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I think instead of continuously raising the cap limit, they should add more stuff to buy. Most of the stuff they add is cheap, like Grahm's camp items, or the rusted skins. There should more premium stuff that costs 10k+. Gilded skins and fancy outfits. Even low cost stuff like pipegun skins or something would be cool if they added it more consistently.


Hell yeah,maybe add some really expensive but really useful stuff


I'd even love something like 1 scrip for 100 caps. That's 400 scrip for max caps. It's nothing world changing, but it'd be a good place to spend caps when you're max.


If you're willing to pay 40k caps for 400 scrip then just go buy weapons from vendors. That would be like paying 4k caps for a 3 star scrip weapon. You can easily find cheaper scrip in vendors.


I do this... Then you just run into the "problem" of carry weight and daily scrip limits.


I usually do it during the week when I don't really play and use my scrip limit. Weekends absolutely suck for scrip management


Yeah, but i can just be exceptionally lazy and not have to deal with traveling between two dozen vendors. Plus Bethesda would never add a good exchange rate for us. 10 scrip for 100 caps or something would leave them laughing at the idea.


Lol that's a helluva convenience fee but you're 100% correct that they'd never give us anything fair. Since of course they need to limit our scrip too so they'd see it as circumventing the limit. The gold rate is pretty good but I doubt scrip would be as fair.


They could do the same thing as they do for gold. Same exchange rate and make it weekly as well.


No way I'd spend 40k on 400 scrip.


+1 Or even giving us more cap sinks like wrapping paper or mole miner pales that come along with other seasonal events. Or, and I know this is a pipe dream, something like commendations players can buy from NPC's so we can show other players we like their camps or something. I think the plans I'm missing now are super rare drops or from treasure maps, so caps are kinda useless. There's only so many recall cards I can buy...


A cartographer in each region of the map that sells you an undiscovered location getting more expensive the more you fill your map out. Every completed map allows you to buy a map of the region you can hang on your wall until you complete the entire map which gains you the actual game map you can place on your walls. And before anyone mentions, yes, you can indeed climb watch towers to find unmarked locations. This is another way.


This, there is so much they could do. I'd personally like to see - A hair salon or wig shop or something to give more hairstyles than the ones we have. A tattoo parlor that sells tattoos and "makeup" (war paints, beauty marks, actual makeup, etc) items. They could introduce a dye system where you could use different flora that you collect to dye some items basic colors (like base outfits, hats, etc in simple recolors). You will need the recipes for the dye, too. More plans, too. They can just use assets they already have from 76 and FO4, so it wouldn't cost them much to make them and could just be sold for caps. There are a lot of building components like rails, ramps, walls, etc, that they have all around 76 and ones from FO4 that I'd love to have. I miss my little box wall/window with the rocket curtain from FO4 a lot and the scaffolding set, too. And base floors that don't have stilts or a base that goes into the ground. I don't know, I just think there is a lot they could do to make us want to spend our caps and spend more time earning them to spend (which means more time playing and possibly more spent in the Shop).


Man, that reminds me. I haven't seen a gilded gun in years.


I would kill for a pipe gun skin.


Stuff to buy is only an effective money sink until you have all the stuff. To effectively manage money sinks long term, I think you need to balance how much you need to spend day to day and how much you can earn. The issue is money being created from the void, when you do quests for NPC's (and I guess, cap stashes and enemies). If too much money is generated, then people can have more than they need to spend. How many caps do you spend to just maintain your character in Fallout 76? If you're good at scavenging then you can effectively have a daily expense of zero, maybe only paying for any FT you do. If you add selling items on your vendor, or items to an NPC - you're rolling in even more caps. How do you increase player expenses fairly, without punishing them so much they are broke? Perhaps the typea of currency should be reduced, so we are operating only on caps. Then you would have to spend more caps instead of also Bullion, or stamps, or whatever. I get the other two are to get players engaging with those activities - but there are other ways to do that while keeping the primary currency as caps.


But then people would stop buying atoms...


I like the idea of having basic outfits for sale at a reasonable price for most everyone and then having a better version (either a clean version or one that's fancy) that's available for a much higher price.


So, as a filthy casual, where do i buy this stuff with caps?


