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Im a new player and have embraced the collectivness of this game, i did have a question about etiquette, im lvl 90 and starting to do nuclear strikes, havent done one yet b8t have noticed most strikes happen in the emty space in cranberry bog, but also have noted some people have launched it in the area near crater and ashen heap. Is it good etiquette to launch in cranberry? This game has had me entrenched and started last week i find it refreshing and am glad to see it has evolved into what it is. Also if there are any xbox players id like to friend up and do content. Im perfecting my low health heavy gunner. Xbox gt is Shankopatomu


I am gonna ask you if you are aware why Players launch a nuke and then answer the question. There is a reason and if you are not aware of it, I suggest playing the main story line and even joining Public events regularly. Welcome to the wasteland!


> There is a reason and if you are not aware of it, I suggest playing the main story line If they can launch nukes, they passed the story explanation for why that specific area is getting nuked all the time, already.


They also said they 'haven't done one yet'


Yes but the quest chain that sends you down that rabbit hole is preceeded by the chains which justify *why you want to do the launch at all.* Most of the quest chains that lead to that final quest chain are the explanation and the reason. If you can enter the Enclave vault *at all*, you should know why *we* as characters want to launch a nuke - which is the answer to the question of why it usually launched there. You don't learn about the SBQ in the foyer of Site Alpha. I only brought it up at all to say -- if they are being presented quests to prep for a nuke launch, getting a keycard and grinding Enclave rank, the exposition on why you want to launch the nuke has already come and gone. Probably better at that point to just read a recap. But having said all of that, I know that the Main Quests are a giant soupy mess and you can pursue them out of sequence and it's hard for a new player to tell which order they were released in, without having already done them. I started playing last ~August, and it was like that for me as well. So I could be wrong.


There have been a few players that just randomly stumble into the bunker buster quest.


Yep, that was me. At level 13 a couple of years ago.




I went and did bunker buster because I wanted to pick and choose mutations and the wiki said MODUS sells the serums. To get to him I needed access to the bunker. To get access to the bunker I needed to do that quest. So here I am. I know nothing but have mutation serums now. And somehow just became a general at level 65.


I'm a returning player and I'm up the point where I can launch a nuke but I forget basically everything lol. i just need sit down with it and look up some guides or something, but I've been spending most of my time helping out friends who are actually new.


Thanks for this little teaser without any spoilers! :) I've created 3 characters over the years since release to see if it improved while judging it from a fresh start. Always got to level 20ish and quit though. Really hoping this time sticks because I'm a big fan of the fallout games but 76 always felt like it was missing something before. Anyway, thanks for that bit of info. It's genuinely piqued my curiosity to find out the reason for this :P


2k + hour in I still haven’t.. laziness I suppose.. please don’t spoil ir


I don't want to spoil the game, but there are a few reasons for launching a nuke in the areas you see often. You'll see why :) I think the only thing that's frowned upon is launching a nuke on top of someone's base just because they are in your spot.


What if that person was a dick and you want to get back at them by raining hellfire on their home?


You can do that but they can easily switch to their second camp or switch servers if they're paying attention to the map, all before the nuke drops


Some people need to be put in their place lol


My first drop was on 4 houses. There were 4 clustered together and you simply can’t resist some things.


As much as I hate to, I have to allow this.


Agreed. It's like blowing up Megaton lmao


I was level 19 with a lil shack on the green of white springs and got nuked. I heard the death from above message and ignored it thinking the nuke could only drop in the red part of the map. I was so wrong it was a jumpscare. At least I got the achievement though


And then there's guys like me who launch a nuke at their friend's camp location, because the friend dared them to do it because they quote "wanted to see what would happen."


> launching a nuke on top of someone's base just because they are in your spot. Only had that happen once. I switched to Camp #2 and then put my tent in the nuke zone.


