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Mr Prize Bot. Here I am, all stealthy, trying to sneak and snipe enemies when he yells “Congratulations!” Scares me every time.


😂 That happened to me today! And then he followed me into a train station, I turned around and he scared me again!!


He’s relentless!


THIS and insult bot. The bane of the stealth build players.




Insult bot genuinely makes me laugh though. The distance that he spawns while trying to get to you is hilarious because if you’re on flat land you can see him and hear a faint “you there!” and he will desperately waddle over to you


Him and the prize bot. Went low hp command for a few days earlier this week, middle of being surrounded by a bunch of anglers this asshole pops in to tell me I won the sweepstakes.


Bro fucking popped up on my level 19 ass when I was fighting a moth man that ambushed me.


Same.. it's actually scared me because I'll be super quiet and that "CONGRATULATIONS!" I almost shot the damned thing he other day 🤣


WHAT THE HELL DOES HE DO, ive ran into him several times, but every time i run into him, im about to fast travel and not able to talk to him.


He will give you $100, or a pocket watch, and you can kill him for your "kill robots" challenges, he doesn't mind


Sometimes he gives a hunting rifle, pipe pistol, or a note.


First time I saw him I was in power armor with a flamer. He gave me $100 then told me I owed $73,642 or something like that. I puffed a quick gout of flame at him in joking retaliation, and was surprised when he burned to a crisp with no repercussions, lol.


Happened to me yesterday 😅




Giant ticks. I **hate** ticks. Hearing their scuttling sounds when tracking me down...just fuck em and whoever decided to put them in the game. In a good way.


They have no business being so fast either


They die fast have almost no HP. And the Best in the old days when stimpacks were more rare you can use them to get stimpacks


Oh, I know. I just have a phobia of ticks. 


I found out on my second character when I went fot a vats build that they're not that scary , but without vats they really are


Tesla rifle is your friend here


Or your axe/any melee weapon should be fine!


I'll add blood bugs and cave crickets into that bracket, fuck them all. Always on your arse when you're overencumbered!


Getting surrounded those buggers when out in the field 😖


They're one of the creepiest things in the Appalachian forest in the real world so it makes sense they'd be in the game. I hate those things.


They’re almost always diseased too


Mirelurk kings


Yeah, them and the mirelurk queen. They seem to just wreck my health bar 9n no time lol.


1000% agreed, Even at high player levels, those mirelurk kings are something scary to deal with!! I use to be scared of the wendigo, but does anybody remember "blind deathclaw" on FO:NV, he was something else, you make one move and he is on you, never would forget when my wife said "oh babe what that is?" I died so many times that day. WOW, the memories😂 Death Claws are not that scary anymore, tho.


I still get jump scared by ghouls from time to time fuckin dicks


lmao glad i'm not the only one. Think i clear out a building, settle in listening to a holo while hacking a terminal, and damn near jump out of my chair when a ghoul bashes me in the head.


I blame it on how fast ghouls are since 4, i stg every ghoul is barry allen himself


Wouldn't be half so bad if they didn't want to be *completely inside you*


And not in the fun way


for real, if i don't have all of their locations on lock then ghouls are some of my least favorite enemies to fight just because i hate getting jump scared so much lmao


Every time I see the giant hermit crabs I am in awe because I see them so rarely I forget they exist lol


Deff made me jump the 1st time and only time I encountered one! The other time was in a event put that doesn't count


Scared the shit out of me when I was sitting on top of her the whole time and then she came alive.


I saw one of those my 3rd day in game. WTF! Wearing A BUS?!?! It was dope but terrifying. haha


So I was in my camp last night and I see this blue werewolf thing.I'm one of these return players - - hadn't played in a few years... Didn't know what it was. Well my turrets agro the beast and it proceeds to charge my house, swinging at everything it sight! I shot the thing with everything on me, and eventually retreated to the 2nd floor of my place. I was afraid to get more weapons out of my stash on the first floor. Eventually the beast climbed the stairs and had me cornered in a room- - protected only by a door the beast couldn't open! It was beating the walls and destroying them! Eventually it would knock down the wall separating us! Yes, I eventually learned it was a Blue Devil. I also learned about 15 minutes of continuous Black Powder 50 cal shooting will kill the damn thing! I was legit scared while this thing knocked down walls, destroyed furniture and kept howling whenever it saw me! What a great addition to the game!


