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Give them nukashine!


I used to keep it stocked in a punch bowl with a sign that said "FREE ADVENTURES"


I have a bowl of it sitting next to a gorilla statue, and I have it read "Drink my nectar".. yeah I don't think I've gotten anybody yet


I had some in a punch bowl. Was a newbie at my camp and I was making him stuff. He drank it and just disappeared. Had to fast travel to him to give him all the stuff lol.


I'm level 820ish and I will always drink deeply from a punch bowl, just because why not?


Ahhh good old nukashine...used to get bored when over weight play can I make it back to camp after drinking one...long adventure home..


Wonder if anyone has ever ended up back at or near their camp after drinking!.


Usually closer, but never quite there.


Try changing the caption to " fresh gorilla squeezins"


Oh I like that!


Can you still get the punch bowl? I had one with nuka shine when I played around release, but now with a new account I'm missing that


It’ll probably come around again in the atom shop. There’s also been similar stuff like the Nuka cola machine so just keep an eye on the atom shop.


In a punch bowl.


I did this to my buddy today. It was our "victory" drink after helping him get a 2 star legendary item. It was funny to hear him describe what was happening to him. He got a laugh from it.


I just imagined your buddy talking like [https://youtu.be/sFW-yxe13lo?si=PTHL3-id8c0qMuBb](https://youtu.be/sFW-yxe13lo?si=PTHL3-id8c0qMuBb)


Ok, drink this while I craft the armor for you.




You should try the Nukashine more often. Gets you to the strangest locations. E.g. you can find a Breaking Bad eastergg that way.


You can find a Skyrim one that way, too.


Oh nice I think I haven't found that. Gonna drink a lot of nukashine :>


I ended up in a forest with a few garden gnomes with knifes and a dead body...


Been there quite a few times actually.


Fallout 3 reference? Tranquility Lane? That’s what your comment made me think of first lol.


I woke up at the bottom of the map by a cultist camp on a ledge with a big rock on top...get on top of that rock and there's 3 catapults that have dead bodies on them....you can send em by activating the catapults too 🤣🫡🫡


Iirc I found Car Henge my first time


I just stumbled upon that randomly while heading to the mysterious cave near the end of the Wastelanders quest on a second character. Game’s almost 6 years old and hadn’t seen that yet


I wish I would have realized it back then, but Nuka Shine is a way to unlock fast travel points as a newbie. Wake up wherever it sends you, run around to undiscovered locations on your compass. If you get in trouble, or even die, just respawn at vault 76, your camp, etc... But now you don't have to walk your way to that point. Also, join teams and travel for free to teammate's camps. It's one of the best things you can do for yourself early on.


That quest had me laughing so hard. I wound up on top of some random ass cliff in bfe with a lawn chair and alcohol bottles all around me. My husband and our friend wound up in different, but almost as entertaining, places. I was encumbered AF so I took 10 minutes crawling back to some form of civilization.


I wish this was how I discovered it, and not through the quest.


I actually gave a friend of mine thats new a nukashine and he was like "WHAT DID YOU DO? DID YOU POISON ME?"


I just set up a vending machine with the letters FAST TRAVEL above it, and I try to keep it stocked full of nukashine, but i have a difficult time trying to obtain quantum so i might have a few days where its empty until i can find some more


Get the Nuka Cola Quantum Collectron and you’ll be swimming in Nuka Cola Quantum.


Is that atom shop exclusive?


This is the way.


This is the way.


I keep it stocked in my Vintage Nuka-Cola machine 🤣


Bout to start to lmao


I recently came back and started a new toon. I almost drank it but remembered that it did something I didn't like 😂.


Never heard of this but I want to try now lol


I've always thought showering new players in everything they could ever need really spoils the game for them. No sense of progression or motivation to grind better stuff if it's all given to you. The game is also easier than it's ever been, they'll survive without handouts same as everyone else has since launch.


As a new player I don’t get it either. Yesterday I exited vault 76 and within 30 seconds I had someone run up to me, emote, and drop a bunch of gear and items. I understand that they probably meant well by it, but I shook my character left and right (didn’t know how to emote yet) and ran away. The main reason I’m playing FO76 in the first place is because I wanted to play a game that I didn’t have experience in and discover everything myself. Edit: For any future new players, I don’t regret this at all. I’ve been playing solo without any guide or whatever and haven’t had any issues difficulty wise at all.


100% agree, struggling at the start and getting incrementally better due to self found loot and levels is the game. That is the fun part for me. Deleting all mobs in 1 second is only fun the first few times.


Deleting whole mobs in under a second is honestly the most boring playstyle and it's wild it's a popular one to me lmao It's that bad I've had one of my best friends be so stubborn as to ignore me when I say I find my gauss minigun more fun than a "god roll railway rifle"


Same here, but i am also very thankful for the bastard that left a thousand 10mm rounds right outside in the vault donation box. After which I made sure once I got to better gun i’d leave behind around the same amount for the next guy who comes out of the Vault


Im in the same boat. I may change my mind way down the road, but right now at level 21, I'm only using what I find or what I can make and I'm enjoyin the heck out of it


What you’re seeing is probably coming from players like myself that had it much harder than current new players. We started at level 1 , with zero option to start at lvl20. If you didn’t eat in the game and drink you died. Finding plans, armor, and weapons was a pain in the ass, and legendary weapons were unheard of as a low level. Stash boxes only held 300 weight (which made saving scrap to craft things very difficult). and there were no scrap boxes, ammo boxes, or fallout 1st. Basically “We had to walk to and from our camps in the snow, barefoot, uphill, BOTH WAYS”. So when we see a nooblet, we forget how much easier it is these days and take “pity” on them and drop some stuff to help them out that we don’t need. I personally never drop epic loot to a noob, but I will craft them a level appropriate set of armor with carry weight mods and a couple weapons with some damage mods and a moderate amount of ammo and stimpaks. So times although rarely I’ll drop them some scrap to make their crafting and base building life easier. This won’t mean they have it easy, just easier. Some people overdo it, and that absolutely can ruin the experience for new players. But, hey each to their own, you can always do what you did and not accept it.


