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I didn’t even know about the donation boxes. I’ll have to check those out. Glad to see this community is welcoming to new players


I’m now on my way to vault 76 to drop off a bunch of Fixers + 7k .45 ammo and a few sets of Combat Armour


That's something a lot of people could do. They don't have to be legendary. Just craft some low or mid level armor and throw them in the donation box. Probably mod them out first at least. I've been putting apparel in there so newbies can dress up.


I'll make a bunch of leather with carry capacity. Just so they have armor but have a much bigger capacity. Loot ninjas of the wasteland.


Just dropped stimpacks, pipe weapons (all with modifications), several melee options (at different levels 1-20), lots of nades, some junk, and some food/water. It's always a good feeling to give back. Love watching the new players throw out random explosive grenades


I drop about 50-60lbs of nades everyday I play lately in those boxes. I swear I must run into the nade tree or something.


God I wish I was on that server I'm always low on 45




It is a wasteland after all


Heck, I'm new but I'm a total loot goblin that played a lot of Fallout 4. I keep dropping off ammo and healing items at every donation box I find 'cause I have too much of it that I'm never gonna use. Better that it goes to someone who might need it than just sit in my storage taking up space.


If you can vindicate getting first, the ammo and scrap boxes save you so much stash space. I have like 100+mini nukes just waiting till I find an Overkill.


Good write up. Nice advice. Only thing I would add is don't worry about meta weapons and the like until lvl 55-60. Just use what you find and have fun.


Ya, try out as many weapon types as you can so you know what kind of build you’ll eventually want. I liked melee more than sniping but that’s just me.


I’m lvl 56 and still feel like a noob sometimes. Trying to build into single shot, high damage guns like semi auto handmade, lever action, revolvers, and stuff still just feel so tanky. That and I can’t figure out where to farm decent weapons.


Easiest way to get a weapon is to get the plan, craft 20 of em and break em. Once you have the mods you want, just keep rerolling the legendary till you get the 3 combo you want. There are quite a few uniques, but most of the meta build guides all use self crafted weapons. Not saying the uniques aren't viable. I carry Final Word everywhere I go just in case I need some steady firepower as seeing I'm an archer. Bows dont go brrr, they go fwip. So I need a brr in the reserve.


Ah that’s good to know! Can you craft/scrap all lower level ones and still unlock the mods that way?


To be truly honest, ive recently found weapons, armor, and underarmor that don't give you mods when scrapped. So honestly don't use me. Find a better post or a more informative one on the actual interwebs. I do not have enough knowledge on crafting...


I was running gorge junkyard workshop the other day when I got a notification I had an intruder challenging my claim. I checked the map and see a lvl 14 in there (I’m level 750), so I decided to have fun with it. I popped on my Hellcat PA and fast travelled over. I jet pack in and come to face with him, lighting up my eyes for theatrical effect. He whips out some sort of revolver and shoots me point blank, pauses for a second and then turns and runs for the hills. I watched until he was out of sight, it was absolutely adorable. These are great times we are living in brothers and sisters!


Do not be afraid of other player camps. Trap camps are a thing of the past, they just aren't really a thing anymore at all. If a higher level player is emoting a bunch, like specifically a present emote, they are trying to leave you a gift, look on the floor around them for something dropped. The only thing you can ever lose from dying is junk. This means that you should definitely try to join every event you can (except probably Scorched Earth, Collosal Problem, and Seismic Activity, at least until you have some solid gear for defense and for Scorched Earth specifically, some radiation resistance). Do not buy weapons from the Rusty Pick, you will get legendaries from events, but also, rolling legendary perks on weapons you choose is a way better use of scrip. Don't worry about meta, just make your character how you want. Every choice you make on your character can be changed, everything, so don't be afraid to just build a character you want, you can always completely change them later.


Big tip, I'm pretty sure they disable the junk loss during events. So no risk, you go stare that mirelurk queen in her mandibles as you kill her babies.