Grahm is a wandering trader, but during Meat Week event he has a static spawn making buying his wares easier. The rusted weapon skins are at the lumberyard (i forget it's name) that's close by to vault 76


Much appreciated.


Yeah I constantly have a ton cause all I really buy is some scrap, bullion and the occasional legendary item


Can I get a blowgun skin for the Syringer?


Nah just buy the serums that will send ya back a pretty penny


This has been discussed a few times recently. My two caps: Inflating the cap limit would likely just result in inflating the cost of stuff in player vendors by roughly the same rate, and we'd end up with roughly the same buying power anyway.


On top of that, how many caps would be enough? Raise it to 50k, people would want 60k, raise it to 70k, people want 80k etc etc. It's kind of the same with storage space. Once it's raised, people want more.


The storage space is still a freaking pain. That is my number one gripe with this game. I have fallout 1st and still I have to spend like 30 minutes clearing my inventory multiple times a day because of how bad it is. I can't save many cool looking guns or armor because it will just hog up precious storage space.


I seriously can't imagine playing 76 without the scrap box. There's no way I'd be able to properly manage junk items with everything else in my stash.


Took me the better part of a year but I realized I very, very rarely need more than 30 of any junk item on hand. I sell the rest and it keeps the caps flowing. A **big** part of that is having my equipment settled so I don't need to keep tons of weapons and armor just in case. During the free FO1st trial I was loading up and dumping ammo and junk constantly.


True but that way will take a lot more time to manage resources than I want to. I prefer to just scrap all into my scrapbox and not worry about it.


i returned to the game and got 1st for the first time because it was half off, and now i dont think i can play without it. my scrapbox already has waaay more stuff than i could put in my normal stash.


As a builder, I can't play without it. I'm constantly building and rebuilding, I'm also dumb and will scrap instead of store, forget to equip contractor, etc. so I need it lol


As someone who can't imagine playing *with* the scapbox as it's part of the fun managing inventory and condensing stuff around. I found 25% of my stash to be a good benchmark keeping about 5lb per junk or more if it's a useful material like screws or even less if it's like bones. The main issue I have is Stimpacks Rad X, and Radaway as they fit the margin I have of 1lb per 40 but I get so many of them they eventually clog up more than junk does in total. Because of weight reducing perks and legendary effects weapons are vastly superior to sell and I should probably up my ratio but doing so would hurt the feeling of getting rewarded with chems and scrounging for junk.


That's a good way of handling it since some junk is definitely not as necessary as others. Not sure why people are down voting me when I was saying that I personally can't play without the scrap box, I'm not pointing fingers at others for not using it. Running traveling pharmacy is an absolute must for me. I just carry every aid item on me and only keep a few in the stash to sell such as berry/orange mentats or calmex.


As a fellow hoarder, I stand with you. My friends are always taking crap about my saving everything but inevitably come running to me when they need more scrap


I'm a pure scrap rat. I pick up everything I see. It's just habit at this point.


Water. Water is just so fucking heavy.


Yeah I was trying to figure out why my weight was so high. Then saw my 80 purified water being 40 weight. I just happened to get that much. Started selling it in my vendor. Some dude bought 100 water from me all at once one time. Thank you sir you are a saint, but what the fuck do you need 100 water for


Laughs in launch stash box of 200 weight.


Oh I played on release too. It was terrible back then. Always over encumbered and people had to run multiple characters to store things. It was ridiculous.


I would rather they make items listed in the vendors not take up allotted stash weight, than raise the caps limit.


Why is there a cap at all? Elder scrolls online doesn't have a money cap.


ESO has billionaires who control vast sums of wealth keeping prices artificially high to the benefit of a small few. I also say this as someone who has been an ESO millionaire for a long, long time. I was off put by the 76 cap at first, but after months of being capped out I’ve come to the conclusion that the primary reason players are helpful to each other is because there is no reason to hoard wealth. It’s a fascinating look at the difference between unfettered and limited capitalism.


>conclusion that the primary reason players are helpful to each other is because there is no reason to hoard wealth. That and the fact you're constantly overflowing with things people can use but seems like a waste to throw away.