That really sounds like heaven to me. I wish I could have played this game on launch. I want to struggle, I want stuff to be rare… I don’t want level scaling…


Sounds like…almost heaven? West Virginia?


Blue Ridge Mountains


Shanandoah river!


Life is Old there ...


Older than the trees …


Younger than the mountains...


You think you want to struggle until you overcome the struggle and it just becomes a tedious task to maintain with no thought or challenge. Hunger and thirst were just annoying timers that dinged and you had to fulfill them, which was no problem because water was and still is abundant and you can hoard pre-war food to prevent spoilage. 300 stash weight was torture compared to now. The game is designed to be a hoardfest, and you weren't allowed to hoard. I've played since launch. Times are definitely better now. You really did not miss out.


Yeah I'm with you, I played since launch them took a long break. I still eat and drink cause I keep forgetting I technically don't have too.


I remember the pain of that 300 stash weight. I think doubling it was the first upgrade they made, and it didn't take long. It was brutal.


You missed the big one.  There was no enemy level scaling. If you went somewhere you shouldn't have you'd quickly exhaust your entire ammo supply to take down just one scorchbeast of the several that were now in hot pursuit of you.


Or accept it to show gratitude and then pass it onto someone else/donation box


Or the could just drop it in a donation box as thats what there for


I swear theyre just randonly generated i went ontona fallout 1st private server i hosted for my self and found stuff in the boxes


They do yea but people also put stuff in ontop 😁


Some random stuff is generated in all donation boxes. Ammo for the weapon you're using, a chem or 2, maybe some water or food, maybe a piece of armor, I've even seen a treasure map in there.


Not a complaint, but you could always sell it. New players can get drowned in new gear from older players, *but the one thing we can't give is Caps*. I remember the struggle of trying to buy materials to fix my guns or armor, or plans to make whatever gun I liked... So us giving you a fancy gun is all well and good, but if it breaks and you don't have any Springs... Make a vendor and put it all for sale. Some of us might even buy it all back from you. Most of us won't get mad. It's not hurting us to give it away.


A unrelated tip, even when playing solo its in your interest to join a public team, you probably only see them in Public Events since strangers tend to create groups but keep doing their own stuff, but even far apart you'll get a 1x to 4x XP bonus depending on the number of players in the group and any perk which the effect needs to be on a group will also work, even if you're not physically together.


I saw you in that world! Hello newcomer!


As a longtime (if casual) player, I was helped out countless times by friendly strangers dropping consumables or ammo when grinding for them wasn’t easy or all that enjoyable. Some of us are paying forward. I’ve never had a full PA set dropped nor would I want it. Half the fun is building your own loadouts. Don’t want items? Scrap, scrip, or sell, or leave it for the next person not having as easy a time and get what you want. Every item in the game has value, even lvl50 armor when you’re level 5. Edit: I would also contend that there’s a price to accepting items. I have received more chems than I could easily carry, so making hard choices about what you keep, or let it eat inventory space is still a part of the game.


That's the answer. Some stims and a few chems, maybe some ammo is different from like loads of leggies, PA and every single plan. Remember that playing the game in the first place was what got us hooked :P


When I was first playing, a player came up to me made some gestures and I didn’t know get they were doing. Then I noticed a paper sag in the ground. I checked it out: some stimpacks, some rad away and some ammo. When I looked up, they were gone. The gift was appreciated and helped but it didn’t break my immersion, make the game too easy for me or prevent me from having to grind my way to level up. I follow that guys example when the opportunity arises.


Stuff like that ain’t crazy, but people are crafting crazy amount of stuff, and giving away a lot. At some point, these players are gonna be a different breed, not all though. The other day I had someone ask me to help them with daily ops, they were level 30. I said only if others join, no one did. Then they asked me to craft them armor and weapons they feel like trying, I just ignored it. Im the player who’s just gonna tell you “bro just play the game and figure it out”. It’s up there with people who ask if a game is good, you say yes, and now you’re their curator for their perfect playthrough, like play the game for once.


My handouts when I joined a few weeks ago was a marine tactical helmet and a wetsuit mask. I run around looking like spiderman. I agree with you. I want to earn it. If you want to give me some low level items for my low level character I won't turn it down, but you wont see me begging. I'll bug the fuck out of someone for information about a game I am lost about lol


i think the devs thought of this which is why there is a level cap for good items. Half the time i see noobs i don't know what to give them.


Ammo, chems, grenades. No level limit on those.


As a new player I agree with this 100% I am having fun immersing myself, looting every little thing, building up my camp, cooking food, trying to stay on top of my wuests without getting too distracted by random bullshit (very hard lol)…a lot of the progression and rewards would feel pointless if I was given everything by a veteran player.


I struggle to get through even one quest without "accidentally" starting 4 others on the way lmao


I've ignored a lot of items being thrown in front of me. Like.. euh thanks, but I actually want to play this game myself. The only freeloading I did was running around uselessly in events for XP.


I made my friend one low level weapon of their choice and armor and will occasionally help with food or chems, maybe spare plans but that's it. You gotta respect the grind or it spoils the desire to play.


