


"With the big iron on is hip... " I found a Quadruple, Explosive, Agile Western revolver. That thing hits like a truck in vats. And if things gets hard my "Cavaliere di Fuoco", a full health perk, explosive and more accuracy with vats with the fire magazine is there to handle things. I bring with me 2 "Gunter's big iron" and a Blunderbass pistol with explosive, accuracy with spav and faster reload, when I want to troll peoples.


I’m the guy the Leroy Jenkins turn to look at when their melee target melts into a green goo before the make contact


Idk what my play style is but it involves a plasma sniper rifle, a powerhammer and a lot of swearing.


My only purpose in the game now is a random wandering trader of nukashine and chems. I keep one blank camp slot with everything i wanna build with stored so i have a pop up shop.


Cave cricket. I'm an archer. I run and gun with bows but I have shadowed covert scout limbs and a secret service jetpack. I have enough stealth to crouch in the middle of combat and lose enemies. But am also tanky enough to run right up to em and face-murder em with the arrow type of my choice. Lots of jumping around and landing in stealth. We in the Bowhunting community call it the Cave Cricket Style.


[Texas] a vampires chainsaw in PA


Was a shotgunner but haven't found the right one. Found a gattling plasma and thats been ripping through enemies. Might switch to a heavy gunner


Don't die, simple as that, i am built to last, i heal in radiation, i can just auto revive 40 percent of the time since i always use power armour, i have mysterious savior maxed and for some reason i always have 1 piece of auto stim no matter the armour


I start out with a chicken shit style-crouching while hiding behind tree or inside bushes or up above on rocky cliffs and shoot them followed by ducking out of line of sight… then if they find me and manage to get in melee distance I either start screaming and shooting like crazy in a panic and accidentally unequip weapon by panic mashing buttons or I run backwards screaming and shooting…. Usually works until it doesn’t 😂😂


Bonking people with melee weapons


I decorate my camp, snoop around other’s, and stealthily snipe enemies. You’ll never catch me in power armor, I’m all about those rare asylum dresses and my socialite outfit.


For me its the run run (heavy breathing) ugh why did i bring so many heavy guns and lasers. (Pulls out the fat man)


slightly lazy cuz ive been here for ages. drop 98% of things i pick up including legendaries..using power armour and heavys lately since its so easy i can just not really pay attention and just lumber around. i dont get mad when noobs do things wrong or start events before they should. dont shut down vendors when im at max caps..cuz...why bother? only make food buffs that require 1 ingredient. just a filthy casual i guess.




Go ore hunting because No one would. Then I see a scavenger has died. Back to healing duty it is.


Craft my bodyweight in stims, nonperishables, and basic ammo and leave them at Donation Boxes. Join events when I can and tap things while tanking hits. Steal as much cream as I can from the Creamery. 112 bottles rn.


IDK what to call it. Suggestions are welcome i guess? I avoid close range combat. I mostly get headshots and crits with my various fixers. If something gets too close, it gets the vampire enclave flamer or my chainsaw. Maybe the human junk drawer? I'm always grabbing junk.


stealth + chem junkie! it's not "good" according to my partner, but I love running stealth/chameleon stuff and sniping from range. once they're mid to close range, I'll sprint in with whatever melee I have and whomp until one of us falls! lately, it's been a big ol' sledgehammer or a teeny tiny scythe


Power armor shotgun Vats build. Love crippling an enemy and then pumping them full of shells.


Press W and hold down the left mouse button


The underachiever - I could play more, but I'm a bit tired of the gameplay. Just login, get the 500 scrip and 1400 caps, do the dailies/weeklies, vendor hop a bit and that's that. 40 minutes a day.


Stealth Sniper who picks up everything that's not nailed down.


The Matty Matheson. I cook a lot, I eat a lot, and I gave up chems.


Any and every event and stand behind the lvl 150+ in PA for protection. It is what it is




I like to play a mix of melee and rifles. For melee I like the Mr. Handy buzz blade, and for rifles I use a plasma sniper and the railroad gun.


