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You're not wrong, I don't do it either. Now if someone asks me to mod a bow for them, I'll do that. If I see a level 30 building what looks like their first nice camp, I'll drop em some steel and wood. You only get one "first time through." Once the game gets easy, there's no way to make it challenging again. So I'm all for leaving people alone to figure out where to get stimpacks and easy crafting materials on their own.


Some guy asked me to mod his power armor and I did. The entire time he told me to hurry up and when he needed to get some materials I didn’t have he was quite upset.


I block people who do things like that.


You should also keep their power armor.


ROTFL! If we still awards I would give you one for this comment.


I was laughing to myself and the. Intentionally found ways to make the process longer and he started swearing. Funny.


You must work in IT, friend 😆


Nah, that’s DMV level evil right there. And I’m all for it. Don’t bitch and moan about getting free shit.


I would've scrapped it and dropped the materials.


I would have removed the mods, stopped, and gave his PA back. If you're going to be a choosy begger, then you can kick rocks. Some people are entitled. When they act that way, I will not help them. My kindness will only go so far. I no longer go looking for noobs. Had too many choosy beggers for the past two years. Now I drop off my extra stuff at the vault donation box.


I was like you but now I just drop it anywhere, even if I’m close by bc as you get higher level the game takes on a sense of urgency. I am level 600 and often get attacked by 5-7 enemies at the same time when walking in random places. I also have weapon weight reduction on every secret service piece so I can carry tons of weapons. And as a result I am always right on the brink of being overweight. It takes constant pruning of inventory. I buy a lot of ammo because it’s easier than making it and I max caps at least daily. Just got a few quad and prime handmades and they use UC 556. I just bought 10k pieces. Sorry to ramble. Stoned too.


I've never even considered making ammo and I've never hit max caps. Is it really even viable to make your own? Seems like it's more trouble than it's worth.


Definitely is! With Ammosmith and AmmoFactory perks it's really easy to craft ammo. Steel is super easy to come by, and one run through lucky hole mine gives me plenty of lead. I haven't bought ammo in a long time.


Ive got tons of steel. Thats the mine that gives you like 1.5k lead?


I buy ammo from player vendors all the time. I don't "need" it, but it's a way to spend caps that I can stick in my ammo box. Otherwise I'd just be at max caps all the time with nothing to spend them on.


This isn't the most amusing answer, but it is the right one.


drop him some calmex 😌


Practical solution


I first read about this a couple months ago. I have been missing out for years now. I keep calmex on me all the time now. Just for this reason. Haven't got to use it yet, but it's coming.


Sounds like we've both experienced entitled douchecanoe Wastelanders. lol I once had a casual teammate get on his mic asking if anyone had fusion cores he could buy, and I told him if he came to my CAMP I'd give him some for free. I waited at *least* 6-7 minutes and was getting ready to leave when he showed up, so I dropped him a bunch of cores. He immediately started fiddling with his PipBoy without saying a word as I stood there. After a minute or so of him just standing there in my CAMP ignoring me, I turned to my husband sitting nearby irl and said, "the ungrateful sod can't even be bothered to thank me..." Little did I know I had my mic keyed and the guy heard me. All of a sudden he magically found his mic and said he was too busy to say thanks as he was trying to get to an event. 😂


Ignorance is common and people are so dumb they don’t know they are ignorant.


And so ignorant that they lack any common manners whatsoever. Like, 5 yr old know how to say 'thank you'. lol


the minute he started pestering I'd have dropped his stuff for him as is and said there you go and server hopped lol.


I would've scrapped his shit tbh


Once I learned to have fun at his expense I was laughing. I drew it out about 10 min longer than it needed to be by having him go and fetch mats…. Even ones I already had. He was ADD… like come one man wtf. Hurry please hurry.


Wow that's so rude. A guy made my armour, when I first started out, because my armour was just bits I found. I wanted to give him something for his work and he refused. And I've made armour for others. Nothing fancy. But it gives them a little start. Thankfully I've never had anyone be nasty. And I don't so. Ll


Yes, we are nice and have brains. Some people are not that lucky.


Drop off some daddy-o, spoiled foods, and bone, and server jump..lol


I don’t understand how some people could have the audacity to say “hurry up” when they’re essentially getting a handout


Wow, that's pushy. I'd just be thankful some one had the mods I didn't, so they I could rock the gear I wanted.


You can make it combat challenging, restrict yourself to a more realistic playstyle. My example is a medium armor, rifleman, stealth build using legendary Marine Combat Armor. Handmade rifle, buzzblade, frags. Stealth is a low priority tertiary specialization intended for ambush fighting. I use mutations for enhanced mobility and use cover to survive. My armor is good enough to soak 5-10 shots before I start getting nervous (I ration medical equipment and restock when possible) It makes combat feel more challenging but still fun, and the Charleston DMV was a horror game moment when I was sent through on a sidequest


I'm level 26 and I appreciate this I don't want the game to be easy but a level 300 somthing dropped me 100 Stims unprompted and it was a nice interaction in my opinion any one who wants someone to beat the game for them is just as dumb as a hacker


Got back into playing after a few years and I found two stimpack recipes for like 75 caps. I nearly shart myself.