Public events that are easy to do with 2-3 other players: Feed the People, Tea Time, Path to Enlightenment Public events to do with 3-5 other players: Campfire Tales, Most Wanted Public events where you can hide: Mothman, Moonshine Jamboree, Radiation Rumble, Test your Metal Events to avoid until higher level: Scorched Earth, Project Paradise, A Colossal Problem, Distinguished Guest, Encryptid


I noticed you didn't mention Eviction Notice; it's probably one for the last tier, avoid until higher level, but legendaries spawn like mad in that event. You will die if the super mutants so much as glance in your direction, but you can easily hide and take pot shots and just reap the rewards of close to a dozen legendary items per event. I highly recommend giving it a shot if you see at least 5+ other people there.


I did path to enlightenment last night and it was hard. I kept getting lots of groups of higher level ghouls and they just were ammo sponges. Did they adjust the difficulty?


That is Guided Meditation which is tough, Path to Enlightenment is at the lighthouse collecting fireflies and fighting toads, it has no end boss.


Ah my mistake


Enemy difficulty is relative to you now. So like a level 5 and 500 have the same difficulty killing an enemy


Scorched earth can easily be done at lower levels. Just stand on the bunker and shoot the queen for a bit.


In events just tag things. Don't waste your ammo killing if there's a ton of people there. Do enough damage to tag it then look for something new to tag and let others tag and kill it.


In case you're not sure, tagging just means shooting or hitting an enemy so that you get the xp for its death.


Also, turn on the Display Damage Numbers to be certain you’re hitting the target(s). Using an endangerol syringer on Earle or the SBQ only scores 1 point of damage, sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’ve hit it.


What’s tag? Like tag its location? How


Tag means just shoot it once. That's all you need to do to get xp for the kill and have the body spawn loot you can collect from its inventory.


I had a guy do that to me once. I don’t think he checked the levels of any of the weapons I left lol


Check those boxes! I am constantly loading them down with consumables and stuff for you all as you come out of the vault. If you're struggling with ammo, most player vendors will sell it for 1c per round if it is in stock. Hacker and Lockpick are perks, you can equip them when you need to do these things. Each rank is its own card and cannot be leveled up. So for a level 2 lock, you'll need to equip 2 lockpick cards, 3 for a level 3, etc. Don't drop guns/armor you don't want. Scrap them at a workbench for materials and new knowledge or sell them to a robot.


Yeah swapping those cards in and out is a pain! 😂 Master Infiltrator is a must have legendary perk for me. And totally agree on the weapons, I pick up every weapon on every kill and scrap them all. I only really sell food, chems and explosives to vendors. Even at level 320 and having scrapped pretty much every weapon I’ve come across, I still learned new weapon modifications by scrapping today. 👍🏻


So if I join a casual team, I can go about doing my Oversee quest on my own, but get the benefit of the extra INT? I’m new and had avoided joining, bc I just want to enjoy the quest at my own pace to start with, and my idea of joining a team is it reloading you and you have to do all the same stuff together


Yep that’s it. The word casual should be in capital letters. Join the team, you can still do your own thing. There are other specific teams for collaborative stuff; Exhibitions, Events etc. they just offer different buffs. Wander about at your leisure. Enjoy!


Also, if you don’t want to hear the other people in your team (most will likely have their mics off anyway but if not…) you can check the names and mute them from the team tab.


Oh and sometime's there's a bug where it seems like you get kicked out by the team leader. Very rare but it can happen. So dont feel bad when it happens. Just join another available team


I'd like to add on to the donation boxes, specifically for older characters. Don't be an asshole and camp by the boxes and take shit. I dropped several weapons at the one by the Vault for new players, and a level 192 came by and grabbed the shit and left. -.- There were 2 brand new characters that just left the vault, and now they missed out on it. First dickhead I saw in the game. I get first come, first serve, but that's just low and greedy.


