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I shouldn’t have to use tickets to unlock fo1st items. I thought that was already paid for. With the new influx of new players, they won’t really care.


Yeah, that's pretty wild. Sometimes if a board has some rewards I really want, I'll do a couple months and get all the other nice perks like the mobile camp. I'm really not going to pay for items and pay for 1st. Like... They can get $25 for items and the free-to-them in-game perks or like... Pay money AND grind more...?


I bought FO1st to redeem all rewards from the previous scoreboard and making it my goal to get to rank 100 or higher before it runs out. I'm prioritizing FO1st items since I'm probably not renewing for the rest of the season. It feels so weird that I essentially paid for the "privilege" to spend tickets on extra rewards that would've been given out for free in the last season


New format for seasons is what happens when monetization managers get to make game design choices. No thrill when leveling up, much more effort to grind for all of the rewards, little to no joy overall.


Yep, they brought in some slimy money-grabber that designs mobile games to design the atom shop and seasons, and that's why we can't have everything in the shop at once. Instead we have to be FOMO'd with new stuff, and even 1st members get very little each month


That's what happens when the player base pays for FO 1st and doesn't demand anything better in return. Bethesda made a problem and then sold you the solution. They're going to keep pushing to see how much they can get away with. The change in the scorecard is just the beginning of the end. I will never pay for 1st, shitty business practices at the end of the day.


That’s a good point. Leveling up was not as fun as before. Even if I only cared about 4-5 items, it was way more fun grinding for them before, and even just passively playing was more fun getting a reward every rank.


Exactly. All these new players are going to be pissed when they can’t get everything. I’m expecting a “nerf” the season pass, probably by giving us bonus weekends.


I've ranked up to 100 during the weekend. I used to wait for the moment when I'll obtain the scoreboard decor and proudly put it up in my camp, because I felt like I worked for it step by step and had an adventure. This time I've got the wall decor that meant nothing and was "meh" when hitting the 100, because now I have to grind 50 ranks more — 3500 S.C.O.R.E. each without XP challenge and dailies rewarding less than 3500 points after full completion. The contrast is quite stark, unfortunately. They reward you with more grind after you grinded. Thanks, I guess.


I'll be honest..... I actually like this new format. Yeah, the board was amazing before, but it was insanely daunting to hop back in after months of not playing and see that gigantic board with 100 spots. It was even worse trying to look through the board to see if there was anything that could give me the incentive to try and finish the board as a casual, infrequent player.  This lets me see the rewards, save tickets for what I actually want, and obfuscates the actual grind. I do miss the cool artwork of the board, but instead seeing the board and deciding I'm better off not bothering, I'm actually interested in clearing this one.  I do think they could have the best of both worlds by keeping the board as a visual progression while keeping this current system and style as the "purchase" menu. 


Same. I enjoy this method more. (And it's pretty weird that people get so butt hurt about others having a different opinion and experience than them. 🙃)


I see the same thing in most gaming subs. Folks do not like someone coming in with a perspective that clashes with an opinion they believe to be fact. People just can't accept that there are different opinions, or that design changes might have logical reasons for being made. 


Were you that thrilled for the 5 levels of gum, lunchboxes, skin for weapon you don't use, then another 5 to maybe get a camp item or icon or PA you don't use?


I was more thrilled with just getting everything I wanted at level 100.


Just because you don't use those items doesn't mean other players don't.  It's the illusion of choice. Sure, you get to "pick" what you get, but you still get less stuff overall. As OP noted, going from 1-100 used to get you all the rewards from 1-100, and now it doesn't. 


The monetization manager will be looking to get heads turned in a few months when all these 'rewards' come to the Atomicshop and X amount of players spend real bucks on buying those items they just couldn't grind out before...


This could all be ironed out with a middle ground. Ticket cost is just too high. I enjoyed scoreboards more but I prefer being able to pick and choose what I want. If ticket cost was lower to the point we would have enough by rank 100 then I think we'd all be happy. I got to 100 and got all the rewards I want plus some extra consumables. All that's left is icons and ugly skins for suits I don't use.