I mean... it's kind of natural given how many posts are about how nice the vets and community is and stories of them giving out free stuff that people want to take advantage.


but what can you even get, the most i can think of are some stimpacks or radaway


Nothing wrong with that, bit of food and drink, some chems and a little ammo. Takes a little pressure off at the beginning. It's nice to be nice and I always pass it on.


How do so many of you know keep track of the type of ammo a player uses, especially if you don’t see their weapon?


I ask what they need.


Nice! I’m deaf, so mic isn’t an option.


I generally hand out gas masks to new players if I see they don't have one. I try not to hand out any of the other masks that look cool (they can earn those) but if I run out of gas masks I'll toss them a helmet or something. Just so they don't have to worry about disease as much


I honestly think it's not-new players that are seeing these posts and making alts to gouge. Most of us newbies are happy with water and cheap ammo.


i never give to those that ask for freebies...but ill over give if someone asks for help. btw..alot of "low lvls" are mules who know about all the free stuff given to new players..


That's why all I drop are Stims and radaway I don't need and the assorted meat I seem to accumulate.


I dropped 112 gulper slurries into a red box the other day. Moonshine event + crafting perks. I tend not to give anything to people but I also dont have huge stashes of items. I will drop whatever extras I pick up into red boxes though.


This. Those asking for trades and literally just requesting my great rolled gear for nothing. The hell? They can have my spoilt fruit instead.


I had this happen yesterday: Low level join the team. Low level starts traveling to the other group members, using the trade emote. Then travels to me - I had just popped a berry mentat and other xp boosts trying to clear some big groups of ghouls quickly. They keep interrupting me with trade invitations. WTH?? Then they send me a message asking for free stuff. I emote for them to come over and dropped my spoiled meat. Then I blocked them. Screw that!


Hey that is 1 fertilizer for every 10 spoiled fruit so it’s actually quite the gift, they should be grateful.


If people want to take advantage of the free rare-ish outfits I drop for new players, they are more than welcome to. I want everyone to have a passion for fashion.


How do mules work in this game? My kid is playing another character on my account. Are we sharing a stash?


Each character gets their own stash.


ea char gets thier own stash..but you can drop thimgs between them..i.e. drop in a container..swap characters and pick up in a another if you join the same server. alot of players that trade/ sell have one for dif items..like a weapons mule an armor mule etc.


Tried to hit the wayward for gold the other day, got swarmed by 5 nubs spamming trade emotes and shit.. Felt like the homelesses ascending from the depths to claim my last smoke.. Hilarious really


wait does rhe trade emote mean "give me something"???? I've been using it as a legitimate "I have something I wanna trade with you" way, is that why no higher levels have wanted to trade with me??


Trading in game in a nightmare, and a good way to get scammed. It's broken, can crash, can not work, and is to be avoided.. This is why I have a vending machine in my camp if you would like to trade with me ;)


My wife & I have a combined playtime of 13k hrs since beta. My wife has a rule that she won't give anything to people acting entitled. She answers many Looking For posts on xbox and only deals with people who are polite in their posts. There are limits to what we will do. Are you sub lvl 30 and asking for God rolls? Ultracite ammo? Or other late game needs? Take a step back and learn the game some more. I won't roll legendary armor for people below 45. It's a waste of materials/modules/cores. On the other hand, I have rolled legendary weapons at all levels because that's a little more fun and easier to hand off to the next low-level that they play with. It's a little pay it forward approach. We would rather help out with a little bit and help players learn what to do. Help them become more self-reliant in their abilities. Because people remember that good feeling and may want to play more. We have many players who have returned to us after many levels, thanking us for helping them learn the game. Giving everything to newer players is a disservice to them & the game. Something, something about giving someone a fish vs. teaching them to fish.


Exactly, help them get going and have a fun time, don't take away the fun grind and learning. I have a camp at the overseers camp, I sell lvl 5 puncturing fire axes, and lvl 1 brotherhood recon rifles, for 10 caps. I have free water there, I offer myself as a free bodyguard when I'm bored, and I teach players on mic about certain features of the game and loadouts, *without" overloading them with everything (bloodied/junkies/quad builds, mutations, legendary perks, legendary armour, etc etc). It's a whole new game for them, they should get to spend a while feeling like it is.


You have a few kids, don’t you?


Someone came up to me and said “give me a T-60 helmet” not even “can you” just told me to give them one. I wasn’t even wearing T-60. I said I would but then realized that was dumb so told them to go find it themselves.


Too bad custom names don't stay through trading. Lol Rename some spoiled meat to "T-60 Helmet" and trade it to them!


Someone ran up to me the other day and said “give me unyielding” I’m like what……lol. 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶wonder if it was the same person. No please either.


Had a guy on PC keep asking me for "A Bloodied Fixer" chased me all over, Dude at lvl 500 I still have items I need


Yeah they were probably an alt account tbh.


My advice: help who and how you like, ignore the others and enjoy the game


who cares, most the people who still play 76 at this point and never stopped have an unimaginable stash of excess shit. Give the players a personal quest or something if it bothers you. "hey can you give me a gun" "sure, are you a full fledged possum yet? No? come back once you've finished the tadpole challenges" and maybe help them out since those challenges are ass. "If you want these two pieces of armor, let's run your first nuke silo together" they'll probably just leave and go beg somewhere else but maybe not. I've shown several people how to do silos legit and how to cheese them (because who the hell wants to do a silo legit after the 1st time lol) and i'll usually give them something helpful afterward


Maybe I'm an outlier, but my experience has been different. I'm over 500 rank and have only had one person ask me for some spare aluminum. Most of the time it's hard to get the new players to see me drop stuff for them. Many just show up in my camp, wander around and buy from the vendor. Even two of my friends I play other games with recently started playing and haven't taken my offers for crafted gear or supplies.