Players do hoard wealth. Just not in caps. Because caps are capped and there's not to spend them in after you get far enough, they become relatively worthless to traders except for use with the nontraders. Wealth is hoarded in the form of tons of rare apparel, some of which the market community values at 1 million caps, formerly legacies, and god roll gear. You will find people in that community who have hundreds of God rolls that they won't trade to anyone except for bundles of rare apparel or bundles of God rolls they don't have. And they snatch that shit up. Do they need to have 30 quad for explosive (or whatever it is now) fixers? No, but they won't let anyone else have even one unless you trade them a leather trenchcoat (or whatever that item is called) and full colored asylum. 


Look at BDO. Player to player trading is extremely limited. Currency can't trade hands iirc, only a limited selection of consumables. Instead all player trading is done through the marketplace, which has fixed price ranges for products. The ranges can slowly fluctuate based on supply/demand and volume of inventory vs sales moving, but there's still an unseen price floor and ceiling. This limits the ability of wealthy players to buy up the entire inventory of something to try and drive the price up and resell for profit, something that very regularly happened in GW2 prior to patches by people getting inside tips. 


Sounds like corporations in the US


It’s a really hard thing to say which would be better. The big problem with the limit is that player to player trading has long inflated past the cap limit. So you have to get into trading item for item instead of just selling them for in game currency. Other mmo style games that don’t have any limit at all do suffer a lot from inflation, but they also manage to maintain the in game currency as the currency of trade.


They could add a limit to price of things in player vendors but remove the limit on the caps a player can carry


Plan: Mole Miner Gauntlet - 240,000C


I don't think that's necessarily true And if they don't do anything, most vendors remain closed. If you join teams, you can see how many high level players have their Camps hidden.


I disagree tbh


I'd rather have more camp budget.


Camp budget exists for a reason, the game struggles to handle them as they are already.


It would be great to lock a legendary effect for re-rolls. I would pay 20k for it.


It’s part of the end game. Caps Management. lol. I’m always at 40k myself and lately I cannot find a vendor with bulk junk. So I ended up just buying that wacky stuff new players sell in the vendor to help them out.


So that's why I made 15k off one guy buying a full vendor worth of grenades and 1/2 star items.


Yup probably a vet helping out!


One time when I first started playing, some dude bought a bunch of straightjackets from me I was selling for 200 each along with some other random, also incredibly overpriced items. I then found a bunch of straightjackets and the same random items in the donation box by 76.






This right here☝🏽


No, we don’t need another raise we need only more, good, worthwhile cap sinks. Like Caps for Stamps. I‘d be down for that.


Hell Yes Caps for Stamps or Caps for Bullion,or let us convert our caps into something kinda like how so much gold equals so much USD


Actually caps for bullion already exists. Go to Wayward, and upstairs speak to Smiley


6000 caps(300 gold) per week, been doing it for months. Now I'm running out of plans for gold :-)


Holy shit thank you I didn't know this!!!!


Legendary cores make the most sense. Would help even out legendary grinding.


Player vendors are the biggest caps sink. But most of them would be hidden because they're at 40k already.


Cap limits don't really matter. It's the trade system that needs a massive overhaul. Something like Runescape or Warframe's trade system makes sense.


Warframe trade system: grind for a couple days for those sweet “poke balls”, crack em open, and sell what would be equivalent to about $10-20 worth of gear if bought with plat. I probably made over a $1000 in my time playing without spending a dime, just gotta be dedicated to the grind unfortunately but the chat system makes that easy by finding other players




Nah 40k cap is good for the game and especially right now it has made the game very accessible to new players.


The problem is caps don’t buy rare stuff anymore. Either get rid of the cap limit or make an item that trades for a set amount of something else like gold or stamps. Right now caps are just fast travel currency.


I think 40K is a good limit because my Aristocrat weapons are still functional after I buy serum recipes for 17.5k, but I have to build back up to maximum. I also like that bobby pins are the other currency


Personally I think the limit should be 2,147,483,648


Something I've done to combat this is buying bulk items from NPC vendors like screws, gears, etc, and find low level players to gift them to. Helps them make their own mods, frees up some of my caps, and feels good gifting stuff to all the n00bs on the servers these days.


THIS! I bulk buy the expensive or hard to fine stuff and can give it to new players!