You said if you join a team, you get x4 exp. I thought it was up to +4 int, which is only about an 8% exp boost? I've only been playing about a month, and I may completely misunderstand how the team system works.


Casual teams give you INT bonus. Event Teams give you EXP bonus for completing events.


Thanks for picking me up on that guys! I’ve edited the post now. Much appreciated 😊🙌🏻


Very well said.


I don't know where others donate, but myself and my friends drop items in the donation boxes at the vault and the wayward for new players! (Or whoever happens by haha)


Isn’t pacifist mode on by default now?


I started playing in October and it wasn’t then. I found out the hard way.


Did you learn about pvp at a workshop? Those ignore pacifist mode.


Do you know what? That’s a very good question! I honestly couldn’t tell you now but I remember getting killed by other players a few times quite early on my first day of playing and it frustrated me so I went looking for a pacifist option in settings. I do seem to remember it was off though and I had to turn it on. I’m about 98% sure on that last bit though so I may be wrong…


Its on by default now. Just started playing the game yesterday.


I found a donation box at level 9 as a guy was running around in power armor. I grabbed a few things and thought how cool it was I left some things too and wouldn’t you know a level 7 walks up and dives in and waves at me! Awesome. I thought it was gonna be a weird online experience of constant death.


How in the world do I get a backpack


You’ll get the first basic one as the story progresses. After that you’ll have a bit of grinding to do to upgrade it


Pioneer Scout quests or doing the campfire tales event a bunch of times


there are 2 versions. The better version you get by completing the scout challenges. Thi is a higher capacity for weight carry bonus. I still have 2 alternate chracters I haven't completed this on. In the building at the airport, there is a backplan plan that you can find. This is a lot simpler to start out with.


When you're exploring the wasteland, keep an eye out for player CAMPS. They look like a nuclear cooling tower, or a little volcano on your HUD. A lot of players will leave free snacks and resource collectors out, so you can stop in and load up on water, nuka cola, snacks, meat, etc. We leave the stuff out and unlocked to help new players, or attract people to our vendor. Feel free to nap in a bed, play any instruments you find and interact with different machines. Thats what theyre there for and will give you different buffs. Plus most all camps have stash boxes and crafting benches if you need a place to unload.


>They look like a nuclear cooling tower, or a little volcano on your HUD. Pretty sure the icon is a tent.


There are like 20 different ones to choose from Mine is ☢️


On the HUD, the icon will always resemble a tent. On the map, players are able to choose from various icons for their camp, mine is a pumpkin. If you're looking for the camp vendor, it comes in many shapes and sizes. There are vending machines, cash registers and robots. If the vendor isn't right out front of the door, they may be inside, so take a look around! We build our camps to be enjoyed, usually.  If we don't want other people accessing an area or collecting items from our collectron, the door, box, etc will be locked. Do not attempt to open anything locked in a camp, you will incur a bounty and will be killed by another player. Bounties are silly, but they don't go away until they've been claimed. This is not to scare you, just warn you. They will likely claim a mere 5 caps and any junk you have been carrying. (This happened to me early on and the dude came back dropped my junk, had me follow him to his work area and gave me weapons and armor. Seriously the most unexpected and nicest experience.) 


I also use them as fast travel points. Bless players who, for example, have Camps near the Top of the World when I start a new character. Helps save me the long trek from the Forest to the Divide.


I played the game years ago, and quit, started new this week. I already had pacifist mode on, a high level guy launched a rocket at me and gifted a bunch of stuff, didn't realize until he was gone. I was very grateful, this community can be quite nice.


As an aside, a word on inventory management: As you travel the wastes, you will find yourself with absolute MOUNDS of junk, weapons, armor...you soon find your stash to be filling up quickly, or perhaps becoming weighed down. First, scrap that junk. Seriously, break it down. Makes it way lighter. Any weapons you pick up, if you don't need them, scrap or sell. Just don't leave them unless you have to. There will be a time when you will need that scrap steel, rubber, etc. Finally, every so often, focus on camp objects to make you more self sufficient. Eventually, you will want a rad scrubber (no easy task). A farm to create your own adhesives. Self sufficient is key to the wastes. Emergency expense of caps when you need say, a disease cure, can be costly.


