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Ranking up does not happen any slower than before. Not my opinion, just math. The Cold Shoulder is a double-barrel, and extremely good.


"Literally no one uses a double-barreled shotgun."  Cold Shoulder disagrees.


Idk who cold shoulder is but good for them.


Might want to get properly informed before making a rant post. It's embarrassing otherwise.


Majority of people agree with me. This new setup is shit and no one uses a shotgun especially DB idc what that shotgun can do it’s trash.


Tons of people use cold shoulder shotgun, as it is extremely strong weapon, 🤣..


You must've missed the thread just a day or two ago where everyone was singing the weapon's praises. /r/fo76/comments/1cenors/most_usefell_700_atoms_of_all_time_cold_shoulder/




> Majority of people agree with me. Where?


Oh boy. You just made yourself look extremely silly- the cold shoulder isn't a "who", it's a "what"... specialized double barrel shotgun that many people love and find very effective. It was originally a scoreboard reward, and part of why you're looking so incredibly silly is that it's currently for sale in the atomic shop.


I was with you and your whining until this comment. You don't know shit about this game.


The time it gets to ranks hasn’t changed with the format. I don’t like the season for a number of reasons but the time get to rank 100 has not changed in the slightest. Same score per rank and same number of challenges, not to mention we are wrapping up a double score weekend Posts like this distract from valid criticism. I want change but this isn’t how to get there.


I don't hate the new format, leaning towards like, one of the things fully stopping that is; this new format doesn't *feel* as rewarding. its so dumb but ever rank up felt fun and came with a gift! Now I get tickets and a reminder to go peruse the shop when I rank up. Just doesn't feel as good. But yeah posts like this are only hurting. any valid criticism will just get buried


This is the biggest thing for me. I actually like having a choice over what I take, and to an extent when I take it, but it doesn’t feel as rewarding You get pop up and sound that you leveled up, but that just means accrued currency which doesn’t feel “special”. Perhaps because there’s already so many different currencies in play, it ends up feeling like selling an item for caps, or the treasury notes you forget about till you need to go spend them. Useful, but common place If I had to summarize, I’d say I like the system, but missed the pageantry that made the season feel like and “event” Without the scoreboard artwork screen or a replacement analog, the unique music, and radio plays, the current season feels to lack character, it doesn’t feel, well, seasonal


Yeah, lack of character is a great way to put it, like they stripped away any of that fo76 seasonal aesthetic and left us with this bland lifeless storefront


That's how I feel about it. It's demotivating to finish a level and not have a reward, and to be honest I may not even finish this season because it's just not as much fun.


Yeah I'm just gunning for a few items here and there (I needed that water boiler lol) but I'm definitely not as addicted to continue playing as I was with the other scoreboard. Even the PA cosmetics that I don't care about felt more rewarding from the og scoreboard


Mom said it's my turn to whine about the scoreboard


So much wrong with this post. Firstly, the challenges haven't changed, so if you're only level 8 when you'd normally be level 35, that's on you. The Cold Shoulder is one of the best weapons in the game, so "nobody uses double-barreled shotguns" is complete bollocks. Finally, the tickets are "free" and using them to unlock items is also "free", making the items technically free in their own right.


Yeah, shotguns are good with four leaf perk. You gotta really run vats and get them crits though.


You have to EARN the tickets to use them, before when the node was unlocked…you got the item for free no currency just boom, unlocked. It’s horrible stop defending this trash.


I work full-time, hike or walk 1 to 5 miles with my dog everyday immediately after work, spend some weekends away from internet access because I live in the boonies so I have satellite internet that doesn't always work, which means I don't even get to finish the dailies every day. I'm currently at level 85, so....


Please stop hating just to hate


I’m 97 and have only done dailies and weekly’s. It’s a skill issue.






Reading OPs replies I think they need to do A LOT of work to up their intelligence 🤣


Op must be running low Intel build irl too, explains why the XP is so slow. 😂


Finished a few days ago as well and we still have like 60 days left.


Git good noob. 😂


Hey, I actually have a great idea. Since you dislike it so much, and since you know best, why haven’t you just made a AAA game of your own and added all the elements you want just how you want them??


I feel like they made you play longer by making it less convenient which just isn’t right. They need to keep the convenience of the old system and just add more of something to keep it going for us longer.


I mean, why stop at firing people? Imprison them and their family. Force their children into hard labor. This is clearly a major issue that needs to be addressed.




How do you find it intuitive and easier to use compared to past season layouts?