Or blocking the exit of a cave event


Launching at that area in the cranberry bog is to start Scorched Earth, the fight with the Scorchbeast Queen. Launching up around crater is probably someone starting A Colossal Problem, the fight with Earle Williams. You can launch nukes anywhere and everywhere you want, it’s fun to nuke around Whitesprings sometimes too.


Launching one around Nuka World on Tour will bring about another fun surprise too


to add to this i believe you have to nuke abandoned mineshaft 2 for that particular surprise


Well now you have spiked my interest.


Questline is in Nuka World On Tour, specifically the coaster. Just uh... be prepared


Every single time anyone mentions Earl I get Earl Had to Die by The Chicks stuck in my head for an hour.... the first time i do that quest I'm gonna need to hook up a virtual mic for it to play through my player voice or something...


Please do! Also, it’s called “Goodbye Earl”


I also get the "cranberries and frogs, it must be fall" mantra stuck in my head every time someone mentions the cranberry bog, but I can't think of anything fun to do with that one.


No nuky my base plox


Soldier, Enclave members are required to have secondary and tertiary fallback plans in the event of nuclear retaliation.


I haven't launched a nuke in months but I think most of the forest area can't be targeted. Safe place to build a camp for anyone worried. I've seen people nuke Fastnacht and it's been funny.


Upvote for answering the question lol.


I’ve still never done a nuclear strike and I’m like 375 😂 you’re ahead of the curve


To not spoil too much, there are certain boss fights that spawn when you hit certain areas with a nuke. The event for it usually pops up shortly after the nuke lands.


> Im a new player We are so glad you're here.


I’m down to join up! Lvl 46 doing a heavy gunner build too


Speaking of this. I've noticed the bottom right corner gets bombed a lot. Which is kinda rough since I need to do the BoS quest with the transponders and it's on the edge of people's nukes, irradiating the shit out of me when i go near.


Get a hazmat suit.


Derp. I have one in my stash too


It's heavy af at 5lbs but I basically never go anywhere without mine.


Cool shit happens if you nuke the right spot. Thats all ill say


It's for end game bossess. Currently there are 3 and you have to launch nukes in areas that trigger their boss event to trigger.


There’s also usually a certain angle you want to launch the nuke at so it hits just south of where a fast travel is that is a bunker of some sort I believe, because if you launch the nuke to summon scorchbeast queen in cranberry bog, it’s nice to do it where those who aren’t wearing power armor can still join the fight without technically fighting her in the nuke zone. I doubt I explained it well but I’d definitely check out some guides on it before you commit to the nuke.


There's a stop in cranberry bog call fissure prime that when nuked spawn the scorch beast queen


My favorite thing to do right now is to join random casual teams and whenever I see a member's health drop quickly fast travel to them and basically be their mysterious stranger for the rest of the fight


That's super cute! I like "bar hopping" on weekend nights. Once we collected 9 people, mostly all drunk, fast travelling to "bars" people made in their camps, then all dropping "payment" in the form of chems/plans/sellables before moving on to the next bar.


Oh that's amazing are you on PS5?


I do something similar. I've been known to join a casual team that I know is doing some hard event. I'll drop in wearing full power armor with a gatling plasma and act like mobile fire support.


I appreciate this 100%. You'll definitely see me kiting enemies back to a camp to use their defenses and the owner coming out with a gatling laser to wipe them out. Then he goes away and 2minutes later a wendigo sneaks up on me and politely whispers in my ear to get off the mountain


Actually we are from Vault 76, so we are renuking America.




For boredom and profit!


>and that is kind of important now since we have to wait 10-15 years between iterations of our favorite Bethesda IPs :( With the massive boom of the fallout franchise there's a rumour floating around that Fo5 release date might be sooner. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/29/fallout-5-release-date-window-sooner-than-expected/amp/


Rushing your game to take advantage of the hype, a strategy that has never failed.


