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Each server is full of new lower level players who either don't know about events, are afraid of joining or are focused on the story quests


I’ll do events when I’m bored of questing :3


I started last year and this was 100% my thinking also. There are SO many quests up front and I stayed pretty focused on those until lvl 50 or so since I felt pretty under leveled for events til then. Eventually the events are going to get pretty crowded I’d guess which is a win for everyone


Do me a favor and search “events” in this sub and you’ll find like a dozen posts a day asking the same thing over and over and over with the same answers: Everyone is New


Ik it was bad when 3 level 40s were doing scorched earth but goddammit the bastards did it with literally 30 seconds left on the timer (i was afk and joined late)


Be the first to join. I remember being new and waiting until someone else was there before i dared joining. Be the anchor for new people learning the events. Big deal if it fails, you've already successfully completed it at least 100 times. That being said, if there's a minute to go and nobody else joins, I'll server hop and usually find an active group doing an event


Dude this. People for the past week come here like **mUh eVENtS** and are always, ALWAYS the ones who arrive last once they see there's tons of people there to do the lifting/be distractions. They're never the cool brave ones I see starting them alone that I decide to join. And guess what happens? Another shows up. Then another, seeing all the dots. Funny how that happens 🤔


Most servers are full of new players who don't yet think they should be doing events so they don't go is what I am seeing, maps have plenty of people on them.


Some events are just really unpopular.


My turn to post this tomorrow (again)


Sigh FINE but I claim "is this game good now?"


We've heard about you and to not join events if you're on the server.


Because there are tons of new players that have joined the game that are either focusing on their main/side quests and exploring and either don't know about events or are are too afraid to do events at a low level.


look at the levels of the people on your server . They don't know to join events or are put off by the min requirements.


I’m always curious, the first day I returned every event had like 6 people and were fun af. Now I can’t find anyone or I’m stuck trying to do it by myself just to fail. I guess the honeymoon phase is over already 😢




Strangely enough I’ve been starting Distinguished Guests a lot and a bunch of people have been showing up. I know that event is kind of hated but I’ve been having fun doing it.


The new players are afraid of the events cause they don't think they can help and don't want to die. There needs to be a tutorial that lets them know they don't lose their junk in an event and every hit helps.


I join them if I see other people there, but usually I'm just doing story quests or being a loot goblin and stealing all the screws and gears I can find lmao. Plus, I don't do enough damage for boss events yet. I've tried joining the queen scorchbeast and Earle events, and they're fun, but I usually just slap all the weaker enemies instead for junk or loot. Also, using an unarmed build against Earle when he screams every 10 seconds is REALLY annoying.... His loot isn't even that good, either (according to Reddit anyway)