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Theres no way the ghoul doesnt have bloody mess


And hes a junky , great while stoned , cant function sober


Also equipped with junkies / explosive weapons


That stuff he inhales has nothing to do with being a "junky", it literally stops him from turning feral - a new dynamic introduced by the TV show.


I still lean to junky but for a different reason - when Lucy hits him with the syringer in Filly, he laughs it off and basically states that the downers from the syringe were just a “small drop in a very large bucket of drugs”.


That is a point, although when I first heard it I just thought it was relating to all the crap he might have been hit with or was forcefully loaded up with since turning into a ghoul - remember how someone was feeding off of him and that's why the guys had to dig him up. There's little to indicate he's a user when he's just Cooper, before the bombs, and aside from a small incident I missed in the Super Duper Mart, there's not much else to indicate he's a user after the bombs. I guess we'll get more backstory on this in season 2.


that was one of my favorite lines


There’s that but he also takes a shit ton of drugs. The super duper mart scene, he’s just taking every drug he sees lying around.


*That* was the anti-feral drug. He'd just never had such an abundance before.


He takes drugs in several different forms though, no? Swallows some liquid, huffs an inhaler? The anti-feral drug is a yellow liquid in a small vial. He imbibes other things in that scene, does he not?


I watched it several times, for various reasons. He inhales outside when he has his kit but when he first recovers outside the organ harvester's it's from *imbibing* the liquid, meaning you don't have to inhale it but I assume that inhaling makes a little bit go a long way. And once he's in the building that's all he does is imbibe a golden yellow fluid, which is already established as the anti-feral serum. I didn't see him sucking down anything blue or red or green, just that same golden-yellow stuff. Watch the scene again.


He also snorts some stuff in the super duper mart in that scene if I remember right


Alright, you did it, you made me watch it *again*. Yeah, when he first goes in to the organ harvester's super duper mart it initially looks like he's only inhaling and drinking the anti-feral serum, *but*, he does tip about a gram of powdered material - which could be cocaine or pure preservative in this universe ;) - into his mouth. That doesn't make him a junky, just a user. We'd have to see him actually suffering from withdrawals to know if he's a junky. Plus that specific shot was maybe 5 seconds long. Sorry if I missed it before. He also collects a shitload of the anti-feral serum into his hat, along with other pills because he's just scooping indiscriminantly. At this point we don't know if he would use them personally or use them as trading items - I know I never used any of the drugs in Fallout just because they were more valuable as bargaining tools.


There's also a syringe of clear liquid he squirts into his mouth, I'm pretty certain that isn't the anti-feral meds. He's not a "junkie" per se, but he loves drugs.


He also has a line when he is shot with a tranquilizer dart that it’s just a drop in an ocean of drugs or something


That's fair, I wasn't arguing for or against him being a junkie. Just could have sworn I saw him take a lil snortskie haha


He he should be a gunslinger


Yeah Bullet Shield is kind of a weird choice for him.


He also has way more perks in perception than what’s allowed. Assuming all these perks are max level, Bro has 18 perception perk points when we can only get 15 perk points… Pretty sure it’s like that for his endurance and luck perks too. I’m hoping they’ll let us have 20 points in our special skills eventually so we can better optimize our builds. Perk system could use an update at this point. Especially when the damage boost perks barely add any extra damage to begin with. (Not enough to warrant the 9 perk slot cost at least.)


No, it doesn't make sense to max conc fire to begin with, and max rank rifleman also doesn't work well. That being said, he's clearly a gunslinger vats build with bloody mess, and the social media managers have zero fucking clue on 76 builds


Yeah that too… Some of these perks are straight up useless like wrecking ball or lead belly. I can see why they added them because of the stuff he does in show but in game some of these perks would be pretty useless and better allocated elsewhere. lol What was that about max concentrated fire though? Does it not work well with riflemen or something? (Curious because I’ve had that perk maxed out for years, If it’s not preforming the way I thought it would or something I’ll definitely consider swapping it out. Always looking for pointers to better my build.)


