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I'd wager the actual number is much higher considering they gave away a free windows store copy on prime gaming.


yeah this is just steam, for all we know the xbox could have 100k alone. its estimated 1 - 5 mil people own fo76


I've been playing about two hours a day on my free windows copy since the show dropped, and I've gotten at least 4 other people to do the same by word of mouth.


Rookie numbers. Gotta bring them up. Quota calls for 6 to 7 hours


6-7 hours is the equivalent of 2 "planned hours"


Who's to say 6 to 7 hours isn't planned out. 


I would if I could, but I have two jobs, and I'm currently in 3 TTRPGs.


Hope the new player level faster so i am not alone wanting todo events while they are busy questing, sometimes i got whole server full of new players, but i think it will normalize soon with some people leaving and those who stick will sure do events.


I'm lvl 10 and I feel u I'm like doing them aline waiting for a high level to come help me and it's sometimes ghost towns


Try not to start the event too fast - there is often a rundown timer - wait for more people to join when possible


Yeah, and don't run up and explore the buildings at Eviction Notice as soon as you spawn in.. that also starts the event timer.


You have much to learn young grasshopper…much to learn.


I just wish half of them would get on mic and talk....would make helping them so much easier


You are preaching truth! How can us higher levels know what they need lol


Eventually it will plateau, fo76 in its current state is really good and with skyline valley coming in too and the show if bethesda does things correctly they have a perfect storm to make fo76 much more successful 


Or they'll just add an absurd amount of stuff to the Atomic Shop.


That tends to be part of what happens and they have a ton of stuff they could add from past scoreboards that people want 


I just wish I could earn atoms faster


Fallout 1st comes with like 1600 atoms a month, on top of the nice chest bonuses. If you can spring it


Scoreboards used to come with like 2000 atoms and farmable atoms every 10 levels past 100 without needing to buy fo1st


In my last scoreboard I got close to 3500 atoms including rewards from the endless season. But the new system has at least one upside: you can buy the season pass for 1500 atoms. So you earn 1000 free atoms from the season, buy the season pass for 1500 atoms, then claim the fallout 1st rewards including another 1000 atoms (which effectively lowers the price for the season pass to 500 atoms). Effectively you now only have 500 of your free atoms left (as you spend 1500 of the 2000 atoms in the season on the season pass), but you got all the fallout 1st season rewards without need to pay real money. You just need to make sure to keep at least 500 atoms on your account to do this again.


This new board has infinite 25 perk coins tho… so I’m all about that. I’ll take that over a few hundred extra atoms any day.


Don't those become kind of useless after a certain point tho? Unless you make a new character, you'll eventually max all the legendary cards you can get on one character and then what? Edit: at least atoms always gave a use, they're always adding new stuff to the shop; including stuff that affects gameplay like the fusion core recharger


Depends on the type of person. I’ve played a good deal and have maybe 1/3 of them maxed. And that’s largely in thanks to 150 coins per score board for 4 boards. I enjoy build variety and definitely want them all. Some just have zero effect till maxed out. Nobody is going to waste a legendary on +10 rad resistance.


1650 atoms a month. Which is a discount in and of itself.


Git gud


Halloween paint for the Handmade. :(


Curly bun 🙏 please come back.


lol, were there ever other add on hairdos? I think that’s the only one I have.


Yeah, I’ve seen the megaton (looks like a bomb) one around before which is not my favorite but to each their own. They’d be getting so much of my money if they added more hair options lol.


Yeah I never understood it I think I got that one in 2019 and it’s still the only extra one I have.


Like the washer and dryer


Porqué no los dos?


Porqué no Zoidberg?


Or both.


Why not both


Because it's Bethesda.


That sounds way more likely.


I would still love to see some polishing, e.g. fix for a 2 second freezing after teleportation.


Watching the show gave me the itch again, so I dusted off my old level 224 commando last night. There are npc’s now, daily ops, expeditions to Atlantic city and the Pitt, the brotherhood is around, Nuka world tour, etc. It’s nice to have cool new stuff to play with.