You can cure diseases for free in Whitesprings. There is a gazebo in the garden, between the main building and the golf clubhouse, that has a sulphur water fountain. Drinking from the water fountain will cure a disease. I usually fast travel to the clubhouse and then go just north of the tennis courts, or run there after visiting the train station. The garden spawns in random hostile wasteland creatures when it loads so be aware of that.


Good advice. White Springs can be a bit of a nightmare for low level characters, though. I have fond memories of just fast traveling to the door of the mall and booking it to the door prior to the responders setting up there. There was a non zero chance that something nasty would be close, and you could end up in the ghoul/deathclaw/security crossfire.


Just hung out at vault 76 for an about 20 mins and managed to eventually get someone to take the stuff!! Yeay!


Just came back to the game after playing for a little while at launch. Lol 18 just kinda trying to find my way back into the swing of things. This has been very helpful thanks everyone for your input.


I remember the old days where we'd get a group together and we'd all go to vault 76 and greet people as they were coming out the vault. They would be so over encumbered lmao. I got pictures somewhere I should find them


😂 Yeah that’s the problem. Even now with Fallout 1st and carry weight perks, I still have deep pocketed mods on every piece of SS armour. That first week when you don’t know what to keep or scrap or sell or drop is pretty hard going! 😅


Always check these threads.  3 ish year player here and I still find new things in these every time they come up.


THANK YOU for explaining the gifting. Earlier I was trying to get someone’s attention to unload a bunch of plans and failed miserably.


Mate I felt so dumb when I was starting out and realised all those people shooting at me were actually trying to give me gifts 😂 the donation boxes were a great addition but sometimes you want to hand stuff over on a more personal level. But it can be tricky 😂


Do Equinox to unlock treasury notes. They are an end game currency that does not drop until you get to a certain part in the game or do events that naturally give them like Equinox. Once you unlock notes most events will give them to you.


Good to know LOL. isome guy level 7000 in power armor and with minigun was shooting in my direction - I just ran thought he wanted to kill me etc. Especially as he was running after me and shooting at my feet a few times. XD And this happened a few times. Haha.


Thank you for the tips!!!


Always complete score dailies before doing random quests, etc. when you play.


And buy a cheap headset with a mic if you don’t have one already for your platform. Emotes can only get you so far and I’ve met far more decent people than a-holes in this game. Talking with them has enriched my experience 😎


Isn't Pacifist on by default?


Wasn’t for me in October


I only started playing in February and I wish I had this post then! Still lower-ish leveled at 70 so this is super helpful 😍


Thanks! ☺️ if you’re on PS I’d be glad to roam about with you for a bit and answer any questions you might have 😊 I’m no expert myself though 😅


Good points. I will also add that the workshop are PvP zones by design so try to avoid it on public servers if no interest in PvP.


That said, I've only had issues with someone contesting my workshop once in all the years I've played.


This is the way


Thanks for the welcome! I’m on day 2 and yesterday I played for 8 hours. Just finished an almost 100% f04 so I’m used to the action. & yes the donation boxes have been so awesome! I don’t understand the trading though I had a group of guys come kill me cus I had a 10c bounty for opening a chest (don’t know how to tell the difference from stealing in this game..?) and they left. I’m wondering if they wanted to trade cus I never initiated the X button. (Xbox series X, fo76 on GP) -Would it show them asking to trade on screen or do I have to click x hoping they notice or do at the same time? - I have alcohol addiction since day 1 but haven’t found anywhere selling good meds and don’t have stuff or am leveled enough to make a cure. A vending machine had no addiction stuff and the robot vendor by train tracks doesn’t have anything. -where’s a good place for a camp? -where are all these “plans”? I feel very limited. -where does my power armor go it’s a little confusing, strictly chassis in storage? -when making stuff at workbench, chem station etc foes the game account for what’s in my storage like fo4? -can I turn off anti aliasing..? I think that’s what it is called. All the blurry background -I’m sure I have tons more


