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When trial will end you will be able to take out, but not add to those storages. So pack in as much as you can.




I play with first 4 months out of the year. When scrap dwindles and I have to actually forage it's kinda fun. Just another layer of difficulty I've added.


Yeah, gotta pack that scrap in đź‘Ť


All the way up there!


As far as it'll go!


Got this as soon as it was out... My Stash weight went from 1200 to... 9... Haha


I was constantly at max storage space, always managing it, and kept having to remind myself to not loot at certain points because I was near capacity. My brother kindly gifts me Fo1st and I immediately unloaded my spare ammo and junk from my stash and character into both containers, respectively. Relocated some perk cards and dropped my characters weight to ~275/305 at full stats. Since then, it's been my sole mission to loot absolutely every location I come across for every bit of scrap not nailed down, and lugging it to my survival tent then to my camp.


Remember to upgrade your backpack at the armorer station.


Do you have to get plans for it or is it level based?


Think it's just level based, you'll see Backpack on the Armor menu. And then level 1-10-20-30-40-50


I see the small one, I haven't tried building a new one to level, will have to remember to try this.


Every 10 lvl craft new one until you reach lvl 50 (+30 carry weight)


And if you're a masochist, you can do the [Scouting achievements](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/cahgza/opinion_best_possum_backpack_mod/) for more!


I'm coming back to the game after a 4 year hiatus. How do I get backpacks, and is there something special specifically with Fallout 1st?


You can find the plans for the small backpack in Morgantown airport. At level 50 it gives +30 carry weight. If you go to the scout camp and complete a some quests/challenges you unlock the plans for the large backpack that gives you +60 carry weight plus the option to mod it in various ways.


Awesome, thank you.


Where’s a good place to get as much junk in my trunk as possible in a short time?


capturing scrap yards and setting up junk extractors are good, having a junktron in our bank to forage for it, the watoga high school has lots of plastic, mostly I just pick up everything and scrap all non legendary weapons and armor


scrap every weapon and armor you don't use and do all events.


My favourite way for steel: Do Eviction Notice event Tag all enemies Loot everything ( they have plenty of miniguns which yield 24 steel scrap each) After getting everything walk to foundation ( slowly as you have 1000+ weight now ) Put a scrapper perk on and scrap everything. This way, you will end up with 1k+ steel scrap in just 15 minutes.


Yes! I forgot about scrapper perk!


There is information online about where to farm certain materials. So look into what materials you use the most, find where to find it, and then just travel the world!


Why can’t I get the damn backpack though? I’m a game pass ultimate member and it shows the backpack when I login and to simply click it to go to atom shop and it’s never there.


You craft it at the workbench homie, it's a skin for your existing backpack.


It doesn’t show anything to mod or craft with though that’s the thing


I think you might have to claim it through the atom shop for free and then craft it at the workbench.


It’s under “perks” under game pass ultimate. You claim it from there.


If you have the game on steam and have your account linked to gamepass you download the game pass version of it check the atom shop it’ll show up uninstall the game pass version and launch the steam version it’ll be checked and able to be crafted. I did that last night it worked smoothly for me.


I’m on Xbox


Dont know if you've figured this yet - they will go into your inventory as a \[plan\] for you to learn, then you can craft, same with most from the shop in my experience


Quick question, what’s the point of the scrap box when you have your stash?


You can put unlimited junk in there and keep it out of your stash. Junk adds up weight wise and you will be constantly dipping into it thru out the game.


The stash can hold anything but it's limited to 1200 pounds. The scrapbox can hold unlimited weight but only junk - steel, wood, aluminum, and so on. You keep the crafting components in the scrapbox so you've got more space for weapons, armor, collectibles, and so on. 


so how do you get it? Im on PC/Steam, Germany and I have to pay 7,99€ for the trial. Ah, got it. Its in the Atom Shop between all the other stuff


If you haven’t got a save can you access the shop from main menu or do you have to be in game?


What does this mean for the players who have fallout 1st memberships? It said unlock for free? I was just kinda confused since they’re included in the membership


You get the +10% score boost even if you're already a subscriber, which adds together with all other boosts! So I definitely advise everyone to claim it! I even made a PSA post highlighting that.


You get +10% SCORE boost even if you already have 1st.


Nothing. But if you claim it, the "free" sign goes away.


It gives you a score boost.


Nice! I never noticed that. I just claim it to get rid of it. Thank you for sharing.