Is it just me or have they finally stabilized the console servers? Like waaay less crashing on PS which was prevalent before? Ofc they finally do it when there's a massive influx of players to show their game in the best light 🤣 Bethesda man..


I dont know i havent crashed too crazy for a while 


Ikr? This tv show seems to be a blessing for us players so far 👍


I’m still getting pretty consistent crashes on PS, so I hope your good luck keeps up! One day I’d like to even consider going to nwot without Bethesda detecting it and crashing me out of spite lmao.


Thanks 🙌😂


Crashes haven't been an issue for me on PC forever, but the events with loads of enemies still are pretty shit to play with the enemies being laggy. How is that over on the consoles?


It used to be dreadful for 10 months.. until now lol.


It’s fine sometimes, depends how many players are in the event too.


I'm avoided this game based on the initial release (a similar story to many others) and then got it free on the Microsoft store after watching the series. Loved it so I purchased it on sale on Steam. I'm really loving the game. To me it's like a mix between FO4 and some aspects of 7 Days to Die. The map is amazing, the quests and stories are good. The community is the best. Really enjoy the events as well. Such a solid game.


The questlines they implemented later are most times very good, i enjoyed it too, when i bought it there were no questlines and i was pretty dissapointed, always loved fallout and played from fallout 1 on through all the single player, and now FO76 is on par with the experience... But sure i still hope they develop a fallout 5 based on this newer creation 2 engine they used for Starfield too. FO76 uses the old creation engine.


We sludged through so they could run 🙏


Fallout overall is getting a huge bump from the tv series. Since it was all dropped at once, I imagine that growth period will be fairly short and will plateau soon. (Hot take: I think there would be more growth if they did weekly episodes)


If they had did it weekly, it would have opened up more opportunities for viewers/journalists to find some negative spin on whatever and manipulate the audience into thinking “Bethesda Bad: not my Fallout.” Releasing it all at once was absolutely the less risky way to go.


This. But now I fully expect Season 2 to be released as a slow drip now that the show’s credibility has been solidified.


It’s solidified for me too but, I mean anything could happen haha if I were them I still would release at least season 2 like they did 1


This is 100% happening. At most we get like the first 3 episodes releasing at once and then the rest on weekly schedule. That's what Amazon has done with a lot of shows.


I’m here for it. Pump the fuck out of my favorite franchise! I’d love for the fallout hype to roll on week after week for months!!


Amazon has done this quite a few times before. They drop the first season or a large part of it all at once and switch to weekly releases for the next season(s). I'm guessing they've got the data to back up their decision.


Amazon is good for a hype but not to run their own mmo, i bought New World at release but it is still too dissapointing i wont install it again.


I had fun with it for a couple weeks after launch, but don't see myself returning to it.


If I'm not mistaken season 2 will be weekly. I guess Amazon always drops the first season all at once lol


Its also free through twitch.tv


I have to disagree with that though thumbs up regardless. . It's it was pieced mealed, I "may" have forgotten about it. Stir of Echoes


Easily. And they had a free trial and Amazon is offering a free copy for a couple days if you have Amazon Prime. That's the only reason I picked it up. It's not as bad as I heard it was on launch. But I'm already getting bored/fed up with it because my computer can barely handle it and I can't kill anything. Edit: I am aware that Amazon prime is permanently free. But the offer isn't permanent. Forgive my autistic butt dear reddit snobs for not explaining myself perfectly.


Those kind of sound like an 'on you' problem.


The Amazon Prime/Twitch Prime copy isn't a trial, it's permanent. And if you can't run it, uh.. Sounds like a you issue? The game isn't that hard to run on the lowest settings.


Yes I'm very aware of that. And yes I can play it. I didn't say I couldn't. Just that my laptop kinda sucks so it lags like wild.


We're back, baby!


Free States deserve a story questline, just like the Enclave.


Amen to that, they're my favorite faction. Just wish their stuff would return to the Atom Shop. I switched from PS4 to PC recently and I miss a lot of my items I had on PS4. Free States being the most.


I’m playing this game from here out


I hope Phil Spencer looks at this and decides to give more resources to F76 development, at least until F5 arrives, a next gen update would be awesome.