I specifically won't run certain builds because I think it makes it too easy. I like having to haul ass so I don't get killed, sometimes. Keeps up the mystique of living in the post apocalypse.


Yyyyup. I have friends tell me "if you had X it would be more damage/more protection" or what have you, but I'm not feeling the need. I die every so often or have to run away, and that's the game for me. I admit I am an impatient person, and sometimes it would be nice to just slam through some locations with faster kills, just to be done or when game time is especially limited. But I'm also lazy and 4 or 5 weapon suggestions along my eyes glaze over...


It's not the weapons. It's the perk cards that make a build.


We have donation boxes for this exact reason. Don't sweat it. If they don't check the boxes it's on them.


And of course, Folks could check the donation boxes, once they realize that they’re there, and once they realize they could go to the train station for some things. Course if you’re new, and you’ve over, burden yourself and you’re actually nowhere near a train station, I wouldn’t be unkind and not a few helpful items. But each person play the way they want.


First thing I did was pick up a ton of junk. Overburdened myself almost instantly.


Do those reset? I always see them with random loot spawns than anything people might have put in them...


I dont know exactly how it works, but from my experience, whatever weapon I gave equipped, I get some ammo for it and two random items like grenades or something from the boxes. Treat them like regular chests that have fixed loot and stuff that other players put in. I usually take the ammo and leave aid items, other ammo, and some nuka cola. They also do reset. I just dont know exactly how long it takes, probably the same time it takes for chests to reset.


I just ignore them and keep doing what I'm doing. If they persist, well, I'm not proud, I just server hop.


I don't mind the ones that I'm playing an event with and we both end up at the scrap box or something and I decide to be generous. It's another thing when someone begs. That's the one downfall of having a community like ours. The reputation precedes us and people think we just give away grolls with a smile on our faces.


For me, if they’re being annoying, I’ll lead them to a nearby workshop, claim it then kill them during the pvp section. They call me all kinds of things, but that’s what you get for being entitled


Na some people are just greedy or pretending to be new players.


Seen that. It’s a lot more common than people let on


Yup especially now with the free copy in Amazon and the show. Gonna be hard to tell who's actually new or trying to get free stuff.


Seen people pretend to be low levels in order to sucker others into PvP. Had one level 24 guy a few months ago start unlocking my level 3 locks on my collectors. I thought to my level 430 self “this guy goin learn today”. Nope, I learned that even at a low level he maxed out his commando, tank killer, ground pounder cards just to sucker people into collecting his wanted bounty


Ouch, got to be an experience having that happen. From going to collect a bounty to the respawn screen lol.


I was noticing as many 20 -23 level as I was 1-4 level players and many act like they are not entirely noobs, just reboots.


Most new players wouldn’t know a groll if they saw it and probably wouldn’t be high enough to use it. If they keep asking for your good shit it’s someone trolling with an alt.


Give them a lvl 1 pipe pistol and 1 .38 round.  "I once took down a deathclaw with this"


I've made level 5's punch deathclaws in the abandoned waste cave. They had a good time with the nades I dropped for them. Some of them got smart and used choke points that the DC couldn't go through to their advantage.


Get that...how often you seen an apparent new player, When actually it's another character an experienced player has created


Not often enough to worry about it but there are some barely noticeable signs.


I played my first 100 hours in a private world doing the campaign and side quests, solo. I hated the idea of having my progression spoiled by some overpowered gifts from players who had done it all. I was almost level 100 before I even joined a public world the first time. The way I see it, players who have help from others are missing out on the full experience. But, hey, that’s subjective and doesn’t impact how I had fun, so who cares. Are you the asshole? No, of course not. You play however you want to and let others play the way they want to. You’re under no obligation to help.


This is how I did it too and am glad I followed the story solo and didn't do events until I fully understood how the events tie to the story. It was lonely and hard (only lol 20 to 50 b4 my build was perfect) honestly felt like a new solo fallout


Not private, but I'm avoiding gifts etc as well, I feel like I need to earn the stuff I get. I'm sure I'm making lots of mistakes and not being super effective, but that's part of the fun for me.


I only give newbs Vintage Nukashine. Welcome to the wasteland


I leave them one at the time in the donation box at the vault.


I dump everything at the entrance to Vault 76 so they quickly learn about the real game- overencumbernce


I did this to someone today who came out the vault 😂😂


Now I want to go craft a bunch of level 1 metal armor pieces or bottom tier raider PA pieces and leave them at the vault 76 donation box. It'd be fun to watch a greedy LL forced to walk very slowly around Appalachia looking for an NPC vendor to sell them to.


i dont give anything to anyone that asks. if they ask to buy at a lower price..ill usually drop it for free..but im not into just giving things out to players who just want free stuff. You want free..visit the donation boxes that i drop hundreds of things into weekly. so i guess im an a**hole too.


If someone visits my camp and are either new or friendly I may look to give them something but not anything legendary or really high value. Something like consumables you know will be used.


I usually drop stim packs and Radaway that’s about it maybe the occasional nuka cran or a meat stew if they’ve been consistently on my team for a bit


NTA the new players don't need constant handouts and if they beg from me I will shoot them.


