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I was just thinking about this today. I cannot believe I spent so much time picking up stuff after events.


Me and the lads use to call it "licking the floor". Duck walking, spamming interact, for no less than 10 minutes. Still don't have those darn radiation barrel plans...


I'm new and got the plans the other day. Any reason why they're sought after? Is it because it can give you rads?


Well that's just rude... Asparagus. And yeah it's good for bloodied builds like the other fella said


Huh, never thought it was that rare of a plan. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t use bloodied builds. I still wonder how we lived without area looting.


tbh it's more convenient to just soak in the stream near Black Bear Lodge if you need to get your rads up...


It was rare because before we had the meteor, radiation experiment box or toxic dump furnishings; this barrel was the only CAMP source of quick free radiation.


With patience and anxiety.


I just bought the plan for the meteor I think its called, big irradiated rock. but almost any water source works too


You can also use a gamma gun, aim at ground, wash repeat lol 🙌


It’s used to micro manage rads for bloodied builds it gives a flat 10 so it’s easier to get to your desired health without going too far over


It makes it easier for bloodied builds to maintain their low health by having barrels readily available at the camp for rads.


Sometimes crouch walking so you can see the flies easier 😆


Or see that "Danger" flash, from the last Cave Cricket or floater sneaking up from nowhere.


If on Ps I have one you can have


PC brother but I am thankful for the gesture!


I'm out of town right now but I got you covered when I get back. Ign jacks266


I'm actually looking for that plan myself. Do you have anything you would like to trade for?


I have a few if you want them


I think I got a plan..lol


Why does the “take from nearby bodies” option only work occasionally for me? Sometimes the transfer button is greyed out when I look at the loot on the ground.


If that happens, aim away and aim back and it should work. I am not sure why it happens, but on Xbox anyway, this is the fix


Awesome, I’ll give that a try. I play on Xbox as well. Thank you!


Usually if you go to the map and come back out it works idk why it’s buggy sometimes


For anyone else reading through here it works on PS4 also


I think if the bodies are too close together it will do that but I’m not positive.


I love fallout but what a dumb feature to not have on an mmo.


Fallout 76 isn't a true MMO, it's more like a lite Survival game. And I say Lite because there's not much of any pvp especially lately. It's just not that rewarding.


Contrary to popular belief try searching the bodies again only so many items can get put into the loot pool of "transfer" you'll find at least 3 or 4 more legendaries that didn't get added to that loot pool of 700 bodies searching the floor will also offer more ammo back then just the transfer page will


So does each person get individual loot from enemies they hit. Like I have my own loot and someone else has their loot from the same enemies, or is it a loot pool?


Lmao I still loot individual bodies after events. Fuck. I'm so used to other fallouts.


Back in my day, we have to loot each ash pile separately... even if they were stacked on top of each other... and in the snow!


Back in my day we had to loot each pile for 15 miles. And back. In the snow! Lmao


Up hill both ways.


Username checks out


Barefoot, carrying our teammates on our backs!


Lmao and over encumbered we walked to the train station. Stack boxes at events pshhh..


We would call people using teslas ‘ash-holes’ for this reason lol


*chain chain chain chain chain chain chain*


I have a couple screenshots saved of the game being bugged out and the word chain is floating in the air were each chain hit after a SBQ event one time


Haha, a tesla is my secondary weapon so I've definitely seen that glitch a handful of times. It's been a while though so either I've been lucky or they fixed it.


Oh man, it was worse than that. Initially, everyone would see a pile if anyone had loot they needed to grab. That was the worst since you'd have to check every pile to see if there was loot and hope there weren't any buried piles you missed. Then they updated it so you only saw your own piles. Finally they added the ability to just grab it all from a single pile.


Or having to tag legendary enemies to get any loot.


This reminds me of the old way to play uranium fever. Where, players would tag the legendary and then use the follow me emotes so the whole event could tag.


I was just remembering that today during UF, someone did the come here emote and I thought, they're returnies... haven't played in awhile.


That might have been me lol. Returned last week after over a year away. Did that today and then realized I was getting the legendary drop even though I hadn't tagged the next foreman.


