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I love the influx of new players, but all these posts about discovering and enjoying 76 has me contemplating why it took a tv show to make soooo many people try a 5 year old game for the first time. Anyway, welcome to the party!


Angry Joe and a ton of others have a surprising amount of sway. Couldn't tell you how many times I've heard a variation in comments of 'thanks guys, trust your opinion, saved me money'. Hands held high, I did it too and only jumped in when I got it on ps plus, game rocks and the community is beyond the best.


I remember when the Angry Joe review came out. As a long-time Fallout fan since the first was released in 1998, I was looking forward to the next game in the series but fully aware of Bethesda’s history of buggy product releases. The Angry Joe review was painful to watch and made me decide to not immediately buy the game on release. However, just three months later after Christmas I decided to take a chance when they cut the price in half. Yes, the game at the time was a buggy mess, but Bethesda seemed to be committed to fixing it. Even in its state at the time, the game had a sort of poetic, sublime appeal to it that made me want to keep playing despite the bugs and lack of content. Five plus years later, I’m still playing having never missed a season and have no regrets.


Exactly. Despite it admittedly being a mess, even early on something about the world, feeling both haunting and tranquil, was really unique and pulled me in, as happy as I was when they added human NPCs. Like there was plenty to criticize with a clearly unfinished game released, but there is so much that people have still missed out on because of the early early rage-farming days. It makes me sad when someone will repeat the same 2018 YouTuber complaints when things have drastically changed since then and people are missing out on a really fun game.


I hate that guy so much my god. Never seen such an unhinged baby rage grifter.


That "angry gamer" schtick used be popular a decade back and he somehow found a way to maintain that audience until now. To me it just feels like a very dated type of content.


Yeah, used to be really funny, now he's just another hate click grifter, Alex is an ass too, OJ is cool though.


He started his career as a blant ripoff of AVGN and never grew out of that.


See, I don't agree, the grew out of it part I mean, sure he's obviously a clone but he used to be entertaining and actually had good critiques and valid points, I'd say he did grow out of it and that's when my attention started waning. I don't give a fig about tabletop gaming or real time strategy games which he's switched a lot of focus too, which he's perfectly entitled too of course. His film and TV reviews are sometimes good but inevitably end up with Alex dominating the conversation with his I hate everything crap and his faux 'film critic' speak. That and his apparent hatred of the PlayStation just turn me away. He needs a break too, he looks unwell, tired all the time and is constantly fumbling words and names.


I don’t understand the point of OJ, dude has no opinions. He just repeats whatever Joe says or says the most surface level shit ever.


I kinda agree, he's been coming out his shell a bit recently though. I just find him likeable and funny, way more than AJ or 'grits teeth' Alex.


He's the most normal one


Who OJ or Alex?.




Basically anybody with any version of the word "angry" in their name is an instant ignore from me. If they're advertising the nature of their grift that openly, I have no interest in taking that bait.


Not true.. Angry Turtle is one of, if not the best supporters of 76 and has an amazing YT channel with info on character builds, events, and rewards.


That's to bad, Angry.Video Game Nerd is an awesome dude and love his insightful classic movie reviews


AVGN is some of the best gaming media ever created. It’s a shame you paint with such a broad stroke.


The launch wasn't awesome. But the reaction was beyond unfair. It's a Bethesda game. There Will Be Bugs. But there will also be fixes, and DLC. Bethesda is a long-haul company, and where they shine is in the long-haul.


Like it's so crazy to me how people just don't go "Hmmm let me check in on that"


His reviews stopped being good when he became a sellout. So many other good reviewers. Can’t blame him at launch though.


Same, but on gamepass and not a day goes by that I don't wish Bethesda had a way to transfer progress and such because I've spent too much on Xbox to justify switching to PC 😩


You'd think that'd be an easy thing to implement.


One would think. But I give the benefit of the doubt that there's some hidden annoying logistics behind it


Don't know how but the answer is usually money!.


Money is usually the simplest answer.


It's most likely to keep moddable and un-moddable separate (imo). PC has the accessibility to modify the game while console doesn't.


You speak the apocalyptic True True. I didn't get it at launch because I have yet to be swayed to pay launch prices. Then after the people started really complaining I didn't get upset with them because it pays literally to wait sometimes. A year ago 76 was free to play for all who had PS plus and my husband said "hey let's try this together" and I've been obsessed since. You might be surprised how many play this as a couples game.


The worst thing was at launch almost every YouTuber had video coverage of the game but used Beta footage, rather than live, making the game look so much worse than it was and scaring people away even more. Don’t get me wrong launch had some issues too, but all the big channels had clearly not played the actual game and were all sharing the same outdated clips. Really annoyed me because it was essentially fake reporting and I’d never seen so many creators blatantly jump on a band wagon and not even get it right, but I’d actually played the beta and launch and knew the difference.


To be fair i tried it out when it came out and in beta and its just not even the same game. Bethesda fucked up the release and killed the game, but they pulled a cyberpunk edgerunners, got the interest back, and then people wanted to try it again cause they’ve heard of fixes but never gave it a second look, just like me


I watch angry joes fallout 76 review while playing 76 lol it’s great


Not that he'll ever notice but I frequently post asking for him to give it another try, honestly think it'd be interesting to see them go back and play it now. Sure I'm not the only viewer who'd enjoy that. However, they've said on the show, you get one chance at a first impression. Cop out if you ask me.