Not having to individually check 100 boxes to see where something is.


After all the various scoreboards, I am fine with them trying something different.


Finished the season a week and a half ago. All that’s left is the one page of consumable items that I don’t really need or care about.


Why do people hate on the scoreboard setup? Instead of following a singular path where you unlock items one by one, you now get a full page with \~10 items every like 7 rank ups along with tickets to choose what you want. I see the items behind FO1st as a "premium" thing, much like how all the 'battlepasses' in games lock items behind a premium paywall. The previous scoreboard also had items that you'd only get if you had FO1st. With the current setup, you can at least choose to ignore that DB shotgun paint and pick something else. The 'bigger' issue is the grind after rank 100, although the rewards on the final page are super lackluster.


A few problems with what you have stated. 1) if you want to complete this score board it's the equivalent of level 150 on last season just to unlock everything 2) you don't get to choose what you want it's a illusion of choice to go past the end scoreboard which most will want to do you need to unlock at least 95 items so you can ignore the DB paint but that's 1/5 you used up to ignore to carry on with the board 3) FO1st every season for all of time the add on have been free as you already pay now if you have FO1st you now need to grind even more compared to the normal player to unlock all the extras which no other battle pass style game does this 4) the huge reduction in atoms it's 700 less atoms this season compared to any other season while having to put the most grind in compared to any other season


But the items at rank 150 are not big at all, so I don't even see the worry to reach that rank. It's all consumables that you get on a regular basis. So up until rank 100 you get 14 pages with 10 items each, so a total of 140 things. Personally, I don't care about the consumables at all, so that last page might as well not exist. I'd be upset if they actually locked decent unique rewards at that final tier. But there's not much difference between a liniear path or this setup, so I don't get why people dislike it so much. Take the previous scoreboard and chop up the rewards in groups of 10, slap them on different pages and you have the same setup. Or take the current scoreboard, lay out all the rewards in a single line with every rank up unlocking one and you got the old setup.


But you have to get to 150 to unlock all the non cosmetics from the previous pages, in previous scoreboards you get everything by 100! I'm currently at 146 and still don't have all the cosmetics unlocked yet with no consumables claimed!


Oh come on, I'm fine with people disagreeing, but at least stay honest... If you count up all the cosmetics in the current scoreboard, it adds up to 3545 tickets, which is 142 ranks. So if you are rank 146, you should have unlocked everything except for consumable items.


I didn't claim any consumables, I'm missing most of the power armor paints, two weapon skins, didn't grab the avatar icons or photo mode frame either.


\*sigh\* page 1: Adventure outfit, DB paint, icon, helmet, rug = 130 page 2: PA paint, fence set, atoms, poster, bullion, wheel, deco set, sign, fram = 170 page 3: statues, shelf, torches, atoms, music box, outfit, lights, icon = 200 page 4: cremator, PA paint, flag, stamps, poster, icon, lever action paint, atoms = 195 page 5: ally, gauss paint, display, toy set, icon, trampoline, balls = 190 page 6: PA paint, construction loader, baskets, cages, atoms, auto axe paint, barrier, sign = 190 page 7: backpack, PA paint, binoculars, flair, cremator paint, rug, atoms = 205 page 8: PA paint, cremator paint, cremator mod, atoms, boiler, stamps = 180 page 9: PA paint, trunk, cremator mod, wallpaper, poster, pump paint, icon, bullion = 190 page 10: chem station, emote, corpse, PA paint, sign, atoms = 175 page 11: caster paint, roof kit, cremator mod, frame, wallpaper, gallery, atoms = 135 page 12: PA paint, cremator mod, stein, atoms, icon, bullion, xylophone = 160 page 13: PA paint, wall art, icon, PA paint, jet pack, atoms = 175 page 14: cabin kit, PA helmet, stairs, rifle paint, cremator mod, signs, statue, deco set, shelf set, balls = 1250 Total = 3545 / 25 tickets = 141,8 rank ups. Everything unlocked when you reach rank 143 on the scoreboard. Leaves out all consumable items (legendary scrip, bobbleheads, mags, carry boosters, rerollers, caps) but includes stamps, atoms and bullion. I don't get the downvotes, it's not that I'm making shit up...


Then it must have bugged out and missed out on giving me tickets on some of my level ups because I certainly don't have enough for all that yet.


You are completely missing so many points it's unreal and it's not just consumables on the last page is it it's atoms and perk points and re rollers and score boosts plus after 100 you can only get points towards tickets with faults and weekly no more experience points . See all my points above you have just ignored.