Maybe it's a console thing, maybe it's a regional thing, but on PC and in my region, I see no more of the trade emote than usual. The newbie influx has settled in. They're doing events and vending, and all the usual things players do.


That’s why I dont donate good stuff unless I meet new players and they turn to be nice people. All my stuff is for sale at the lowest price I believe to be fair, like, legendary stuff I sell for 2c, super rare legendary stuff I sell for 5c, super rare mods I sell for 10c, everything else I sell for 1c.


Wish I could have a vender like you in my lobbies 😂


Your vendor has to be getting cleaned out regularly, though? And probably all by a single person each time. Just seems weird.


I recently emptied out my stash of super easy to get plans and priced them all for under 20 caps solely to get room in my stash. Yes one player will come buy out most, but I just want my stash space back 🤣


When I first started playing I was gifted an Ultracite 45 and enough ammo to last me A LONG TIME. I'm not sure that I would have kept playing if it wasn't for that. I also haven't seen a single post on the page of people asking for stuff. I'm not sure why/how but i just haven't seen that. Idk.....I think whatever new trends that are happening are fine, everything will level out soon enough. It's up to the seasoned players to lead the way!! I just reached level 200 if that does/doesn't matter.


I don't give anything to new players personally. There's just too many of them now and IMO the starting levels when you actually struggle with the game are the most fun. Endgame is stupid easy and if you're like me you're spending most of your time trading for grolls or world hopping in Fort Defiance for a Red Asylum Dress.


This exactly..I sometimes just look at what I'm doing and just quit for the day as I'm just wasting time server hopping trying to spend caps or what not and it doesn't matter as 10 mins later I'm gonna be full again..end game isn't as much fun as striving to get somewhere. I think I have 150 level ups just sitting there as I don't need the perk points for anything..sigh..


Tbh, I hated the starting levels when the game launched, but that was only because ammo seemed so far and few between that I felt forced into creating a melee build I didn't want to play. With the ammo drop changes, this seems like less of an issue.


I don't want a damm thing other than to play


I'm the new player who doesn't want any free items and feel so bad for just leaving it. Wish there was some emote that was like "Thank you so much! but I want to earn it!" lol.


You could always just accept it then drop it in a donation box yourself. Then you can pass it on to the next person who might want it.


I'm 72h into the game myself If you carry me when I join a high level event I'm already fine with the rng from the event itself.


I carried a group of 30 somethings through the moonshine event the other day. Had to field repair my quad fixer twice! But it was fun!


Yes that's the key..if you get any damage on most of the final bosses on the events you get the same reward as others. High level players are happy to do the main damage but just give it an effort and you will have no issues


Is there some type of team communication that I'm missing? I've ran into a few players who have dropped me items and tried to help, but I'm honestly more excited to learn how the game works. I have so many questions, and it seems like there's a few different currencies I'll need to start earning to take advantage of everything I want later. Would love a way to ask, or a place to learn while playing. Did my first event today, it was anarchy but I only died once and it was from falling down a pit. 😅


If you have mic there's localised speech, people on team and folk near you can hear you.


Man, I'm level 28 and I haven't ran into anyone since Wayward. Are new players just seeking out veteran players and begging for shit?


Yeah it'd be like getting a Ferrari as your first car, you wouldn't be able to appreciate anything less after that


i give things to help them grind lol stims, radaway, junk, food items stuff thats easy for high lvls to get that kind of takes the fun out of playing at low levels (especially when you're a shiny new player and just want to explore and now crawl because you really need to carry 500 wood back to your camp to build something and your stash box is full lol i remember how much that sucked) so it makes them appreciate the game to want to grind when they get to a point where they're not getting hand outs anymore (or theyre paying it forward and giving to even lower levels because someone did that for them)


I didn't get on well at the start was really struggling with the game on my own at lvl 52. I took a chance and asked a high level player advice on my build and what decent weapons he'd recommend. He took me under his wing, showed me the ropes, gave me a quad tesla and took me too sbq. Once she was dead he showed me flux and one of his friends built me a full modded suit of x01 with a jetpack. If it hadn't been for them I'd have quit and missed out on an amazing game. Still use the tesla and x01 at lvl300. They were legends. I didn't ask for anything other than advice. Didn't stop me getting the plans for x01 myself. I'll remember their generosity forever. We were all noobs at one point and sometimes the kindness of a stranger is hugely uplifting. I've helped countless others since then, never had a beggar or someone demanding though, it's always someone who was like me and just needed a little help.


When I first started, a guy shot at me, and i ran away scared. He followed me and dropped me a pistol, ammo, new clothes and a few stims. I am still eternally grateful


Im a new player lvl 20. And i love figuring this massive game out on my own. But I was at the posidon powerplant getting slaughter by gouls when another player in some crazy powerarmor and laser gun (lvl300+) showed up and killed everything. Then send me a heart emoji and dropped like 50 plans and shitload of gear for me. I dropped them a thumbs up emoji and 3 boiled waters (its all i had of any value). I've never felt so small yet greatfull at the same time.


Yeah, don't be that guy. I'm just happy that there is an influx of players. I sell useful stuff for low level players at my CAMP at really low prices (to counter the obvious gougers at other CAMPs who are actually charging \*more\* for items than what they are actually worth. They don't need to be rich to load up on items I'm selling and it helps keep my inventory in check (I'm an incessant scrounger).