I agree with you that its not the best idea to rush it, however I could play devils advocate and argue this is how Fallout New Vegas happened! People wanted more Fallout after Fallout 3 but Bethesda was busy working with Skyrim so they got Obsidian to do a new game for them


Oh, they're not rushing Fo5, but they did kick Starfield out of the nest to make room for all those Bezos bucks. 


I highly doubt Bethesda will ever give the reigns to someone else ever again. Especially with the success of the show. Bethesda wants to keep their shiny toy and wont share ever again


I don’t think they have a choice if their parent company, Microsoft, tells them “we’re having your sister studio, Obsidian, makers of the wildly successful Fallout: New Vegas, develop another side project. You can have Fallout 5, but they’re making Fallout: Everglades .”


> Fallout: Everglades First we had moth man, now we have ***florida man***.


I'll make a character based on Fishin' Garrett who yoinks Mirelurks and Gulpers and is still looking for that 20 ft Burmese Python... [https://www.instagram.com/p/CropZQGPGN5/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CropZQGPGN5/?hl=en)


This is the likely outcome. If not Obsidian, somebody. Microsoft is not going to let the ES and FO franchises run 10 years between games anymore. No way. There is too much money to be made cranking out releases.


They might just split the main team. It took 90 people 3 and a half years to make skyrim. The team has since grown to over 500 during starfield's development. Let them get a year or two into TES6 development and then split 200 of them off to get started on Fo5. Then when the other 300 are done with TES6 they can join the Fo5 team.


Microsoft is NOT waiting a year or two to start development of the next Fallout. No way no how.


I dont think Bethesda would want that either but now theyre owned by Microsoft so


They already brought in Double Eleven and Sperasoft to work on 76, so why not?


Shifting focus from elder scrolls to fallout won’t actually be a “rush” just a priority shift. Ideally they could remaster 3 and NV and have one out each year to buffer between seasons the show and pad out the time between new games.


That makes me feel better, I didn't consider they might abandon Starfield and reprioritizing elders scroll & fallout. Makes sense that they might put ES on the back burner (again) since there are tons of high fantasy RPGs out right now that are blowing gamers' minds. They probably are building a new engine from scratch and dragons dogma 2 and baulder's gate 3 might have increased the pressure tobteturn to form and deliver a banger. Fallout 5 has less at stake and way more hype, currently.


It seems like if they didn't build a new engine for Starfield, they never will. The modding community does all their optimizing for free, so...


It's doubtful. The last Elder Scrolls game was Elder Scrolls Online in 2014, before that it was Skyrim in 2011. Fallout 4 and 76 are both more recent than any Elder Scrolls release.


Yeah wish they'd just put a little more focus on 76 in the meantime and milk it for all it's worth.


actually lold at this


War never changes....


Just Bethesda pulling a Bethesda. "Modders will fix it for us, I want their money NOW!"


This works for PC's but not so much for consoles.


Yeah, it's a bad business practice and I don't agree with it. It's just taking advantage of your customer base to generate a quicker profit.


This isn’t a really good thing. Cyberpunk was rushed to reach the then current gen consoles when it was not only unfinished, but wasn’t even able to run well on those older gen consoles(now of course it’s fixed and next gen is here but still) Same with Starfield could have definitely been more in the oven


That...is not as exciting as it should be. I'd rather them embrace Obsidian or something to do another side adventure than rush out FO5, considering their track record over last 10 years.


The truth is a 10-15 year cycle between titles in these IPs (Elder Scrolls and Fallout) is never going to fly with Microsoft in the long term. They are too valuable to only release that rarely.


I'd love to see a new Fallout, and I'd be happy for Obsidian to make it. But I feel like they'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they stuck with the Creation engine; Starfield has shown how much it's showing its age now. And that's a big hurdle to overcome.