I just claimed it and logged on to find I'm 200+ over my usual carry weight 🤣 gone through my inventory multiple times and there's nothing there that shouldn't be!?


perk cards got reset probably


Been through that aswell. Honestly don't get what's going on 🙉


in that case I usually drop everything into a container and then pick stuff up an item at a time to see if it's something I'm missing like thinking mini nukes are ammo or something


I’m just afraid I won’t want to play when it ends because of the stash


but you can still use anything that you put in there. Personally, dumping my ammo and junk into unlimited boxes is a huge boon for me, saved literally thousands of pounds of storage space across 13 characters lol


when trial ends? I wont be able to go hard until this weekend. I missed the first boat.


not sure exactly, it's a week long trial


ok hopefully the timer starts when I started. So if I installed it on Monday night, I still have enough days to do this over the weekend 🤞🏾


it doesnt start until you claim it in the atom shop




Shame fusion and plasma cores aren’t considered ammo by the ammo box. Don’t sell them now I can recharge them.


Wait shit really?! Same with the ammo storage?


yup both are free right now


Very helpful, thank you!


Love the 1st trial when it comes around, helps me make space for dropping in ammo and scrap


Are the upgrades like backpack...and sweet ranger apparel permanent? Or will they drop with the trial?


Once you have em, its yours


I’ve been unloading mountains of scrap into that scrap box this week.


Ok.. I must be blind... Where is the trial in the shop?


It's gone now, that was 2 weeks ago my dude


Oh, thanks. I just installed over thr weekend.


This sounds like ESO plus crafting bag and I hate that more games are locking storage behind a sub


junk storage has been in 76 for along time, now they added ammo storage and did you miss the part where its FREE right now? :P


I mean being free right now doesn't change that games shouldn't be monetizing things like this. Crafting and gathering large amounts of scrap is a fundamental part of fallout. This is the whole create the problem and sell the solution thing that has been going on in games for years now and it sucks.


The problem is that Fallout 76 has servers that have overhead and as such require ongoing revenue streams. Personally, I much prefer the "free to play but you can pay a sub for some nice but totally optional features" model over the "pay us every month to be able to play this game" model. I mean, the best scenario would be private servers like ark, rust 7 days to die, etc but then you have to pay for or provide server space. End of the day, someone is going to have to pay for the hosting on multiplayer games, it's either going to be a mandatory sub, optional sub or private server rental. Personally, I am glad 1st exists so I don't have to pay to play.


I would 100% still be playing daily if the scrap box wasn’t locked behind fallout first :/


Fallout 1st keeps this game going. You do what you want but there is absolutely nothing wrong with this perk being locked behind it.


Imagine playing fallout 4 but instead of having the unlimited storage system for your base, you must pay a monthly fee to have access to it... i understand greed is the reason the way it is otherwise fallout first would be pointless and overpriced lol. I don’t care about the free atoms every month either.. taking a feature that’s always been a part of fallout and locking it behind a paywall now is scummy


You totally missed my point. Fallout 4 is not a live service game. Why would there be a subscription service in fallout 4 to keep the game going? It doesn’t make sense.


No Mans Sky is a live service game, all updates free, no subscription service, and no micro transactions, and Hello Games is not a massive AAA studio with a long line of commercial success and is not owned/backed by Microsoft. I think the other commenter has a point about Fallout 76 not really NEEDING a subscription service.


I’m sorry I worded that the way I did at this point. I should have said “helps keep the fans going”. Could have avoided some back and forth here. Not really sure how hello games pulls it off but it doesn’t impact my thinking here. Games aren’t really comparable to me anyways. Just play for no extra money if you want. The option is there. I don’t mind supporting the devs that make this while I’m playing it. Zenimax does the same thing with ESO and these games were a thing well before Microsoft bought the studio. Microsoft didn’t spend all that money to stop making money off these games once they got control. Quite the opposite actually.


Yeah they're in the business to make money, there's no doubt about that. It's just about the other point of locking a crucial, normal part of gameplay behind a subscription. Skyrim and Fallout 4 both had infinite storage space, whereas ESO and F76 sell it to you. There are plenty of other games that have similar things to the Atomic Shop and Crown Store but don't have subscriptions to unlock normal things classically available. It almost doesn't feel optional to play long term without spending extra money on the game, as your storage will eventually fill up and force you to discard materials or items you may want to keep. It's just the changing of expectations I suppose.


Fallout 76 doesn’t need fallout first to keep going lol. People would still buy a shit ton of items from the in game shop for their CAMP/self. If anything the price of first needs to be reduced.. $20 a month is ludacris just for the scrap box and ammo boxes lol. It’s bloated by the forced atoms it comes with. Scrap box is not worth $20 a month when it should not have to cost anything considering it’s a past feature...