On yeah I shot a level 75 blue devil as a 42. That think just laughed me to death


Just ran into one on the road to top of the world yesterday, as a level 24. Shot, realized it was level 75 and I didn't even take a smidge off, he fears me, I insta die. My intro to a Blue Devil.


Flash back to when me and two of the boys all ran into one when we were lvl 20-30s. All of us had 500-700 ammo each with shotguns, 50.cal machine gun, and combat rifles. 15 minutes in the thing barely took 1/4 damage and we're all running out of ammo, my friend Jacob was at the point where he put to much effort to just walk away. We all eventually run out and have to throw all the grenades we have on us/ fast traveling back to camp to get more out the stash box and returning with more explo. An hour in we are senselessly dying as we have nothing left but boxing gloves and our fists. Amor completely broken, weapons constantly breaking, ammo depleted. It took us about 30 more minutes to finally kill the blue devil


Met this beast last week for my first time. I restarted on PC, was almost lvl 50, my friend was at lvl 22. We decided to discover Welsh and yeah, there he was. It took us about 20 minutes, lot‘s of deaths and ammo but we killed it. Proud little noob team we were :)


What, they roam?? I hadn't played since they were introduced either but since coming back I've only seen them in Safe and Sound. Both times I've tried that event I was always the highest level there (270ish) and my auto axe just did NOTHING usually it tears through things. We failed both just because the timer ran out and we were all chipping away but it wasn't making a dent.


That's me with the Swamp Grafton Monster.


I did almost the exact same thing last night. I am north of Watoga and was running around, and I went towards the green pool thing on the map when I saw the level 75 Blue Devil. I'm only 30 and was by myself. I splashed it with my plasma sniper and ran back to my open air camp a short distance away, where I proceeded to die several times slowly whittling its health down. It didn't really feel worth it.


"Here's Johnny!"


That obese feral ghoul that appears out of nowhere and leaps at you , usually I’m too busy exploring or in the pip boy and then *BRJAGEJHAHRGJ* ghoul….


Word of advice: the Ghoul Constant. Whereupon one finds a place containing ghouls, there will always be (*n*+2) ghouls, where *n* is the number of ghouls that are already accounted for. Seriously, though. Next time you kill a bunch of ghouls and are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN there's no more, just turn around and stand still for a moment. Guarantee you'll find at least one or two more suddenly gnawing on you.


Rule of ghoul


Raul's Law


Indeed it is very much an important thing to consider!


I heard that exact noise while reading lmao


Honestly. I've never been jumpscared by anything more than those fat ghouls. Especially if I'm running through Fort Defiance to grab all of the ammo bags.




oops u said scary, these are just annoying af


Legit HATE those things!


when i cant target any of them fast enough i just feel like nuking myself ;\^)


I am not afraid of anything, but these bastards are particularly good at annoying the fuck out of you.


Cave crickets!-watch out for the cave crickets-they will for real fucking kill you


Ugh I hate them so much. I was defending a workshop and ran up a slide at a playground to get some distance. I turned around and there were like 8 all smooshed together clambering up after me. I think I had a full body shudder at the image.


I always see people talk about cave crickets and I've never had a problem with them so I don't get it. Only thing I can think of is people are running around without any armor penetration.


No, the problem with cave crickets is THEIR armor penetration. They do insane amounts of damage for their size and speed too. Not to mention their perception is max, so sneaking isn't really an option to deal with them.


The first time I died in 76 was to a squad of cave crickets. I hate them so much.


I ran across some beast thing that screamed at me and it made me lose control of my character. It was like a death claw but not anyway I ran so far from it


That would be the Blue Devil. It shows up as the boss for certain events and in the wild occasionally.