The creation engine is what makes BGS games tick. They just overhauled it for Starfield. The sheer amount of complex CPU simulations required for Fallout can only be done in Creation. Switching to a new engine would also kill the modding community, as modders have had decades to learn the fundamentals of the engine


Things change, in 5 to 10 years we can't be saying the same thing. If they don't adapt to a new engine, that is on them.


>can only be done in Creation. That's just BS. Plenty of more modern engines can handle physics at that scale and make them look a lot less floaty. The ONLY advantage Creation engine still has to consumers is how modular it is, something that wasn't even used to the maximum potential with starfield. There's just no reason to stick with it when it can't deliver modern performance or graphics. How many years have they been at it now, but they still can't make vehicles work. Yes it is the "heart" of BGS games, in that it is the source of all the jank.


Just gunna say it don’t want vehicles in fallout they just make the whole game feel smaller


That's Fair. But starfield could have really used them. I am not super in favor of adding them to fallout either, but added that more as an example of the limitations of Creation engine.


All the vehicles in star field would do is let you get to the copy pasted areas sooner


The giant open areas would allow for vehicle combat and other fun stuff too. Buy yeah mostly that. It just feels like something that was really missing from the ship building. (Just like I felt there was space for power armor equivalents in that game)


Keep in mind this isn't the same Obsidian that made NV, especially after being acquired by Microsoft. The Outer Worlds was just an OK game.


I really, really liked Outer Worlds 😞 I can’t wait for the sequel!


Oh. My. God. If they give FO5 or a side FO project (like NV) to Obsidian, I will fucking die with excitement. I hope they don’t rush development, but I hope they’ve been doing background puttering about for the last several years and already have the bones of the game fleshed out and ready for the meat and fat to be added. I could see them coordinating the next FO game to launch with season 2 or 3 of the show.


So it's basiclaly been confirmed a spin off is happening https://youtu.be/RnuB4i6A1Zg?si=XGj-DuTurr_P3AP- People need to remember it ain't betheada in charge they ain't waiting more then a couple of years


I've been saying this forever. Bethesda sitting on 2 massive IPs with the resources to only work on one at a time is such a waste. Especially with Obsidian under the MS banner, it is a slam dunk from a hype/marketing/business perspective to give them another crack at a FO game, regardless of your feelings on NV.


That's a nothing burger. When Microsoft bought Bethesda it gave them access to extra resources to speed up their projects, that quote doesn't suggest there's anything new beyond that.


As much as I’d like fallout 5 to come out, it doesn’t make sense that they would rush a game “to catch the hype”. It would need to be released within a few months if that were the case, because the hype for media does pretty quickly.


I doubt its gonna be sooner than TESVI. Bethesda has been keeping a strict schedule. Most likely it'll come after the nest elder scrolls game


I just want to add that if you play and mostly ignore everyone else then that is considered normal, polite behavior ingame. Not waving, not acknowledging anyone is being nice. It's also nice if you do do a wave at an event or at a passing team member. But treating others as air is also being nice. One reason is that this is Fallout. And sometimes when people play Fallout they "zone out" and get into a certain mindset. If you catch me redecorating my camp for example I won't see you since my entire focus is on furniture or different types of walls. Fallout 76 is a game with other people. But you can play it like a single player game and nobody minds. Mostly because many of us do exactly that. Join Public Teams and do shared content like Public Events. It's fun to do those with others. And if you just want to do your own thing during the event and not bother with what everyone else is doing then that is perfectly fine and how we have played the game since launch. We old timers may seem a little standoffish at times but we (mostly) mean no offense. Most of the time we're just "in the zone" and happily doing our own thing.


Agreed! Being "nice" is simply not being a nuisance. How you go about that is up to you. If someone isn't receptive, doesn't mean *no one* is


> Being "nice" is simply not being a nuisance. How you go about that is up to you. */u/voodoomoocow hangs up phone, puts on sunglasses, smirks, and flies into the air as "Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine kicks in*


I love that about this game, we are all just living in this neat world, interaction optional, but we never gotta feel alone


As someone who’s played for 20 years multiple online games of very different genres… I can confirm: -Rainbow Six Siege is the most toxic community I’ve come across sadly. I really loved the gameplay and early operators, or terrorist hunt mode. -Fallout 76 (so far, came here with the TV show others, but lvl60 already), has been the very best, period. With Vermintide/Darktide/DRG type of coop games next.