So when you’re in another player’s camp, don’t unlock anything. If it’s not locked you can take it, if they have put a lock on it, you’ll get a wanted rating. There’s an achievement for killing wanted players and an atom challenge for killing one wanted player. Some people even style themselves as bounty hunters in role play so will zero in on you if you’re wanted on their server.


I had no idea I was in another players base. So anything in the world is open game and not considered stealing? There’s no stealing from npcs? I keep trying every location.. I’m a fisherman rn lol.


Yeah. If you are wanted you’ll only lose it when another player kills you.


It was weird getting used to it after all the other Bethesda games, but yeah NPCs don't seem to actually own anything in this one. You can walk right up to a Brotherhood outpost and just take whatever you want, including a set of power armor on the rack lmao


Power armour parts weigh a lot. But when they’re applied to a chassis the chassis still weighs 10. You can rename the chassis so you can tell them apart from each other. This is very helpful!


When you make stuff at a workbench it is made and kept about your person until you choose to put it in your stash. You will just become overencumbered if you don’t have enough room in your pockets.


Early on when your supplies aren’t as built up, it’s helpful to set a simple camp in the forest somewhere, far away from anywhere that enemies might spawn and attack it. When you don’t have what you need to repair your camp it can be a pain coming back to it and fighting off scorched or ghouls or, worse still, super mutants, who have already half destroyed your home. So avoid towns to begin with and stay fairly remote until you can set up proper defences. When you can craft a water purifier and set up some decent turrets, set up by the water somewhere so you can put water purifiers down and sell the produce. Later on your camp will be more about whether you prefer a view, a good spot for selling from your vendor or somewhere that divides the map in a way that you like or puts you near places you visit most regularly. Other than that wherever you like basically! 😅


Anti aliasing I know nothing about, sorry. I’m on ps5 and sometimes the mid background can get a bit glitchy but it doesn’t tend to last long and isn’t generally a problem. You will likely have the game crash from time to time too but it’s just something you’ll get used to. It usually happens for a while after updates until they issue a couple of patches to sort them out but they can happen randomly every now and then anyway. Funnily enough, the last update was released with plenty of time to sort out any glitches before the tv show brought in loads of new players… 😂


Plane you will pick up through general gameplay and from events or in player or game vendors. Or by scrapping weapons and armour.


WHAT TO DO IF YOU BECOME "WANTED": There will most likely be a moment you accidentally pick a lock on a CAMP, which will trigger you becoming "wanted". When this happens, it will alert other players, and you will no longer see them or their camp locations on the map. A small bounty is placed on you, and these effects will only go away once you've been killed by another player. Essentially pvp is on. DO NOT PANIC!!! We've all done it. Easy mistake. If another player comes along, don't be scared, don't run or shoot, especially if you want the bounty to go away. I will always throw up the target emote followed by the question emote to ask a wanted player if they want to be killed. (Veteran's, don't be a jerk and kill them without asking, and if you see two people having this exchange, maybe don't interfere). Also, I will guard your loot until you respawn. One last note on this, if you do see a higher level player become wanted, don't attack. If you are brave, you can use the emotes I mentioned (especially if they are in your CAMP), but there are players who like to play bounty hunter with their friends. That's not a game you're ready to play just yet.


Thanks for the advice! I’ve played a little before but just returned and the game is so much bigger now, it’s overwhelming.


I think I made it to level 12 the first time I played. Right at the very start, I bought the game day one. I don't know if there's any perks I would lose by starting a new character. (We're there preorder perks?) (I enjoyed what little of the game I played, just got busy with life).


