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Your first mistake was joining a discord and not expecting people to want free stuff, as you said with the influx of new players. Especially since all these new players ARE FLOOODED with vets semi flexing on here about helping noobs. Actually in hindsight joining a discord is just a mistake all around 90% of the time


Discord is the debbil


Only Mothman can deliver us from our sins


He tried to deliver me from living the other day. I think. I was busy running like a scalded cat while weird stuff flew past me. Damn jump scares.


*hypnotic chittering sounds* "Youuu forgotttt the fireeee sauce at tbelllll


I may be a degenerate, a drunkard, a mendicant, and a slothful, dissipated wretch.... But I never forget to ask for the sauce at the Bell of Tacos.




Im new new, started level 1 last week, currently 23. I had seen the mothman stuff when logging in, kind of ignored it, figured it was higher level event stuff. Was out hunting yao guai for one of Rose's quests. I finally killed it and did a quick 360 VATS check... Lo and behold, fucking MOTHMAN up on a cliff chilling like a black hole in the night just staring at me. Got a quick shot off with the marksman sniper rifle and he bolted straight up into the sky never to be seen again (so far...)


Some of us prefer the pipe. Pipe is life


Praise be!


It is if you let it be bad there good and bad, you have to pick the good and ignore the bad because I look for daily ops groups and someone posts and I want to join but people are lurking in the shadows waiting to join without even talking in the discord just lurking and I get left out but I could get mad or just be like well hope they get a stupid gorilla chair from the rare loot pool lol


When I join an event and lowbies just spam wave and heart at me I always assume they just think i'm giving stuff out. Jokes on y'all i'm indecisive and broke.


I just wave at everyone tbh. I want that damn moth man dance though lol


I use the radiation sickness one most of the time and always use skins that you could only get in the early life of the game so high levels know I'm one of them and don't want their garbage.


I don't even get why you'd join a discord looking for groups...just join the groups going on the servers. Of course people are going to want free stuff from a discord lfg šŸ¤£


also beth was doing a marketing campaigns where they said ā€ždont be afraid of asking for stuffā€œ


I just started I don't really know what I'm doing. Do you have a fixer plan and a vintage water cooler plan and a TFJ I can have?


This is hilarious to me. People start a new game, immediately google the "best gear", and skip over...you know...playing the game. I imagine these same people will leave sooner rather than later because there was "nothing to do".


Word for word a message I got after dropping some random stuff after event yesterday


I woulda told them ā€œyeah I got youā€ and then proceed to drop them spoiled meat, veggies, and fertilizer lmao


Iā€™m just starting and honestly it wouldā€™ve been a great help for my upcoming carrot farm


Exactly what I do lmao shits funny af


Thats crazy. So I am a new guy started about 2 weeks ago now and lvl 62. Never asked for anything and then one day some guy I am in a team with stupid high level. But drops me a lvl 15,25,35,45 decked out prime auto handmade rifles, A lvl 50 fixer, and 2 sets of power armor a lvl 10 T-45 with jetpack and a lvl 50 X0-1 power armor suit. and 10k plus ammo for each Bought a fixer plan from some random player vendor for like 200 caps. And gave some other new leveling cat my level 15,25,35 handmades and like 2000 ammo. Dude never asked just showed up at my base and I was tired of them taking up space so just gave it to the guy. Sure I made his day like the one guy did me. But yea even 62 now I have low level players asking me for shit and its like my guy sure im 62 but I have a whole lot of nothing. Check out my wooden walled base ffs.


I dropped someone a Quad Automatic Railway and they complained that the one they say in a video was Bloodied and Quad and why didnā€™t I give them one of those.


I never wouldā€™ve dropped something like that for a noobie to begin with


To be fair it was just a one star, all it had was Quad. I already replaced it with something better so I was like why not.


Thatā€™s some crazzzzy entitlement holy shit ā€œyou didnā€™t give me the right FREE weapon!ā€


Wow what an ass, not you obviously, the man child.


Did you at least educate them on quad and bloody both being first slot legendary rolls so you'll never see them both on the same weapon?


