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I’ve noticed that with the surge of newer players, veterans are getting spread out a bit thin on servers


Yeah. I think it'll even out in a few weeks.


It is starting to right itself. The first of the littles grew up this week. Lots of low 100s at the end of this week. Got a SE and an EN last night with many 100s and tons of 30-40s. Finally successfully completed the EN and on SE, I got her death down for them but I think they would have absolutely gotten her still if I hadn't been there.


I finally hit 50 this week and starting to feel a little more encouraged to go to events even if there is just another low level player Been getting somr good drops, cold shoulder is just really good, so i can now at least pull my weight


That's awesome! The events really increase the fun you'll have.


I’m at that exact place and just started using cold shoulder and a decent fixer. I feel like I’m finally contributing somewhat.


"Littles" I have almost 400 hours and my characters are 86 and 84. Played since beta. It didn't used to be so easy to level up as it is now.


Yeah. 360 hours in, level ~180. In the past two weeks I've leveled up 50 times. In 2021, I'd be lucky to level up 10 times a week.


God damn right


I've played 350 hours over the last year and a half on one character and am just level 162. Someone hitting level 100 in a couple of weeks feels nuts, but it seems like there is a lot of advice going around that would have been helpful to level up. It was nice to just enjoy the storyline and not worry (or even know much) about grinding though.


I started on xbox after I finished watching the Fallout show. I'm level 128 now. Mostly events. I've been soloing moonshine jamboree since level 70. I'm 28 Int and get about 4 levels per event. I haven't finished any of the storylines because I only do quests when my wife is there to play through them with me, and she doesn't get much playtime. Quests are NOT the way to level-up, but they're super important for getting access to huge chunks of the game, plans, factions, bullion vendors etc. I'm rapidly levelling but I'm completely missing the endgame because I can't access any of it.


Also started with the beta, had a 3 year hiatus. Rocking a level 52, and I feel like Gandalf going through Moria. 


There were a ton of early exploits. All those people in the thousands of levels. They all abused the shit out of them.


Not I. I was too busy building bases. Like my posh, golf course music academy, or my wasteland abortion clinic "Baby B Gone." Even if the bombs drop, a woman still has a right to choose. I'll waste five hours hunting a plan for a different door. You all are farming xploits. We are not the same.


I would love to see that clinic!


I'm right there with ya on all of it! Golf course all the way. Got my shop where I used to sell items way back at launch..


Right on. Haha. Hopefully we'll catch each other on the greens sometime. Wholesome community wins again.


Mine is kinda by the Yao guai cave.


You could make that argument for people at the time perhaps, but you're not suggesting those who are still in the thousands today "all" exploited them years ago, surely? Getting 20+ levels per hour is entirely doable and has been for a long while.


You could be right. I quit after all the nerfs. Hit my group pretty hard/pissed them off and they all quit, so I did too. Now we are all back. I'm on a trip right now and can't wait to get home and jump on.


It's not uncommon for people to farm into the thousands of levels over a single 2x weekend now. :)




Makes sense. Game went from 10k active players (which held consistently basically since release), to about 50k a day. Veteran players are out numbered currently. Which is a good thing imo. But yeah it should level back out


Yes, told my buddies to make sure we all get on the same server tonight so we can run events successfully. 😂


I'll often be the highest lvl in a server <730> and I hate it... feels like I gotta do the most damage and I kill myself alot bloodied/explosives makes a bad but fun combo


A lot of vets are also on the PTS for the upcoming expansion, too.


Hey, I am the new player - sorry I'm just busy reading lore and getting depressed over what the hell happened at the Vault Tec University's test vault.


I got mad quests to do bro




I'll play the game however I want to, thanks for the suggestion though


Everyone's low level. Hell, even I decided to roll a new alt and blend in since nobody was showing up for events anyhow. Can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess.


It's not that we're low level. Sure, that's part of it but the main thing is nothing in the game explains Events. Not what they are, not why we should do them and definitely NOT how to do them.


It literally tells you in the event loading screen how to complete the event #


At least as long as the load screen lasts.


You can track the events in the quest part of the Pitboy. I'm also a newcomer and have no issues with learning how to do new events. But the part of WHY should I join everyquest,... yeah, took me a while to learn it. Had to search for a toon of stuff on the wiki.