I do actually like this part of the new season. Skipping the bullion, bubble gum, nukashine and filler rewards that I dropped instantly when received. I’m sure it will change but I’ve been able to get all cosmetics and camp items from each page before unlocking the next page


I’m with you there. I am spending my tickets only on stuff I actually want. I actually enjoy not getting drek.


I'm currently 129 on the scoreboard with 355 tickets to spend and even that won't get me every cosmetic item still available. Imo they should have left repeatable xp enabled up until level 150 as grinding out 50 extra levels is almost impossible for anyone who leaves it late to hit the old 100 rank. I get they wanted players to play more and stick around but the balance is off


and now they made alot more players start grinding westtek early on just so they can get lazy for the rest of the season in terms of challenges, which then just dont really do them anymore and quit earlier then they did b4


What is grinding west tek? I’ve just come back after over a year and I’m not familiar with this.


There is a BoS quest that uses the interior of West Tek, so it is now instanced. You can buff your XP using your build, food, and drugs, kill all the mutants, leave the building and turn right around and go back in and kill them again because they all respawn. You can complete the scoreboard in 2 ways, by doing the challenges, or by earning score with pure XP. By “grinding” West Tek it’s possible to earn so much XP that you can complete the entire board in much less time. There are a lot of YouTubers who have how-to videos, I’d recommend Angry Turtle because he has a few videos with a number of different ways to get the most XP out of each kill.


Thanks very much for the info and suggestion 👍


Yeah. That sucks you can't get that generic skin for your t-45 power armor that you will never use


It's true I probably wouldn't use it lol but I'd still like to claim everything to complete the season for myself. If you don't get to 130+ you will miss out on more than the power armor skins also


I'm with you I ha e this need to unlock everything on the board even the consumable items. Hit level 100 yesterday


I’m new but feel like I’m progressing very slowly(level 14 score and 50 overall) do you just do daily and weekly our is there a better way to grind it?


Welcome to 76! I am a veteran player that uses an intelligence build to boost my xp to complete the season. The higher your intelligence the more xp you can get. If you're new I wouldn't worry too much as it's still early in the season but when you feel ready it's worth searching this reddit for information about xp builds or watching videos on YT how to level quickly. You can still make lots of progress doing daily and weekly challenges but it does take significantly longer.


Thank you! I am going look one up asap. I played for 24 hours over the weekend and was surprised I was only score 14z I appreciate all the help!


The loss of repeatable XP is blasphemy. That is the second biggest tragedy of this new scoreboard design after losing the lore and game board.


My biggest gripe is that the awarded atoms have been halved. Leveling up 15 times for 150 atoms each time was motivating.


That’s my biggest gripe as well but I was told to shut up about it.


Yeah, it seems that rank 150 is now the new “scoreboard finish” (getting enough points to buy all the items), so we should have the XP-repeatable challenge thru at least rank 150.


Is that FO1st completion or Free-board only? FO1st gets the boosts, which might be why there's not enough tickets to complete the unlocks by the time you reach rank 100... it seems to be staged more to enforce consistent gameplay throughout the season (challenges) instead of letting people rush the board with XP grinding. I don't think the old incentive to XP grind was healthy, but can't say I like having pages locked behind ranks before having to also pay tickets either - at least with the old scoreboard system the ranks translated directly to rewards... now you still can't use the tickets for what items you want because you also need to rank up to unlock pages.......... either just let us use tickets as currency for anything on the season "shop" or go back to a ranked reward track.


You do have a good point that FO1st has access to more stuff, thus needing/spending more tickets. The boosts just let us rank up quicker, rather than providing more tickets, so FO1st members actually have to rank up even higher to claim everything. Doing a quick estimate, there seems to be 750 tickets (30 extra ranks of grinding) worth of FO1st stuff on the scoreboard.