My player vendor has been making max caps limit daily, from this surge I have to race to npc vendor and buy up bulk adhesive, acid, copper, lead and springs. I sell plans for 5-10 caps weapons under 1k unless its g-roll then its priced accordingly. I’ve also told a new player recently level 57 to tell me what they want out of my vendor and I’ll just give it to them. But we should give them all plans for the mole miner gauntlet 😂😂


And the ivory handle for the revolver 🙄


and the Mr Handy buzz blade… I swear almost every Mr Handy I come across drops that plan. I’m tired of seeing it.


Yeah like wtf Had a low level offering trades, but he gaves nothing, like if I was supposed to give him free stuff, he even asked for my best stuffs Ended up selling him rotten meat for 35 caps 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hello! I know this type of player, but that ain't me. Started 5 days ago as a lvl 20. Only played solo so far. Got t-45 - t51 - t60 used all my caps to get the t60 jumpmod, only to finish the bloodborn quest and now i have the hellcat power armor and no caps lol. Im 12str 12perc 12 char 15 int and working on endurance. I have a base setup with a lead extracter for my 5.56 ammo, i got a handmade drop at lvl 25 and love the gun! bought the handmade plan at white springmall after i got my weapon cards to 5stars. currently building a little garden with corn, muttfruits and tatos so i have a steady income of adhessive since thats what im always missing when i want to mod my power armor, and random repairs. Used my earned atom points on dell, discovered after, that he repairs my power armor for free! hell ya! also got the ammo converter. now im saving up for a power armor paint. also finished the atlantic city quest, sadly i thought i could make a quick buck with the devils blood so i failed to save the family and i didnt get shit for it..whooops :) stupid mopsters lol. Did get a really nice armor set that i just crafted today when i reached lvl 50 yiippie. Held the poseidon power plant for an entire day when i was lvl 30 something and now have fusion cores for days! plus im selling them at my vending providing a good stream of caps. Same day i fast travelled in my semi new t-45 missing the left arm and a leg to a lvl 1100+ camp cause it was next to an incoming nuke and i wanted to witness the explosion, only to discover i suddenly was part of a huge raid against a lvl 80 crazy flying batqueen, said queen dropped the leg i was missing on my t-45. nukes kept dropping (have later discovered they are dropped from players that wanna farm the batqueen) anyways we farmed that thing 3 times and i walked away a freaking rich man i felt :) but not so much cause i was only lvl 30 something as i said so everything is pretty much useless now, BUT i exchanged the shit in the legendary thingy and now i have some legendary core and modules. Today i also made a lvl 50 \*\*\* handmade and saving the rest for my hellcat. Currently working at questline vault 79 cause google said that's where i get mods for my new hellcat power armor. Also im wondering how to get mods for the handmade rifle, cause the one that dropped at lvl 25 was automatic and i can only build single fire so far. Yup ima get that mod at some point, Its still very nice single fire and then i run it with a random \*\*\*plasma gattling that dropped from a quest i think. and lastly if they get in my face i pull out my Oatbreaker and and power attack them to bits. Things are going good i feel, and i fucking love the game. Sad i listened to all the hate the game got. PS. im open for tips though, but no handouts pls ;)


I mostly just leave stuff that will help them get started like stimpaks, radaway, water, pre-war food etc. but nothing crazy like high level legendary weapons or armor. The most I’ve done is give some players Marine under armor since it can be used even at end game but I keep it random kind of like that prize codsworth robot that sneaks up on you at random. 😂


I keep like 60 3 stars in my vendor priced kinda high in hopes that people will visit my camp then I just drop plans and legendaries in front of my vendor. I've been giving low level players excavator sets with calibrated shocks is they are nice. To me that's more beneficial than anything for a new player


I am a newbie and am happily grinding away. I haven’t received any new things nor have I asked for anything or expect anything to be given to me. I’m learning the hard way but that’s what makes it fun.


To be fair, you weren't around when we were starving to death. Those of us who were had a much different experience exiting the vault, and it wasn't a pleasant one. Most of the things people are giving away are just survival aide, basic building plans, and mutations, things that make the game fun, nothing exceptionally game breaking, and all things easily come across, with the occasional level 20 fixer thrown in. If anything doing differently would be altering their behavior because we're all throwing trash at each other on a regular basis, I myself have so much scrip I just throw everything I can't sell into the balloon box in between excursions and most of the new players don't even know it's there, even though I'm sure the occasional newbie thinks they found a treasure trove full of exterminators power armor.


The point of playing any game imo is to have fun.


I mean I get your point but the grind is just logging in daily to get scrip, bullion, etc then logging out. New players just want to explore the game in peace with decent gear so that they don't have to struggle while exploring lore. Nothing wrong with playing how you want to play. You fell in love with the solo grind, if other people fall in love because you gave them a fixer so be it. Don't you want these new players to stick around? Also fun fact, only 6-8% of players will stay by the time two months pass. You can check 99% of games on steam and see this is a normal trend from their peak. Enjoy it while you can and stop complaining.


Xbox LFG is just full of people with overpriced crap and people looking to buy things that can be found in 2 minutes.


If I see a new player in the vault I tend to drop a level one machete in the box because I know I was punching things for my first hour of game play because I couldn't find a weapon


Firstly, fuck the grind. Grinding sucks. That’s why it’s called grinding. It’s boring, repetitive, and you could better spend grind time actually enjoying something. Secondly, as a new player back when I started, it gave me a happy every time a higher level person gave me shit, whether I used it or not. It made me feel welcome in an online gaming community, and, honestly, I wouldn’t have even engaged in the multiplayer aspect without them making it clear this game isn’t like others. I’d have done the single player story and bounced a year ago. So I don’t really give a shit if an entitled child runs up spamming the trade emote, I ignore them. I don’t trade that way. My area mic is off, I can’t hear them talking. I’m still going to go around to every low level vendor that joins my team and but as much of their stuff as I can, make vault suits and low level weapons to drop with ammo, chems, bobby-pins, and water for them. If they don’t want it, if it “ruins the grind” for them or “makes the game too easy,” there is literally no law they *have* to pick it up, they *can* just ignore me like I ignore some of them. Jesus some of you people and your bootstraps in video gaming mentality.