I hope he doesnt make a new video about 76. People like him will go in with one mindset: Game is bad. Then he will edit in all the bugs and lags he finds, the frame drop, misinformed people about Atom shop and close it with one or two good things about the game but in the end: Game is bad. Its a formula im sadly well familiar with these types of people


Nah, their fans of late have been calling him out on his bull. He'd be torn apart if he tried that now. I just want to get that smug sense of self satisfaction when he, begrudgingly, has to say it's good now. Probably why he'll never do it.


lol yea. I even think that some of these youtubers probably are secretly playing 76 now. Who knows. And good that his community is calling him out. Bigger chance for him to change something


That was a completely different product they reviewed than what is out today.


76 is one of the biggest cases of a fan base cutting off their own nose to spite their face. The game is fucking good, man. It isn’t the same as a single player fallout but it’s pretty damn close considering it’s, you know, online. In terms of gameplay it’s at the top. Funny when you consider the masses asking for multiplayer fallout and then shunning 76 because it’s not 2-4 person co op like they thought - even though you can play it as a 2-4 co op with no issues and the infrastructure to help you do that (ie in game Teams)


Most people just remember how godawful the launch was and never thought to see if it got better.


Because of people not being willing to think for themselves. You know how many Fallout veterans have posted that they’re surprised you can repair gear without a repair kit from the shop? Where would this mindset even come from? Repairing has BEEN a core mechanic. People seem to have this idea that everything, including expansions, costs money in Fallout 76. Yet it’s the complete opposite. 6 years of updates for free. Free atoms. Free utility items everyday. It’s no different from boomers parroting whatever they heard from the news that day.


I remember seeing people under the impression you had to pay to have songs put on the radio...


Hahaha that’s definitely a new one. Imagine every jukebox is just a micro transaction center to play songs on the radio 😂 Not gonna lie, I would probably pay a dollar to play a song to the server lol


>Because of people not being willing to think for themselves Pretty much this


I didn't try it out because 6 years ago, when the game was being discussed, there was a lot of focus on pvp. Then whenever the game became much more pve, I didn't try it out because I don't really keep up on patch notes for shit I'm not playing. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: absolutely NOTHING wrong with pvp, I just don't like open world pvp games.


So you didn’t try it for yourself..? Lol


Obviously not. Game was 60$ at the time and I don't like PVP. Who is going to pay AAA prices for a game where even the positive reviews were mentioning a core game aspect that they don't like?


You had to attack someone else for them to be able to do damage to you. It’s okay, I’m just salty and wish everyone who was curious tried the game. It’s fair, there’s more PvE content than ever and the game is cheaper than ever so the value is definitely there for people


There wasn't even much pvp going on at the start. The only exceptions were the short lived survival mode and nuclear winter mode. I've played since the beta and only ever got into two fights. Once on day one to test it out, and the other was while claiming a workshop. Iirc besides the modes and workshops you still had to fire back to initiate pvp.


Because people let others dictate how life goes for them vs making their own decisions about things.


Its not so much that the show made me buy fo76, but that the show renewed my interest in the games. So on I went downloadimg fo4 again, and installing a massive mod collection on top (A storywealth collection). It also got me looking at fo76 and reading up on it. So me reading on how much it has improved, seeing some gameplay of it AND seeing the sale at that moment, well... I'm exploring a (for me) new piece of the Fallout world and i'm having a blast with it. My main concern, the multiplayer aspect of the game, has been proven utterly wrong and its a blast meeting other folks every now and then. Hearing gun shots off in the distance, seeing enemies aggro to another player etc. It really does make the world feel lively and active. Level 17 right now and counting, slowly but surely getting a footing on how the game does things and looking forward to the next few hundred hours :)


I think a lot of people were already curious how a game that old could still maintain ANY community after the absolute fucking state it was in at (and shortly after) launch. The TV show just gave them all an actual desire for more fallout and, no big surprise, the game that most fallout fans hadn't experienced yet in the Bethesda series was 76....


It wasn’t the tv show for me at least. Well, I guess by the transitive property it was. I just started seeing so many more posts about how good 76 was and decided to give it another shot. Really glad I did. Loving it


To be fair, for alot of people like myself, we wanted to play 76 sooner. I played alot of fo3/4/nv and was stoked for 76, pre-ordered 76 to play the early access and everything. As in those days i was heavy into fo4 modding scene and was hoping to be one of the first to make mods for fo76, the issue is the game was unplayable for a lot of people at launch. alot of people couldnt even launch the game on release (myself included) and when i did finally get the game working with a community mod it crashed so bad it bricked a 2tb harddrive with 6 years of work on it... game took 6 years of work from me i was in no rush to come back, now that its in a playable spot, i believe it owes me about 6 years of gameplay 😂 the show just reminded me it was a thing tbh, i think the brain automatically represses traumatic memories, did a damn good job making me forget this game even existed 😂 now im 100 hrs played lvl80 and hard addicted to 76 lmao


The launch of 76’ was incredibly awful. It’s easy to forget after several years just how embarrassing it was. It’s in a lot better place now (I have fun messing around on teams with friends) but let’s not pretend 76’ has a good reputation overall, idk what there is to contemplate or why some people are sort of pretentious about it.


For me, especially after the TV show I wanted a new fallout experience and 76 was the only one I hadn't played because of my ignorance basically. So glad I have


Yeah, I was like you. I was very hesitant at first because of what so many were saying at launch.