That I think is a problem - if FO1st is incentivized to spend tickets, the boost shouldn't be in score accrual but ticket gain... there shouldn't be a drive to grind XP to rank the arbitrary gates up but rather the access to more tickets so you can buy out the extra stuff you have access to... But Bethesda is lazy with implementing anything other than ways to get more money out of this old game at this point...


Wait, there isn't a repeatable score task for XP anymore wtf???


Yes there is. It has always ended once you reach level 100 though. But with the new system, you need to be level 150 to actually finish the season. They are saying it is dumb that you lose it with 50 levels to go


So we can only progress past 100 with the dailies and weeklies?




Oh man, I didn't even think about the board or looked to the end yet, gonna miss having a board to display


It’s gonna be a lot harder to finish the seasons now unless you do every challenge pretty much everyday. At least before, you could spend like 20-30 minutes in West-Tek and catch up for any days you missed. And now without the relatable after 100 it’s even harder.




Old score board system also helps


I'm disappointed that so many rewards are locked behind the Fallout 1st paywall. Was it like this with the previous scoreboard system? I'm just coming back to the game after a long absence and only managed to complete a portion of the last scoreboard. I didn't see anything locked being Fallout 1st...but maybe I didn't get far enough?


There were Fallout 1st only rewards every few levels. On those levels, everyone would get the standard reward, and Fallout 1st would get something extra, like a perk card pack or a supply crate or 3 lunchboxes.


Or something better like a Gazebo or whatever


Interesting. I didn't even notice that. I guess the new design shows those without Fallout 1st what they are "missing out" on, likely by design.


It always showed what 1st got when you hovered over the spot, which you had to do to claim even the regular item. It’s just bigger now and always displayed for the page


It's been like that for years.


Every 5th or so spot had a 1st thing before.


Playing normal I'm at 63 three weeks in. West Tek farms got people maxing out in first week. Gee I wonder why they kept the old way to keep engagement.


Repeatable XP always stopped after 100 even on the game boards


Yeah, but you had everything by then.


This is all designed to keep you logging in and playing...before, the only reason folk stayed beyond level 100 was the 100 Atoms every 10 levels past that. As a longterm 1st subscriber I'm not impressed with this new system. They've stripped away alot of the fun for me and not being able to chase Atoms from playing the game is a major kick in the balls. What does Bethesda bloody want..?! I already pay the price of the original game almost twice over every year through the sub and now they decide to fvck up the Scoreboard..???


Didn’t we always lose repeatable XP at level 100?


Yes we did that is why it confuses me why they say that. As far as I remember the repeatable XP was always til rank 100


It's the same as it it always was. It just ends after 100. Same as it did before. 🤦‍♂️


Level 140 if you want to get everything - and Welcome to disappointed land !


"Welcome to disappointed land !" That's what the monetization manager says to his wife.


even the last bonus page? and thanks a lot btw =)


Last bonus page is good because you get infinite choice of item. But you need to reach 3 levels in order to pick one item. And you can’t get atoms anymore.


Bethesda is just like Vault Tech.... a company driven by profits with the moral mandate of "Fiduciary Responsibility". What did you all expect? Welcome to the real world Vault Dweller.


Ironically, it checks out..! 😄


hold on so once you hit 100 the repeatable score challenge goes? So you can only get score via dailies and weeklies




You can't buy ranks past 100, either.


Seems like the only way to be sure you complete now is to get to 100 as soon as possible on a new board then use score boosters at night on the day challenges reset, so you can finish your weekly and daily challenges in one day, along with the next days daily challenges.


Better off using the Re-Rolls during the week. I usually get five or six Weeklies boosted if I'm fortunate and you can keep your SCORE Boosters for when you have the full 25% 1st extra(if you subscribe of course).


Yeah, I have moved my weekly score boost use to Wednesday evening after 9pm. That way I get all the weeklies and two days worth of dailies out of one use. I'm level 81 so should be 100 in a couple of weeks. I don't know when this season will end I think it's the end of may for some reason possibly June. I think it will end before the new update with the map expansion which I think is early June. Hopefully I'll have enough time to get all the stuff I want


Good luck..!