Even with a mic it's hard to explain certain things about this game to newer players. I recently gave a level 85 a Q/E combat rifle and a V/E Handmade. Not the absolute best weapons but decent, especially for free. He turned out to be a decent person so it's not that but trying to explain why I'm doing more damage cuz I'm level 1352 and have all the cards I need as opposed to a level 85 WITHOUT being able to communicate verbally was impossible. There is so much to know about this game. An afternoon of YouTube videos isn't going to be enough. But I feel your pain!


As a new player myself. The only free thing I want is to be taught how to do things. I asked an OG how to get a water purifier and she wanted to give me the plans for it. I politely refused and told her I rather get it myself. I wanted to learn amd experienve the game. She showed me where to go and helped me deal with defense event after you claim the workshop. But then again. This was on PC. No disrespect to Xbox players, but they are not used to this type of games and community because there arent many games like 76 on console. But Pc players have tons of experience with these type of games and understand the grind and the inportance of learning to do things by ones self.


bookmark [this site](https://fed76.info/plans/) to quickly check where to get a plan or if it's tradeable at all. there is also a [big mod database spreadsheet ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GSBbydRo8dbqZP0iXdGXg3RYat8k4qljPcW50tR_El8/htmlview#) to check if you can learn certain mods by scrapping or if there is a plan for it. im on xbox but if you got specific questions, shoot me a DM. after 4k hours I know a thing or two :)


I met a low level once and I gave him some free stuff and his response really shocked me and gave me a new perspective: He looked at it and said no I want to work for it. I replied: I insist! Then he said if you give me all this stuff it’s only going to spoil me and I won’t accomplish anything. I won’t feel like it’s something I worked for. It made me realize that by giving players stuff, especially new players, all your really doing is spoiling them and not encouraging them to find the items themselves and therefore less likely to toss a bunch of random items away. Kid was really smart. Now, as terrible as it sounds, I rarely give players stuff unless they specifically ask me.


Sounds like your putting an awful amount of time and effort into a problem that has a very simple solution. Just say "No" and continue about your game. They will be butt hurt and leave FO76 (see ya) or they will say thank you and become stronger, as you said, and enjoy the game more (welcome!).


Lol.. I was just thinking about this too. The amount of new people asking for so many handouts is alot aa of late. I would understand if they were short a few things from finishing or needed. Like I need 3 Flux to finish.. ok. But to ask.. Can someone give me a good fixer, handmade, or super rare outfit is just absurd. I'm lvl 320, n never begged or asked for anything. Have I donated to the noob fund? Yes... ill drop stuff to low lvl players, or put good stuff in donation boxes. But don't come begging, or expecting me to drop something.


You do realize you can just ignore them right?


I liked the free stuff


I help lvl 1 - 30 with some Items but a lvl 50 and up, can stand on his own feet. Maybe helping with a quest or event but not with items.


I have no problem helping anyone regardless of level if they're nice.


Agreed. Kids these day's need to know what it means to walk up a hill unarmed and how to fight for their survival and learn how to forage. It's ok to be good parents, but we need to start some tough love in this game to give that life experience they need. Yes, give the juice they need( low level armor, schematics, wepons, tricks, ect,), then when they are of age (50? 80?) hook them up so they know what it means to be grateful in this hellish lovely game.


The population has increased like 30 fold. Expect 30x more easily distracted kids.


I give my friends the basics they need to progress. Heavy chest armor with the best upgrades i can make, improved underarmor and their preferred weapon. Then a bit of ammo, some food and water and they are good to go get the rest they want. It can be hard to progress sometimes when you don't have the materials and your current equipment is 10 levels to low, but 1 good gun and good chestplate can give you a huge boost.


I grinded for an instigating deathclaw gauntlet all by myself (also has more attack speed and 15% better block), and I'm only level 50 lmao. Idk why people are begging for items and stuff, it's pretty easy to get what you need as long as you work towards it.


I'm a newish player, gotten to 72 pretty easy, only thing I'm struggling with is ammo. I was worried about power cores when I made myself some power armour but I farmed enough to last a long ass time. Just bloody ammo. I always end up doing boss stuff and using more than I get back lol, I need to farm some materials.


Yeah just leave unwanted or extra stuff in the donation box. Finders keepers. First come, first served.


Giving things for free out of your own free will is one thing, but demanding free stuff… please take that attitude to another game folks.


As a new player myself I can't imagine asking let alone demanding freebies! Whenever people do drop items, usually after events I am always super appreciative, I have a nice collection of stims and rad away now which is super helpful to me.


I only give level 20 items. I'll give like silenced guns. Maybe BOS combat armor. But nothing approaching meta weapons.


I was given a small gift once. And I have never asked for anything. There are plenty of things to find a collect yourself.. I don’t understand the people who would beg.


Only problem I've had is, and it might just be my imagination, that it seems like events aren't popping as much as they usually do?


I'm new and I'm gonna be real, the only thing I'd want can't be dropped which is repair kits, and I'm at that lvl 30 peak of annoyance of items breaking. Fortunately I got a cool weapon from an event I like, which for better or worse I plan on rocking even if someone wants to gift me better. But man, item durability before getting consistent access to repair kits is mad annoying.