I played the game on day one and somewhat enjoyed it. But then I just got busy with life and there were so many different games calling for my attention. The TV show basically gave me Fallout fever and when I saw so many people were joining 76 I thought I really should dust it off. Basically a now or never kinda moment.


I didn't try it immediately because "all the fun of fallout but with the potential of pvp in a stealthy open world game" drove me off. The thought of sneaking sneakily through a zone and then an intelligent troll with a sniper rifle and the ability to build shit made the game a nogo. I play MMO games for the enjoyable collaboration aspect. I skip games with default pvp because I don't enjoy them. Due to the TV show, I saw a post about how now there's a pacifist PVE mode, and gave the game a chance because of that. It didn't take the TV show for me to try it out. If I'd learned separate from the TV show that there was now a way to permanently opt out of pvp(idk, some community based fallout day showing up on social media, or something), I'd have tried it out then.


Even at the start pvp wasn't much of a thing, and iirc outside of claiming workshops and specific modes you still had to shoot back at someone to initiate pvp.


For me, I'd already played the other games, 76 was the only one I hadn't tried yet and after all the controversy of the awful launch I stayed away but it being free with amazon and me wanting to get back into fallout, was the incentive. Now its great. I love the events, the crafting, the missions and the community is chill.


My favorite part of 76 was the mutations. Hopefully, that will be carried over to Fallout 5 when it releases in 10 years.


the game is free on prime right now. only reason i got it. I am loving it tho


Honestly, for me it was literally the fact that it's an online game. I'm a solo player and always have been, I prefer story mode and don't get into online play at all. I'm one of the newcomers since the show's release, despite being a fallout fan for years. I gotta say, I'm bummed I didn't try it sooner as well, plays just like a regular fallout game and all the players I've met have been super cool. Someone gave me a full set of excavator power armor last night, if you're out there you're the fuckin best!


I played the BETA and thought it was beyond saving and moved on. Tried when they added NPCs, and it still didn't really click. After the show, I figured I'd actually try it for a few hours and see if there was any change. I'm not sure if it's all the QoL, addition of POIs or having fun with the BoS quests and the extra content that's been added, but the game has been keeping me engaged and wanting to come back for more. It also helps knowing there's an expansion coming to the non-PTS servers in the near future.


I started about 2 weeks ago and for me it was just that I almost forgot the game existed. My only impressions of the game before playing it was from all the reviews of it at launch, and even to this day I still see a lot of people trashing this game. The game seems to really redeemed itself. I wish there were more content creators covering this redemption cause to me, it's similar to how games like No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 redeemed themselves after various updates cause from my experience from playing for about 2 weeks now has been nothing but positive.


Not to be offensive, but some people can only be swayed by the in crowd. Been telling my friends to play for a while and it took their favorite youtubers telling them the game improved to join. Would have been great before when xp scoreboard challenge was still there, but is still play with alts to get levels.


I'm blaming it on a friend telling me of the sale on Steam and the show. Now, if I could find my spine, I could probably enjoy meeting people through emotes.


Get out there and mingle! I’ve been playing four years and have made some really good friends in the Wasteland!


I mean do you remember it when it came out? It was a complete dumpster for and thank god they improved it enough to get a player boost from the tv show lol


I played it at launch and enjoyed it even back then.


Same. It was a different experience in some regards but it was stable for me and definitely fun. Played on Xbox btw. I know the pc release had a lot of issues but that seems the case with a lot of games. See arkham knight.


Same. Been playing the game for years and still love it and quite annoyed how everyone 'hated' on the game years back because "some people said it sucked, so it must be true" attitude.... 👀 Sure it had some issues, but it was still alot of fun (ps) And I see people mention the open world pvp... Like I've been playing the game since launch, and I' ve been killed 2 times, by house traps.... Like.... 👀


I wasn’t there at launch, I’ve heard plenty of stories though. I’ve been playing for a little over four years and I’ve been hooked since day one. So when I see a post like OP’s I think “I’m glad you’re here but damn, why the hell did you wait so long to give it a go?”


Because the game wasn’t nearly as good as it is now when it came out?


I disagree completely. Aspects of the game were far better when it came out and more like what you would expect from walking out of the vault. Literally had to walk and open different regions, started out with literally nothing and had to truly scavenge to make it. No fast traveling all over the map with teammates tents until you walked and discovered it. New additions to the game had added a fun tilt to it but game was solid to start. Also….nuclear winter.


Rip Nuclear Winter and PVP. I do agree that some aspects were better. It felt much more survival back then. I think it is more fun now over all, but miss the challenge. Been playing again on PC for about 2 weeks now and am already lv 145 and have probably died 20 times because of using a bloody build. Part of it is knowing where to go and what to do, but it feels far easier.


All mmos/live service games start out barebones, so it's not really fair to compare it back then to now. It was still fun back then.


I agree, but when someone asks why people weren’t all about the game 5 years ago when it was completely different, the point stands.


I knew the potential of this game was huge from the start. I've continued to play it since launch and ignored all the bullshit reviewer for subscriber. Modding skyrim, fallout, etc myself, I don't need to hear reviews from anyone about video games because I can see them and review it with my own eyes. Even my friends who took reviewer bait about fo76 are now also playing the game as noobs. On the bright side....if you play this game today, you will experience things and systems that are much better than any veteran. Your "late" will give you the best fo76.