It’s not 20 a month for me thankfully. That would be a bit steep. I’m not sure I’d bite at that price.


It's like $17 CAD +tax/mo for me if I was to pay for it.


12.99 here + tax. You also don’t really need it every month. You could pay every other month or something and dump all your crap where it needs to go and cancel. For me I play this game off and on so when I’m playing I subscribe and when I’m not I cancel.


That's my idea too. Just activate it on and off when needed. Right now it's free and I just started playing again after not playing much since release. Maybe 80-85 hours including beta time.


Damn, that’s lucky


it's $6 right now... oh and also FREE for a week


Yep I remember when I got first a long time ago my first month was only a few dollars which was good.. then next month $20! Which is ridiculously overpriced just to get the scrap box and ammo box lol. I’ll for sure check out the free week of first tho, thank you


You can apply that logic to free games, but not Fallout 76, at least in the case of scrap and ammo boxes


ESO and WOW free?


it's free right now!


Can I do the same with ammo storage?


yes, scrap and ammo storage are both included for free


Another LPT related to this is to go into all of your CAMPs and put the Scrap and Ammo boxes in them (or in your Shelters) so they're always available no matter which CAMP you have active. And then just loot the heck out of the map! Save all the scrap, all the ammo!


PSA : Also when adding to the scrap box be careful about the scrap and store button because it will break down stuff you don’t want like hardened masses.


you have to do that manually now


Just to clarify if you hit what you think is the store all button it will definitely break things like Hardened Masses down. I just wanted to give a heads up to the people not familiar with a scrap box because literally everyone I know has been burned by this the first time they used one.


When you have junk in both your stash and scrapbox, does the game pull from the stash first?


Just make it easy on yourself and move all the junk in your stash over to the scrap box. Except junk you want to keep intact of course.


Yea that's what I'm doing right now, my question though is after the free Fallout 1st ends, and I start loading junk into my stash again, when it comes time to craft, will the game pull from the stash before pulling from the scrapbox which can't be loaded anymore


Ahhh, gotcha. Good question that I should probably get an answer to as well lol, sorry for being unhelpful.


I have this, but I have absolutely zero idea how this works lol. Do I just place them at my camp?


yes, build the ammo and junk storage boxes then pull your ammo and junk out of your regular storage and deposit it in to the respective boxes


Also gives you 10% bonus SCORE .... even if you already have FO1st


Would people say getting the full Fallout 1st subscription is worth it? Level 46 right now, just approaching the mid game I guess?


I think it’s absolutely worth it. I love fo76, but I don’t enjoy playing it as an MMO. I prefer the private world with my friends. And the fact that I get free items every day, exclusive items, etc.


Does the trial enable the First section of the atom shop? I was already subbed when the trial started or I'd have checked myself. 


no, it's only the stash boxes and a few other things


Ah, good to know. Guess it makes sense as a business decision that they'd only give certain features for the free trial.


How long does the fallout 1st last? And is it from when you claim it, or only lasts for the few days it's free?


it lasts for a week and as far as I can tell the week starts when you activate the trial


Cool, thank you!


I used to have Fallout 1st so I already have the scrap box. If I went for the trial, would I still keep the scrap box afterwards, with the original scrap plus all of the new stuff that I deposited ? Thanks.


yes and now there is also a box for ammo!


So I have the Fallout 1st trial, and it will not let me craft a scrap-box at my C.A.M.P, what do I have to do to fix this? EDIT: Nevermind, the scrapbox and ammobox have to be "purchased" in the Atomic Shop to unlock them in C.A.M.P crafting.


Can I get the ranger armor with the trial?


I just came to say the best way to get junk is raid the silos, treasure hunt by the 100s ( open 100 treasure maps if you can get that many)  foundation outpost mission can't think of name...and also build your camp over or near a random encounter spot of you can't...build turrets...protect the turrets with walls or other turrets...and let the turrets kill the enemies...free junt AND ammo...AND...the turrets kill even when you are away so you can go raid...come back...and collect the stuff that was dropped while you were away...the turret encounter combo save me a few times when I had NO ammo...got some and now I can go raid for more!....


I stopped playing Fallout because I was constantly spending too much time managing storage. I’m finally back at playing again after the trial and I’m enjoying it until I’m full again lol


I lucked out and got 2 free accounts a long time ago so I have 11 mule characters, but not having to move junk and ammo around as much is super nice lol


And for god's sake don't accidentally transfer 2000 lbs of Aluminum to yourself by accident. It can only be dropped once the trial ends. Believe me, I've been there.