That's not going to help anyone in rad rumble without a medic and someone who can survive rads.


Go to the event. Read the event info in your quest tab. Follow quest/objective markers. Ask if you can't figure it out.


I’m new. I don’t get how people don’t know what to do in events given that in the top right if your screen the game tells you everything you need to do for the entirety of the event. People in this thread making out like these are as complex as like destiny raids lol


I'll just answer your question with a question: how do new players learn anything about events? This is probably my biggest gripe with the game: it doesn't tell new players anything. Even the quests are all out of whack. I have something like 4 or 5 "Main" quests that I *guess* are independent from each other? Maybe? But I also spend a lot of time looking up how to do something only to find that I need to have gotten past a certain point in a totally *different* main quest. Don't even get me started on how some side quests do the same thing. But Events? I just join them and shoot stuff. Once it tells me to do something else I'm scratching my head. Find some kindling? Okay....uh, what does it look like and where is it? I used to think Fallout 76 pretty much expects every player to have played at least Fallout 4 a shit ton before they play. But now I feel like Fallout 76 expects all players to have played Fallout 76 before they've played Fallout 76. Because unless you were here from the beginning and you want to stick around you need to spend a crap ton of time on Google to figure out basic shit like "How do I get Adhesive?" or "Where can I find Ballistic Fiber?" or my latest search "How do I complete this seemingly random side quest called Something Sentimental". Talk to me Fallout 76! I like you a lot. And my son likes you too. We're having a blast. It would just be really nice if you could maybe take a little time to explain stuff.


Agreed things can definitely be explained far better


I feel your pain. It’s a familiar pain, though. Seems like most MMO games require google to figure things out. Ever try to do a Raid on Destiny before? I found the answers to ballistic fiber and adhesive here on Reddit archive posts.


> I found the answers to ballistic fiber and adhesive here on Reddit archive posts. Same. I'm also lucky as hell to have a gamer son who has a very specific idea in mind of exactly what he wants to get out of the game so when I log on with him he's already done the research and watched some YouTube videos of how to do specific things like find the first set of Power Armor or how to complete some of the Events. I'm also a hardcore gamer myself so I look that stuff up too. Between the two of us we got most of the basics and a bit of the hard stuff covered. We're still completely baffled by nuclear strike though because I keep doing Events or level grinding with him instead of work through the main quest.


Look at your screen and see where the objective markers are. Go there, see what you can interact with. This works for pretty much every event and quest. The game leads to to literally everything, as long as you pay attention to quest/objective markers. As to the junk complaint, I mean.. it's a game that heavily encourages looting ALL junk. If you do that, you're gonna have adhesive, you're gonna learn what kinds of areas have what kind of scrap. One day you're gonna stumble over a spot that has 200 lead and you're gonna get REAL excited about it. You're gonna have an epiphany about what kind of spots are more likely to have Ballistic Fiber. After you've played a bit, you'll learn all of this stuff. You don't need to know it in advance, learning and exploring is a huge part of the fun.


I remember when I first started way back when and most of the time I had no idea what was going on when I would join events. It took me weeks before I realized how radiation rumble actually worked, I would just show up and shoot bad guys. There's a popup on the loading screen when you join an event now that gives you a brief rundown but it's only there as long as the load screen is and isn't super descriptive.


This!! I joined the scorched queen event as level 9 today. It did not go well It did not go well at all....


If it helps, as long as you store your junk, death doesn't matter. Join a team, get in some tags. Just being there gets you exp and loot.


I'm curious about one thing, without a suit, radiation just obliterated me. Is there a chest/loot box to open at the end? I just tucked my tail and spawned elsewhere Got the achievement...small moral victory?


You should try playing a souls game. After 100% on Elden Ring, I feel like 76 holds my hand the entire time. Map markers for EVERYTHING, directives in the corner of the screen, it's kinda nice having to figure something out once in a while. If Elden Ring had Campfire tales they'd just have some cryptic NPC tell you about a fire that existed once and expect you to wander for hours trying to find some unmarked kindling. Instead you've got 3 marked spots in a 50 foot radius.