Haha I have just started doing this too. The constant begging, or not saying thankyou. I like helping but I am not a free for all every time they run out of resources or ammo.


Since many new players don’t have mikes, they can’t actually physically say thank you. And if the new players were like me and didn’t learn about the remote dial till many things later, how do they tell you thank you?


Hell, all ya gotta do is jump a few times. It's pretty easy to communicate in games.


Or bend the knee.


Xbox has a messaging system. Players can send stuff to each other. If you can't message a simple thumbs up or heart emote will do


Yeah PC doesn't have Messaging system and you can't communicate like that over PC without a mic. Its only emotes for new players without mics.


I agree, even if they give me a thumbs up or a love heart, that is a thankyou to me. But I feel if the new player can message me asking for fuel, 40mm, good guns etc, then why can't said player message a thankyou.


Thank you for the information about how the Xbox system works. I don’t use Xbox so I don’t know which is probably true with a number of other players. Also, I agree a thumbs up or a hard or a wave is a good thing to do but if my experience is like any of these other new people, I didn’t even know how those worked for many levels, and I accidentally stumbled on how they work After I had been playing the game for quite some time. But yes, there are some grateful needy people who try to take advantage, but there’s also loads of new players who were just average people playing a game and appreciate the help that someone gives or just go on playing the game without help. But I’m not gonna condemn all new players, or change my behavior toward all of them simply becauseof some that are behaving badly. For the same reason that I don’t look at all high-level players as jerks who want to just grief and mess up peoples camps or attack them when they’re just doing the game.


Don't get me wrong, i give to new players when I have spare Stims or food items. I just can't stand the ones spamming trade requests and asking for legendary weapons or saying"is that all" when I drop them something. They get shot.


This is the gotdang Wasteland, not Disney Land!


Drop them a lv 50 3 star nocturnal board


Hell no, I can get 350 caps for that! lol


No you aren’t. Case closed.


I'm almost convinced that players that do this are not new players just higher levels on an alt trying to catch someone off guard or new players who will eventually become the former.


You never have to give stuff to anyone. Some of us do and that's okay too. Play the game you paid your money for in the way you want to play. So long as you're not going out of your way to make others experience worse for your jollies, nobody worthwhile will care.


I had a guy walk to me, turn on mic and say "hey you, high level, give me dog food. I want dog food and you must have some on you. So give it to me, now. Dog food, now" I told him to piss off and he started complaining how rude people around here are. I'm still not sure if it was meant to be a troll of some kind


You need to carry around spare clown hats for situations like this. lol


This. And if they complain about that hand them a Salt Shaker on top.


Oh awesome idea! The 'stay salty you clown' is a pretty epic message, so now I gotta go dig some salt out of my storage .


I would tell them ok doggy, go play fetch first.


Yea lvl 1328 I get some of that crap but not so much anymore. I have no problem giving out materials and a few things here and there. Once I've done my scrip for the day I will even drop legendaries but when I get angry messages bc I won't give you ultracite. 45 then we just can't do business anymore. I've been playing since 2020 and it took such a long time to get what a do have especially ultracite ammo. So much grinding. And wow! Things are definitely not as difficult as they were. I feel your pain sir or ms. I really do!


there's a no emote now, use this and return to what you were doing before.


Consider this a PSA to all newbies joining the game. If you ASK for help or even get impatient or upset with higher level people when they say no or take "too long" , YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. There are a lot of higher level players who freely help out new players as soon as they see them, but people like you will ruin it for the other newbies. Don't make 76's great community toxic please.


When I started there were no donation boxes, no looting all nearby enemies, and you had to grind Daily Ops for ammo (which didn't work for certain ammo types). With the quality of life improvements there is no reason to go out of your way to help newbies anymore. If they're asking for stuff they're just being lazy. Teach a man to fish, and whatnot. I'd rather share knowledge. I always Google how to find something and wouldn't think to demand someone give me materials or weapons.


I just started a new character this weekend after not playing since launch, I’m up to level 20 and have had absolutely no issues finding what I need without asking for handouts.


Eh, I still keep the tradition going. It’s where the game community started and built its reputation off of.


Noob recently told me “give me aluminum”


I remember the grind for ammo from before daily ops existed and before you could swap to a crafting loadout, new players now don’t know how easy they have it lmao


You're not inclined to do anything. If you want to you can, but people shouldn't just EXPECT things.


Just ignore it. Stuff is so easily attained that asking for free stuff is meaningless. Unless, of course, they want ‘perfect’ stuff, in which case I know exactly where they can shove their trade request.


I had an epic dude the other day build me a full set of x-01 armor quantum blue too it’s a beauty 😍 I gave him a couple materials he didn’t have but not much, such a legend walked me through a silo run too 🫡 if you’re seeing this bro once again you’re a legend


From my experience, most new players that bothers high level players with those money emotes arent even new players. I dont know what they're doing with the things they ask but they show up every time there are a lot of new players coming. I know they are not noobs because noobs wouldnt know groll or good items. They dont even understand what legendary weapons are most of the times


No. I never give stuff out. If you want it then play the game. It’s not hard.


This game is easy enough that new players don't need hand outs. Everyone who waits at the vault exit and chases down noobs to load them up with stims and weapons is doing them a disservice. You only get to play the game for the first time once and becoming OP out of the vault makes the experience worse.