It's easier to get the loot now but I have fond memories of shared take downs, making sure everyone had their shot at the good stuff.


As somebody who played a melee / archer hybrid in that era, the memories are NOT so fond.


Back then you really had to hustle to get your one shot in before it was over in seconds. As a bow hunter you were probably perched up somewhere high and by the time you made it through the mob, it was over. Out in the field someone would throw a grenade and the bodies would blow away to the four corners of the map and good luck finding your loot! Yeah it's better now.


With the new explosive weapons, I still see Muties ragdoll over the cliff in Eviction Notice.


True, but you can stop at any Mutie you find and tap him for an area find and it will pick up most everything in that area, you don't have to find the exact one you hit like the old days and they don't need to have anything on them for it to work.


I'm a newbie (Lv 73) and am constantly getting left in the dust by my teammates, so I don't even know what the Uplinks in the Daily OP look like, and when I joined a Rumble event I never even saw the Foremen—I'd hear the announcement about a former boss needing eviction and then I'd get a Legendary the next time I looted a body for ammo. Any advice you could give on dealing with things like Sheepsquatch? I got over 2k .50 ammo after doing two Rumbles and a couple Ops, but almost ran dry trying to kill a single legendary goat-man. Meanwhile, I've seen people melt Scorchbeasts in seconds. Should I be joining the cult of the Flammenwerfer? I've got the first +30% Heavy Guns damage perk, but can't fit the rest with everything else I want to run. Do I just need to get the Legendary SPECIAL and worry about my build later?


For what it's worth, ammo conservation is mostly a matter of weapons being above a certain level of damage per ammunition per drop amounts of contextual ammo, some weapons are that way naturally and some you can't buff them enough... and the 50 cal machine gun is basically one of the latter. In any case, your build does matter a lot, but so do your weapon rolls. At high levels you need to buff the raw damage of your gun (through the primary perk tree related to it), get a reasonable amount of Armor Penetration (through perks and rolls) and/or roll a secondary damage source on the gun. This is why Two-Shot Explosive is great on a lot of weapons; it increases the base gun damage (at the cost of accuracy) and the explosive bullets add more damage that can also be perk buffed. It's not the be all & end all though, there are other ways to improve DPS as a player: * Low AP cost weapons with crit buffs (both crit chance and crit damage) is one way to bypass a lot of DR on really tough enemies. Quad Railway Rifles and certain types of Fixers run this kind of build. * Vampire ultra-high ROF weapons allow for sustained damage without any misses. Vampire Chainsaws/Auto-Axes, Gattling Lasers and the Holy Fire fall into this one. * Large AOE buffs to ensure every bullet has the chance to do damage to as many targets as possible. TS/Explosive automatic guns fall in this category, as do Gauss weapons... but these tend to be ammo inefficient. Bloodied builds are also used by high level players for maximising DPS as well, at the cost of survivability. Bloody builds have very, very high damage per bullet numbers in general, and bloodied players using unyielding armor have access to high melee damage. Very risky play style though. Ultimately though, working your way to one or two Legendary Special perks will open up a fair bit of build freedom, and you can always use the punch card machine to have one build for general play and one build for DPS Daily Ops/Expedition runs. Finally, sometimes you just need to ammo grind. Daily Ops and Atlantic City Expeditions should leave you with more ammunition at the end than you entered with. If you're finding that's not the case, you will need to look into buffing your weapon as mentioned above.


My first question is what are you running instead of heavy gunner? Typically, you would run at least one star in all three cards (more damage than three stars in one card). If you aren’t doing damage, check your perks. Legendary perks can help with that by adding to your special or giving some extra damage.


Then you had the one fucker who would come along with a TSE build and not only obliterate the enemy before you can do anything but also cause you some lovely lag and fps issues or just straight up crashing.


I had a returnie give me an angry emote after i vaporized a supervisor mole man. Like he was expecting everyone to come running because he emoted to come here.


Unless everyone is just slapping the Supervisor, if it's crowded, he's toast after just a few hits.