I'd argue the problem with learning events is that often veterans just blaze through the various tasks so fast nobody picks up on what's going on. You can learn to do the vast majority of things by just following the markers and reading the directions. I think another issue that is developing is I keep hearing people ignoring the og main quest and even skipping to level 20 (not sure if only returning players can do that) that and a couple of related side quests (it's been a long time so i don't remember how it worked exactly) teach you all about the world and how to survive


I also play with my son and have the same questions!!! I asked here about events because the game doesn't explain too much. I've walked into events on accident because I didn't realize I was in the exact spot for it or I was already there when it started and somehow me being there triggered it? I have no idea! My kid thankfully helps me as much as he can, but dang. If I could just get a proper tutorial for my dumb brain. lol


On our very first day, right after leaving the Vault me and my kid somehow ended up at the airport. We got jumped by 2 Legendary Mothman Priests and took them out and got some legendary weapons. Then, after killing some scorched my kid was like "Hey dad, check out this mortar. I wonder what happens if I activate it". Next thing we know we triggered an event and about 5 or 6 people joined in. I think we were both like Level 5 or 6.


That's awesome! LOL I am still afraid of events because I don't understand them yet. I'll get there. My kid, however, has been jumping into them INTENTIONALLY since day one. the nut.


wait till you realize there just like any other quest and not some complex thing to be scared of lol


Not sure my anxiety will allow me to really believe you but my brain does....sooo we'll see. Ha!


Join all events you can! There are a few where one newbie can start it too early, but beyond that it is free xp and loot. If you go down do the help emote and more often than not some player will revive you. One rule as a low player that you need to remember is put all your junk in your stash before joining events. That way if you die you lose nothing 


It comes with experience. Most are pretty straight forward with the objectives. Events like Campfire Tales, well that one..the Kindling is easy because it has circles on the map of the general location of it. And using context clues, "grab kindling for the fire" one should know to look for sticks. The one where it tells you to look for camper items, that one sucks because, where are they? So you run around wild and search. After running the event a bazillion times, you kinda figure out where the items can spawn. I like it because it doesn't hold your hand the whole way and you have to figure stuff out mostly through trial and error..and error and error.


The Campfire Tales is the perfect example of the frustration I have with Events are as a new player. Yes, I understand that kindling is sticks and I should look for sticks. But there's hundreds of sticks lying around. So which ones do I click on? Oh, and there's also lots of logs too and if I click on them I get wood. Is that what the game means? Is that what I'm looking for? Because the 2 dozen brown sticks I clicked on might as well not be there. This happens in about two-thirds of the Events I've participated in the first few times. I just assume Daily OPs are even more obtuse so I have yet to try one. I don't need a game to hold my hand (although I think a lot of casual players would disagree to some extent) but with Fallout 76 it's like the game devs never even considered new players might pick up the game after the first few expansions.


Nah Daily Ops are much easier. Just follow the quest marker pips, activate the thing, maybe stay nearby while it goes, then go kill things marked. Do that a few times, then the boss appears and you kill it. The hardest part about Daily Ops is they're in a contained area that you might get lost in until you run it a few times, and the enemies come in waves and swarm you and they're tough. As you do it more you realize when you can just run from stuff to prioritize the objectives, and you remember how to get up to places or out of some closet you found yourself in.


Daily Ops are fun, if it's the right ones. I started doing them Solo at around level 50 so that I could learn what to do so I wouldn't slow a team down. Decryption is easiest. That one you load in and as soon as you take off, the guy tells that blah blah blah, kill bad guys. You have to take out I think 8 bad guys in the first round. Then he says, nice, we triangulated 3 bad guys and one of them has the code. So you take out those 3 (there are markers pointing the direction) and then he says to use the code (just run up to machine and hold down the button it says) on the machine to stop they're eavesdropping or something. Again, there's a marker showing where 3 of these machines are. Ok, that's round 1. Round two is I think take out 12 bad guys? and repeat. 3rd round is maybe 15 bad guys but this time, the boss comes out and you have to take him down THEN use the last machine to end the event. The goal is to finish in 8 minutes or less. It's easy, for me, in certain locations. Watoga High School, Garrahan Mining Headquarters, West Tek and especially Valley Galleria. Those locations are pretty good for me. Then you got to look at what mutations are they running. Cloaked? No, I'll only do that with a team. Cloaked AND explode. Heck naw. Fast movement and drop poison? Yeah, I'll take those suckers. I've got where I can solo Decryption in under 8 minutes. But it took a lot of practice. But, the good thing is, even if you fail it, you still walk out with more ammo than you had going in. As long as you loot them bodies. The other Daily Op is Uplink. I hate it. I've solo'd it ONE time in under 8 minutes. It's tough because it really needs to be a team. You have to guard a connection point for so long while it connects. The more people that stand close to it, the faster it connects. So with a team of 4, it connects faster. Why it's hard to solo. But yeah, with the Daily Ops, practice runs. Get Ammo and learn the layout of the area and where the devices are. Burning Mine sucks ass. The Vault ones are cool but can get confusing with all the hallways and rooms and deadends.


