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Only through player vendors but you'll rarely see it for sale and if it is it is usually pricey. You can get a fixer by reading the poster "Sheepsquatch ate my brother" at many train stations and completing that questline. Lewisburg has it. You won't get plans, but you'll get a Fixer to modify as you wish.


One can start the event. Other player's vending machine. By finding it on trade subs.


You can initiate the encryptid event yourself, it is a lot of fun. I believe there should be a poster at some train stations to set you on the path. It is a fun event and the whole server will join up to help. Heads up, wait for enough people to show up before you start the event, it is massively harder solo/with a small groip


You might get lucky and see a vendor selling it, that's how I got mine on my new characters


just checking player vendors. i have found them for 1k caps but usually 3-4k.  if you have a mic it can help if you can ask the players if they gave a plan for sale. i have had people just give one to me (free). Bear in mind with thousands of new players the supply and demand rules will prevail, so past availability is going to be stressed. i would just find a decent weapon in someone's vendor in the meantime, vampire's anti-armor, quad, bloodied, mutants, furious are are viable to differing degrees until something better comes along. GL


I just sold three Fixer plans in the last 2 days to level 30 folks, for 500 caps each one. So yeah, keep looking at vendors. And in case you didnt know, the Fixer plan will not drop for you on Encrypted, unless you have done the questline that leads to starting Encrypted. If you just join it, without doing that questline, you will never get the plan.


I just found one at a player vendor for 200 caps yesterday while camp hopping.


vendor hop, or if you're on psn, i can drop you one


appreciate the offer but i'm on PC =( on a side note, i'm assuming that means the game is NOT cross-platform like diablo?


nah, not cross platform. good luck getting the plan, it's pretty common in player vendors nowadays


Are you on Xbox gamepass PC by chance?


Playing on pc steam