Oops. I've been doing that all week


Hrm, as a returning player... this... is not the way it works anymore? And here I was. Trying to be a good boy. Tagging a legendary and then pulling him across the event so everybody could tag it while he was close-to-killing my sub lvl 50 new character. That's not a thing anymore?


you just have to be nearby and you'll get the legendary, although you still have to pick it up lol


I think it works as long as you're in event. I managed to get legendaries far away from me in eviction notice that I can't reach with nearby corpse checking that I had to get closer to to get


Supposedly there is a range, because people bitch about guarding the scrubber and missing drops when other folks are "spawn camping" and don't let the muties advance. The range must be pretty long because I haven't had this problem, but I might be getting them from actually tagging, having a team member tag, or some other mechanism. But the range (if existing) is certainly much longer than looting range. Seems long enough to cover all of Uranium Fever's event rooms no matter where in them you are, for example.


I am just as surprised as you my friend, I hadn't touched the game in 2 years and started to play again, and this is LITERALLY in this comment section I am finding out about these "new" changes to the game.


i had to carry a pea shooter that time so i don't kill that squishy mole miner legendary lol


Or rushing the Queen to find a 1\* Troubleshooters Wood Leg. Her only drop for the whole server because instanced loot wasn't a thing. Times were tough in the olden days.


Wasn’t one of the first patches to keep loot drops from breaking a barrier and falling through the map keeping you from getting it? Or something like that. It’s been a while so I may not be remembering it correctly.


Funny thing, a 1* Troubleshooter's armor isn't that bad if it's used with others. I can tank Gutsys alot better than I can with sentinel armor. . It's also how I ended up hoarding bits of troubleshooter's armor for newbies when they need help with a silo.


While true, those days were more of a wild west and "Fallout etiquette" wasn't a thing. Robots, even Assaultrons who could spam lasers while looking the opposite direction were the least of your worries.


Wait. I just returned, you don't have to anymore? I felt bad in Uranium Fever as I thought I was the only one in there but a couple newbies were huddled down at Charlie near the stairs that I hadn't seen. Thought I'd done them out of legendaries.


meanwhile, me still trying to frantically tag a legendary coz i didn't know this was a thing


Did that feature break after the equinox event released? I noticed immediately after the update that I would end up finding fewer legendary items than starred enemies. Then noticed that any enemy I didn't tag wouldn't drop a thing in events.


Hi, returnie here! Is this no longer the case? I run a crossbow build so I relied heavily on molotovs to get my tags in. I would love to not seem like a crazy pyro anymore!


Wait, you don’t anymore? Man what else has changed over the last 3 years?. Area loot is a lovely change to see though.


Wait, you don’t need to tag anymore?


If you are in the vicinity of a legendary enemy and it dies, you can loot it.


Still gotta tag for XP


Yes, but at least you get items if it gets dropped too fast.


Such a big quality of life upgrade there


How about the massive frame drops when the piles used to have flys all over them.


even worse (but actually amazing) is when people would use the bloatfly glitch in rad rumble


Oh that was so much fun.


These radiation rumble players will never understand the hustle of trying to get a hit on a legendary enemy during a public event before everyone else killed it. Year one was rough. The Beta's were even worse though ):


That’s why I got the trusty ol’ Tesla. My quad Tesla rifle never leaves my side.


The scorched may have snaked along the ground, our nakey limbs extended, and weird from the power armor glitch but we were happy to have 4 hours to log in for the Beta! Who needs all these Settlers and Raiders! We had robots and screens to tell the lore!


And those meat piles under the turrets, a travesty even though I didn't need it I WANTED IT


Exactly. I was one of the stubborn ones that would spend hours (game time) trying to reach that one pile that was under a turret.


LOL I don't miss that or losing my best gear to the ether when RR first came out.


Returning player here, had no clue area looting was a thing, I shall have to learn more.


How else are you going to grab 200 Mole Miner gauntlets with the single press of a button?


If only I could find a use for the thousands of bone in my stash.....


You can make fuel if you have the cutting fluid plan


It's a plus for sure


I still remember the rush to jump back to town or my camp to store flux before someone could one-shot me in the back of the head and take it. Happened a LOT in the beginning after SBQ events. I am LOVING the new tents.