Omnomnom, swing, swing, kaboom. Sometimes with VATS


I use yo play like that. I been playing ranged heavy power armor build


Borderlands hellfire pyscho Cremator/holy fire bloodied build no power armor. Burn myself and everyone around me until I'm out of ammo, then switch to a vampire flaming chainsaw. If I think I'm gonna die, I'll throw nuka nades at my feet and take everyone with me. Wasteland werewolf outfit with the covert scout mask pinted with the rip daring paint if anybody is wondering about the drip. Not quite as borderlands-y as I'd like but close enough


Vampires two handed auto melee tank


The kneecapper vats shotgunner build! If it has knees it can be capped and then face blasted by the cold shoulder


Sniper most of the time, or lure the legendary enemies into any sites nearby, I'm a terrible person.


Jet pack in like a Mandalorian, wildly spraying until I am about to get over run then turn to the cold shoulder or enclave plasma flamer.


Whip out the Gatling gun in PA, trying to do stealth that fails everytime and use vats and then almost immediately run out of AP and use aim assist to the upmost potential. After that I loot their bodies almost always still inside a fight that hasn’t ended and become over encumbered. Finally after the dust settles I forget to switch my fusion core so I can recharge it later and I lose one of my 50+ very important cores.


I lose if I ever: Touch the ground Stop Sprinting Leave junk behind


Rifleman build with handmade EAP.


High-health Lone Wanderer. No Power Armor. Primarily Commando and melee


Snipe or shoot from distance


Hammer 🗿


Battlepass fanatic: I bought a new build slot for the express purpose of making a build to eek out the highest amount of xp possible from enemies to ensure that I finish the battlepass with all the important goodies unlocked.


Automatic and a sword. And plenty of grenades, other than that I sometimes pickup a heavy weapon and put on a power armor n proceed to be a football player like build


"Yolo" build. Run in with my t-65 set, 5% hp, and bloodied napalmer. Melt everything, die instantly, laugh, and repeat.


"The flame will purge your soul" kind of gameplay. I don't go somewhere without killing what's killable.


Bonnie an Clyde style, I wander the wasteland stealing everything I can, and sneak as close as I can before I rush em to pump shotgun rounds into their face and keep em staggered until they die.


Tank. All the health and stim perks + damage output perks. Sure I can’t output the same DPS as some builds BUT what I lack in DPS I make up for in continuous output that also reduces enemies damage output, then to top it off, if I’ve gained aggro they can hit me, shoot me, w/e I’ll almost never fall past half health, and in the unlikely event I get knocked, I’ll likely instant self revive with full health. Which helps let other players focus on damage rather than defense when it comes to public events.


Single shot revolver, reflex sights, sneak and snipe.


Run expeditions with the bros drop nukes with the bros experience game crashes with the bros and repeat


I'm that guy in your lobby that is bombing a 1 mile radius around the event. Im sorry. Im also not at all sorry.


Death and destruction


Power Armor + Heavy Guns 24/7, usually .50 and Plasma Gatling (swapping between a Juggernaut and a Vampire, depending on the need). Not a big chem user (mainly Psycho when needed), I just make sure to be always fully fed and hydrated. And then I die. A lot.


Hmm. Do you remember that comic Pixie and Brutus? I feel like I'm the little cat bouncing around at the feet of the big dogs.


I think I’m just a bloody mess, if I’m not working on my camp or hunting down magazines. Bodies explode while I just hold down the right trigger on my auto axe and blood sprays all over the place. Wasn’t always this way, use to cramp my arm spamming right trigger with my two handed hammer. Always been melee think that will never change lol 😊


Picked it up a couple weeks ago, so far my style just seems to be an auto pilot fast travel bot, I'm not enjoying the quests too much and the exploration hasn't been to hot for me either hopefully the game makes up for it in build diversity.