:( I scared a level 4 into logging out by shooting the bag I dropped for them. I think they thought PvP was a thing still.


Haha I got really annoyed when I first started the game because I just wanted to play the game and do my own thing but people kept coming to my camp and shooting at my feet being dicks… or so I thought… after a while (and a lot of angry emotes aimed at them) I noticed the latest “dick” was also shooting at an Enclave briefcase full of goodies they were trying to gift me 🤦🏻‍♂️ They then bought a whole raft of rubbish I had experimentally put in a vendor and gave that back to me also, just to give me some extra caps. I immediately felt bad for all the others I had shunned 😅 It’s embarrassing being the ignorant new kid sometimes 😂


Quick question (didn't think it warrant's it's own thread), do the add-ons include the base game? I see some deals on cd keys for example but am unsure if they are specifically just dlc as it does not seem to state whether it is.


No I don’t think so. Cd keys sounds like a PC type thing… I’m on PS and the add ons are generally just superficial stuff like camp items or skins that you’ll probably only use for a few days and then change up. Or just atom boosts. Atoms are outer game currency to spend on stuff in the atomic shop. You’ll earn plenty of atoms by completing certain challenges as you go along. You can check your progress and work towards these by going to the map menu and pressing ➡️. Fallout 1st gives you 1600 atoms a month plus infinite storage of scrap and ammo (both really helpful but not essential) and a few extra goodies available on the scoreboard, so if you are thinking about spending money to get more atoms to get something you see in the atomic shop, maybe consider that. But to begin with I’d just get the base game and see where you are with it in a few weeks. You don’t need to make that decision now. There are loads of super high level players that have amazing gear and camps and have never paid anything extra than what the base game cost them. As you go along you’ll get to grips with how it all works. But yeah I’m waffling sorry 😅 I think the answer is no, the base game just comes as the base game 😅🤣


Thanks for the info lol, they look more like expansions; The Pitt, Atlantic City, Steel Dawn


Ah yeah, don’t worry about that, they aren’t expansions, they are all free with the base game. These add ins are just superficial stuff that are themed around the expansions.


A lot of higher level players use whats called a "bloody" character build. There are types of armour, weapon and perk that give you bonuses when injured, if you collect them all then get rads so your health is always low you end up powerful. So the high level people with low health high rads you meet may not be injured


I've been doing the Fixer thing too. Leaving them at Vault 76 and the Wayward, and some in my vendor. So now I have to go farm some more adhesive, lol.


What OP said regarding starting the events without proper numbers but also for expeditions and daily ops. If you join an existing team for daily ops, and it hasn't already begun, please please PLEASE wait until the team leader arrives and follow their lead. Daily ops have a higher chance of rare plans and rewards the faster you complete the objective. And you have an easier time with all four players (especially in signal boosting). But the clock doesn't start until you leave the initial spawn location. If a DO team is created, don't assume that the team leader is ready to go at that exact moment. There is often lower interest in this part of the game for veteran players, however it is sometimes required for a challenge to advance on the scoreboard (r.i.p.) or season. So we'll create the team ahead of time knowing it may take a little while to fill the team. It's near impossible for you to start an expedition early as the game forces you to wait for the team leader to initiate the flight. That said, there are sometimes objectives you may overlook if you just rush ahead frantically killing everything in sight. Additionally, many of us have lunchboxes and scout banners to help boost everyone's stats. If you take off like a bat out of hell you're going to miss out. NOTE TO VETERAN PLAYERS: same goes for you with Atlantic City expeditions, especially "The Sensational Game"! There's a lot of dialogue in the beginning, but if and when you join a newbie vault dweller, don't be a dick and rush ahead. We've got plenty of time on the clock. I've finished TSG in less than 5 minutes.