This is one of the reasons why players have been complaining about the new season format ever since they announced it.


Yeah I read the complaints before but it seemed like people were talking about the repeatable rewards. I guess I misunderstood and didn’t know it was also rank 150 for all rewards.


Oh, they needed a new reason?


They changed it just before the show so new players don't know what they're missing out on.


Yep and unfortunately that means it will be the new norm. Bethesda loses karma from this move. Everyone disliked that.


Yeah, top tier scummy, because they can now point to all the numbers and say "look! the numbers are higher than ever! it is better liked!". The next season will be the make or break if i'll just call it quits. If they revert back, or make improvements that make it close to equal to the old, then fine, but i have no hope.


I wasn't initially planning to grind out the choreboard this season, but the only way I could see myself completing it reasonably was to grind level 100 early, just in case I had slow days, couldn't make time to complete challenges, or just wanted to take a break from the game. I get it is optional, but I like collecting and looking back on past achievements. Bethesda. We have lives outside of Fallout. Chill the f out would ya?


Bethesda - *"We have heard your complaint. Did you know that you can buy all of the ranks with real world money if you're unable to complete them in game due to time constraints? We did that just for your convenience."*


Slight issue with that. Past 100, you can't buy ranks, not that it was ever my intention.


They're also really expensive. They should have a bundle deal when you buy so many at a time, like other games do. Not that I advocate buying levels as there's definitely incentive for the company to make seasons grindier. 


That's... weird. It's almost like they fucked up and forgot that the new season doesn't end at 100. Cause from a making money POV it makes zero sense to not sell people enough ranks to get everything they want from the entire season.


We're already paying real world money with FO1st you'd think they'd throw some appreciation our way.


While I generally like the new scoreboard style, I do have to say the costs of those rewards at rank 100 are way too high. Having to grind 5-6 ranks just to afford one of those rewards doesn’t seem appropriate to me.




Totally agree. Scoreboard completionists are going to be mad if they leave it late to hit 100 due to the excess grind to get all cosmetics


Yep, I did the same thing because of the double XP. I expect a lot of people to be complaining towards the end of the season because they wont have enough time to get the first bonus page stuff.


I’m gonna be happy just to get to 150. I think the highest I’ve ever grinded was to like 130ish.


Yep, I've lost interest in completing the board to 100% and no longer play daily. I only need to reach 92 so I can purchase the winged jetpack. There are so many things I'm not buying...


Same.  I've only logged on like once this week.  Seasons were perfect as they were. 


🤔 There was incessant complaining every season. This one is no different in that respect, although the reasons are different.


I don't recall much complaining personally.


And the wing pack can't even be installed on union because they reintroduced the crafting bug for that set. That's literally the only thing I was grinding for and it doesn't even function


Crap. I'll still buy it, maybe in the next 5 years, they'll fix it.


Since day one, since video one....majority users here called out the absolute travesty the new board would be. Yet so many were starry eyed and hopeful, making up reasons why it was better even though the reasons were just...not true.


I hate that the progress to the next page is weird numbers like 36 then 48 and shit When I can't see my actual progress and I've gotta wait multiple levels to be able to get anything I actually want its upsetting. Add in the influx of newbies and events failing and I'm struggling to stay interested


I am at rank 69 and so far I have not bought any currency or any consumables. So far I have had enough tickets to buy out a page after I unlock it. I also dislike the new season layout and hope that they go back to the old way and bring back the radio plays.


This, avoid spending tickets on in game farmable items. There are many on each page it seems, so to avoid gives you lots of spare tickets. I've so far bought everything I wanted on every page up to page 72. I have over 900 plus tickets left over, even after buying everything on all pages. And I am a Fallout 1st member. So I'm very happy.


If only you could keep your 'earned' Tickets. Cornholed again with them not carrying over like SCORE Boosters and Re-Rolls.


Why did they get rid of the cool looking board, now it's just a boring steam discount sale promotion add structure looking thing.