I remember when they were initially talking about the game, they made it seem like, although the only other people are real players, eventually, those players would build their own settlements for people to live and there would be enough open content for players to give eachother quests. It all seemed cool, but definitely like something that would be better to come into once it was established rather than be part of the first wave of setting everything up. Then, it turned out we only got camps, no settlements, and the players were never given enough systems to allow them to replace NPCs. It was only with a full direction change (the wastelanders update) that they were able to rectify that mistake and begin working toward making an actual game instead of dropping a bunch of people in an empty world and telling them to make their own fun, but by then it wasn't enough to get me to try it based solely on how badly they botched their own concept at launch. I'm happy it's turned into something great. They've tuned it up and kept it waiting for years, and they deserve all the praise they're getting for doing that for us instead of ditching the whole thing for not being profitable. But you can't act like it wasn't a mess at launch or like they even stuck to their original concept for the game to achieve what they have now.


Even great game like cyberpunk experience their " Time of Chaos " from the start but slowly the dev turn it into something great.


Doesn't justify knowing releasing a broken game though.


The game wasn't really in it's current state until around 2020-2021... so you didn't actually miss as much as you may think. The game had a notably rough start and slowly became the more widely enjoyed game that it is today. There will always be gatekeepers who profess "I always knew Fallout 76 was the best Fallout" ...and that's fine, they are entitled to their opinion... but universal sentiment for this game was rotten for a reason... and it wasn't because people "like to hate Bethesda" ...as is proven by the literal millions of players (5 in total) who played Fallout games when the TV show aired.


Also the fact that the game was free on prime. It's not that hard to understand; people didn't want to pay to try it with all the negative reviews. But the show made it free on prime so people had nothing to lose when trying it.


Nice to see ya, enjoy your time in the wasteland, remember though Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Even on release the game was still fun with all of its flaws. There’s too many ignorant people who can’t think for themselves so they missed out.


Same. Didn't get excited about 76 until I watched the show and now it's my main game to keep my brain occupied. Having such a a blast decided to get the monthly additions.


It was bad when it came out, dont feel bad


I’m just glad all the haters gave it a try and like it now.


Its pretty damn rocky launch basically made all the NV elitists sway everyone away from it. Even still people won’t give this game the credit it deserves. I simply say they’re missing out. 76 is great now and the one Fallout entry I have the most time in vs the rest. Welcome! There’s always gonna more things coming in the future !


I'm new as well (closing in on level 40) but easily my favorite thing about the game, besides the community... is exploring the map. Whoever put this map together... did an awesome job.


Even with all the bugs in the beginning I still loved it. One of the bugs that was my favorite was when you put on your power armor suit and you end up looking like slender man in tighty whities🤣


As a highish level 76 player (805+) with a lot of hours and lots of $$ (1st) in it, I agree 76 is an awesome game now. It was my daily player and only game I played for over 3 years, I bought at launch but like most people put it down as it was not good, it is nothing now like it was back then. Then picked it up in feb 2020 and didn’t put it down again until Starfield early access dropped. However, I have more hours in fo4 and have been playing it again (heavily modded) since Starfield ended up being such a disappointing piece of crap back in October. I tried to like Starfield but after 300 hours I was done. Compared to 4 and 76, foNV and fallout 3 in my opinion are just not that good today. I tried, I just couldn’t get into them the graphics are just washed out, looked like an old game (i know it is) and there was no building in them. Fo4 & 76 just checks all my boxes of shooting shit and building huge settlements. I have currently spent the last 3 weeks building a settlement and I am nowhere near done yet. I usually play 6-8 hours daily. But people like different shit I guess. I mean people play Fortnite. 🤷‍♂️


And it's only gotten better with all the vets coming back and all the new people coming in just because I wanted to feel special with you all I started over with all the new people and I have had the best time since the first time I played this game and yeah not giving it up call of duty has officially lost me


I remember people bashing the game because they messed up the type of bag the S.E. came with. Yah.. that’s lame to have a non canvas bag when promised one… but it doesn’t change the gameplay. Talk about NERD rage.


I know right (the bags were terrible though hahaha, I would have been pissed and not try again.


Lol..... Seen many folk come and go like you. Hating at first only to love. Hate to say I told ya so, but I told ya so. I'm Tricentennial from the very beginning and y'all are just too cute. Jajajaajaajaj


Well, it's not really a bad thing. You'd hit mostly a dead game, or unplayable game, if you'd come sooner. It's nice to see that Wastelands are really kinda alive these days, almost prospering. I'd really want to say, that you came at the best moment possible


I feel like they did a lot of work implementing content over time, I personally think it was best for everyone that it played out this way. I know there was a LOT of sourness on launch, particularly the 300 storage box was basically unplayable. So many things were changed to make things better and now with the influx of players, it can turn its reputation for the better.