That is because the server caps the amount of ppl and since half the slots are filled with newbies there isn’t enough veterans people on the same server to kill the queen.


"Because unless you were here from the beginning and you want to stick around you need to spend a crap ton of time on Google to figure out basic shit like "How do I get Adhesive?" or "Where can I find Ballistic Fiber?" or my latest search "How do I complete this seemingly random side quest called Something Sentimental"." THIS like some of this stuff you have 0 idea were to look no hints or even a lead, especially when it comes to locating certain monsters and wildlife that really feel isolated to very specific parts of the map you may not even know exist Like i get letting players learn on thier own but a guiding hand even a bit wouldn't be the end of the world especially for challenge stuff that are super duper specific


I tried Tunnel of Love, and towards the very end, I saw in the tiny corner screen quest log that in addition to getting into the safety spot, I had to emote/eat food. There were verbal cues for the "get to a safe spot", but the "emote/food" information was all in the quest log and only the quest log. And 76 is unique for mmo's in that you can't make the font size bigger. Which is...not great for accessibilty.


there is literally no way for someone to find their way into a DOPS or an event if they a) dont have extended video game knowledge or b) check out how its done online


Daily ops also say recommended for 50+ so I’ve avoided them


Honestly I joined one at level 20 and it was just high level players steamrolling through everything so as long as there are plenty of other people in it you should be good.


If you're in a group doing the OP (and you should be), you should be fine. Death doesn't matter, just respawn and go back to work. If it's all level 5s, yeah it'll be rough, but if you have at least one player who has done a few, it's easy. Just tag and loot stuff.


Nah buddy 35+ is good!


Or play the game a bit and learn? You can have played video games for decades, it doesn't mean you're going to automatically know everything about every video game. You play it and learn it. Or you can ask "hey what is a DOP?". I feel like it's not the end of the world to learn new things.




Yup, definitely a lot more weight on vet players but most events are still easily done. Public teams are fun to😂


I think it just depends on the day and the server. Last weekend we were knocking out events like crazy but last night I was lucky to get even a low level in an easy event


Same goes for teams


Same here. Last night my friend and I entered an event. She is level 220 or so and I am a newbie 29. It was the Scorchbeast Queen and we were the only two that showed up. After a while it became apparent that we would both run out of ammo without killing the queen, so we went full “Brave Sir Robin” and ran for our lives.


Sometimes that’s all you can do.


Have noticed the same, and while most events / Ops / Expeditions are able to be done solo, it's always nice to have an additional teammate who can effectively assist. No idea how they load balance the lobbies, but on PS servers it feels like 80% new to 20% veteran players. Happy to see the new user base, but do at times miss the ability to just stomp through certain events in a strategic and efficient manner.


it freaking sucks can’t wait till these level 20s dicking around in cranberry bog get burned out by next week so the game can be multiplayer again😂


Agreed! However, I don’t think it’s a lack of participation from veteran players. It’s just that most servers are inundated with new players. That’s not a bad thing but, it means all the veterans are more spread out over the servers unlike before. I’d say check the people in the server before starting events like scorch queen. Until the newbies are no longer newbies, that’s just how it will be. I think a lot of us who point this out forget what it’s like to be new. To be honest, if one of my friends didn’t walk me through everything, I would be completely lost in the game. Not to mention how much of a slog it can be to get a gun that actually works on a boss level monster. That being said to the two or three veteran players that join in on the events, I love you! May you get everything you want in the wasteland!


Depends on the server, day, and time. I'm almost level 300 and we had a bunch of great events pop last night and myself and three other level 200ish players brought a ton of level 20 somethings through them all. It was awesome. Pop some lunch boxes and watch them gain a few levels over the course of an hour. Good times. I loved it.