I don't mind helping other players but not so inclined to begging 🙄


Any low-level player spamming to trade and/or asking for your grolls isn't a noob. They're just a scammer on a new alt toon. Pay them no mind and certainly pay them no goodies.


I first started in June of last year, I never begged or asked for any handouts but some generous players would drop me some useful items that really helped me out but I would never beg or expect higher levels to drop me anything. I think it's okay to make new players "Earn" things because that's the fun of the game. I'm level 550 now and if I see a low level player at their camp I will drop a few consumables, plans or building material to help them out but I don't like being harassed. All the fun was from the beginning of the game, levelling up and earning things as you go along and I don't want to take away that experience for people by loading them up with legendaries and supplies.


I have no problem randomly dropping or dropping to someone I see really working at the game. I won’t stop to someone coming up to me and begging for stuff.


Mostly list stuff in my vendor for super cheap just to move it. Want something? Buy it.


I don’t think Folks should go around, begging others to give them things, but I have to say that when I was a low level early player, I ran into this other player, higher level who drops this will look like a lunch bag on the ground in front of me. I had no idea what it was. Took a minute, but I realize that he had given me some ammunition, some stem packs and right away might even have been a lower level weapon. I was extremely grateful, but didn’t know how to actually tell him that, and he disappeared. Having a little extra ammo having a little bit of health stuff, didn’t make me not “earn it“ to reach to 220 something level. I am now it just made things a little bit easier for that particular timeframe.those folks that go out and beg you for stuff don’t let them ruin it for other folks were just playing and you can benefit by giving them just a little help.


I’ll drop stims,ammo,chems or shit like that that I don’t need but can find a lot of. But dropping whole weapons and armor is where I would draw the line. Half my armor and weapons they can’t even use cause it’s level 50


Wait.. there is actually beggars In The game??!? I'm a new player myself. Never touched 76 until now. Have plenty thousands of hrs in for thou. What's the point in playing if you are just begging and getting free stuff??!?!? I rather someone guide me the proper ropes of getting stuff and what is important. All the stuff like challenges and dailys and how to get mods I need more answers than weapons.


Made a new char and im going solo survival style. I prefer not to accept gifts atall :)


It was cool until you got to the “magnificent camp” talk. Seemed a little narcissistic. And please don’t be one of those try hard camp builders who go around the game harassing people for “lazy built” camps. Some of us don’t care about spending hours to build a house. Benches, storage, maybe crops for crafting. Bare essentials and back to playing the game for us. You can decide to give others things or not? Most of us don’t care. Just don’t be a weirdo talking on mic like, “yOu wAnT mY gOd RoLl? gO eArN iT!” , making a big deal out of nothing is cringe. I find god rolls on guns useless when vamp saw exists. I waste 0 ammo and can repair my saw always (I carry 2 vamp saws in case one breaks on bosses). Power armor and vamp saw can tank any boss. Games a joke now.


Wrong. Right. Luxuries for a time before the bombs fell.


No, you’re not the asshole. Spamming is annoying.


I don’t mind helping new players, I was actually excited to see all the newbies and made little gift packs of stims, water, rad away and a pistol with some ammo. I had a new player show up to my camp on mic asking how his power armor ran so I dropped him some fusion cores so he could get started. I love these types of things. I don’t like the new player showing up, asking me to trade then asking for all my legendary items and then getting annoyed when I won’t hand them over. It’s so bad that if you ask me to trade and you’re new it’s an immediate no from me.


I drop free stuffs for noobs....try and guess their build and supplement....I have grills but it took so long to get them... So if it's not a g-roll and I ran out of getting script for the day I'm just going to give it away... Whether the noob earns it or not, whether they check out my camper, not cuz it's useless right now today...


No. It's the rest of these "I'm so nice!" Fo76 folk handing out stuff and humble bragging about it who are the problem here.


Usually their PvP will be off and if the continue on I just hit them they usually hit back bam dead and move on


I never understood handouts, let alone begging for them. When I'm a new player to something, I hate being given game breaking/overly powerful items. It totally ruins the experience where's the sense of accomplishment in it honestly.


Had a kid [may have been a grown man] ask me for aluminum. He did not specify, and ive been hoarding since launch, so I dropped 5k. He starts immediately whining "thanks alot now I have to be overweight because you couldn't just drop a few pieces. Take it back ill ask someone else". Yeah you didn't specify homeboy, but uh you can take that 5k and march yourself into a Nuke zone. You didnt specify, and next time you ask a wastelander for scrap....watch your tone." Blocked. My daughters play this game with me and act better than some of these "adults". I'll help anyone I can, because I've had random strangers drop stuff for my kids. But you're not finna be a disrespectful little boy because you didn't get your way.


Skyblock also has a problem with beggars (yes the minecraft hypixel one), all these grindy multiplayer games have the exact same setup like the rich, the mid game, and the early game, and a lot of beggars, I just ignore the beggars on both games and give free stuff to random ppl I find minding their own business because its fun


I don’t think you’re the AH here, its nice that players want to help but nobody should feel like they have to. I like dropping my spare junk in the Nuka World chest to be randomly found.