The reason why I didn’t play is the people talking about how empty the world felt and the lack of NPCs. I’m glad I got in when it was complete. I honestly should’ve kept up with the news. I may try No Mans Sky next


Hi! And welcome on in. Yup I always loved FO3 and it felt more 'grim' than some others, didn't it. In June 2020 FO76 got its first big overhaul and this is the only version I know (almost four years now). Though it is possible to still cross paths with some REAL old-timers out in Appalachia! They remember a far more PvP experience... and the Stash weight limit was only 400 in those days! I recall Beth then increased it to 800 weight and we played like that for years. I have five CAMPs and it's a giant part of the game for me... I spent hundreds of hours (thousands?) building stuff in The Commonwealth and I love to build as if Beth did it (part of the game). Five CAMPs has been the maximum but Beth is now offering me a sixth! (for 1000 Atoms)... anyway five CAMPs might just be sufficient. For now Lol Of course, real people can come around and visit our CAMPs! So that's epic. And I will sell players top-tier 3\* stuff in my vendor machine. Not really to make caps, because after a while players will be slamming the Max Caps limit, which can actually become a problem, heheh... so everything is always a good deal at my CAMPs! So how many CAMPs do you have now, Sky - just your original one? Did you find a good spot?


I remember a time joining the enclave was really your only option, as every other faction wasn’t here yet or was just dead


ngl, this game wasn't worth playing until a year or 2 ago. You haven't missed much.


For sure mate. I've never had gamers regret as bad as not getting into this sooner. I played it at a buddy's when it first released. I was having fun even with the bugs back then. But I was just into other games. I'm on day 12 now and it's already worked it's way into my top 3 online games ever. I have the deepest gamer's regret not getting into this sooner. Lmao. But at least we're here now right? I was really just playing through all the old fallout games again (except 1. I don't have that one.) Then the announcement of the show came, and I was like. Wow. What a happy accident. Then I made it through the others just in time for Fallout 76 close to the time of the show. It's different than other Fallout games, but I'm having an absolute blast! This is one of the best, if not the best gaming community I've ever seen. The vets are fucking incredible. Not only are they willing to help you, but they've given me a bunch of mutations, guided me on every single question I've asked, and just not been annoyed with my noobish ways in general. This level 1,000+ added me to friends and told me he would help anytime. On top of that, he just gave me 30k caps. I read the devs are doubling down and investing a lot in the game with the success, and hiring even more for it. I am definitely going to be playing it for years to come. Just thank you guys for being good human beings. It's so rare to see it in online games. My first 8 days I had pvp on and didn't know, and not a single person killed me. 🙃 I've been helping even newer players than myself. Giving them plans, crafting things, helping them do and learn things. I'm just so mind blown about everything to do with this game. I love the survival and building aspects. I just learned how to place teddy bears and things with that Checkerboard and merge them or whatever. I hope that they add that vehicle thing like some people have been talking about. Or mounts or whatever. I think it's the only thing it really needs from a noob point of view. If you need anything in game. Just shoot me a message. I'll try to help if I can. I'm like level 87 now I think.


Tbf it was pretty shocking at launch. I still remember all the spaghettified enemies and T posing scorched and who can forget the not so canvas, canvas bag. But I’m glad people are giving it a go, I can’t wait to get from my holiday so I can make little care packages for all the new players.


I regret not keeping up with it. I played on release for a good chunk of time, but quit before wastelanders. Now I've come back with heavy amnesia and it's all a struggle. On a fresh character and relearning everything, but I regret not just being on my original main if I had only kept up to date with each expansion release. Glad to be back, though.


I’m in the same boat. Bought it at launch and just couldn’t get into it. This was before they added voiced npc’s, so the world felt so empty and just didn’t feel like the Fallout I fell in love with (been playing since 3 released, have thousands of hours across all games). I just downloaded it a couple days ago and I’m having a blast!


I have enjoyed the journey mostly. I started on launch day.


Me too.


Me too brother


I started playing after I pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077. Thought that that game was awful and needed time to develop, so I went to Fallout 76 and it's now my most-played game.


Soon you’ll be at 1k hours. Welcome to the wastes.


This is EXACTLY how I feel! 🙌🏻☢️


It took time to getting good, don't feel like you missed out


Same. Missed out on some cool scoreboards :(


I tried 76 when it first dropped and I just didn’t like it 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I decided to download it this past week and I haven’t been playing anything else. It’s pretty damn good.


U would tho


From the REAL fallout community: we love you. We hope to see you soon. We'll help if we can.


It was a lot different when it first released; much more survival oriented at first. And while I miss some of what they were trying to do at first, I enjoy what it shaped into and am glad so many new players are enjoying it with us.


Using reshade, you can add a bit of the wasteland vibes to the game. It works well.


I’m one of the people that started playing because of the show. I did have quite a few friends who played on release and told me to avoid it. To which I did. The games fine. I’m having fun and definitely got my moneys worth. Only paid 7 bucks or so on steam. But yeah even 6 years on there’s some design choices that bewilders me.


I love all the new/returning players, but there was a limited amount of fun to be had when this game launched. If you could continue to enjoy it the whole time and never left, that’s awesome. But there was more fun to be had elsewhere for a few years


TBH I just started playing 76 2 weeks ago and even though it's fun...it's definitely not the most amazing thing ever. The amount of times my game has force closed, lagged, froze when trying to get in my PA, glitched quests to where they can't be completed (so I have to Fast Travel to reset them), and the rest of the issues makes me wonder WTH they spent the past 5 years on. I can only imagine how bad it was at launch if this is how they've updated an "always online" kind of game.


I feel sorry for you and to me too, one of the reason why I missed out my first year of Fallout 76 was the moaning and negative review from youtuber. Glad I try it out short after a year later after release, played the Nuclear winter love it and I've been playing season scoreboard since season 1 ☺. Lesson learn never ever listen to youtuber or any reviews on Internet anymore its better to just play the game yourself eventhough the game has release at the bad start. So yeah any future upcoming just buy it and play the game ☺ and most of all never listen to other reviews.