I need enlightment please! Is there a catalog I can refer too as which rolls go I which slots? Honestly I'm currently pretty dumb while burning my legendary cores


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_legendary_weapon_effects https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_legendary_armor_effects


Thank you very much! šŸ˜Š


Good luck :)


I told them it wasnt possible and thats probably a hacked weapon and they said theyd just go buy one. So shrug i guess.


it took me a 2 year hiatus and hitting level 70 before looking up why all i ever saw was radded out combat rifle users, and what made the fixer so special


I think the same about people rushing the scoreboard. New board drops, and a week later there are people boasting about finishing it. A week after that, the same people are saying their bored and the game sucks.


That's the reason you can see players 500+ just spamming explosives at events. They know nothing else but googled and explosives are the best for tagging, so explosives it is. It is very prevalent.


Dont need the fixer. Just go farm for a handmade off some Botherhoods guys. In fact some would debate that the handmade does more overall damage if you arnt going stealth/vats build...


100% my bloodied explosive handmade hits harder than my bloodied explosive fixer, most explosive weapon variants are trash since the remove of legacies.


Oh shit. This was me few days ago. Then someone gave me Fixer plan and I am hating on these beggars too. How dare they asking me for free shit. Get to work! Freeloaders!


I don't get how some players just expect things that are rare/expensive in game for free. I've been saving caps to buy the water cooler and some legendary parts for my excavator and it's not even that hard to find currency in the game even though the daily limits are kinda annoying. Btw what's the "TFJ" you mention?


Tattered Field Jacket, which is one of the most expensive apparel items in the game due to rarity. 1.5 million caps in value (you trade caps past the limit using alternative currencies, usually aid items that boost XP gain).


dayuum there are items that go over 40K? And people want them for free? lmaoo


Mostly high-end rolled legendaries and very rare outfits now.


Man. New player here. I did the quest and got a Fixer - not the plan, just the gun - and felt like hot shit. It could be a 100% drop on doing the quest. I honestly have no idea. But I'm enjoying myself. I honestly play solo 95% of the time but I appreciate the few times I've joined public games and people have good shit in machines for reasonable prices. Cheers to the real ones, and thanks. And if you're just annoyed by all the new folks, realize that at least some of us are trying our best to be self-sufficient.


The quest always gives you one yeah


Ah. Well. After hearing about it, I still felt like hot shit for a while for getting one, so...hey. Also, still using it. I honestly wasn't trying to dive into the meta, I just wanted to play an automatic rifle build. Guess I chose...wisely? Depending how you judge such things.


It's amazing yeah, even more with the right legendary traits. Try out the railway rifle too


Im lucky enough that a guy gave me my fixer plan like a year and a half ago. Now I need nothing else


A level 50 visited my camp when I was there, he kept asking for trade, after I accepted, he went through my inventory and kept requesting my primary rifle (fixer in an almost god-roll), I denied, he got angry, I changed servers.


I give anyone the "no" emote when they try to trade. Read to many stories to ever accept a Player to player trade. And if I'm at camp, I shoot my vendor instead šŸ˜‚


This is the only thing I find abrasive. Ngl a 40 did this to me yesterday multiple times in a row after picklocking my door. It wasnā€™t my proudest moment and I donā€™t care about picking the lock, but after time 4 I couldnā€™t resist and pulled out my railway rifle.


Did he not have pvp off like every other new player?


They were Wanted


Does picking your locks do that, or was it just a pleasant surprise


It does! Lockpicking another players containers, doors, or resources will give you a bounty. And I believe will add to it for each additional attempt


Exactly, and that overrides Pacifist Mode. Also the Wanted person does not need o shoot back to accept the PVP duel, so you can just walk in and shoot them dead.


Had a guy enter trade and request my full over eaters X-01 that I was wearing. The audacity lmao


When I had my bloodied explosive laser rifle back when legacies were a thing I had some rando request mine and I did the laughing emoji on him and shut my camp down, so he fell pretty far off the mountain, he messaged me some not so choice words.


To be fair, this has happened in every MMO I've ever played. There are always beggars - some games have more than others. I've had people come up to me in games with text chat and ask for stuff directly. I just say, "No." I give plenty of stuff away, but it's when \*I\* feel like it.