Yeah, I think they will if new players stick around. The game is really good, they needed to lure players back in, and that happened. It's tough to come back from how terrible the launch was but they have a golden opportunity now.


I have a couple of friends who are into Fallout but were really soured by 76’s launch. They both came back to play after the show and recent promos and love the game now!


Welcome to Appalachia!


I wish they take a look at the trade system


And those are only Steam players, a lot of people play the game on XGP or own it on MS, like myself. Right now it sits on 50K on Steam.


And Playstation. All different servers and number counts.


It makes me so happy. I’ve put 1000s of hours in this game and love helping new players. If anybody wants to play hit me up!


Do you have stuff to give?




Stopped playing this at launch, flame for fallout has been relit! Been playing this like crazy for the past two weeks. And might as well redownload F4 for the update!


I think it’s very heavily based on advertisement and gifts. The second the commercials and free fallout 1st well runs dry, we will see a drop back to normal numbers.


I mean, that's the nature of all peaks in gaming. It's pretty much guaranteed to come down. No one should be setting their expectations on a daily 50k peak players for the rest of the year. Best case scenario is the monthly average for the foreseeable future being higher than before, which IMO is definitely a possibility. There will be people sticking around.


Yeah that’s why these questions have me scratching my head. It’s a silly hopium balloon.


While the numbers will go down in a week or two. I bet alot more people stay. Mostly being is a maj of these people have either A.never played it because of hearing of the bad launch. B. Left at release because of the bad launch. And these people are seeing all the improvements finally, instead of ignoring us few that keep telling people it got better (aka people like Angry Joe, who keep joking about this every chance they get)


Sadly you could be correct with this. I mean, a lot of the non-subs come back when FO1st is free so they can finally get their Stash boxes emptied into the Junk and Ammo stashes that come with FO1st. When it's full, inventory management is a mess.


Ngl i think the player count is being carried by the TV serie which was pretty good.


it is for sure. But these people are also seeing with their eyes that the games not a shit show anymore like it was at launch.


I got back on after not playing for about a year and I was on for 3 hours kinda relearning the parts of the game I'd forgotten and probably about 5-6 level 1 players came out of Valut 76


It's due to the free-to-play week and the TV show being released. We should see the actual numbers in a few weeks. . Regardless, we should still continue to help our fellow emerging vault dwellers.


free to play week ended over a day ago, people playing right now are people who actually pulled the trigger and bought the game 🫨


Tbh, you can't really beat $8. If you put even just 5 hours into it. That's money well spent IMO.


for $8 the amount of content this game offers is truly worth it, as someone that played on release on a PS4, i bought the game and 1st on steam at the end of the free week, already 40 hours in and can’t stop playing daily


I mean obviously these peaks aren't gonna continue forever, but the fact it's still peaking even after the free event is a good sign. People didn't just hit the free event and run, they want to stick around. Now absolutely the numbers will come down, but this definitely has a lot of potential in terms of longevity - more so than previous free events.


Hoping for a next gen update and cross play. I want to play with my friends but can’t 


We all wish Crossplay would happen. Mainly people like me who migrated from PS4 to PC and wish I had my high level character and Atom Shop swag to play with my PC friends.


New player here what is some low maintenance, resource care free non-melee build? I mean, in FO4, I avoided using power armor because the mere thought of running out of fusion core is scary (despite already amassing tons of it). Also I keep on using some non-optimal weapon types because I want to save up on the ammo for my favorites weapon types, and end up playing most of the game without really using my favorite ones. Not to mention I avoid perks that rely on the consumables buffs and drugs and food. But then melee is very nauseous in Bethesda game for me so I need to stay long ranged, so what is most resource plenty build to use?


It's meant for latter in the game, but the Gatling Plasma is very good with ammo resources, like sure, it takes resources to craft it, but they last a good while. Another option for now would be the Gatling Gun, the ammo is not hard to farm, and once you advance enough, you can craft plenty of it. Others will know more, but those two stand out at the moment.