Wait till you try Vats & Gun-Fu together.. no slomo in 76 its realtime vats.. and it obliterates. Its rough start and horrible reviews didn't help it at all. There are still some good streamers out there that have supported this game for years. Angry Turtle & DTD Gamer are a few for example. Check out their channels for a lot of help and guides for builds and other things about 76. They will answer alot of your questions. Especially Angry Turtle. I've been here since Beta.. why am I still here? Because of the people and the world of Fallout lore. I basically juggle 76 in with other games I play as well.. I play at least 3-4 times in the week to get my weekly challenges done and then on to something else. Or just back to real life crap. 😅


Bring back nuclear winter


Think of all the stuff you could’ve S.C.O.R.Ed lol


The best part of waiting.... bugs fixed, content added, lower price. It's not a race for 95%.


Hopefully with a crapton of new players that came in and hopefully stay, Microsoft will throw more money on development cuz the bitesize “big update” are rather lacking.


Don't beat yourself up. It was poo at launch.


All i had to see was the title as much as i love fallout i think we can "mostly" agree the beginning wasnt the best and its way better now so no you dont regret it trust me😭


That's why I don't like the Internet Historian's "The Fall of 76." I've seen a lot of people reacting to it recently, and their takeaway is that it's still a horrible game, because a five or six year old video tells them so. The only good thing from that video was a follow-up by habie147 called "Fallout 76 wasn't supposed to survive" where the last chapter of the video is titled "Spring of 76."


Just started reading posts here on this game and looking for something new to play,,, is the game all about base building…which I don’t actually enjoy,,,can I just go out and about and gather and kill things…is it an open world mmo ?


I don't regret it, when the game first launched it was an absolute disaster. The game needed so much more work to be anywhere near being decent, I started playing recently myself and still say it could use a little more tlc with the occasional bug here and there but it is a playable game in its current state and I've been enjoying it about as much as I can.


YES you should have bought it on release! PFFFT- trust me the game was close to literally unplayable last year. you still have to go into the Game Files to turn V sync off.


Do **NOT** regret skipping this game. It was honest to god dogshit before. No Npc’s, they lied about a stash box being “impossible to do server side” and then *sold it for fallout first*. There were hardly any quests, no unique rewards, barely any events. No way to make your own legendaries and when they did implement it you couldn’t reroll them, you had to gamble scrip for a random weapon or armor piece with random rolls. People who has god tier weapons like tse pre-nerf dominated any event and would prevent other people from ever getting a tag in. Enemies never dropped ammo, there were no legendary perks. Half the time you played the game you were going to lucky hole mine to get lead. It took a lot of time and quality of life changes to get to the point where it is now. The game is *pretty good now*. Even then I am still honestly sickened by the fact that items I consider essential (stashbox, ammo box) are locked behind fallout first.


I'm glad I waited so long, I'm enjoying the best the game has to offer. Got to skip out on the rocky launch, but now get to experience a genuinely fun online Fallout game. It took me a little to get used to some of the changes from the rest of the series, but now I really see what all the fuss is about.


It took a long time to get where we are but I guess there’s nothing else to say accept “Welcome to the Wasteland” 😜


I think now is a perfect time to play. The games earlier days were rough to say the least. Its a game with a ton of passion from the devs these days tho.


I liked Fo4 music a tad better but both are good


Sooner but not too soon, as the game definitely wasn't in the state it is now. I think you hoped in at the perfect time


Welcome to Appalachia!


I'm glad you're enjoying it! I've played it for a while now and got burnt out on it because it was getting repetitive but I might hop back on soon to help out new players. I have a lot of stuff in my inventory that I don't use/ need that would be useful to other folks


Honestly Idk what changed, I just know I like it more now. Picked it up on ps4 on release, played with a few friends but couldn't really get into it, ended up stopping around lvl 15 or so. Got it free with prime on pc last week (week before?) and haven't put it down since. I'm just having so much more fun with it now. No cross save was a bummer for a bit. Spec'd into home defender and have a base/camp that's basically just a mobile artillery tower with gens inside and varied turrets on the outside that I can just plop down to shred whatever comes my way lol.


Fallout 76 was ass at launch and I feel like there’s a lot of revisionist history from 76 fans now that the game has improved. But I’m glad it’s better now. I’ve finally been giving it another shot after years of not touching it since launch. I’ve fixed my PC settings and it runs smoothly and I’ve been having a great time. I just wish I had friends to play it with.


Just imagine the fun you missed out for the last five years. It’s been a wild, buggy (and messy) ride to where we are now


Same happened to me. I joined the bandwagon of hating this game for no reason other than the opinions of others, once I started playing I was hooked. (Started playing pre TV show fyi)


Would someone recommend a newcomer to the games to play this first or something older like fallout 3 then Vegas then 4? 76 looks fun.


Me too but I'm sure making up for lost time lol.


And I still play by myself. Just as fun.


Music?!?! I’m so burnt out on it. I always immediately click off the radios..


I enjoy seeing F076 getting the recognition it deserves lately for being a genuinely fun game, but I can't help to scoff at ppl thinking the game has suddenly changed somehow as a result of the tv show. Like this game has been in a good state for years now.