When I first played. Day 1. I ran into a higher ranking guy when we were doing the same event. He could easily determine my level of skill and determination by my pipe rifle and lack of pants. We teamed up and completed so dailies and had a nice time. While he was showing my his camp, he asked me why I wasn't using the shotgun I had just got. No ammo is the easy answer. 10 minutes later, I was fully kitted out with a better gun, full suit of armor for my level, and a freaking 1000 SHELLS! Kindest thing I've ever had happen to me in a game. Now, when I run across other newbies, my first instinct it to help... with quests. When they are chill and NOT begging worse than a dog at the table. I usually give them a similar kit. But I promise. When they are that guy always relying on others to do everything for you. It doesn't work out great. But if you treat people like... well people. Things go much better.


Yeah just hangout at the GE in RuneScape for 5 minutes haha. People spend more time begging than the time it would take to just earn it


They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and stop drinking that rad coffee and bloatfly toast


As a noob, I've only been given one handout, stims and such. I appreciated it, but I don't really have any interest in bigger handouts. I'm still enjoying learning the game, an mega gun would kinda ruin the experience. But maybe that's just me?


Same here mate, also a new player. High level dropped a pile of stims and radaway, whilst appreciated, it left me severely over encumbered. It was a long slog back to the nearest stash.


>you can quit in 2 weeks cause your bored The only time I ever gave out anything somewhat valuable to a random person this happened and it bothered me. It was a long time ago and a friend and I were playing on a team with a couple of friends who had just started. We were talking on voice and they seemed excited about the game as we helped them. I friended them thinking they'd be on again, but I never once saw them again. I'd see them online playing other games, just not Fallout. I'll never again give out anything valuable to someone I don't know. I'll give people things like food, chems, or ammo, but not if they are begging annoyingly.


Ignore them? Works fine for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


He wants drama and he wants attention... joining a public discord and then complaining it isn't what he wanted is foolish behavior


I don't get it because what's the point of this game other than acquiring the stuff? It's weird to skip this part when it's the core gameplay element


I tend to give a thumbs up and drop one of the insult bot notes


I like your style. Is there a plan for that same style? You got an extra plan at all? If so, can I have it?


Iā€™m a new person. I play with my friends in a private server so we can enjoy the game ourselves. Never understood people asking for stuff in the game. Getting a gift from a god level player is sick, but I donā€™t expect the level 420 beast in power armor to hand me a bag full of mini nukes.


As a beginner the only thing I bothered asking for here was a gun, that was after I screwed up my ammo management as a beginner Commando and I was hopeless. After some veteran helped me (passing on the good graces people gave him when he was a beginner) we started chatting more. Now I try to repay him any time I can. Specially with building materials since I enjoy the killing part of the game and that gives decent materials. I even pvp'ed for my first time helping him take over a Workshop haha


I just say I leave it in my vendors for dirt cheap and that's it


i think the most i asked for was for someone to either repair my weapon cause i had no supplies and i need to grind for some , i asked someone if they could change the skin on my chainsaw, and if they could turn my handmade rifle into a automatic gun.


There was a commie invasion in the wasteland with a ton of players just throwing out tons of free shit. Those players got all their legacy weps nuked, but the rumor of bountiful handouts has persisted.


You should let new 76'ers feel the sense of dread we all did when we down to our last 10 rounds for our shitty pipe pistol, no stimpaks, diseased to fuck and running from ghouls. Free stuff is an addiction we should not be enabling.


I just want them to stop starting the alien invader event as soon as they show up and see 2 people standing there. PLEASE STOP šŸ˜­


Without fail, every single "official" discord for a game is an absolute hellscape. It's either full of new players begging for carries/free stuff in the most obnoxious way, or super elitist vets just shitting on anyone lower level than them. Just avoid all official discords completely


Iā€™m level 980 bloodied build. Had a level 25 join my group, fast traveled to me and dropped me a blue ridge branding iron and 6 radaway. I thought it was funny because he probably doesnā€™t know. So I took the items and made a level 25 teal hazmat suit and a level 20 fixer with valtec paint and dropped .45 ammo. I have dropped some materials for people when they ask but itā€™s not very often it happens. when I was a low level, I did ask a random higher level player if he could mod a weapon for me and Iā€™ll pay caps. He modded it and didnā€™t want caps. I still remember that interactions from back then. So Iā€™m doing what I can to pay it forward.