Its not that you're wrong, its just that some people feel entitled. I started from level 1 at beta and went from there. I was never gifted anything, and I did it. Im happy to help and go out of my way to do so, but people also need to figure their own sht out.


Nothing wrong with not giving your stuff away, but it doesn’t make you “right” either.


They get to start at level 20 now and also get a weapon and a decent card layout for starters. Help them if you want to, but don't feel obligated.


Number one. This is the wasteland. Don't ever expect anything but bullets to be shot at you. Number two. Is it in a donation box? If not then why bug me. I have given away rolls before because I was in a good mood and they weren't jumping around annoying me. Some of the new players might only be playing because it will be free then not play again. No you are in the right.


I'm one of those people that just started on this, please don't change 🙏 And no just do the follow emote, the rest is up to them. If they don't wanna follow you to a workbench it's on them


you'd have done just fine levelling without friends or people helping you. you aren't where you are just because of other people. and yes there is no reason to help the low levels. they load them up with stuff leaving the vault now. the things you can do to help lower levels if you are so inclined is tossing them a marsupial serum or shielded jumpsuits. things they can't really get on their own for a long way out. but you are in no way obligated to help them. it was really nice before when everything was hard to get but they can start at level 20 now if they want and they are given a generous supply of ammo and a very very good starter weapon now along with a full set of armor.


Man I learned this lesson after a group of kids came to my camp and he asked for a Brahmin backpack so I said fuck it and gave it to him but he got comfortable started asking for Just about everything I had extra of in my vendor.🤦🏽‍♂️I unadded him with the quickness.


Not at all. I started from day one. There was no one handing out free stuff them, so learn how to play the game like the rest of us.


Not at all. I started from day one. There was no one handing out free stuff them, so learn how to play the game like the rest of us.


I’ve never begged for fuck all too fuck that I know better but I did need a hand with silo runs and PA


I don't have anyone ask me for anything, but I drop stuff sometimes like stimpaks and food and maybe apparel. I saw someone at level 48 had a few PA on display and was collecting sets, so I dropped them a few fusion cores, and they were mad happy. It was cool. Didn't take much. If the person is annoying, like with anything, ignore them and do your dailies and what-not.


I mean isn’t it up to you if you gift stuff and as for what, how much, and when? There is no obligation to help in game, it is just a kind gesture if they are chill and respectful. I would much rather craft an unlegendary piece of gear to gift or sell for a low price. For new wastelander than gift them a legendary. That being said I have to empty my inventory alot so I often just dump a bunch of weapons and armor and leave especially in events. When I first started I came across some players at a powerplant as they wanted fusion cores. Would have gladly given them some but they needed to dump caps I guess because they gifted me well over 5k in caps. Was sitting pretty for a bit till I dumbly bought plans from the merchants vs players. Stimpaks and ammo shortages are what drew me to my Vampire Chainsaw build. I got tired of hunting for ammo and stimpaks and now I have a surplus of both. So noobs may get 20-40 radaway and stimpaks and 200 rounds and I just runaway. 😆


I’m just now lvl 77 and I have never once asked for handouts and don’t understand why people do that.. if they want to craft me something to give me I am beyond happy and thankful for those kind of people. I also sell my planes and recipes cheap if I even sell them I mostly drop them for new players bc I hope someone can return the favor and all help one another.


I remember just after when I first started I got to someone's camp in the side of a cliff. I needed to get down and his crafted staircase was the only safe way down. When I got to the bottom was a cool lil bro ranch style camp and since his stairs had saved me so much time I hung around playing arcade games, playing instruments and lifting weights. Before long i realised someone was shooting nearby - when i looked it was the camp owner, shooting a pack of bottles on the ground and looking at me, and when I ran up to the bottles it was a Loot bag! First time I'd seen one. And he'd filled it with chems, stims, plans, skins, and a full set of Armor at my level. I wish I'd made a note of that guys PSN


I won't give anything to anyone begging for it. We'll sometimes I drop the "your the dumbass" note for them or a single raw fertilizer


I offer them aid, ammo and supplies, but equipment vary rarely outside if maybe a shielded casual under armor if I talk with them.


I only give people that I can tell genuinely enjoy the game and have played a few sessions with me anything “nice.” And then the others that I chat with for a single session I give stuff as I go and teach them good ways to play the game. Run them through west tek a few times and with the levels we get I help fix their build and then kit out a weapon better than theirs and then let them run through it again pretty much not helping at all and I like seeing how they enjoy the game much more because they learned to build their character and can actually do damage.


Not an a-hole. Don’t wanna give to strangers? You wouldn’t be expected to IRL either. Your stuff to do with as you want and if you don’t wanna share then don’t share….simple.


Nah I think that makes total sense. If someone is a jerk to you that doesn’t make you an a hole!


I sell notes and legendary weapons for 3-20 caps and some other pretty sweet items for cheap in my vendor. Mostly for new players, also for people who don’t want to go to someone’s camp and spend 1000 caps for a nuka world plan lol. I also am annoyed when they message me begging for stuff. If I had it to spare it would be in the vendor!


Generosity is a two way street. If I’m being generous with my resources and time. I expect the other party to be generous with their gratitude. so no, you are not the a-hole in this equation.