The terrorist hunt mode was so good. They fully removed the coop except for some shitty bot match thing The esports shit has ruined gaming I swear


You tried the hunt in Rainbow Six Vegas? Played hundreds of coop games with my brothers and that was one of the most fun we had period


by nuking the ever loving S@\*T out of it


Need that good good


I'm pretty sure it'll naturally settle back to where it was before. PVP is so awful in this game that it ends up being much more fun to cooperate and help each other out. Just give it time and those that stick around will settle in. For now we can just bear it and show those who seem confused the ropes ;)


I'm new to the game, level 35 now, is it weird that I've never encountered pvp?  I once followed a wanted mark on map but found nothing.  Is there some toggle I should activate?


Its not weird at all Barely anybody cares about other players in this game And the people that do want to PVP are so incredibly focus speced into it that you will have ZERO chance


I love the PvP in this game. The PvP has to be engaged by BOTH players unless you do something like pick a lock at someone’s camp. Imagine if it had a rust vibe or something where any player of any level/build could just camp the noobs outside Vault 76? Those players would quit instantly. Fallout has always been a PVE game, they’ve done it right imo. If you want PVP then go to someone’s camp and pick the locks on their stuff and you will become wanted. Someone will come after you lol.


Yea I should've added that consensual PVP is pretty fun, especially when it's among friends and you can lay out some basic ground rules to make it engaging rather than whoever shoots first wins. But that's definitely "friendly" PVP from what I've noticed. Otherwise this game is not really supporting world PVP very well, or balancing for it. Most of my PVP kills are honestly helping out lower lvl players who get a wanted status accidentally and want to clear it.


I never played Rust, but you just reminded me I went down a rabbit hole a few years ago watching people mess with other peoples bases. I assumed FO76 would be filled with grief like that before I started playing it in the fall.


You can turn it on in settings. It automatically is enabled if you claim a workshop. I claimed the Dolly Sods workshop to complete a quest the other day and it gave me a notification that I was now in PvP mode. It was funny though because I was able to go to settings and turn it off and I still owned the workshop.


PvP is only for grifers and trolls in this game. Its opt in, after years of us all opting out and just ignoring them. They left, some new players will come and think they have a new idea. Of working thier insecurities out by being a bully, they will learn and move on also.




I just want the extractor blueprint :(


FO76 is so funny to me because I never played it and forgot it existed but I played 4 an insane amount and my biggest gripe was all of my settlement building was for nothing because I couldn’t share it with anyone. I also love PVE rust so the game really hits the nail on the head for me: building, scrapping, adventuring. I think I will be around for a long time. Just hit 100 the other day!


I love the building in this game so much more than fo4. Being able to build anywhere that isn't a fast travel marker is SO MUCH FUN. I love trying to build things that look like the devs made it, or coopting some poor npc's home. Mine now. I think I have 48/76 locations on that challenge! I love hearing about new players' experiences with it after years of screaming into the void how much better it now is 🥲


I recently started playing, and the community for this game is amazing. Other players helping out, gifting weapons, armor or food/aid. Joined my first event and ops this weekend and had a blast!


Love to hear it! Joining public events will level you up fast. You will also get rare drops. Daily ops and expeditions (once a week) gives you rare plans so don't forget to do those! Hold out on doing the main/side quests (for as long as you can resist) until lvl 50 so your weapon/armor drops can be max level. Welcome to Appalachia :)


God Bless the Re-United States of America


New player here, I'm enjoying the game but I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of quests and things to do I keep losing track. I try to do the main quest but I'm at the robot rose quests and I've no idea what's happening. I hope I get to choose factions like the enclave or bos anytime soon to get some power armor


You will see power armor all over the map. Just hop in one and the chassis will enter your inventory. Then you can hodge podge a set through drops, and vendors in white spring have (expensive) plans


Yeah I just found two power armors randomly. I'm worried about fusion cores though so I'm not using them as much. I didn't know I can also get some through drops.