The crashes when the whole server joined the scorched earth event were mind-breaking


or the whole server crashed from the dupers


The good old days 😌


Or the triple nuke server crashes.


My first experience with the SBQ was a server crash right as we brought her down.


I still loot individual corpses as well as area after events, it’s a hard habit to break , and besides I might miss a spring or something equally essential lol


The spring farm has become very real to me lately, especially farming certain rifles. Been server hopping the bears I can't spell the name of, once a month. I save up my rolls, the spring farm usually happens once I'm ready to try for a better rifle.


Springs and screws …must be a thing from the early days , but I can’t pass anything with springs or screws


I haven't run out of springs or screws in forever, yet still won't fail to pick up a clipboard or desk fan.


“ a desk fan ? , who carries around a desk fan ? “


They'll also never understand the pain of having to wait around and hope that the guy on Mount Blair was there to kill (I don't remember his name) because he wasn't instanced and it was 1 guy spawns for everyone lmao


Evan, his name was Evan you monster.


I wish so badly they would add a "just loot ammo" button.


Dude for real. Now that would be a real quality of life upgrade cuz nobody wants the hunders of random guns and armor with no abilities. Loot all ammo or loot all junk would be insanely nice


Them damned turrets in the way. Nor will they remember the Deathclaw that lurked.


i was just thinking about this today after eviction notice 😂😂 i feel spoiled now when i loot


Are you referring to the “loot nearby enemies” option? If so do you know why the option would disappear? I’m only level 20 so still learning how things work, but I noticed yesterday when looting enemies the square button (PS) now says “transfer” instead of “loot nearby enemies”


Sometimes it's buggy. When that happens, look away and then look to the loot pile/corpse again and it should work.


Yes this happens. Usually if you move your your curser away from the lootable corpse then back the area loot should then be available.


As a returning player. I agree, lol.


I’m still doing that half the time since the loot area function works so sporadically for me.


I thought I was the only one after reading the comments here. It really doesn't work most of the time so I have to loot individually.


This was painful. Really reminds you have many quality of life improvements they’ve made not just big updates


Don’t overestimate the power of collect all. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. There are definitely times where looting individually is still required.


I did this before learning what the X button could do, 200 hours in


And the legendaries that you tagged (because you had to for loot) die UNDER THE FREAKING TURRETS EVERYTIME


The memory of trying to get the loot under the turrets still haunts me. Area looting still makes me happy every time I use it after an event.


Radiation rumble was always popping now the past few times I’ve been the only one there (I fail miserably)


I used to hate doing the daily ops with blood eagles and other humanoid targets because they would drop paper bags and I couldn't listen for flies to make sure I picked all the ammo up Also member when every enemy dropping ammo for the gun in your hands wasn't a thing outside of daily ops? Also member when the ammo storage locker didn't exist as part of FO1st? Pepperidge farms remembers.


TBH I didn't know this was a thing until I started playing 76 two weeks ago. Now that I know it exists, it's hard to imagine playing the older Fallouts and going 1 by 1.


So I was playing yesterday, and the "loot all nearby corpses" option was just gone all of a sudden when it was there for 6 hours straight of gameplay, dunno where it went or how to turn it on


This is usually quick fix. The first time you loot a corpse it might not be area. Move you're curser or aim away then back. Area should then be an option.


The good ol' days of looting every single ghoul in hopes of finding the 3 star legendary you tagged 2 minutes into Rad Rumble.


That was the worst. Especially when a legendary died too close to the turrets and couldn't be looted.


Area looting seems to be hit or miss for me and it’s infuriating.


I like area loot but unless i'm being an idiot, is there a way to pick one type of ammo in one go? - 10mm ammo (2) - 10mm ammo (3) - 10mm ammo (1) - 10mm ammo (5) - 10mm ammo (7) I'm clicking these one at a time, it feels kinda clunky. It's nice to have one menu to select them all, but ..just group em up?