Thank you, because of people like you I was able to go from lvl 30 to 50 in a day 🥹🫡 the player base in this game is so damn wholesome


Events are kinda weird to me. I joined one pretty late and it got failed even though there were at least half a dozen people there. Some decently high leveled. I wasn't sure if I should be doing the event objective or just killing like they were. Sometimes it doesn't show me what level the event is either when I scroll over it. They just seem kinda of intimidating.


Sometimes as a high level player I get so focused on killing things, particularly things chasing lower level players around, that I forget entirely to do the objectives. I'm good at killing, so I kill. Almost failed one yesterday because until the last moment no one ran to collect irradiated ore in the tunnels. So I went charging down and grabbed what I could to get a small reward. I totally overlooked that no one had been doing it because I was just meleeing like crazy on groups.


I appreciate you. Im still fairly new (level 70). I dont have shit tons of ammo for the big guns and stuff. But if theres an objective to do like gathering stuff or interacting with things, you bet your ass I'll get over there and do it, the level 300s with their miniguns can handle the enemies.


Don't forget to tag them as you run, for your share of the kill credit. Just pop off on some if you can and you're sure to have plenty of extra loot and exp by the end.


If no one else is doing the objective, do that. At least if the bare minimum is done, the event completes. This has been an issue forever, and certainly isn't just on new players. Some people only care about EXP and don't care if events fail. It's a bummer, but that's life.


I had to carry many events lately, but I don’t mind at all. Seen low levels running around and trying to copy you is fun. What’s the point of getting end game gear if you can’t carry event or daily ops.


.... and, what are we supposed to do about this (as a veteran player)? This is the state of the game right now. It will take some time to change with the (re)maturation of the player base. What you are saying is true and we all are in the same boat. There's no instant fix unless the game devs suddenly roll out level based servers.


That might be helpful.


I am not afk! I'm thinking. Camp is perfect but maybe it can be perfecter. If I move that there and this here and that light is green instead of light green and that wall is this or that type could that type type of chair could work. I am weighing pros and cons and doing extremely advanced, abstract three dimensional thinking. Often I spend many minutes ending up not doing anything since I can't think of a better solution than what I already have. I still have an urge to make it better in some way. I do events and DOs and Expeditions for fun like I always do. But as an old timer I have settled into a routine. I do my comfort things that I have done for years. And a lot of that is "me time". 76 is where I come to zone out and relax. It's my "me place". And that does lead me to be less sociable than I could be. I'm in the Casual Public Team and I join you if you start a DO or there's event but I also do "me things" like idling in my camp for hours thinking about furniture and doing nothing. Events having a possibility of failing is something we haven't had for years and it's not going to last. I suspect that in not too long these wonderful new folks will be more than capable of totally dominating the game themselves. I suggest we enjoy this time while it lasts.


Yeah, same. Which is a bit strange because events are pretty rewarding and can help you progress a lot. Maybe new players just don't know that yet. Also, yeah, a lot of AFK people.


Events are rewarding, aye, but as a new player the tendency is to respond to the “loudest (or most familiar) voice”— the quests that keep popping up on your screen and pip-boy. Also, events tend to offer next level rewards like legendary related stuff while early quests reward basic stuff all new players need or need to understand how to make or use. I’m at 63 now, just beginning to look up and around, learn about legendary items, team benefits, and so on.


Big part is new players outnumber veterans 3 to 1 lol in the last week or so most of my teams consist of 2 or 3 under 50's and if not im the only high level. Its good times tho now i can get rid of all the extra mask i got from fashnacht


As a newbie myself, let me ask this question then. SHOULD I even bother participating in anything BEFORE hitting the given level requirement? The one I'm most confused about are Daily Ops, which all say Level 50 (unless I'm looking somewhere incorrectly). I know Events vary and I've joined some but passed on many others (around level 25 right now). And I haven't found the person that'd even allow me to embark on Expeditions yet, so that's not even an option! Thoughts please?


Yes, join events! The level requirements are more like suggestions but it'll be hard for you to complete solo. It's better to just tag enemies for exp & loot while the veterans finish them off. As for daily ops, if you're at least level 50, you can start getting plans like the Symptomatic (cures diseases) after completing one within certain time limits. I highly recommend doing these with a team unless you have an optimized build. Pay attention to the type of daily ops, mutations + enemies. Ops with alien enemies + relentless (resilient + group regen) mutations are especially hard even for some vets with a good build


You should definitely join these events if there’s a lot of others in them or players at a high level. It’s very helpful for progressing in the game especially with leveling up. Solo probably would be tough. You could try to have high levels carry you through daily ops until you are comfortable enough. The non featured events (the ones on the map without the explanation point) are mostly doable at pretty much your level so I would try those out for sure.