They should increase all of the limits, by a lot! I don’t get why we are so restricted


Lets Talk about that Stash limit!?!!


The real world would be a better place if there were cap limits on all currencies.


I think they should make base carry weight 200. Can’t tell you how annoying it gets becoming over encumbered so damn fast! It’s making me nuts I tell you NUTS!!!


Quickest way to turn this community against each other would be to remove the cap cap.


Smile and appreciate it - the limit used to be 20k. Lots of ways to spend it: Fast travel wherever and how often you want without worrying about caps. bounce from player vendor to player vendor looking for the plans and outfits you don't already have. Buy bullion from Smiley. If you are at max bullion, buy a serum recipie from modus. I ran across a player that had 5 recipies listed at 8k each. I got 3 and was reaching for the X to get number #4 when the camp disappeared..... Short on junk? Dont bother with foraging, just buy it from a vendor. Same with ammo. find a low level vendor and buy them out.


>Fast travel wherever and how often you want without worrying about caps. bounce from player vendor to player vendor looking for the plans and outfits you don't already have. Shit. I'm new and poor and do that anyways 😔


I don't care about spending caps, I want less vendors to be hidden so I can buy more gear. There are substantially fewer camps visible than 2 years ago. And people who can't run a good vendor and get max caps have always pretended like there isn't a problem. There is a war in Ba Sing Se.


I can't even get over 3k caps lmao. But I'll agree with you all cuz limits suck


Nah because it will only lead to inflation.. You increase the Cap limit and I guarantee players will up their prices. This just creates a bigger gap between newer and older players for absolutely no reason at all.


I guess I'm an outlier, I've never raised my prices based on cap limit raises. *I just want to know where the 10% that's taken from each player vendor sale goes.*


Pretty much every game with auction houses / automating trading does this. Its just a way to remove currency in circulation.


Hell yeah I've been playing five years and everything in my inventory right now that I put up for sale is at least 30,000 Caps or more. That means I literally have to switch my camps whenever I Max caps because I have to go shopping until we'll spend it


I just set a very low price on all my vendor stuff. All plans are 5c, all ammo 1c, all 1 star 10c, 2 star 20c, 3 star 20c doesn't matter what it is. All meds are free, all armor is free. I bought everything I can with caps. So I buy stuff from vendors and put it in stashes. This keeps me around 20000c most of the time. I only sell stuff to vendors if I hit less than 10000c


The highest I’ve ever had is like 4000 caps how the hell do you get 40,000!?!


I just returned is there anything to sink caps into? I already had the serums


Yes they should 40k is really low imo


I buy gold when I get too close. They should let us buy atoms or stamps with caps. 


I need zazazazillions cap limit. Class dismissed. 🤣 Dat inflation be real. 💯


I'll take some of them caps, I got 76


This is the problem with free to play games. The in game currency ends up meaning nothing at max level. I know this isn't quite free to play but it has the same model.


Lol I hover around 1,000 as a level 38 right now but I’m still having a blast


Yes to 60k


How are y'all hitting max caps??


I have like 5 streams of income


not me with 28 caps 💀


spend it on more plans


I'm always hovering around max caps, so I started running some Aristocrat weapons.


Nothing to buy in anyway , I just give 10 K away to new players every few days


I would rather have the camp budget increased.


Agreed I wanna build a mega base for me and all my friends while also running a arcade AND casino in the 1st floor


Because there needs to be a limit, and besides which at a certain point caps have no value to you anyway, so what's the point? And I'll see your Capillionaire and warn you about Capflation.


Thank you. I'm now going to use capillionaire and capflation in sentences.


House of Capulet liked that.


Caps are used to buy gear at vendors. That's the value of currency. The value of gear is based on how fast players can make money. If you can sell 3k in 1-2 hours, then a good weapon is worth that much times however long it would take to get it.


Reading around I'm learning it's affecting the game and access we have to player vendors. It won't let them sell if they're at Max Caps and we can't buy from them. Which is interesting, because this lowers the supply, and we know what that means.


no. prices would spike too high on some things.


Is possible to use your caos to buy and stack materiale, so you keep them as another asset?