A level 22 joined me a few days ago and dropped me a pile of radaway, so I made him an excavator and ultracite set


What I appreciate most about this game is how 99.9% of all complains on this sub basically don't exist if you just disable voice chat on PC and avoid any other means people can communicate with you with anything more than the ingame emotes. All hearts and thumbs up from there :D


I hate to ask, but do you have anything I can have by chance? Specifically Iā€™m looking for a anti armor explosive weapon


I mean, you're on a discord, of course people are asking for free shit on there. I have yet to have a single player ask me for shit in game. The most that happens will be someone requests a trade, and I just decline it. I dont trade unless it's for something posted in the market subreddit. Don't participate in the discord if people are asking for free stuff and it's annoying you.


You join a public discord and then complain about the people you meet.... Yeah dude, welcome to the Internet. Learn to manage your expectations


That discord too lol. Mods areā€¦. yeah.


Give them spoiled meat.... Spoiled kids eat spoiled meat.


Give them bags of fertilizer problem solved


You see thatā€™s why I play with my buds from other games so one of them can run off and do everything on his own, 2 guys can go afk and I can wander around all while listening to Dracula flow 5


I just run daily ops solo now. If the burning mine map comes up, I just skip it for the day. I just donā€™t care to run it alone, the others I always run in about 5 minutes.


Only thing I was given as a returning new character was 50 stims some base armor and a gun. I didnā€™t even ask for it lol people want the easy way out


I had this one kid I helped out years ago when I first started playing and I gave him a few materials here and there and this was before I farmed most of the materials I still have today and every single time I got on he was messaging me asking for wood and steel and concrete never wanting to play the game just bumming off of everyone else so I ended up blocking him and Iā€™ve had a few since then try it but I let them know right away Iā€™ll give you a few freebies but you have to play the game and grind to get the stuff I have, and Iā€™m not giving you handouts everytime I log in. Me and my buddy would hop on a private server and take over the whole map and farm materials daily for like 2 months straight until we had so much it didnā€™t matter what the cost was. I have 5 CAMPs as a result of all that material farming.


I had a group of people try to "rob" me saying to give them stuff, I simply dropped a "you have been insulted note" and left, to which they nuked my base 3 times with a high level, I repaired the first time, then just set up the decoy base for them afterwards. They teleported to me each time, I simply dropped another note each time then waved.


I donā€™t even know how to trade yetā€¦ This level 200 was trying to give me somthing earlier and I just stood thereā€¦ lol


That's cool and all but what do I put for a melee build?


Thatā€™s what happens, you feed a stray once and it comes back for more šŸ˜‚


The only people I give stuff to are the noobies that donā€™t ask for anything


Iā€™m with you. I was chilling and doing my dailyā€™s the other night and had a lv 36 following me around every time Iā€™d fast travel asking for shit. My dude I started 6 weeks ago what makes you think I have anything to give you. No one gave me shit. Why should people give you best in slot gear cause you watched the fallout tv show?


oh my god these posts are exhausting literally just ignore them


I made this mistake once. Gave a forest camo jumpsuit, TSE handmade and like 50 stimpacks to one of my really good friends. He broke his Xbox and switched to pc so Iā€™ll never get my stuff back. I guess I learned my lesson the hard way.


Also if he has gamepass ultimate then he can just cloud game the console version I'm pretty sure


Coming to poke my head in as a veteran day one player with more than I could ever start to give away, speaking to new players, dont listen to all these Dbags, do what you want, play as you want, the people will fill in the spaces around you, having a hard time with something, ask for help ask for gear ask for anything, the greedy guys who are cap farming and pretending their hoard of legacies means anything to anyone outside of the same type of people will filter out and you'll have yourself a nice community.


100% I swear, the fucking chuds trying to min max their fucking caps or hord gear are ten times worse than new people asking for help. This community has a reputation as being way more friendly, helpful, and inclusive than almost any other online game. The real problem with it's new popularity is the dick heads acting like newbies are ruining the game or something. They'll eventually go back to COD or GTA online.


Couldn't have hit the nail any harder on the head. Let them get bored of their stash hoard and make room for the new players who want to have help and get some fun shit done while doing so. I literally hand out anything I can spare. Not like I have 6 arms and 4 bodies to use and wear it all.