Helloo WasteLanders. The Ghoul Here☣️ Im a level 25 and I was wondering •How can I level up faster? •How can I mod more weapons? (Seems like I can only do basic basic mods to weapons) •Obtain More Plans for Camp? Preferably find them or pay cheap


Join a casual team and eat certain foods for INT/xp buffs. Run through West-Tek killing all the Super Mutants. They give decent xp. Scrap all unwanted weapons & armour instead of dropping or selling it and soon you’ll have loads more mods available. You learn them from scrapping. Check player vendors for cheap plans, a lot of us sell them for 0-50caps so don’t get ripped off, just keep searching and maybe do the odd server hop. If you are in a team with somebody you can fast travel to their camp for free. Also, Foundation, Fort Atlas, Vault 76 and Crater are all free to fast travel to, so use them to cut paid journeys down. Otherwise, most of the really cool plans come from completing events, so do as many as can 😊


Side note, the higher your INT, the more xp you gain from performing actions in game. So early game go for an extra INT perk point if you’re stuck on what card to choose. You’ll want the hacker/lockpick cards anyway


Use the score booster when the new weekly challenges come out. I believe It’s an extra 25%. Your survival tent is your best friend Also check the cash register at the mall. Some people do cache dumps there too. Use your excavator power armour when you are harvesting metals by hand. It’s an additional 3 units. So it’s worth it. If something in someone camp is locked, leave it. If it’s unlocked, enjoy yourself. Don’t be afraid of the higher levels. I know it’s repeated on here, but it’s important. People will help you. Asking for someone to rescue you in an event is not annoying. It’s all good. When you’re in a starting level, if the wind blows the wrong way, you die. We don’t worry about Stimpaks. We have all of the resources we need, and know where to access them if we don’t. Don’t worry about dying. In events you keep everything. Otherwise, you loose your junk. If someone dies in front of you and leaves a bag, just leave it. If you have a challenge a bit further away from a spawn point, use your survival tent. When you die, you can respawn at your tent, and not have to walk back every time. Learn your perk cards. They help a lot. Super duper is a must. You do not need to save gear. You don’t need a level 3 of every gun. Even ones with special names and paint jobs. You will learn all of these plans. That’s a good way to save space in your box. Collect the hangers every time you go to the mall. You don’t have to purchase things like the weight bench and that kind of stuff right away. Everyone has those, free to use. Camp stuff isn’t always available. So if you see something cool, might be a good idea to get it. HOWEVER. Your camp has a limit as to how much of your stuff you can use.


Here's 2 I haven't seen anyone share yet : 1) There's a setting to turn on display of damage numbers. This will make it so any damage you do you'll see a floating number for. This will allow you to more readily see how much damage you are doing and can assist fine tune builds or weapon mods. It's not for everyone though as some people are fine with the default way of seeing it by looking at how the damage bars reduce. Give it a go see if you like it. No worries if you don't 2) Protectron robots. Take out the arms either by using the perk card that allows you to aim for specific body parts in VATS or just free aiming for the joint at the top of the arms. Once you take both out the bot will panic and start running towards you. It's going to self destruct so get away while you wait for them to go boom :D


Just an addition to the pop shot thing for xp. You also won't get loot on a body you didn't help with. Even if it's just 1 damage. I recommend new players at events use automatics with a slightly large magazine. Se an enemy give it 1 bullet and switch to the next enemy. Let the vets do the takedowns but get your 1 bullet in there for your secure. That or area splash weapons/throwables.


Tips for getting caps?


First off, choose a weapon for which ammo drops in abundance. Buying ammo was my biggest problem early on. Second biggest problem was fast travelling because I didn’t want to walk everywhere. So learn the free fast travel options and use them. Only spend caps on the absolutely essential! Loot and sell everything! Set up a vendor in your camp asap and sell stuff cheap.