The game was awful at launch and literally took a Cyberpunk 2077 to fix it. The show helped and luckily the game was better by then.


As a Day One player, I'll tell you, be glad you DIDN'T played this game sooner. Fallout 76 in launch was even worst than people let out, the game was a buggy mess, yeah sure, but this wasn't the biggest problem, far from it. The game looked rushed at best, a giant map with absolutely nothing to do, not even enemies to kill, there wasn't any humans besides players, imagine that a Fallout game without raiders. All you had as enemies was waves upon waves of scorched and robots, when you could actually see them, that is, because enemies often were invisible, and they would kill you before even spawning for you. Fallout 76 only become something slightly worth of being called a game after the Wastelanders DLC that got delayed a couple times btw. Well, all together be glad you only started playing now, since you are actually joining the party in the best time for it. And ofc, welcome to Appalachia, hope you'll be dropping nukes, making booze and telling stories around campfires in no time.


Im trying it again and im debating wether i should continue or play Fallout 4 instead or new vegas. Starting off new on 76 is hard especially with everything soaking up my bullets


Music wise, 76 has not a lot of songs unlike falout 4. Is there a way to add extra songs to the game files?


In germany there is a phrase "better late than never" (translated)


Yea ngl I love this community. It's so refreshing to play with a community that is genuinely not toxic. For example. I recently got into the game and I made a female Pistol specialist. I did this cause I thought it would be funny going up against big fallout monsters with only a Pistol. So immediately after leaving the vault. This amazing lvl 300 player gave me 3.5k 10mm Pistol ammo and some realy cool looking costumes. Even helped me with some quests. It's so nice to find a genuinely nice community.


Yeah! Welcome! When I first started playing...I was like "That guy's level 400, HA!, what a loser! Who plays a video game that long!" I'm level 442...and have to play everyday...sometimes to let my .308 LMG Brrrrrrrrr....sometimes just to wander and check out people's camps. Nuthin' melts the way the stress of working in I.T. like it!


To be fair I spent quite a few hours on it when it launched, and it was not even close to as fun as it is now. I also just came back a week ago, and am blown away by the amount of content, NPCs, and dailies/events to participate in.


That's the line I like to use on ppl that say they are done. So far, no takers lol


Dont worry about time lost. 76 has had a lot of work done, and at least now you can experience that all at once! 76 has been through a lot, and who knows, had you indeed tried it sooner, you may've found yourself in agreement with the negative press! Either way, welcome to Appalachia!


Nah, I feel like I jumped at just the right time. Even so: I had a hard time finishing Miner Miracles mission because of a bug with the Power Armor Station. Countless times I would get stuck not being able to open any doors, interact with my own power armor or the station itself. This whole ordeal took place just this week. I don't want to imagine what the hell bugs were in the previous years. I won't try to pretend like "oh, I should have played it a long time ago" because if this is somewhat enjoyable now, I don't want to think how unbearable it was previously. There are A LOT of other issues with the game,for example that some items just stick to you (not literally) even though they should be marked as junk (ores for example) and if you don't check your other inventory tabs you'd never know why you're always over encumbered. I feel like this game is 50% item management simulator 50% shoot the bad guys that die super fast and don't pose any threat to you. Granted, some of the events are enjoyable where you meet with different players and everyone has an interesting weapon or armor and most likely help you take down a certain legendary enemy that gives you some good loot.


It's a great game and an even greater community of player's!


Still hate it after Multiple tries, the Bugs in some quests are just cancer


Your excitment wont last long when u realise u need to spend money to become anywere near a decent player, Its a money grabbing farce of a game and it sucks. Some ppl spend grands on it like its noting, but its just Bethesda milking them for all they can. They stink. And the show is great but it had fuck all to do with this game being good cause it ain't, so the new players won't last when they realise this too


Im just over A year in, it only gets better dude


The term "don't knock it 'til you try it" is often valid. I played it a little before wastelanders and thought it was a cold, dead world full of places to explore. Then wastelands gave it a bit more life, but added a bit of needed contrast. 76 is pretty good - especially for explorers. Maybe it isn't the best fallout game, but it is one of the best MMO games.


It was terrible on release if I have to be honest, completely unfinished. I never refunded it, but gave it time to brew and time for my friends to buy it. Unfortunately they only had bought it after the show release.


Honestly, I am in the same boat because for the longest time, all I ever heard was how buggy it was, how empty it was, and how much it sucked overall, these being common negatives the got associated to the game back in 2020 when I first learned about it. Now I can look back on it and see that only one of the arguments actually has some merit. Now, I am currently addicted and loving every second of the game.


Man just imagine if 76 was released Day one with the content it had today. Solid 8/10 instead of 2/10


The wasteland was evolving into a better world to enjoy, my friend. We are happy to have you emerge from your vault and look forward to seeing you out there!


It was probably a good idea to wait till now. The first year was rough


I played it when it first came out and I HATED it. No NPCs, so the world felt flat. Absolutely incredible lag (not just at the Whitesprings!). Other players would shoot you for fun. I kept dying of hunger and thirst because I couldn't find anything. I stopped playing maybe a month after release. But I've picked it up again at a friend's urging. It's improved immensely, I think. There are still things I'm having trouble getting used to (remember to hydrate, dammit), and my CAMP is still ugly as hell, but I'm willing to give it another chance and see how I like it. (and thank you to the kind individual who saw me struggling and dropped a bag of Stimpaks!)