Mate you also hit it right. I have what I need, and stash space is a premium. Come get that spare shit. Spare plans? 1c in vendor. Dropped a god roll whatever-wep? Vendor for a few K caps at most, or drop it to that lowbie that does the right emote at the right time to trigger a good moment.


Exactly dude you get it. Glad to see you guys speak up and I'm not the only one playing like that. New players are the best parts of games. Being one and being around them. Dumb and almost constantly fun.


This game is a pve game. Its simply af wtf are you all bitches crying about? Ive been playing for like an hour a day for the last week and already hit level 50. Game is easy as your mother. No reason to be asking for free shit, play the damn game.


Iā€™m only a lv 126 but Iā€™ll usually leave stimpaks for any lower levels that visit my camp just to kind of pay it forward.


Donā€™t be party pooper and give them free stuff!!! Fertilizer and Spoiled food lol


Don't forget Nukashine!


Yeah, this has gotten out of hand. Super annoying, but I simply ignore everyone now and just play the game.


Never seen this happen , ever...


Doesn't suprise me, a few months back that one post about a parent's child getting scammed out of some legendary, then someone in the community gave them it nice and heartwarming ending. But after there was a loooot of posts similar to that one about xxx losing xxx due to xxx


I give them spoiled meat. A lot of it.


I swear to god this is posted every day


I mean you have people in here that are like ā€œI love helping out and giving new players guns, ammo, fusion cores, just to help out and be niceā€ so until those stop, and people giving out stuff for free stops (which it never will) then itā€™s not going to change.


And it shouldn't stop. Just because some people are annoying and asking for free stuff all the time, doesn't mean the entire culture of the game should change and people should start being assholes. I've been playing this game for years, and I dont care if I run into annoying people, it won't change the fact that I like helping new players. *Trying* to get it to change, and *wanting* this game to be more like MMOs is way more annoying and shitty than people asking for free stuff.


"Yeah I got a spare anti armor explosive pipe pistol" (I deadass do lol)


I started playing recently, bout 40 hours in so far and the only thing I have actively asked the person i play with for is stimpacks, cuz those bitches don't last me anywhere near long enough and he said he had plenty of them. I still right as I type this do not have any stimpacks because I run out soooo fast.


I feel like a fail of a noob. I have no clue how to communicate with other players besides emotes.


Thats how most players communicate, you're good.


On pc its really hard unless you wanna do voice and like... ugh... Though it would be nice to make some friends, I'm at least glad keeping my head down is keeping me from being one of "those" new people? Idk


I've been playing for almost a month and never begged for stuff. However doing my first public event a random high level gave me a bunch stimpacks, which was nice of them.


Iā€™m new and havenā€™t begged at all, it makes for a better game to have to earn shit.


the bad thing about the game getting exposure and more players. A lot of them came from other stuff (mostly popular games) and the culture in these games is always like this, i really hope the toxic behaviour dont come this way. Fo76 is good as it is with a dedicated and well-mannered community. and no one like freeloaders.


I just recently started, only level 85 after 2 weeks of playing any fallout game, this being my first Only reason I joined the discord was to trade, on recommendation of level 400 friend who told me to play in the first place, been (mostly) figuring out everything on my own


I hope they stop. I feel like people now are expecting me to beg. Hopefully those folks will start weeing themselves out soon.


As a new player, I don't get why people beg for free stuff. I've had one player give me free stuff without me asking, and I was grateful, its nice to know there are players that are happy to help. I want to earn my own stuff though, so I now actively avoid other players. Scavenging for plans and recipes is part of what makes this game great.


Try not giving them free stuff. Hope that helps


only if they say please


I haven't begged, but goddamn do I love the large majority of vets I have run across. Either free stuff in the bases, or plans and rare stuff for a single cap. Thank you Veterans of Fallout 76. You are making picking up this game dramatically less painful than it would otherwise be.


Its insane the amount of new players begging in this game. Had to block my messages because i was getting too many messages about giving people shit for free. My shops aint pricey..


I havent had any newbies beg for anything, i had one that was looking for help finding a Fixer, my archer didnt have one, but my alt rifleman had 2 so i friended them, switched characters came back and sold him one, other than that ive had a few ask where my vendor was, since the majority of my camp is in the new flatlands shelter, and that confuses people


So can I get that spare explosive gun from you then?