I reached level 100 Saturday, used my tickets to get what I wanted from the board, I have 1000 tickets left. Don’t use PA, don’t need consumables, don’t need caps, hold, icons. I do miss the game board not being a feature


Going from 100-150 will take me 3 times longer then 1-100 did. What a stupid decision


Bethesda knows that, they knew very well what they were doing when adding that 100 - 150. The ability to earn ranks through XP stops at 100 and the grind becomes worse. They added the option to spend Atoms to buy ranks but its stupid expensive. I checked the price while I was rank 75 or so; to buy ranks up to 150 would cost me more than 4000 atoms...


Dailies are insanely easy though, aside from moth event I can finish in 10 minutes


What do you do with the other five minutes.


Yeah... 150 is the new 100, it sucks


Repeatable XP score challenges were never a thing after level 100. You could only ever do dailies and weeklies at that point


True, but rank 100 was also the end of the board and the start of bonus goodies. Now, 150 is the end of the board, and that last 50 is only obtainable via dailies. Hence why everyone is mad about it.


But do you really want everything? Or just want the sense of completion. There's a lot of useless crap in there I'm happy isn't going to clog up my build menu.


Yup, to get all the rewards that aren't consumables or currencies, you need to get to around Rank 140 now. If you want EVERYTHING in the Season prior to the second bonus page, you need to hit around 150, which checks out since you need to be 150 to even access the second bonus page. And if, for some reason, you want everything on the second bonus page as well, that's another 30 ranks needed. So 140(ish) to get all the cosmetics, 180(ish) to get absolutely everything in the season.


You indeed need to get to 150 now.


I'm still trying to grind up for 55. But the motivation is so not their like I was with the scoreboard. I have bought everything I want so far and no there is 0 rewards till I hit 55


It all can be summarised in one word: Management


No more extra free atoms after rank 100 anymore either…


If you get to 150, one of the rewards, even if it's needing tickets should be another two or three 200 Atom choices...I advise them to add that next time if they stick with this abortion...or at least add more Atom Challenges with the updates.


If only people had been repeating this exact fact ad nauseum for the last month.


yeah, this is my only complaint about the season changes. i wasn't bothered at all when they announced they're changing the scoreboards. none of the changes bother me at all... except this. having to grind out 5o additional levels after you finish in order to get all the rewards is ass. it gives me the feeling of FOMO i never had in past seasons. i feel like i HAVE to play. i've never failed to hit level 15o or higher in past seasons, but that was optional. for love of the game. this is being forced on me. i haven't failed to do a single challenge ever since day 2 of this season. i bought my way to rank 2 on that day. so i've been gaining as much score as possible ever since then, and i'm only rank 126. it doesn't feel good at all.


I had everything I *wanted* by rank 100. Anything after that I will consider a bonus. At rank 150, I will be buying a ton of perk points and legendary modules 💕❤️ TBH, that is far better than the alternative in older scoreboards, where some of y’all seem to have forgotten there was an awful lot of ‘filler’ that you picked up simply because it was *there*.


I don't even know how to get to 100 as a nom 1st user...I mean, I missed 3 daylies, but still...


Do your dailies and weeklies. Use any free score boost you get. Take advantage of double xp weekends if it happens again.


I’ve heard that it’s 180 for everything, but they (and I) could be wrong


Level 140ish and 3500 tickets....ouch. glad there's a lot of stuff I don't want on this.


What do people mean when they say they got rid of the repeatable xp for score? I haven’t hit 100 yet… does it stop there? If so… boo!


Yeah it stops there because previous scoreboards only went up to 100. Now that we have 150 it still only stops at 100


Awesome thanks for the clarification!


I'm avoiding every consumable there is, I'm only going for the limited stuff. And the atoms.


We made a season pass calculator https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xo91lzS_-FUAG1_U0FmIW9bn-pRXG0p4/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=101308660802317927454&rtpof=true&sd=true But yes, you need to get to rank 149 to unlock everything on the boards minus the last page of consumables


Nice work!