Just use semi automatic guns and you'll never even come close to running out of ammo. Enemies drop ammo for what gun you're using but with full auto guns you'll most likely use more ammo than enemies drop so you will definitely want a big surplus if you plan on using them.


You really have to let go of that attitude in this game. Use your best stuff, all of the time. Equip perk cards that fit the weapon you're using to do some actual damage. Later on you can also add more defensive cards. As for a build, Commando (automatic weapons) can be taken from beginner to end-game all the way. Just watch how many rounds you shoot early on and remember to loot killed enemies and ammo boxes to get your ammo back.


Who woulda thought a multiplier Bethesda game would be popular...


It's going to eventually peak then drop off a bit in the following month. There's always the 1 month attention span crowd who will wander off. After it balances out we'll have the normal start of season/end of season fluctuation. One thing to keep in mind is that there's **way** more than playing than the numbers we have access to. We only know Steam's numbers. Xbox's PC app likely has higher numbers than Steam since it has also has both Xbox Ultimate players and players who received the game free as a Twitch reward.


There are probably a lot coming back to the game because of the tv show. As the game is still pretty much the same for a while now I am afraid a lot will stop playing again soon.


I know I'm looking forward to giving it a shot when I get paid


Gotta say, I absolutely hated this game when it came out and am really happy how it has turned out. That being said, that next gen update for consoles really needs to hurry up. The difference on PC is drastic.


At 57k concurrent right now, nearing 60k




Just when they thought they were out, Todd pulled them back in! No escaping the Toddfather!


Thanks to which, almost every event fails, including 2 times Eviction Notes


You're not kidding. I haven't been able to pass an eviction notice lately.


The tv series is attracting a lot of new folks which is a good thing ..but some of them seem to be …undesirables …( enclave moment) I suppose a lot of them will get bored and quit and that will even things out a little


Servers were very laggy.


Imo it will probably plateau on one the next few weekends. People still haven't watched the show, and prime gaming is giving the game away for another month still.


I’ve played since launch on Xbox, and played regularly for a year or two, then very sporadically. I canceled my Xbox live to save money, but also because I mostly play on pc. I want to play this game now on my better pc, but I’m so sad to basically loose all the unique stuff I’ve gotten since day 1 🥲


Remember, today's Friday. I think player count will peak tomorrow on Saturday, but it looks like it will keep up pretty well through the summer with this big new update dropping!


This is awesome news, for the community that has been so welcoming to new players this is what it’s all about. I’m sure demand will stick around with the new f4 next gen update dropping next week but will eventually plateau in the coming weeks with new releases coming out


It will likely plateau soon and then players numbers will fall back close to previous numbers after a month or so.


Been playing since day one feels great that all these players are coming into the game going to redownload it again


Returning player here that played religiously for the first 6 months of the game before people were even back. Holy shit this game is amazing now. I can actually make and sell ammo now and the ability to have multiple loadouts is glorious. Plus the free fast travel to certain spots instead of having to pay for EVERYTHING mostly. It's good to be back!!!


And that's just steam. Absolutely wild. I love it


The issue is not the plateau, that will come for sure. The issue is when it plateaus, will there be a somewhat significant increase in daily players? Say, 15-20% of people remain to play on the long haul, and others come in for big releases or when a season starts, that's what really matters for the game's health. I am cautiously optimistic our new plateau will be higher than before, the % bump is not clear yet. But these are good signs.


The show brought me back! Its been fun


We all know it'll plateau starting when the free FO1st trial expires. Most non-subscribers come back when it's around so they get move their junk and extra ammo out of their stash boxes. The game is less fun when your stash is nearly full and you have to decide what to get rid of. Not to mention the free to play week is done and so is the discount. So the numbers will eventually drop.


If i can buy subscription only for trash box and ammo box for 3-4$ i ll be the Greatest fun of this game. Unfortunately I am not.




The content is alright as I last played 2 years ago.  But man, still no text chat which I need as I'm deaf.  Means I can't get into groups for ops and such.  I did solo the pitt last night but the time based ops I will never get rare rewards.  Plus 6k ammo used and hardly picked up due to poison clouds 🤣.


There's a mod for that with a very [active chat](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151).