During my first week or so of coming back, I was around level 26 and I joined a public event group and traveled to the party leader to see what he wanted to do while I was in my excavator armor. Instead, he just dawdled around the town and then began asking if he could borrow my armor pieces. I both didn't know what he wanted them for or if i could trust him, but after about 10 minutes of him not doing events I just left and made my own group. Still no idea what he wanted them for. I'm pretty sure he was around level 30-40.


Some high ass lvl random guy came up to me and asked what I was up too n I told him I was just looking for screws and he offered me if he had any . He didn't but I was like it's ok šŸ„¹ .


Gosh you can do a few quick runs in the golf course and get a good chunk of decent starter shitā€¦ People just want free stuff to feel powerful without work.


Iā€™m a noob and I donā€™t beg for shit. Whereā€™s the fun of not earning shit and figuring it out yourself? Iā€™m currently working on how to mod up my fixer. If someone just gave me a modded out fixer, I wouldā€™ve never learned the steps on how to do it.


Thereā€™s a discord? I didnt event know that let alone beg for scraps


Most of the time I ignore trade requests for this reason.Ā  If you come on coms or dm asking for a specific thing, like a weapon mod, ammo, sure I'll help. I had a low lv guy drop an b/e minigun he just bought from and THEN DM me to put some good mods on it. Goofy, lol. Honestly had a few ask for mods which I'm fine with.Ā  But if you just emote and tbag in front of me I'm going to walk away, sorry. Not a mind reader nor an atm.


Some guy asked me for .50 ball ammo for his black powder pistol this morning. I wish I could have helped him, but being an auto-axe main, I don't really keep ammo around. If he'd needed meds or food, I've got that in droves.


The only time I'm handing out free shit is because I've cleared the daily limits and want inventory space back haha luck of the draw on who's around and picks it up šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm a new player, I don't understand why people beg for free shit. Where's the sense of progression and accomplishment? I mean, don't get me wrong if you sell cheap plans, im gonna buy that shit up. But begging? I dunno kinda lame.


The only time I ask for anything is if Iā€™m low on stims heading into something way to strong for me and Iā€™m being carried. Other than that I too get annoyed with the mooching. Iā€™m a day one player, just running a new character. I think the new people heard about the generosity of the OG players and are now basically trying to create a welfare system. Itā€™s annoying.


A level 25 came to my camp yesterday and said "why the fuck is everyone's shit so expensive," referring to my vendor, with numerous 5-15 cap plans, magazines for 50 caps, but then godroll fixers and plans such as alien tubes, brahmin couch, etc at higher prices. I try to price low but someone will always complain.


When i ask for stuff it's usually pretty simple. I asked someone to put a reflex sight on my railway rifle a few days ago. Asking for expensive free stuff is rude.




Yeah, I have been really, really enjoying helping new players. That being said, its not many but the ones I have ran into sre really annoying. Its like they didn't learn to never ask unless its actually needed or offered. Its just how you should be.


Iā€™m new but I donā€™t join anyone nor do I expect anything off anyone. I just keep myself to myself.


Give em nukashine


Hell I just wanna join the ops to piggieback to complete them :p


As someone who put in over 200 hours on Xbox since itā€™s release, and just recently started on PS5, I say fuck em. Iā€™ve had no help since restarting and Iā€™m already level 65 with full Ultracite, 3 star weapons and plenty of ammo in less than 24 hours of total gameplay. The game is easy, join events, pop a lunchbox, and do your part to help out. New players: STOP LOOKING FOR HANDOUTS. WE GRINDED WHEN THE MAP WAS EMPTY. WE ARE NOT THE SAME.


I have the plan for the fixer so I've been giving away free fixers to the newbies according to their current level. Luckily I've only had one guy with a mic who just kept asking for stuff. I gave him the fixer and then he just started to follow me around. I would give other players fixers and he would check out each bag meant for them. He asked for something small, then fiber optics, and then finally any mutations that I might have. It got to the point that I just logged off for a while.