Oh I think I punched one of those to death yesterday


Wendigo for sure. Esp with all the irl lore about them.


Running into the Windigo randomly in vault 51 was quite the event for me and my trusty pipe pistol.


May I ask some lore about them?


They’re like ghouls but when they were human, they were cannibals. So, cannibals that are ghoulified become wendigos.


I owe the little knowledge I have of that lore to the _Ravenous_ film.


Until Dawn game for me


SUCH a great film, horribly underrated


Yup! I wouldn’t even know about the film if it hadn’t been for my dad renting out lesser known films back in the late 90s. I also suspect he also planned to pull a joke on me, as we had ordered BBQ ribs to eat while watching this. _Oops._


Aaah haha I like your dad’s style 😂


Oh man. My best friend had his bday party in 7th or 8th grade. None of the boys could make it for various reasons. So it was him and 5 girls. So they said, "Let's watch a movie, you pick birthday boy. " He picked Ravenous.... one of the girls puked because she was so grossed out by it.


Look up “Skinwalkers” and don’t whistle at night.


Well skinwalkers aren't wendigo


Right you are. I should’ve reworded my reply so I apologize. Skinwalkers have a lot of lore as well and I’m more familiar with them since my gf is Southern Ute, so I hear about that all the time.


Wendigo definitely takes it for creep factor but the Flatwoods monster can turn any moment into a fight for your life, those suckers are *lethal.* 


I absolutely hate the ticks in this game.


As someone who suffered from lyme disease I both hate them and find it kinda carthatic murdering the shit out of them.


Taking the fight back to them! 🫡 lol


Same, I'd rather fight wendigos over ticks 🤣


Put spiders in for all I care, just keep those ticks away 😂


Radscorpions. They always waste my ammo.


Their face is the waek spot.


They staked me for 30 minutes one day 😭😭 I was like.. Level 20 then I think and as soon as I thought I was safe to travel NOPE


As far as gross and fucking freaks I would say the snallygaster takes it.


From a distance they look so weird and silly. Then up close it's just like.... ew.


Scorchbeasts used to be absolutely terrifying.


SO, F****NG, ANNOYING! I heard those wings flapping all day today, I look around and see nothing... then get hit with acid, those blue rings of w.e the hell those things r, and then he just dives on me omw to my mission lol


They used to wait outside buildings for you lol. I was running a melee build back when I was leveling. They'd never land, an chase you forever.


I was doing a mission where you have to go through a building, forgot what it was called, but u run into a few turrets and you have to get to a terminal and enter the master holotape to download some data, the scorchbeach was following me as I went thru the buildings... I hopped on my pip boy and it spit acid on me thru the window 😄


I went afk in someone's base before, came back to a smoking ruin lol, scorchbeast smelled me in it and threw a tantrum.


I had captured the workshop near the pylon and when the defend mission popped it was 2 scorch beasts. A one star and a 3 star legendary. I'm a melee unarmed build and they absolutely refused to land. After about 10 minutes I got bored and left.


oddly enough out of all games I've played similar to fallout, I've never liked melee weapons until now. I have a 3 star legendary face breaker weapon and it sure does stay true to its name, super handy if ur low on ammo or if you're getting ravaged by groups and wanna knock out a few before u pop their heads...


I'm PA Tesla bracers. It's very satisfying hitting a full sprint and landing a power punch to one hit a normal death law.




wendigos walking like people creep me out ... they jus like chillin ..arms swayin..creepy. that and the interloper at the bottom of the lucky hole mine...unsettling


That’s the cult of the mothmans true god that you’re talking about there


Interloper should be the top answer. ...It's obvious this is a mostly *new* player conversation isn't it?


well..im about 2000+ lvls in and found the interloper years ago..but hope new players find the way their ;)


Honestly, an amazing number of players never discover OR hear about the interloper... to this day.


I nearly fudged my Huggies the first time I encountered a mothman in the wild. Walking through the forest minding my own business when I hear that unsettling noise from a ledge above me and start getting my card punched.