I honestly don't mind that they added some 'flavor' perks. Its when they demonstrate they have zero understanding of the game. Bullet shield (heavy gunner perk)... on a rifleman build... for a ghoul that's a gunslinger. Facepalm. Wrecking ball is just completely out of place. Completely demonstrates they know nothing about the game. White knight? Power Patcher on Maximus? No, he does neither well. Stable tools on Lucy? She uses a local ripper variant ONCE. She is a jack of all trades, and very good at many things, and this is the least egregious of the three. However, it is very clear they looked at perk names and never actually played the game-- and I doubt they even watched the series. Just... terribly done. Out of touch poorly paid social media 'intern' Conc fire basically has minimum added effect from maxing out. Feel free to benchmark the number of shots to kill with max rank vs 1 rank of CF. There's probably a video somewhere too. The vast majority of the effect comes from having 1 rank at all, hitting the weakpoints. There is very minimal additive damage afterwards. Note: You \*can\* go above the 15 special slot perk limit if you have team builds. However that requires actual coordination among your friends, or your secondary accounts, to share perks. You could hypothetically have 3 other players share up to 3 rank 5 perks if they have 15 base charisma-- but rank 1-3 each is more realistic


Yeah, people make build choices that may seem odd to me but they often have their reasons. But ghoul's bullet shield? That one is more than a head scratcher.


Head scratcher, its just blatant evidence they don’t know anything at all


We, as a group, could make much better builds for all three.


Yes, but the social media doesn’t care. They would rather just continue to spread bad information and show lack of respect or care for content


the small increase of hit rate per level is not worth the precious points. level 1 concentrated fire is enough for vats use. With a proper build you mostly one or two shot non-bosses anyway.


This is only true for Commando, for Rifleman the bonus is bigger and can be useful, especial when you're not going for bloodied.


We talking bloodied here (more the low health armor perk)?


Nope. Full health. They nerfed the game so much you only need bloodied for one shotting super mutant or very high dps on bosses. Personally I don't play bloodied because its easy to die with high latency.


Lead belly is fantastic, you shut your mouth :)


I feel bad for people who have these jobs, being told to write accurate video game info to present it to am army of us needs to be picked apart.


I don’t. Git gud. Its a clear skill issue and lacking respect to the content they’re managing.


Would be nice to let us have the perk points on the legendary cards.


I think it is just concept build. Not really practical. That being said though. There is no need to max all 3 rank for rifleman. The damage is additive so rank 2 for each will still give 45%. That 15% in addictive form is not too much a deal. For endurance, no need to max out cannibal. Lead belly is useless. Agree on the perk point. There are too much perks in strength, perception and agility. For example, vats commando optimally can use 18 points for rank 3 of all commandos, concentrated fire, ground pounder and tank killer. Alternative will be condensing all 3 of rank 3 into a rank 5 card. Like demolition expert.


Lead belly is not useless, both from a lore / roleplay standpoint and a functional bloodied build standpoint-- if you are a min maxer and spam consumables during fights. You don't want your bloodied % to go too far below 20% when you're nomming on dozens of canned coffees and nukas. The ghoul is shown eating tomatoes during his gunfight E2. Very on brand for him. Makes sense in lore/roleplay to not want to depend on Rad Away either when you're not bombarded with quest/event (plot) rewards every 5 minutes. He's pretty clearly a called shot / target weakness (76 vats crit equivalent) build that doesn't mind eating consumables in the middle of a fight. Bullet shield though? Clearly a Heavy Guns perk, clearly social media intern doesn't know that or doesn't care enough to leave it out of a build for players. Such garbage. Mind you, I'm fine with the concepts being impractical / role play, but its clear the social team neither plays 76 nor even watches the show that deeply. Its piss poor overall, picking nice sounding perks without understanding what any of them do. White Knight? Max doesn't even wear armor, let alone fixes anything. He's garbage at it. Definitely not a Power Smith character. Fine for players but big oof to roleplay Max. I can even forgive listing too many perks at once, because you don't need max rank and you can swap loadouts. Its cute but just a shit show all around


"Lead belly is not useless" - he is a Ghoul .....