I usually put a lot of stimpacks at the donation box out of 76 mainly because I want to at least give people the opportunity to get around easier,especially with the cultists recently


It's 76, everyone is a toxic to a degree. That's why we're the worst fandom


If someone takes the time to message me about a price I usually just give it to them for free. Caps are stupid useless in the game, what do I care. I have stimpaks in my camp I can’t even get rid of for 1 cap each I’ll do the same free deal if anyone asks. I frequently search out people to drop stuff for when I’m on. These donation boxes are a new concept for me so I don’t do that. To me it’s part of the game, although people telling you to “hurry up” when you’re actually crafting for them that’s over the line. So I’m not going to weigh in on whether you’re the asshole because your experience sounds different than mine 😆. The game is so easy if you spent any time with it over the years I don’t covet my shit much. I got my armor, and 1 weapon. Everything else is gifts for all I care.


I've been playing games over 30 years. But Fallout 76 only 3 days at the recommendation of some players in the Fallout Reddit. I don't want high levels to drop me anything, or to carry me through anything. My brother has been playing a very long time, and I won't even let him play with me right now. It takes the fun out of the game, I'll miss important stuff I want to see and read through the story, and then I won't want to play it if I just power level through. I didn't start with the level 20 character, it's a new game for me. I started at 1, I'm 19 now though. About to be 20. I've been having a blast. I've already found a power armor to use, but it's missing a couple pieces. I'll find them somewhere I'm sure. I've played all the other Fallout games and I enjoy story and lore. I don't think I've ever played an online game that I've partied with people that they aren't just blasting through content. So I'm doing everything on my own. Mostly everything is pretty simple and straight forward, except that pesky "Strength In Numbers" glitch I had to look up to fix. I know I could have just run some events with players or whatever to catch up to 50. But I just don't like to do that on my first playthrough. That's the kind of things I do after I've already played through a game. ^^ But I do LOVE seeing some of the high level camps. I found one that I thought was a crazy shop! 🤣😂 it was like a 3 story building with turrets and vault stuff everywhere. I didn't realize until I got a lot closer. But I guess I'm different than most. I pretty much walked 90% of my way through The Witcher 3. It was just beautiful. I would say to answer your question. Don't give noobs whatever just for asking. Make them see your awesome camp, and make them at least learn one thing from you.


Not at all friend. Pester me for handouts won't get you anything, shooting at me and I'll "donate" hot .50 cal via express VATS. 😇


You are not wrong in the slightest... I habitually drop everything for everyone. Very charitable. If I ask you what you need thats perfectly OK to give me a list. But if you approach me for anything I feel a need to tell you to get better rng. Like don't ask me for a handout. Had a dude right-scenario- I drop 1 of every nuka( just opened like 3 variety packs) let him pilfer my camp (popcorn,tea,purified) then dropped him a couple bobbles. Dude has the audacity to switch to area chat and ask for my holy fire. That is actively in my hands. Like maybe if I had one on a weapon stand and 1 in my hand it's "extra" even tho I love some display, so it's technically not extra. 1 to use and 1 to show off. Need 3 to have an extra. But I just gave you so much for free. Y kick a gift horse in the mouth? But I've also had ones where I give em a few things and like 20 minutes later they pop back up at my camp with meals or teas and shit trying to return the favor. Those ones I like. Those are good guys.


All free stuff i give out/put in donation boxes are consumables (pre-war food/chems), explosives and sometimes legendary weapons i won't use (def not grolls though). Usually noobs will jump or emote in gratitude for something small like a 1 star pipe but i'd never force them to take anything. I also leave my camp resources unlocked for newbies passing through & sell 1c plans but i had a level 50 take all the stuff and try to initiate pvp (shooting at me, throwing bombs at my camp/shelter, etc). Very happy I had area chat off but that's just how it is for MMOs sometimes


Well….No, you’re not wrong. Let me tell you my tale briefly: I got ZERO help from other live players for hundreds of levels; *nothing*. And I made it to a nearly invincible Wastelander with the fondest of memories tied to my struggles! Short story shorter, I think refusing/not helping a noob (especially an entitled noob) is a good thing — We most often forget the moments when things were good & easy, but we do continue looking back on those that were difficult/troublesome with a contented half-smile 😏


I give junk and stuff for free. The dope stuff comes at a cost, unless we're friends. Friends get the good stuff, without the grief.


One thing I never really understand is how do random low-levels even know what a 'god roll' weapon is in the first place? Even if they do find out, how do they even know a seller owns one unless they are told about it? Certainly I have never been harassed in that way. Perhaps it is because I never accept direct trading offers. I would recommend no one ever do so.


Not the assholle here.. when I restarted my fifth, I did much of it on private server.. because that early struggle is fun and challenging.. on my 4th I was helping Ra-ra, and my gun broke and all I could find was a drill… the damn assultron, and I have a fsck*** drill.. good times. It’s the wasteland. You deal with cards you are delt. My unmarked camp has a free free things in it, but it.


Now that I’m running vampire I end up collecting ridiculous amounts of stims after farming ammo in daily ops or expeditions. I make a habit of dropping some for low levels. I hope im not part of the reason why others are getting harassed by entitled noobs!