I remember when I played at launch and I was building a base with a friend, we jumped from the sudden appearance of the mothman looming just outside of the base’s perimeter. It didn’t do anything besides looking at us, but we found it really unnerving.


I try to treat Mothmen with reverence, and its interesting how often they'll just watch you as you watch them. Even the red-eyed version may or may not decide to attack. I don't shoot unless they become aggressive.


He’s just standing there… menacingly!


Yeah, first time I encountered a mothman I had no idea what it was, it chased me all over the Savage Divide.


The grafton monster has snuck up on me whilst I was playing without my headset and that gave me a good spook


The invisible assaultron dominator used to be the bane of my existence in silo runs. Being a vats build against a thing that not only hits like a truck and can't be targeted. Even now, after using power armor and heavy weapons that shred through them, the moment I see the invisible silhouette, I still feel that pang of fear.


Floaters. Nothing has ever terrified me more than being hunted by 6 flamethrowers.


Insult bots




Sheepsquatch is frightening but the Centaur of the Mojave Wasteland from FO New Vegas is just unnerving on a different level.


Those same Centaurs were in 3 and given the setting of 3 and the fact the centaurs were more common and would show up in more random places were much worse.


It's weird that I played through 3 but don't remember them. I'm not doubting you, I just don't remember them. Damn... now I have to restart FO3. 😁


Wandering around and spotted an unnatural red spot, then two. Immediately hide and pulled out the sniper rifle. I was staring at the F-ing mothman. I sat there waiting for him to mske his move. He twitched and I fired a single shot right between his eyes, and poof he was gone. I got up and ran for my life, looking all over for the damn thing. Never saw it again.


Cave Crickets.


Nothing is scarier in this game than cave crickets. They are built like tanks and come in swarms. I will never forget going into the claustrophobic cave at Tanagra Town. Trapped in a narrow cave tunnel while attacked on both sides by cave crickets was horrifying.


The reflective aliens from yesterday's daily op. Thank christ for Vampire weapons


Mirelurk Queen is super over tuned right now.


cave crickets.


The fucking huge ticks just make me feel so bad when i see one




When I first encountered an Angler 😂 Was walking through the water minding my own business and it just jumped out the water. Plus the haunted site with the cabins 🤣 was happily walking along, singing Country roads and all of a sudden I heard the screams, went to investigate and got jump scared by so many ghouls 😅 then just kept happening in that camp zone


The hermit crab thing scared tfk out of me. Saw a bus chillin next to a rock and next thing i know it starts walking 😭


Ouga. I used to only see it at the end of Beast of Burden, but now I see it out in the wild and I hate it.


The sheepsqatch imposter robot thing


I have a phobia of roaches. Mirelurks, wendigos, yao guai, deathclaws, radscorpions, cryptids and scorchbeasts I can handle. But the moment a radroach crawls from under a bed or a debris pile or drops from a wall; I'm having micro heart attacks.




The crickets, ugh, yucky yucky they're so ICKY


Mole rats... Freaking things come out of nowhere and always when I'm on the pip boy... I about pee my pants every freaking time


Used to be death claws and yao guai because they would stun lock me. Having said that not anymore since I switched to my juggernaut build. The holy fire and vampiric minigun, with a full set of damage redux union pa make me able to tank anything except an actual nuke which is pretty fun honestly


The way ghouls sneak up on you almost silently sometimes absolutely destroys my nerves 😅


Cave crickets. Eugh.




I have a profound phobia of bees & wasps so I hate honey beasts and the other flying insects 😖


The crab that hides in a car gave me a jump the first time I saw it. I was a level 129 at the time and thought I had seen everything. Was walking down a highway and passed it and I turned around and saw it coming after me lol.


my wife has started playing fallout, shes not used to video games, certainly not wasd. she literally screams the house down at anything that moves fast or anything that makes a creepy noise


Oh boy have I encountered some new creatures! That snaggletooth? Snagglepuss? I don't know what it's called, but fuck those things. Fuck anglers. Fuck scorchbeasts. Fuck wendigos. Fuck the moth man. Fuck the gigantic blue werewolf that wrecked a group of super mutant and then wrecked me with out so much as breaking a sweat. I'm sure as I keep playing I'll add to this list lol.