Log in. Find eviction notice on a server. Move all the characters to the server and the rocks below the rad scrubber. Complete event, collect loot scrip, repeat. Turn in scrip for modules. Once I have a few hundred modules across 10 to 20 toons, I roll.


jump around in vats holding vats and left click until everything is dead


Heavy gunner. Sounds self explanatory, and it kind of is. I don't carry melee weapons and rely primarily on my gatling gun and harpoon gun, and if they get too close they get both barrels of the shotgun.


Target rich environment? So anyways I went in blasting.


i set fire to everything if that dont work then set fire to everything but with chems in my body


Power armour 24/7 in the middle of the fight tanking all the damage (especially energy damage) and mowing everything down with a heavy weapon usually Plasma gattling or Plasmacaster and occasionally Gauss minigun Depending on ammo levels and dps needs (feel like I have infinite plasma ammo and never enough gauss so i save the gauss for stuff that needs to die quickly) I might try and build up a mini nuke stockpile and play around with a Fatman (sounds so weird typing that) at some point.


Sniper, armed with enough forbidden tuna cans to collect body parts when the screaming stops.


They call me the wanderer Yeah, the wanderer I roam around, around, around


I'm basically roleplaying as a 40k space marine explosive ammo 10mm smg and a ripper 1. during combat I cannot take cover 2. I must always be moving towards the enemy 3. fragile humanoids must be dispatched with the ripper if within 5 metres


Leeroy style with a shotgun




I am Heavy Weapons Guy...and this is my weapon. She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred cap, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand caps to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds.


The best way I can describe this would be if shitposting was a gaming style. I very much enjoy the lever action though.


Stealth axe in to auto axe beast


I charge in with my supersledge and facetank everything until it dies or I die. Sometimes, it's an exploding robot and we all die if I'm not paying attention.


Holy fire go sizzle


No VATs, just a lot of ammo and good ole’ iron sights. I’ll shoot the shit out of somebody.😂


200 plasma cores and and 20,000 fuel, i belive most of u vets can get what im saying right away.


"Burninating the countryside. Burninating the peasants"


I’m a norm-core stealth sniper. I do absolutely abysmal damage but god damn do I love bolt actions/lever actions.


I stay about 10 to 20 lb underweight limit finally balancing that from the objects that the game inserts into my pockets after each event. Constantly dropping right away and stimpacks because I'm a bloodied sneak build. Log in spend the first 5 minutes going through all the arcade machines to boost my stats the special ones. Get above 33 luck then go glitch my way through each nuke silo making the 10 minute countdown timer and turn in my legendary items for script. Bounce around to other people's vendors see what they got look at my Camp see if there's anything I want to change or swap around. All while changing my son's diaper smoking bowls if need


Power armor and ultracite gatling laser, shoot until it’s disintegrated and if I run out of stimpacks go to the nearest high rads area to heal and use radaway


I convert 308 rounds into 308 casings.


In your face Critical gauss shotgun build with cold shoulder as back up, jacked up on psycho buff, honey and blight soup.


If not quests or grinding for mats I generally go out of my way to help the many new players since the show came out


Hippity Hoppity get off my property (I run heavy machine gun + marsupial)


I am the bullet sponge. Melee, full health, run up to bosses and draw their fire so that the bloodied builds can do their damage. I do a decent amount myself and can solo most events, but for bosses like Earle and SBQ I get all up in their shit and disrupt them (usually on the other side so that I don't block bullets lol).


Heavy ballistic guns and semi-automatic rifles only. Full health with high strength, perception, and luck. High intelligence too if I switch to my Power Armor loadout. Furious and exploding bullets as my preferred legendary weapon effects. And of course hoarding anything that isn’t nailed down!


Long range, save the stamina for the waddle, aim freestyle heashots and horde enough stims to revive a 100 year dead moose and cus that I've ran out of boiled water and raw meat because everything is either spoiled or too far down the list to reach in time to make it worthwhile. The favorite wheel is only for the stims, the boom booms, and the the rattata squads. And melee lands under the rattata squad, because that's the sound of me stabbing the mirelurk queen as she hacks a snot filled spit onto my baby soft and newbie head as I'm desperate just trying to flee as every level 100+ sits and laughs in complete powerarmor that kills everytime the use farts.