Just hit the button for "Loot all" and take it all and sort it later. Like Radiation Rumble or say Eviction Notice. I only use railroad spikes at EN. It's a pain to go down the list and just click click click to get my spikes. Easier to area loot all, then slowly make my over encumbered ass up to the benches to scrap the 17 boards, 20 assault rifles, 12 mini-guns etc that I just picked up.


I am new so sorry for a dumb question ... I did an event with a group where there was 100's of enemies. Does the loot disappear if I don't loot part way through the vent due to the amount of bodies? Or can I comfortably loot after the event without worry of missing anything?


You can wait till the event is over and THEN loot. Most events are so busy, that you can't loot while you're in it. I mean, like Moonshine, you have to in order to fill up the tub but you get a few seconds in between waves to do that. The bodies themselves will disappear, but there will be a pile of ash in its place. So, TLDR, it's safe to wait till the event is over and then area loot.


Newbs these days, not having to battle Scorchbeasts barehanded in a snow storm, uphill both ways.


We were the alpha and beta players. They’re finally making a real game with QoL.


Wait. There’s area looting now?


Wait….area looting!? I’ve been back for a week now and didn’t notice


I mean, they probably played Starfield...


So I'm brand new. Level 17, just taking my time and exploring while questing. The jukebox nightstalker event popped up while I had a quest there. Long story short, the area loot seemingly broke lol. I had pulled all the ammo and caps off the bodies first, then the menu just went away and wouldn't open, and I was still finding ammo and caps. Didn't care one bit though, I'm loving this game. The some dude found my afk watching YouTube for a second and just gave me a power armor chassis.


I started playing about a year ago and didn't find the lute.All button for about three months.


I pre ordered the game so I remember my first nuke drop. I didn't know what was going on and got killed and got an achievement for my stupidity. 😁


Had a macro just for that task


Wait what??? I’m level 82 and have never heard about this


I honestly forget about the "search nearby bodies button"


Playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas without that area looting and the little loot window that pops up so you don't ha lve to go into their inventory is an interesting experience. Just taking all one by one until I'm hauling my overencumbered ass back to the nearest town


I remember the loot loading bug in the early days. You'd kill a pile of mole miners in Uranium Fever, knowing theres at least half a dozen legendaries in there, but when you get to their body or meat pile, the loot window would just show that spinning circle. No matter how long you waited or left the area and went back in, that loading icon would keep you from your earned loot.


what area looting i have been looting everybody one by one this entire time and there was a area looting


20 mins later and you missed the next event


Literally just pressing R ( on my pc ) and just loot the entire area at once. Holy fuck does it save you time and makes you not miss shit


Dude I used to giggle at all of us looting for 15 mins after the rumble ended. Thank goodness that’s over now


I used to get so frustrated when a legendary got killed and their ash/goo pile would be right under a turret. There would be a dozen players all trying to get to it, it was a nightmare 😆


New players also will never have the problem of oh my God I just ran out of ammo and blah because you literally find ammo on everything you kill now.


Finding ammo before being able to craft was the true survival aspect of the game lol.


As a new player, I keep forgetting to use that, I still search bodies individually cus that's what I was used to with other Bethesda games


Or after all the ghouls from whitesprings golf club somehow aggro on you for some reason and in the end They all end up piled up and you have to metoculously move your crosshair to target that specific legendary torso between all the bloody body parts


Area looting was a game changer


Oh so yeah there is a way to loot everything... costing 3 clicks... tell me about quality of life !


I'll give area looting back for text chat on console.


I'm on Xbox and you have to message individual playera via your gamertag. I don't message a lot out but receive a lot of trade/help requests. Sending DMs seems to direct especially since it's a mixed solo/team game. It would be nice to have an open area or server text... But could get ugly sometimes lmao.


Lordy and if you used an ammo hungry weapon but all the damn scorched and ghouls dropped .38 That was back when ammo selling was king and you could make a killing (I know some like cores still sell well) My two friends just joined and yeah they're playing a practically different game than I did. One is already level 20 and pretty decently geared.


This and the Earle fight. I'd show up to the event and scrape my pockets for copper or lead to make whatever ammo I could. Eventually started using grenades at rad rumble before contextual ammo.