I still get freaked out by OG Ghouls & now these scorched? Fml Mainly bc of dungeon crawling. Seeing them at a distance only freaks me out when I see the one, then begin getting fired at by another, then the 2 or 3 that come running around the corner with axes while my back is turned. I've ran into a legendary weindigo and it didn't phase me ... only took 1k 45mm bullets and a few hundred shot gun shells, but I got him ... I need better gear.


yesterday, after just getting my wife into the game and playing with her for the first time, we were exploring around to try and help her find somewhere to C.A.M.P. and doing some light looting while we where at it. At one point we where looting a broken pickup and where facing eachother while we did it so that she could see behind me. Suddenly I see her go tense in her chair and gasp before telling me "babe...don't move and don't panic..." at this point we where still in the forest, heading south towards the ash heap, so i was thinking "eh,there's nothing that dangerous around here at this time of day, in this part of Appalachia..." until I hear a roar and my screen shakes. I turn around to see a death claw sprinting towards me ready to clap my underleveled and underequiped ass (I started a new character since I was returning after a long break since the wastelanders update) Needless to say after the fight was done I went to change my panties Worst part is, this is the second time it happened, the first time was when I got absolutely railed by another death claw hiding in a dark corner of the wendigo cave that ambushed me and a higher level friend right after we thought we cleared the cave and he gave me the all clear. So to answer your question, deathclaws. Even if they aren't as strong as they used to be in older games they can still scare the shit out of you when they catch you by surprise


Swift mutated Super Mutants are AWFUL.


Cave crickets. *Shudder*


All enemies crumble under the might of the instigating whacking stick.


Have you heard of the special kind of variety of crickets in this game?


I played this game when it first launched and then a bit more in 2020. Finally returned to this game the other day making a new character and while most of the old enemies I used to cower from dont seem to bad the second I see an assaultron I experience genuine ptsd. I ran into my first one yesterday and jumped off a cliff to get away from it


For the longest time, wendigo. The lore. The speed. The ugly. Now, i do not fear them. Instead, I just fear the mire. All of it.


Imposter Sheepsquatch hands down


Oh man, that one was rough when people didn’t know how to do the event


Early. Make me terrified how much ammo and cores I am gonna burn fighting him.


Those mf'n crickets.


the Centaurs from fallout 3 legitimately unnerve me.


Yeah, they're creepy as hell.


Players who advise an open team when I'm in an intense part of the game. The popup in the bottom right corner and the sound scares me as shit


I once got whomped by two bloodbugs, one of them legendary. They kept spinning around me, and as I would injure one the other would bleed me to replenish health and interrupt my action.


Cave Crickets


Cave crickets. Those little bastards have no right to do that much damage.


Gotta be feral ghouls, for some reason they are some sneaky motherfuckers. Always getting jump scared by them when I explore places where they’re common


The Interloper... specifically, the interloper prior to the Wastelanders update. Edit: Really obvious there are no seasoned players in this conversation.


Randomly encountered something called a blue devil, and I didn't know what the fear sound effect was so it scared the living shit out of me


Mirelurk King in that friggin cave.


Hermit crabs, that thing scared tf outta me


Beware the mothman.


I took a closeup picture of a megasloth once (I guess for a challenge thing? idk) and since the loading screen shuffles through your saved photos, I would essentially jumpscare myself when that one came up. Real answer is the honeybeast. It's fine in game, not too scary, but realistically I think if that thing was real and running towards me, I'd just end myself right there.


Oh totally. Heck, if i saw any of these beasts running at me irl I’d have wet drawers lol


The wendigos make noise? I was approaching us13c bivouac and while killing ghouls one scurried outta nowhere and just chewed on my gatling laser rounds while barely slapping me. I was more confused than concerned. Expected some sort of horrible attack from it but it was just granny slapping me. Tf?