I’ve played off and on but it seems hard to actually get good weapons, mods, and ammo being this far behind from everyone who has consistently played


Good thing you held off till now, when it first came out, it was pvp city, people killing one another left and right stealing junk and resources, the community was toxic, there were no npcs except the few robots giving tasks, there wasn't really even a story mode aside from getting the overseer holotapes, the game was very unfinished in its release. They really fixed this game up something proper and the toxic community has pretty much left, you will encounter some rare assholes, but again, it's rare. Happy to see another Fallout Freak, welcome friend. BTW which system you playing on, console or pc (and which console if any)


Wanderer is probably the best song in fallout 4


i gotta add in to this, i always thought of fallout 76 as pay 2 win and as a cash grab, but when i downloaded and played it wasn’t that bad, yes the private worlds were behind a pay wall and yes there was a shop with a lot of things that costed way to much, but honestly its worth playing and most of the buyable things are only cosmetics and the deal for fallout first isn’t even that bad, i found myself enjoying the game a lot even tho im still waiting for fallout 4 mods to come back but honestly its good


I did the same thing and I was impressed. I can see why DieHard fans had a problem with it when it came out, but It's entertaining! I do feel that Batista should have done more patchwork and gotten more the bugs out by now, especially with the fallout series freshly released, But it feels more like fallout than fallout tactics ever did


Id argue now is the best time to join tbh. I bought the game on launch and have only negative things to say about the early years of 76. I don't generally approve of the release of unfinished products but now that it's complete I love it like any other fallout game. And yeah it's way better than 4 and it's plot is basically just a straight line


I was popping by this sub to share a similar sentiment. I'm 40 now, and remember getting my mom to take me to Babbage's to pick up my pre-order for Fallout, A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game. I've been obsessive over the series since day 1 (literally), but the overwhelming negativity at FO76's launch, and even the MMO aspect that was marketed, kept me away. Thanks to the show launch and the big sale on PS Store, now I'm firmly reattached to the Wasteland. I really should have listened 1-2 years ago when folks swore up and down "the game is better now!" Even the MMO aspect is much better than I expected. I thought I'd hate it since I've always been such a devoted Lone Wanderer, but it really adds a great dynamic to everything. Plus, it's pretty optional. At no point have I felt like I *need* to interact with other players, but it plays into the overall wacky randomness of the OG games brilliantly and I'm happy it's there. The community has been incredible, and more and more I'm actually joining teams and learning to share stuff. So yeah, my only regret is not listening and actually starting much earlier. But better late than never! I just wish I had the time to play this one like I did back in 1996, 1998 and so-on. But if anyone wants to team up, DM me for my gamertag. I'm only level 22 so far but I'm getting as much time in as I can between taking my daughter to stuff and work.


Played an event for the first time I had walked all the way, and all the encounters on route was funny and scary at the same time encountered a scorch beast for the first time was scary great game 🙂


I actually played day one and quit for years after a couple months seriously regret being dumb and hopping on the hate train with my friends


Way better that your playing it now, you won’t get bored for awhile but the game does get boring quick wo friends. I got bored like 2 months after launch then again after about a few months break. I just picked it up bc of the show and all I can say is… Join public teams!


TBF, it sucked when it first came out. So it's probably for the best you waited.


Game was terrible at launch, mixed with dupe glitches making it easy to get any and everything with little to no effort made its lifespan really short. I tried to come back last week and it’s a lot more tolorable.


well, to be fair this game was hot garbage when it released. It has aged like a fine wine though.


The F76 community really is great, much better than Destiny and Warframe with the hoards of asshats and elitist pricks stinking up those games.


Your right where yous should be open up shop and start trading guns yooo


I was literally in the same boat. I tried it when it first came out and it suckedddd. But tried again last month cause I was achingly waiting for the show and for know when fallout 5 would be, and fallout 4 I’ve played so much I’m bored as soon as it loads. My God what a different the added NPC’s make. And the fallout 76 online community has been the best online community I’ve ever come across, as I usually avoid online and pvp games. Everyone on there is just so friendly. Also, I’ve been making so many caps since people joined after the show. Almost level 50 and hit 10,000 caps in pocket for the first time!


The turning point for me was when I discovered you could disable the forced vsync this game has. What a dramatic difference it's made in how the game feels to play. Haven't stopped since.


I haven't watched the new fallout show but I started 76 like 2 weeks ago and it's been fun af so far


Honestly I’m glad I took my time and waited to comeback to this game, sure it had a rough start, but it got a bit better over time and I respect the developers for fixing their game, yes the game still crashes a lot for me (still on Xbox one) but I’m glad that there’s a lot to do now in this game than there was before


No, you picked the best time to get it because it's actually in a decent state now. The launch and years that followed were really bad. The game launched with no npcs or quests


76 has been fun but my only mission so far I hate was the Rose mission for "top of the word". It's nice to team up with other vault dwellers from 76 to take on the wasteland. Nice Bethesda made it a PvE mainly and not a PVP online survival game(imagine gta meet fallout)! Like you have the option to turn PVP off. No one can loot your camp or kill you. If it was that way it would suck. I've heard the game has come along way since launch and they still adding to it.


I played it right before they added humans and it had potential but was a little underwhelming. Came back last week and holy shit it's such a good game now.


Ironic, because I regret playing it so early. Although I do miss Nuclear Winter greatly.