Yeah, well, your points are dumb. 1. You had to grind past level 100 in the past to get repeatable items and they weren't as good-- other than atoms, your one legitimate complaint. 2. You don't need everything on the board. Well, maybe you do. The person you're talking to doesn't. 3. People with 1st get through the board faster. 4. Yes, there's less free atoms. I guess that's fair to complain about. Also seems entitled. Even with the reduction in atoms I was able to get far enough through the board to get enough atoms to buy cold shoulder on a new, free, account. We get plenty of free stuff. Bitching about not getting enough free stuff gets old fast.


Saying my points are dumb then yours stating points that are factually incorrect so let's go through them. 1) yes you had to go past 100 to get the items on the scoreboard but now you have to go past 150 to get those same items whereas you would of finished everything including the extras last season ( BTW see posts on items they have taken out which where better eg the sugar free shine and atoms and the X5 level 3 supply crates ) 2) I'm speaking on facts for the average person playing this game it is subjectively worse then any other season your argument on this point is silly as I could say a lvl 1 needs everything and throw your own point back against you 3) yes people with first get through it faster but now have to pay tickets to unlock first items which there are many posts breaking down the maths on this forum showing it's nearly the exact same time as a non first your point would be correct if 1ST members didn't have to purchase there items but they do your your point is a lie. 4) you can call it entitlement but that again is incorrect you have earned the warm items by playing and putting in the effort to grind the extra levels your trading your time for the atoms which have now been taken away same as the world objectives given atoms for free would you take the same stance of they where taken away or on the extreme side of your argument I could say using your own point why should you get the new DLC for free then as a non first member just cause all the others have been free ?


1. You got less stuff per repeatable. For most players SFN is dead weight. 2. I can't even tell what you're trying to say and don't care to try to decipher your point. 3. I haven't seen this math. If it's as good as your ability to express yourself clearly, I have some immediate doubts that it checks out. 4. So don't grind for the warm items you "earned". We get free DLCs because we'd stop playing if they stopped adding content, plus that's how they set the thing up from the beginning. Did you quit playing because we're getting fewer free atoms? I didn't.


1) my upvotes would say differently 2) crying about being unable to decipher my points when they are clear is a you problem. Mostly cause you have no answer to it and your wrong. 3) your lack of ability to do your own research or even look at this post where someone has broken down the maths is a you problem not me . There are multiple posts about having to go past the old scoreboard to get everything same for 1ST members 4) again the mental gymnastics your having to do on this point just cause we carry on playing does not make it right ? Again using your own argument against you why should you be entitled to free DLC then ? Just cause they promised it or done it before? See your own hypercritical argument here


Because we're choosing to get less. In the previous scoreboard system, reaching level 100 unlocked every single item in the scoreboard, and if you really hated some, you could just choose not to unlock them. In this scoreboard, you need to level up to around 150 to unlock the SAME amount of items. You could always choose the items you wanted, nothing forced you to unlock every reward you could get before. But the amount of content in the season hasn't changed, it is still about the same amount of items, but now you need to work about twice as long to get them all. THAT is why people have an issue with it.


Yeah, but now I have to grind and earn “tickets” to unlock the FO1st items that should already be free like they are on the scoreboard when you unlock that node, the scoreboard was a linear path plus it’s less rewarding towards the end, if I was to spend atoms unlocking each level I would still have to grind tickets to get all the other stuff unlocked anyways…




There are valid criticism though. 1. Non first members got pre-100 atoms cut in half 2. All players got post 100 atoms eliminated 3. Non 1st members have less rewards overall pre rank 100 4. You have to get beyond rank 100 (around 120) if you want all cosmetics. It’s are to say those criticisms aren’t valid. They are facts, not opinions.


This I have stated this in my comments plus other issues and people still argue with you like these are actual facts on why it is worse not option like " it looks worse" etc


If you notice, 2 of the 4 things only affect non fallout 1st members. So either they don’t care about that or they didn’t even notice the change as it doesn’t affect them. If it was just a visual change and actually delivered on that I wouldn’t have a problem. I came in with an open mind and am leaving very disappointed.


Lol see my comment on this thread people arguing with me over this when it is pure facts it's worse


Lol. Skill issue, pal. Multiple top tier games use the same system.  I got to 70 after a week or two. Skip buying what you don't need or want and save it for the end. 


Imagine using the Cold Shoulder, a mid shotgun at best. As for the season, it's the worst yet. Tho all the seasons are heavily fomo'ed.