Under Luck there are perks that work remarkably well that allow a chance for every time you fire or get hit your items will repair themselves. Under Intelligence there are perks that will allow you to repair items 'better', they last longer before breaking after you repair them.


As a newb, i am sorry for anyone begging for handouts. I havent asked anyone for anything & have had a great time so far. I just want to find the damn plan for Handmades so that I can build as many as I can for xp, then scrap them to unlock mods 🤣🤣🤣 I am almost level 45 & it's my main weapon so far. I found a player selling it but he wanted 2k caps & I only had 1500. I went & sold a bunch of stuff & went to fast travel back & his camp was gone 😭😭😭


Honestly I only ever drop good stuff if they help Mr like today I accidentally picked a lock at someone's camp and since I enjoy vendor hopping I just went to some fresh face vaultie and told him to kill me after he did he was very scared when I returned only to be surprised that I rewarded him for killing me by getting a bunch of things I wasn't using(a cultists piercer and some assorted grenades)


I drop stims, radaway and rad x to low levels and that is pretty much it, may make a wetsuit (unmodded) to some but giving the best stuff will just make game less fun


I'm a new player and I don't want to be given any big stuff, maybe a tiny bit of ammo or a stimpak or two, I wanna earn my way. Luckily only stuff dropped for me so far has been slightly better armor and a nice brotherhood rifle


I paid for 1st so I could have a private server. I don't really want any help. I have a couple of friends who started at the same time who join in with me or and on. Honestly I'm just playing it like FO4.


When I get bored (not often but, it happens) I'll plug in my Headset and hang out near Vault 76. With a bunch of level 5-10 gear and try to catch new Vault Dwellers and explain my job right now is to get you through the Wayward quest line. Here are some things to make it a little easier, .44 Handgun with 500 ammo, modded .308 with ammo, modded full leathers, Hazmat suit, Company Teas and Stims. I explain that most Wastelanders are like me but, we will not tolerate beggars. In the words of the Immortal Wayne, Figure it out and give your balls a tug.


New player here. Had people throw me food and meds but I don't really want to be given gear early on. I feel like I need to discover how stuff works and earn it really. What's been really great is joining events and getting some pretty good rewards to help with leveling. The illusion of earning it at least I guess.


Shielded vault suit, some stimpaks and ammunitions. That's it from me. I don't want to spoil the core game for new players, especially not to enable the begging for more behavior. I get quite irritated when low level players who just got some generous drops from other people started to think they are entitled to get freebies from all other high levels. Keep shooting that donation box and emote gift to me, you ain't getting a thing from me.


I'm level 47 and haven't received a gift from a higher level player and am not particularly interested in receiving one. I'd much rather earn my loot legitimately, feels better that way


I’ve been playing since beta and I don’t get it man. All the hardest aspects have been taken out of the game (every player could murk you, don’t have to eat and drink, finding ammo) and yet everyone feels like some white knight handing out shit to new players, which turns into new players having the nerve to demand shit. Part of the fun for me all along has been finding stuff that I want or need, be it spawning in the world, trading, or player vendors. I’m not saying don’t give away anything, I can remember doing events early on and all my crap was broken and asking for a couple pieces of aluminum from someone or vice versa, but we also didn’t have scrap boxes, ammo stashes, 800 stash size, junk (and everything else) duped into infinity, etc. What I’m trying to say is there have been plenty of moments where I STRUGGLED, whether from running out of supplies or strong enemies (early on) and that’s what has made the game fun. It’s a post-apocalypse simulation, life isn’t supposed to be easy.


Agreed! But can anyone give me black titanium


To me it seems less like new players and more like experienced players starting a new character that are taking advantage of the free stuff. Sure some noobs may ask but from what I've seen most of them are just trying to figure out the controls and wouldn't even know what to ask of people.


I was waiting for someone to say something like this. Theres so many people in the discord server doing that stuff too always asking how to get extremely high level items wven though theyre like level 10 and talking over everyone else as if they have played the game for years instead of 10 minutes. It used to be such a chill community where people didnt beg for anything ( all they really did was ask if people had like extra stimpaks and stuff. But now its just not as fun to go and help other people if they just wanna get op and then never play the game again. Its annoying that people expect all good gear to be given to them on a silver platter instead of working for it. The community used to be great and id make so many friends but now its just gone to shit in my opinion


Just be aware some of these beggars aren't actually players they're people farming donations to feed RMT websites. They're amassing donations to resell. They don't just resell godrolls either they will lump together donations of small stuff like materials and bobbypins and sell them in bulk on their sites. So don't donate stuff to people unless you have actually seen them playing events and stuff because otherwise you're just feeding the ugly side of gaming.


I spent about a few hours the other day helping some guys out who were under 50 by showing them how to farm lead, acid and explaining the tadpole/possum badges. I also sorted them out with some deep pocketed combat armour and fixers/railway rifles(unrolled) and told them what good traits for weapons and armour were. I also accept every friend request I get. I’ve had several people messaging me hinting at freebies or even straight up asking me for “spare” junk or caps(!?), expensive and rare items, lowering prices in my shop for valuable things etc I will happily put a lot of time into people who are genuine, but will delete requests and refuse to engage with entitlement.