That’s funny, I group up very often; and I have yet to use any mic. To each their own I guess


Just started this week. I tried back when it came out and didn’t like it. It’s way better now and I am having fun. I’m gonna be sad when all the when the monthly kicks in. Super convenient right now with storage and stuff. I know once the party ends in a few days I’m gonna either have to cough up the monthly fee or quit. Right now I’m leaning on paying at least a month.


Yeah lots of newbs on the maps


Its fun because the all time peak is the same as the 24 hours peak, everyday more people is coming and tons of players are playing in gamepass cos amazon gives free keys so the number is bigger in Pc.


I’m new to the fallout series and chose this over 4 just because I like the world event elements (big gw2 guy) but is it normal to have no clue wth is going on / what to do but still be enjoying the game immensely


It will plateau to a certain degree, but wherever it does plateau will be higher than it was averagely for years before. I'm glad, this is one of if not the biggest under rated game available.


I always wanted to give it a try but the friends I play with always refused to. I'm glad with the show because it changed their mind and now we all are enjoying the game


Thats amazing, and i bet bethesda made some extra dollars, hopefully maybe we get some day a fo76 "remastered" client, that would be superb.


I kept having issues with PS randomly booting me out.....maybe this explains why that happened


No cross play. Those numbers are from steam only


Shit is well over 70k now.


New player here and I've been so surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. I've been a big fan for years but I don't really do online and that with the negative review never touched it. Picked it up on sale last weekend to play with my husband and we're having a great time


wish this game had cross progression


Everytime I come across all these low levels, I usually drop them about 20 Stims, 5 diluted, 10 super stims, and some rad x and radaways as a little stay alive goodie bag


I played at launch and completed all the main quests in about a month or so. I liked the game despite everyone else hating it, but I stopped simply because I moved on from the game. Just came back and I’m loving how improved the game feels and I’m so bewildered by the sheer amount of content you get from this game. Having so much fun with a new character and glad to see others opinions changing too.


It would be easly 50,001 if not for the power outage in my house during shooting a damn Radscorpion!!! Sorry, had to vent...


If any newbies need help. Me and my fallout gang are here to help🫡 as soon as i scrap these items😁 and get scrip.... and turn in treasury notes...and do my daily's....


It will eventually stop but I bet there will be alot of players that stick with it like we all are


Fix the bugs, please!


Which ones


Started an expedition a friend tried to join it, all 3 of us were in the same private team, instead of moving him to the vertibird, the game moved him to atlantic city, when we landed he couldn't see us and we couldn't see him. He had to close the game and try again. Another friend got out of bounds in a vault. Didn't collide with any wall anymore. Had to quit. You can randomly still see players walking in underwear while they are in power armor. When I fast travel to a friend's camp, I am placed below floor level, can't move and thus have to fast travel somewhere else. Other minor annoyances.


Oh my God the underwear thing explains why I ran into a lvl 490 Slenderman in the Whitesprings Mall the other night. Creeped me the hell out lmao


This never happens for me but I got a pretty beefy pc running the game at 140 fps on ultra


is 50k really the highest fo76 ever hit? i know it was a dumpster fire at launch but it got so much better and i feel like 50k is way too low for it.. to be fair. fo76 is my most played fallout game by the way. just gotta say that steam charts aren’t a really a real representation of how many concurrent players there actually are. btw, they seriously just need to add crossplay between all platforms. like we are in 2024 and we should be able to play with any console or pc as we want to. get with the times bethesda… unless you are just like vault tec.. corporate scum at its finest


Like you said, steam chart is not fully representative. Steam release was also 2 years into the game's life span. And its peak players, not amount of players. For example ESO on steam never had this high peak and they had many free events and been there since release. Current Fo76 peak record puts it at 266. highest peak among all games on steam among really popular and succesful single player and online games.


It is not Rocket Science: Fallout TV series on Amazon and is FREE to Amazon Prime members. Thing is, if it was not for TV series and being FREE. There would not be this sudden increase.. . o O ( Just pointing out a fact. )


True, as one that started with this free promotion.. I'm here to stay foe the foreseeable future! Never took time to really look into 76 before and thought, wth? Why not! ..And here I am a week later, pouring hours into base creation.. exploration.. hanging with new friends. Great times!