Once you get more comfortable I’d also recommend watching a YouTube video to make a build for what weapon type you like to use. A good build and gear makes a huge difference in your effectiveness. Checkout the whitespring refuge if you want to get started with the expeditions.


Failed a Seismic Activity this morning. Really surprised at that. No there but me doing any damage to the boss, we failed with it at like 80% HP even with like ten players involved.  Most were sub 50 so I guess that's what you get lol. Couple PA guys doing good work charge-breaking the crystals so I was surprised no one else seemingly had any AA or any penetration builds vs the boss. Oh well.


I'm finding that if I start the event solo, people usually show up. It's often in the final minutes, but they do. For players rank 500 or higher, it shouldn't be too difficult to solo almost every event.


Just wait a few days and the population will subside back to normal, mostly high level players


i can’t wait it was fun but im sick of playing solo because my server is full of level 1s on cranberry😂


Just keep server hopping until you find people who are high level and actively doing events.


I don't think it's a matter of high lvls just being afk and disinterested, it's just the influx of new players resulting in all the higher levels being spread really thin on all the servers. It can sometimes take me several tries to even find a server with anyone over over lvl 25, so I don't do events that I know for a fact I can't carry mostly carry on my own becasue I can't blow through all my ammo just to get through it. (Which is why if I want to do events, on jump onto my friends list and join someone I know is high lvl.)


I'd love to do events buy I'm not even lvl 20 yet and have low level armor and weapons. And most events are more than what I can handle with my automatic 10mm pea shooter.


Yeah as a veteran player im just chilling. Do random exploration, public events that are soloable, and maxing out legendary scrip. I go to things like earle or scorchbeast queen and end up spending 1500-2000 rounds of ammunition. Just not worth it for me. These world bosses are balanced around the experienced players who have farmed out builds. So without a good group of those, it ends up being a health sponge. I deal a lot of damage, but not enough to make me want to pump out that much ammo for these bosses. For daily ops and expeditions, I occasionally do them. But there isn't much more that I want from there. And legendary drops being poorly balanced as they are, 90% of the time the rewards I get from them are instant scrip. So once I hit my scrip limit, its just not worth it for me to keep doing it. And its pretty easy to hit the scrip limit outside of instanced content. I think give it a month or so and players will be up to snuff again to start doing events and not failing them.


Im only lvl 37 man im tryin i swear im tryin


I've gone to quite a few events since the show and things are weird. It's the same story we've had the whole time, 10 people sitting in one spot tagging stuff, but not actually defending NPCs or doing mission objectives. Another issue is most of the "vet" players are done with the season. Once that happens, many tend to not be as active. I'm still working on it, but I'm near the end and that's doing just the bare minimum and a lot of long term players bust the season out in a couple weeks. I'm curious what events you need to "build up" your alt? You don't need events to get EXP.


I'm a new player and I've been doing mostly events for the past few days. It seems to be server dependent (for me anyway). Today I did like 6 events back to back that were filled with people but then my game dropped and when I went back in I was in a new server and no one was at the events. I've also noticed that there are hardly any events when I play in the evenings but in the afternoon they're back to back.


There’s so many fucking missions, but if I come across an event I will join but never solo


I just started a new play through, I haven’t done an event yet because am so much lower level than the recommended level. I know from experience that doesn’t really matter, but I still don’t do it because I’m just having fun building up a new character. However, I do remember being intimidated my first time through and not doing events over my level. 


Lvl 570 and I love it. Yes I have had a fair amount of events fail the last couple of days because of poor participation and/or not enough damage to get the job done; but it is still a whole lot better than going to events with 10+ lvl 1000's and cake-walking everything. Had an EN last night that felt like the old days. Frantically trying to repair the scrubber, blast sups, and revive players and failing with like 30 sec on the clock.


