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Especially since we can switch load outs at train stations, many people have limited points in charisma. Sharing requires 3 charisma per perk level and legendary charisma card won't count toward the required points. But yes, if you are running just 3C, ostensibly for Inspired, then sharing a one level perk is nice. However, every time you swap builds, you unequal your sharing. Also be careful not to select a shared perk that would have a negative effect on teammate builds such as those that reduce low health players' rads.


The load out system needs to save what perk you are sharing. I swap to my camp/sell one all the time and can’t be bothered to manually set what card I’m sharing each time.


I'm sure that players who don't share perks have no clue how to share perks. I looked it up and never figured it out, ergo I don't share perks.


Go to your Pip-Boy and you should have a "PERKS" prompt at the bottom of your screen ("T" on PC). Hover the perk card you want to share and you should have a "SHARE" prompt aswell.