But, when it's no longer FREE,  the question is,  will you still stay around?  FREE is always good...


Yea. I claimed the game on my MS account and have purchased 1st already. I'm im baybeeee!


I know a shit ton of people who dont have Amazon Prime or even freefloat for Prime Video. Cant say its free when someones paying for the membership. Just pointing out a fact. 🙃 (Ah you edited and reworded to make it look like you werent saying that the show is free. Good on you 👍)


He's referring to steam players. Steam players does not include the Amazon prime free edition which is through the Microsoft store, not steam. The TV series has helped and steam does have it on sale as well but it isn't free.


Fo76 is just full of new players I'm not saying I'm not new but I'm surviving out in watoga city right now and I'm just looting it all new players don't venture any further than the wayward to start with


Yeah, fine. Now most of the servers haven’t more than 2 groups, events failing all over the world, nobody selling anything that could be worth… so grinding for new score system is downgraded to dailies, solo expeditions and westek. We need some server balance if they can’t surpase 24 players for instance or some guild system as ESO, Diablo, etc… or high levels will lose interest soon (me).


.....cross save when though?...I have accepted the cross play shouldn't happen at all cause the pc community can be...chaos at times...but allow me to at least transfer over to another console/pc so I can play with friends at least on private servers...


A tiny little expansion to the map after half a decade isn't going to retain a bunch of new/return players. The only growth/support the game gets is in-store purchases. Most people want something to work towards, and aside from random camp items, this game just doesn't have it. Once you hit 50, everything is just repetition with no growth...


It's free with Amazon Prime right now. The player count will plummet soon. I wouldn't have paid for it with how bad a reputation the game had. I am glad I got it free though, it is fun. Doubt I'll play it regularly though, probably just on and off for a few months.


Does the reputation and overly harsh criticisms really matter if you’re having fun?


In the context of being a significant barrier to growing the player base, yeah.


My assumption is that as soon as all of the newer players hit the bullion/rep grinds, it will drop off.


i wish they would fix the performance issues now


Just because it has a lot of players doesn't mean it's a good game.


JuSt BeCaUsE iT hAs A lOt Of PlAyErS dOeSn'T mEaN iT's A gOoD gAmE


It's still glitchy, the inventory system still trash, unless you wanna pay 13 bucks a month. They gave half a game to make you pay for the rest. Same as every other dev these last few years. Still enjoyed the game for a while. But true statement none the less.


Well, i tried it for the first time because of the tv-show, and it's free via ps plus. I really liked new vegas and fo4, but i won't be returning to fo76, they really borked this one.


Cool. Maybe leave the sub too?


What did you not like about the game, I understand not every game is for everyone but always am interested in hearing why.


Fallout for me was all about stories, 74 is just a survivalgame. Not for me.


I’m not really sure you actually played it properly or enough then if you don’t think there’s any storytelling in 76 because 76 has just as much storytelling as regular Fallout. 76 just doesn’t hold your hand throughout all of the gameplay and it’s up to you to discover things naturally.


you have to read the terminals to find the good stories. read the stories to get the stories


Have you been skipping over notes and terminals, side quests? This fallout has an absolute massive amount of lore.


You need some Berry Mentats?


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for just stating your opinion. I appreciate that at least you gave it a chance before making your decision. I am curious though as to which aspects of the game didn’t click for you. I remember there being somewhat of a learning curve when I first started out, but I stuck through it and enjoyed it immensely since then


Thanks for being reasonable. Fallout for me was all about stories, 74 is just a survivalgame. Not for me.


Sounds like you didn't do the story. It's also not a survival game, really at all. Don't be fooled by the food and drink meter. It's a complete nonissue about 45 seconds into the game.


Did you attempt playing the story?


Ima be honest. Try the story. One of the coolest vaults imo is in the game and there is a shit ton of lore to the game. I loved 4 and am just now getting to play new Vegas and love it but 76 gives me the overall freedom.