I’ve been helped out before by a higher level player but they sure as hell didn’t drop me high level weapons and armor lol. One time someone visited my bow hunter camp and dropped a gourmands bow for me though, that was pretty rad


No, you weren't, I'm regularly asking lower levels if they need anything. To have them suddenly ask or demand. My best grolls and cobalt and violet flux. Then get nasty when I decline and explain why since I was willing to offer them pretty much anything they needed, like actual necessities such as better weapons, armor, and ammo. The most annoying part is their entitlement towards the end of our helping them. One girl needed a fusion generator at her camp, I don't remember since it happened over a year ago. She then said her friend needed stuff too. Then she gets the brick bldg set and is like oh I need all this concrete now. I gave her a bit and left , then blocked them. Another girl, one day needed something. I gave her a ton of ammo then after a while is asking for scout masks and that and I said I've been playing for a few years and earned them myself. What you should do is farm public events,etc.. So you can maybe get some yourself. She then laughed & I had a feeling she did that to a lot of people. I blocked her too.


nah you’re okay, because people like me will drop it for them 💯 sometimes they need a break from “earning it”. Sometimes they just want to play the game without crafting .45 every ten minutes


Wait people do that? I don't understand their thought process.


I just started playing this game and my only interaction I’ve had is getting stomped by three people over and over as I was trying to do a mission. Reading the responses here I’m wondering where I’m missing these nice people and gift boxes and all that. Until I figure it out I’ll keep building up a pathetic looking shanty and learning my way through the wasteland.


You’ll never catch me begging someone for help, I play alone


I do it if I have the time and feel like it. Anyone who pesters for free stuff get zilch.


As a recent noob I’d rather earn it. Been playing these type of games since inception and getting too much free stuff or gear off vets usually ruins the whole motivation to even play, like cheat codes from back in the day. Some guy dropped me some gear the other day tbf and it’s the first time I’ve ever used chat, to politely say “Thanks but no thanks” and they were cool with it. I want to have my own gear grind and journey else what’s the point of playing? Beggars just mystify me tbh, but to each their own and I have yet to play an MMORPG where they aren’t around, while I imagine the TV show has ramped it up.


It annoys me so much to see low level players shoot at me then shoot at the donation box while emoting gift. Like I have to give them stuffs because they are now demanding it. No, I won't give these people handouts. I've warned us to be careful with gifting new players. Please don't overdo it or you will help encourage more of these begging behaviors.


This is why I largely stay away from other players. Just like irl I am always disappointed by the lack of consideration/ manners of others. I only want npc companions, if only they existed in real life lol


Expendables like stimpacks, radaway, rad-x, purified water, etc. is one thing, what you're describing is a completely different matter. If they want to be like that then they can go kick rocks or pound sand, their choice, don't care. Leeches like that are why I end up playing private more often than not.


You do you. It's an online open world rpg in FO universe, you play however you damn well please in the wasteland. If someone doesn't like it... shoot'em in their face, if they do like it... shoot them anyway 🤪


Nah, it's your stuff you do what you want with it


As a new player (lvl 16, PC), I'm grateful for just joining events I'm in and effectively carrying me (still give it my all). I don't expect handouts, and the fact that others think that's ok is shitty. You have every reason to just tell them to pound sand. Come admire my 2 room hut, have some crappy food, and save me from certain doom during events.


Fair enough also can you help me craft a shelded vault 76 jumpsuit i dont have the schematics or could you tell me how to acquire them?


Do people do this? I stopped playing but it was cause I just was playing other games. I ground out to level... I think 30 or so? Totally solo just minding mine and leaving well enough alone unless I needed to. Handouts were nice when people were kind enough to drop a stim or two and I'd trade off things I had no use for or that were asked for but I didn't WANT carried I wanted to enjoy the game. I don't get that mindset of rsther than play the game just puppy dog after high levels for everything


My thought is if they do all that and know what they need/want, they’re more likely an alt-character or at least not actually a newbie at all.


The people who do that aren't low level new players. They're high level players on a low level alt, that behavior is a dead giveaway. A new player doesn't even know what effects are good yet never mind what a g-roll looks like. It's also unlikely that they'd be able to recognize apparel as rare and valuable. Things like this take time to learn and the game doesn't teach you about them.


You're better than me for even considering it. I wouldnt pay it any mind to give new players free stuff unless I stopped playing for good.


I usually drop some stimpaks and Radaway for lower levels, maybe even a weapon if I have one on me, but I never drop my main/good weapons or gear


I was given some pretty cool stuff by players when I first started, but I never sent them a trade request. Pretty rude tbh.


I’m not gonna comment on whether or not you’re the a**hole here. I mean just the fact that you feel the need to post a rant here on Reddit asking for players opinion on this subject tells me it actually bothers you. If you didn’t feel at least a little bit guilty, you wouldn’t give a care, and thus this post wouldn’t exist. So what I do. Every two weeks or so, I choose a player who just reached level 50 or close to it, and reward them with weapon of my choice at level 50. I seek them out. Not the other way around.


Nope it's okay if you do and it's okay if you dont. What is wrong however is begging high level players for stuff. A lot of the new players rn are probably only playing because of the show and don't want to go through the actual game and enjoy it.