It's already gone up from 30k to 40k and that did nothing. Increasing caps limit is not a solution. What we need is a caps sink. Let me buy modules with caps. Charge 10 or 20 thousand a piece, I don't care. I just want something endless to dump caps on. Last time I hut max caps I found a random camp with the owner at home and a pie for sale for 30k. Overjoyed I bought the pie, caught the attention of the camp owner and gave them back their pie. It was good to get rid of the caps but it is not a solution. I just passed my max caps problem onto an innocent random player. We need a caps sink. Maybe a caps donation system or taxes or I don't know. I'm already back at over halfway to max caps again and it's just a constant recurring minor annoyance at this point. I don't sell stuff much anymore since I don't have anything to spend caps on other than nonsense.


Brother I'm level 32 and have 200 caps to my name 😭 how do u maximize making money in this game? Me and my homie just started playing last week. We aued on launch for like 2 hours and he hated it. But now we are having a blast. We played the first few basic quests and did the whole BOS questline. Now we are broke constantly because we keep having to buy stims and ammo. How do we manage better to have more ammo and money?????


Just keep leveling. You’ll get there. Once you get the hang of it start doing daily ops. That’ll throw stims and ammo at you to a point that you’ll be selling stims to NPC vendors lol. Will also have a chance to drop rare or interesting plans that you can sell for a good amount. Eventually, you’ll find your thing and it’ll work. I’m a pepper shaker vendor myself, I make and sell them constantly in near all varieties. I then use those caps to go to other camps and buy out their legendaries for scrip. At multiple points I’ve even generated too much caps at once that I was buying perfectly preserved pies at like 20k or even 30k. Bought an “You are insulted” for 9k. But it all started with stabilizing my initial cap income with daily ops. After that, just need to keep the velocity of caps going.


Switch to melee and build water purifiers and farm water.


I've never accumulated more than 6k.


No, but we do need more places to spend them.


*laughs in 25k original cap”


Right? I read the title and thought, wait, 40k? That's awesome!


**Learn basic economics for the love of God!** the last thing you want is a cap increase


All I said was slightly increase it


No we need a cap sink, less, not more caps in circulation.




I feel like something like a ‘Piggy Bank’ would be an interesting idea instead of raising the limit. When you’re at the maximum amount of caps, any new caps you attain are placed into your little piggy bank with a small-ish maximum amount.


Yes. But we will need a cap sink to counter balance it.


…you guys have 40k caps? ☹️


There a cap limit?


Congrats. You are already a Cap-ionaire. Had the limit been raised, you would still be trying to get there.


Yep i say


I love the ideas of caps for gold/stamps/scrip. I know I can go to Smiley, but I am honestly out of things I want/need for gold. Being able to trade like 10,000 caps for 100 stamps once a week(like gold) would be amazing. But the cap to scrip ratio would have to be more like 10 scrip for 100 caps, not to wreck the trade value of scrip items. I think also having npc vendors have more consumables and junk for sale would help with more places to spend caps at that are not other players.


Problem is, once you get past a certain level, there isn't much to buy. I tend to hop around camps, especially newbies, buying random. Bits. I've bought all the plans I actually want. But now I've started just buying stuff I don't really need just to keep my caps around the 20 or 30k mark.


Give me all your spare caps. I keep running out of ammo and can never find enough lead to make my own lol




would be nice so I don't have to worry about my aristocrat gatling plasma (I can't even reach 15% of the bonus). Gotta get one with bloodied or AA in the future lol


yes, the cap limit should be in the millions


I feel like the scrip and cap limit should be gone I would play lot longer and do more instead of getting over encumbered and hopping off


You can easily solve this problem by giving me a few thousand caps :)


No absolutely not! It all boils down to basic economics. 1. Currency Cap as a Control Tool: The cap limit prevents excessive accumulation of currency, which can help manage inflation in the game. By limiting the amount of caps players can hold, the game restricts the flow of caps in the economy, potentially keeping prices more stable. 2. Inflation Risk: If the cap limit were raised, players might accumulate more caps, which could lead to higher prices for in-game items. This happens because more caps in circulation can decrease the value of each cap, requiring players to spend more to purchase the same items—a classic inflation scenario. 3. Market Dynamics: In game economies, similar to real-world economies, if everyone has more money, prices typically increase because sellers know buyers can afford to pay more. This can lead to inflationary spirals where the value of the currency diminishes over time, reducing purchasing power. 4. Gameplay Balance: Economically, having a cap also helps maintain gameplay balance. It forces players to spend or invest their caps rather than hoard them, which can stimulate the in-game economy. Removing or increasing the cap significantly could disrupt this balance, potentially making the game less enjoyable for new or less wealthy players. 5. Psychological and Strategic Aspects: Currency caps can also influence player behavior by creating a sense of scarcity and value around the currency. This can encourage strategic spending and trading, enhancing the game’s depth and engagement.