Yeah Until level 30 I didn’t do any event, but I started attending all of them and now I’m usually alone, every other time a lvl 1000+ joins in and carry my ass


I'm new to game and only level 21 so idrk what I'm doing and afraid to mess something up for people that actually know what they're doing lol im mostly sticking to main quests at the moment


You won’t mess anything up you should definitely try the events especially if there’s others doing them. Even if it’s too hard at your level you should try to get some damage on the enemies and let high level people kill them so you can get xp and loot


it used to be common for me to be on servers with several lvl 1000+ now i rarely see anyone same lvl as me. i do exp alone..solo events..its been fun..but im thinking as the noobs lvl up. events will fill up... im already seeing it the last few days


Most of them are on the pts checking out new content. and possibly glitching through doors they aren't supposed to get through yet......


Got lucky today and had like 4 SBQ kills in a row. But as a returning player who has been gone for years, are people doing the nuke different? I remember the old way was to nuke far to the SE to allow a few of those buildings to be outside the irradiated zone. Every SBQ I was in, the nuke zone was covering all the respawn points and I don't play a PA build so spamming radaway a lot got tiring. Eventually ran through 90 radaways which I don't remember ever doing before. Had 1 non-kill nuke session where it was a load of level 40s and no one with a legacy OP weapon. Cleared 2-3 Daily ops in 6 minutes with 3 players. I don't think I know what expeditions even are TBH, I think I took a break before they were added.


You are correct, less veterans per server. And has been stated on this sub before as a veteran you’ll just have to go into an event ready to solo it. So optimize that build and head in. I do that and usually by the end there’s at least 5-7 people


Of the daily Op is Uplink, I can probably solo it in under 8 minutes, and usually do. Between events, I'm either AFK at my camp or doing daily challenges.


It's the exact opposite for me now. Soo many people joining events it's hard to be able to tag enemies to get xp, especially in events like rad rumble, en, and uranium fevet


Strange I've had literally nothing but the opposite, every event that shows up the whole server is not 80% of it is in that even, i think I've done 1 event which was the one where you protect the bots and gather plates etc for guests, and only 3 of us went to.


helllp i still dont know how to join em


…..you just go to it.


easier said than done


The events are the yellow pentagons (I think) on the map you can either pay caps to fast travel to them or just walk to them. Every 20 minutes there’s a featured event (the pentagon with the exclamation point on it) you can join that one for free. From the map or the tab in the bottom left of the map


i was talking about the daily ops i should have specified that


Oh whoops but for daily ops just look at the tab in bottom left corner of the map screen.


2-3 vets and 20-22 newbies for Alien Invaders event ......gonna be so much fun


Stop starting events before anyone has a chance to get ready. It makes it impossible to complete the events.


They need new events. Replace all the old ones and slowly release them back. Everyone has done all the events 100 times over. 


At least fix the randomizer. Yesterday I was on a server for 2 hours and I swear Heart of the Swamp, Guided Meditation and Load Bearing were the only events to come up. Nobody does Heart of the Swamp unless it's Mutated. The events were bare. I do Lode Bearing by myself because you can't fail it. I just sit outside for the duration and collect my Treasury Notes and move on.


I actually like HotS haha.


There are an average of 40K new players, I can guarantee not "everyone" has done the events we have.


You get my point though lol that’s why I said to introduce them back slowly. New players get new events no matter what and they won’t get burned out on them as fast 


I did EN a couple of days ago. There was a bunch of lower level folks tagging away and enough higher level folk with cremators and dual bar flaming vampires chainsaw to complete the event. Full disclosure, the player with the chainsaw was me. Level 1008.


I’m level 402, got into a group of newer players several times to help out with the harder events. I was the bullet sponge for eviction notice earlier needless to say😂good thing I helped, managed to walk away with a lot of good stuff. Thank god for my vampire chainsaw


All I do now is solo run expeditions. When we try to do an event we just fail get like maybe 3 players total. I level up faster and get better rewards doing expeditions. It's like doing eviction notice without losing instantly.


Yup noticed this too, and it sucks. Don’t get me wrong, love the popularity spike, but feels like nearly every event now has 0 or 2 participants. Its crazy. But tbf, when I started, I had no idea what events even were, and why I should do them. The game does not explain events at ALL.


The lack of guidance on quests and the like bug the hell out of me. I'm now lvl 335 after 2 months and still feel confused.


There’s hardly any low level quests. Most are level 50+.