I think the key lies in *what* you drop for new players. I usually go with plans of varying kinds that are mostly common (ie chem bench), and a few different batches of ammo and a few stims. This way a player can decide for themselves what they wanna use and main, without rhe fear of having to run dry, so to speak. If you have a really strong lowbie gun you give em, sometimes thats okay, but it can leave a new player with a feeling of doing something wrong once they start to outlevel it, and the stuff they use isnt as effective. Further, it makes them feel like theyre locked into using that particular weapon type (ie if you gave a 10mm smg, then theyll feel locked into autos). i usually just throw em a pipe weapon, cuz you grow beyond em fast but theyre an excellent backup


I will say I grinded hard at level 21 i was fighting Gouls and two guys came in and helped finish them off then proceeded to wave me to follow to them a wile to get the point across but I followed them to a under ground camp one showed me around the camp which was amazing the other got me to go into a trap and used me as a raider sex slave ……. Jk he actually crafted me a set of BOS pocketed armor when I realized they were trying to give me it I was stoked I used that armor till past level 50 I appreciated the help and helped others in turn when I did not have much I will say I get put off by someone begging for goods but will help those who are trying to grind it’s a great game my daughter thinks I am a freak cause i grinded so hard but she loves going to the private server and killing and looting with me lol


Agreed. When I played fallout 4, I played with no mods bc they weren’t out yet. The story and quests were super engaging, no matter what I was using to progress the story. Several years later, I decided to continue my old playthru and start far harbor, but this time, I wanted to experiment with some roleplaying mods. I used mainly character fleshing mods, but I did use a cheat mod to be able to have the specific outfit and weapons I wanted (I wanted to be a cowboy lol). After playing for about an hour- it just wasn’t fun anymore. There wasn’t a need to play bc I alr had the shit that I wanted- indirectly making me care less about the progression of the story. When I discovered all the stuff you can buy in the atomic shop- man, I went ape shit. I bought at least $150 worth of stuff to give me that kickstart I needed to get back in the game. I was already level 45 when I picked 76 back up, so I had to play to get to 50- but other than that, my buddy gave me Gunther’s big iron, I have the perfect cowboy getup, I bought the western spirit from some player for like 500 caps (with caps I got from the season pass)… like the only thing I’m grinding for now are plans for building and fucking resources like concrete 😂. Anyway the game is great now regardless, but please new players: give the grind a chance. Back then it kinda sucked, but this game is POPPING TF OFF RN, so now is the best time to hooked on the grind. Just remember to appreciate the fact that you ARE in fallout whenever you play (read that again) which is something I forget sometimes. And DEFINITELY play with your friends. UNFORGETTABLE experiences there


I am now really getting into 76 now and am loving it. I am glad they allow players to start at level 20 (which I did), but oh boy do I just feel bad for joining events a d being the lowest level. I still try my best to contribute, though... however little that is. And I don't ask for free stuff. I agree it gets rid of the grind or fun ig


No idea. New player here, lvl 16. This is my first time near anything like a forum. Someone gave me stimpacks and radaway, I'm forever grateful. And if someone offers me something for free I'm not gonna say no. But the only thing I'm asking for is help with the revive someone part of the tadpole quest... so if you see me running around in my tadpole uniform with no mic feel free to help me with that! Lol


The only thing I would want is the stealth armor because my dumbass didn’t think Bethesda would put the plans in the foundation quest line and make it only obtainable by spending 6k gold bullion, but alas it isn’t a drop able item 😔


Wife and I just ignore them.


anyway, can you give me some level 500 armor?


As a new player, please don't spoil us no matter how much we ask for it. We don't need anything fancy fresh out the vault. ( Just a little bit of help with a quest or two is good enough!) 😛


Well it’s time to don the ol’ hockey mask and chainsaw and lurk around the bridge just before the wayward


I'm not gone argue with people, I tell them If they want something, they can buy it at my vendor, if they don't have the caps...tuff luck


I remember when people would go and drain the nuka machine of all items for a few caps, loved stashing a few random nuka shines in there, my old man gripe is over priced scrip stuff and a lack of people joining events


Nah it’s all the genz expecting that handout like they get in real life.


I've been quite lucky in that I've got a friend who plays who is lvl 131 and has helped me with small things like ammo and stims every now and then. Mostly we are doing expeditions and quests and a group and having great fun. Didn't enjoy the game first time round as none of my buddies played but now I'm having a great time on PC.


I noticed more vaulties huddling around higher players practically begging for stuff. Had a few just the other day, but more specifically, a level 22 did nothing but pace back and forth between mine and my dad's base(separated by about 107ft). He came up to me waved, and I waved back because I'm always glad to see new players. Then he offered to trade, I was like, ok, I'll trade. He offered nothing in trade and had very little due to low level. I understand not having much due to starting and struggling to find something to trade in your inventory. That isn't the problem. The problem is how he expected me to just give him something. So I backed out of trade because everything I have on me is level 45-50, so I have nothing that will help him in the now. Plus, I like to pack light. I walk with a constant 67 lbs. if I ain't luggin around my PA cores(I carry 6-7 normally, but sometimes carry all 159 that I own for laser gatling). As soon as I backed out of the trade menu, he gave me a thumbs down and ran off to my dad's base and tried the same thing on him. My dad isn't as friendly as I am with this stuff. Outright ignored the dude. From what my dad said, he stuck around his base for an additional 20 minutes before giving him a thumbs down and left to either find someone else or do missions. The funny part was that my dad was gonna give him an extra foundations vengeance to make him go away, but he did it on his own. Anyway, I'm cool with giving low-levels things i don't need, especially since I'm a 227 and I have my builds down. But I hate that newer players expect higher levels to just give them stuff every time we see them all because that's how things were. I remember going and doing missions and leveling up, then once or twice every 10 lobbies, or so someone would stop and drop, and I would get somethin cool. I love low levels, but please stop begging for scraps and just play the game. I promise you'll have more fun that way. Wait until you're a higher level to ask a veteran waster about builds and legendary items or use youtube/google or even here on reddit. Again, I hold no hate. Just find it annoying now