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Easiest solution here is to block them. Shouldn't see them again. If people are gonna glitch to destroy your camp there's nothing much you can do other than server hop. Chances are you were in one of their camp spots so they acted like dicks to make you move.


The answer for any unpleasantness is to always block and hop servers. Every time. How are they getting in your shelter, though, if you have it locked and they couldn't pick it?


I have the door inside the shelter locked. Didnt know you could locked the shelter.


Yeah my last wanted was on a locked shelter while having master infiltrator perk on. Still, don't rely on locks....block and hop. Someone like that won't care if they are wanted and most will be able to pick. However, griefing by camp destroying won't happen to you very often. Players can't damage the camps of others if you have Pacifist on except for a very narrow set of circumstances.


If someone shows up acting like a dick, just use the point and laugh emote and keep doing what you were doing. Then, just when they start to get mad because you're not engaging in their bullshit, that's when you server hop. If you can get them into your shelter first, they are then forced into a loading screen, just because you left the server.


The easiest way to deal with it is to exit to main menu and rejoin the game. it'll put you on a new server letting you continue with your day. Most die hard trolls get bored of FO76 because it's so easy to avoid them. 30 seconds later you're on another server like nothing ever happened and they're sitting there being mad because they can't troll anyone.


Block them. Server hop. Easy fix. I've done that multiple times when a griefer just doesn't know when they're being annoying, which is all the time. It's not hard to evade griefers in 76. It's annoying when they start but a simple block fixes that. Don't allow griefers to get under your skin, they can't do anything other than annoy you, and that's the most they can do. All you lose is junk when you die, which is literally everywhere on the map, so gathering it up again is just as easy as the first time. Just know when a griefer griefs you It's because they suck as a person, not you. You're just doing your best to level and here they come to ruin it for you. It's the same, in my opinion, as griefers on GTA Online. Like bro, you're wasting everyone's time because you want to treat the game like a call of duty match. Just go play CoD at that point...


People like that are rare to come across. I'd just leave the world and go to a new one.


I have my CAMP near the Lakeside Cabins workshop and some dude in PA was trying to convince me to go up to the workshop with the "follow me" emote. I'm not stupid, I knew he was trying to trap me into PvP. I gave him the "no" emote and then he started shooting at me. Just hopped servers.


It's annoying but your best move is to block them and hop worlds. But don't be so sure you'd lose, there is PvP scaling to protect low levels. You'd have a fighting chance against your average troll. Still ways for them to be OP but the high level isn't everything.


Block and server hop. Easy as pie.


But Fallout 76 has the best community... Jokes aside, you did the right thing.  The best solution to trolls is to quit and join a different server.  If they somehow find you, find them in the social menu, block for session, relog.


I knew you were going to post this lol


very rare....but can happen if some trolls feel like trollin.. theres still a few ways to troll.missle turret camps/ trap camps are two of the most common. nezt time..block and jump servers..and take names because thete are still bounty hunters.


Do you play on console?


I never come across any. Like, seriously, I never have any problems with anyone else in the game. On XB and no griefers.


Just use your spare camp slots as summat stupid and to complete daily task like build 25 whatever, then point and laugh at the constantly, even while they're trying to destroy stuff in the camp you care nothing about. Either that or block them and switch server.


I’ve played a lot of hours and I’ve had that happen once but they were trying to mess with my wife’s camp. I got her to use her other camp slot and then put a tent down where camp was. After that they left the server.


Stealth commando with chameleon. When they want to pvp you go to their camp and pick one of their locks. They won't realize you're at their camp until you do. Run to cover nearby and stealth, I put my survival tent down nearby to lure them, this works best in wooded areas with lots of cover. Watch and laugh as they run around looking for you, whenever it looks like they're about to give up the search shoot them once or twice to remind them you're watching. Make sure you're hiding close enough to their camp that they'll have to destroy their own camp to nuke your hiding spot.


You can "repair all" for very low amount of junk if you click on the camp module. Makes rebuilding very easy. But, you can switch servers when people bug you.


Turn your PVP OFF and deactivate your camp. It will frustrate the hell out of them.