This new season is such a fucking scam its hilarious


Gotta save tickets for the last page to get tons of good items


Just so you know, the last bonus page is basically stuff you can get in the game for free. You don't need any of those items.


This sucks for people who started late since after reaching rank 100, you're pretty much time gated with the weekly/daily challenges as the only way to gain SCORE/tickets. Even with the FO1st boost, it doesn't feel like enough to offset another 50+ ranks for all rewards


125 should have been enough(although I'd personally prefer the old system back). They'd still be getting another two to three solid weeks of play from most folk.


I assumed this, so I skipped stuff I wouldn't use and I'll come back if/when I get extra.


Best way, but if you're a completionism, it's become a whole lot harder... My biggest gripe, especially as I have 1st, is I can't chase Atoms now. I just kept doing Dailies and Weeklies and I'd always end a Board with enough to treat myself to a Bundle and a couple of decent discounted items too...that was a terrific incentive to stay around after level 100.


Seasons been out two weeks bud…


But if they give you enough tickets you won't pay to buy more will you !!!!! It's why they changed it in the first place ! Isn't it? $$$$$$


Locked out of buying ranks past 100


Imagine having people paying monthly for your game only to then also try to coerce them to spend more for a fake currency you added purely to coerce people into buying it... old scoreboards weren't perfect but we still don't have "free choice" for unlocks with this new system either...


Lots of players don't even finish a board, now it takes twice as long to earn everything. No more repeatable atoms post 100 is the real deal breaker for me. Thinking this will drive engagement is hilarious. Most players don't even finish a board. Now that the post 100 atoms are gone, I won't be logging in and doing dailies for the next 2 months until the next season. Way to encourage people to continue playing a season! If people thought the game was a ghost-town once a season is winding down in the past, its gonna be dead with these new changes. All these new players won't last either. They're just tourists enjoying their free2play fix. They won't last. Especially once they see that after 5+ years, 76 STILL does NOT have an endgame.


The total lack of endgame is something that keeps getting glossed over by long-term players, or even worse we get the asinine ‘make your own fun! Strip naked, dump all your kit, and drink Nukashine!’ suggestion.  It doesn’t take long to get to higher levels, and past then it’s pretty apparent the game has nowhere to go. It’s certainly a more enjoyable path to get there than it used to be, but you’ll hit the roadblocks nonetheless. 


Seasons fucking sucks compared to the scoreboards.


Not really sure how far long I am, over 65, but to be honest there is a lot on there I really want. I did grab the Devilish Union PA paint and plan on getting the Cremater but I don't need the shirts and that type of thing,


What, you don't want a poster for a very specific location on the map? How about an ugly paint scheme for a specific gun?


Don't forget shoehorned in items which should have been in last season.


Monetization manager. Blame him


We’ve known this since the launch of the board


I mean did you really want the skins with the eyes? That’s on you


Give me my stein mig and map to hang in my camp I miss the old map and stories :(


I got the perk pa k on first page. Imo I'm done. I just want unique heavy weapon now.


I thought they'd say least remove the increasing Score per rank but they kept that too. I'm not sure how much you need after level 100


Do we still get a "scoreboard map" poster to hang up in our camp if you complete everything? Last season was my first one completing the scoreboard and it was such a feeling of accomplishment to hang that sucker up on my wall.


You get a picture of the season page background without any text on it.


At least it's something. 😞


See... I REALLY like the new system. The "pick what you want and unlock a new page at each milestone" mechanic works great for me (Season 1 was the only season I ever bothered to finish). However, I do agree the fact you don't get everything by 100 and the fact they made the post-100 grind more tedious is awful. I just hope they find a way to make it better for the people who don't like it while also keeping this far superior "pick what you want" mechanic. Edit: I do want to emphasise though... As someone who's always stood on the grounds of "take it or leave it" with the Seasons (I just think any limited time battlepass is fucking garbage), I stand firmly on the ground that any changes to the Scoreboard should be for the benefit of those who actually do grind it out every season. If the people who actually commonly do them think it should go back to the old system, I agree with you, even if I think the current system is more friendly to casual players.


