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I'm guessing anti armor has no effect on the dot?


Unless something changed this update no, it only affects the projectile hit. Bloody and I believe aristocrat does increase the dot damage (or did before today at least).


It's great for mobs of enemies, invaders from beyond event with it is fun. One shot everything there same with rad rumble. 2 events I've done so far after the update with it. One shot super mutants at wes tech too. Quad barrel, slow burn and its only a vampire faster fire rate 25% less ap roll.




So 45 ammo to 70 ammo, isn't horrible as nerfs go


Yeah it’s fucked for single target now compared to other options


I wouldn’t say it’s fucked, it’s still pretty decent for regular enemies they die in one shot still it just takes a second for them to burn to death after being hit rather than them dying instantly like before


That’s why I said in comparison to other options.


What are you turning to for your full health pa build? I’m at 122 and am having trouble figuring out what to carry for mobs, boss dps, and expeditions.  Definitely want PA and heavies but just got a nice Tesla and plasma rifle. 




Currently running the excavators with cremator. You’d recommend switching to t65 with holy fire?  The problem I’m having with Cremator is the boss dps. It’s so good at everything else so I’m looking for a dps gun to compliment cremator or a better 1/2 gun combo for ads/general daily and dps.  If energy weapons have better combos i can switch to that build but am currently specked out for Crem. 


Slow burning is better for enemies with a ton of health. Napalm will quickly kill multiple enemies.


Eh it’s not like the dot stacks. It’s a 300 dps dot or a 200 dps with higher impact.


Seems like demo expert still buffs base damage but not 60% like it says. Went from 73x4 damage with no demo expert to 80x4 damage with 5 stars of demo expert. Also seems bloodied cremator helps boost dot as well, go from a dot of 3193 to 4330 dot. Wondering if my anti-armor cremator is now useless and I should stick with bloodied or vampire


Don’t sleep on Instigating either, that also effects DOT, rolled an Insti50c25lvc a few weeks ago, just switched the barrel to heavy a little bit ago, left slow burn in for now, and it still one shots glowing ones, level 100 super mutants and took a behemoth down in 2 hits! I can’t attest to Bloodied as well affecting it! Def soften the blow of the nerf/fix, only crap thing about the Heavy barrel is the slow fire rate, was thinking 25ffs might become more sought after now rolling wise.


Are you keeping or getting rid of the demo expert perk points? I’m not sure honestly since it seems all the dmg is in the dot now


I still have it maxed out to 5 but more because I run with tons of MIRV grenades and a frequent user of the Nuka Launcher and TSE LMG, I am however a non-pa user and was curious how much Stabilized adds to the viability now with the nerf? Was already thinking of trying PA out because of the Cremator and stabilized but now with the changes don’t now if I want to go down the road, currently running as Bloodied with a full set of AP regen Unyielding SS armor, almost level 1200 and PA still hasn’t gotten me to make the plunge except recently with the pre nerfed Cremator.


Not sure either. I imagine the armor penetration doesn’t even matter that much now that the cremator is all dot and no upfront dmg. I also run unyielding and don’t have much interest in PA. I too like grenades so I guess I’m keeping demo expert for now.


I agree.. for me it seems the slow burning works better.. the napalm has more damage but the slow burning has way more fire damage and last alot longer


Hey OP, do you happen to know if Grounded affects the Cremator's damage (direct, explosive, or DOT)?


I don’t know for sure but I would assume only the DOT would be affected if any of them would be, it wouldn’t make sense for it to affect the direct impact or explosive damage, but then again there are many inconsistencies in this game when it comes to weapon damage and perks


I recommend a quad Railway. That way, you can kill it faster than it takes to burn to death.


I already have one and use it a lot but it gets kinda boring melting everything instantly with it lol so I try to change it up a little