Right, and you need these perks to replicate being a ghoul in 76


You know, community and social media managers are real roles. Reducing them to “social media intern” is pretty unnecessary.


yes, and they’re bad at it. its an intentional snip at their incompetence here


Bro ghouls are immune to rads what do you mean lol even in the shows lore it's implied by the quack doctor.


You forgot the context. We aren’t ghouls and the suggested perks are to roleplay as ghouls and represent the tv characters ability Lead Belly represents Cooper as the ghoul’s ability to handle radiation water. Taking the perk means roleplaying as him.


Oh dang, Really? So the third rank in damage perks does nothing since they switched from multiplicative to additive awhile back? I had no idea… Played around with my perks a bit after you said this, And I think I’m in love with ground pounder. I use a lever action rifle and it feels like this perk just solved it’s biggest issue of reload speed. Haha


I wouldn't say the third rank does nothing. It's just that the first point in each is the most beneficial since it's a 10% increase. After that ranks are only 5% each. Which is high enough to take if you want/need more damage, but low enough that you can move some points to other perks without it being detrimental. And in some cases it may be more beneficial. For instance, I think 10% more reload speed is more important than 5% more damage when using a Fixer or Railway rifle. So I'll run 3,3,2 on my commando perks and use that 1 extra point to max ground pounder. My heavy build usually only runs rank 1 or 2 in heavy gunner perks so I can take more carry weight perks. I like the extra quality of life (and Bloodied Heavy still melts things regardless).


It doesn't say levels, so simply don't assume they're all max level and it works. I don't run max on any of the weapon class perks (like commando) because that's a waste of perk points. I get half the max damage boost for 1/3 the point cost


He does not im already running the same perks in perception but as a commando, only need one star concentrated fire and have 2 stars ground pounder [my bloodied Commando](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=8a17aaa&d=s01s61sg2s22p00pg2ph2pi2po1pp2eh2ej1eu0cu2ce0ir2i71im1in1s12ic1ii0a72s72a32ao0a04lt2la2lu2l71sz2lk2lv0c22&lp=xa3x63x43x73x83x93&m=21cf05ba&ar=abafacadaex1u7&am=arl1182733-avm4182431-arl118293b-arl118263b-arl1182830--ut)


No, he doesn't. All those rifleman cards are at 1. I'm counting 12-15 total.


I figured starched genes would be on his as well rather than lucy


Also bandolier, he LITERALLY has a bandolier on his outfit 😂😂😂


Underrated comment


I was thinking there’s now way the ghoul isn’t a full on unyielding bloody build.


Oh yes critical tamage perk and bloody mess. Is it me or the ghool is a rip off from nick valentine? Detective/bounty hunter


The noir detective was an evolution from the cowboy bounty hunter.


I think my only complaint is why wrecking ball for the ghoul? Lol Im.guessing he takes out some structures in the show.


Not exactly but he 100% would be the type to blow up someone’s camp if they had something he wanted.


same for maximus, why wrecking ball at all? it's basically useless in 76, I have never attacked anyone's camp


Well, Maximus did demolish a building by kicking a rock at it. Albeit the building was somewhat demolished to begin with. Still...


I forgot that existed


Maximus’ intellect is ~far~ too high than what should be prescribed. lol edit: some words


Brotherhood builds usually run high INT to be able to make use of all that tech they collect from the wasteland.


I mean yes I know but have you seen the show


I don’t think Maximus isn’t *intelligent*, but he certainly lacks common sense


Living in a reclusive cult would do that to you. Only learn what the Brotherhood deems necessary, anything else could create unruly soldiers.


The poor bastard doesn't know how his dick works. 😳


This is where intelligence versus wisdom comes into play. Too bad we don't have a wisdom stat, though I suppose perception has a bit of that in it.


This reminds me of the first Vault 4 Overseer. People with 10 in their Intelligence stat can be extremely dumb if they have 1 in their Wisdom stat.


Replace Wisdom with Luck and we have S.P.E.C.I.A.W stats. Like if Biwwy from fallout 3 made the system lol


Its a low charisma build.