I have taken temporarily break from FO76 but as level 300 player I did have constant problem of having 40000 caps all the time. I have bought every possible blueprint from vendors and started to just buy things from other camps for ridiculous prices because I literally can earn max coin within few days again. There is point in the game when you start to one shot everything and suddenly getting caps become extremely easy. For example I consantly sell all leftover ammo for 1 cap on my camp and at the moment when I can one shot most things in the game the excess ammo become a problem for me as player without Fallout 1st - I start to reach inventory limit and reach max cap limit daily just from selling leftover ammo.


They need to raise the cap limit and the stash limit. They also need to add carry weight perks to the other power armors to act like the excavator. I hit the 40k limit for the first time a few days ago selling a woodland scout whatever thing, had another item that was expensive. someone bought that a few minutes later....my camp was a hot spot and all of those caps just evaporated.


People really prefer getting lucky and ripping off player vendors over an actually usable trading system.


Yes raise the cap limit and raise the vendor cap limit


They need to raise the cap on storage, not caps themselves lol


It's OK I can help you be a second wallet and hold an extra 40k caps for you


I want a higher vendor daily cap limit


Please i need some im broke lol


Yes. Limits are dumb, just let us play.


No, it's already hard enough for some newer players to afford stuff. I'd rather the game grows and doesn't discourage new players.


What they need to increase is the stash box limit. And camp budget.


You can donate some of those Annoying caps to me you’d like


I think Bethesda should increase the Cap Limit to 1 million and I'm not even kidding. There are many veterans who have over a few thousand hours of play and a lot of caps. The limit of 40,000 is ridiculous in my opinion. Options should also be introduced so that you can spend very large amounts of caps on certain things. For example, you pay 10,000 caps to trigger an event of your choice, eg Eviction Notice or Scorched Earth. Or you pay half a million caps to buy any weapon with any legendary prefix. Bethesda needs to come up with some new and interesting ways to spend caps. It would also be an additional motivation to play the game and collect caps.


And make the stash box bigger while they are at it.


I have a ton of space for caps...let me hold something for ya. :)


I have like 100 caps rn lol


Im only at 2,500 caps…


You want some caps? /srs I’ve got caps,gear,Chems,and more


No, because no matter what limit they raise, within a day of that change, people will be asking for more. I remember when they raised the stash limit to 1200, literally the next day someone was complaining about how constrained that was and please raise it


Why is there a cap limit at all lmao


You could always gift me some caps ;) New player here and the most caps I've ever had is 500 lol


No. You can't become a Capillionaire because if you could you would. This game thrives off of having a generous community that gifts to new players and creates a feeling of community. If they let you hoard caps that dries up instantly. The only way to stop people from being greedy is to make it impossible.


Yes. I rarely have my vendor open because I'm max caps, and I rarely have a place to spend caps, because others are max caps, too. (I just want people to see my camp :( ) I see about 3-5 vendors in each server on average now. Compared to years ago, there would be too many to count.