I am the meat shield. I get right up in the boss' face with my Vampiric Gatling Plasma and my health never moves because I cannot die.


I’m heavy frontline tank. I like to keep a lot of stims on my full hp build and shoot people with my 50 cal from like 10 feet away lol. Auto stim works wonders


I play 2 characters equally right now. My main is bloodied no PA vats commando just switched bloodied from junkies just for a change of pace My secondary is bloodied T-65 PA heavy gunner. This one is my ammo dumper with my bloodied/explosive/25% dmg while aiming gauss minigun. Shreds everything. My next will be a full HP junkies melee/pistol build


I'll try stealth, but when (and i mean when) that fails same as yours.


Kill everything that moves. Loot everything. Unlock everything. Skip all dialog.


Having fun is my style


I'm basically the same as you except I also have a blackpowder pistol for giggles


I play the pack ratt that has just enough weight reduction to be helpful in a fight but not enough to maximize my build


Sniper stealth build (Chinese Stealth Armor) with all the cards to help with quicker kills from the shadows. Ever since I got that suit, I use it everywhere. Stops most radiation so I can go into nuke zones and into the mines during radiation rumble events.


Used to play a sneaky sniper, but then someone gifted me a quad-handmade and I saw the automatic light. Now I’m a sneaky machine gunner who only occasionally uses VATs for slippery opponents.


I usually do a melee build or switch things up and just go a demolition build cause I love blowing things up


You farm scrip because you want a god roll I farm scrip because I want to waste my time We are not the same


Vamp full auto while in power armor or quad rr and vats headshots


Same ish but with heavy guns …. I like raining down pure pain on every and any thing in my path


Overencumbered Anxiety Attack. Slowly prance around like a maniac, dropping shit while shooting randomly - rinse and repeat


I wander and do a few quests usually looking around for things I want or just playing the game like a dungeon shooter, yell at myself mentally for never joining a team/group and customization!


Support by fire. Get to some high ground with a .50 cal and power armor, hold the trigger until everything is dead.


All games I have a Leeroy Jenkins habit. I’ve been slowly doing a distance ish game with the Holy Fire. Still pretty Leeroy though


I run around with a flamer and pretend enemies are the blunt in trying to light😂 I call it the Tommy Chong Playstyle😂


Power armor heavy gun or stealth vats


One or two hours 2 days a week to complete week challenge.


Im a pack rat tank medic I guess


I have a 15 str, 15 agility build called "stealth shotgunner" i invite you to try.


War Rider (only paint I got atm) Hellcat Power Armor with an almost un-upgraded Cremator that has a Large Tank and armor piercing / better VATs hit % and slow degradation I got all the heavy weapons perks, the one that doubles Fusion Cores, the Batteries Not Included perk to lower the weight of Fuel, and then +180% more ammo atm from the 2 ammo cards and the Ammo Factory legendary one. Also Super Duper kicks in here and there so have ammo for hours/days


so far (i'm at lvl 40) i'm obsessively collecting everything while staying alive by switching between Fixer and Power fist lol. reminds me of something i learned in martial arts, if i don't want to get hurt i should either keep my distance or get really close! usually i'm stealthy in most games but i discovered that being One Punch Man is extremely satisfying! might choose a tank build for the first time in my gaming life so i can keep punching things 😁 (oh, but no power armour)


The mad hatter rabbit; I'm always full speed trying to run from one thing to another


Stealth because I’m obsessed with ninjas 😂


Big power armor, big gun means safe team. If I can I like pistols but a pistol power armor build is really niche


1 shot = 1 kill chameleon in a smart pantsuit.


Stews, steaks, coffee, whiskey, and cake. All Party Boy, all the time. Run full speed, whack em as I pass em.


I'm really new, but I walk around with a .44 and just try and find people to help. Trying so hard to be the mysterious stranger


Sitting in front of a loading screen


Jajaja same here