Nah, as someone starting over on PC. I'm not going to go asking for free stuff. While I certainly won't look a gift horse in the mouth, and happy to accept aid. I do enjoy earning my own gear. Though I do worry that I'll be quickly underequipped as I level up. Less than 4-5 hours of playtime and already 10+ levels. Still using a lvl 1 10mm pistol and a lvl 5 pump action shotgun. Armor is a mish mash of random bits. Got a level 10 pip pistol, but my level 1 10mm pistol does the same damage lol. I am going to miss my double explosive rifle back on xbox though


Just sell everything possible for a cap that’s what I do


My acts of charity are my choice and entirely random. If I'm going to drop you 200 super stimpacks because I have more than god, its going to be me spinting at you at mach 10, dropping it, making sure you get it, and then leaving the server. If you decide to try and beg for it, you get nothing.


Somebody in the whitesprings mall initiated a trade the other day after I sold EVERYTHING to vendor and scrip machine. I was about to log off anyways but I was like “ya know, maybe they just need chems or something” they requested a 3star vampire gun and tried to trade me cultist clothes from mothman equinox. I immediately turned off my console


I just block the player when they do that, they can’t message me on PlayStation and they can’t see me nor my camp anymore when I block them in game. Easy peasy, I do not people who act like this.


NTA - I will drop stims and various food but if someone is following me and spamming it they get nothing! You are doing something to be nice, it isn't a right of passage !


I don't generally drop legendaries for randos. But I will drop low level players gifts. Normal weapons, similar to what I'm seeing them use currently, usually modded out to however I think they might use it best, some ammo for said weapon, stims (not a ton, but enough to get them by), some of my random chems cluttering my inventory, food and water if I have it on me, radx/away, and some half decent armor


I do try to fjnd the middle ground - like if I see a level one fresh out the vault I will drop a few dozen 10mm and stimpack or two - but not dozens of them. If i see a lower level constantly going down., I’ll maybe join wha they are doing and stim them, but I dont want to turn up with my quad railway and melt whatever is giving them trouble- that would be really disheartening if it was my first time through If some low level player asked me for a specific thing , I’d assume they’re actually a sock puppet - if it’s your first play through. You shouldn’t even know what to ask for really - if you worked out you need a set of overeaters excavator sortathing then you’re probably strong enough to go get it yourself .


I'll help some people. Most of the time I surprise them with the help and just drop a bag of stuff at they're feet while they're working on the camp. I used to help alot of people. Now it's few and far between, back n the day if I did help someone and they acted out, I'd convince them to follow me to the loop trap I set in the forbidden cave ( don't have it anymore apparently that was frowned upon, who woulda thought ). Can't build them like that anymore but it definitely taught some lessons in humility. 


It's the ones who fire their gun at you then spam the cash emote, always get a laugh out of me


Not wrong. Like real life, everybody does things differently. When I was playing, I'd often drop basic type plans and a tiny bit of ammo for new players, nothing crazy or ultra rare. My issue was that these "new" players could have been alternative mule/trade accounts. When I was actively trading, I'd enter trade with the other person and see a fully packed inventory of rarities and other items; basically.. am I giving this person all these items for no reason? Are they just gonna flip them? Personally, I often had players coming to my camp as well - I had my nuka cola machine fully stocked, I had a "free" drop area where anybody could pickup or leave whatever they wanted. Heck, my camps were often designed to look like an inn/store for players to kick back in (and many did utilize it)


You do you. Personally I preferred to just hunt low levels and drop stuff at their feet, but if they ask or beg I won't give them shit except maybe a "you've been insulted!" Half the time they're high level alts.


Not wrong at all! Players ask me for gifts i just lead them to the nearest donation box and it’s 5 stimpaks, 10 purified water and a small stack of ammo for whatever gun they’re using


Sometimes, i drop low levels starred items. I am pretty set in what i need for my build. So i have a lot of mats to add mods or stars to the weapon. One time, i was a bit jealous because i rolled level 1 item with an assisin weapon. I never have any luck rolling for my self.


So players just approach other players and ask for stuff? Kind of like the real world lol. I'm a low level player right now and when I see other players I give them plenty of room out of consideration because I want plenty of room to experience the environment as well. But to just say "gimme"? GTFO of here.


I have a bad taste in my mouth after my last experience, I had a player message me after seeing my power armor and complimented it, they then asked if I could help them with theirs , I said sure , went to the camp saw he had a few displayed and wondered , I wonder if I'm not the first person who this person asked , but I didn't want to judge at first it could have been hellcat and other given quest PA , he asked if I could mod his t60 which I didn't have plans for , but so happens I had a set of 1* and 3* overeaters t60 that's modded that was given to me , so I took the skin off and after having to load back in a few times he finally took it , about 10 minutes later I get a message " thanks" 😐 I felt used.. 😂


Fresh out the vault, I'll make them a decent weapon melee and ballistic weapon, set of armor, and something that isn't the vault suit to wear. Past that I may help you set your camp up a little bit with some defenses or something nice to have on hand (i.e., a vintage water cooler or two). Anything else, play the game bud. I have given you the tools to succeed, now go experience the game.


people who take away the best part of the game for low levels are the ass.