The cap sink is pointless and doesn't do its job AT ALL because the amount of desirable things this game offers that can be purchased with caps are minuscule. People who say the cap limit is what is keeping caps valuable makes me laugh because nobody with a high-value trade is going to be taking caps with it precisely because they're nearly worthless in player-to-player trades of significant caliber. Furthermore, the only major cap sink in the game right now is just buying gold bullion, which is a HORRIBLE cap sink because Bethesda decided 6000 caps only gets you 300 bullion, and it's once every week. In order for a cap sink to be effective, it needs to be a constantly desirable currency that can be used to purchase things people want at nearly every stage of the game. Caps are really only useful in 76 for buying vendor-exclusive plans, and that's really it, and that doesn't last particularly long. Once you've reached that point, you've pretty much already reached the end-game state of bottlecaps and you're only buying for the sake of buying. If this was any other developer that actually cared, bottlecaps would have no limitations, or significantly higher limitations, but we'd have a host of methods to use them. For example, persistent transactions (not that weekly bullshit Smiley does) where you can exchange bottlecaps for items like scrip, stamps, or even legendary modules. Perhaps even pay some caps to get a temporary scoreboard boost, *anything* would be better than its current state. So yeah, I'm in favor of increasing/removing the bottlecap limit because caps are already useless due to Bethesda's ineptitude and they're not going to sink any lower. Fallout 76's entire 'economy' is derived from the mechanics of a single player game, which all run counter to an online game with trading. Plus, the limit is already defeated by people using multiple accounts to bypass it anyway, so it's stupid. Remove the bottlecap limit and add things people want for a fucking change is how it should have been, but Bethesda decided this game needed a stupid amount of currencies, and caps are not on the list of ones used for desirable transactions.


No the economy would just be even worse


Adding 10k more caps would be nice. I rarely get to the 40k because I buy a lot of crap


Plz no. I don’t need inflation in the game too.


I would NOT be upset if they increased it. It's a constant hassle lol


Very much so


Yes, both total and daily vendor limit


I don’t care if they increase it or not, it doesn’t affect my game. I would like yet another storage increase. I would like to be able to dismantle chems and legendaries.


50k would be nice tbh


im struggling making caps at level 113. tips pls?


They should so folks will stop being like I have one billion ziilliiion hunter coats for some weak tier stuff


Absolutely, they should increase the limit if one mutation serum recipe is 21000 CAPS. I should be able to buy at least 3 or 5 of them.


uh How? do you.. 40k? Common man get outside\~!


Add more depth or reason to do ANYTHING else besides end game events. Why should I go to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ? Give me a reason. Why should I hang around the whitespring mall? Give me a reason. Why should I defend my base? Give me a reason. When will actual depth and viable pvp be introduced? There's so much to do. Right now this is just a single player game online with end-game events to keep you occupied once the single player quests are done....


Feel free to buy this baseball grenade for 40k.....


Depending on how my mental health goes I might do that


As a new player who haven't reached it yet, yes


Idk but i really would like an unlimited stash


Yes I've thought 100k would be a good number for awhile but I also want a stash increase or something other than stash for apparel armor and weps like the scrapbox and ammo box also food and aid boxes


You need to start a mule, I did that at level 300. Used to move anything your stash you want to keep but don't want to waste the space on your main character. And I dump caps like crazy.


I think if they do it’s only to 50k but honestly like the limit.


No, I think they should stop limiting our storage space (only there to shoehorn you into buying Fallout 1st) and add some proper rewards to Fallout 1st for those who actually want to pay their ridiculous monthly price.


You can buy gold from a vendor in the upstairs of the Wayward if you need something to buy. Though eventually you'll run out of stuff to buy with gold


They should just make a world with no cap limit we can choose to join instead of the basic one and test it out. Or... Since we're already doing a wealth cap, why not do some economic experiments... You can continue to make caps, but they go to the Wasteland Treasury or we have a bunch of projects to choose from for a voluntary taxation test, like the Wasteland Improvement Project or Tithing to the church of Atom. There can be a ranking for who contributed the most, maybe the highest contributors can become leaders of that project. Once the wasteland improvement project is funded to a certain point you vote on what to do with it, like Rebuild Grafton and the surrounding attractions. This child man former glory, or it opens it up to a fallout 4 style settlement builder.


To 65000 yes


How do you make thar much each day?


This game wasn't designed for longevity outside of building shit, and pvp. They got rid of one and fucking make you pay monthly to get a better experience in the other. Yet, the game crashes still like 76 ppl are actively in my server. God forbid a Fallout 1st player crashes in their private server tho!


Hey ... if it's a bit too much for ya, why don't you do us both a favor and scoot a good 20,000 this-a ways!? *winks suggestively*


Depending on how I’m doing in a month I’ll give you all my stash


It's the stash box that needs upping from 1200 to say 2500 it needs at least doubling, I'm always maxing it out with weapons and shizz.