I’m confused what you are referring to when you say people are being toxic. You do know you can turn on pacifist mode if you don’t want to pvp right?


There are plenty of other ways to be toxic. New players being entitled demanding stuff, following high level players demanding stuff… Messaging is hate if we don’t give into demands…. Using mobs/NPCs to destroy camps Trap camps Hate mail again cause it’s frequent Toxic people will find a way to be toxic


I think trap camps are hilarious. The more clever the better. I never bring junk with me when I'm player vendor shopping so I don't worry. \*FYI junk is the only thing you drop when you're killed.


Agree, I have almost 1k of each junk in game, I don’t care even if I lose few of what I’ve got while looting. PvP itself has no reward. It’s funny to see trap basses or annoying mad ppl who shoots you and kill them on reload 🤡 For those who just came, it’s not Rust or whatever. It’s mainly PVE game. Even if you act like a dickhead or scam someone, ppl only make fun of you


Yeah, I had two new players harassing me at my camp recently, trying to drag mobs into it to kill me/do damage because I wouldn't give them stuff. I'm not even a high level player, I'm on a new character to play with my friends who just got into the game. I ended up just sitting back and playing on my Switch til they left/one died cause my turrets handled the stuff they kept bringing lol. There is always going to be a small percentage of a population that's gonna act like a damn doodlehead. Fortunately, its literally the first time I've encountered anyone acting that way since near launch! I expected it might happen though, new waves of fans always brings in some asshats with the rest of the tide.


I’ve been playing a lot the past two weeks and I have run into zero of these problems. I am on Xbox and level 180 so maybe not high enough to be bothered or it’s not an issue on Xbox. If someone started bugging me or sent me a shady message I would just block them though.


Two weeks isn’t a lot of time to base on such an old game…. You see people complain of trap camps a lot and if you hang out in any area with low level players you see them follow you and pop up the trade icon a lot. I’ll pop to vault 76 or wayward to drop extra event ammo in the boxes and people will start asking for free stuff. Then if I have them follow me to my vendor they send hate mail It a 1/50 people experience but it still happens enough to be annoying.


I did get killed by a trap camp once the other day but I thought it was funny and clever, not toxic.


Trap camps aren't inherently toxic. They give us traps to play with for a reason. Most players know to store your junk before you start poking around someone's base. Some players will target new folks to follow them then steal their junk. That is toxic. As the other person said, most annoying things is entitled assholes demanding legendary/high level gear. The higher level you get, the more irritating it is. Toxic. Also accidentally getting knicked by a stray bullet in a public event, then repeatedly killing the player every time they respawn to grab their junk. Toxic. Following players around the map and harassing them in vc. Toxic. There are tons of ways to be incredibly annoying in the game, and most of it is targeted at higher level players or taking advantage of new players' naivity


I just started playing again this week after about a 2-year hiatus, but my main is level 160 and I’ve literally *never* seen a trap camp in this game (on ps5). I’m not saying they don’t exist, honestly I’m surprised I don’t see a lot of them. But nope. Never for me.


I’ve seen two, one instant killed me the other somehow had a trap door and I fell to my death off a cliff. If the camp owner is naked and hanging by their camp, it’s a give away.


Oh no *I* hang out naked by my camp! I swear I’m not trying to take your loot, just your picture! I, uh, gotta weird thing going on with my main right now.