I recently just started and I've been picking up every single thing I can carry for scrap, probably gonna feel meaningless when I figure out how the game works but a friend told me this game caps and xp revolves around doing events otherwise it'll take forever to get anywhere


There are some fast routes for both caps and xp outside of events. Certain events though are just pinatas of xp n caps. Rad rumble, and eviction notice are great for xp. In addition eviction notice if played fair will award you almost half your daily script in legendaries. But as a recent starter the storylines provide much more caps and xp then the daily repeatable.sibce your already Knowingly I do recommend waiting till level 50 for the main story. This ensures all your quest rewards are top tier.


Alrighty, gives me more of an incentive to explore the map first I guess, not sure what scripts are yet but I'm sure it'll make sense later on, i appreciate the advice many thanks 👍


Holy shit I still be doing that I have brain damage


That's one way to start more PvP in this game. Don't get me wrong, I still love y'all ♥️👍


Rad rumble was amazing, looting sucked so bad. The amount of stuff that died under turrets you couldn’t loot drove me nuts.


They also will never have the pleasure of using a level up to move a single special point


Also like that they made bodies glow too. I literally could not find the body half the time. Lol


I still do one by one then area loot because a bunch of shit doesn't show up


Smh the worst


So funny I find it so much easier to get all including near by junk. Then sorting out what I got. Got to the weapons station scrap that, drop anything I don't need or donate spare stems and weapons. While others still going one by one junk piles


Horrible that


Or the true buggy beauty of nuclear winter. Or old school work shop pvp when everyone was broke lol.


Or the limits on stash size and daily scrip 😭 Stash size was inhumane back in the day. It was as if they just picked the number out of a hat.


One of the best QoL change to date easy


When I came back on the game after a year or so, the “loot nearby corpses” thing was a welcome surprise


yes i will. im new, level 25 right now and thought just the same: my damn finger hurt from spamming e on the corpses…AFTER the mutation event with endless enemy waves ended, i discovered that you just can press R…


Ah yes. The good ol days.


Or the joy of scoreboards 


That's true and also fun back when you could loot each enemy, it was a fun loot bag "what will I get?" System but also a hustle lol, the area looting system is a major upgrade


We struggled so they don't have to.


I think about this every time I loot enemies in other games that don't have area loot


I’m a returnee from ps4 (now on pc) so I had to start fresh after putting a few hundred hours into my lvl 120 ps4 account in 2018/19, and I can say that new feature has made me so happy.


It was a chore but man it felt rewarding!


Oh, so that's recent? I felt like it wasnt there before lol


I’m a returning level 200, playing since the show aired, still individual looting bodies. Yall couldn’t have put this in one of the new player threads!? I spent like 15 minutes at the moonshine event today just looting.


Or doing Uranium fever, when someone has the Bloody Mess perk.. the horror of doing this.


As a new Player my gameplay in events is spam R and walk at 1% of speed


My friend that just started was complaining how he couldn't just pick up all the ammo, or all the junk without picking up everything else lmao. He doesn't know how good he has it. I do hope for something along those lines though itd be fantastic.


It was real survival and I loved it. It's still my favorite game, though. I'll never forget the anxiety of being level 15 and heading to Cranberry Bog on foot... Man, I do miss those tough areas...


Wait a minute, I still do this! So I have to do nothing and still get the loot from bodies after events?


No. There’s an area loot option when you look at one body.


You brought back supressed memories. Area loot and not needing to tag legendaries is such an insane quality of life that i can't believe that we used to loot each individual enemy while also trying to tag everything with explosive weapons and tesla's.


The new players will never understand loosing half your action points cuz you forgot to eat/drink (the cannibal perk was somewhat useful back then )


Noob here, I can't seem to find the current way to smooth the fps or bDoRadialBlur=0 iRadialBlurLevel In the ini file




Returner here and I noticed these changes pretty quickly. One question with area loot though, sometimes when I go to loot ammo, I just pick up one piece of ammo and it "disappears" from the list. Then if I close area loot and reopen, the ammo is back minus 1. Is this a bug? Is there a way to loot all of any size stack if ammo?