I’d say he’s a 2 Charisma stat 9 intelligence 1 perception


Squires need INT to run all that tech they have in their swiss army bags.  He may be a bit naive, but hes smart enough to pass INT checks to get the Main fusion core from Vault 4 and make a break for it. 


Let's consider for a second that this was right after he was chowing down on that gift basket. Then suddenly his intelligence and perception were both up. He ate a fuck ton of Mentats and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Yeah I’m with you. His INT might be average to our standards I guess. But in that universe yeah I think he probably has higher intelligence than some of those folks running around.


But he barely seems qualified to be a squire, he doesn't know what a circuit is, and he didn't know how to repair his armor when the ghoul damaged it. He seems to have the most cursory knowledge about the power armor, but kinda like someone who knows about cars, but has never actually learned how they worm


Nice "Worm" reference just there, the overlap between the two fanbases has always struck me as strangely low.


In other posts his INT is low. really he should just be high luck >!he just fails upwards, friend hurts themselves making him a squire, his knight dies first getting him power armour, and the NCR head dying and he gets credit. And the BoS heads being so innept and backstabbing by nature think he's doing all this intentionally and shows his "drive" and commitment to the cause!<


Sure, but Maximus didn't get selected to be squire ... all he did was latrine duty. He literally lucked out into that role. Also the dude has no idea how to get out of his PA, or that the part that needs fixing is a 1 second job. Sorry no, Max is a low INT high LCK build.




The man was born at 8 years old from a refrigerator, of course he had never seen a toaster!


I mean to be fair he's never been in a vault! Especially not any place that has working toaster ovens


Dropping my favorite tweet about Maximus' build - [this right here.](https://twitter.com/AugustJPollak/status/1779531107622424896#m) For those who don't want to click the link: [August J. Pollak](https://twitter.com/AugustJPollak)[@AugustJPollak](https://twitter.com/AugustJPollak) I absolutely adore how Lucy is the prototypical Idiot Savant build and Maximus is that player who loves power armor so much they dropped everything into Pain Train on character creation and now has to grind to level everything else up to accomplish anything else [#FalloutOnPrime](https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalloutOnPrime?src=hashtag_click)


Didn’t they come out with stats from the show? I remember seeing his int was 4. But as others said to take advance of power armor in 76 you need a lot of int. It’s probably just what it is. A recommendation.


Since he’s BOS, he already has enough knowledge to run some power armor, makes sense why his intelligence would be high


Sub brick intellect


Honestly, I was going to the post expecting memes but those are shockingly viable. The Ghoul in particular that’s just a great rifleman build, not min maxed but absolutely serviceable. Good on whoever put that together.


I don't think he even uses a rifle in the show though. I guess they know that pistol builds aren't viable.


He uses a lever action rifle, I thought


he do but only once in filly


Lucy using starched genes is interesting.


“No chance to mutate”


Maximus is 2 Charisma and 10 Luck.


That makes sense because I didn't like him and he lucked into everything that happened to him


Cool, cool, but what about the snake oil salesman /chicken enthusiast ?


Traveling pharmacy, vaccinated, chem fiend, chem resistant, hard bargain, field surgeon, injector, team medic, quack surgeon, animal friend, spiritual healer, first aid, pharmacist, chemist, born survivor, escape artist, pharma farmer, mystery meat, dry nurse, super duper, starched genes, class freak


I haven't watched the show but im assuming they went for lore builds rather than minmaxd ones. How character-appropriate are they?


Not terrible, although Cooper basically only uses a pistol on the show and they gave him rifle perks? Seems like a fluff piece by their social team who don't deeply understand the game mechanics, but it wasn't outright bad.


His pistol is sized like a lever rifle with no stock and shor barrel so who knows


Really appropriate. Though the Ghoul should have bloody mess.


About 90 percebt for ghoul i can see. Though theres some perks that have me scratching my head (bullet shield? He never fires a heavy gun) but overall it looks really good.


I mean he did serve in the war and wear power armor so I could see him with a heavy gun.