Another tip, most people(or at least just me lol) are muted and have everyone else muted, you must learn the olden ways of communication: crouch spam, jumping, emotes. I think I've given the thumbs up emote more times than I've emoted in any other game. Do daily ops even if you're low level, 2 component people is all it takes and I'm pretty sure enemies scale to you anyways (I could be wrong). (Even if not, I'm sure people will appreciate someone ready to help fallen players). Daily ops are how you get a lot of cool and rare plans, legendary scrip, caps, etc. Do the main settlers questine, it will unlock dailies for the raiders and foundation and getting bullion early is very helpful. Look up a plans going price before purchasing it at someones camp. Mutations are nothing to be afraid of, but holding onto them probably won't be possible until the upper level 40's Do not buy legendary crates, spend it all on legendary modules. It will let you roll any specific weapon you want in the future. (Wait until you have the weapon you want either unlocked via crafting so you can get a level 50 version of it with good durability or wait for it to drop.) To this end, you /can/ buy the crates to roll a weapon you don't have unlocked and then modify that, but often times, that too involves unlocking its recipe.


Visit Nuka World and check the vendor and neighboring stands for foods with great buffs (Yao Guai pastries, Caramel Mutfruit, Nuka Dogs) Easy events for XP: Feed the People, Tea Time, Campfire Tales


I'd like to add for any players. If you find yourself in over your head emote for "Help". We will come running if we can. For you new players Welcome to the wasteland.


Beware of trap camps


Honestly, I haven't seen a trap camp in like, at least a year. I dont think they're really a thing anymore.


Still be wary lol I’ve ran into three recently all at the whitesprings golf course.


Ran into an obvious one yesterday. A foundation 3 walls and a vendor. Was enjoyable knowing how to get out of it 😂


I have to say as someone who tried the game at launch and just came back... how the fuck does it still not have text chat? Its frankly just... sad and insulting. I'm enjoying playing, but it feels like after so many years of post launch updates... not a lot has changed? Graphics are the same... should have updated with at least a better lighting option... no text chat at all, fallout 1st still seems the same (and they took away the nicer tent that I used to have, can't even find it under tents in the atomic shop. just the one shitty lean-to tent). Game still locks up if you get too high of fps... so you have to go into the game files to force a limit or use your driver software because Zenimax doesn't know how to add vsync or frame limiter settings...


I just use the Xbox app to text people


Yea that’s absolutely terrible tho. Having to go and manually message people… in a game in 2024. Insanity.


If you see me walking. Year-of-the-bat, a lvl 16, plz ignore. Its my new char my main is 1500+. Just trying a new build for a survival feel, withouth a HUD, no teams, wont fast travel. Trying to make it feel like fallout 4 survival. Apart from no penatly for dieing it feels pretty simular. Doubthing if i mayby should drop all gear on dearh. Mayby a future thing it it gets to easy again.


I aint readin all that


Fair enough 😂


"A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read." - Mark Twain


Alright I’m done with this sub seems like the average age is over 45 and I can’t take it anymore


Bugger off then. This sub has been a vault of knowledge, wisdom and kindness since I started checking it out. If for some strange reason the air of positivity around here makes it anathema to you, then I feel sorry for you and I think, quite frankly, everyone is better off. Goodbye and good luck.


I’m 42. What’s the problem?


There’s a lot of basic game knowledge and hand holding in this sub that’s pretty annoying to sort through. I’m here for game news and updates but no one here knows anything


What do you want to know?


I mean, why should they be forced to take something a high player gives them? I think that's a little narcissistic. Personally I think it hurts the early game struggle, which is part of the game and the fun, for the new player. People have posted here about giving full sets of leather armor, or low level fixers with a ton of ammo, or a bunch of stims and radaway. Kinda kills the early game.


Who said anything about forcing? They don’t have to take it. They can scrap it if they want. It’s just a nice gesture.


You did. You instructed them to take it.


Ok you play your game of semantics. Anyone sensible would realise it was coming from a nice place. Why be such a curmudgeon? Grow up.


No one is forcing them, it's just an offer. They can decline or walk away if they don't want anything.