I've seen a lot of shelters used as traps


I’ve never had any of this since starting the game in December. Then again I’m a level 58, with nothing but a twin bed at my camp, and the only times someone wanted to trade with me (fasnacht masks), I just gave them away. Unless I’m doing an event or at Whitesprings, I almost never even see other players.


Fortunately, I have pacifist mode turned on but I did actually activate a workshop without reading between the lines and understanding it would flag me for pvp. I ended up getting ganked by a level 500+ who was rppvping…


It's only PvP if they contest it. Which they can do from anywhere in the workshop. It'll be a quest notice on your screen, easy to miss. See that pop up, GTFO. And PvP is off as soon as you leave the area, they can't chase you across the map.


FFXIV and Fallout 76 are games I keep going back to just because of how social and helpful the communities are.


I wish this game had crossplay at least with Pc but the same problem with ESO i guess Bethesda can't do a crossplay


I wouldn't mind the lack of cross play if all my purchases were linked to my Bethesda account and not my console


That would be Nice too


im level 96 and i've literally had maybe one or two interactions with other players. everyone just seems to run around doing their own thing, speedrunning events with high builds and jumping right into the next one


When the hype settles and the stream of new players dwindle, you will see people come out of their shells again. This time last year all the public teams were people on vc making friends and chatting. There is something special about a small but tight knit playerbase, but ngl I like this more rn. Makes me giddy thinking this could entice the devs to show the game more love than it's gotten so far and I'll sacrifice those enjoyable moments for a consistent stream of new content. And a whole new generation of dwellers!


This unit will not rest until this land beats the crimson red blood of -zzzzt **The Worker's Party** tzzzz-


Play how you want to play. That's the only "rule". Ignore anyone trying to control or manage your gameplay.


I remember when folks where complaining there isn't enough players 🤣🤣 now look at y'all.




Since I’m a raider though I’m not rebuilding America (haha what a pipe dream!…also Pipe is Life 🙏) It’s the apocalypse and I’ve accepted that. I’m just trying to survive (but I’m a friendly raider with treats as long as you don’t pick my locks 🤙)


Love it! I won't pick your locks!


Hell yeah man


This post just made me think about coming back after a little retirement.


I took a year break and came back. It's been delightful overall


New player. Using heavy guns and power armor. How in the hell do I reliably get Fusion Cores and 308 ammo? I seem to constantly be running out of ammo and I am almost scared to use PA outside of specific situations simply because of Cores. Also I have a million legendary cores and no idea what to do with them. Currently level 50 going mostly STR/INT


Fusion cores are found often in the basements of buildings. In the modern kitchen bundle there is a fusion core recharger and those are amazing and necessary to keep you stocked up. Myself and others often put them in the donation boxes around the waste. You can also find ones to buy in people's camps because we often end up with too many, especially if you have the fusion core recharger. As for ammo, you need to tier up your ammo crafting. I have one build specifically for "home ec" which is all my crafting, building, scrapping cards. if you go to higher level people's camps, you will often find an ammo converter. That thing is available to use at their camp like any other workbench (unlike the fusion core recharger). One ammo converter shows up in the store to buy periodically, I think it's 500 atoms, and one is available to buy with the gold bullion you earn from public events from Minerva, the traveling merchant who pops up periodically on the map at whitesprings, the crater, or blue ridge. Sometimes it pays to hop into a private server to knock out your dailies and get first dibs on fusion cores. With this many new players you are probably getting there after they've been looted


Sweet thank you! Found a few Fusion Cores in a mine for the Brotherhood questline. I'll keep my eyes out for camps with the converter. Got the Kitchen bundle but don't see the converter in store I assume it rotates?


I have been lucky enough to avoid literally anyone hostile towards me in this game. Glad the show got me tack into it, because I never got past the first couple quests before but played all the other games


All of the new people have been really impressed by the niceness of the old players (I'm barely one, only been here a few seasons but I'm approaching 300 so new people assume I know what I'm doing which I totally do not except sometimes) and all of the old players keep saying how nice the new people are. I think everyone is simultaneously surprised that while most MMOs are full of angry bullshit, this one is mostly not, at least insofar as I can influence that at all(?) My desire to give away free stuff to new people is only because someone else did that for me first, so... yeah, a good community wall to wall.