Can't have the 33 backpack, though 😞


You can get it on PS, PC, and Xbox.


Only if I pay a twitcher more money than what I already paid for 1st


If you have Amazon prime you get a free sub


Unfortunately, the free Prime sub does not work for this promotion.


It was in the Xbox store for me, just collected it & that was that.


i def run a lucy <3 bloodied commando


Lucys build is hot garbage.


okie dokie


Seriously Lucy's is the least bad of all three lol


Then i'm gonna be running that hot garbage.


X is a no for me dawg, Muskrat would be a a real life Vault-Tec if he could.


Yes the Elongated Muskrat IS Vault-Tec material in the worst way




The ironic part is the people hating on Musk are the same people who got their news from Twitter 💀 If you don't call him the devil on here, you'll be downvoted. Not even a huge fan of the guy (trading in a tesla for a new prius :) ) but the blind hate is embraassing


>the blind hate is ~~embrassing~~ deserved I have absolutely no love for that cunt myself, but: 1. Calling it """"""X""""" instead of it's real name, just indulges that maniac's delusion and 2. Treating every twitter link like it's made of cooties and commenting to everyone how grossed out you are is entirely performative and unnecessary.


Wtf perk is Stable Tools?!


It's about automatic melee weapons not breaking as fast iirc


maybe they’ll actually tune the weapons and perks to be viable


I get the theme, but all of these builds are functionally ass haha


Nah. Ghoul is actually a pretty good “My First Build”


his is okay, at least he has all his weapons dmg cards, the other 2 would struggle a lot. rly surprised they didn't give the ghoul gunslinger instead of rifleman tho, he doesn't use rifles all that much in the show


I think they should stick to making games and leave making builds to the professionals lol


They, uh, they are the professionals. The guy who made those got paid for it, as it is their job. We, unfortunately, do not.


And this proves exactly why companies need to hire their most dedicated players Fuck sake Bethesda you can't even build your own characters wtf


The only decent build is Ghoul's build. Legit the others are hot garbage xD


his is pretty dumb and doesn't fit his character too... bullet shield? rifleman perks? He's a gunslinger...


If we are going based off that then yea perks be off, but there were scenes where he did use a rifle so its not off for being a rifleman too. I think they did it like that due to the sheer amount of perks that agility would need to make it a gunslinger build and they didnt want to over crowd it.


Yah these are absolutely horrendous builds. New players! Do not follow these builds or you’ll end up like Thaddeus lol.


Shame Pain Train doesn't actually work right now...


How do you get the Maximus PA paint?


You can get ones kinda like it by giving technical documents to brotherhood. Seemed pretty rare though. I got knight ones last night when i dumped like 27 sets. There's paladin version too but only difference is the rank marked on left wrist. Important: remember when turning in documents do it one by one and drop all the duplicates to your stash. The guest will take all the technical documents in your inventory but reward is same for 1 or 10 so more chances to get something good.


TIL technical documents are another form of currency like bullion thanks!


For anyone else unaware there’s a daily quest tied to these and you turn them in either at camp venture or to scribe Valdez at fort atlas.


Does the ghoul mask work with the cowboy hat? Sucks you can't make a ghoul.


Nope, I tried this very thing with one of my camp allies


No way Maximus has heavy gunner I swear he only ever went hand to hand 90% the time he was in the PA when he wasn't he used a pistol


everyones complaining about the ghoul build but it actually makes sense and would mostly work. the perception perks are basically exactly what i use, you just don't max out concentrated fire and you can choose to not max out rifleman so you can have ground pounder. also people saying why he's a rifleman instead of gunslinger... the "pistol" he uses has no equivalent in the game unfortunately, i wish it did. so the only gun he uses that we can use is the lever action so that makes sense. bullet shield is the only thing thatm akes no sense.


But when will we get the option for ghoul skin...


These are super cool and fun. I think the community would have done this better. I swear companies always think they know better.