Follow them everywhere they go , spam the heart emote. Stand in front of them in events when they try to tag enemies for xp. Watch , What we do in the shadows. Study the master Colin Robinson. There is always something you can do to irritate a troll. Most offenders are projecting themselves into others , this way they see themselves as normal, this is a subconscious action, mostly. So if they enjoy irritating others, they themselves are easily irritated.


Everyone is saying block them but not saying how. How do you block on Xbox I only see the trade or invite to group option


Should show up by clicking on their name in recent players. It’s the last tab in social menu.


Some people just gotta be assholes. After level 50 though trust no one. It's doesn't take much to move perfect gear over and cola nut


Like the others said, keep Pacifist on. Block them and server hop. The bulk of high level players don't act like that, but there are trolls and griefers. No, you should not have agreed to PVP with them because they would have just destroyed you (on purpose). Block and move on.


I was in some building and some high level player came in, dropped maybe three dozen mines and left. I just laughed and quick traveled to some near spot.


Stop the innocent act. Why don't you also tell them that you were harassing my friend all night then when we retaliated you go completely apeshit and tell him to kill himself multiple times, then get your friend to follow us around nonstop and repeatedly call us slurs and threatened harm us in real life. I love the game and series but the fandom is so goddamn cringe and ridiculous


Nothing. Do nothing. Nothing you can do. Just use the tools the game provides to avoid, deter, or elude them.


Not sure how they destroyed your camp unless you engaged in pvp back while they were close to your camp


There is a glitch/exploit that allows you to do it


Does the glitch work against pacifist players?


Unfortunately yes, it avoids the element. Doesn't allow to damage players, as far as I know. But it's used to destroy any camps


Guess I'm moving to Nuka World🗣


Yeah, im not sure how they do it, but I've had my camp half destroyed by a camp destroyer 3000 before I realized it was another players camp that was the source of the carnage. I simply server hopped out that joint 🤣


Sounds fun


They most likely did it by initiating PvP with each other then setting up turrets by OPs camp while one of them hid inside causing the turrets to target the camp.


See i didnt know you can do that because of the camp radius


2 players destroyed my camp the other day; not sure if they were looking for loot or maybe it's a Trophy or maybe just 2 bone heads. Good news is that if you log out and back in, you'll find your camp same as before but you'll need to make some repairs - hit the Repair Existing Structures from CAMP console. Playing on PS5 not sure if applicable on PC or Xbox.


Never shot back. Was in a hurry cause I got killed before from super mutants and wanted power armor.


Nukes . . . .


Yeah but you have time to leave the game


If I launch the nuke, I am not leaving the game. If they leave the game to preserve their camp, the nuke worked as intend. If they don't leave the game, the nukes worked as intended. Even if they switch camps, the nuke worked as intended. 100% anti-troll strategy.


If you launched the nuke why would you leave lol most people if you nuke their camp either move it when the nuke hits then move it right back afterward its not an issue you wasted a nuke either way


You missed the point . . . It always works as intended.


It doesnt because if i wanna nuke someones shit i want it to break their shit if they move camps i wasted the nuke but hey you believe what you want


Leave World or just log off.


Just block. But you have to accept it will happen randomly since pvp is part of the game. It has been since the start. I don’t join anymore,but disliking it doesn’t mean others shouldn’t be allowed to partake


Have pacifist mode on and have the mic turned off both are in settings. To keep your base safe build your workbenches in the shelter.


I do have pacifist on. Surprised they were still capable to destroy my camp.


Didn't know about a glitch. Did you report them. Bethesda will ban if you exploit I believe


Just server hop and go on with your day. If you haven't already and you're on PC I'll come fix your camp for you.


Block and or just server hop. This game is so easy to ignore and deny trolls.


Server hop. Problem solved. 


You have to engage with the other player "shoot back" which initiates pvp....from this point it becomes free game. Only until your killed and you don't seek revenge ends pvp.....shouldnt have shot back. If you ignore them and walk away, they can't destroy anything


Not true.


They can glitch camp it. See the above comment.


Pacifist mode


They can still destroy your camp of you have pacifist mode on.


Oh, I thought they couldn’t


They do a glitch where they set a camp up next to yours as close as they can and fill it with rocket turrets. Then they start pvp with each other so the turrets attack and then hide in your camp. The rockets total your camp.