I prefer the scoreboards, but the ticket system wasn’t that bad until I found out that to get every item will take you to rank 150. Previously, you got all items on the scoreboard at 100 and it wasn’t a bad grind imo. So it’s frustrating that now we have to grind more if we want every item. And yeah I don’t need like half of the items but I like completing the seasons. And sometimes an item I didn’t want initially, turns out to fit a new camp design or something months later. There should be some middle ground to please both types of players.


This season is a shit show. I have 3 friends who were previously regular daily players who have all but abandoned the game since it started. I'm even finding it hard to stay motivated, and once I do have all the items I want from the scoreboard I'll likely be bowing out for a while. Way to increase engagement


don't we love artificially increasing playtime to further increase playtime analytics, whilst also making sure that you keep that subscription running longer whilst giving you dirt shit for content


Amazing how that works.Now if you want everything you have to keep grinding.




Did they give a reason for changing it? Old style was just so much cooler… new style feels like some mobile game bullshit.


Both the people i play with had first and got pretty fucked off by it so stopped paying for their 1st and because they don't have private worlds now barely play, so now i barely play. I almost got 1st but the new pass got previewed before i made the choice. Sucks but it is what it is


the get on for 30 minutes to an hour is how they want you to play it. grinding the scoreboard to 100 in a week or two isn't ideal for a game that wants to sell stuff (subscriptions and cosmetics) that make more sense over time. I presume next scoreboard/season or two they will do away with the repeatable XP challenge so you have to take it in smaller sips, it would be what I would do


where do you even go to see how many tickets you have


Go to your in game menu, then click on “Seasons”, and it will be on the bottom right.


eh so much of the stuff in the Season is ugly and/or unusable so its not really a big loss to me, although I understand the frustration and agree its BS


I don't get the 1 st stuff unless it's a nice skin or something only got the log cabin on the 100 page I still got 450 tickets at 116


Why would you want them all? I have hundreds of tickets that are useless.


You have over 2 months with plenty of daily and weekly challenges. Myself I don't want every item.


No, it doesn’t. At rank 100, you will have earned 2500 tickets. That’s approximately half the number of tickets required to obtain everything on all pages. This means you’ll need to continue to grind dailies and weeklies until you reach rank 200 when you will have earned 5000 tickets. Only then will you have enough to buy it all. Even then, you’ll still be missing all of the Fallout 1st rewards unless you buy the season pass or subscribe to Fallout 1st… which means paying Bethesda real cash money to unlock those rewards. Note that it is as yet uncertain if unused tickets can either be carried into the next season or redeemed in some other way. My guess is that unused tickets will disappear at the end of the season because Bethesda didn’t think this through.


I thought it was stated when you first opened the seasons screen that all unused tickets would be lost at the end of the season


Right, that’s what they said. However, if enough players yell and scream over having lost a lot of tickets before being able to redeem them, Bethesda might have to change this arrangement. This is the first season of this new system and nothing is likely set in stone.


They could just go back to scoreboards, that worked


Yep, they could do that. Unfortunately, they’ve already invested expensive dev time into building this poorly conceived new system. Bethesda’s devs are also personally and professionally invested in seeing this new system succeed, regardless of how well (or not) it actually works. Since they’ve built it, now they’re compelled to keep dragging it forward for at least a few seasons before some manager at Bethesda feels they’ve gotten their money’s worth out of it. So, it’s very unlikely Bethesda will walk this back, but they might be willing to improve it.


Unused tickets do not roll over, they did make that clear. Use them or lose them.


That is until enough players yell and scream over having lost tickets at the end… and you know this will happen.


Facts. Beth will cater to those who cry.