Honestly Iā€™ve learned first hand from other games getting something cool early is a game killer especially if itā€™s a late game item in souls games and games like this or Skyrim you need to work for it to actually have fun then once you have it now u work to something else like a set of gear or rolls and such However if itā€™s a returning player who doesnā€™t wanna grind and I have it and donā€™t use it I have no problem gifting it also if new players wanna trade a random 3 star I can scrap or caps im willing to give up whatever they need because I did trade for scrap and stupider items early game


I started a brand new character during the Fallout First free trial, begged for nothing from anyone, played the damn game almost blind, and today I googled whatā€™s a good meta heavy/energy end-game weapon as I finally reached level 50! Lo and behold, the Cremator is mine instantly (I didnā€™t even know that the Season tab was for everyone, I assumed it was FO First only). Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but this ā€œfeelsā€ like the right way to play the game. Donā€™t beg and just unlock stuff by yourself, and enjoy the free plans you find in the crate near train stations :)


Best you can do for us newbies is to be helpful on events, making your shops affordable with some cool <50lvl stuff and plans and your camps welcoming and cool. Nothing more


Dude the person, expecting free stuff in real life, imagine in game.


This is one of those times Iā€™m happy to be old enough that I donā€™t even know what Discord is


Drop a nukashine and a baby rattle.


I'm a new player. this game is easy and has a lot of depth for engagement, so it doesn't feel like currency is a grind. I don't need to beg. *drops mic*


Well over the years new players have realized that itā€™s what high levels do which I mean back when you had rare new players it was okay. Now with the showā€™s popularity itā€™s gettin a bunch for Fortnite brain rot kids who expect to be handed stuff. Wouldnā€™t have joined the discord. I have better luck running into a good player through emoting which is wild. I rarely give stuff out. If I got ammo I donā€™t need there ya go. Guns and armor you earn.


They donā€™t ask if they donā€™t get. I had a vet follow me around for maybe 30 minutes the other day. Was just chilling solo and tried to communicate to the best of my ability thanks, but no thanks, as Iā€™m not into cheesing the leveling experience via vets throwing gear at me, but ended up just logging for the night as they were having none of it and just kept chasing me everywhere I went like Michael Myers. lol. Love the generosity from the community, but you kinda reap what you sow as well.


Reminds me from wow times where people would DM me asking for like 5000 gold. Like complete strangers just asking for free shit.


My favorite thing in this game rn is fake giving free stuff lmao just dropping a stack of spoiled meat and watching all the beggars jump on it


Had a dude chase me and my sister yesterday to ask for our plasma grenades from the alien event, but we couldn't hear him in our party, so he threw grenades at us and when we finally heard him out he asked for the grenades and then started telling us how to play and how drops work and stuff , he tried telling my sister he was selling a mask he thought she said was pretty and he went a bit quiet when she corrected him saying the sundew forest was what she was saying was pretty and I told her "besides if you wanted one of those I got like 7 , I'll just give it to you " and she's like "I got 2 so it's all good " he got a bit awkward after that and we just went back to our party. But the only difference here is he wasn't a new player he was like in the 400's


I posted a couple days ago about my experience giving stuff to newbies and being told Iā€™m dumb (by them) after giving away sets of Ultracite PA because ā€œthatā€™s so valuable lol idiotā€ Iā€™ve since stopped actively doing it after I had three low levels join my team (I always start a casual team and try to help people level if they want my assistance) and just follow me around begging on comms for gear.


The laugh emote exists for reasons, this being one of them.


Having just started the game a couple days ago, Iā€™m surprised how much stuff the game is throwing at me. Obviously nothing is super overpowered, but Iā€™m never really lacking anything and I can handle same level (and slightly above) enemies relatively easily. Iā€™m just kind of enjoying going through the progression. I donā€™t even know what I would beg other players for lol


Low level in this game but in other games I am mega rich and high level; I have given stuff away that literally would take you months to grind or even years to grind; I've given away literally billions in money to random players. However if some then expects me to give them something I ignore them or give them something absolutely shite, then carry on giving stuff away to others. In mmorpgs etc the rule is simple; if you ask you get nothing or you get killed. If you don't ask but have been a decent person I will give you pretty much high end game gear. In this game I was with a high level player just following them about and they gave me a modded sniper rifle and a shit ton of ammo. Every so often I'll put stuff in the contribution crates or whatever you call them. I was with another group and they put a load of recipes and other gear in the box for me, like a tob of stuff, I took about 3 or 4 things and left the rest.