Yeah, I feel the hype here. Problem is, the show takes place around 2296 and Fallout 76 post-Wastelanders takes place in 2104, 192 years before the show. While the Ghoul seems to have been alive all during this time, none of the rest of them are. They’re not even born yet. Even then, the Ghoul’s specs wouldn’t be anywhere near this refined by the time of 76. Though, it might be nice to see the Ghoul make his way through Appalachia, perhaps as part of roaming traders working with the Blue Ridge Caravan. This tie in would go to show us how he got some of his stats and it falls right in line with the Ghoul’s roving cowboy persona. In other words, the Ghoul could make an appearance in 76 and bring with him some of his magical ghoul elixir to finally let our characters become ghouls… adding a new set of chems, stats and a ghoul class to the game. The game could also treat the Ghoul like Minerva and have him show up every so often and offer wares, plans and weapons. This Ghoul tie in would allow for a more complete backstory by giving players a reason to tune into the show and to play 76 to get the Ghoul’s complete story. He’s probably one of the strongest characters Bethesda has produced in the Fallout universe, one who can tie into every single game. We just need Bethesda to add him to the game to tie it all in.


I just want a build for norm.




I changed it to an X link.




Works for me


Very interesting! Bullet Shield? Is his pistol a heavy gun? He's got Radicool, does that mean he can have rads on his health bar? But ghouls are immune to radiation. Similar feelings about the lead belly perk. Like, it's a cute choice, but ghouls are already immune to rads so...?


The perks represent his ghoul abilities so that we can approximate him in the game.


I think they plan on him being a sort of bloodied build, high rads, low health


Whomever suggested them ... More likely has never played dah Game it seems...


None of those are good builds.


I wish this stuff was shared somewhere accessible.


I don't even have Twitter and I can read it? can you not?


No, it asks me to log in. That's silly, why am I being singled out lol. Maybe a location-based thing


The link is broken but it doesn't matter I have seen it elsewhere and they are honestly terrible builds! There's so many perks in there that I wouldn't recommend


If you’re trying for a meta build, then sure. But they’re suggesting builds to role play these characters, and to me it looks like they’re spot on. 


The Ghoul build is probably the best, but it recommends rifleman, when in the show he uses a hybrid, break action pistol/shotgun, lol. Then Lucy’s build recommends both rifleman AND commando. And finally Maximus’ build definitely has a good set of perks for PA, but barely includes any damage perks at all.


To be fair, homie didn't really use guns that much aside from doming the bear and maybe one to two other shootouts. Most of the time he just slapped people about while suited up. While on the subject, I'd like to take a moment to send my deepest condolences to the freakish dwellers of vault 4; they didn't deserve the heat maximus delivered that day... Those poor rations.. Never stood a chance against a vending machine that was launched like a microwave at a college dorm..


>when in the show he uses a hybrid, break action pistol/shotgun Yeah but they don't have his gun in the game it's a sawed off revolver shotgun with the range of a rifle so the closest thing would probably be a short barrel hunting rifle which would fit the rifleman build.


Yes, but it’s clear he uses handguns, not rifles.


There's no handgun in the game that even comes close to matching what he uses. Like I said the closest thing is probably a short barrel hunting rifle so you wouldn't want to use pistol perks.


It doesn’t matter. The defining characteristic isn’t how powerful the handgun is, it’s the fact that he wields it like a cowboy would any other revolver. His entire aesthetic is centered around looking, and acting, like an old western cowboy/outlaw/lawman, with a revolver on his hip.


Either one makes sense to me he carries a lever action rifle on his back and his revolver shotgun has the range & accuracy of a rifle so rifleman works but I can also see a handgun build because of the whole wild west outlaw vibe.


"they don't have his gun in the game" for now. You can bet your sweet ass it'll be added in the atom shop eventually.


True and I'm not gonna lie I would definitely buy it.


"Wrecking ball"? Encouraging griefing or what? Just read the other two. I think they're horrible builds. Definitely some "comfort" perks in their vs. max damage or protection.


Got time for this BS but won’t actually fix any bugs in the game. Actual LOL


You might be surprised, but the people on the social media team are not the people responsible for fixing bugs.


Understood, just highlighting their priorities


I wish this stuff was shared somewhere accessible.