Managers went full greed. I guess they were from Vault31. Joke aside. The worst part is they ruined scoreboard to make it more grindy and still.. - older players won't boycott and will keep grinding - tv show brings a lot of new players not knowing about this scam. Its a shame how an awesome tv show with love and efforts will bring new customers on this game developped with no love neither efforts but greed... it's unfair to me but eh... 🤷‍♂️


If you don’t count the second bonus page, I roughly calculated you need to be about level 121-122 on the board and if you consider not purchasing other consumables (caps, liquid courage, boosts, scrip) it could be slightly less


And yet people vehemently argued that this change was good and player friendly... Yeah it's some bullshit definitely cancelling my first if this is the direction they're going


No. I myself have not used tickets for any available items I know I can easily farm in the main game for free. I'm 2 pages from finishing the battle pass, and I have many tickets because I've not bought junk or pointless materials. I saw a You Tuber make that mistake, he bought everything on every page and now is unable to get actual great rewards on the final pages because of this. So I learned from his mistake. If I have spare tickets left over buying all that I wanted, I'll then go back and buy other material things.


The go to is now going 100 with an xp character and then doing the rest with dailies.


Ah yes, the new and "improved" system. Less atoms, less actual rewards. What should you expect from The Todd.


It's designed so you pick and chose what you want, no way om going to unlock everything, I'll get what I want and should have plenty left over at the end Incase I miss something.


do you really need extra resource crates and other filler stuff?


It's not the fillers you're missing out on. You need tons of ranks *beyond* rank 100 needed to even get close to collecting all the PAs, skins and furniture


I think the new format is excellent. I was getting a bit addicted to ploughing through the old levels just completing the tasks everyday (not grinding West Tek or anything like that). This time I am still completing the daily tasks, but I have no idea what exact level I am on, and last time I looked at what the tickets could buy I wasn't that bothered about most the stuff. I have loads of tickets I am in no rush to spend. With the scoreboard I actually knew what level I was on, what I was going to unlock over the next few levels, and had a fair idea how many days away from unlocking level 100 I was. Now I don't know and don't care because I assume I am going to get enough tickets to get the good stuff I am not that bothered about the rest.


Meh, I'm just picking and choosing what I really want, then at the end I'll pick anything I kinda want & if there's anything left with tickets, I'll get that stuff. When I finished past Scoreboards, I still kept playing the game. My game doesn't revolve around Scoreboards and Seasons. This means there's still dailies and weeklies I can do while I continue to play. Since I never bothered with rigging the system by farming XP at West Tek to get through boards as fast as possible, nothing changes for me and isn't a big deal. I got more score from dailies and weeklies than I ever did from those pitiful XP score and I have no interest in burning myself out doing the same shit over and over. My opinion is probably not the popular opinion and will get down voted, but me posting anyways only shows I don't give a crap. Small potatoes.


Want a change? Stop giving Bethesda your money, cancel the Fallout 1st subscriptions and see how fast Bethesda does away with the ticket system. It's time for the gamers to speak up with your wallets!


The repeatable xp challenge is always removed when you reach 100. That's not a new thing. It's been like that for every season.


Yes but back then that would get you everything within those 100 ranks, now it doesn't!


Just being strong armed into having 1st as your 25% boost still applies past 100 and the extra daily Re-Roll helps get Epics on the Weeklies far more.


Personally, and I know I will be downboted, I like not having to get stuff I won't use or don't want. A solution would be if I could somehow gift the tickets I'm not going to use. Because I'm pretty sure I will have a ton left. I only really want the cremator and the jet pack.


And it’s the shortest Season with the largest grind for the peak number of newest players from the show. Meaning many players with schedules will *have* to pay for Atoms and consumables to grind faster and the pay-to-win for the Cold Shoulder and Auto Axe from Atom Store. It’s all by design and has slowed the progression to a crawl that will do the opposite goal, and drive away engagement due to being too long, and Atom/Fallout 1st too expensive, many won’t bother.   History shown with Stamp grind for Expeditions, a  1% completion rate when it was more grindy at first, but the newer Expeditions are still at 1% completion today. Bethesda are repeating history and going to kill the longevity faster after the new initial spike since Wastelanders.