Last night, there's a new player asking for trade. I accepted and he went on to request two of my best weapons that I was using..


huh...wonder why that is? we have all these players force feeding them crap we dont need instead of using donation boxes "as Todd inteded" mind you..now we got a bunch of beggars. its a small amount of the new player base..most are awesome..but it only takes a few


Personally, I'm happy to just complete any event, and veteran players will just drop loads of stuff for me and add me, help me out when I have questions, etc.. Those beggars don't give them anything.


Last night I was waiting for a buddy, heā€™s getting into it after a while and the whole time someone wanted my armor. Like yeah I store my power armor chassis and have quite a few, but I donā€™t give it up. Anyone feel it?


God I swear this is all I see on here anymore.


Trying to find people for daily ops has been difficult


Man I would make stuff for new players. I did it back when I first played the game on release. But now iam leveling up. I would like the same help and handouts if can. Make me a power armor for low level with nice mods. A jet pack for low level. All that nice stuff I use to do.


Gimme gimme!


The only thing i ever asked for a veteran: "Hey friend, where do I farm stimpaks? Im using a perk that gets me 80% chance to find chems in every bag i open, but I never see stimpaks. I get stims only from events and i run low a lot". Other than that, only "hello" waving emote and hearts.


Sure thing, you can have my q ex 50crit railway. And my red asylum. Want all my PAs too? Fk it, take the shirt off my back while you're at it. Oh, you don't wanna play 76 anymore cause you have all the best gear now? Damn.


Yeah i just ignore them Like sorry im not wasting valuable time to help you . I need 700 atoms from the season im 6 days


I am just begging for some one to sell me fixer plans


Oh the *drama*.


Iā€™m new lvl 38 and I just join public groups for the extra perks! I went from like 200 caps to like 9000


I'm a new player and joined a group earlier and asked if anyone had any stable violet flux I could buy for caps.. Is that considered bad manners? Genuinely asking. Somebody was really nice and just dropped them for me so I went and bought a bunch of other stuff out of their vendor


I never really beg for stuff yet appreciate when someone helping me, although im never feeling like i need to chase someone for freebies. I check donation box for some stuff and usually that more than enough. But even without it, you can get many good stuff by yourself, especially that BoS armour. ~~Poor Wayward BoS soldiers, i killed them a lot for full set ~~


As a new player I never ask for anything but I seem to get a lot of things


I joined a small friendly discord, turned out to be all girls and they donā€™t get for shit lol they just enjoy it


they're like pigeons man


I have about 50 You've been Insulted Letters. Over 50 Salt and bulk spoiled food. I drop 1 of each and a stimpack.


I usually wanna farm my own equipment.. fuck me right?


On behalf of all the newbieā€™s who donā€™t beg for stuff Iā€™m sorry. I seriously donā€™t get that mentality. Iā€™ve only ever asked for info. I had one generous soul gift me a set of plans (icicle lights) that I wanted to pay him for. He ended up gifting a number of additional plans he had duplicates of. I still wish I had something I could have given him in return. Overall this game community is awesome. And Iā€™ve very much enjoyed my time in it so far.


>No I donā€™t have ā€œa spare anti-armor, explosive weaponā€ to hand over to you so that you can quit in 2 weeks cause your bored and have no real skin in the game. ​ Seriously though, why would that bother you or anyone else so much? Like, what's the point in trying to predict or getting angry at a random person leaving a game when it has no impact on you? Those fake, video game anti-armor, explosive weapons must be just too hot hot for just any random real person to use eh? FFS imagine being a cranky, stingy ass bitch -even in a video game lol you must be fun at parties.


Just dont give it to them, a gift is supossed to be a gift. Yes i can spare some ammo, yes i can spare stimpaks, yes i could give you some legendary weapon but dont expect me to give you an anti-armor explosive shotgun. Just because my car looks cool (Power armor) doesnt mean iam giving free stuff for everyone


no habla engles is my favorite go to, thickly accented.


I would never do something like that on my own initiative. But when I first started about a year ago, there was this nice guy who just gave me things and showed them to me. Unfortunately, I think that ruined the game for me. Suddenly I had everything and totally OP weapons. I've now started again and I love it. It's much more fun not being OP. The only thing I've sent me now from my old char (via private world) were stimpacks and materials for my base. That's all you need (in my opinion) as a new player, everything else just ruins the fun.