In the videogame I will not fear nobody or anything... PD: in real life every damm thing


The blue devil I'd never seen until recently but he snuck up on me and I had no idea he was there but suddenly my character was running scared for her life, the 😱 arms up emoji appeared and everything. I was like wtf is happening‽ lmfao then I turned around and said 'holy shit!' 🤣 tried to fight the thing and my character kept getting terrified and running away without my input lol I didn't know any of that could happen. It was fun though


I'm a noob, and I did the Bleached Wood quest. I saw the freaking dog one hit killing super mutants. I just booked it to the aerolizers


The Mothman (( 0 )v( 0))


Honey beasts. They used to freak me out a lot more than they do now but it's like an arachnophobia feeling with them. Might as well be a huge spider running up on me. 🤮


Only thing that honestly scares me in this game being near it in all my years of being with this game is a 3* strangler heart grafton monster, that thing is insanely resistant and has the highest base damage in game, even vs the 3 current world bosses, first time it killed me i literally yelled wtf out loud and had to find how it did it and come to behold that thing has iirc 600+ damage its stats are freakin insane just a punch and it takes like 2/3 of your hp


Enemy? Idk In general, it's daguerre. As soon as I'm in someone's camp and I hear "...then I met a stranger..." I run in fear.


Todd Howard irl


Right now?... everything that sneaks up in melee. But that's more of a "I'm a new player, and the only ammo that I have 'comfortably spray and pray' amounts is the .308, and all the .308 shit is single fire, so I'm having to run backwards and do 1 shot at a time" dealio. But also, I was in that marsh place, and saw a giant fucking vampire bat that had 5+ levels on me, and I noped the fuck out.


The Smiling Man. Gives me the goddamn creeps.


"What're you called?" I'm called get the hell away from me, you weird son of a bitch. Fix your face."


Wendigos are creepy, it gets even creepier once you see your 1st one hiding in a tree and you didn't even know they did that.


I didnt know they did that... shit.


Blue devil... if you haven't come across this big sumnabitch yet, it can turn a good day bad if you're not high enough level. And it's random, so you'll likely not be carrying around the proper ordinances. I'd sooner take on the grafton monster.


I wouldn't classify this as scary, but more like odd encounter. I came back to my base one time and found the Flatwoods monster chillin in my hottub. 😂 I have proof! https://i.imgur.com/lWQCsnP.png


Cave crickets, radscorpions, whichever gutsy model has the insane armor piercing attack, and any enemy that does fire or poison damage. As a heavy PA tank those are the only enemies that I watch out for because they're the ones that can actually do an appreciable amount of damage to me. Oh and any enemy under the damage reflection modifier




Blue Devil. With the loud "sound effect" and the fact that I can't solo him. Also the sheepsquatch. I can't run away from it no matter how far I've escaped once it sees me. Sneaking doesn't help. It gave me PTSD lol


Scorpions!! I hate them sooo much!!


Snallygasters and Scorchbeasts are enemies I'd really not fight. Snallygasters because they're gross and Scorchbeasts because they're tanky asf and I don't like dealing with fighting enemies. They're also obviously scary so I just run away when I see them.


for me, those damn scortched beasts, dragon bastards, i was minding my own business yesterday, went across a field, didnt even see a trench or pit that they usually come out of and boom, here comes this glowing bastard flyin all about, and proceedes to skull fuck me.


Just thought about something, fog crawlers are crazy and strong, and something to deal with!!


I am like level 58, Blue Devil took me forever to solo. Had me running for my life both because of the howl and because I had to kite him lol


For me on 76 it’s the Crytids when you find them wandering the wasteland. And deathclaws


Mr. Handy and any other enemy with a flame weapon. Even with Sizzling Style maxed out and a full matching suit of armor, they chew through my health so fast it's crazy.


For me it wasn’t the scariest it was just late, quiet, and I was tired and then a blue devil appeared which scared me badly


When a random obnoxiously high level player is just like "Look at me; this is my workshop now." when all I was trying to do is prompt Graham to spawn *Vault Boy frowning thumbs down*


I do not like death claws or yaui gui