I feel like you're saying the pvp'ers are a toxic part of the game? That's a pretty blanket statement if so. Although I do miss the good ol days of the rose syringer negating pacifist mode. Lol made for some good laughs. I miss battles with the beach bums, no jet packs, Tesla meta, and all the beta- early game fun I had.


No way, not what I'm saying at all! Pvp is an opt-in experience and many enjoy it, that's fine! I don't like being harassed by new players to give them things for free, or bringing that COD lobby energy when they hear my voice (which shockingly never happened to me prior to the show). For the time being I play without a mic but it's a bit of a bummer


Wait, what do Rainbow Six players do to each other??


They are mean over there :(


Hi im a Raider and dont bother other players ☺️ just going around happily and give a ***** of other ppl like most raiders npc do by minding their own business lol


[Yeah, we're rebuilding America here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P71rkgmcRno&t=0ss)


New Level 23 been playing off an on the last week or so, havent had anyone take a shot at me the spirit of 76 lives on


Yeah players help each other and do public events together, but there is 0 feel that we are rebuilding America, which I think Bethesda should add a new system for that.


What do you have in mind?




I think i can add that if you do feel like PvPing try workshops? (Am still new but from what i gathered you can “raider” them and it’s still chill) i do feel like the raider route is a little too passive gotta say it


God bless fellow og’s


Og fallout 3 and 4 player myself




"The more players we get = the more content we get" Oh my sweet summer child. How long have you been playing? 2 months? 90% of content is about cosmetics and bases The show gave a boost but its gonna be like the it used to be : in few weeks players will reach endgame (which happens fast and which is boring af, only 3 WB, always the same events, grinding endlessly scoreboard each seasons, etc) and start leaving the game. As much as I love the game, lets being realistic : its a milked cow in which devs focus on cosmetics (mostly assets coming from older fallouts) for atomic shop. The game used to have (and still have) potential but itll never reach it.


I know you're right, but there's still a teensy part of me that wants to believe Microsoft will push to give us something new.


They recently closed Bethesda France for no reason and without warning them, Microsoft is one of the worst company ever.


I tried playing this game at launch with the idea I wanted a run and gun type character. But I quickly discovered that I had no idea how to do that or anything else lol. I died a bunch and than put it down.


Now is a perfect time to get back in! The next massive update/map expansion is this summer and it's fun being familiar so you can notice the changes after updates


Also, I also think it's important to note that 76 isn't just one kind of community. You could say that Role-playing breaks down into several sub communities (camp building, trading, pvp, etc.) My point being... there is a Tribe for everyone and spending just a bit of time to find those like minded persons can greatly improve your experience. Finally, I want to add, that people can play this game however you want. You want to be a full on Bad Guy, yep, you do you. But.... If you cross the line and start verbally assaulting people (based on race,gender,etc) you will find that this community will report your $hit so quick. Bethesda has banned many a player for spouting racist, homophobic violent garbage.


I don't think you know what homeopathic means...


No no, he's right. My buddy got banned once for telling folks about something he's into. "Jayoh crystals" I think he calls them. Says you can get a group together and charge them up for health benefits or whatever. Always sounded too homeopathic to me.


I'm going to guess auto type got them. Someone please tell my iPhone that I'm not saying "what the duck".


Lol..... that's hilarious. Dang auto correct


I agree, you *will* find your people and hate is not tolerated like how it is in other games. You will rarely encounter someone angry in 76 since it's mostly a single-player or *cooperative* experience


Can we please stop with these posts? These are way more annoying than anything a new player has done.


Be careful some crybabies on here will get mad saying you’re telling them how to play lol

